1S GOALS of the SARVA Dictionary
SARVA etymological dictionary
As explained on the SARVA home page, the goal of the Project is to assemble all words showing early language contact among the (known and unknown) languages of the subcontinent, in order to provide data for the reconstruction of the history of language contact in the region ... Our ultimate concern is the discovery of patterns of linguistic interaction that will lead to reconstructions of the times, places, and cultural circumstances under which prehistoric language contact took place in the subcontinent.

NOTICE: These, our purely scholarly goals have recently been attacked by non-scholars in print and on the internet as a "pretext for shifting the argument from linguistics to politics, so that 'language contact' is rephrased in terms of 'victimhood' and 'oppression'. ... Just as in the 1960s when The Dravidian Etymological Dictionary was co-related with heightened Dravidian separatism on the ground, one can now see different tribal identity politics intensifying with the intellectual support of this project."

Nothing of this is true. We protest against this uninformed, ridiculous, yet libelous attack on a purely scholarly project. Specialists are involved in similar projects, for example about prehistoric European languages, without such uninformed political attacks.

We (Southworth, Witzel, Stampe) will continue to add to this dictionary, undeterred.
3S aṃśa-dhrī'-
aṃśa-dhrī'- f. AV 11.1.23. Though -dhrī'- clearly is Indo-Aryan, the form, meaning and origin of this compound noun are unclear (M. Mayrhofer, Etymologisches Wörterbuch des Altindoarischen, Heidelberg 1986, vol. II 37); "shoulder-bearer' Whitney, AV transl.; "a vessel for cooking"; perhaps with two 'shoulders' (handles), Petersburger Wörterbuch.
4S aṃśú-
aṃśu- m "Soma plant" RV +; later Skt. 'fiber of plants', also in MIA, NIA; -- M. Mayrhofer, Etymologisches Wörterbuch des Altindoarischen, Heidelberg 1986, vol. I 86: = Avestan ąsu- 'Soma plant', or 'connected with it'. For the identification of the plant see Brough, BSOAS 34, 1971, 336 sqq.-- The word and plant survive in E. Iranian (Pashto: hum 'ephedra' : and snuff made from it, see Geldner, Introduction to his transl. of the Ṛgveda, vol. 3), and in the Kalasha area as a high mountain plant. Mayrhofer denies non-IIr. connections. -- However, note Tocharian ankwaṣ and Chinese ankui, which point to an old Central Asian substrate word, see Witzel, Mother Tongue, Special Issue 1999, EJVS 1999, SP Studies 2003; Lubotsky 2001.
15S akka-/akkal-/akhkhala--
akka— vexed, bewildered’. S. akaṇu ‘to be bothered’; L. akkaṇ ‘to be vexed’, P. akkṇā; Or. akā ‘foolish, bewildered’; — redup. Ku. akabaka ‘nonsense’, akabakiṇo ‘to be puzzled’, N. akabakka, °makka ‘perplex'. -- Note also Nahali akkal-(kayni) 'to cry loudly in anguish' (Mundlay, Mother Tongue II 17 no. L 33). -- Cf. further RV akkhalī-(kṛ'tyā), 'the sound of frogs in the rainy season', which Thieme, Kleine Schriften 138, takes as 'producing syllables (akṣara)', see M. Mayrhofer, Etymologisches Wörterbuch des Altindorarischen, 1986: 44. -- However, note K. Hoffmann, Aufsätze zur Indoiranistik, 1975: 176 who takes it as an interjection. Note also that the sound combination -khkh- is not allowed in Indo-Aryan. The old RV word therefore represents an onomatopetic imitation of frogs that has survived, like many other onomatopoetica (see bal-bal) without the expected sound changes from Vedic to Modern IA. (MW 6/10/10)
49S *AKIL/AKAL/AGAR/AGUR- ‘agar wood, Aquilaria agallocha
IA: OIA agaru lex., widely distributed
CDIAL 49 agaru m.n. ʻ fragrant Aloe -- tree and wood, Aquilaria agallocha ʼ lex., aguru -- R. [← Drav. Mayrhofer EWA i 17 with lit.] Pa. agalu -- , aggalu -- m., akalu -- m. ʻ a partic. ointment ʼ; Pk. agaru -- , agaluya -- , agaru(a) -- m.n. ʻ Aloe -- tree and wood ʼ; K. agara -- kāth ʻ sandal -- wood ʼ; S. agaru m. ʻ aloe ʼ, P. N. agar m., A. B. agaru, Or. agarū, H. agar, agur m.; G. agar, agru n. ʻ aloe or sandal -- wood ʼ; M. agar m.n. ʻ aloe ʼ, Si. ayal (agil ← Tam. akil).
DRAV: PSD1 *akil-
DEDR 13 Ta. akil (in cpds. akiṛ-) eagle-wood, Aquilaria agallocha; the drug agar obtained from the tree; akku eagle-wood. Ma. akil aloe wood, A. agallocha. Ka. agil the balsam tree which yields bdellium, Amyris agallocha; the dark species of Agallochum; fragrance. Tu. agilů a kind of tree; kari agilů Agallochum. / Cf. Skt. aguru-, agaru-; Pali akalu, akaḷu, agaru, agalu, agaḷu; Turner, CDIAL, no. 49. DED 14.
COMM: 1. (FCS) Agar oil, derived from the decaying wood of A. Agallocha Roxb. (when infected by certain fungi), is used in perfumery, and is highly prized in West Asia. FCS 29Aug2005/
‘sprouts’, aṅkurita— Kālid. [aṅkurá—] Pk. aṁkuriya—, L. uṅgaraṇ ‘to sprout’, P. uṅgarnā, uṅgurnā, Ku. ãgurṇo, Bhoj. ãkural, M. ãkurṇẽ.
141 *acca— ‘sudden shock’. 2. *accakka—. 1. G. acɔ m. ‘obstacle, crowd’. 2. G. āckɔ m. ‘shock, push’, acakvũ ‘to stop’ intr.; M. ā̃ċkā m. ‘sudden pull’, aċkī f. ‘convulsive gasp’, ā̃ċakṇẽ ‘to jolt, strike’.
176S *AṬA/ĀṬA- + ‘Justitia adhatoda
IA: aṭaruṣa(ka)
CDIAL176 aṭaruṣa m. `the shrub Justicia adhatoda' lex., ˚rūṣaka<->m. Suśr.
H. arūs, arus, aṛūsā m. `Justicia adhatoda andganderussa' (< *aṛarus -- ?); G. arṛūsī f., aṛusī f. `a partic.medicinal plant', aṛusɔ m. `a partic. tree'; M. aḍuḷsā,aḍoḷ˚ m. `the plant Justicia adhatoda and ganderussa'.
DRAV: PSD*āṭa/āṭā-lōṭ/tōṭ/-cōṭ:
DEDR346 Ta. āṭātōṭai Malabar-nut, Justiciaadhatoda. Ma. āṭalōṭakam J. adhatoda orbivalvis. Ka. āḍasō˘ge, āḍusōge J. adhatoda.Tu. āḍalōḍu id.; (B-K.) āḍasōge a plant whoseleaves are so bitter that even goats avoid it.Te. aḍḍasaramu a medicinal shrub, Adhatodavasica. / Cf. Skt. āṭarū˘ṣa-, aṭarū˘ṣa-, aṭarūṣaka- J.adhatoda; Turner, CDIAL, no. 176. DED 289.
FCS, 12October2005/
178 *aṭṭ— 1 ‘contain, be contained, fit into’. [Poss. < ā́rta1 ‘*brought’, cf. ā́—r̥ṇvati ‘brings, reaches, obtains’ RV., despite ă of P.: √] Phal. aṭ— ‘to send, bring’ NOPhal 28, Sh. aṭoiki; P. aṭṭṇā ‘to be filled up, be contained in’; Ku. āṭṇo ‘to bury, fill up with earth and stones’, aṭāṇo ‘to contain, hold’, aṭṭo ‘brimful’; N. aṭāunu ‘to be con- tained, fit into’; A. āṭiba ‘to tighten’, ā̃ṭiba ‘to suffice’; B. ā̃ṭā ‘to be contained, close tightly’, ā̃ṭā ‘closely fitted, insufficient’; H. āṭnā, aṭānā ‘to fit into, join’; āṭnā, aṭ°, ā̃ṭ°, ãṭ° ‘to be contained, be fitted into’, ãṭwānā, ãṭh° ‘to cram in’.
179 *aṭṭ— 2 ‘obstruct, stop’. [Cf. *aṭṭha—2, *aḍ—, *aḍḍ—: prob. ← Drav. see *aḍ—] S. aṭaru ‘obstinate’; L. aṭṭ m. ‘sediment in a well, silt’; Or. aṭāi ‘enclosure for cattle’; G. āṭɔ m. ‘pounding’ (?), aṭvāmaṇ f. ‘obstacle’; M. aṭ f. ‘obstruction’, āṭ f. ‘obstinacy’, aṭṇẽ ‘to thicken, inspissate’. *aṭṭakk—. aṭṭa— 1 ‘boiled rice’ see *ārta2.
181 *aṭṭa— 3 ‘bundle’. 2. *aṇṭa—. 3. *aṭṭha— 1. 4. *aṇṭha—. 1. K. üṭü , dat. acĕ f. ‘bundle, skein’; L. aṭṭī f. ‘skein’, P. aṭṭā m., °ṭī f.; A. āṭi ‘sheaf’; B. āṭi ‘sheaf, faggot’; Or. āṭi ‘sheaf, bundle’; H. āṭī, aṭṭī f. ‘twist, bundle, skein.’ 2. B. ā̃ṭi ‘bundle’; Bi. ā̃ṭī ‘bundle of straw’; Mth. ā̃ṭī ‘bundle of grain divided between reaper and master’; H. ā̃ṭī, aṇṭī f. ‘bundle, skein, sheaf’; G. ā̃ṭī f. ‘skein of thread’. 3. Pk. aṭṭhā— f. ‘handful’. 4. Ku. N. ā̃ṭho, ā̃ṭhi ‘bundle, sheaf, plait of hair’.
182 *aṭṭakk— ‘obstruct, stop’. [*aṭṭ2] S. aṭkaṇu ‘to be stopped’, aṭak f. ‘hindrance’; L. aṭkaṇ ‘to stop, stick’, P. aṭakṇā; aṭkā m. ‘stoppage’; Ku. aṭakṇo ‘to stop, wait’; N. aṛkanu intr. ‘to stick in, stop’; A. āṭak ‘obstacle’, °kiyā ‘scarce’; B. āṭkāna ‘to obstruct’, āṭak ‘barrier’; Or. aṭakibā ‘to come to a stop’, °kāibā, akaṭāibā ‘to hinder’, aṭakā, akaṭā ‘hindrance’; Mth. aṭakab ‘to stay, cease’, aṭakāb ‘to prevent’; H. aṭaknā intr. ‘to stick’, aṭak f. ‘obstacle’; Marw. aṭakṇo ‘to remain’; G. aṭakvũ ‘to be detained’, aṭak f. ‘stoppage’, aṭakṛī f. ‘hiccough’; M. aṭakṇẽ ‘to be stopped’, aṭkẽ n. ‘obstacle’. Addenda: *aṭṭakk—: S.kcch. aṭkā(y)ṇū ‘to stop, prevent’.
182S *AṬṬ-AKK- ‘stop, obstruct’
IA: *aṭṭakk- ‘stop’ (v. prec.), and fol. (a) *aḍ- ‘stop, obstruct, stick’, (b) ->*aḍḍ `obstruct, stop', (c) *aḍḍa `transverse', (d) *āḍi `row, line, ridge', (e) *ṭakk/ṭikk /ṭēkk `remain, stop', (f) *ḍakk 'stop', (g) *haṭṭakk- ‘hesitate, hinder, oppose’:
CDIAL (a) 187 *aḍ `obstruct, stop'. [Cf. *Aḍḍ -- , *Aṭṭ -- 2, poss. *AṭṭHA -- 2; -- ← Drav. cf. Tam. aṭai `to be obstructed', Kan.aḍ()a `obstructing, transverse', Tu. aṭaka, aḍaka`obstacle', Kui aḍa `screen', Brah. aṛ `obstruction':T. Burrow TPS 1945, 79.]
L. aṛaṇ `to jib, be entangled', aṛā m. `constipation';P. aṛnā `to stop, stick fast', aṛ f. `stoppage'; Ku. aṛṇo`to persist, be strong', aṛiyo `fat', aṛo `prop'; H. aṛnā,arnā `to come to a stop', aṛ f. `dam'; G. aṛvũ `to touch',aṛ f. `obstinacy'; M. aḍṇẽ `to be stopped', aḍ f. `obstruction'. -- Ext. with -- kk -- : L. aṛak m. `untrained bullock';P. aṛkaṇā `to be stopped'; G. aṛakvũ `to touch', aṛak f.`obstruction'; M. aḍakṇẽ intr. `to stick fast'.
*aḍi -- `heel' see *AḍḍI -- .
CDIAL (b) 188 *aḍḍ `obstruct, stop'. [← Drav., see *Aḍ -- ]
K. aḍun `to persevere, be intent on', aḍāv m. `thewooden beam supporting a log when being sawn'; S.aḍ̠aṇu `to build', aḍ̠a f. `watercourse'; L. aḍḍ, pl. aḍḍã f.`small irrigation channel', aḍḍī f. `iron rest for supporting tools in turning'; P. aḍḍā m. `perch for birds';WPah. bhal. aḍḍo m. `support for a log being sawn';Ku. āṛo `support, bolt of door'; N. āṛ `cover, shelter',aṛinu `to stop, halt'; A. ã̄r `screen'; Or. āṛibā `to wardoff', āṛi `hide -- out for hunters'; Mth. aṛāeb `to restrain';H. āṛ f. `interruption, covering', āṛnā `to cause to stop'(perh. rather der. aṛnā < *Aḍ -- ); G. āḍi f. `obstacle',aḍvũ `to stop', āḍṇī f. `a stand'; M. aḍṇẽ `to be stopped'(or < *Aḍ -- ), ā̆ḍaċ `tightly'; Si. aḍaya `prop, stopper'(perh. direct ← Tam. aṭai).
*AḍḍA -- , AḍḍANA -- .
CDIAL (c) 189 *aḍḍa `transverse'. [Same as prec.? -- ← Drav., see *Aḍ -- ]
S. aḍ̠o m. `edge of a boat, thwart', aḍ̠ī f. `rail acrossbottom of a lathe', āḍ̠o `transverse'; L. aḍḍā m. `thwartof a boat'; P. āḍḍā `crooked'; B. āṛ `aslant', āṛā `beam';Or. āṛa `width', āṛā `cross -- beam', Mth. āṛ, āṛi `boundarybetween fields'; H. āṛ f `horizontal line painted acrossforehead', āṛā `transverse'; OMarw. āḍo `transverse'; G.āḍũ `slanting', āḍ f. `curved piece of mica worn as ornament by women on forehead'; M. āḍẽ n. `ridgepole,cross -- bar, keel', aḍvā `transverse'; Ko. āḍa `crosswise'; -- compounded with an IA. word of same meaning: Or.āṛa -- bã̄ka `oblique'; H. aṛbaṅgā `crooked', m. `obstruction' (→ N. aṛb(h)aṅge `crosswise, obstacle').
Addenda: *aḍḍa -- : S.kcch. āḍī f. `crossbeam'; WPah.kṭg. (kc.) aṛIf. `plough -- handle, plough -- stick with handle', J. āṛī.190 aḍḍana n. `shield' lex. [Mayrhofer EWA i 25 connects with AṭṭA -- 2; perh. rather to *Aḍḍ -- `obstruct']
Pk. aḍḍaṇa -- n., Or. āṛaṇi.
Addenda: aḍḍana -- : Md. aḍḍana `shield'.
CDIAL (d) 1102 *āḍi2 `row, line, ridge', āli -- 1 f. `row, range, line' lex.,ālī -- f. Pañcat. [Connexion with āVALI -- (MayrhoferEWA i 81) doubtful]
Pa. āḷi -- , āli -- f. `line, dam'; Pk. ālī -- f. `line, row',ḍaḍḍhāḍī -- f. `line of forest -- fire' (< *dagdhāḍi -- ); L. āṛām. `sandhill, highlying land', P. āṛī f.; Ku. āl f. `tract ofland', āli f. `row (of plants), bed (for plants), oldmeasure of land'; N. āli `ridge in a field'; A. āli`embankment across a rice -- field, road'; B. āli, ail`dividing ridge in a field'; Or. āṛi `ridge in a field',
[p. 50]
āḷī `a class'; Bi. Mth. ār, ārī, āri, (Gaya) āil, (S. Munger)āl `boundary of a field', H. ārī f., ālī f. `row, embankment'; M. āḷ, āḷī f. `lane, row'; Si. inscr. aḍi `canal',mod. äla, äliya `stream, canal'.
CDIAL (e) 5420 *ṭakk1 `remain, stop'. 2. *ṭikk -- . 3. *ṭēkk -- usu. tr.[Cf. *ḍakk -- 3, *ṭhēkk -- ]
1. Sh. (Lor.) ṭak boiki `to be hampered, be stuck'; P.ṭakk m. `settlement of price'; N. ṭakka aṛinu `to cometo a dead stop'; G. ṭakvũ `to stop'; M. ṭākṇẽ `to leave'.
2. Kho. (Lor.) tika `support, cushion behind theback'; S. ṭikaṇu `to remain, be firm'; L. ṭikkaṇ `tostay'; P. ṭikṇā `to stay', ṭikkṇā `to appoint'; N. ṭiknu `toremain, last'; A. ṭikiba `to last, be of service'; B. ṭikā `toremain'; Or. ṭikibā `to last, be effective'; H. ṭiknā `tostop, remain'; M. ṭikṇẽ `to stay'.
3. P. ṭekṇā `to prop', ṭekaṇ m. `prop, bundle of wood';Ku. ṭekṇo `to prop', ṭeko `prop, obstacle'; N. ṭeknu `toset up', ṭek `obstinacy', ṭekan `prop'; A. ṭek `middlepart of a dam'; B. ṭẽkā `to remain'; Or. ṭekibā `to liftup'; OAw. ṭekaï `puts, stops', ṭeka f. `prop'; H. ṭeknā`to prop'; G. ṭekvũ, ṭek m.f. `support'; M. ṭekṇẽ tr. andintr. `to rest'.
Addenda: *ṭakk -- 1. 2. *ṭikk -- : WPah.J. ṭikṇu `to stop'.
3. *ṭēkk -- : WPah.kṭg. (kc.) ṭekṇõ `to stop, stay,stand, support, endure, place'; J. ṭekṇu `to support'.5424 ṭakkarā f. `blow on the head' Rājat. [Cf. *ṭAKK -- 2]
Pk. ṭakkara -- m. `collision', K. ṭakara m.; S. ṭakarum. `knocking the head against anything, butting',ṭakiraṇu `to knock against, encounter, be comparedwith'; L. ṭakkaraṇ `to meet, agree'; P. ṭakkar f. `pushing, knocking', ṭakkarṇā `to collide, meet'; Ku. ṭakkar`shock, jerk, loss'; N. ṭakar `obstacle, collision'; B.ṭakkar `blow', Or. ṭakkara, ṭākara, H. G. M. ṭakkar f.
Addenda: ṭakkarā -- : S.kcch. ṭakrāṇū `to collide', G. ṭakrāvũAKŚ 37.
CDIAL (f) 5518 *ḍakk3 `stop'. [Cf. *ṭAKK -- 1]
L. ḍakkaṇ, (Ju.) ḍ̠a˚ `to stop, obstruct'; P. ḍakkṇā `toblock up, hinder', ḍakk m. `hindrance', ḍakkā m. `plug'.
CDIAL (g) 13945 *haṭṭakk `stop'.
S. haṭkaṇu `to hesitate'; L. haṭkaṇ `to hinder,forbid'; P. haṭkaṇā `to hinder'; Ku. haṭkoṇo `tohinder, prevent, dissuade'; N. haṛkanu `to oppose,object to'; H. haṭaknā `to stop'; M. haṭakṇẽ `to defy'.
DRAV: (a) PD*aṭ- ‘close’, (b) PD*aṭ-aṅk- ‘conceal, enclose, control’ (BhK2003:523), (c) PSD *a(ṇ)ṭ-V ‘edge, ridge’:
DEDR (a) 83 Ta. aṭai (-pp-, -tt-) to shut, close,obstruct, block (as a passage), stop up, putin, pack, lock, fasten, imprison, conceal; tobe obstructed (as the ear, throat); aṭaiccu(aṭaicci-) to shut, close; aṭaippu shutting,closing, fence, obstruction, plug; aṭṭamopposition, cross direction, enmity, rivalry;aṭṭi hindrance, obstacle, delay; aṭṭaṅ-kāl,aṭṭaṇaṅ-kāl, aṭṭaṇai-kkāl folded legs in sittingcross-legged. Ma. aṭa a lock; aṭayuka to beshut, shut up, be enclosed; aṭavu stoppage,block, obstruction; aṭekka to shut, obstruct,block up, lock; to be shut, rendered impervious; aṭeppu, aṭappu obstruction, whatevercovers or closes a hole, stopper; aṭappam,aṭappan a stopper, cork; aṭeppikka to causeto lock or shut; aṭṭam what is across, transverse, thwarting. Ko. aṛv- (aṛd-) to becomeblocked by an obstacle, (throat) becomeschoked with tears; (aṛt-) (door) shuts; toshut (door, hole), shut up (cattle); aḍ oblique,slanting, at right angles, crosswise; aḍ aḍ atfull length, at right angles; aḍ voṛt rising orsetting sun; aḍ mug- to bow to ground beforegod or godlike person (cf. 5123 Ka. mor̤gu);aḍ gaṭ- to obstruct, stop. To. aṛf- (aṛt-) toshut; mïṛk aṛf- to spoil one's voice by shouting (lit. choke to the neck); oḍ crosswise,obstructing, prostrate, contour line round ahill; oḍ oḍ foṭ- to obstruct (lit. lie crosswise);oḍ fïḍθ- to prostrate oneself (lit. fall horizontal); oḍ xoṭ- to obstruct; oḍty limit beyondwhich one must not go; oḍθ awkward, ugly.Ka. aḍe to be enclosed, barred, shut up,choked; to shut, lock, obstruct, close up,enclose, confine, imprison, stop the passage;aḍavu an impediment, anything to obstruct;aḍa, aḍḍa, aḍḍā, aḍḍe state of being across,transverse, or in the way, state of beingbroadwise or horizontal, crosswise; obstructing, an obstruction; state of being contraryor perverse; aḍḍane, aḍane across, transversely;aḍḍayisu, aḍḍagisu, aḍḍaysu, aḍḍavisu tomove obliquely or obstructingly, makeopposition, obstruct, impede, intervene, conceal; aḍḍayisuha obstruction, opposition;aḍḍaysuha going transversely, concealment;aḍḍal crossing, obstructing, obstacle, across,sideways; aḍḍi an obstacle, opposition, delay;aḍḍana, aḍḍaṇa a shield; āṭaṅka, ātaṅkaobstruction, obstacle, restraint. Koḍ. aḍe- (aḍev-, aḍand-) (gap) is stopped; aḍa- (aḍap-,aḍat-) to stop (gap, hole); aḍḍa crosswise;aḍḍa bu·ḷ- to prostrate oneself (lit. fall horizontal). Tu. aḍepuni, aḍevuni, aḍeṅguni toshut, close; aḍepu act of shutting, closing,finishing; aḍakụ, aḍaka, aḍēke, aṭaka, aṭakāvu obstacle, hindrance; aḍḍa id., horizontal,intervening; across, athwart; rafter; aḍḍakaṭṭèa dam; aḍḍakāru the bent knee; aḍḍa borunito prostrate, bow down; aḍḍa kaṭṭuni to damup, shut in, hinder, prevent, screen; aḍḍiobstacle, opposition; aḍḍaṇa, aḍḍaṇè, aḍanaa shield; āṭaṅkụ, āṭaṅka hindrance, obstacle.Te. aḍucu-konu to become obstructed orchoked, be stopped, choke; aḍḍamu obstacle,hindrance, opposition, a screen, that whichhides or separates; adj. cross, which is crosswise; aḍḍa-kaṭṭu, aḍḍagincu, aḍḍa-paḍu, aḍḍuto hinder, obstruct; aḍḍakaṟṟa, aḍḍaṅki, aḍḍuguṟṟa hindrance, obstruction; aḍḍakaṭṭa a damor bank, embankment; aḍḍamugā crosswise,transversely; aḍḍu a screen, anything thataffords concealment; aḍḍanamu a shield;aḍḍi hindrance, obstruction, delay; āṭaṅkamuprevention, obstacle, hindrance, obstruction,resistance, an objection, a difficulty. Nk. (Ch.)aḍḍam obstruction. Pa. aḍḍom obstacle,obstruction; aḍḍom er- to obstruct. Go. (Ch.)aḍḍam, (Ma.) aḍam obstruction; (SR.) aḍḍām,(Tr.) addām shelter; (S.) aḍḍam obstacle; (W.)aḍām shade; (Ch.) aḍḍam, (Dawson) aḍāmveil (Voc. 34). Konḍa aṛk- to conceal; aḍamacross; aḍi- (-t-) to stop, intercept; aḍe biḍeall over (lit. crosswise); disorganizedly. Pe.aḍgel in the way, intervening, obstructing.Kui aḍa a screen, an intervening or intercepting object [said to be < Or.]; aḍa giva toscreen, intervene, intercept; ḍākoli a hideshield. Kuwi (S.) aḍḍe ānai to resist; adduānai/kīnai to obviate; addunga across (inmeasuring). Kur. aḍnā (aḍcas/aḍḍas) tofurnish (a drum) with skin, cover it withleather, (birds or bees) construct a nest orhoneycomb, stop stubbornly where one is(a naughty child, intrepid combatants, etc.);aḍḍē, aṛkī, āṛē (? aṛē) oblique, across. Malt.aṛare to be hindered; aṛatre to hinder, check(? < IA). Br. aḍ sheltered; shelter, protection;aḍ kann- to halt, stop; aṛ obstacle, obstruction,entanglement; aṛī obstacle, obstruction; āṛshelter (? < IA). ? Cf. 63 Ta. aṭaṅku and 122Ta. aṇai. / Cf. Turner, CDIAL, nos. 187-190(also OMar. [Master] aḍap- to be obstructed).DED(S) 73.
DEDR (b)63 Ta. aṭaṅku (aṭaṅki-) to submit, besubdued, be compressed, cease, disappear,be comprised, settle, subside, sleep; aṭakku(aṭakki-) to control, repress, hide, conceal,bury; aṭakkam submission, patience, repose,etc. Ma. aṭaṅṅuka to be pressed down, enclosed, contained, submit, yield, be allayed,calmed; aṭakkuka to press down, subdue,swallow, allay, quiet; aṭakkam being contained; all, whole; self-control, modesty,secrecy. Ko. aṛg- (aṛgy-) to stop, be obedient;aṛk- (aṛky-) to cause to stop; aṛkaṭm obedience;aṛkm (obl. aṛkt-) act of making submit,burial. To. oḍg- (oḍgy-) to be quiet, findsleeping accommodation in a crowded place;oṛk- (oṛky-) to subdue, give sleeping accommodation in a crowded place; oḍkm (obl.oḍkt-) submission, burial. Ka. aḍaṅgu, aḍaguto hide, be concealed, disappear, cease, bequenched, be appeased, be humbled, crouch,be contained in; aḍaku to press, press intonarrower compass, pack, subdue, control;aḍacu to press down, pack, stuff in, behumble, silence, shut as the mouth; aḍakapressing into narrow compass, contracting,shrinking, hiding oneself, hiding place, beingcomprehended or contained in, abridgement;akku to subdue, bring under control; tāguḍian ambush, lurking or hiding place. Koḍ.aḍak- (aḍaki-) to hold in closed hands; aḍakaact of bringing within a compass, thriftiness,restrictions at festivals. Tu. aḍēvuni, aḍēyunito be concealed, hide; deṅguni to be hidden,concealed, lie in ambush; (B-K) aḍeṅgụ,ḍeṅgụ to hide; aḍeka small, narrow. Te. aḍãgu,aḍagu to yield, submit, be humbled; aḍācu,aḍacu to suppress, humble, subject; aḍākuvahumility, modesty, submissiveness; ḍã̄gu, ḍāgu,dã̄gu to lie hidden; ḍã̄cu, ḍācu, dã̄cu to hide,conceal; dã̄gurincu to conceal, deceive;dã̄gurinta concealment, deceit; dã̄pana hiding,concealment; dã̄paramu stealing; dã̄parincu tosteal; dã̄parī˜ḍu thief. Kol. ḍāŋg- (ḍāŋkt-) tohide (intr.); ḍāp- (ḍāpt-), ḍāŋgip- (ḍāŋgipt-)to hide (tr.). Nk. ḍhāŋ- to hide (intr.), behidden; caus. ḍhāŋgip-; ḍhāp- to cover, hide.Konḍa ḍāŋ- (-it-) to lie hidden, hide oneself;ḍāp- to hide, save (money). Kui ḍāpa (ḍāt-)to lie in wait for; āṛpa (āṛt-), āṭpa (āṭt-) tohide (tr.), conceal. Kur. aṛknā to knead,shampoo by squeezing from place to place.Malt. aṛge, aṛgese to press down, close anopening by pressing a heavy object against;aṛke to thrust or wedge in. ? Cf. 83 Ta. aṭai./Cf. Turner, CDIAL, nos. 5574 *ḍhakk-,*ḍhaṅk-, 5579 *ḍhapp-, *ḍhamp- to cover.DED (S, N) 56(a).
DEDR(c)122 Ta. aṇai embankment, dam, ridgefor retaining water in a field, bank of riveror sea; aṇṭai field bund, ridge of a field. Ma.aṇa dam; aṇṭa bund, ridge of field. Ko. aṇwater channel brought to village from stream;e·ṯ aṇ edge of bank or stream or tank (fore·ṯ, see 916, 5159). To. ony edge of swamp.Ka. aṇe dam, dike. Koḍ. aṇḍa bank or edgeof river. Te. ana bank or dam. ? Cf. 83 Ta.aṭai. DED 102.
COMM: 1. (FCS) (A) The Dravidian forms *aṭ… (a above) and *ṭa… (b above) are related through the change known as ‘apical displacement’ (BhK1978, 2003:157-8). Thus Drav. origin is plausible for most of the IA forms cited above; the meaning group ‘stop, obstruct, (a)cross’ appears to be original in Drav. These forms and meanings are found in all the regions of NIA. (B) The mg. group ‘boundary of field, field ridge, embankment, bund, dam, dike, edge (of stream/ tank/ swamp)’ is found in: CDIAL(a) H. aṛ f. ‘dam’, CDIAL (c) Mth. āṛ, āṛi ‘boundary between fields’, CDIAL (d) N.āli ‘ridge in a field’; A.āli ‘embankment across a rice-field, road’; B. āli, ail ‘dividing ridge in a field’; Or. āṛi ‘ridge in a field’; Bi. Mth. ār, ārī, āri, (Gaya) āil, (S. Munger) āl ‘boundary of a field’, H. ārī f., ālī f. ‘row, embankment’, DEDR (a) Ka. aḍḍakaṭṭa a dam or bank, embankment, Tu. aḍḍakaṭṭè a dam, DEDR. The Ka. & Tu. words are compounds with a form of PD *kaṭ(ṭ)- tie, bind’; (PSD) *kaṭṭay ‘dam, bank’ (BhK2005:525, DEDR1147). The dist. of these words in IA seems to be primarily eastern, and thus this group may be independent of the other words discussed above, possibly indicating borrowing between SD2 and eastern Indo-Aryan. (C) The Drav. forms with -ṇ- (c above) seem to go back to PSD at the earliest. /FCS, 12October2005)/
183 *aṭṭakkalā— ‘guess’. [Poss. contains kalā́—: for first part cf. L. aṭṭā—saṭṭā m. ‘rough guess’ and *aṇṭ—] H. aṭkal, aṭkar f. ‘guess’ (prob. → K. aṭkal, aṭhk° f., S. aṭkala f.; L. aṭkal f. ‘knowledge, skill, guess’; P. aṭkal f. ‘guess’, Ku. aṭgal, gng. aṭgaw, N. aṛkal); A. ā̃ṭkāl ‘conjecture’, B. āṭkāl, Or. aṭakaḷa, G. M. aṭkaḷ f.
186 *aṭṭha— 2 ‘gum’. 2. *attha—. 1. A. āṭhā, eṭhā ‘gum’, eṭhā—eṭhi ‘gummy, slimy’; B. āṭhā ‘gum, birdlime, paste’, āṭhāl, āṭāl ‘viscid’; Or. aṭhā ‘gum’; Si. aṭṭuwa ‘any glutinous substance’. 2. G. āthɔ m. ‘paste’.
187 *aḍ— ‘obstruct, stop’. [Cf. *aḍḍ—, *aṭṭ2, poss. *aṭṭha2; — ← Drav. cf. Tam. aṭai ‘to be obstructed’, Kan. aḍ()a ‘obstructing, transverse’, Tu. aṭaka, aḍaka ‘obstacle’, Kui aḍa ‘screen’, Brah. aṛ ‘obstruction’: T. Burrow TPS 1945, 79.] L. aṛaṇ ‘to jib, be entangled’, aṛā m. ‘constipation’; P. aṛnā ‘to stop, stick fast’, aṛ f. ‘stoppage’; Ku. aṛṇo ‘to persist, be strong’, aṛiyo ‘fat’, aṛo ‘prop’; H. aṛnā, arnā ‘to come to a stop’, aṛ f. ‘dam’; G. aṛvũ ‘to touch’, aṛ f. ‘obstinacy’; M. aḍṇẽ ‘to be stopped’, aḍ f. ‘obstruc- tion’. — Ext. with —kk—: L. aṛak m. ‘untrained bullock’; P. aṛkaṇā ‘to be stopped’; G. aṛakvũ ‘to touch’, aṛak f. ‘obstruction’; M. aḍakṇẽ intr. ‘to stick fast’. *aḍi— ‘heel’ see *aḍḍi—.
188 *aḍḍ— ‘obstruct, stop’. [← Drav., see *aḍ—] K. aḍun ‘to persevere, be intent on’, aḍāv m. ‘the wooden beam supporting a log when being sawn’; S. aḍ̱aṇu ‘to build’, aḍ̱a f. ‘watercourse’; L. aḍḍ, pl. aḍḍã f. ‘small irrigation channel’, aḍḍī f. ‘iron rest for support- ing tools in turning’; P. aḍḍā m. ‘perch for birds’; WPah. bhal. aḍḍo m. ‘support for a log being sawn’; Ku. āṛo ‘support, bolt of door’; N. āṛ ‘cover, shelter’, aṛinu ‘to stop, halt’; A. ā̃r ‘screen’; Or. āṛibā ‘to ward off’, āṛi ‘hide—out for hunters’; Mth. aṛāeb ‘to restrain’; H. āṛ f. ‘interruption, covering’, āṛnā ‘to cause to stop’ (perh. rather der. aṛnā < *aḍ—); G. āḍi f. ‘obstacle’, aḍvũ ‘to stop’, āḍṇī f. ‘a stand’; M. aḍṇẽ ‘to be stopped’ (or < *aḍ—), ā̆ḍaċ ‘tightly’; Si. aḍaya ‘prop, stopper’ (perh. direct ← Tam. aṭai). *aḍḍa—, aḍḍana—.
189 *aḍḍa— ‘transverse’. [Same as prec.? — ← Drav., see *aḍ—] S. aḍ̱o m. ‘edge of a boat, thwart’, aḍ̱ī f. ‘rail across bottom of a lathe’, āḍ̱o ‘transverse’; L. aḍḍā m. ‘thwart of a boat’; P. āḍḍā ‘crooked’; B. āṛ ‘aslant’, āṛā ‘beam’; Or. āṛa ‘width’, āṛā ‘cross—beam’, Mth. āṛ, āṛi ‘boundary between fields’; H. āṛ f ‘horizontal line painted across forehead’, āṛā ‘transverse’; OMarw. āḍo ‘transverse’; G. āḍũ ‘slanting’, āḍ f. ‘curved piece of mica worn as orna- ment by women on forehead’; M. āḍẽ n. ‘ridgepole, cross—bar, keel’, aḍvā ‘transverse’; Ko. āḍa ‘crosswise’; — compounded with an IA. word of same meaning: Or. āṛa—bā̃ka ‘oblique’; H. aṛbaṅgā ‘crooked’, m. ‘obstruc- tion’ (→ N. aṛb(h)aṅge ‘crosswise, obstacle’). Addenda: *aḍḍa—: S.kcch. āḍī f. ‘crossbeam’; WPah.kṭg. (kc.) aṛi f. ‘plough—handle, plough—stick with handle’, J. āṛī.
191 *aḍḍi— ‘heel’. 2. *aḍi—. 3. *ēḍḍi—. 4. *ēḍi—. [J. Bloch BSOS v 738 ← Drav., cf. Tam. Kan. aḍi, Tel. aḍugu ‘foot, footstep’] 1. L. P. aḍḍī f. ‘heel’; H. aḍḍā m. ‘heel of shoe’; — Si. aḍiya ‘foot, footstep’ (with a, not ä) ← Tam. 2. Marw. aṛi ‘heel.’ 3. P. eḍ f. ‘heel’, N.B. Or. eṛi, Bhoj. eṛī; H. eṛ f. ‘spur’, eṛī f. ‘heel’; M. eḍ f. ‘urging with the heel’; — N.B.Or.H. perh. < 4 below. 4. G. eṛi f. ‘spur’, eṛī f. ‘heel’. X *lattā—. aṇi— ‘linch—pin’ see āṇí—. Addenda: *aḍḍi—. 3. *ēḍḍi—: WPah. kṭg. eḍi f. ‘heel when used in spurring, spur’.
195 *aṇuni— ‘millet’. [Cf. áṇu1 NTS xii 156] NiDoc. aḍ́iṁni prob. ‘millet’ H. W. Bailey BSOAS xii 332; Ḍ. árīn ‘millet’, Kt. awŕı̄̃, Dm. äŕín, Paš. aṛı̄́n, Gaw. éṛin, Kal. aṛín, Kho. oḷīn; — all < *aḍin— with same dissimilation of n as in ajñānin— rather than < *arjana— — More doubtful is Sh. (Lorimer) āno ‘Indian millet’.
197 *aṇṭ— ‘presume, be bold’. [Cf. *aṭṭakkalā—] Ku. ā̃ṭṇo ‘to guess’; ā̃ṭ ‘guess’; N. ā̃ṭnu ‘to dare, be about to’, ā̃ṭ ‘presumption, decision, courage’; Or. āṇṭa ‘pride’; G. ā̃ṭvũ ‘to aim at’. *aṇṭa— ‘bundle’, see *aṭṭa3. *aṇṭha— ‘bundle’, see *aṭṭa3. áṇṭhatē, see *haṇṭ—. aṇḍá— see āṇḍá—. aṇḍakōśa— see āṇḍakōśa—. aṇḍaja— see *āṇḍajāta—. átati see √aṭ. atasá— see atası̄́—.
221 *atta— 2 ‘father, grandfather’. 2. *adda—. [Cf. attā—] 1. A. ātā ‘address to a respectable old man’; G. ātāji m. ‘grandfather’; Si. ātā ‘grandfather’. 2. S. ado m. ‘brother’; L. addā m. ‘father’.
222.1 ATTA ‘father’
IA: *atta, *adda `father, grandfather'; attā f. `mother, mother's sister, elder sister', atti(), anti() `elder sister' ,*addā (v. 221 & 222 prec.):
DRAV: PD *atta- ‘maternal/paternal aunt’ (BhK2003:523):
DEDR142 Ta. attaṉ father, elder, person of rank or eminence; attai, attaicār father's sister, mother-in-law, woman of rank or eminence; attāṉ elder sister's husband; father's sister's son, maternal uncle's son when elder, wife's brother when elder; attācci elder brother's wife, husband's sister; attimpēr elder sister's husband; father's sister's husband; atti elder sister; attō excl. of wonder; tattai elder sister. Ma. atta mother, mother's sister; attan father. Ka. atte, atti mother-in-law; sōdar-atte, sōdar- atti father's sister, mother's brother's wife; attike elder sister; attige elder brother's wife. Tu. attè mother-in-law, aunt; attigè elder brother's wife. Te. atta mother-in-law, father's sister, maternal uncle's wife. Nk. atiak (pl. -ev) father's sister. Nk. (Ch.) ato bāy id. Ga. (Oll.) āta, (S.3) atta id. Go. ātī father's sister ( Voc. 127). Kui ata, atali grandmother. Kuwi (S) atta aunt; (Isr.) atu grandmother. / Cf. Skt. attā- mother, mother's sister, elder sister (lex.); atti(kā)-, anti(kā)-, artikā- elder sister (lex.); Pkt. attā- mother, mother-in-law; father's sister's husband; Turner, CDIAL, nos. 221, 222. DED(S) 121.

292S *anal/(a)ŋal ‘fire’
IA:  CDIAL 292   anala m. ʻ fire ʼ. [← Drav. Mayrhofer EWA i 33]
Pa. anala -- m., Pk. aṇala -- m.; Si. anala, nala Geiger EGS 84 but prob. ← Pa. or Tam. aṉal.
DRAV:  PSD1 *anal ‘fire’
DEDR 327   Ta. aṉal fire, heat (as of fever), warmth, glow, thunderbolt; (aṉalv-, aṉaṉṟ-) to burn, glow, blaze, be hot, cause heat (as the sun, fire, fever); aṉali fire, sun; aṉaṟkal flint; aṉaṟṟu (aṉaṟṟi-) to heat, make hot, burn, affect with colic pains, be angry with; groan with pain. Ma. anal, analca, anacca, anappu fire, heat; analuka to become hot; analkkuka to be hot, be warm; anattuka to make warm or hot. Ka. analu heat. / Cf. Skt. anala-. DED 277.
MU:  *sV- ŋgVl 'fire, firewood':
??%%split? So. AGAl(R)/ AG `firewood, fuel'. Go. aGal `firewood'. Gu. suGgol `fire'. Kh. sOGgOl `firewood, fuel'. ~ timsOG `fire'. Ju. songon `firewood, fuel'. ~ nelye `fire'. Sa. sEGgEl `fire'. ~ basaG warm, hot, to boil'. Ma. sEGgEl `fire'. Mu. sEGgEl `fire'. ~ basaG `to boil'. ~ tErsaG `to bask in the sun, to warm oneself by a fire'. Ho seGgel `fire'. ~ basaG `warm, to boil'. Bj. seGgel `fire'. Bh. seGgel `fire'. Dh. sEGgEl `fire'. KW. seGgel `fire'. KW sEGgEl Ku. siGgel `fire'. ~ $iGgal `fire'. @(V252,M141)
COMM: (FCS) Though the attestation in Dravidian is only at the PSD1 level, the word appears in early Tamil texts and shows native morphophonemic changes (e.g. Tamil past form aṉaṉr, aṉaṟ-kal flint [“fire-stone”]). Here Thieme (1955) provides a plausible but unnecessary Indo–European derivation. M53: probably Dravidian; M86: problematic. Note Go. (Munda) aŋal `firewood'.  /FCS, 29 May 2006) /
381 *anda—1, *andana— ‘binding’. [ándati ‘binds’ Dhātup.: √and] H. ā̃d, ãdā, ā̃dan m. ‘mud, quagmire’; — very doubtful. *anda— 2 ‘food’ see ánna-
383 *andōla— ‘swinging’. Pk. aṁdōlaya— m. ‘swing, cradle’; Ku. ãdolo ‘doubt’; Or. ādoḷā ‘sedan chair, litter’; G. ãdoḷ ‘swinging’. - X hindōla—: Or. hāndoḷā ‘litter’.
500 *appa— ‘father’. 2. *appā— f. ‘elder sister’. 1. Pk. appa—, °aya— m. ‘father’, A. āp ‘address by lower classes for father, grandfather, or old man’, āpaṭi ‘father’; G. (used by shepherds) āpɔ m. ‘father’; M. āpā ‘term of respect for an elder or of endearment for a son or junior’. 2. Or. apā ‘elder sister’; H. āpā f. ‘id., term of address to an older woman’.
500S *APPA ‘father’
IA: *appa ‘father’, *appā ‘elder sister’ (v. prec.):
DRAV: PD *appa- ‘father’ (BhK2003:523):
DEDR156(a) Ta. appaṉ, appu father; term of endearment used to little children or inferiors; appacci father; appāttai elder sister; appi mistress of house; elder sister. Ma. appan father; appu affectionate appellation of boys. Ka. appa father; frequently added to the proper names of men as a term of common respect; used endearingly to children by their elders; apa father; appu affectionate appellation of boys. Koḍ. appë father. Tu. appa, appè affix of respect added to proper names of men; appè mother; appa a mode of calling a mother. Te. appa father; mother; elder sister; frequently added to names of men as a term of common respect. Kol. appa father's sister. Nk. appo/appok (pl. appokuḷ) wife's younger brother. Go. (Tr.) āpōṛā̆l father ( Voc. 133); maipō my father; mī-āpō thy father; (Ma.) tape, (Ko.) tappe, (L.) tāpe father ( Voc. 1656); (Koya Su.) tappe (his, her) father. Konḍa aposi father (with reference to 3rd person). Kui āpo (pl. āporu) boy, son; āpi girl, wife. Kuwi (S.) appa grandmother. /FCS, 13Oct2005/
530 *abhilōḍati ‘shakes’. [Cf. abhilulita— ‘agitated’ Kālid.: √luḍ] WPah. cam. hiḷoḷṇā ‘to shake’. abhívartatē see *bhēṭṭ—.
574S *AMMA/AMBA ‘mother’
IA: (a) ambā, (b)*amma, (c) *avvā
CDIAL(a) 574 ambāˊ f. `mother' RV. [Cf. ambĭ̄ˊ -- RV., ámbikā -- VS.,ambāḍā -- , ˚ālā -- Pāṇ., ˚ālī -- TS.]
Pa. ambā -- , ammā -- f. `mother', ambakā -- f. `poorwoman'; Aś. abaka -- `nurse'; KharI. aṁbaē gen. sg.`mother', Pk. aṁbā -- f., aṁmā -- , ˚mayā -- f.; aṁbiā -- `nameof a goddess'; K. ama f. `grandmother, esp. an oldprostitute or bawd'; S. amā, amī f. `mother, daughter';L. P. WPah. bhal. ammã̄ f. `mother'; Ku. āmā `grandmother', gng. ã̄m; N. āmā `mother'; A. āmai `mother of [p. 26] friend or namesake, mother's female friend, father'sfriend's wife'; Mth. amã̄ `mother', H. ammā; Si.am̆buva `mother, wife', (SigGr) abi; -- ext. with -- ḍa -- : S.amaṛi, amaṇi f. `mother'; L. ammṛī f. `little mother',awāṇ. amṛī `mother', P. ambṛī f.
Addenda: ambāˊ -- : WPah.kṭg. ammā f. `mother', J. āmā; Md.an̆bi `wife', amā, amma `mother'.
CDIAL(b) 578 *amma— ‘breast, teat’. M. āmā m. ‘breast, bubby’.
CDIAL(c) 904 *avvā— ‘mother’. Pk. avvā— f. ‘mother’; M. avā, avāji f. ‘term of courtesy in addressing a Śūdra woman’.
DRAV: PD *amm-a ‘mother’ (BhK2003:523):
DEDR183 Ta. ammā, ammāḷ mother, matron,lady; (also amma, ammamma) excl. of pity,surprise, joy; ammai mother, name of variousgoddesses, grandmother; ammaṉai mother,lady; ammaṉ goddess; ammaṉē excl. ofsurprise; ammācci, ammāttāḷ, ammāy maternalgrandmother; ammāṉ maternal uncle, wife'sfather, husband of father's sister; ammāmmimaternal uncle's wife, husband's mother;ammanti maternal uncle's wife; ammāñcison of a maternal uncle, fool; ammaṅkār,ammaṅkāḷ daughter of a maternal uncle,wife of a Vaiṣṇava priest; ammaṇi termof respect used in referring to or calling awoman. Ma. amma mother, goddess (esp.Kāḷi); interj. (also ammē, ammammā); ammamma mother's mother; ammān, ammāvan,ammāman, ammōn, ammōman maternal uncle;ammāyi, ammāvi maternal aunt, uncle's wife,mother-in-law; ammiṇi affectionate appellation esp. of infants, sometimes of motherand wife. Ir. amme father. Ko. amn, amno·r,amna·c mother goddess of the Kota trinity.Ka. amma, ama mother, respectable woman,grandmother, village goddess; interj. denotingpain or weariness, grief, surprise (also amama,ammamma); amba, ambe mother. Koḍ. ammëAmma Coorg (a brahminized subcaste ofCoorgs, said to be descended from a Coorgman and a Brahman girl [their amma ormother] whose customs they observe); fem.ammati. Tu. amma mother, lady; ammefather; ammayya interj. of sorrow or pain;tammalè maternal uncle, father-in-law. Te.amma, ama mother, matron; hon. title ofwoman; interj. expr. surprise; ammāyi, ammigirl. Kol. amma (pl. ammanev) mother; avreta·k ammaner their parents (ta·k father).Nk. amma mother; amma ta·k parents. Nk.(Ch.) amṛo elder brother's wife. Ga. (S.2)ammi younger sister. Go. (S.) ammal (pl.ammahku) mother's mother; (Ma.) ammal(pl. -or), (M.) amma father (Voc. 67, 68).Konḍa ama (pl. amek) grandmother; used inaddressing wife in a folktale. Pe. ama father'ssister. Manḍ. ama id. Kui ama, amali, amadifather's sister, maternal uncle's wife, lady.Kuwi (F.) amma paternal aunt; (S.) ammaaunt, mother-in-law. Br. ammā mother,grandmother; respectful term of address toany woman. Cf. 181 Ta. ammam. / Cf. Skt.ambā- (VS; Voc. amba RV), ambāḍā-, ambālā-,ambālikā-, ambi-, ambikā-, ambayā- mother;amba interj. Pkt. ammo, ammahe interj. ofsurprise (dramas). Turner, CDIAL, no. 574.DED(S) 154.
576S ámbu-
ámbu- water Śvet. Up. Mayrhofer EWAI 100: cf. Young Avestan viiiāmbura 'name of a class of Daēuua priests YT 14.45sqq "problematic" (with old explanations from ámbhas, *ṇbhu-. Berger WZKS 3, 1959, 57 n. 19: Austroasiatic. Note also Drav.: Tamil am, ām 'water' DEDR 187. Many take ámbu- as non-IA. --- CDIAL 576 ámbu- Pa. ambu, Pk. aṃbu Si. Geioger EGS 9, but prob. <-- Pa.-- Note however now : Nur. abú! --- cf. also 3163S kiyā'mbu- a water plant RV 10.16.13; Av 18.3.6 has k(i)ā'mbū-, Taitt. Ar. kiyāmbū'- Mayrhofer EWA I 352 'unclear', possible connected with Late Vedic ambu-, possibly by popular etymology? --- Cf. Kuiper 1991; and 1955: 147 ámbu- Up. (cf. Mayrhofer EWA I 100).
578 *amma— ‘breast, teat’. M. āmā m. ‘breast, bubby’.
629 *argaḍa—, argala— m.n. ‘bolt’, irgala— m.n. Pāṇ., argalikā— f. ‘small bolt’ lex. [Cf. sā́rgaḍa— ‘barred’ ŚBr. Poss. Muṇḍa origin and further connexions in IA. Kuiper PMWS 14.] Pa. aggaḷa— m., °ḷā— f. ‘cross—bar of a door, bolt’, Pk. aggala— m., °lā— f., Ku. āglo, °liyā, N. āglo; B. āgaṛ, °oṛ ‘mat—door, hurdle’; Or. āgaṛa ‘gate’, āguḷa ‘obstacle’, °ḷā ‘small iron keeper—ring’; Bi. āgar, agrī, āgal ‘wooden bar of door’, OAw. āgari (r < ), H. āgal, aggal m.f., G. āgḷɔ m., °ḷī f., °ḷīɔ m., M. āgaḷ, ag°, āgh° m.f., Ko. agaḷu, Si. aguḷa, °la; — M. agḍā m. ‘tie connecting yoke and pole of cart’ (?). — Der. B. aglāna ‘to restrain, watch’; Or. aguḷibā ‘to lie in wait for’. Morgenstierne IIFL iii 3, 16 places here Dm. argali ‘throat’, Gaw. hargal; Paš. orgól ‘jaw’; — doubtful. argala— see *argaḍa—. Addenda: *argaḍa—: WPah.kṭg. aggƏḷ f. ‘wooden bolt’. †;*bhujārgaḍā—.
629S *AR-KAḶ/KAL/KAẒ 'bolt of door, crossbar'
IA: *argaḍa, argala (v. prec.):
DRAV: PSD *ar-kaḷ/kal/kaẓ
DEDRApp. 9 Ka. argaḷa, argala, argale, argar̤e, aggar̤ike,fasten a door. Te. argaḷamu wooden bolt, baror pin for fastening a door, etc., impediment.obstruction. Kui argoli crossbar, rail. / Turner,CDIAL, no. 629, Skt. argala-, Pkt. aggala-.DED (S) 194.
COMM: 1. (FCS) Though DEDR treats this as a loan from Sanskrit, the variety of forms in Dr. suggests the opposite possibility. (The first element might be < PD *aṭ- 'across, transverse, obstruction' (note the Te. mg. above & cf. 182S; for the second element, cf. DEDR1370 PD *kaẓ- ‘pole, staff, bar’: Tu ‘bar with which a door is fastened’). CDIAL629 & M53 both mention possible Munda origin. /FCS, 13October2005/
636 *arjana— ‘millet’. [Cf. Pers. arzan, Orm. ažan Morgen- stierne IIFL i 388, Psht. ẓ̌dan, Khot. éysä H. W. Bailey BSOS viii 122] Ash. aẓū̃ ‘millet’, Wg anj̈ǖ́, anzǖ́ NTS xvii 226 (anǰū̃ NTS xv 247), Pr. üǰǖ̃. — See *aṇuni—.
688S *A(M)PAṆA ‘a measure’
IA: CDIAL688 armaṇa m.n. `a partic. measure = 1 droṇa' Suśr.
Pa. ammaṇa -- n. `trough, a measure of capacity'; Si.amaṇa, amuṇa `a measure of capacity for corn'.
DRAV: Proto-Tamil *a(m)paṇam
DEDR263 Ta. avaṇam, amaṇam a measure = 20,000 areca-nuts; ampaṇam a grain measure. Ma. avaṇam a weight or measure, a mason's rule or level. / ? Cf. Pali ambaṇa-, ammaṇa- a measure of capacity; Skt. armaṇa- a measure of one droṇa; Turner, CDIAL, no. 688. DED 223.
706 *alala— ‘cheerful noise’. [Cf. alalābhávant— ‘sounding cheerfully’ RV.] H. alal—bacheṛā m. ‘frisky colt’, alalle—talalle ‘feasting, merriment’.
714 *aliṅkāra— ‘hornet’. [Cf. alin—] WPah. l. rudh. raṅghāl ‘hornet’, h. rudh. aṅgāl, Ku. alaṅār, N. arı̃gāl, °gal, ariṅāl.
724 *allaḍa— ‘childish’. S. alaṛu ‘ignorant’, m. ‘stripling’; P. allhaṛ ‘childish’, ḍog. allaṛ ‘inexperienced’; N. allare ‘childish’; H. allaṛ, alaṛ, allaṛh ‘boyish, ignorant’; G. alheṛ ‘ignorant, care- less’; M. allaḍ, alaḍ, alhaḍ ‘raw, inexperienced’: - redup. or + bālá—: H. alaṛ—balaṛ f. ‘childish talk’.
725 *allā— ‘name of a tree or plant’. P. all f. ‘a partic. kind of vegetable’; H. M. āl f. ‘the tree Morinda citrifolia from the root of which a red dye is prepared’.
819 *avala— ‘contrary’. 2. *avalla—. 1. Pk. avila— ‘difficult’; S. auro ‘ill dispositioned’, aurī f. ‘difficulty, calamity’; G. avḷũ ‘contrary, obstinate’. 2. S. avalo ‘contrary, perverse, unpropitious’.
886 *avālu— ‘mucus membrane of mouth (?)’. Pk. avāluā— f. ‘part adjoining the lips’; G. avāḷu n. ‘gums of the teeth’.
904 *avvā— ‘mother’. Pk. avvā— f. ‘mother’; M. avā, avāji f. ‘term of courtesy in addressing a Śūdra woman’. 1 ‘reach’: áṁśa—, *aśyatē; abhyāśa—, *vyaṣṭa—. 2 ‘eat’: *aśati, áśana—, ā́śa, āśá—; prāśa—, prāśanīya—.
955S *AṢṬ(H)I/AṆṬ(H)I ‘kernel, nut’
IA: 955 IA: 955 aṣṭhi `*bone', f. `kernel' lex., aṣṭhī -- f. `bone of elbowor knee' lex. [Cf. aṣṭhīvántau m. `the knees' RV.,pādāṣṭhīla -- m.n. `ankle' MBh., ūrv -- aṣṭhīvá -- n. `thigh andknee' VS. The relationship of these words with ásthi<->`bone' RV. is obscure: Mayrhofer EWA i 67. Connexionwith HAḍḍA -- is improbable]
Pa. aṭṭhi -- , ˚ika -- n. `bone'; Aś. anaṭhika -- mache `boneless fish'; NiDoc. aṭhi `bone', Pk. aṭṭhi -- , ˚iya -- n.; Kal.aṣṭ, aṣ `shoulder'; -- remaining Kaf. and Dard. forms ←Ind. Morgenstierne NTS ii 246, IIFL iii 3, 22: Ash.Kt. Wg. aṭīˊ `bone', Pr. iċīˊ, Dm. ã̄ṭhīˊ, Paš. lauṛ. áṭṭhī, ar.aẽṭhīˊ, dar. aṇṭīˊ, Shum. ãˊṭhi -- m `my bone', Kal. aṭhí, Sh.gil. ã̄ṭi f., koh. aṭi f.; N. ã̄ṭh `the ribs'; Si. aṭaya `bone'.
AṣṭHīVáT -- .
DRAV:  PSD *a(ṇ)ṭ-i ‘nut, seed or stone of fruit’
DEDR126 Ta. aṇṭi-kkoṭṭai cashew-nut. Ma. aṇṭikernel, stone of mango, etc., nut, scrotum.Koḍ. ma·ŋge a·ṇḍi mango stone. Tu. aṇḍikernel of mangoes, etc. Kur. aṭhū mangostone. Malt. aṭi stone or seed of a fruit./Turner, CDIAL, no. 955, Skt. aṣṭi- kernel,aṣṭhi- id. (lex.); there is possibly relationshipwith the IA forms with nasal, Pkt. aṇṭhi-(Sheth quotes Bhāsa's Cārudatta), H. ã̄ṭhī,Beng. ã̄ṭ(h)i, etc., but the direction of possibleborrowing is uncertain. Kur. aṭhū, Malt. aṭiare borrowed from NIA. DED 106.
COMM: 1.(FCS) As the ND forms are < IA, this must be regarded as at best a PSD word; the IA attestation is also late. Note that the NIA words show an unexplained nasalization which recurs elsewhere, e.g. in H ā̃kh < OIA akṡi ‘eye’, CDIAL43. In the present case the nasalization is perhaps explained by contamination with the Drav. form. /FCS 18Oct2005/
997 *āī— ‘mother, aunt’. [Prob. a nursery word] Dm. ‘mother’, yai ‘grandmother’; Paš. āı̄́ ‘mother’ (→ Par. āi IIFL iii 3, 1), Kal. ā́y *l, Bshk. īēī; S. āī f. ‘mother, aunt, respectful address for any senior female relative’; N. āi—māi ‘wife, woman’; A. āi ‘mother, smallpox’, āiṭi ‘affectionate address for a girl’; B. āī ‘mother's mother, mother's aunt’; Or. āī ‘mother's mother’; G. āi f. ‘mother, grandmother’; M. āī f. ‘mother, term of endearment for an infant’, āī—bāī f. ‘motherly old woman’, āī—māī f. ‘mother, motherly person’. — The Dard. words poss. < āryikā—. Addenda: *āī—: S.kcch. āī f. ‘mother’; WPah.kc. ai.
997S *ĀY-Ī ‘mother’
IA: *āī ‘mother, aunt’ (v. prec.):
DRAV: PD *āy ‘mother’ (BhK2003:524); PD *ay(y)-V excl. of wonder, pity, etc.
DEDR(a) 364 Ta. āy, āyi, yāy, ñāy mother; āycci, ācci mother, grandmother; āccāḷ mother; āyāḷ mother, grandmother, old woman; (yāy my mother, ñāy thy mother; Kuṟunt° 40); tāy mother; tāycci wet nurse, pregnant woman; tāyār mother, Lakṣmī; tāymai motherhood. Ma. ācci mother, grandmother; tāyi mother. To. ty id (in songs). Ka. āyi, tāy, tāyi, tāye id. Koḍ. tyi grandmother. Tu. tāyi mother. Te. tāyi id. Kol. ay (? y) id. Nk. ayma woman; ayka (pl. -śikuḷ) husband's elder sister. Pa. ayal (pl. aycil) woman, wife; iya (pl. iyov) mother. Ga. (Oll.) &abrevmacr;ya id.; ayal woman, wife; asmal woman; (S) āya mother; ayāl wife; āsmal woman. Go. (Tr.) yāyāl, (M) yāyo, (Mu.) ayal, (G.) iyāl mother; (Ma.) mīyal your mother; (Ch.) māyo mother; (W.) māī female; maijū wife; (Mand.) māyi wife, woman ( Voc. 69, 180, 2796, 2854, 3007). Konḍa aya (pl. ayek) mother; ayma woman, wife; ayli daughter, girl; yāya mother (related to 1st or 2nd person); aysi id. (related to 3rd person). Pe. aya, iya mother; aya-taṛi woman; teya female of animal; teyhi mother (related to 3rd person). Manḍ. aya mother; taya female of animal. Kui aia, aiali, aja, ia, ija, ijali mother, woman. Kuwi (F.) īya mother (māiya my mother, māya your mother); aiya woman; (S) īya mother, woman (māiya my, our mother, mīya your mother); (Su. P.) aya (pl. -ska) woman; (Su.) iya (pl. -ska) id., mother; mīya your mother; (Isr.) āya (pl. -ska/-sika) woman, wife. Kur. ayaŋg mother (without explicit reference to the children); ayō mother (iŋgyō, niŋgyō, taŋgyō my, thy, [his, her, their] mother). Malt. ayya my mother; ijjo thy or your mother; teho his, her, or their mother. Cf. 196( b ) Ta. aiya. / Cf. Pkt. ijjā- mother. Cf. Ass. āī mother, Beng. āi mother's mother or aunt, Or. āī id., Si. āī mother, aunt, Guj. āī mother, grandmother, Mar. āī mother; Turner, CDIAL , no. 997. DED(S) 308.
DEDR(b) 196(b) Ta. aiya excl. of wonder; excl. of pity, concern; aiyakō excl. of pity, sorrow; ai wonder, astonishment; aiy-eṉal uttering ai expressive of wonder, of distress or mental suffering, of assent; aiyaiyō excl. of pity or grief; aiyō excl. of wonder; excl. of pity, concern; excl. of poignant grief. Ma. ayyā interj. of derision; ayyō, ayyayyō interj. of pain, grief. Ko. ay excl. of surprise or grief; ay av excl. of grief. To. ey excl. of surprise. Ka. ayyō, ayyayyō, ayyayyē interj. expr. grief; interj. expr. astonishment; interj. expr. compassion. Tu. ayyō, ayyayyō interj. of grief, annoyance, pain. Te. ayyo, ayyō, ayyayō, ayyayyō, ayayō interj. denoting sorrow, lamentation, pity, pain, etc. Kui āige, āigo, āigōna, āike, āiko, āikōna interj. indicating annoyance, impatience, or disgust. Kuwi (S.) īyaliyō, īyalesa alas! Kur. ayō, ayō ge excl. of pain or surprise. Malt. aya, ayyi, ayyu O my! (wonder, joy, woe); ay(y)oke, ay(y)okaboke alas! Cf. 364 Ta. āy. / Cf. Skt. aye excl. of surprise, recollection, fear (esp. used in dramas). DED 780.
COMM: 1. (FCS) Though this word's history may go beyond South Asia (see e.g. Witzel 1999), it was probably transmitted from Dr. (most likely SD1) through (pre-)Marathi (where it is the word for 'mother') to the other NIA lgs./FCS, 13Oct2005/
1014 *ākkira— ‘dear, costly’. [Connexion with ā—krī- (*ākrī—ra—?) very doubtful] S. ākiro ‘risen in price, dear, cross—dispositioned’; B. ākrā ‘high priced’; Or. ākrā ‘costly, urgent’; H. akrā ‘costly’; G. ākrũ ‘costly, difficult, hot—tempered (= ākḷũ)’. ā́kta— see aktá—. Addenda: *ākkira—: OMarw. ākaraü ‘bright (of lamps), sharp (of speech)’.
1085 *ācchir— ‘settle’. [Cf. Pk. ucchiraṇa— ‘spat out, left over’: —chir— ~ —skirati, √kr̥̄ 1?] S. āchiraṇu ‘to settle, subside (as dirt in water)’; G. ācharvũ ‘to settle down (as water), become clear’. ācchuka— see ākṣika—.
1102 *āḍi— 2 ‘row, line, ridge’, āli1 f. ‘row, range, line’ lex., ālī— f. Pañcat. [Connexion with āvali— (Mayrhofer EWA i 81) doubtful] Pa. āḷi—, āli— f. ‘line, dam’; Pk. ālī— f. ‘line, row’, ḍaḍḍhāḍī— f. ‘line of forest—fire’ (< *dagdhāḍi—); L. āṛā m. ‘sandhill, highlying land’, P. āṛī f.; Ku. āl f. ‘tract of land’, āli f. ‘row (of plants), bed (for plants), old measure of land’; N. āli ‘ridge in a field’; A. āli ‘embankment across a rice—field, road’; B. āli, ail ‘dividing ridge in a field’; Or. āṛi ‘ridge in a field’, āḷī ‘a class’; Bi. Mth. ār, ārī, āri, (Gaya) āil, (S. Munger) āl ‘boundary of a field’, H. ārī f., ālī f. ‘row, embank- ment’; M. āḷ, āḷī f. ‘lane, row’; Si. inscr. aḍi ‘canal’, mod. äla, äliya ‘stream, canal’. *kaṇāli—, *ghuṅghurāli—, *chinnāli—, *daṇḍāli—, dantāli—, dīpālī—, *pañjāli—, vātālī—; — *pāḍi—?
1103 *āḍu— ‘peach’. [Perh. < *ā̆rdūda— in Pahl. ālū d, Pers. ālū ‘plum’ → H. ālū] Ash. arū́ ‘peach’, Kt. aŕū̃, Wg. ā́rū̃, Dm. âru, Paš. arū́ (← Ind. IIFL iii 3, 15), Shum. arū́, Gaw. hā́rū, Kal. ā́ru, Tor. ā, Phal. ṓru, K. örü f., L. āṛū—dāṛū, P. āṛū m.; WPah. bhal. āru m. ‘peach—tree’, ārũ n. ‘peach’; Ku. āṛū ‘peach’, N. āru, H. āṛū m. Addenda: *āḍu—: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) aru m. ‘peach’, J. arū m. ‘apricot’.
1104 *āḍḍērikā— ‘a partic. plant’. S. āḍ̱erī f. ‘Solanum jacquinii’; N. aṛeri ‘a partic. thorny bush’; Mth. aṛer ‘the jujube tree’.
1235S ĀM ‘yes’
IA: CDIAL 1235 ām ‘yes’ Pāṇ. 2. ām ēva. 1. Pa. Pk. āma, Pk. āmaṁ, Tor. , K. rām. kash. ā̃, WPah. bhad. ā̃, Ku. N. ã, B. ā̃, Or. ā, G. āũ, M. ā; — with emph. h— or h— from verb ‘to be’ Pa. hōti &c.: Kho. , S. P. hā̃, Ku. N. , hā̃, B. Or. H. G. M. hā̃. 2. K. pog. āı̄̃, S. ā̃ı̃. Addenda: ām. 1. Garh. hā̃ ‘yes’, Ku. au, Md. ān̆ (RTMV2). 2. K. S. poss. < athakim, Pk. adhaïṁ, ahaïṁ ‘yes’.
DRAV: PSD1 ām yes (<āvum < ākum it may be)
DEDR 333 Ta. ā (āṉ-, āyi-), āku (āki-) to come into existence, happen, be, be fit, agreeable, be like, equal; ā becoming; ā (-pp-, -tt-) to cause, bring about; ākku (ākki-) to effect, make, cause to be, create, arrange; n. creation; ākkam creation, increase, prosperity; ākkaṉ that which is artificial; ākkiyōṉ creator, author of a book; ākkum perhaps, indeed; āka completely, in that fashion; adverbial suffix; ām yes, so, expressing assent, recollection (< ākum); ākātu no. Ma. ākuka to be that, become that, be what it ought to be, be right, be possible; ākkuka to make to be that; place, put, employ; ākkikka to cause to make; ākkam what one puts, contentment, strength, continuance; āka altogether, being, so as to be; ākum it will be thus, just so; ām id., interj. of agreeing. Ko. g- (y-/n-; some forms from -; gerunds ṛy, ṭy) to become; k- (yk-) to make to become, construct (plough); kc- (kc-) to make to become, prepare. To. x- (irregular with stems y-, n-, -) to become, be agreeable, be of use, menstruate; k- (ky-) to place; &otailside;, &otailside; &otailside;, &otailside;h&otailside; yes. Ka. āgu (ān-, āy-, etc.), agu (rare) to come into existence, happen, become, prove to be, be, etc.; n. becoming, coming to pass; āgisu to cause to become, bring about, perform; āguvike, āguha becoming, happening, etc.; -āgi adverbial suffix; āṃ interj. of assent of recollection. Koḍ. g- (irregular with stems y-, n, -) to become; ku yes, all right; k- (ki-) to make to stay in a place; aynï (? ynï) genuine, true; aynï mane central house of family. Tu. āpini (irregular forms, including 2 sg. neut. past āṇḍů) to be, become, grow, happen, occur, fit, suit, be possible, be related to; āvu it may be or may happen; yes. Te. agu, avu (ayi having become; allomorph kā-) to be, become, prove to be, be done, be fit, be agreeable; adj. which is; ayite possible, which may be or can be done, convenient; n. possibility, convenience; ayina which is or has become, agreeable, suitable; avunu yes; kāni bad, wrong; kādu no; -gā adverbial suffix; kāvincu to do, make, perform, produce, cause to be done. Kol. an- (irregular; past anḍ-; imper. n) to be in a place, be so-and-so; a- allomorph of er- (edd-) to become; p- (pt-) to keep in a place, entrust. Nk. anḍ- to be; āp- to keep; akk- to make, do. Nk. (Ch.) an- (anḍ-) to be. Go. (Tr.) aiānā (irregular; 3 sg. impf. ānd; some forms from stem ā-), (most dialects) ā- to be ( Voc. 115). Konḍa ā- (āt-, ān-) to be, become. Pe. ā- (āt-) id. Manḍ. ā- (āt-) id. Kui āva (āt-) to become, be, happen, be sufficient, finished; n. being, becoming, accomplishment, sufficiency; āpka (āpki-) pl. action; ā, āngo yes; āë [ā'e] no; (K.) a'e is not. Kuwi (F.) aiyali to be, become; (S.) ānai to occur; (Su. P. Isr.) ā- (āt-) to become, be; reciprocal auxiliary (also in F.); (F.) a'e no. Br. anning (stems an-, ar-, as-, a-) to be; All the languages use this verb as an auxiliary except Kui-Kuwi and Br. Cf. 339 Go. āittānā. / Cf. Skt. (Pāṇini) ām yes, Pali Pkt. āma, etc.; Turner, CDIAL , no. 1235; Parpola 1977-78, pp. 251-2. DED(S) 282.
COMM: 1. (FCS) The connection between these two items was proposed by Parpola (1977-8), along with several other words apparently shared by Drav. and IA in which Drav. initial #V1 corresponds to OIA #(h)V1 : see 13974S HAMBĀ, 140585S (H)Ā…I, 14132S (H)UM…, 14174S (H)ŌḌA. P’s suggestion, that the OIA h- reproduced a (non-phonemic) glottal stop used for emphasis preceding an initial vowel, is most plausible in the case of interjections, like the present case & others just cited. The Drav. derivation of ām from the copular verb is clear, though only to PSD1, while the OIA form occurs in Panini.
FCS, 23Oct2005 /
1303 *āraṭṭha— ‘hard, stiff’. N. araṭṭha ‘hard, stiff (of leather)’; Si. araṭuvā ‘heart or hard part of a tree’.
1353 *āla— 2 ‘hole for water’. [Cf. ālavāla— m. ‘basin for water round a tree’ Kālid., āvāla— m. lex. (not with Tedesco JAOS 67, 97), Pk. ālavāla— n., āvāla—, °aya- n. ‘place near water’] Pk. āla— n. ‘small stream or pond’; H. ālā m. ‘basin for water round a tree’; G. āḷiyɔ m. ‘large cavity in a wall’ Bloch LM 290; M. āḷẽ, aḷẽ n., aḷī f. ‘basin for water round a tree, any pool made to receive water’.
1489 *āsāṭa— ‘maggot’, āśātikā— f. ‘egg of fly or other insect, nit’ BHS II 109. Pa. āsāṭikā— f. ‘fly's egg, nit’; M. āsāḍī, as°, ãs°, āsḍī, as°, ãs° ‘spawn of flies settling on a wound, fly—blow, maggots’.
1555 *iṅghati ‘moves’. [√*iṅgh] Pa. iṅgha ‘come on!’; S. iṅghaṇu ‘to lengthen out, stretch, open out in wear’ or < ı̄́ṅkhati.
1593 *illi— ‘a kite’. [Cf. cilli—] S. hila f., L. hill, obl. °li f.; P. ill f. ‘kite, a kind of hawk’ (illaṛ m. ‘a foolish person’?), WPah. paṅ. cur. cam. bhal. ill f. ‘kite, vulture’; — semant. connexion doubtful with Pk. illi— m. ‘lion, tiger’, H. īl m. ‘a wild animal’.
1601 *iṣṭakālaya— ‘brick—mould’. [íṣṭakā—, ālaya—] M. iṭāḷẽ n.
1612 *īdhra— ‘clear sky’. 2. *īdhara— [īdhríya— ‘belonging to the clear sky’ TS.] 1. Kho. yudur ‘clear sky’ Morgenstierne Belvalkar- Vol 97. 2. Kt. īra, īr, Wg. īrƏ, Paš. īr m. vīdhrá—. īdhríya— see *īdhra—.
1632 *uṅghati ‘sleeps’. [√*uṅgh]. Pk. uṁghaï, ugghaï, oṁghaï ‘sleeps’; L. awāṇ. ughuṇ ‘to have a nap’; EP. uṅgha ‘to doze’; WPah. pāḍ. uṅhaṇ ‘to sleep’, Ku. uṅṇo, N. ũghnu; Or. uṅgeibā ‘to be drowsy’, H. ū̃ghnā, ū̃gnā; G. ũghvũ, ũghāvũ ‘to sleep’. Addenda: *uṅghati: Garh. ũgṇu ‘to be sleepy’.
1645 *ucciṅgaka— ‘a cricket’. [ucciṅgaṭa— m. ‘cricket, crab’ lex.; cf. ucciṭiṅga— m. ‘small venomous animal in the water, crab’, cicciṭiṅga— m. ‘a kind of venomous insect’ Suśr., ciṅgaṭa—, °aḍa— ‘shrimp’ lex.] A. usaṅgā ‘cricket’, B. uciṅgā, ucuṅgā. uccita— ‘gathered’ Kathās. [√ci 1] See *uccayayati.
1685 *uṭṭaṅgana— ‘name of a plant’. S. uṭaṅgaṇu m. ‘seed of Acanthodium hirtum (used in medicine)’; P. uṭaṅgaṇ m. ‘a plant of the order Acanthaceae (given medicinally for impotence)’; H. uṭaṅgan m. ‘a species of nettle the seeds of which are aphrodisiac’.
1693 *uḍidda— ‘a pulse’. Pk. uḍida— m.; H. uṛad, urad, urd, urdh m. ‘the pulse Dolichos pilosos’; G. aṛad, pl. aṛad or °diyā m. ‘the pulse Phaseolus radiatus’, M. uḍīd m.; — deriv. G. aṛadiyũ n. ‘sweetmeat made of its flour’, M. uḍdī ‘of the colour of uḍīd’. Addenda: *uḍidda—: Brj. udd m. ‘a pulse’ AO 32, 331. uḍḍayatē, uḍḍāpayati see uḍḍīyatē Add2.
2296 *upāñjati, úpānakti, pl. úpāñjanti ‘anoints, greases (a wheel)’ TS. [√añj] Pk. uṁjissaï ‘will wet’, uṁjia— ‘sprinkled’; G. ũjvũ ‘to oil, grease’; M. vãj̈ṇẽ ‘to smear a pot with oil or marking—nut’. — Perh. X mrákṣati in Si. vakanavā, see *upākna—.
2342 *umbāḍa— ‘firebrand’. [Conn. doubtful with úlmuka- m. AitBr., Pk. ummua— n.] S. umaṛu m. ‘lighted stick’, umāṛī f. ‘half—burnt log, firebrand’; G. umāṛ, °ṛɔ m., °ṛiyũ n. ‘firebrand’, ũbāṛiyũ n. ‘piece of wood lighted at one end’.
2344 *ummaḍ— ‘rise, bubble up’. 2. *ummaḍḍ—. 3. *um- māḍ—. [See *ubbal— and cf. *ummar—, *ummal—] 1. Ku. umaṇṇo ‘to bubble up, ferment’ (< *umaṛṇo?); N. umranu ‘to grow, boil up’ or < *ummar—; B. umṛā ‘to overflow’; G. umaṛvũ ‘to rise up, gather to a head, be produced’. 2. P. umaḍṇā, umaṇḍ° ‘to overflow, swell, rise (of a river)’; N. umaṛnu ‘to grow, boil up’; H. umaḍnā, umaṇḍ° ‘to swell, heave, increase’. 3. P. omāhṛā m. ‘rising of love’; N. umāṛnu ‘to cause to spring up’ (with from umaṛnu); M. umāḍā m. ‘over- flow, gushing forth’.
2345 *ummar— ‘rise, bubble up’. 2. *ummār—. [See *ubbal— and cf. *ummaḍ—, *ummal—] 1. N. umranu ‘to spring up, bubble up, grow’ or < *ummaḍ—. 2. Ku. umyār f. ‘growth, prosperity’; N. umārnu ‘to cause to grow’.
2346 *ummal— ‘rise, bubble up’. 2. *ummāl—. [See *ubbal— and cf. *ummar—, *ummaḍ—] 1. Ku. umalṇo ‘to boil, bubble up’; N. umlanu ‘to boil, ferment’; G. umaḷkɔ m. ‘emotion, ardent love’; M. umaḷṇẽ, umhaḷ° ‘to shed blood at every orifice’, umaḷ f. ‘qualmishness’; — unmaḷṇẽ ‘to heave (in the stomach)’ with unm— as Sanskritization. 2. Ku. umālṇo tr. ‘to boil’, N. umālnu; M. umaḷṇẽ, umhaḷ° ‘to slake lime’, umāḷā, umhāḷ° m. ‘boiling up’.
2402 *ūṇḍa— ‘deep’. 2. *ōṇḍa—. 3. *avōṇḍa—. 1. Pk. uṁḍa—, °aya— ‘deep’, S. ūnho; WPah. bhal. uṇḍe ‘down’; Ku. uno ‘low’, un ‘down’, uniṇo ‘to lower (of clouds)’; H. poet. ū̃ṛā ‘deep, sunk’; Marw. ū̃ṛo ‘deep’, G. ū̃ḍũ. 2. H. õ;ḍā ‘deep’, M. õ;ḍ, õ;ḍhā, õ;ḍhā. 3. H. aũḍā, OMarw. aũṛo. ūta— see *ūna2. Addenda: *ūṇḍa—: S.kcch. ūno ‘deep’.
2538 *ōkk— ‘vomit’. 2. *ōgg—. 3. *vākk—. [Onom.] 1. Pk. okkia— ‘vomited’; S. okaṇu ‘to vomit’, oka f. ‘vomiting’, Ku. okāṇo, N. okāunu, Or. okibā, uk°, okā, uk°, H. ok f., G. ɔkvũ, ɔki f., M. okṇẽ, ok f. — Ext. with —ār—: S. okāraṇu ‘to retch’, Or. okāribā, uk°; G. ɔkārī f. ‘vomiting, vomit’; M. okārā m. ‘retching’, Si. okkāraya. — A. okāliba ‘to eject from the mouth, retch’, Or. ukāḷibā, ok° ‘to vomit’ < utkālayati s.v. *utkalati influenced semant. at least by *ōkk—. 2. S. oǥaṇu ‘to vomit’. 3. N. wāk wāk garnu ‘to vomit’, wākāunu; B. oāk ‘retching’. *ōgg— ‘vomit’ see prec. Addenda: *ōkk— ‘vomit’. [~ Drav. DED 866]
2539 *ōggara— ‘gruel’. [← Turk. ögrä, ükrä, üg° ‘soup’ Brockelmann Mitteltürk. Wb. 235, ‘vermicelli’ Radloff Vergl. Wb. i 1813] Pk. oggara— m. ‘a kind of rice or grain’; P. ogrā m. ‘thick rice water’; Ku. ogro, wag° ‘gruel of rice and pulse as a sick diet’; H. ogrā, oghrā m. ‘a mixed dish, gruel, pottage’. ōgha— see aughá—.
2540 *ōccha— ‘small, thin, mean’. Pk. uccha— ‘low, mean’; Dm. ū́čha, ū́ča ‘little’; Kal. učı̄́k ‘light (of weight)’; Phal. účo ‘a little’; S. ocho ‘paltry, mean’, L. (Shahpur) ochā, awāṇ. hochā; P. ochā ‘light, vain, absurd’; WPah. bhal. hoccho ‘mean, low’; Ku. occho, wac° ‘mean, contemptible, arrogant’; Or. ocha ‘small, mean, exhausted’; Bhoj. ōch ‘mean’; H. ochā ‘empty, small, silly’; OG. uchaü ‘less’, G. ochũ ‘deficient, inferior’; M. os ‘desolate, depopulated’, osā m. ‘empty space in a cornfield’; — M. otsā light, mean, deficient’ ← H. or G. Addenda: *ōccha— [~ *hōccha— Add2; cf. WPah.kṭg. ókkhɔ ‘small’ ~ *hōkkha— Add2]: S.kcch. ochū̃ keṇū ‘to lessen’.
2544 *ōṭṭā— ‘shelter, screen’. 2. *ōttā—, which is therefore prob. not < *apagupta— or *avag°. 3. *ōḍḍā—. [Poss. further conn. with *ōḍḍh— ‘dress, cover’, but to be separated from forms < *apaghaṭya—, °ghāṭa—, °ghāṭayati] 1. S. oṭa f. ‘protection, shelter’; L. P. oṭ f. ‘support, shelter’; Ku. woṭ ‘shade’; H. oṭ f. ‘obstruction’, oṭal f. ‘screen’, oṭnā ‘to cover, screen’; G. oṭ f. ‘curtain, partition’, oṭlī f., °lɔ m. ‘veranda, porch, raised platform to sit on’; M. oṭī f. ‘veranda or unwalled space in front of or behind central space’, oṭā m. ‘parapet along terrace, raised mass of earth or bricks’. 2. N. ot ‘shelter’; B. ot ‘screen, shield, ambush’, ote ‘secretly’; OMth. ota ‘screen, shelter’. 3. G. oḍ f., oḍɔ m. ‘curtain to stop draught’ (bec. of , not , conn. unlikely with apaṭī— f. ‘screen of cloth’ lex. or *avavr̥ta—, Pa. ōvaṭa— ‘obstructed’). Addenda: *ōṭṭā—. 2. *ōḍḍā—: S.kcch. oḍāṇū ‘to shut (the eyes)’. *ōḍḍā— ‘screen’ see *ōṭṭā— Add2.
2545 *ōḍā— ‘furrow’. [Conn. with ṓḍha— ‘driven near’ ŚBr. very doubtful] S. oṛa f. ‘drawn line, furrow’; L. ōṛ, pl. ōṛã f. ‘furrow’, P. oṛ f., Or. oṛibā ‘to plough a field once’, oṛe cāsa ‘one ploughing’.
2547 *ōḍḍh— ‘put on, wear, cover’. [← Drav. cf. Tam. uṭu—, Kan. uḍu— ‘to dress’, Tel. uḍupu ‘dress’ (though ac. to T. Burrow BSOAS xii 134 < *cuṭu). The forms of all languages (except Tir., see below) must or may contain —ḍḍh—: conn. therefore with váhati ‘wears clothes’ Mr̥cch. (vṓḍhum LM 302) is unlikely.] Pk. oḍḍhigā—, uḍḍhiyā— f. ‘blanket for wearing’, oḍḍhaṇa— n. ‘cloak’, ōyaḍḍhī—, °iyā— f.; Gy. eur. uryel ‘puts on, wears’, germ. wel. riv— tr. and intr. orig. a causative from uri—; Dm. ōŕ ‘scabbard’; K. wuḍiñ f. ‘mantle’; S. oḍhaṇu ‘to spread clothes over, put on’, oḍhiṇī f. ‘mantle’; L. oḍhṇā m. ‘shoulder—wrap’, oḍhur m., loc. —ir ‘screen’; P. uḍhāuṇā ‘to cause to be worn’, oḍhṇī f. ‘small sheet, woman's veil’; Ku. oṛhṇo ‘to wear’, waṛhoṇo ‘to clothe’, gng. oṛīṇ ‘covering cloth’; N. oṛnu ‘to put on’, oṛāunu ‘to cover up’; A. uriba ‘to put on clothes’, orani, oronā ‘veil’; B. oṛ ‘pillowcase’ (ODBL 329 wrongly < avavēṣṭ—), uṛani, uṛuni ‘sheet worn as a cloak’, oṛnā ‘veil’; Or. oṛhibā, uṛh° ‘to wear’, oṛhaṇī, uṛh° ‘flowing upper garment’, oṛhaṇa, °ṇā, uṛaṇā ‘veil’; OMth. oṛhana ‘wrapper’, Bhoj. Aw. lakh. oṛhanā ‘mantle’; H. oṛhnā ‘to cover’, caus. uṛhānā, oṛhan m. ‘shield’, oṛhnī f. ‘sheet’; OMarw. auḍhaï ‘covers’ (au spelling for o?); OG. uḍhiu ‘spread over’, uḍhaṇauṁ n. ‘covering sheet’, G. oḍhvũ, oḍ° ‘to put on’, caus. oḍhāvvũ, oḍhɔ m. ‘cloth covering’, oḍhṇī f., °ṇũ n. ‘girl's upper garment’; M. oḍaṇ n. ‘shield’, oḍhṇī f. ‘shawl worn by women over head and shoulders’; — Si. uḍe ‘breeches (worn under cloth)’ perh. direct ← Tam. — Pk. ūḍhiaya— ‘covered’ and Tir. uṛiem ‘I put on clothes’ (though with < —ḍh— not —ḍḍh— AO xii 176) belong here rather than < ūḍhá—. — Paš. oṛ— ‘to twist, plait, braid’ despite IIFL iii 3, 17 < upavēṣṭayati. Addenda: *ōḍḍh— ‘cover’: Brj. uṛhnā̃ m.pl. ‘clothes’.
2548 *ōḍḍhara— ‘cave, hiding place’. L. oḍhur m. ‘screen’, oḍhir adv. ‘out of sight’ < *ōḍḍharē; Ku. uṛiyār ‘cave, den, hole’, N. oṛhyār, oṛer.
2556 *ōpp— ‘polish’. Pk. oppa— ‘rubbed, polished’, °pā— f. ‘polishing jewels’, °pia— ‘polished’; Or. upibā ‘to polish’; Bi. ŏpnī ‘jeweller's polishing stone’; H. opnā ‘to polish’, op f. ‘lustre’; G. opvũ ‘to polish, bleach, gild’, op m. ‘polish’; M. opṇẽ ‘to be bleached’, opaviṇẽ ‘to polish’, op m. ‘polish’; Si. opa ‘lustre, polish’.
2557 *ōmbāl— ‘immerse’. Pk. oṁbālaï ‘dips, covers’, °lia—; M. õ;baḷṇẽ, omaḷ° ‘to dip and wring, wash slightly’. ōla— see next.
2560 *ōllanī— ‘spiced milk’. Pk. ollaṇī f. ‘curds seasoned with cinnamon &c.’; N. olan ‘milk and curds, allowance of milk for shepherds’. Addenda: *ōllanī— ‘spiced milk’: WPah.Wkc. olƏṇ ‘a partic. sauce or soup’, J. olaṇ m. ‘soup of cooked pulse’.
2576S kam̐sa-
IA: CDIAL 2576 kam̐sá- 1 m. ‘metal cup’ AV., m.n. ‘bell—metal’ Pat. as in S., but would in Pa. Pk. and most NIA. lggs. collide with kā́ṁsya— to which L. P. testify and under which the remaining forms for the metal are listed. 2. *kaṁsikā—. 1. Pa. kaṁsa— m. ‘bronze dish’; S. kañjho m. ‘bell- metal’; A. kā̃h ‘gong’; Or. kãsā ‘big pot of bell—metal’; OMarw. kāso (= kā̃—?) m. ‘bell—metal tray for food, food’; G. kā̃sā m. pl. ‘cymbals’; — perh. Woṭ. kasṓṭ m. ‘metal pot’ Buddruss Woṭ 109. 2. Pk. kaṁsiā— f. ‘a kind of musical instrument’; K. kë̆nzü f. ‘clay or copper pot’; A. kā̃hi ‘bell—metal dish’; G. kā̃śī f. ‘bell—metal cymbal’, kā̃śiyɔ m. ‘open bell- metal pan’. kā́ṁsya—; — *kaṁsāvatī—? Addenda: kaṁsá—1: A. kā̃h also ‘gong’ or < kā́ṁsya—. COMM: etymology unclear, s. Mayrhofer, EWAia I 285 sq.: cf. Vedic camasá 'bowl', Lat. cumerum 'small box', or note O.Prussian kassoye 'brass', and thus the possibility of an old word of culture. (MW 4/26/08)
IA: kakárdu- only at RV 10.102.6. Unclear etym. acc. tp Mayrhofer, EWAia I 286. - Perhaps onomatopoetic for 'making the noise of a wooden club'; cf. Kuiper, Aryans 1991.
IA: kakkaṭá- 'a kind of bird' KS, VS; kakuṭhá MS, katkaṭá TS;
apparently onomatopoetic; the meaning 'lobster' is a guess based on Epic, Classic Skt. karkaṭa 'lobster; see EWAia I 287
2595 kaṅká— m. ‘heron’ VS. [← Drav. T. Burrow TPS 1945, 87; onomat. Mayrhofer EWA i 137. Drav. influence certain in o of M. and Si.: Tam. Kan. Mal. kokku ‘crane’, Tu. korṅgu, Tel. koṅga, Kuvi koṅgi, Kui kohko] Pa. kaṅka— m. ‘heron’, Pk. kaṁka— m., S. kaṅgu m. ‘crane, heron’ (→ Bal. kang); B. kā̃k ‘heron’, Or. kāṅka; G. kā̃kṛũ n. ‘a partic. ravenous bird’; — with o from Drav.: M. kõ;kā m. ‘heron’; Si. kokā, pl. kokku ‘various kinds of crane or heron’, kekī ‘female crane’, kēki ‘a species of crane, the paddy bird’ (ē?) COMM: IA etymology from kaṅk 'to pierce, or onomatopoetic, EWAia I 289; note Caucasian (Dargwa) q'anq 'heron, bussard', < P. North Cauc. *qəərəə'wV. (MW 4/29/08)
2603S káṅkata-
IA: káṅkata- m. a kind of vermin RV 1.191.1, cf. RV 1.191.7 pra-kaṅkatá-; AV 14.2.68 kánkata- m. 'comb', see CDIAL 2598 sqq; cf. also KS víkaṅkata- KEWA III 201, and ŚB Kaṅkatīya 'name of a clan'.
COMM: Probably connected with 2602S kaṅká- both meaning 'piercer'; EWAia I 289; cf. Kuiper, Aryans 1991. (MW 4/29/08)
2604 *kaṅkāla— 2 ‘poor, miserable’. [Poss. same as kaṅkāla1 which in Pa. has a for ā, as in kaṅkara2] Kho. (Lor.) k *l ṅgāl ‘stupid, lazy, hard of hearing’; K. kangāl, L. kaṅgāl ‘poor’; P. kaṅgāl m. ‘beggar’ (→ H. kãgāl, °lī ‘poor’, f. ‘poverty’; B. kāṅgāl, °gāli ‘poor’, Or. kāṅgāḷa, kaṅgāḷi, OMarw. kaṅgāla, G. kãgāḷ, M. kãgāl); WPah. bhal. káṅkāl ‘poor’, Ku. gng. kaṅāw, N. kaṅgāl, °li; M. kãkāḷā ‘cruel’.
2606 *kaṅkunī— ‘a panic grain’. 2. kaṅgunī— f. ‘Celastrus paniculatus’ Bhpr. 3. *ṭaṅgunī—. [kaṅku—] 1. Paš. kaṅgunī ‘millet’, K. kangnī ‘the millet Setaria italica’, S. kaṅgiṇī f. ‘the millet Panicum italicum’, P. kaṅgaṇ m., °ṇī f., H. kākun, °kan m., kā̃kunī f. 2. WPah. bhal. kōṇī f. ‘a minute rice—like grain eaten by birds’ (< *kaṅuṇī?); Ku. kauṇī ‘millet’, N. kā̃guni, kāg°, kāũni, kāgunu, kāṅni, kāmni, Bi. (SMunger) kāun, °nī, H. kā̃gan m., kā̃gnī, kãg f., M. kā̃guṇī, °goṇī, °gṇī f. 3. Pa. —ḍaṅgula— (< *ṭaṅguna— E. H. Johnston JRAS 1931, 585); Bi. (Gaya) ṭā̃gun ‘Setaria italica, Panicum italicum’, (SW) ṭãgunī. *kāṅkunikā—; *kaṅgunītaila—. Addenda: *kaṅkunī—. 4. †;*kāgunī—: WPah.kc. kauṇe f. ‘millet’, kṭg. kauṇi f., J. kauṇī f., bhal. kōṇī f., N. kāuni, Bi. kāun Him.I 14 (but rather dissim. < *kā̃gunī, *kāṅunī as in N. kāũni). †;KAC ‘pull, fasten, tie’: †;*kacyatē.
IA: káṅkūṣa- AV 9.8.2 (~ AVP kaṅkukha, miswriting based on pronunciation), probably a part of the head.
COMM: unclear etymology (connected with kaṅká 'piercer'?) EWAai I 289
2610 *kacc— 1 ‘pull’. [Cf. kácatē ‘fastens’ Dhātup., kacākaci ‘mutual pulling of hair’ MBh., kaca— m. ‘band, hem’ lex., ‘hair of head’ Kālid., kacēla— m. ‘string holding manuscript leaves together’ lex.] A. kasiba ‘to draw tight’, B. kac ‘a tying, bond’ (← Sk.?), kacā ‘to test’ (semant. cf. M. kaḍasṇī ‘binding rope ~ investigation’); Or. kacibā ‘to masturbate’. — Ext. with —akka—: H. kacaknā ‘to be sprained, be jerked’; G. kacakvũ ‘to bind tightly’; M. kaċakṇẽ ‘to pull smartly, jerk’, kaċkāviṇẽ ‘to bind tightly’.
2611 *kacc— 2 ‘crush, press’. Pk. kaccaṁta— ‘being pressed’; N. kacāk—kucuk ‘crushed (of paper)’, kac—pac ‘hotch—potch’; H. kacākac ‘densely crowded’, kac—pac f. ‘hotch—potch’; G. kacarvũ ‘to press’, kac—pac f. ‘crowd of noisy little boys’.
2612 *kacc— 3 ‘restless’. [Cf. kácati ‘shouts’ Vop., but perh. same as *kacc2] Ku. kackacāṭ ‘quarrelling’; N. kackac ‘constant grumbling’, kacmac ‘disturbed (of sleep)’; A. kaskasni ‘restlessness’, Or. kacakaca, H. kackac f.; G. kac f. ‘brawl’, kaciyārɔ m. ‘troop of discontented children’, kackac f. ‘restlessness’, M. kaċkaċ f.
2613 *kacca— 1 ‘raw, unripe’. Sh. (Lor.) kačo, kha° ‘bad’; K. kocu ‘unripe, raw, imperfect’ (← Ind. with c); S. kaco ‘raw’, L. kaccā ‘unripe, incomplete’; P. kaccā ‘raw, unbaked’ (→ H. M. kaccā); WPah. bhal. kaċċo ‘raw’; Ku. kāco ‘unripe’; N. kāco, kā̃co ‘unripe, uncooked’; A. kā̃si ‘new (of moon)’; B. kā̃cā ‘raw, unripe’, Or. kācā, kacā, kañcā, Mth. kā̃c, °ce, Aw. lakh. kācā, H. kāc, °cā, kā̃c, °cā, G. kācũ, M. kāċā. *kacca— 2 ‘mud’ see *kicca— and kaccara1. Addenda: *kacca—1: S.kcch. kaco ‘unripe, raw’; WPah.kṭg. kaċɔ. — + intensive †;niṣ—: OP. nikaccu ‘utterly imperfect’ C. Shackle.
2614 *kaccapūra— ‘a wheaten cake’. [pūra2 with?] S. kacorī f. ‘wheaten sweetmeat’, L. kacôrī f., P. kacorī f. ‘cake of wheaten pastry’; N. kacauri ‘cake of sugar and white flour’; B. Or. kacuri ‘wheaten pastry stuffed with pulse’, H. kacaurī f.; G. kacorī f. ‘wheaten sweetmeat’, M. kaċorī f. Addenda: *kaccapūra—: WPah.kṭg. kƏċɔru m. ‘small pie or wafer’.
2616 *kaccōla— ‘cup’. [Cf. *kaṭṭōra—] Pk. kaccōla—, °aya— m. ‘cup’; Bi. kacorā ‘vessel for eating from with a projecting base’ (→ N. kacaurā ‘cup’, °ri ‘small do.’); M. kaċoḷ, °ḷẽ n. ‘little metal vessel to hold rice’.
2617 *kacch— ‘measure’. S. kachaṇu ‘to measure’, kāchu m. ‘land—measurer’, °cho m. ‘measure, size’; L. kacchaṇ ‘to measure by length’; P. kacchṇā ‘to measure (esp. land)’, kacch, kācch f. ‘measurement of a field’.
2626 *kañcu— ‘skin of a snake’. 2. kañcuka— m. ‘corselet, jacket’ R., ‘snake's slough’ Pañcat., ‘husk’ BhP. [Poss. ← Mu. Kuiper AO xvi 307, EWA i 140] 1. Pk. kaṁcu— m. ‘snake's slough, woman's bodice’; L. awāṇ. kuñj ‘snake's slough’, P. kañj, kuñj f., WPah. khaś. sap—koċ, śeu. sap—coc, 1. rudh. sap—ganj̈, marm. sap—kos. 2. Pa. kañcuka— m. ‘snake's slough, bodice, armour’, Pk. kaṁcua— m.; N. kā̃jo ‘band of metal round joint of a khukri’; H. kā̃cū, kãcuwā m. ‘bodice, shirt’; M. kā̃ċvā m. ‘a sort of waistcoat’. kañculī—. Addenda: kañcu—. 2. kañcuka—: OMarw. kaṁcū m. ‘bodice’. kañcuka— see kañcu— Add2.
IA: káṭ TĀ, interjection. cf. kháṭ. EWAia I 289
káṭa 2629 káṭa1 m. ʻ twist of straw, mat ʼ TS., káṭaka -- m.n. ʻ twist of straw ʼ Kād., ʻ bridle ring ʼ Suśr., ʻ bracelet ʼ Kālid., kaṭikā -- f. ʻ straw mat ʼ KātyŚr. com. [Derivation as early MIA. form of *kr̥ta -- 2 ~ kr̥ṇátti EWA i 141 is supported by S. P. L. forms of the latter q.v. In NIA., except in G., káṭa -- 1 has developed as ʻ ring, bracelet, chain ʼ.] Pa. kaṭa -- m. ʻ mat ʼ, °aka -- m.n. ʻ ring, bracelet ʼ; Pk. kaḍaya -- m.n. ʻ ring ʼ, kaḍā -- f. ʻ chain ʼ; Gy. wel. kerō m. ʻ bracelet ʼ, gr. koró; Dm. kaŕaī; Paš. kāṛa ʻ snare (made of horsehair) ʼ IIFL iii 3, 98 with (?); Phal. kāṛa ʻ bracelet ʼ, Sh. kāvṷ m., (Lor.) kāo, K. karu m.; S. kaṛo m. ʻ ring, chain or hasp to fasten door, buttonhole ʼ, °ṛī f. ʻ metal ring, anklet ʼ; L. kaṛā m. ʻ bracelet, magic circle drawn round person or garden produce to keep off jinni ʼ, °ṛī f. ʻ anklet ʼ; P. kaṛā m. ʻ bracelet, tyre of wheel ʼ, °ṛī f. ʻ ring, manacle ʼ; WPah. bhal. kaṛu n. ʻ link of a chain ʼ; Ku. kāṛo ʻ bangle ʼ; N. karo, pl. °rā ʻ rings of a vessel by which it is lifted ʼ; B. kaṛ ʻ lac bracelet worn by women with living husbands ʼ, kaṛā ʻ metal ring ʼ, °ṛi ʻ ring, bracelet ʼ; Or. kaṛā ʻ metal ring, link ʼ; Bi. karā ʻ handle of a vessel ʼ; H. kaṛā m. ʻ ring, bracelet, anklet ʼ, °ṛī f. ʻ metal ring ʼ (→ Bi. Mth. kaṛī ʻ iron ring ʼ); Marw. kaṛo m. ʻ bracelet ʼ; G. kaṛo m. ʻ large mat ʼ, °ṛũ n. ʻ circular ring of gold or silver ʼ, °ṛī f. ʻ link, hook, chain ʼ; M. kaḍẽ n., °ḍī f. ʻ metal ring ʼ. -- Ext. with -- ḍa -- : G. karṛɔ m. ʻ toe ring ʼ, °ṛī f. ʻ ear -- ring ʼ; -- with -- la -- : N. kalli ʻ anklet ʼ; G. kaḍlũ, kallũ n. ʻ bracelet, anklet ʼ, kaḍlī, kallī f. ʻ ring, armlet ʼ. *kaṭāṅka -- ; *graivakaṭa -- .
kaṭa 2630 kaṭa2 m. ʻ grass, Saccharum sara ʼ lex. [See khaṭa -- ] Pa. kaṭa -- sara -- m. ʻ the reed S. sara ʼ; Pk. kaḍa -- m. ʻ grass, a partic. kind of grass ʼ, °aya -- n. ʻ stem of sugarcane &c. ʼ; WPah. bhad. keṛu ʻ firewood ʼ (or < kaṭa -- 3); Mth. kar ʻ hollow stalk of S. sara ʼ; -- Kt. kaṭẽ ʻ millet straw ʼ with ṭ < ṭṭ as with kaṭa -- 3?
2633 *kaṭacchu—, kaḍacchaka— m. ‘ladle’ MW. Pa. kaṭacchu— m. ‘ladle, spoon’, °uka— adj.; Pk. kaḍacchu— f. ‘ladle’, kaḍucchu— m.f., °chuya—, °chaya- m.; K. kroċhu m. ‘long—handled iron stoking shovel’, krüċhü f. ‘cooking ladle’; S. kaṛchu m., °chī f., kaṇchu m., °chī f. ‘iron ladle’, L. awāṇ. kaṛchī, P. kaṛach, kaṛchā m., °chī f., WPah. bhal. kaṛċhī f.; Mth. (NETirhut) karuch ‘confectioner's spoon’; H. kaṛchā m., °chī f., karchā m. ‘iron ladle’, G. kaṛchɔ m., °chī f.; M. kaḍcī f. ‘small boiler or saucepan’, karchā m. ‘flat ladle’ (both ← H.?); Si. keṇesi ‘spoon’ Hettiaratchi Indeclinables 6. - Ext. with —l—: Ku. karchulo ‘stirring spoon’ (← Bi. or EH.); N. karchul ‘ladle’, A. karsali, Bi. karchul, H. karchul, °chal f. — X kaláśa—: Bi. (SW) kalus ‘iron spoon’, (Shahabad) kaluch, kalchā, (Saran) kalchul, (Patna) kalchulā (or dissim. < karchul &c.?), Aw. lakh. kalchul, H. kalchā m., °chī f., kalchul f., °lā m. *dhūmakaṭacchu—. Addenda: kaṭacchu— ‘ladle’ VarBr̥S.: S.kcch. kachī f. ‘ladle’.
2644 *kaṭṭ— ‘sound or result of striking’. [Cf. kaṭakaṭā] N. kaṭkaṭi ‘pain’; B. kaṭkaṭ ‘sound of striking’; Or. kaṭakaṭa ‘sharp pain’; H. kaṭkaṭī f. ‘grinding the teeth, trouble’; G. kaṭkaṭ f. ‘teasing’; M. kaṭkaṭṇẽ ‘to cackle, fret’, kaṭkaṭ f. ‘teasing’. *kaṭṭa— 1 ‘dregs’ see kiṭṭa—.
2645 *kaṭṭa— 2 ‘young male animal’. [Cf. kaṭāha2 m. ‘young male buffalo with horns just appearing’ prob. ← Drav. T. Burrow BSOAS xii 368; *kaḍḍa—, *kēṭṭa—] Gaw. kaṭái ‘buffalo calf’, Bshk. kaṭṓr, Sh. (Lor.) k *l tu (?); K. kaṭh, dat. °ṭas m. ‘ram, sheep in general, (con- temptuous) son’; L. kaṭṭā m., °ṭī f. ‘buffalo calf’; P. kaṭṭā m., °ṭī f. ‘yearling buffalo’, kaṭṭū m. ‘young buffalo bull’, kaṭṛā m., °ṛī f. ‘young buffalo’; WPah. khaś. rudh. marm. kaṭṛu ‘buffalo calf’, bhal. kaṭṭā m., °ṭī f. ‘buffalo calf’, kaṭru n. ‘bear cub’; Ku. kāṭo ‘young buffalo bull’, kaṭyāro ‘young buffalo’; H. kaṭiyā f. ‘buffalo heifer’, kaṭrā m. ‘buffalo calf’, kaṭhṛā m. ‘young buffalo bull’; — WPah. bhal. sakaṭṭ f. ‘she—bear with young’ prob. WPah. cmpd.
2648 *kaṭṭōra— ‘cup’. [kaṭōra— m. lex., cf. karōṭi—, *kac- cōla—] Pk. kaṭṭōraga— m. ‘cup’, S. kaṭoro m.; L. kaṭorī f. ‘small open—mouthed cup’, P. kaṭorā m., °rī f.; WPah. bhal. kaṭori f. ‘the cup holding charcoal in a hookah’; B. kaṭorā ‘cup’, Or. kaṭora, °rā, kaṭarā; Bi. kaṭorā ‘flat dish for eating from’; OMth. kaṭora ‘cup’, H. kaṭorā m., °rī f., G. kaṭorɔ m., °rī f., M. kaṭorā m.
2649S kaṭha-
kaṭha- name of the eponymic founder of the Kaṭha branch (śākhā) of the Black Yajurveda; Kāṭhaka- YV Saṃhitā of this school (Pāṇini) and of a Panjab tribe (Patañjal)i; -- etym.: eitther with MIA development from *kṛtha- 'act of carrying out a magical ritual' (Witzel, Studien zur Indologie und Iranistik 10, 1985, 233;cf. Kaṇva (Mayrhofer , EWA I 290) or a subsytrate word (cf. Kuiper, Aryans 1991); note the tribal name Kathaioi attested in Alexander's records (Arrian, etc.).
2649S.1 kaḍá-
kaḍá- 'mute, husky'. ŚB, kalá ŚBK; cf. RV 1.116.13 karā' (if that menas 'husky'), See EWA I 290-1 'unclear', with lit.; cf. Turner 2649: Late Skt kalya 'mute-deaf'.
2650S kaḍá-
kaḍ'a- 'mute, husky'. ŚB, kalá ŚBK; cf. RV 1.116.13 karā' (if that menas 'husky'), See EWA I 290-1 'unclear', with lit.; cf. Turner 2649: Late Skt. kalya 'mute-deaf'.
2652 *kaḍappa— ‘collection’. [Like kalāpa— ← Drav.] Pk. kaḍappa— m. ‘collection, bundle’; G. kaṛap m. ‘a few handfuls of plants &c. uprooted and thrown together to dry for making into bundles’, kaṛaplũ n. ‘small do.’, kaṛab n. ‘dried stalks of millet &c. used as fodder’; M. kaḍap n. ‘bundle of gram &c. picked for drying before stacking’.
káḍāra ʻ having projecting teeth ʼ (for this meaning see H. Lüders AO xvi 131), karāla -- (< *kaḷāra -- J. Charpentier MO xxvi 150) ʻ gaping ʼ R., ʻ gaping with projecting teeth ʼ BhP., ʻ dreadful ʼ MBh. Pa. kaḷāra -- ʻ projecting (of teeth) ʼ; Pk. karāla<-> ʻ gaping, dreadful, high ʼ; Ash. kaṛák ʻ wolf ʼ NTS ii 262 with (?), Paš. lagh. kaṛāˊl, dar. karāˊṛ, nir. koṛá̃̄ IIFL iii 3, 98, Phal. karāˊṛo m., karḗṛi f.; N. karālo ʻ steep, slanting ʼ; H. karāl ʻ lofty, terrible ʼ, karāl, kaṛāṛā, karārā m. ʻ precipice ʼ; G. karāḷ ʻ formidable, lofty ʼ, (Surat) karār ʻ sloping ʼ, karāṛi f. ʻ precipice ʼ, karāṛɔ m. ʻ high and steep bank ʼ, °ṛī f. ʻ deep hollow in river -- bed ʼ --- Comm. since Pāṇini, Pat.; kaḷāra- in Later Skt.; EWA I 291 "unclear". Expl. from Drav. by Burrow, Kratylos 21 (1938) 65 denied by Mayrhofer; cf KEWA I I 145.
2658 *kaḍḍa— ‘young male animal’. [Cf. *kaṭṭa—2, *kēṭṭa—, *pāḍḍa—] Or. kaṛā ‘castrated male buffalo’, kaṛāi ‘young buffalo cow that has not calved’, kaṛhi ‘lamb that has not borne’; Bi. kāṛā m., °ṛī f. ‘buffalo calf’, H. kāṛā m. Addenda: *kaḍḍa— cf. khaḍḍu— Add2.
2660 *kaḍḍhati ‘pulls, draws’. [√*kaḍḍh] Pa. kaḍḍhati; Pk. kaḍḍhaï; ‘pulls, makes a line, ploughs’; Gy. germ. kār— ‘to move’; Woṭ. kaṛ— ‘to pull’, Gaw. khaṛa—; K. kaḍun ‘to pull out’, vill. karun (mis- taken imitation of city pronunciation in which r < MIA. = vill. , whereas ḍḍ > in both), rām. kāri imper., kash. kaḍi absol., S. kaḍhaṇu, L. kaḍḍhaṇ, P. kaḍḍhṇā, WPah. bhad. kaḍḍhṇū, pan. kāḍh imper., cur. kaḍḍhṇā, N. kāṛnu, A. kāṛiba, B. kāṛā, Or. kāṛibā, Mth. Aw. lakh. kāṛhab, H. kāṛhnā (whence intr. kaṛhnā ‘to be drawn’), OMarw. kāḍhaï, G. kāḍhvũ, kāḍvũ; M. kāḍhṇẽ ‘to take out’, intr. ‘to abate’; Ko. kāḍūka ‘to remove’. Addenda: kaḍḍhati: S.kcch. kaḍhṇū ‘to take out, squeeze out (juice etc.)’; A. also kāṛhiba ‘to draw, snatch away’ AFD 142, 328.
attested in RV 10.132.7 kaṇūkāy- "", perhaps 'to lament'; s. EWA I 291; cf. Oldenberg, Noten II 350, Geldner RV vol. III 365.
2670 *kaṇṭa— 3 ‘backbone, podex, penis’. 2. *kaṇḍa—. 3. *karaṇḍa4. (Cf. *kāṭa—2, *ḍākka2: poss. same as káṇṭa1] 1. Pa. piṭṭhi—kaṇṭaka— m. ‘bone of the spine’; Gy. eur. kanro m. ‘penis’ (or < káṇṭaka—); Tir. mar—kaṇḍḗ ‘back (of the body)’; S. kaṇḍo m. ‘back’, L. kaṇḍ f., kaṇḍā m. ‘backbone’, awāṇ. kaṇḍ, °ḍī ‘back’; P. kaṇḍ f. ‘back, pubes’; WPah. bhal. kaṇṭ f. ‘syphilis’; N. kaṇḍo ‘buttock, rump, anus’, kaṇḍeulo ‘small of the back’; B. kā̃ṭ ‘clitoris’; Or. kaṇṭi ‘handle of a plough’; H. kā̃ṭā m. ‘spine’, G. kā̃ṭɔ m., M. kā̃ṭā m.; Si. äṭa—kaṭuva ‘bone’, piṭa—k° ‘backbone’. 2. Pk. kaṁḍa— m. ‘backbone’. 3. Pk. karaṁḍa— m.n. ‘bone shaped like a bamboo’, karaṁḍuya— n. ‘backbone’. *ūrdhvakaṇṭa—. káṇṭaka— see kaṇṭa1.
2671S kaṇṭaka-
kaṇṭaka 'thorn' ŚB + Mayrhofer, EWA I 292 'unclear'
2673S kaṇṭa-
kaṇṭha- 'throat' ŚB +; sahá-kaṇṭhikā 'along with the windpipe' AV; Mayrhofer, EWA I 292 'unclear'; however: cf. Drav: Kannada gaṇt(a)lu, gaṇṭala 'throat' Turner, CDIAL 2680: several divergent forms such as IA *gāṭṭa, class. Sklt. ghāṭā etc. cf. also kandhara and IE forms; further K. Hoffmann, IIJ 4, 1960, 114 on tenuis aspiratae in designations of body parts
2680S kaṇḍūy-
kaṇḍūy- 'to scratch' KS+ etc.; Mayrhofer EWA I 292 'not clear' - (Turner 2688 sqq). Cf. sṛkaṇḍu 'itching' Lex.; Mayrhofer denies connection with a prefixing language (*sṛ-kaṇḍ-), see KEWA III 497
2685S kaṇva-
kaṇva- name of a Ṛṣī and his clan. cf. kiṇva-
2698 *kattara— ‘useless, old, rubbish’. 2. *kattavāra—. [Just poss. comparative of kad pejorative prefix Pāṇ.; but cf. *katta— ‘dregs’, kaccara1 ‘dirty’ with same formation in Pk. kaccavāra— as 2 above; and Sk. kātara—] 1. Pa. kattara— m. ‘weak decrepit man’, kattara—ratha- ‘an old chariot’, kattara—suppa— ‘winnowing basket’; Pk. kattara— m. ‘useless grass, sweepings, rubbish’; S. kataru m. ‘husk, bran’; Ku. kātri ‘poor clothes’. 2. Pk. katavāra— m. ‘rubbish’; H. katwār m. ‘chaff, sweepings’. *kattarayaṣṭi—.
2711 *kadarikā—, kadara— m. ‘iron goad for guiding an elephant’ lex. Paš. kuṛ. kṓri ‘dagger’ < *kāri IIFL iii 3, 97 with (?).
2715S kádru
red-brown TS+; related with Later Avestan kadruuua.aspa 'with brown horses', name of a mountain. Further connection are unclear (Mayrhofer EWA I 295). Note kadrū'- RV (a name), KS (name of a personified Soma vessel), to be compared with tríkadruka- RV
2720S kanaka-
kanaka- 'gold' Br.+ cf. kanā'tkabhá- TB; "not explained satisfactorily' Mayrhofer EWA I 296; Often connected with kañcana 'gold' (Manu, Epics+), Greek knēkós, German Honig; -- note also Burushaski kan 'gold'.
2730S kandhara-
kandara- 'throat' Up, Yājñ. Sm. "unclear" Mayrhofer EWA I 297; connected with kaṇṭḥa- 'throat'? Note also *kandha- (skandhá-) shoulder' and reflexes in Dardic and NIA (CDIAL 13627):
2731 *kannasī— ‘file’. S. kanãhı̃ f. ‘three—cornered file for sharpening saws’; G. kānas f. ‘file, saw’; M. kānas m.f. ‘file, saw’, kānasṇẽ ‘to file’.
2740S kapaṭu-
kapaṭu- m. 'mushroom' AV Paipp., -kapaṭu- JB, Sū; kavaka- m. Manu, Yājn. 'mushroom'. Mayrhofere I 299 "foreign word". -- Cf. Munda: Sora pud-ən (from 'batīn?), cf. Karia u'ḍ, Santali o'd, Mundari, Ho u'd, Korku ut 'mushroom'; note however Mon ptun 'mushroom,' Pinnow, Kharia-Sprache, p. 121: 232. (MW 6/11/10)
2745S kaparda-
kaparda- m. 'braid, wound up hair' RV 10.114.3, -kaparda- 7.33.1, kapardin RV (epithet of Rudra); cf. kabara-, kavara- 'braid' in later Skt. (see below). -- Mayrhofer EWA I 299: "snail-like form to be connected with kaparda(ka) 'cowry' (class. Skt.), cf. NIA forms CDIAL 2740, 7422"; "non-IE origin is likely". --- Dravidian? however with Emeneau=Burrow, Drav. Borrowings 1962: 21, DEDR 2200: from IA; -- Kuiper, Fs. Debrunner 242, differently from cowry, thinks of a Munda origin, denied by Mayrhofer. -- Cf. for the prefix also other words for hairstyle: ka-stūpa AV Paipp., ka-pucchala, ka-paṣṇika. ---Note this hairstyle since Harappan times, see Moti Chandra, Costumes, textiles, cosmetics & coiffure in ancient and mediaeval India, ed. S. P. Gupta. Delhi, Oriental Publishers on behalf of the Indian Archaeological Society, 1973. http://bibpurl.oclc.org/web/24786 (MW 6/11/10)
2748S kapā'la-
kapla- 'bowl, skull' AV, KS+, CDIAL 2744. "not unanimously explained" Mayrhofer EWA I 300: Perhaps connected with IE *kap 'to grab', or with IE (Latin) caput 'skull, head', etc., Middle Pers. kabārag, New Pers. kabāra 'vessel', etc. -- Kuiper, relying on irregular representations thinks of Austroasiatic influence or non-IE origin.
2749S kapí-
kapí- 'monkey' RV 10.86.1, AV +; Mayrhofer EAW I 300 'unclear': relationship with Greek kēbos, kēpos, Hebrew qōf, Akkadian uqūpu, uqūpi, aqūpu, Coptic sapi, (O. Egypt. gfj 'guinea pig'?), Germanic *apan/aban (German Affe). Origin of this wanderwort is unclear. (Middle Persian kabīg, New Persian kabi, kapi < IA). Note kapilá- 'brownish, reddish' RV +, kapiśa- 'brownish, reddish' connected with kapí as 'monkey-colored'? -- If so, note the non-IE suffix (i)-śa, see Kuiper, Aryans 1991.
2750S kapúcchala-
kapúcchala- n. 'bowl, offering spoon' ŚB, kapútsala- ŚB; 'hair tuft at the back of the head', for which cf. kapuṣṇikā- f. Gobhila Gṛhya Sū. Cf. E. Iran. Waxi kapč. -- Probably words from a prefixing (Para-Munda) language, with prefix ka- (see above, kaparda-; cf. ka-stūpa-). (MW, 6/10/10).
2751S kápṛth-
kápṛth- m. penis, RV 10.86.16-17; kapṛthá- 'penis' RV 10.101.12. "unclear" Mayrhofer EWA I 302. -- IE etymology if type yákṛt- 'liver' : Latin caper, New Persian kahra 'kid'. -- cf. however the frequent ka-/ku- prefixes in the substrate language. (MW 6/10/10)
2753S kapóta-
kapóta- m 'pigeon' RV , kapotī'- ŚB+; Old Pers. kapautaka 'blue: kāsaka-kapautaka 'lapis lazuli'; Middle Pers. kabōd "blue, gray, pigeon', Khotanese kavūta 'blue, gray'. "Origin of the Indo-Iranian color word unclear" Mayrhofer EWA I 303. -- For Austro-Asiatic origin see Berger WZKS 3, 1959,58; cf. Kuiper, Aryans 1991.
2754 *kapōtra— ‘pigeon’. [Cf. Pahl. kapōtar: kapṓta—] K. kōtur, dat. °taras m. ‘pigeon, dove’; — prob. ← Psht. kautar. Addenda: *kapōtra—: Md. kotaru ‘pigeon’ ← Ir.?
2755S kapolá-
kapolá- 'cheek' RV-Khila+. Mayrhofer EWA I 303 "not clear": vague resemblances with IE words for 'head' (see kapā'la-) and Dravidian: Tamil kavuḷ 'cheek', see DEDR 1337.
2756S kapha-
kapha- m. 'phlegm' Up+. = Late Avestan kafa 'phlegm', New Persian kaf, Khotanese khavä. Mayrhofer EWA I 303 "further [connections] unclear". -- Burrow, Sanskrit 26 sq. thinks of a loan from Uralic. -- However, the word seems to belong to the old Central Asian substrate in Indo-Iranian (WItzel 1999, Lubotsky 2001). -- See further: CDIAL 2756 kapha— m. ‘phlegm’ Suśr. 2. *kappha—. 1. Pk. kapha—, kabha—, kaha— m.; Si. kaba ‘gummy secretion in the eyes’. 2. Kho. (Lor.) kopik ‘to cough’? Addenda: kapha—: *kaphila—. 2756a *kaphila— ‘having phlegm’. [kapha—] Garh. keli (—l— < —ll—) ‘affection due to excess of phlegm’. (MW 6/12/10)
2758 kabandha-
CDIAL 2758 kabandha—, kav° m. ‘headless trunk’ R. [EWA i 158 same as kábandha—, káv° m. ‘big barrel’ RV., ‘belly’ Nir., but perh. with Austro—as. prefix conn. with group of baṇḍá— PMWS 100] Pa. kavandha— m.n. ‘headless’, Pk. kabaṁdha—, kava°, kaya°, kama°, kapa° m.n.; A. kandh ‘evil spirit without a head’ (< *kaũdh?); Si. kavan̆da ‘headless trunk’. -- Note Kuiper, Aryans 1991.
2758S kaphauḍá-
kaphauḍá- only AV 10.2.4 (var. readings kapheḍa-, kaphoḍa-, kaphauja-) perhaps 'shoulder bone'; form and meaning remain unclear. Mayrhofer EWA I 304. -- Kuiper, Proto-Munda Words 44, compares some later Skt.words: class. kūrpara-, lex. kaphoṇi-, cf. CDIAL 2757. -- The probable prefix ka- points to a (Para-Munda) substrate word (MW 6/10/10)
2759 *kabbu— ‘feeble, yielding’. [Cf. kambuka— m. ‘mean person’ lex., °bū— m. ‘thief’ W., poss., with semantic equivalence ‘chaff ~ worthless’, same as kábru— n., kambū́ka— m. ‘husk of rice’ AV.] S. kaḇāiṇu ‘to shrink, yield’; N. kābu ‘cowed, terror- stricken’; B. kābū ‘feeble, prostrate’; Or. kābū ‘feeble’, kābā ‘foolish’. kábru— see prec. *kabhalla— ‘skull’ see kapā́la—. KAM ‘desire’: kānta—1, kānti—, kā́ma—, kāmín—, kā́mya—; *utkāmayatē.
2760S kábru-
kábru- n. AV 11.3.6 meaning and etymology unclear. Mayrhofer EWA I 304. Cf. CDIAL 2759;
2761 kamaṇḍalu-
2761 kamaṇḍalu— 1 m.n. ‘gourd or other vessel used for water’ MBh. Pa. kamaṇḍalu— n. ‘waterpot used by non—Buddhist ascetics’; Pk. kamaṁḍalu— m. ‘drinking gourd used by ascetics’; Bi. kãwaṇḍal ‘mendicant's wooden cup’; M. kãvaḍaḷ f. ‘coconut used as a water vessel’; Si. kaman̆ḍalā ‘ascetic's waterpot’.
2761S kamaṇḍálu-
kamaṇḍálu- 'vessel', KS, TB+; Mayrhofer EWA I 305: 'unclear'. -- Kuiper, Proto-Munda Words 163 thinks about Munda origins. Cf. also kamaṇḍalu- 'tortoise' (gramm. texts), Class. Skt. kamaṭha- 'water vessel'. -- Prefix ka- is likely in this substrate word. (MW 6/10/10)
2762 kamaṇḍalu-
2762 kamaṇḍalu— 2 m. ‘the tree Ficus infectoria’ lex. M. kãvaḍaḷ f. ‘wild variety of Colocynth with tri- partite, rough and wrinkled leaves’. *kamara— ‘pale red’ see kámala—1.
2764 kamalá-
2764 kamalá— 2 n. ‘lotus’ R. [Like kavāra—, kavēla— n. lex., kuvalaya— n. MBh. and Pk. kalima— n. ← Drav. EWA i 160] Pa. Pk. kamala— n.; P. kãval, kaul m. ‘lotus’ (→ S. kãvalu m.), kamal m. ‘blue gentian’; N. kãwal, kamal ‘lotus’, Mth. Bhoj. kãwal, OAw. kaṁvala, H. kãwal, kaũl m., G. kamaḷ n., Si. kamala.
2771S kambalá-
kambalá- 'woollen cloth, clothes' AV 14.2.66-67+. Mayrhofer EWA I 306 "unclear" For older explanation from Austro-Asiatic and Dravidian see Mayrhofer, KEWA I 161.==
2772S kambala-
kambala- 'dewlap', cf. kambalīka- JB 3.24 'mark on the forehead (of cows), spot'; cf. Mayrhofer EWA I 318 s.v. kárvara-: note kambara 'spotted' Up., karbara-/karvara-'spotted' lex., see CDIAL 2882. The latter can be linked if they have Para-Munda prefixes kar-, kam-, cf. Witzel, Substrates, 1999. Note also, with RV interchange of k/ś: Śambara RV, a name in Kalasha (MW 6/13/10)
2773S kambū'ka-
kambū'ka- spelt, refuse (of rice grains?) AV 11.1.29. Mayrhofer EWA I 307 denies connection with Dravidian : DEDR 1242 Tamil: kampu 'bulrush millet'. Cf. CDIAL 2759.
Note similar words such as kambu 'shell', and with typical northwestern k/ś (see karkoṭa) words such as śambu 'collar' (MW 12/2/10)
2775S kamboja-
kamboja- 'name of a northwestern country and people' Yāska, Patañjali, Yona-Kamboja- in Aśoka's 3rd rock edict, and in Pāli such as Milindapanha, Majjhima Nikāya II 149; frequently but erroneously identified with the people of northeastern Afghanistan; modern NIA Kamboh, Kamboj in the Greater Panjab. -- They spoke a Young Avestan type language: śavati (Yāska) = Avest. š'avaiti 'to go, move', see Mayrhofer EWA I 307. Often connected with the name of the Persian king Kambujiya 'Cambyses'. -- Lévi, JA 203, 1923, 523 sqq. takes Kamboja as a prefixed Austro-Asiatic form. -- Note also Gr. [K]ambau-tai. (MW 6/13/10)
2776 *kamra— ‘the back’. Kho. krƏm ‘the back’ (NTS ii 262 < *kūrma2 with?). *parikamra—. Addenda: *kamra— [Cf. Ir. *kamaka— or *kamraka— ‘back’ in Shgh. čůmč ‘back’, Sar. čomǰ EVSh 26]
2777 *kayañjala— ‘a partic. tree’. N. kaı̃jal, kaı̃dal ‘the small tree Bischoffia javanica (the bark of which is used as a cure of diarrhoea)’; M. kẽjaḷ m. ‘a large timber tree used for rafters &c.’.
2778 *kar— ‘cut, dig’. [Cf. *skar—] P. karolaṇā ‘to dig up with any small instrument, poke, feel with a stick’.
2785S kárañja-
karañja- 'name of a defeated enemy of Indra' RV 1.53.8, 10.48.8. For the karañja tree (Śrauta Sutras), see CDIAL 2985. Mayrhofer EWA I 310 regards the origin of the word as unexplained, cf. also Mayrhofer, Personennamen in der RV-Saṃhitā, 26, with recent lit. CDIAL 2785 kárañja— m. ‘the tree Pongamia glabra’ RV. (?) Āp., °jaka— m., °jikā— f. MBh., karaja— m. lex. Pa. karañja— m., Pk. karaṁja— m.; S. karañjho m. ‘a thorny creeping plant the juice of which is drunk as a cooling medicine’; A. karzā ‘a partic. kind of tree with an acid fruit’; H. karãj, °jā, kañjā m. ‘the fever—nut, Caesalpinia bonducella, Guilandina b., Galedupa arborea’; G. karãj n. ‘the tree Galedupa arborea’, kaṇjhī f. ‘a bitter plant’, kaṇjhiyũ ‘medicinal oil made from it’; M. karãj̈, karaj̈ m. ‘the tree Galedupa arborea, Pongamia glabra’, karãjī, karjī f. ‘its produce’; Si. karan̆da ‘Pongamia glabra’. *karañjataila—
2798 *karabhūṣā— ‘bracelet’. [Cf. karabhūsaṇa— n. lex.: kará1—, bhūṣā—] Pa. karabhūsā— f.; Si. karabu ‘adornment’ ES 22, but prob. ← Pa.
karambha- m. 'gruel, pap' RV+. Mayrhofer EWA I 310 compares Śrautasutra (kṣaira)-kalambhī, further Class. Skt. karambita- 'mixed', Pkt. karaṃbha- m. 'concoction of sour milk and boiled rice', cf. CDIAL 14358. "Further connections unclear'. -- Cf. Kuiper, Aryans 1991. -- CDIAL 14358 karambhá— m. ‘groats, gruel’ RV., karamba— m. lex. Pk. karaṁba— m. ‘concoction of sour milk and boiled rice’. — Gy. eur. khurmí, °min f. ‘millet—pap, groats’ (GWZS 1613) with unexpl. u?
2802S karā'ṭa-
karā'ṭa- m. epithet of Gaṇeśa MS 2.9.1.-- Mayrhofer EWA I 310 doubts whether it is to be connected with kará- 'hand'; note also Epic, Class. karaṭa- 'temple of an elephant', cf. Wackernagel-Debrunner, Altind. Gramm. II 2, 268, EWA I 309 s.v. kará-: karaṭin- young elephant, karabha-/kalabha-, kareṇu-, kaṇeru-, where a non-IE word is involved.
2807 *karīṣa— 2 ‘a measure of land’. [Same as kárīṣa1, lit. ‘the amount of manure required’?] Pa. karīsa— n. ‘a measure of seed, the amount of land requiring that seed’; Si. kiriya ‘extent of ground for sowing eight bushels of rice’. Addenda: *karīṣa— 2 ‘a measure of land’. [~ Drav. DED 1057]
*karīṣa— 'dung, dry cow dung' ŚB+; karīṣín 'rich in dung' AV, karīṣaja- 'born from dung, a demon' AVP; ākhu-karīṣá- 'a heap of mole dung' ŚB, TB, cf. ākhukirí- 'mole's mound' MS, KS, ākhūtkará- 'mole's mound' ŚB; MIA karīsa, karīsa, Hindi karsī 'dried cow dung'. -- Mayrhofer, EWA I 312 thinks of a link with the verbal root kar 'pour out, scatter'(EWA I 311), which is contradicted by the non -IA suffix -īṣa (Kuiper, Indo-Aryans, 1991). For this suffix see also Wackernagel AI.Gr. II 2, 462, etc. -- To be separated from *karīṣa, Pali karīsa ' a measure of seed' (from Drav., CDIAL 2807, DEDR 161 Tam. karacai, etc. -- MW 10/30/10
2808S karúma-
karumá- Epithet of certain spirits, AV 8.6.10 -- Mayrhofer, EWA I 313 'unclear'
2809S karū'kara-
karū'kara- vertebra of the neck or spine AV, ŚB+. -- Mayrhofer, EWA I 313: 'not explained'; looks like a reduplication: karū'-kara.
2812S kárūḍatin-
kárūḍatin- 'having unequally spaced teeth, or "damaged teeth' (said of a deity) RV 4.30.24. -- Mayrhofer, EWA I 313: already Indo-Iranian: Sogdian krwδnt'k' 'with damaged teeth'; see Benveniste, FS Chatterji 83 sqq; Bailey, ditto 116, n.14. - Apparently *káruẓ-ḍat˚, as in Sogdian krw (thus already Roth, 1852, Henning BSOAS 10,1939, 96, from IIr. *kar-uš ((cf. kharva).
2813S karotara
See Kuiper 1955: 151
2820S karkándhu-
karkándhu- 'jujube, Zizyphus Jujuba'; its fruit MS, KS+; VādhŚS 10; also name of a man RV 1.112.6; for karkandhūká'- RVKh see K. Hoffmann, Aufsätze 570; karkándhu-rohita- 'reddish like the karkandhu fruit' KS. -- Mayrhofer EWA I 313 'unclear', cf. Kuiper 1991.
2821S karkarí
karkarí- a kind of lute, RV+ karkarī'- AV, karkariká- AV; karkarikarṇá-/˚ī'- 'having ears with a certain (lute-like?) mark' MS. -- Mayrhofer EWA I 314 regards this as onomatopoetic; see K. Hoffmann, Aufsätze 35 sq., Kuiper 1991. -- For Ved. gárgara- see Hoffmann p. 36; similar though unrelated formation in Greek kárkaire 'sounded', cf. Tichy, Onomatische Verbalbildungen des Griechischen, Wien 1983.
2823S karkī'-
karkī'- white cow (or calf) AV 4.38.6-7. Mayrhofer EWA I 314 'unclear': apparently derived from *karká- 'white', though karka- 'white horse' is only Epic; - probably connecetd color designations such as Pali kakka- 'yellowish precious stone', Skt. lex. 'a precious stone'; Lahnda kakkā 'chestnut (of horses)'.
2824 *karkuṭaka— ‘dog’. [Cf. kurkurá—] Paš. ar. pläguṛṓ, dar. l aguṛā́ ‘puppy’ IIFL 3, 141.
2825S karkoṭaká-
karkoṭaká- 'name of snake' (sarpá-), later of a Nāga, especially in Kashmir and Nepal, RvKh (ed. Scheftelowitz, Apokryphen o. 87). kārkoṭa AVP, however the Orissa MSS read śarkoṭa. (cf. Mayrhofer EWA II 619). -- Note that the interchange between k/ś is not unusual in older texts of the Northwest. (This has nothing to do with the independent development of IE k' > IIr. c' > Vedic ś). Thus: Ved. śarkóṭa- AV. -- Note also karkoṭa- 'crab', Burushaski γárqas 'lizard', Munda karkom etc. Pinnow, Kharia 1959 § 483; Also, cf. CDIAL 2825: karkōṭa— n. ‘a partic. fruit’ Suśr., °aká— m. ‘Momordica mixta’, n. ‘its fruit’ Suśr., ‘Aegle marmelos’ lex., °akī— f. ‘a plant with yellow flowers’ Car., °ṭikā— f. ‘Momordica mixta’. [See kakkōla—] Pk. kakkōḍa—, °aya—, kaṁkōḍa— m. ‘a vegetable that grows in the rains’, kakkōḍaī— f. ‘the plant’; P. kakauṛā m. ‘the vegetable Momordica muricata’; B. kā̃krol ‘the edible cucurbitaceous plant Momordica mixta and its fruit’, kā̃kur ‘cucumber, green melon’; Or. kākoḷā, °ḷi, °olā, kāṅkoḷā, °olā ‘a sweet vegetable febrifuge’, kakarlo, kāṅkaṛa ‘edible thorny fruit of the creeper Momordica cochinchinensis’; Bhoj. kakorā ‘the vegetable Momor- dica muricata or mixta’, H. kakoṛā m.; G. kãkoṛũ n. ‘a kind of vegetable, Myrtus pimenta’, °ṛī f. ‘its root, a fragrant medicinal powder made therefrom’. (MW 10/31/10)
2851S kartá-
kartá- 'hollow, hole' RV + -- Mayrhofer EWA I 317 plausibly derives it from the root kṛt 'to cut, break (off)' (p. 315), cf. Iran. *kárta, Avest. -˚kaša, karəta-.-- Conversely: DIAL 2851 kartá— 1 m. ‘hole’ RV. [Cf. kāṭá— m. ‘hole’ RV., gárta—, *gaḍḍa—1, *gaḍḍ—1—, gaḍa—1, *gallī—, *gālī—, *galī—, *khaḍḍa—, *khāḍa—, khalla—2, *khāla—, *khala—3. — The extensive interchange of sounds, voiced with unvoiced, retroflex with dental or l, in- explicable within Indo—aryan itself, in a group of words all indicating ‘digging’ and ‘hole’ strongly supports assumption of Dravidian origin for it (T. Burrow BSOAS xii 370) despite the early attestation of kartá—1, kāṭá—, gárta—1 (EWA i 173). Beside Kan. kaḍḍa ‘pitfall for elephants’ cf. Kan. gal̤de (9th cent.), gardde (11th cent.), gaddĕ ‘paddy field’, Brah. kaṛak ‘hole’] Or. kāta ‘heap of coins as a stake in gambling’. *himakartā—. Addenda: kartá— 1 [Cf. Shgh. čāg—dil ‘pit of stomach’ < *kartā—, cf. khaṭṭa—3]. --- However, the variants gárta- 'hollow, hole' Brahm.+ (also Tri-garta JB = Jammu area), and Ved. kāṭá < kartá-? (cf. Kuiper, Aryans 1991:36.), and MIA, NIA forms like *gaḍḍa, *khaḍḍa etc. (for which CDIAL assumes Drav. origins), rather point to a wide-spread North Indian substrate word. -- For Munda connections see Pinnow, Kharia 1959: 351, § 498: Kharia ga'ṛha 'river', Mundari, Santali gaḍa, gaṛa 'pit, etc.', Korku gada 'river', etc.(MW 11/1/10)
2867S kardama-
kardama- 'dirt, mud, uncleanliness' KS+; -- Mayrhofer EWA I 371 aqgrees with CDIAL's 2867 connections with Beng. kāḍrā, etc. for a non-IE source of this word. --- CDIAL 2867 karda— m. ‘mud, swamp’ lex. [See kardaṭa—, kar- dáma—, *gadda—1 (also Pk. gatta—, geḍḍa—), *gāḍa—2: this interchange suggests a non—Aryan origin independent of, or at most influencing, an IE. origin (Pers. čardeh ‘blackish’, &c. EWA i 173, Pokorny IEW 573). Connexion with kartá—1 and *gaḍḍa— cannot be ruled out.] B. kādā ‘mud’; Or. kāda ‘clay, mud’; — Pk. gatta- n. poss. < *kadda—, but see *gadda—; — H. kā̃d m. ‘wall’ poss. X kanthā—, but cf. *kandama—. — Deriv. B. kādāna ‘to make muddy’. — Ext. in B. kādāṛiyā, kādāṭiyā, kādāla ‘muddy’.
2877S karpāsa-
karpāsa- cotton plant, cotton Suśruta+; kārpāsa- 'made of cotton' Śrautasūtras. Note Burushaski γupas (cf. Kalasha kupás 'cowry shell headdress'). --- Mayrhofer EWA I 317 thinks of a loan word and refers several attempts of determining the origin (Austric, "Mediterranean", Iranian) but judges them to be not cogent, cf. KEWA I 174 sq. He compares Greek kárpasos < Indic. Note also Mesopotamian kapazum. --- Note CDIAL 2877: karpā́sa— m. ‘the cotton plant Gosypium herbaceum’ Suśr., n. ‘cotton’, °sī— f. ‘the plant’. lex, °sakī— f. Bhpr. [← Austro—as. and perh. related to karpaṭa— EAW i 174 with lit.] Pa. kappāsa— m., °sī— f. ‘cotton, silk—cotton tree’; Pk. kappāsa— m. ‘cotton, wool’, °sī— f. ‘cotton plant’; Kt. karbeso obl. ‘cotton’; K. kapas f. ‘cotton plant, cotton (with seeds)’; S. kapā̆ha f. ‘cotton’; L. kapāh f. ‘cleaned cotton’; P. kapāh, kup° f. ‘cotton plant, raw cotton’; Ku. kapās ‘cotton’, N. kapās, kabās ‘cotton’, kapāsi ‘cotton plant’; A. kapāh ‘cotton’; B. kāpās ‘cotton plant, cotton, cotton—wool’; Bi. Bhoj. kapās ‘cotton plant, cotton in pod’, H. kapās f.; OAw. kapāsa m. ‘cotton’; G. kapās m. ‘cotton, cotton plant’; M. kapās, kāpūs m. ‘cotton’, kapśī f. ‘the plant’; Ko. kāppūsa m. ‘cotton’; Si. kapu ‘cotton tree, cotton’ < *kapaha—. - Forms without —s—: Or. kapā ‘raw cotton’; M. kap, kaph m. ‘cotton’. — Ḍ. gupā́sa f. ‘cotton’ ← Bur. gupā́s ← IA. — Kal. kravas ‘cotton plant’, Kho. karvás, Sh. khăyās f. ← Pers. karvās ← IA. Morgenstierne BSOS viii 668 and FestskrBroch 147. kārpāsá—, kārpāsika—; *karpāsakāṣṭha—, *karpāsa- bīja—. Addenda: karpā́sa— [Cf. Ir. Shgh. čipōs ‘cotton’, Yazgh. ḱƏbes ← Pk.] S.kcch. kapā m. ‘cotton’, Garh. kabāsū, Md. kafa.
2884 *karbiśa— ‘variegated’. [Cf. karbu—, karbará— with same colour—suffix as kapiśá—, *dhūmaśa—] Aw. lakh. kabisā ‘yellow clay’; G. kābas m. ‘dregs of oil’ (?) — X kalmāṣa—: Si. kamisa ‘variegated colour’ (GS 30 < kalmāṣa—). karbu— see karbará—.
2904 *karva— ‘perverse, left’. [Cf. kharvá—] L. khet. kabbā ‘left—hand’; P. kabb f. ‘crookedness’, kabbā ‘crooked, perverse, obstinate’. — Ext. with —ṭa—: Bshk. kōr ‘left—hand’? — Pk. kavvāḍa— m. ‘right hand’ (though with same suffix as khalvāṭa— s.v. kharvá—) is semant. difficult. — Kaf. forms with k— listed under kharvá— perh. < *karva—.
2905S karvara
karvará- a kind of fish(?) AV 10.4.19. -- Mayrhofer EWA I 318 compares later Skt. karvara-/karbara- 'spotted', CDIAL 2882, kambara- 'spotted' Up., kambalīka- 'spot (of cattle), JB (see 2772S).
2906S karśápha-
karśápha- a kind of demon AV 3.91., AVP 3.7.2. -- Mayrhofer EWA I 319 regards its origins as 'unclear', and doubts *karśá-śapha-; -- note however the type of prefix kar-, jar- etc. in Para-Munda (Witzel, MT 1999). Thus *kar-śaph-, perhaps connected by popular etymology with śapha- 'hoof'. (MW 11/7/10)
2921S kalavíṅka-
kalavíṅka- sparrow KS+. Cf. Pali karavī(ka) 'Indian cuckoo', Lex. kalāvikala; Mayrhofer EWA I 321 regards it a onomatopoetic.
kalaha- quarrel Up+. CDIAL 2922: kalaha— m. ‘quarrel, fight’ MBh. Pa. Pk. kalaha— m.; S. karahı̃ f. ‘quarrelling’; L. kallā m. ‘noise, uproar’; N. kalaha ‘quarrel’, A. kalah, kalau, B. kalah, Or. kaḷaha, Mth. H. kalah m., OMarw. kalaha m., G. kaḷɔ m., M. kaḷho m., Si. kalaha, kalā. - Kt. kƏle ‘war, fighting’, Pr. kә̄lƏ perh. < kali—1. - Redup. K. kŏlakŏl m. ‘uproar’. — Ext. with —la—: P. karhalā ‘quarrelsome’. kalahin—; kalahakāra—. Mayrhofer EWA I 321: 'not clear', perhaps onomatopoetic; the word has been connected with Dravidian (DEDR 1306 kalavaram 'confusion'etc.) and Munda words (Kuiper, Proto-Munda Words 180). Berger, WZKS 3, 1953, 58 thinks of an Austroasiatic source.
2931S kalāpa-
2931S kalāpin- kalāpin- carrying a bundle of arrows ŚrS.+ Mayrhofer EWA I 322 compares kalāpa(ka)-,'peacock's raised tail feathers' Pāṇ., kalāpī 'bundle of grass' ŚS, but he regards the origin as not entirely clear. Forms in CDIAL 2931 point to *kaḍāp-; Turner, Kuiper IIJ 6, 1962-3, 296 sq., assume Drav, origin--
CDIAL 2931 kalāpa— m. ‘bundle, quiver of arrows’ MBh., ‘rope round an elephant's neck’ lex., °aka— m. MBh. 2. kalamba— 3 n. ‘crowd’ lex. [Cf. *kaḍappa— which supports deriv. from Drav. (Kan. kalappu ‘miscellaneous collection’ &c. T.Burrow BSOAS xii 371)] 1. Pa. kalāpa— m. ‘bundle, sheaf, quiver’, °aka— m. ‘bundle, string (of pearls)’; Pk. kalāva— m. ‘collection, quiver, peacock's tail’, °aga— m. ‘a neck ornament’; P. kalāvā, °vṛā m. ‘armful, bundle’; H. kalāwā m., ‘band round an elephant's neck in which the driver places his feet’ (→ G. kilāvɔ m., M. kalāvā, kil° m.); OG. kalāu m. ‘group, cluster’; M. kaḷāvā, kaḷvā m. ‘hobble (con- sisting of a rope tying two legs of the animal together)’. — Si. kalava ‘thigh’? 2. Si. kalam̆ba ‘bunch, cluster, bundle’. Addenda: kalāpa—: WPah.kṭg. kƏḷai f. ‘stick tied with ropes placed along the back of mules for carrying loads’. --
2933S káli-
káli- the one remnant nut (not: 'dot' see CDIAL) in the 'dicing' game (played with 150 nuts), worst outcome, also called 'the dog', AV+ cf. śvaghnín (Falk, Bruderschaft und Würfelspiel 1986, 108 sqq); 'quarrel' Mbh+. Later on" the worst of the four ages (yuga)', beginning on Feb. 18 , 3102 AB+. Mayrhofer EWA I 322: no secure explanation; cf. Kuiper, Aryans 1991 (where = a name).
CDIAL 2933 káli— 1 m. ‘the losing die with one dot’ AV., ‘the iron age’ AitBr., ‘strife, quarrel’ MBh. Pa. kali— m. ‘the unlucky die, bad luck’; Pk. kali— m. ‘quarrel’; Sh. kali̯ ‘fighting’, f. pl. kălyĕ; P. kal f. ‘dis- turbance, mutiny’; Ku. N. kal ‘quarrel’, B. kali, Or. kaḷi, G. kaḷ, °ḷī f., M. kaḷ f.; — Kt. kƏle ‘war, fighting’, Pr. kә̄lƏ or < kalaha—. — Deriv.: Or. kaḷiā ‘quarrel- some’. kaliyuga—. Addenda: káli—1: OMarw. kaḷi f. ‘quarrel’.
2934S kalí-
kalí- name of a man RV 1.112.15, 10.39.8; the Aśvin restore his youth at 10.39.8. - kalayaḥ RV 8/66.15 name of mythical beings related to the Gandharvas, note also Epic kali- name of a Devagandharva. Mayrhofer EWA I 323 thinks that the personal name may be connected with the dice game.
2935S kalinga-
kaliṅga- name of a tribe and area in Orissa, AB, one of the border areas of Vedic India.
CDIAL 2935 kaliṅga— 1 m. ‘a warrior tribe in Coromandel’ MBh. Aś. shah. kaliga—, kāl. °gya—, gir. kaliṁga—, Pk. kaliṁga—. kāliṅga—
The word has been compared, since the beginning of the 20th century, with other names showing prefixes: Tri-liṅga, Te-linga (Telugu area), Ko-sala/To-sala etc. (S. Lévy/J. Przyluski); see PC Bagchi (ed.) Pre-Aryan and Pre-Dravidian in Sanskrit. Calcutta : University of Calcutta 1929. (MW 11/7/10)
2936S kalinda-
kalinda name of a tribe, Ep.+
2940S kalkuṣī'-
kalkuṣī'- 2 bones of the lower arm, ŚB; *kalkuṣī (for kalmuṣī) AVP, (and for kakṣasī AAr), see K. Hoffmann, Aufs. 397, 193 n. 13. Mayrhofer EWA I 323 'unclear'. The 'suffix' -uṣī could point to 'suffixless' forms such as Slavic k'kla, Latin calx, and Kowar kurkṇ' elbow'.
2945S kalmalí-
kalmalí- perhaps 'shimmering of stars'AV 15.2.1, kalmalīkín- 'blazing' RV 2.33.8. Regarded as 'unclear' by Mayrhofer, EWA I 325. No satisfactory IE etymologies beyond root etymologies. ---
kalmā'ṣa variegated, colorful KS+, AVP 3.24.5 (kalmāṣa-grīva-). Marhofer EWA I 325 'unclear'. Compared with kalmaṣa- 'spot, dirt' KS+, kalā'ṣa- 'spot' MS, and kílbiṣa- 'evil action' (Burrow BSOAS 34,1971, 557). According to Kuiper, PMW 38 kal˚ and kil˚ from Proto-Munda. No convincing IE etymology.
Note : CDIAL 2946 kalmaṣa— n. ‘stain, dregs, sin’ Mn., karmaṣa— Kāś. [Cf. kalmā́ṣa— and kaśmalá— ‘dirty’ lex., m.n. ‘despair’ MBh.] Pk. kammasa— ‘dirty’, n. ‘sin’; Sh. (Lor.) kōmuš (ṣ?) ‘lampblack, soot’; G. kāmas f. ‘scum of sugarcane juice’.
2946S kalmā'ṣa-
kalmā'ṣa- variegated, colorful KS+, AVP 3.24.5 (kalmāṣa-grīva-). Mayrhofer EWA I 325 'unclear'. -- No convincing IE etymology. -- Has been compared with kalmaṣa- 'spot, dirt' KS+, kalmā'ṣa- 'spot' MS, and kílbiṣa- 'evil action' (Burrow BSOAS 34,1971, 557). According to Kuiper, PMW 38 kal˚ and kil˚ from Proto-Munda. If Para-Munda prefix kal- is involved (as jar- in the clear case of jar-tila, tila 'sesame'), one may compare a substrate words such as mā'ṣa 'beans' AV+, CDIAL 10097, Witzel, MT 1999.
CDIAL 2946 kalmaṣa— n. ‘stain, dregs, sin’ Mn., karmaṣa— Kāś. [Cf. kalmā́ṣa— and kaśmalá— ‘dirty’ lex., m.n. ‘despair’ MBh.] Pk. kammasa— ‘dirty’, n. ‘sin’; Sh. (Lor.) kōmuš (ṣ?) ‘lampblack, soot’; G. kāmas f. ‘scum of sugarcane juice’. Note : CDIAL 2946 kalmaṣa— n. ‘stain, dregs, sin’ Mn., karmaṣa— Kāś. [Cf. kalmā́ṣa— and kaśmalá— ‘dirty’ lex., m.n. ‘despair’ MBh.] Pk. kammasa— ‘dirty’, n. ‘sin’; Sh. (Lor.) kōmuš (ṣ?) ‘lampblack, soot’; G. kāmas f. ‘scum of sugarcane juice’. (MW 11/7/10)
2952S kalyā'ṇa-
kalyā'ṇa- beautiful, lovely RV (unaccented vocative), MS (accented); Mayrhofer EWA I 325 refers to Greek kal[F)ós, (with Wackernagel, KS 352 sqq, Ai Gramm. II 2, 377) from kali- + *˚āṇa, ˚āṇī- "an old name of a body part"; see EWA I 161. Original meaning thus 'having beautiful arms, elbows'. -- Pinault 2003 reconstructs a Central Asian substrate word āṇi.
CDIAL 2952 kalyā́ṇa— ‘beautiful, lucky’ RV. [kalya—1] Pa. kalyāṇa—, kallāṇa— ‘beautiful, good’, n. ‘goodness, &c.’; Aś. man. kayaṇa—, dhau. top. kayāna—, shah. kalaṇa—, gir. kalāṇa— ‘virtuous deed’; NiDoc. kalyana ‘good fortune’; Pk. kallāṇa— ‘fortunate’, n. ‘happiness’; Sh. (Lor.) kaliān ‘auspicious marks on an ox consisting of white forehead and feet’; Si. kalaṇa ‘good, fortunate’. kalyāṇī—.
2954 *kallara— ‘salt barren soil’. S. kalaru m. ‘salt soil’, kalarāṭhu ‘impregnated with salt’; L. kallur m. ‘salt barren soil’, P. kallar m. — Conn. doubtful with Pa. kalala— n. ‘mud’; P. kallar m. ‘manure’; Si. kalal ‘dirt, mud’. *kalli— ‘bud’ see kali2. Addenda: *kallara— [~ Drav. DED 1145] *kalli— see kali2 Add2.
2957S kávaca-
kávaca- armor, cover, jacket AVP+, lex. kavasa- 'armor'. Mayrhofer EWA I 326 regards this as unclear, 'perhaps a loan word', and compares, with Burrow TPS 1945, 90, DEDR 1222: Tamil kavi 'to cove', Kanada gavasaṇi 'cover'. --- CDIAL 2957 kávaca— m.n. ‘coat of mail’ ŚBr., ‘jacket’ Kāṭh. [kavása— m. ‘id.’, kaváṣa— m. ‘shield’ lex.: ← Drav. EWA i 186 with lit.] Pa. kavaca—, kōja— n.m. ‘coat of mail’, NiDoc. kavaj'i ‘some article of dress’ < *kavacikā— Burrow KharDoc 82; Pk. kavaya— m.n. ‘armour’, Si. kavada (kavasa ← Pa. H. Smith JA 1950, 187). kavaṭī— see kavāṭa—. kavaḍa— see kavala—. --- DEDR 1222 Ta. kappu (kappi-) to gorge, cram into mouth; kavvu (kavvi-), kauvu (kauvi-) to seize with the mouth, grasp with eagerness; n. bite, seizing by the mouth (as dog), eating. Ma. kappuka, kammuka to snap at, eat as a dog or madman; (Kauṭ.) kauvuka to seize with mouth, bite. Ka. kapa, kaba, gapa, gappa, gaba imit. of the sound emitted in eager gulping (mostly also reduplicated); kabakkane, kappane, kavakkane, gabakkane in a snatching manner, with the sound produced in snatching, with the sound of gulping quickly. Koḍ. kabb- (kabbi-) to seize with wide-open mouth (of dogs, tigers, etc.). Tu. kappuni to eat greedily; gabagaba gulping, swallowing; kapparaṇṭu a glutton. Te. kamucu to nibble at, swallow; kami a lump of food; kamikili a handful to eat; kamik&etilde;ḍu a large handful; (K.) kamiyu to swallow, gulp down; (K.) kavvu to seize by mouth. Pe. kap- (-t-) to bite. Manḍ. kap- (-t-) id. Kui kappa (kapt-) to swallow liquid hastily, gulp, drink; kavali giva to chew the cud. Kuwi (Isr.) kap- (-it-) to eat fast like a dog; gab- (-it-) to eat fast. Kur. xappnā to swallow (any thickish liquid), drink (e.g. broth, rice-water, medicine); xappā leech; habkā a bite; habka'ānā to bite; (Hahn) khauwānā to eat greedily. / Prob. > Skt. kavala- mouthful, morsel; kavalaya- to swallow, gulp down, devour; kavaḍa- mouthful of water; Pali kabala-, kabaḷa- small piece, ball of food, mouthful (Turner, CDIAL, no. 2960); whence Ta. kavaḷam, kavar̤am morsel, mouthful of food, ball of rice or other food for an elephant; Ma. kavaḷam. kabaḷam mouthful, morsel; kavaḷuka to gargle, swallow; kabaḷikka to gulp; Ko. kavḷm offering of plantain fruits to gods by stuffing them into diviners' mouths; Ka. kavala, kavaḷa, kabala, kabaḷa, kavaṇa mouthful, pill; kabaḷisu to eat, gulp, devour; Te. kabaḷamu mouthful, morsel; kabaḷincu to swallow, devour, gulp). Cf. also Skt. (lex.) kavaka- mouthful (ibid., no. 2956), and Skt. kavikā- bit of a bridle (cf. F. B. J. Kuiper, Museum 64.212, Mayrhofer III.669). DED(S) 102
2958S kábandha-
kábandha-, kávandha tub, pipe, also 'cloud, belly', an epithet of the Marut RV+; MIA: Pali kavandha 'headless', Singh. kavanda 'headless trunk'. Note kúsindha- 'headless trunk'. -- Mayrhofer EWA I 327 "unclear'. --- CDIAL 2758 kabandha—, kav° m. ‘headless trunk’ R. [EWA i 158 same as kábandha—, káv° m. ‘big barrel’ RV., ‘belly’ Nir., but perh. with Austro—as. prefix conn. with group of baṇḍá— PMWS 100] Pa. kavandha— m.n. ‘headless’, Pk. kabaṁdha—, kava°, kaya°, kama°, kapa° m.n.; A. kandh ‘evil spirit without a head’ (< *kaũdh?); Si. kavan̆da ‘headless trunk’.-- cf. Kuiper, PMW 100, Aryans 1991. -- Note also Kabandha- Brahm., Up. 'name of a teacher', see Vedic Index I 173.
2964S kaśambūká-
kaśambūká- 'a certain mythical being' Suparṇādhyāya. Mayrhofer EWA I 329 'unclear'; cf. Pali kasambu 'dirt'?
2965 káśas-
káśas- "?" TB, Kaśo-jū'- 'name of a person'. Bailey, Dict. connects Khotanese kasā- 'inner part'.
2965S káśā-
káśā- whip RV+, note pra-kaśá- AV+ Mayrhofer EWA I 329 'unclear', Kuiper Aryans 1991. Note also kaśīká-' A kind of animal, rodent(?), Shafer, Ethnography 1954, 95. --- CDIAL 2965 káśā— f. ‘whip’ RV., ‘rein’ Śiś., ‘string’ lex., kaśa— m. ‘whip, thong’ MBh. Pa. kasā— f. ‘whip’; Pk. kasā— f., °sa— m., °siā— f., °sia— n. ‘whip, thong’; K. kāh f. ‘strip of leather for sewing leather articles’; S. kãhı̄̃ f. ‘tie, tape, riband’; Or. kasa ‘rope’; H. kasī, °saī, °seī, kesaī f. ‘rope used in land measurement’; OMarw. kasa ‘string’; G. kas ‘tape of a bodice’; M. kasā m. ‘cord, tie of a garment’; Si. kasaya, °se ‘whip’. — Deriv.: Or. kasibā ‘to whip’; — OMarw. kasaï ‘binds, harnesses’, M. kasṇẽ ‘to bind tightly with a cord’ (LM 307) prob. rather < kárṣati. *galakaśa—.
2966S kaśipú-
kaśipú- mat, cushion AV+, kaśipū-barhaṇá-'mat and cushion' AV, AVP; Mayrhofer EWA I 330 "unexplained".
2967S kaśīkā'-
kaśīkā'- apparently a female animal (ichneumon/mongoose, weasel?), only RV 1.126.6. Mayrhofer EWA I 330 supposes connection with the animal káśa- 'weasel?' (YV), and an uncertain IE etymology: Lith. šēškas 'polecat'; cf. Kuiper, Aryans 1991.
2968S kaśīti-
kaśīti- name of a person (called 'saubhara') JB. Mayrhofer EWA I 330: "unclear"; however he thinks of formations such as dabhī'ti- (dabhrá-) that can be compared with Hittite tepu-, if like kaśīti :: kaśú (both names); -- van Velze, Names of Persons 1938: 114 "not to be explained from Sanskrit".
2969S kaśú-
kaśú- name of a chieftain of the Cedi, RV 8.5.37, apparently = Old Avestan kasu-, Young Avestan kasu˚; Mayrhofer EWA I 330 supposes an IA shortened name *Kaśu-(~ Young Avestan name Kasupitu-). Rather, as kaśu- appears in RV 8, it is, along with Avestan kasu-, An "Iranian - western Indo-Aryan dialct isoglose" (K. Hoffmann, Aufsätze 7 sqq.
2971S kaśóka-
kaśóka- name of certain demons AV 5.2.4. Mayrhofer EWA I 331:"unclear". In the parallel passage RV 10.124.4 they are called yātudhā'nāḥ 'sorverers'..
As in other words beginning with ka-, this may reflect a Para-Munda prefix ka-, See Witzel 1999.
2972S kaśmaśa-
kaśmaśa- Unclear meaning, AV 5.21.1. Mayrhofer EWA I 331 points to Whitney's AV translation: *káśmala, as in later Skt. kaśmala-. Kuiper PMW 39 proposes a Munda etymology.
As in other words beginning with ka-, this may reflect a Para-Munda prefix ka-, See Witzel 1999 (MW 11/19/10).
2973S kaśyapa-
kaśyapa- tortoise KS; kacchapa- Manu+; also kaśyapa- name of divine persons AV+. Note kaśyapī- 'a musical instrument' JB 2.404. MIA: Pali kacchapa-, Pkt. kaccha-bha; Pkt. kassava- 'name of a Ṛṣī clan'. --- Mayrhofer EWA I 331 compares Iranian: Young Avestan kasiiapa-, Sogd. kyšph, New Pers. kašaf, kaš(a)p etc. and remarks that 'further connections are "unclear' --- cf. CDIAL 2969 kaśyápa— 2 m. nom. prop. RV., ‘class of divine beings associated with Prajāpati; of semi—divine genii regulating the course of the sun’ AV., ‘name of a mythical r̥ṣi’ VS. Pk. kassava—, kāsava— m. ‘name of a family of ṛṣis’; Wg. (Norris) "Kashau" ‘a partic. wooden idol formed like a man’ poss. if sh = š NTS xvii 319. KAṢ ‘rub’: kaṣá—, kaṣaṇa—, kaṣati, *kaṣyatē; *apa- kaṣa—, nikaṣá—.
However, the isolated evidence in Vedic and Avestan indicates that the word belongs to the Western Central Asian substrate of the Greater Bactria-Margiana area, that has heavily influenced both Indo-Iranian languages see Witzel 1999, Lubotsky 2001. (MW 11/29/10)
2980 *kasaṭa— ‘dirt, dregs’. [Cf. *kasiṅgala—] Pa. kasaṭa— m. ‘leavings, dregs’ (also ‘bitter, nasty’ see kaṣāya—); N. kasar ‘sediment, dregs’.
2981S kaṣāyá-
kaṣāyá- boiled juice ŚB+; 'red' Yājñ.; kāṣāya- red colored Gṛhya Sūtras; MIA/NIA also *kaṣava, kaṣāra (Turner, CDIAL 2974). -- Mayrhofer EWA I 331 points to the suffix variation ya-/-va/-ra that looks IE and counter Turner CDIAL " point to non-Aryan origin". --- However, the suffix variation can also be inner-IA; the unexplained etymon rather points to origin of this food/color item from a substrate language.--- CDIAL 2974 2974 kaṣāya— ‘yellowish red, astringent’ Yājñ., n. ‘an astringent juice’ ŚBr. 2. *kaṣāva—. 3. *kaṣāra—. [Cf. Pa. kasaṭa— ‘bitter, bad’. Variety of suffix (though —va- may be the colour suffix seen in śyāvá—) points to non- Aryan origin] 1. Pa. Pk. kasāya— ‘reddish yellow, astringent’; A. kehā ‘astringent’, B. kasā; Or. kasā ‘reddish, astringent, astringent kernel of mango stone’; Si. kaha ‘turmeric, saffron’; — ext. with —ṭṭ—: A. kaheṭā ‘astringent’; Si. kahaṭa ‘bitter, acrid’; — with —l—: P. kasailā ‘astringent’ (← E). 2. Pa. kasāva— ‘reddish yellow, astringent’. 3. NiDoc. kaṣara ‘monk's yellow robe’ (→ Toch. A kāṣār, B. kaṣār, Sogd. kr'z'kh, Uigur kr'ž, kz'ry); - S. kasāro ‘of astringent taste’ or < *kaṣāyarasa—. kaṣāyin—, *kaṣāyati, kāṣāyá—; *kaṣāyarasa—. Addenda: kaṣāya—: A. kahāiba ‘to tinge, colour (clothes)’ AFD 336. (MW 11/28/10)
2982 *kasiṅgala— ‘rubbish’. [Cf. kásāmbu— n. ‘(prob.) rubbish’, Pa. kasambu— n. ‘rubbish’: see *kasaṭa—.] P. kahigal f. ‘plaster of mud and chaff’; N. kasiṅar ‘dirt, rubbish’. kasēru— see kaśēru—.
2982S káṣkaṣa-
káṣkaṣa- a certain destructive worm, AV 5.23.7; note also kaṣkaṣā-kaṣkaṣāḥ + piṣṭāḥ 'thoroughly ground' AVP 19.29.4; -- Mayrhofer EWA I 332 "unclear'; apparently a reduplicative formation káṣ-kaṣ- (K. Hoffmann Aufsätze 36, 131).
2983S kasarṇī'la-
kasarnī'la- a certain kind of snake AV 10.4.5,17. Note personification Kasarṇī'ra- (called Kādraveyá-), who saw a mantra. Note also kasanā f. 'a snake' Suśruta; Mayrhofer EWA I 333:'unclear'.
If the word should contain Paramunda prefixes ka-sar- (cf. Ku-suru-bindu), note Nīla- as the most important snake/Nāga of Kashmir, located in the southeast of the Valley. (MW 11/29/10)
2989S kastambhī'-
kastambhī'- support (of the pole[s] of the vehicle) ŚB. Cf. Mayrhofer EWAI 333. Wackernagel-Debrunner, AI. Gramm. II 84 point to 'non-pejorative ka-' Cf. CDIAL 2983 *ka-stambha 'small stem'. -- CDIAL 29832983 *kastambha— ‘small stem’. [kastambhı̄́— f. ‘prop for supporting carriage—pole’ ŚBr.: ka—3, stambha—] M. kāthãbā m. ‘plantain offshoot, sucker, stole’. kastambhı̄́.
2990S kastūpa-
kastūpa- tuft of hair AVP, kastūpa-stopinī- 'having a tuft that is a bad tuft', epithet of a demoness AVP 10.1.1. --- Clearly formed with a prefix ka-, which in this case can be pejorative. (MW 11/29/10)
2992S kahóḍa-
kahóḍa- name of a teacher, whose patronym is káuṣītaki,káuṣītakeya ŚB; kahoḷa- JB, kāhoḍī- KS. Mayrhofer EWA I 333: 'unclear'
2995S kāṅkṣ
kāṅkṣ to desire, wish Brahm., see Gotō, 1.Präsenklasse 115. Mayrhofer, EWA I 335 "unclear", though it maybe connected with the verb kam and the noun kā'ma-.
2996S kākambī'ra-
kākambī'ra- name of a tree, RV 6.48.17. Mayrhofer EWA I 334 'unclear'; Cf. Kuiper, Aryans 1991; cf.Oginenin, Terminologia Indica Tartu) I 1967. 10 sqq.
Theoretically, a double Para-Munda prefix ka-kam- can be sassumed,cf. Witzel 1999.
2997S kākātānī
kākātanī a kind of cucumber, Gṛhya Sūtras. Mayrhofer EWA I 335 "unclear". Note also the plant names maca-kakacātanī, kākādanī.
Purely theoretically, a double Para-Munda prefix kā-kā- can be assumed. The variations maca-kakacātanī, kākādanī point to a non-IA origin, cf. Witzel 1999. (MW 11/28/10)
2998S kākka-
2998 *kākka— ‘senior male relative’. [← Drav.: Kan. kakka ‘uncle’, Tel. kakka ‘daddy’, Mal. kākke ‘mother's brother’] Gy. eur. kako m. ‘uncle’; Paš. kākū́ ‘boy’, kākī ‘girl’; Sh. (Lor.) kāko ‘elder brother’, kāki ‘elder sister’; K. kākh, dat. kākas m. ‘one's own father, elder male rela- tive’, kākañ f. ‘his wife’; S. kāko m. ‘elder brother’, kākiṛo m. ‘uvula’; L. kākī f. ‘pupil of eye’; P. kākā m. ‘elder brother, father's slave, son or grandson of a Sikh prince, little child’, kākī f. ‘little girl, pupil of eye’; WPah. bhal. kāk ‘brother’, paṅ. kakkā ‘uncle’; Ku. kakā hon. pl. ‘uncle’, kākhī ‘aunt’; N. kāko ‘father's younger brother’; A. kakā ‘grandfather’, kakāi ‘term of address for an older relative or elderly man’; B. kākā ‘father's younger brother’, kākī ‘his wife’; Or. kākā, kakāī ‘father's younger brother’, kāku—mā ‘his wife’; Mth. kakkā ‘father's brother’; H. kākā m. ‘father's younger brother’; G. kākɔ, usu. hon. pl. °kā m. ‘father's brother’, °kī f. ‘his wife’, kāku ‘pet name for a boy’, kākliyā m.pl. ‘mother's brother’; M. kākā m. ‘father's brother, elderly cousin’, °kī f. ‘his wife’.
For the prehistory of this term see now: P.Bancel and Alain Matthey de l'Etang , Tracing of the Ancestral Kinship System: The Global Etymon KAKA: Part I: A linguistic study; Part II: An anthropological study. Mother Tongue VII, 2002, 209-258. (MW 11/29/10)
3000 *kāṅkuka—, kāṅguka— m. ‘a kind of corn’ Suśr. [kaṅku—] S. kā̃gaṛu m. ‘Holcus saccharatus, stubble’, kā̃giṛī f. ‘wheat stalk, seed of Abrus precatorius’.
3008 *kāca— 2 ‘black’. [kācalavaṇa— n. ‘black salt’ lex.] Wg. kāčә́, Niṅg. kāċә́ ‘black’, Shum. xaċƏ < kh— NTS xvii 263.
3008S kācá-
kācá- shining piece of jewelry Katha Samh.+; Pali kāca- piece of glass, Kashmiri kā'ch pottery made from fine clay. NIA: common word for the widely traded glass pearls (in recent centuries made in village in Andhra). -- Identification by K. Hoffmann, Sprache 32, 1986, 29 sq.: from proto-Nuristani *kāt's'a-, borrowed into IA as kāca- and into Old Persian *kāc'a- > kāsa-ka 'semi-precious stone'. -- No connections with kāca/kāja- 'rope' and CDIAL 3008 *kāca- 'black'. (MW 11/28/10)
3010S kāja-
kāja- perhaps 'rope' Āp.ŚrautaS., epic; variant kāñja- Hir. ŚrS., note kāca- in later Skt. -- Mayrhofer EA I 335 'unclear'. Cf. Das, Sprache 31, 1985, 262.
3016S kāṭá-
kāṭá- hole, depth RV 1.106.6, AV 12.4.3, kā'ṭya- 'situated in depth' YV+; Mayrhofer EWA I 335 derives it from kartá-. Cf. Kuiper, Aryans 1991, PMW 162 (Munda?); CDIAL 2851 "Dravidian". --- CDIAL 2851 kartá— 1 m. ‘hole’ RV. [Cf. kāṭá— m. ‘hole’ RV., gárta—, *gaḍḍa—1, *gaḍḍ—1—, gaḍa—1, *gallī—, *gālī—, *galī—, *khaḍḍa—, *khāḍa—, khalla—2, *khāla—, *khala—3. — The extensive interchange of sounds, voiced with unvoiced, retroflex with dental or l, in- explicable within Indo—aryan itself, in a group of words all indicating ‘digging’ and ‘hole’ strongly sup- ports assumption of Dravidian origin for it (T. Burrow BSOAS xii 370) despite the early attestation of kartá—1, kāṭá—, gárta—1 (EWA i 173). Beside Kan. kaḍḍa ‘pitfall for elephants’ cf. Kan. gal̤de (9th cent.), gardde (11th cent.), gaddĕ ‘paddy field’, Brah. kaṛak ‘hole’] Or. kāta ‘heap of coins as a stake in gambling’. *himakartā—. Addenda: kartá— 1 [Cf. Shgh. čāg—dil ‘pit of stomach’ < *kartā—, cf. khaṭṭa—3]
3017 *kāṭa— 2 ‘stick, penis’. [Cf. *kaṇṭa3] Pa. kāṭa—kōṭacikā— ‘penis and vulva (as term of abuse)’; Gy. eur. kar m. ‘penis’, karoró m. ‘small do.’, S. kāṛu m., H. kāṛh m., G. kāṛ m.; M. kāḍ n. f. ‘straw’, kāḍī f. ‘little stick, blade of grass’, kāḍūk n. ‘little stick’.
3019S kāṇa-
kāna- one-eyed RV 10.155.1, AV+ Mayrhofer EWA I 336 'unclear', but then deliberates on IE origin: < *karṇá- < PIE *kolnó-, if connected with O. Irish coll; however, denies connection with Ved. karṇá- 'deaf' ("defective'). -- Mundic Kuiper, Fs. Kirfel 175 sq. -- However, connected with late Slt. kāṇa- crow (Lex.) that is 'one-eyed'(ekākṣa), s. Thieme, Kl.Schr. 301. -- Note also Burushaski šon (along with other developments of *k > š, see karkoṭa-) (MW 11/29/10)
3020S kāṇuká-
kāṇuká- "?" only RV 8.77.4 (kāṇukā'). As the meaning of the word is unknown, etymologies are equally uncertain, cf. Mayrhofre,EWA I 336.
3023S kā'ṇḍa-
kā'ṇḍa- section, piece, part of a shaft AV+; epic also 'arrow', class. Skt kāṇḍīra- 'armed with arrows'; further kāṇda-vīṇā (Katha Samh.) 'a musical instrument composed of (reed) segments, flute', kāṇḍvīya- 'name of an Udgātar. --- Mayrhofer EWA I 336 "unclear, probably of MIA or non-IE origin." Primary meaning unclear; the PIE ety. *kolndo- is outdated; Burrow BSOAS 34, 1971, 546 sq. assumes spontaneous (context free) -ṇḍ- for *kānda- , cf. Greek kóndulos 'joint'; otherwise explained as Prakritism or from Munda; however, CDIAL assumes Dravidian origins: CDIAL 3023 kā́ṇḍa— (kāṇḍá— TS.) m.n. ‘single joint of a plant’ AV., ‘arrow’ MBh., ‘cluster, heap’ (in tr̥ṇa—kāṇḍa— Pāṇ. Kāś.). [Poss. connexion with gaṇḍa—2 makes prob. non—Aryan origin (not with P. Tedesco Language 22, 190 < kr̥ntáti). kā'ṇḍa- Probably ← Drav., cf. Tam. kaṇ ‘joint of bamboo or sugarcane’ EWA i 197] Pa. kaṇḍa— m.n. ‘joint of stalk, stalk, arrow, lump’; Pk. kaṁḍa—, °aya— m.n. ‘knot of bough, bough, stick’; Ash. kaṇ ‘arrow’, Kt. kåṇ, Wg. kāṇ, kŕä̃, Pr. kә̃, Dm. kā̆n; Paš. lauṛ. kāṇḍ, kāṇ, ar. kōṇ, kuṛ. kõmacr;, dar. kā̃ṛ ‘arrow’, kā̃ṛī ‘torch’; Shum. kõmacr;ṛ, kõmacr; ‘arrow’, Gaw. kāṇḍ, kāṇ; Kho. kan ‘tree, large bush’; Bshk. ka'n ‘arrow’, Tor. kan m., Sv. kā̃ṛa, Phal. kōṇ, Sh. gil. kōn f. (→ Ḍ. kōn, pl. kāna f.), pales. kōṇ; K. kā̃ḍ m. ‘stalk of a reed, straw’ (kān m. ‘arrow’ ← Sh.?); S. kānu m. ‘arrow’, °no m. ‘reed’, °nī f. ‘topmost joint of the reed Sara, reed pen, stalk, straw, porcupine's quill’; L. kānā̃ m. ‘stalk of the reed Sara’, °nı̄̃ f. ‘pen, small spear’; P. kānnā m. ‘the reed Saccharum munja, reed in a weaver's warp’, kānī f. ‘ar- row’; WPah. bhal. kān n. ‘arrow’, jaun. kā̃ḍ; N. kā̃ṛ ‘arrow’, °ṛo ‘rafter’; A. kā̃r ‘arrow’; B. kā̃ṛ ‘arrow’, °ṛā ‘oil vessel made of bamboo joint, needle of bamboo for netting’, kẽṛiyā ‘wooden or earthen vessel for oil &c.’; Or. kāṇḍa, kā̃ṛ ‘stalk, arrow’; Bi. kā̃ṛā ‘stem of muñja grass (used for thatching)’; Mth. kā̃ṛ ‘stack of stalks of large millet’, kā̃ṛī ‘wooden milkpail’; Bhoj. kaṇḍā ‘reeds’; H. kā̃ṛī f. ‘rafter, yoke’, kaṇḍā m. ‘reed, bush’ (← EP.?); G. kā̃ḍ m. ‘joint, bough, arrow’, °ḍũ n. ‘wrist’, °ḍī f. ‘joint, bough, arrow, lucifer match’; M. kā̃ḍ n. ‘trunk, stem’, °ḍẽ n. ‘joint, knot, stem, straw’, °ḍī f. ‘joint of sugarcane, shoot of root (of ginger, &c.)’; Si. kaḍaya ‘arrow’. — Deriv. A. kāriyāiba ‘to shoot with an arrow’. kā́ṇḍīra—; *kāṇḍakara—, *kāṇḍārā—; *dēhīkāṇḍa— Add. Addenda: kā́ṇḍa— [< IE. *kondo—, Gk. kondu/lo s ‘knuckle’, ko/ndo s ‘ankle’ T. Burrow BSOAS xxxviii 55] S.kcch. kāṇḍī f. ‘lucifer match’?
3028S kānītá-
kānītá- Patronymic of Pṛthuśravas (RV 2.1.33+), from kanīṭa- Cf. Mayrhofer EWA I 337 and idem, Personennamen (München 2003) 27. -- For E. Iranian connections, K.Hoffmann, Aufs. 9 (belonging to the 'foreign sounding royal names of the 8th Maṇḍala") and to be connected with Scythian names Kanítēs/Kánitos); cf. Kuiper, Aryans 1991: no. 93. -- Differently Thieme, Kl. Schr. 509sq from kanī˚ (~ kanyā).
3030S kāndaviṣá-
kāndā-viṣá- a certain poison AV 10.4.22, Mayrhofer, EWA I 337 "unclear"; next to kanáknaka- (see EWA I 296). -viṣa'poison' can also be the result of popular etymology.
3032S kāpaṭava-
kāpaṭava- (sunītha-) name of a teacher, Brahm. -- Mayrhofer EWA I 338: derived for kapaṭu 'a sort of mushroom'? (see 2740S)
For similar nicknames see Witzel, Zu den Namen einiger vedischer Schulen. Studien zur Indologie und Iranistik 10, 1983/85, 231-237 (MW 12/3/10)
kā'payā- "?" only RV 10.40.3 Mayrhofer EWA I 338 "no secure interpretation" -- Probably instr.of kā'pā- "fear"or "with gear".Connections with Latin capiō and Middle Persian kabāh have been proposed.
kābavá- name of a demon, AV 3/93-5. Mayrhofer EWA I 338 "unclear".-- speculative connection with *kabu ~ karbura- 'spotted'.
kāmpīla-(vasin-) (dressed with a) K˚-dress. Kaṭha Samh.+, s. K. Hoffmann Aufs. 396. Later (Epic) a place name. Mayrhofer EWA I 339 connects kāmpīla- 'name of a plant?' Kauśika Sūtra.
3056 *kāra— 6 ‘ear’. [Connexion with kárṇa— is not clear] Wg. kār ‘ear’ (← Kho. kār), Kt. kōr, Dm. kâar Morgenstierne FestskrBroch 150, NTS xii 173; — Ash. karmuṭä́ ‘ear’, Kt. karmútƏ ‘lobe of ear’, Gaw. kumtak ‘ear’ NTS ii 261 (or poss. all three < karṇapattraka—). kāra— 7 m. ‘tax’ see kara2. Addenda: *kāra—6: Kho. kār ‘ear’ certainly not ← Wg. BKhoT 69.
3057S kārapacava-
kārapacava- name of a locality in Kurukṣetra, Pañcaviṃśa Brāhmaṇa. Unexplained.(MW 12/7/10)
3065S kāraskara-
kāraskara- name of a people, perhaps in Gujarat, Baudhāyana Śrautasūtra. Unexplained.(MW 12/7/10)
3070S kārotará-
kārotará- sieve, filter RV 1.116.7 +; also bamboo filter to cleanse súrā alcohol; Mayrhofer, EWA I 341 "unclear.' For suggestions of IE etumologies see Burrow, Sanskrit 150; note Kuiper, Aryans 1991. Like many words involved with Soma and alcohol production likely a non-IE word (MW 12/7/10)
3071S kārpāṇá-
kārpāṇá- "?" RV 10.22.10, Mayrhofer EWA I 341 "not explained securely." -- Geldner, RV Uebersetzung 'in sword fight', cf. kṛpāṇa- 'sword' and kṛpáṇe RV 10.99.9 and Oldenberg, Noten II 223.
3080S kārṣapaṇá-
kārṣapaṇá- name of a certain coin, Sāmavidhāna Br.+, kārṣāpaṇika- in Pāṇini, note karṣa- 'a coin' in later Sanskrit (Suśruta +). Mayrhofer EWA I 342 connects the latter with the Iranian (Old Persian) karśa- 'a weight', and explains -paṇa- from paṇ 'to exchange, buy' (as in Epic ā-pāṇa- 'market'). Alternatively as Sanskritization of (ā)-paṇ in a loan word. -- CDIAL 3080: kārṣāpaṇá— m.n. ‘a partic. coin or weight equivalent to one karṣa’. [karṣa— m. ‘a partic. weight’ Suśr. (cf. OPers. karša—) and paṇa—2 or āpana— EWA i 176 and 202 with lit. But from early MIA. kā̆hā°] Pa. kahāpaṇa— m.n. ‘a partic. weight and coin’, KharI. kahapana—, Pk. karisāvaṇa— m.n., kāhāvaṇa—, kah° m.; A. kaoṇ ‘a coin equivalent to 1 rupee or 16 paṇas or 1280 cowries’; B. kāhan ‘16 paṇas’; Or. kāhā̆ṇa ‘16 annas or 1280 cowries’, H. kahāwan, kāhan, kahān m.; OSi. (brāhmī) kahavaṇa, Si. kahavuṇa, °vaṇuva ‘a partic. weight’.
3082S kārṣmaryà-
kārṣmaryà-name of a tree, Gmeliana arborea, Kaṭha Saṃhitā+; Mayrhofer EWA I 342 "unclear, perhaps loan word". Note the variations: kā(r)śmarī-/kāśmarya-, kambhārī, gambhārī(ka). Mayhofer deliberates on IE origin *kārṣmar- ~ kā'rṣman- but also thinks of an archaization of a loan word. He also notes Drav.: Kanada kumuḷe, kumbuḍi, kūḷe (DEDR 1742) but finds the connection unsubstantiated. -- CDIAL 3082 kārṣmaryà— m. ‘the tree Gmelina arborea’ TS., kārśmarī— f. lex., kāśmarya— m., °marī— f. MBh., °mīrī—, kambhārī—, gambhārī, °rikā— f. lex. [← Drav. T. Burrow BSOAS xii 372, EWA i 202] N. khamāro, °ri, gambāri ‘Gmelina arborea’, A. gamārī, B. gāmbhārī, gāmārī, Or. gambhārī, H. kambhārī, kha°, ga° f.; M. khãbārī ‘the plant Costus speciosus’ (similar confusion in M. śivṇī f. ‘Gm. arborea and C. speciosus’);—poss. Paš. kašmīr, kašpīr ‘wild fruit tree with red berries, Sugeretia oppositifolia (?)’ see kāś- mīra—2.
3083S kā'laka-
kā'lakā- an unknown animal (a bird; according to Sāyaṇa 'chameleon') Mayrhofer EWA I 344 "unclear", perhaps due to its color, kālaka (Pāṇ.) 'black'
kālvālī'-kṛta- (adj.) only ŚB 'epithet of the earth (without plants and trees), thus "made/rendered bald." cf. áti-kulva-/áti-kūlva- 'too bald', cf. Vedic khalati 'bald headed'. Mayrhofer EWA I 344 prefers IE origin: Latin calvus, etc., cf. EWA I 377 kulva-. He disregards the changes of the initial syllable in these words (*kāḷva-la-, *kulva-, *khala-ti-), typical for non-IE words, and rejects Proto-Mundic origin (Kuiper PMW 51).
3107 *kāvaraka— ‘crow’. [Cf. N. kupaṅkhi ‘crow’; Lith. kóvarnis ‘raven’ IIFL iii 3, 199] Paš. dar. xāwarā́, weg. kawarṓ ‘crow’. Addenda: *kāvaraka— [Cf. Ir. *kuwarana— in Shgh. xū̆rn, Yid. xworn ‘crow’]
3109 *kāvikā— ‘scum’. Pk. kāvī— f. ‘green substance’; N. kāi ‘coating sticking to the side of a vessel in which milk or other liquid is kept’; B. kāī ‘starch’ (ODBL 320 < kvātha—); Or. kāi ‘fuller's earth, natron’, kāī ‘starch’; H. kāī f. ‘green scum on stagnant water’; G. kāī f. ‘thin layer or covering’.
kā'śa- a type of a shining whitish grass, Saccharum spontaneum L., used to make mats, roofs, RV 10.100.10+ (if to be read kā'śe, not: ko'śe). Mayrhofer EWA I 345 "'unclear'; the similar Iranian words M.Pers., N. Pers. kāh 'straw', Baluchi 'fresh green grass', are to be kept seperate (due to otherwise irregular sound developments). -=- CDIAL 3112 kā́śa— m. ‘a grass used for mats, Saccharum spon- taneum’ Kauś. Pa. Pk. kāsa— m.; Kt. kāċɔ ‘millet’, Wg. kāċ; S. kā̃hu m. ‘S. spontaneum’, °hī f. ‘a species of grass’; L. kā̃h f. ‘S. spontaneum’; P. kā̃h m., kāhī f. ‘S. spontaneum’, kāh m. ‘a kind of reed’; Ku. kā̃s ‘a kind of grass used for religious purposes’; N. kā̃s ‘S. spontaneum’, A. kãhuwā, B. kās, Or. kāsa, kāiśa, kāı̃ca, Bi. Mth. kās, kā̃sī, OAw. kāṁsa; H. kās m. ‘S. spontaneum’, kā̃s f. ‘id., the tall grass Imperata spontanea’; G. kās m. ‘a kind of white grass’. — Connexion of Dm. Gaw. kāraz, Sv. kāraž ‘millet’ is not clear.
kāśí- closed hand, fist, a handfull of...' RV+ Mayrhofer EWA I 345 "unlcear". For possible Iranian connections see Sims-Williams, BSOAS 42, 1979, 134.
3114S kāśí-
kāśí- name of a people in the Benares area, depicted a non- or only half-Vedic, AV, AVP+; kā'śya- prince of the Kāśi, later: kāśī-/kāśi- name of Benares. Mayrhofer EWA I 345 "unexplained name of a people". --- The AV correlates their name with the sound of coughing: kas-kas.
3120S kāṣṭhá-
kāṣṭhá- 'a piece of wood' ŚB+ later on also 'a measure of wood'; note: kā'ṣṭha- often understood as 'race track' RV+; Mayrhofer EWA I 345'not explained securely'. -- CDIAL 3120 kāṣṭhá— n. ‘piece of wood’ ŚBr., °ikā— f. ‘small do.’ Pañcat. Pa. Pk. kaṭṭha— n. ‘wood’, NiDoc. kaṭh́a; Gy. pal. kŭšt ‘firewood’, eur. kašt m. ‘piece of wood, timber’; Kt. kåṭ ‘branch’; Paš. kaṣṭa—lauṛa ‘wooden contrivance used in threshing’, Sh. gil. kāṭ m. ‘wood’, (→ Ḍ kōṭ m.), koh. kāṭhu̯, gur. kāṭu̯, (Lor.) kāṭo ‘rafter’; K. kāṭh m. ‘wood’, kôṭhu m. ‘impalement stake’, köṭhü f. ‘small stick’ (köṭhi f. ‘wooden saddle’ ← L. &c.); S. kāṭhu m. ‘large beam’, °ṭhī f. ‘wood’; L. P. kāṭh m. ‘wood’, kāṭṭhī f. ‘saddle’, P. kāṭhṛā m., °ṛī f. ‘old wooden saddle’; Ku. N. kāṭh ‘wood’; A. B. kāṭh ‘wood’, °ṭhī ‘thin bamboo measuring rod’; B. kāṭhā ‘measure of length’; Or. kāṭha ‘wood’, °ṭhi ‘splinter’, kāṭhā ‘mea- sure of land of 320 square cubits’; Mth. Bhoj. Aw. lakh. H. kāṭh m. ‘wood’, H. kāṭhī f. ‘wood, sheath, saddle’; G. kāṭh n. ‘wood’, °ṭhī f. ‘stick, measure of 5 cubits’; M. kāṭhī ‘pole, horse's penis, measure of 5 cubits’; Si. kaṭa ‘dry stick, fuel’; — WPah. bhal. kāhṛuo n. ‘firewood’, kāhɔṛi f. ‘piece of wood serving as axle in a flour—mill’ < MIA. *kāṭha— ~ *kāṭṭha—. kāṣṭhin—; *pratikāṣṭha—; *kāṣṭhakuṭaka—, *kāṣṭha- kūṭa—, *kāṣṭhaghaṭa—, *kāṣṭhaghara—, *kāṣṭha- dhāna—, *kāṣṭhapādukā—, kāṣṭhabhārika—, kāṣṭha- maya—, *kāṣṭhavaṁśa—, *kāṣṭhavāṭa—, *kāṣṭhahāra—; *karṇakāṣṭhaka—, *kartyakāṣṭha—, *karpāsak°, *kar- mak°, kōṇak°, *garbhagharak°, *garbhāgārak°, *catuṣk°, *candanak°, carmakāṣṭhikā—, *jambukāṣ- ṭha—, *tilakāṣṭhikā—, *tubarak°, *dīpak°, *dharakāṣ- ṭha—, dhūmak°, *navak°, *pādak°, *purāṇak°, *bharak°, *mukhak°, *yugak°, *rahalak°, *lavak°, *lōkak°, *vālukāk°, *śaṇak°, *śambak°, *skandhak°. --- Addenda: kāṣṭhá— [T. Burrow BSOAS xxxviii 58 < IE. *kolstho— with ā < o in —s— extension of *kelā— ‘to hew’] S.kcch. kāṭhī f. ‘wood’; WPah.kṭg. káṭṭhi f. ‘saddle’; Garh. kāṭh ‘wood’, A. kāṭhi ‘verandah’ AFD 206. †;*śamyākāṣṭha—.
3132S kā'ṣṭhā-
kā'ṣṭhā- RV+ commonly understood as 'race track', see however, Witzel & Goto, Rig-Veda, Frankfurt 2007, on RV 1.31.6 and p. 854 'turning pole in the chariot race'. Mayrhofer EWA I 346 (and Thieme Kl. Schr. 52 sq) still regard a 'pars pro toto' interpretation (from kāṣṭhá-) as most probable: barriers the race track',which however is a non-Vedic concept. -- CDIAL 3132 kā́ṣṭhā— f. ‘race—course’ RV., ‘goal, limit’ ŚBr., ‘cardinal point’ MBh., ‘measure of time = 1/30 kalā’ Mn. Pk. kaṭṭhā— f. ‘limit, measure of time’; Si. kaṭa ‘a very short space of time’.
3143S kiṃśāru-
kiṃśāṛu- awn, beard of grains Aitareya Br.+ Mayrhofer EA I 348 "unclear", quoting Wack.-Debr., Ai Gramm. I 143 "suspicious of foreign origin".
3149S kiṃśuka-
kiṃśuka- a tree with red blossoms, Butea frondosa; already seen in RV su-kiṃśuká- 'having beautiful red blossoms', an epithet of the chariot of the daughter of the sun, Sūryā; kaiṃśuka- Suśruta; note Pkt. kesua- < kaimśuka, etc. Mayrhofer EWA I 348 "unclear", arguing agaist Dravidian origin (*kīsu-). -- CDIAL 3149 kiṁśuka— m. ‘the tree Butea frondosa’ MBh., kaiṁ- śuka— ‘pertaining to B. frondosa’ Suśr. 2. *kēśuka—. [M. Mayrhofer's assumption, EWA i 206, of a *kīsuka- ‘red tree’ (changed by pop. etym. to kiṁ—śuka—) ← Drav. is supported by NIA. forms which have no nasal. H. also has ṭesū m.] 1. Pa. kiṁsuka— m. ‘the tree’; Pk. kiṁsua— m. ‘the tree’, n. ‘the flower’. 2. Pk. kēsua— m., H. kesū m. (→ S. kesū m. ‘the tree’, L. kēsū phull m. ‘the flowers’), G. kesu n., kesuṛā̃ n. pl. ‘the flowers (used for making a saffron dye)’, kesuṛī f. ‘the tree’. kikidīví— see dīvi—. Addenda: kiṁśuka—: line 2 *kēśuka— r. kaiṁśuka— ‘pertaining to Butea frondosa’ Suśr.
3150 *kikka— ‘infant’. [*kīkk— ‘scream’?] S. kiko m. ‘baby’; G. kīkɔ m. ‘boy’, °kī f. ‘girl’.
3150S kiṃstya-
kiṃstya- a fruit? part of a shell?(kiṃstya-nābhi-), Kauśika Sūtra; cf. Caland, Altindisches Zauberritual 20, Ann. 7.
3151 *kikkara— ‘Acacia arabica’. 2. *kiṅkara—. [kiṅkarāla—, °kirāla— m. lex.] 1. L. P. kikkar m., °rī f.; H. kīkar, °kaṛ m. ‘A. arabica’, kīkrī ‘saw—like’, f. ‘edging shaped like the leaf of this tree’. 2. M. kı̃kar f. ‘a variety of Acacia’; — P. kiṅgarī f. ‘indented figure traced on the border of a garment’. kikhi— see khiṅkhirī—. *kiṅkara— ‘Acacia’ see *kikkara—. kiṅkarāla— see *kikkara—.
3151S kikidīvi-
kikidīvi- a kind of jay, RV, YV+ Mayrhofer, EWA I 349 'surely an imitation of bird call; cf. *kīkk, kūkk "to screech' in later Skt., while the second part of the word remains unclear.-- Similar onomatopoetics in Greek khíssa/kítta 'jay', etc. Cf. Kuiper, Aryans 1999: 108. --- CDIAL 3192, 3192 *kīkkati ‘screams’. [Onom. cf. *kūkkati] S. kīkaṇu ‘to scream’, kīka f. ‘scream’, kīkāiṇu ‘to make squeak’, kīkiru m. ‘screamer’; P. kikiāuṇā ‘to scream’, H. kīknā, kikiyānā, kīk m.; G. kikiyāṛɔ m., °ṛī f. ‘shrill cry’; M. kı̃k, kı̃kṇī, kı̃kḷī f. ‘shriek’. --- CDIAL 3390 *kūkkati ‘screams’. 2. *kūkkā— ‘scream’. [Onom. cf. *kīkkati, to be separated from *krukṣati] 1. Pk. kukkaï, kok° ‘calls, challenges’; S. kūkaṇu ‘to screech’; L. kūkaṇ ‘to scream’, P. kūkṇā, H. kūknā; M. kukṇẽ, kũk° ‘to crow’. 2. S. kūka f. ‘scream’, L. P. kūk f., H. kūk, kok f. — Deriv. S. kūkiṛo m. ‘consternation’, kūkāraṇu ‘to screech’. kūcı̄́— see kūrcá—. Addenda: *kūkkati [Poss. < *kuhukk—: cf. kuhurava- (kuhūrava— Naiṣ.) m. ‘cry of the kōkila’ MBh., kuharita— n. (*kuharayati) lex.; kuhakuhārāva— m. ‘cry of the cātaka’ Bālar., kuhakārāva— m. ‘neighing’ HPariś., kuhakka— m. ‘a musical measure’ MW.] OP. kuhakaṇu ‘to coo (of the kōkila)’; OMarw. (Vīsaḷa) absol. koki ‘summoning’. -- cf. also CDIAL 6374 dīvi—, divi— m. ‘blue jay’ lex. [Cf. kikidīví— m. RV], and CDIAL 5156 *jaladīvi— ‘a water—bird’. [jala—, dīvi—] N. jalewā ‘a partic. kind of river bird’: very doubtful.
3153 *kicca— ‘mud, dirt’. 2. *kacca—2. 3. *khacca—. [Cf. Drav. words quoted s.v. *gicc— and further groups s.vv. kiṭṭa— and kaccara1, and *cikka2] 1. Phal. kičal ‘mud’, číčal ‘clay’; Ku. kīc ‘mud, dirt’, B. kicā, kicaṛ, Mth. kīc, kı̄̃c; H. kicpic f. ‘mud’, kicṛā m. ‘gummy secretion of eyes’, kicṛāhā ‘muddy’; G. kīc, kīcaṛ m. ‘mud’, M. kicaḍ m. 2. Paš. kačaṭā́ ‘piece, bit’; Mth. kāc, kāc—kīc ‘mud, filth’. 3. Dm. khača ‘dirty, bad’; Gaw. khaċ, khas ‘bad’; Kal. khāčä ‘bad, dirty (?)’; Sv. khaco ‘dirty, bad’; Phal. khāču ‘bad’ (?), khāčo ‘a lie’, khā́čulo ‘dirty, bad’. kiñculaka— ‘worm’ see *kēñcuka—. KIṬ ‘fear’: *kiṭyatē. Addenda: *kicca—. 1. S.kcch. kicaḍ m. ‘mud’, H. Brj. kīc, kīcaṛ m., Ko. kiċkiċu ‘muddy’. — H. kicṛā ‘secretion from eye’ cf. Ko. piċċaḍa id. (< piccaṭa—, see *piccikā—) S. M. Katre. — S.kcch. phonet. k+caṛ AKŚ xviii.
3153S kikirā'
kikirā' (+kṛ) to tear apart RV; onomatopoetic/sound symbolism acc. to Wack.-Debr., Ai. Gramm. I 143, II 1.7, K.Hoffmann Aufs. 41, 354.
3154S kikkiṭā'
kikkiṭā' + kṛ to call, to attract YV, see K.Hoffmann Aufs. 354 n. 9; Aufs. 39: an reduplicating onomatopoetic, whose non-assimilated form is perserved in JB kiṭ-kiṭ-(kāra-)
3155 *kiṭana— ‘a tick’. [kiṭibha— m. ‘bug, louse’ lex., °aka- m. ‘louse’ Divyāv.] WPah. bhal. kiṛn m., kiṛni f. ‘an insect that sticks to the teats of cattle’; N. kirnu, obl. °nā ‘dog or cattle tick’; — Ku. kino ‘tick’, N. cam—kinu ‘a kind of small body louse’ perh. < *kirno rather than kiṇa2. kiṭibha— see prec.
3155S kikkiśa-
kikkiśa- a kind of wurm AVP 5.159+, calls. Skt. kikkisa; cf. kikkisāda 'a kind of snake Mayrhofer EWA I 350 "unclear".
3156S kiknasa-
kiknasa- part of a bruised grain, groats Aitareya Br.. Mayrhofer EWA I 350: to be connected with Skt.lex. cikkasa 'flour of barley', caknasa in Patanjali. --- Obviously a local word: ki-/ca-knasa > later cikkasa (MW 12/12/2010)
3157S kiñjalka-
kiñjalka- stamina of a (lotus) flower Śrautasūtras; Skt. lex. kiñjala-. Mayrhofer EWA I 350 "unclear'.
3158 *kiṭyatē ‘is afraid’. [kḗṭati Dhātup.: √kiṭ] A. kiṭāiba ‘to be alarmed, take up arms for defence’.
3158S kiṭi-
kiṭi- wild boar Kauśika Sūtra. Mayrhofer EWA I 350 "uncear". Cf. nevertheless Skt lex. kiri 'wild boars'..
3159S kiṇva-
kiṇva- yeast, Sūtras. Mayrhofer EWA I 350: has been explained from •kṛṇva- 'active'liek kaṇva-. See that entry.
3160S kitavá-
kitavá- player in the so-called dice game (played with 150 nuts, see Falk, Bruderschaft 99 sqq.) RV+, epic kaitava- wager in the dice game, lie. Mayrhofer EWA I 350 "not to be separated from kṛtá- 'throw' (in the dice game). -- cf. CDIAL 3477 3477 kaitava— n. ‘stake in gambling’ MBh., ‘deceit’ R., °aka— n. ‘gambling’ MBh. [kitavá— m. ‘gambler’ RV., Pa. kitava— m.] Pk. kēava— n. ‘fraud’, H. kewā m. ‘deceit, excuse’; — Pk. kaïava— n. ‘fraud’ (re—formed after Sk. kaitava- LM 73), M. kaivāḍ n. ‘ruse, trick’
3163S kiyā'mbu-
kiyā'mbu- a water plant RV 10.16.13; Av 18.3.6 has k(i)ā'mbū-, Taitt. Ar. kiyāmbū'- Mayrhofer EWA I 352 'unclear', possible connected with Late Vedic ambu-, possibly by popular etymology? --- Cf. Kuiper 1991; and 1955: 147 ámbu- in the Upaniṣads, (cf. Mayrhofer EWA I 100).
3173S kírāta-
kírāta- name of a mountain tribe VS+, kairātikā'- a young female Kirāta AV+, also in kilāta- ŚB: kilātākulī'- Brāhm.; cf. Calss. Skt. kirāṭā- 'merchant;' and Lex. kirāta-, kilāta- 'dwarf'. Mayrhofer EWA I 352sq. "a foreign tribal name'. -- Kuiper, PMW 136,162 thinks of a Drav. origin; Shafer, Ethn. 124sq thinks of Tib.-Burmese; cf. data in Rönnow, MA 30,90 sqq.; Satyavrat Sastri, Essays, Delhi 1963: 32-35; -- Note that Epic-Class. texts think of Himalayan Tibeto-Burmese populations as 'humpbacks', 'golden colored' barbarians. - Note many other tribal names in -ta-, -ṭa-: RV kīkaṭa, PS maraṭa-, Epic (k)ulūta- etc. -- Hsuan Tsang (early 7th cent. CE) still knows of a Kira tribe, thus without suffix, in the Kashmir area. Kirātas were thought to be the early population and rulers of the Kathmandu Valley, expelled by the Licchavi dynasty, c. 200 CE- 750 CE. Kirata tribes still survive in eastern Nepal as Kiraṃt (Rai, Limbu) --- CDIAL 3173 kirāṭa— m. ‘merchant’ Rājat., kirīṭa—2 m. BhP., kírāta- m. ‘a degraded mountain tribe’ VS., cilātī— f. ‘woman of this tribe’ YogH. [Alternance of k— and c—, —ṭ— and —t- suggests Drav. origin, EWA i 211. Perh. same as kilāta— ‘dwarf’] Pa. kirāṭa— m. ‘fraudulent merchant’ (kirāṭa—, °āta- m. ‘man of a jungle tribe’ see kilāta—); Pk. kirāḍa—, °āya—, cilāa— m., f. °āī—, °āiyā— ‘a non—Aryan tribe, slave’, cilāī— f.; S. kirāṛu m. ‘Hindu shopkeeper’; L. kirāṛ, karāṛ m., kirāṛī f. ‘member of a tribe of Hindus (also called aroṛā) who act as traders and moneylenders’; H. kirāṛ m. ‘merchant’. — Deriv. Pa. kērāṭika—, °iya- ‘false’ (cf. kirāsa— ‘fraudulent’); — L. kirṛakkā ‘con- nected with Hindus’. kírāta— see prec. -- 3182 kilāta—, kirāta— m. ‘dwarf’ lex. [Perh. same as kírāta- m. ‘member of a mountain tribe’ VS., see kirāṭa—: cf. esp. Pa. kirāta—, °āṭa— m. ‘man of a jungle tribe (classed with dwarfs among the attendants of a chief)’] Paš. kelā́ ‘boy’ IIFL iii 3, 91 with (?). (MW 12/14/10)
˚kiri- Mayerhofer EWA I 312 compares kárīṣa- and utkará-, from kṛ 'to pour, scatter' EWA I 312
kiriká- spraying, sputtering YV, giriká- MS Mayrhopfer EWA I 353 connects kiriká- with kṛ 'to pour, strew (kirate etc.) EWA I 311
3180S kirmirá
kirmirá- 'variegated' VS. "unclear" Mayrhofer EWA I 353; he compares Skt. kirbira-, kirmīra-, kinmīrita-, but denies proto-Munda connections; deliberates *krmirá- > kirmirá
3184 *kilāsa— 2 ‘defective’. Pa. kirāsa— ‘fraudulent, false’ (cf. kērāṭika— s.v. kirāṭa—); M. kiḷśā, kiḷośī ‘weakly, sickly’.
3192 *kīkkati ‘screams’. [Onom. cf. *kūkkati] S. kīkaṇu ‘to scream’, kīka f. ‘scream’, kīkāiṇu ‘to make squeak’, kīkiru m. ‘screamer’; P. kikiāuṇā ‘to scream’, H. kīknā, kikiyānā, kīk m.; G. kikiyāṛɔ m., °ṛī f. ‘shrill cry’; M. kı̃k, kı̃kṇī, kı̃kḷī f. ‘shriek’.
3206 *kukka— 1 ‘dog’. [Onom.: cf. *kutta—1, kurkurá—] Pk. kukka— m., °kī— f., H. kukkā m.; Si. kukkā ‘puppy’. Addenda: kukka—1: WPah.kṭg. kukṭu m. ‘small dog’, poet. kukṭe f. ‘bitch’.
3207 *kukka— 2 ‘defective’. S. kuku m. ‘crop which has remained without form- ing ears’; L. kukk, pl. °kã f. ‘a date which has shrivelled on the tree’; G. kukɔ m. ‘contemptuous term for a coin, rounded piece of tile used by girls in play’; M. kukā m. ‘term of reproach for an adult but still childish fellow’.
3212 *kukkusa— ‘chaff’. [Cf. kukūla— m. ‘chaff’ Kathās. and busá1] Pa. kukkusa— ‘red powder of rice husks’; Pk. kukkusa—, kukusa— m. ‘chaff of rice &c.’; G. kuskā m.pl., °kī f. ‘chaff of rice, bran’. Addenda: *kukkusa—: A. kukuhā ‘bits of burnt grass carried about by the wind’ AFD 187; OMarw. kūkasa m. ‘chaff’.
3219 *kuccura— ‘dog’. [Cf. kurkurá— and Par. Orm. kučuk IIFL i 263.] Wg. kuċúru ‘dog’, Bshk. kúčur m., kičir f., Woṭ. kuċúr m., kiċír f., Tor. kuǰū́ m., kiǰī f. (Grierson Tor 160 wrongly < kaulēya—), Mai. kūsar, ky. kuċára, Chil. kuċuro, kusu°, Gau. kusur, Sv. kučurṓ, Phal. kučuro; K. kuċuru m., °ċürü f. ‘puppy’.
3237 *kuṭṭa— 2 ‘broken, beaten’. [√kuṭṭ] Pa. kuṭṭa— ‘powder, stick’, kuṭṭa—dārūṇi n.pl. ‘wattle and daub fence’ (but see kuḍya—); L. kuṭṭ m. ‘top of a drum’; A. kuṭā ‘bit of grass or straw’; B. kuṭ, °ṭā, °ṭi ‘chip, small piece’; Or. kuṭā ‘pounded’, sb. ‘straw, grass’; H. kūṭ m. ‘macerated paper for papier maché’, kuṭṭī f. ‘chopped straw’; G. kuṭɔ m. ‘state of being beaten, a beating, roughly ground powder’; M. kuṭā m. ‘powder of dried fish’. — ext. with —kk—: N. kuṛko, °ki ‘small piece’; M. kuṭkā m. ‘small stick, piece’. *māṣakuṭṭaka—. Addenda: *kuṭṭa— 2. — Ext. —kk—: Ko. kuṛko ‘small piece’.
3238 *kuṭṭa— 3 ‘defective’. [kūṭá7 ‘hornless’: for list see kuṇṭha—] Pa. kuṭṭa—rājan— ‘subordinate prince’; Kho. (Lor.) kūto pr *l š (——?) ‘small upper ribs under armpit’; Sh. (Lor.) kūto (——?) ‘deaf’; A. kuṭula, kuṭkurā ‘short, stunted (of hair or grass)’; — Si. koṭa ‘short, curtailed’, °ṭā ‘a short man’, °ṭē ‘a stump’ or < *kuṇṭa1 (EGS 49 wrongly < Pa. koṭṭa—); — perh. B. kuṭī̆ ‘bawd’ (but see kuṭṭanī—).
3243 *kuṭṭha— ‘knee’. [Conn. √kuṭ 1 ‘bend’ Grierson Tor 162 with (?). But a long range of names for joints and limbs ‘ankle — heel — foot — leg — knee — wrist’ are characterized by the sequence of guttural — u/ō — retro- flex: *kuṭṭha—, *khuṭṭa—2, *khuḍa—1, *guṭṭha—2, *gōḍḍa—, ghuṭa—, ghuṇṭa1] Ash. kuṭä́ ‘heel’, Wg. kūṭewı̄́ NTS ii 263; Dm. khuṭṭa ‘knee’, Paš. kōṭa, Bshk. kuṭ, kuṭh, Tor. kūṭh, Kand. kūṭhu, Phal. kuṭho, khūṭu, Sh. gil. kŭṭo m. (→ Ḍ. kuṭá prob. pl.), pales. koh. kūṭhu, jij. kuṭh, K. kŏṭhu m. kuṭmalá— see kuḍmalá—. *kuṭha— 1 ‘Costus speciosus’ see kúṣṭha1. *kuṭha— 2 ‘leprosy’ see kúṣṭha2. kuṭha— 3 ‘tree’ see kuṭa2.
3245 *kuḍa— 1 ‘boy, son’, °ḍī ‘girl, daughter’. [Prob. ← Mu. (Sant. Muṇḍari koṛa ‘boy’, kuṛi ‘girl’, Ho koa, kui, Kūrkū kōn, kōnjē); or ← Drav. (Tam. kur̤a ‘young’, Kan. koḍa ‘youth’) T. Burrow BSOAS xii 373. Prob. separate from RV. kŕ̥tā— ‘girl’ H. W. Bailey TPS 1955, 65. — Cf. kuḍáti ‘acts like a child’ Dhātup.] NiDoc. kuḍ'aǵa ‘boy’, kuḍ'i ‘girl’; Ash. kū́ṛƏ ‘child, foetus’, istrimalī—kuṛä́ ‘girl’; Kt. kŕū, kuŕuk ‘young of animals’; Pr. kyǘru ‘young of animals, child’, kyurú ‘boy’, kurı̄́ ‘colt, calf’; Dm. kúŕa ‘child’, Shum. kuṛ; Kal. kūŕ *l k ‘young of animals’; Phal. kuṛī̆ ‘woman, wife’; K. kūrü f. ‘young girl’, kash. kōṛī, ram. kuṛhī; L. kuṛā m. ‘bridegroom’, kuṛī f. ‘girl, virgin, bride’, awāṇ. kuṛī f. ‘woman’; P. kuṛī f. ‘girl, daughter’, P. bhaṭ. WPah. khaś. kuṛi, cur. kuḷī, cam. kǒ;ḷā ‘boy’, kuṛī ‘girl’; — B. ā̃ṭ—kuṛā ‘childless’ (ā̃ṭa ‘tight’)? — X pṓta1: WPah. bhad. ‘son’, kūī ‘daughter’, bhal. ko m., koi f., pāḍ. kuā, kōī, paṅ. koā, kūī. *kuḍa— 2 ‘wall’ see kuḍya—. kuḍapa— see kuḍava—. Addenda: *kuḍa— 1 [Same Drav. root as in kuḍmalá— q.v.]
3248 *kuḍḍha— ‘defective’. [Cf. Pk. kuḍhiya— ‘blunt, fool’: see list s.v. kuṇṭha—] L. kuḍḍhā ‘having horns pointing inwards’; H. kūṛh ‘stupid’.
3249 *kuḍma— ‘bud’. M. kõ;b, °bā m., °bī f. ‘young shoot’, kõ;beṇẽ ‘to sprout’; Si. kumu ‘unopened flower’. kuḍmalá—.
3254 *kuḍha— ‘defective’. [See list s.v. kuṇṭha—] Pk. kuḍhiya— ‘blunt’, m. ‘fool’. Addenda: *kuḍha— [Perh. < kr̥dhú ‘small, deficient’ RV., Ir. *kr̥du— in Shgh. čūr d ‘crooked’, Pers. kul, Yazgh. ḱi d]
3260 *kuṇṭa— 1 ‘defective’. [Cf. Kan. kuṇṭa ‘cripple’, Tel. kuṇṭi ‘lame’. — See list s.v. kuṇṭha—] Pk. kuṁṭa— ‘humpbacked, dwarfish, minus a hand or arm’, kuṁṭāra— ‘withered’; L. kuṇḍā m. ‘a bullock whose horns have been turned’, kuṇḍī ‘crooked (of buffalo's horns)’; P. kuṇḍ ‘blunt’; Si. koṭa ‘short, cur- tailed’ (keṭa ‘a short woman’) or < *kuṭṭa3. *kuṇṭa— 2 ‘corner’ see *khuṇṭa2. KUṆṬH ‘be lame or dull’: kuṇṭha—, kúṇṭhati, kuṇṭhita—.
3267 *kuṇḍaka— ‘husks, bran’. Pa. kuṇḍaka— m. ‘red powder of rice husks’; Pk. kuṁ- ḍaga— m. ‘chaff’; N. kũṛo ‘boiled grain given as fodder to buffaloes’, kunāuro ‘husk of lentils’ (for ending cf. kusāuro ‘chaff of mustard’); B. kũṛā ‘rice dust’; Or. kuṇḍā ‘rice bran’; M. kũḍā, kõ;° m. ‘bran’; Si. kuḍu ‘powder of paddy &c.’ Addenda: kuṇḍaka— in cmpd. kaṇa—kuṇḍaka— Arthaś.
3270 *kuṇḍha— ‘defective’. [See list s.v. kuṇṭha—] Pk. kuṁḍha—, koṁ° ‘slow, stupid’; — koṁḍhullu— m. ‘owl’ see úlūka—.
3275 *kutta— 1 ‘dog’. [Onom.: cf. Sogd. 'kwt, Shgh. kut ‘dog’, Sant. kutu kutu ‘sound made in calling a puppy’] Pk. kutta— m., °tī— f. ‘dog’, S. kuto m., L. P. WPah. cam. kuttā m., °tī f., N. (children) kuti, B. kuttā, °tī, Or. kutā, °tī, Aw. lakh. kutawā, H. kuttā m., °tī, °tiyā f., Marw. kuto m., G. kuttɔ m., °tī f., M. kutte— in cmpds. *kauttika—; *kuttira—, *kuttūra—. Addenda: *kutta— 1 [Cf. Ir. *kuta— in Shgh. kud m., kid f. ‘dog’ EVSh 40, Sar. kūd m. kid f., Yid. kwod m., kƏč (< *kutačī—)] S.kcch. kauto m. ‘dog’, WPah.kṭg. kvtti f. ‘bitch’, Garh. kūtī, Ku. kutiyā.
3276 *kutta— 2 ‘rent, lease’. Pk. kutta— n. ‘rent, lease’; Ku. kūt ‘rent in kind’, N. kut ‘hire of land’; Or. kuta ‘letting for a fixed rental’; H. kūt m. ‘survey, valuation’.
3277 *kuttira— ‘dog’. [*kutta1] WPah. bhad. bhal. kutar m., °trī f., pāḍ. kōtar m., °tĕr f., paṅ. kuttar m., °trī f., Or. kutari f., OG. kūtiraü m.; G. kutrɔ m., °rī f., °rũ n. ‘a wretched dog’; M. kutrā m., °rī f., °rẽ n.; — L. kutīr f. ‘a pack of dogs’?
3278 *kuttūra— ‘puppy’. [*kutta1] Sh. (Lor.) kutūro m. ‘puppy’, °ri f. ‘pet name for a girl’; L. kutūrā m., °rī f. ‘puppy’, P. katūrā m., °rī f.
3279 *kuttha— 1 ‘rotten’. [< *kuth—ta—? — √kuth] Pk. kutthaï ‘boils, makes rot, rots (?)’, kutthaṇa— n. ‘rotting’; H. kuthrā m. ‘putrefaction’.
3280 *kuttha— 2 ‘defective’. [See list s.v. kuṇṭha—] Or. kuthā ‘blunt’. KUTS ‘abuse’: kutsáyati.
3282 *kuthati ‘rots’, kuthita— ‘stinking’ Suśr. [kúthyati ‘rots’ Dhātup. — √kuth] Pa. kuthati ‘boils, is rotten’, °thita— ‘boiled, rotten’ (cf. kuthana— n. ‘digestion’); Pk. kuhaï ‘rots, stinks’, kuhia— ‘rotted, stinking’; N. kuhunu ‘to rot’, Or. kuhibā, M. kuhij̈ṇẽ.
3290 *kunta— 2 ‘defective’. [Cf. esp. Ir. *kunta—, see s.v. kuṇṭha— and list there given] S. kundu ‘stupid, slow of understanding’.
3292 *kuntha— 1 ‘groan, grunt’. [√kunth] B. kõ;th, kõ;t ‘groan, grunt’; Or. kunthā sb. ‘groaning, straining’.
3293 *kuntha— 2 ‘defective’. [See list s.v. kuṇṭha1] L. kundh m. ‘an unskilled person’, (Shahpur) ‘un- skilful’; Or. kunthā ‘blunt’.
3301 *kubba— ‘hump’. [Poss. < *kubra—, cf. kubhrá— m. ‘humpbacked bull’ MaitrS.: of NIA. forms is an IA. suffix and not integral to the word as suggested by PMWS 43 and EWA i 232. Prob. belongs to the group s.v. kubjá—] K. kọ̆bu m. ‘hump on back’, kö̆bü f. ‘humpbacked’, kŏbun ‘to become humpbacked’; S. kuḇu m. ‘hump’, °ḇo ‘humpbacked’; L. kuḇ m. ‘bend, curve, distortion’, kuḇḇā ‘humpbacked’, awāṇ. kubbā; P. kubb m. ‘hump on back’, °bā adj.; WPah. bhad. bhiḍ. kubb n. ‘hump on back’, H. kub m., kubbā adj.; — ext. with —ḍa—: Pk. kubbaḍa— ‘humpbacked’; K. kŏburu m., °bürü f. ‘one who has become humpbacked’; S. kuḇiṛo ‘bentbacked’; P. kubṛā ‘humpbacked’, Ku. kobṛo; N. kubro ‘hump- backed, bent with age’; Bi. kūbaṛ ‘a crooked beam’; H. kubaṛ m. ‘hump on back’, kubṛā adj. (→ Mth. kubaṛ, kubaṛāh), G. kubṛũ; M. kubaḍ n., kubḍā adj. Addenda: *kubba— [Cf. Ir. Shgh. kūp ‘camel's hump’]: WPah.kṭg. kūb m. ‘hump’, kubṛɔ ‘hump—backed’; J. kūb m. ‘hump’.
3344 *kulī— ‘gargling’. 2. *kullī—. [Onom.] 1. B. kuli, Or. kuḷi; Mth. kurī ‘act of rinsing the mouth’; M. kuḷī f. ‘mouthful of water’. 2. N. kullā ‘gargling’, B. kulli, Or. kuli, H. kullā. — Deriv.: Ku. kulnā ‘mouth—wash; — A. kulkuliba ‘to gargle’; H. kulkulā m. ‘gargling’.
3347 *kululi— ‘outcry’. [Onom., cf. ululí—] A. kuruli ‘screech of an owl’; M. kululī f. ‘outcry’; — deriv. vbs.: L. kurlāvaṇ ‘to lament, cry out (esp. of birds)’; P. kurlāuṇā ‘to shriek’; N. kurlanu ‘to cry out loud’; A. kuruliyāiba ‘to screech as an owl’; Or. kurulibā, kuruṛibā ‘to shout, laugh loudly in glee’. Addenda: *kululi— [Cf. also kúrara— ‘osprey’ onom. ac. EWA i 235]: Pk. kurulaï ‘caws’, OP. kurulāvaṇu ‘to cry (of crane), lament’.
3353 *kulla— 1 ‘neck, back, buttock’. Pk. kulla—, kōla— m. ‘neck’, kulla— m.n. ‘buttock’; L. kullhā m. ‘that part of a bullock's hump on which yoke rests’; P. kullā m. ‘hip, buttock’; H. kulā m. ‘hip, buttock, waist’; G. kulɔ m. ‘hip, buttock’; M. kulā, kullā, °āṇā, kulhā, °āṇā m. ‘buttock’, kolẽ n. ‘hump of buffalo’. — B. kolā ‘having an inflated throat’? — Si. kulala ‘neck’? *kulla— 2 ‘defective’. [See list s.v. kuṇṭha—] See kulva—.
3354 *kulla— 3 ‘pot’. [kulija— n. ‘a partic. vessel’ Kauś., ‘a measure’ Pāṇ., kulharī—, °rikā— f. ‘pot’ Bhpr.: prob. with kúlāla— and other ‘pot’ words s. v. kuṭa1 ← Drav.] Pk. kullaḍa— n. ‘small vessel, fireplace’, kulluḍiā— f. ‘pitcher’, kullūria—, kullaria— m. ‘sweetmaker’, °riyā— f. ‘his shop’; G. kulṛī, kullī f. ‘earthen pot, scrotum’. *kullī— ‘gargling’ see *kulī—. Addenda: *kulla—3: OMarw. (Vīsaḷa) loc.sg.m. kūlhaṛaï ‘pot’.
3374 kuṣmāṇḍa-
kuṣmāṇḍa- m. "pumpkin, gourd'
3374 kuṣmāṇḍa m.
ʻ the pumpkin -- gourd Beninkasa cerifera ʼ Late Vedic: Kaṭha Āraṇyaka, Taittirīya Āraṇyaka 2: a class of ascetic Ṛṣis born from a field of pumpkins; note other birth myths from gourds (MW); -- MBh., 0ḍī -- , kumbhāṇḍī -- lex., kūśmāṇḍa -- , kū˘ṣmāṇḍaka<-> Car. 2. *kōhaṇḍa -- . 3. *kōhala -- . [kū˘ṣm0, kūśm0, kumbh0 sanskritization of MIA. kōmh0 of non -- Aryan origin (PMWS 144, EWA i 247). Note phonetic parallelism between kū˘ṣmāṇḍa -- Pur. ~ kumbhāṇḍa -- Buddh. ʻ class of demons ʼ and kuṣmāṇḍa -- (kūśm0, kūṣmāṇḍaka -- ) ~ Pa. kumbhaṇḍa -- (Sk. kumbhāṇḍī -- ) ʻ gourd ʼ. -- kumbhaphalā f. ʻ Cucurbita pepo ʼ lex. by pop. etym.]
1. Pa. kumbhaṇḍa -- n. ʻ a kind of gourd ʼ, Pk. kumhaṁḍa -- n. ʻ the gourd ʼ, 0ḍī -- f. ʻ the plant ʼ, kuṁbhaṁḍa -- n. (cf. kuṁbhī -- f. ʻ the plant ʼ); N. kubhiṇḍo, 0biṇḍo ʻ a gourd ʼ; A. komorā ʻ pumpkin ʼ; B. kumṛā ʻ pumpkingourd ʼ; Or. kumbhṛā, kumbaṛā, kumṛā ʻ white gourd ʼ; EBi. kumhaṛ ʻ a variety of Cucurbita pepo ʼ; Mth. kumhaṛ, 0haṛā ʻ sweet pumpkin ʼ, (NTirhut) kŏmhṛā ʻ Cucurbita pepo ʼ, H. kamṛhā m.; Si. komon̆ḍu, komaḍu ʻ the water -- melon Cucurbita citrulla ʼ (see āmaṇḍa -- ).
2. Pk. kōhaṁḍa -- n. ʻ gourd ʼ, 0ḍī -- f. ʻ the plant ʼ, kū˘haṁḍa -- n., 0ḍī -- , 0ḍiyā -- f.; N. kaĩṛo ʻ young fruit of a pumpkin ʼ; B. kohõṛā ʻ pumpkin -- gourd ʼ, (Chittagong) kõrā; Bi. kõhṛā ʻ Cucurbita pepo ʼ, H. kõhṛā, koh0, kõhar, koh0 m.
3. Pk. kōhalī -- f. ʻ the gourd plant ʼ; G. kohḷũ n. ʻ a gourd ʼ; M. kohḷẽ, kohoḷẽ, kohāḷẽ n. ʻ the fruit of Cucurbita pepo ʼ, kovhāḷā m., 0ḷẽ n. ʻ pumpion ʼ, 0ḷī f. ʻ the plant ʼ.
Addenda: kuṣmāṇḍa -- . 1. Brj. kumhṛo, kõhṛo m. ʻ gourd ʼ.

3374S *KUMH-/KOMH- ‘gourd, pumpkin’
3374S *KUMH-/KOMH- ‘gourd, pumpkin’ COMM: (FCS) This word has two main variants in both IA and DR, one with a (?) suffix -aṇḍ-/-a(ṇ)ṭ(ṭ)- appearing in eastern contexts (eastern Indo-Aryan, SD2, and Malto (ND)--the latter possibly borrowed from IA languages), the other with a suffix -al/-aḷ occurring in western contexts (Southwestern IA and SD1). This word is found only in NIA “outer group” languages. The (eastern) form kuṣmāṇḍa is attested in OIA in the 6th Century BCE in the western UP/Haryana region. The two suffixes may be related respectively to (1) aṇḍa ‘egg’ (see 1111S, also MU ənḍəraj/ḍaj/kaṇḍraj/etc. Solanum melongena)--a suffix which may also be present in OIA āmaṇḍa ‘castor-bean, myrobalan’ (CDIAL1240) and ēraṇḍa ‘castor-bean, long pepper’ (CDIAL2517), and (2) phala/paẓa ‘fruit’, an OIA-DR item of disputed origin. Though DEDR treats DR *kumm-paḷ/ *kumm-a(ṇ)ṭ(ṭ) as a borrowing from OIA, the distribution of the forms suggests that borrowing from a third source is at least equally possible. (While the DR forms permit of a PD reconstruction, it is also possible that they may be the result of borrowing from various sources.) The first element, *kus-m…/*kumh…/*komh…/*kumm… (see CDIAL3374 for u~o variation), may have been distributed across the “tribal belt” of Central India at some stage prior to the arrival of “outer group” IA languages in this area, where it was borrowed independently by different IA- and DR-speaking groups. The original source may be AA or some unknown language group. (Mayrhofer 1953:247: “Wahrscheinlich Austroasiatisch…”, assuming a prefix kuṣ plus a root of the shape bhaṭā, māṇḍa or the like, as found in other words for cucurbits, e.g. CDIAL4826 cir-bhaṭa m. Cucumis utilissimus, āmaṇḍa 'castor bean' [see above].)
3386 *kuha— 2 ‘fog, mist’, kuhēḍī—, °ḍikā—, kuhēlikā—, kūhā— f. lex. Kho. (Lor.) koi dik ‘to rain while the sun is shin- ing’ (?); A. kowā—mowā, kū̃wā—kū̃he ‘haziness’; B. ko ‘fog, mist’; Bi. kūhā ‘morning fog’; Mth. kuh ‘fog, mist’; M. kuhā ‘dampness of weather, ground, etc.’ — Various ext.: L. kuhīṛ, koh° m. ‘mist, fog, haze’; P. kuhīṛ f. ‘fine rain, mist’; Ku. kohṛo ‘mist, fog’, B. kohāṛā, Or. kuhuṛi, H. kuhṛī f., kūhṛā m.; — Sh. gur. kăurĭh m. ‘mist’ (?); P. kuhur m., °hīr f. ‘fog, mist’, Ku. kwīro, N. kuhiro, kui°, H. kohar f., kū̆hrā m., kuherī f.; — A. kū̃walī ‘haziness’. *kuhavarṣa—. Addenda: kuha—2: A. kuwali ‘fog’ AFD 223.
3388 *kuharayati ‘coos’, kuharita— n. ‘cry of the kōkila bird’ lex. B. kuharā ‘to coo’; Or. kuharibā, kuhur° ‘to coo, lament plaintively’; H. kuharnā, kah° ‘to groan’. kuhali— see *khilli—.
3390 *kūkkati ‘screams’. 2. *kūkkā— ‘scream’. [Onom. cf. *kīkkati, to be separated from *krukṣati] 1. Pk. kukkaï, kok° ‘calls, challenges’; S. kūkaṇu ‘to screech’; L. kūkaṇ ‘to scream’, P. kūkṇā, H. kūknā; M. kukṇẽ, kũk° ‘to crow’. 2. S. kūka f. ‘scream’, L. P. kūk f., H. kūk, kok f. — Deriv. S. kūkiṛo m. ‘consternation’, kūkāraṇu ‘to screech’. kūcı̄́— see kūrcá—. Addenda: *kūkkati [Poss. < *kuhukk—: cf. kuhurava- (kuhūrava— Naiṣ.) m. ‘cry of the kōkila’ MBh., kuharita— n. (*kuharayati) lex.; kuhakuhārāva— m. ‘cry of the cātaka’ Bālar., kuhakārāva— m. ‘neighing’ HPariś., kuhakka— m. ‘a musical measure’ MW.] OP. kuhakaṇu ‘to coo (of the kōkila)’; OMarw. (Vīsaḷa) absol. koki ‘summoning’.
3459 *kēñcuka— ‘worm’. [kiñculaka—, kiñcilaka— m. ‘earth- worm’ lex.] A. kẽsu, kesu ‘earthworm’, B. kẽcuā, °co, °cui; Or. keñcu, °cuā ‘earthworm, tape—worm’; H. kẽcuā m. ‘earthworm’.
3460 *kēṭṭa— ‘child’. [Cf. *kaṭṭa—2, *kaḍḍa—] Paš. weg. keṭalā́, lagh. kiṭ° ‘boy, son’; Shum. kyēṭa ‘boy’, °ṭī ‘girl’; Ku. keṭo ‘boy, son, puppy, kitten’, °ṭī ‘daughter’; N. keṭo ‘boy, son’, °ṭi ‘girl, daughter’; — Si. keṭṭu ‘thin, meagre’? Cf. OM. kelā ‘pupil’. *kēḍ— ‘play’ see *khēḍ—. Addenda: *kēṭṭa— [Cf. cāṭa—, cēlla—]: †;*gurjarakēṭṭa—, †;*daridrakēṭṭa—.
3461 *kēḍa— ‘stick, twig’. WPah. bhad. kèṛu ‘firewood’, bhiḍ. kèṛõ; n. pl. ‘pieces of wood’; Ku. keṛo, pl. kyāṛā m. ‘thin stick’, N. pāt- kerā ‘leaves and twigs’; Bi. kerā ‘small bundle of crop given to village artisan at the division’; H. keṛā m. ‘tender twig, sapling’. Addenda: *kēḍa— ‘stick’. [Poss. der. from sáṁkirati, OP. sakelaṇu ‘to collect (firewood)’; C. Shackle p. 32 derives the OP. verb from *kēḍa—] J.C.W.
3476 *kaiḍikā— ‘a small sheep’. [kā—, ēḍa—] Kho. kéḷi ‘sheep’ BelvalkarVol 91, (Lor.) ‘ewe three or four or more years old’.
3486 *kōkka— ‘nail’. [→ Par. kūk IIFL i 265] Pk. kokkāsa— m. ‘the name of a carpenter’; Ash. kōkā́ ‘nail, peg’, Wg. (Lumsden) "kokhchu", Paš. kōkū́; S. koko m. ‘small nail, pin’, kokaṇu ‘to tack, stitch together’, koka f. ‘stitch’; L. kokā m. ‘hobnail, tack’; P. kokā m. ‘a very small nail’, kok f. ‘basting’; N. kokai kā̃ṭi ‘nails’; H. kokā m. ‘tack, nail, thorn, spike of plaintain, bud’; M. kõ;kā m. ‘spike of plaintain’; Si. kokka, pl. koku ‘hook’, keki ‘hook for picking fruit’ < *kokkiā.
3489 *kōcc— ‘thrust, pierce, dig’. Wg. Kt. kuč— ‘to dig’, Pr. kučƏ—, Dm. kōč—, Paš. kēči— IIFL iii 3, 88, Kal. kōč—; P. kucalnā ‘to bruise, crush’, kucrā ‘broken to pieces’; Ku. kocṇo ‘to pene- trate’; N. kocnu ‘to thrust, force into’, kocārnu ‘to thrust’, kucelnu ‘to stir up’; H. kocnā, kū̆c°, kõ;c°, kū̃c° ‘to pierce, rip’; G. kocvũ ‘to pierce’, kocrũ ‘having holes’. — Prob. separate from Dm. kučāy— ‘to scratch oneself’; Paš. kučeyā ‘itch’; Kal. kučh— ‘to scratch’, Kho. kuc̣ēi—, Gaw. kuċa— NTS xii 172. Addenda: *kōcc—: cf. *kucyatē.
3490 *kōjava— ‘fleecy cloth’. Pa. kōjava— m. ‘rug or cover with long hair, fleecy counterpane’; Pk. kōyavaya— m. ‘coverlet made of cloth stuffed with cotton—wool’; Si. kon̆du ‘made of goat's hair’ EGS 50. Addenda: *kōjava—, cf. kaucapaka— m.n. ‘kind of rug’ Arthaś.
3502 *kōḍamba— ‘pot’. [← Drav. see kuṭa1] Pa. kōḷamba— m. ‘pot’; Pk. kōlaṁba— m. ‘dish’ (cf. kollara— m.); Niṅg. kōṛmṓ ‘pitcher’; M. koḷãbẽ n. ‘pot with large opening’.
3503 *kōḍi— ‘a score, twenty’. [J. Przyluski RoczOrj iv 231 ← Austro—as. (Mahle kuri, Birhar kuṛi, Kharia kori, Juang koḍi: prob. same as word for ‘man’, i.e. ‘20 fingers’) whence → Drav. (Kurukh kūrī, Malto koṛi, Kui kōḍe)] K. kuri f. ‘a score’, S. P. koṛī f. (PhonPj 118 < kṓṭi1), N. kori, A. kuri, B. kuṛi, Or. koṛi, H. koṛī f., G. kũḍī f., M. koḍ, °ḍī f. *kōḍḍ— ‘dig’ see *khōdd—. Addenda: *kōḍi—: S.kcch. koḍī ‘20’.
3507 *kōṇṭa— ‘defective’. [See list s.v. kuṇṭha—] Pa. koṇṭa— m. ‘man of dirty habits’.
3508 *kōṇṭha— ‘defective’. [See list s.v. kuṇṭha—] Pa. koṇṭha— ‘crippled’; Pk. koṁṭha— ‘slow, stupid’; Paš. kōṇḍā́ ‘bald’, Kal. rumb. kōṇḍa ‘hornless’. *kōṇḍala— ‘ring’ see kuṇḍalá1.
3509 *kōta— ‘garlic’. Kt. ‘edible garlic, chive’; Dm. kuwŕéi, kuwéŕi ‘name of a plant, garlic (?)’ NTS xii 175; Kal. kōla ‘edible garlic’.
3510 *kōttha— ‘belly’. [Cf. *kōtthala—, kṓṣṭha1?] Pk. kottha— ‘pertaining to the belly’; Or. kothā ‘corpulent’, kothala, °thāḷa ‘pot—bellied’; — X *gōdda- in kodā, °dāḷiā ‘id.’?
3511 *kōtthala— ‘bag’. [Cf. *kōttha—] Pa. kotthalī— f. ‘sack (?)’; Pk. kotthala— m. ‘bag, grainstore’ (kōha— m. ‘bag’ < *kōtha?); K. kŏthul, °lu m. ‘large bag or parcel’, kothüjü f. ‘small do.’; S. kothirī f. ‘bag’; Ku. kuthlo ‘large bag, sack’; B. kūthlī ‘satchel, wallet’; Or. kuthaḷi, °thuḷi, kothaḷi, °thiḷi ‘wallet, pouch’; H. kothlā m. ‘bag, sack, stomach (see *kōttha—)’, °lī f. ‘purse’; G. kothḷɔ m. ‘large bag’, °ḷī f. ‘purse, scrotum’; M. kothḷā m. ‘large sack, chamber of stomach (= peṭā ċā k°)’, °ḷẽ n. ‘sack’, °ḷī f. ‘small sack’; — X gōṇı̄́—: S. ǥothirī f. ‘bag’, L. gutthlā m.
3519 *kōppara— ‘coconut, skull’. [Cf. *khōppa1] Bshk. kōpar ‘top of head’; S. kopiro m. ‘coconut’, °rī f. ‘skull’; L. kōpar m. ‘a large head’, kōprī f. ‘skull, crown of head’; N. koparā ‘pan (usu. brass)’; Or. koparā ‘a skull—like earthen vessel’; G. koprũ n. ‘coco- nut’ (ṭoprũ n. ‘id.’ orig. an echo word of the type B. ghoṛā—ṭoṛā ODBL 176); M. koprā m. ‘small iron pot’. Addenda: *kōppara—: Pk. kuppara— m. ‘skull’ (see karpara—).
3521 *kōpha— ‘lump, hill’. [< Ār. *kaupha—, Av. kaofa—, OPers. kaufa— ‘mountain’.] Pr. ‘high mountain’, Kt. ‘hump’ NTS xv 260.
3522 *kōbb— ‘strike’. 2. *kōmb—. [Cf. *cōbb—] 1. S. koḇaṇu ‘to beat ground level’, koḇo m. ‘rammer’; P. kobā m. ‘wooden or iron beater for leather’; A. kob ‘blow with a striking or cutting instrument’, kobāiba ‘to strike, whip’; Or. kobā ‘wooden rammer’, kobā—kobī ‘mutual beating’; M. kubalṇẽ ‘to beat’; — B. kopāna ‘to strike, dig, cut, chop’ X copāna— < *cōpp—. 2. M. kõ;bṇẽ, komṇẽ ‘to thump, thrust, force in, cram in’. Addenda: *kōbb—. 2. *kōmb—: Ko. khombtā ‘thrusts’.
3524 *kōmh— ‘wither’. 2. *kurumm—. 1. Pk. kummaṇa—, kuimāṇa— ‘withered’; S. kūmāijaṇu, °māṭijaṇu, pp. °māṇo ‘to wither’, L. kumāvaṇ, pp. °māṇa, P. kumlāuṇā, kam°; N. kumhlāunu, kuml° ‘to fade, wither’, OAw. kuṁbhilāi, H. kumhlānā, kumbhil°, kumbhl°; M. kõ;bṇẽ, komṇẽ, °meṇẽ, °mej̈ṇẽ, °maj̈ṇẽ, °māiṇẽ, °māvṇẽ, °malṇẽ. 2. Pk. kurumāṇa— n. ‘withering’; L. kurmāvaṇ, pp. °māṇa ‘to wither’; G. karmāvũ, pp. °māyũ ‘to fade, wither, pine away’.
3525 *kōya— ‘inside of fruit’. N. koyo ‘stone or kernel of fruit’; H. koyā m. ‘pulp of jackfruit’; M. koy f., koyãḍā m. ‘mango stone’, koyāḷ ‘having a fully formed kernel (of a mango)’.
3526 *kōra— ‘fresh, new, unused’. K. kōra ‘brand new, unused, unwashed’; S. koro ‘new, unwashed, blank’; L. korā ‘fresh, unused (of a pot), simple, stupid’; P. korā ‘new (of a pot), un- bleached, unwashed, untaught’; Ku. koro ‘unused, dry, rough’; N. koro ‘raw’; B. korā ‘rough, uncleaned, unbleached’; Or. korā ‘new (of cloth), unbleached’, k° lugā ‘unbleached calico’; H. korā ‘new, unhandled, unwashed, simple, poor’; G. korũ ‘new, unwashed, unused’; M. korā ‘new, just made, unused’. Addenda: *kōra— [← Drav. see kuḍmalá— Add2] S.kcch. koro ‘blank’, WPah.kṭg. kṓrɔ ‘straight’ (Him.I 23 why ṓ?), J. korā ‘plain, unused’, OP. nikoru ‘quite pure’ (+ intensive †;niṣ—).
3528 *kōraḍa— ‘whip’. [√*kur?] P. koraṛā, koṛā m. ‘whip’, N. korrā (koraṛā ← H.), B. koṛā, Or. koraṛā, koṛā, kuṛā, H. kolṛā, koṛṛā, koṛā m., G. kɔrṛɔ, koyṛɔ, kɔḍḍɔ m., M. korḍā m.
3531 *kōrā— f. ‘edge, side, direction’. S. kora f. ‘edge, binding, tape’; P. kor f. ‘edge, hangnail’; Mth. kor ‘boundary’; H. kor f. ‘edge, tip’ (in latter sense prob. < kṓṭi1); G. kor f. ‘edge, direc- tion’; M. kor f. ‘side, direction’.
3533 *kōla— 4 ‘curved, crooked’. [Cf. kaula— m. ‘worshipper of Śakti according to left—hand ritual’, khōla3 ‘lame’ s.v. khōra1. Prob. < *kaura— (IE. *qou—lo— cf. WP i 371?) in Khot. kūra— ‘crooked’ BSOS ix 72 and poss. Sk. kōra— m. ‘movable joint’ Suśr.] Ash. kṓlƏ ‘curved, crooked’; Dm. kōla ‘crooked’, Tir. kṓolƏ; Paš. kōlā́ ‘curved, crooked’, Shum. kolā́ṇṭa; Kho. koli ‘crooked’, (Lor.) also ‘lefthand, left’; Bshk. kōl ‘crooked’, Tor. kōl (Grierson Tor 161 < kuṭila—: rejected by Morgenstierne AO xii 181), Phal. ulo; Sh. kōlu̯ ‘curved, crooked’. kōlaka— see kakkōla—.
3536 *kōlhu— ‘machine for pressing sugarcane or oilseeds’. Pk. kolluga—, kolhua— m. ‘sugarcane press’, S. kolū m., P. kolhū, kuhulū m. ‘oilpress, sugarcane press’; WPah. bhal. kṑlū m. ‘oilpress’, N. kol; Or. kohliā, kolihā, °liā ‘sugarcane press’; Bi. kolh, °hū, (Gaya) kelhū ‘oilpress’, Mth. kōlh, Bhoj. kōlhu ; H. kolhū, kolū m. ‘sugarcane press, oilpress’; G. kohlu m. ‘sugarcane press’. — Deriv.: B. Or. kalu ‘oil—man (by caste)’, H. kolū m. *kōlhuvagāra—, *kōlhuśālā—. Addenda: *kōlhu—: WPah.kṭg. kóllhu m. ‘sugar—cane or oil press’.
3678 *kṣāramr̥tti—, kṣāramr̥ttikā— f. ‘saline soil’ KātyŚr. Com. [kṣārá—1, mŕ̥ttikā—] M. khārvaṭ f.
3760 *kha—ul— ‘be heated’. P. khaulaṇā ‘to be heated, boil’, N. khaulanu, H. khaulnā. KHAKKH ‘laugh’: khákkhati. khakkhaṭa— see kakkhaṭa—.
3762 *khakkhālayati ‘rinses’. 2. *khaṅkhālayati. [Onom. rather than < *kṣalkṣāl—, *kṣaṅkṣāl— intens. of √kṣal since both K. and M. have kh] 1. K. khŏkhalun ‘to cleanse, be rinsed in water and shaken about’; Ku. khakolṇo ‘to gargle’; N. khakālnu ‘to rinse’. 2. P. khãghālṇā, ghã° ‘to rinse (a vessel)’; H. khãgālnā, khãg(h)ārnā ‘to rinse’; G. khãkhāḷvũ ‘to wash vigor- ously’, khãkhoḷvũ ‘to rinse, rummage’, khãkhorvũ ‘to scatter’, khãkhervũ ‘to shake off dust’, khãgãḷvũ ‘to rinse the mouth in the morning’; M. khãgāḷṇẽ ‘to shake about in water’.
3763 *khaṅkh— ‘cough, hawk’. 2. *khaṅkhār—. [Onom., cf. *khāṭkāra—] 1. S. khaṅghi f. ‘cough’, khaṅghaṇu ‘to cough’, L. khaṅgh, khagg f., khaṅghaṇ, khaggaṇ vb., P. khaṅgh f., khaṅghṇā vb. (PhonPj 117 < kā́satē); WPah. bhal. khaṅkh f. ‘coughed’, khaṅkhu n. of pp. ‘coughed’; Or. khãkhã ‘cough’; M. khẽk f., khẽkṇẽ vb. — Ext. with ——: G. khā̃khaṛiyũ n. ‘cough’. 2. P. khaṅkhārṇā ‘to cough’; A. khẽkhār ‘expectora- tion’; B. khā̃kār ‘hawking’, Or. khãkāra, H. khãkār m., khãkārnā vb.; G. khãkhār, °rɔ m. ‘hoarseness’, khãkhārvũ ‘to hawk, neigh’; M. khãkārṇẽ, khā̃kar° ‘to hawk’. *khaṅkhālayati see *khakkhālayati. KHAC ‘project, be studded’: *khacyatē. Addenda: *khaṅkh—: S.kcch. khaṅgh f. ‘cough’, khaṅgharo m. ‘sound of gargling, phlegm’.
3764 *khacc— ‘sink down or back’. M. khaċṇẽ ‘to sink down’; — N. khackanu ‘to subside, grow less’; G. khackāvũ ‘to shrink back, be stopped’. *khacca— ‘dirt’ see *kicca—.
3765 *khaccara— ‘mule’. 2. *kaccara—2. [← (through Psht. qačara or Bal. xačar?) a Turk. dial. form such as qačïr ultimately ← Ir. *xaratara— (cf. IA. khara1) in Sogd. g rtr'k, Khot. khaḍara W. B. Henning BSOAS xi 723] 1. Paš. dar. xáčir, kuṛ. kačero ‘mule’, S. khacaru m., °ri f., P. khaccar f. (→ N. khaccar; H. khaccar m. ‘mule’, khacrā ‘hybrid, of mixed parentage’; G. khaccar n. ‘mule’, M. khaċar, khẽċar n.). 2. L. kaccur m., °cir f. Addenda: *khaccara—: WPah.kṭg. kháċċƏr f. ‘mule’, J. khācr f.
3767 *khañca— ‘basket’. N. khā̃c ‘basket for carrying birds (such as quails)’; B. khā̃cā ‘hen—coop’; Mth. khā̃cā ‘large basket of tamarisk twigs’, °cī ‘small do.’; H. khā̃cā m. ‘hen—coop’ (→ P. khā̃cā m.).
3774 *khaṭīmr̥ttikā— ‘chalk and earth’. [Cf. A. khari- māṭi ‘chalk’. — khaṭikā—, mŕ̥ttikā—] B. khaṛiṭi ‘chalk and earth, plastering mud walls to make them smooth’.
3778 *khaṭṭa— 2 ‘wound, sore’. N. khāṭo ‘scab, scar’, khaṭiro ‘boil’, khaṭirā—paṭirā ‘boils and other skin diseases’; M. khaṭ n. ‘ulcer’.
3790 *khaḍḍa— ‘hole, pit’. [Cf. *gaḍḍa— and list s.v. kartá1] Pk. khaḍḍā— f. ‘hole, mine, cave’, °ḍaga— m. ‘one who digs a hole’, °ḍōlaya— m. ‘hole’; Bshk. (Biddulph) "kād" (= khaḍ?) ‘valley’; K. khŏḍ m. ‘pit’, khö̆ḍü f. ‘small pit’, khoḍu m. ‘vulva’; S. khaḍ̱a f. ‘pit’; L. khaḍḍ f. ‘pit, cavern, ravine’; P. khaḍḍ f. ‘pit, ravine’, °ḍī f. ‘hole for a weaver's feet’ (→ Ku. khaḍḍ, N. khaḍ; H. khaḍ, khaḍḍā m. ‘pit, low ground, notch’; Or. khãḍi ‘edge of a deep pit’; M. khaḍḍā m. ‘rough hole, pit’); WPah. khaś. khaḍḍā ‘stream’; N. khāṛo ‘pit, bog’, khāṛi ‘creek’, khāṛal ‘hole (in ground or stone)’. — Altern. < *khāḍa—: Gy. gr. xar f. ‘hole’; Ku. khāṛ ‘pit’; B. khāṛī ‘creek, inlet’, khāṛal ‘pit, ditch’; H. khāṛī f. ‘creek, inlet’, khaṛ—har, °al m. ‘hole’; Marw. khāṛo m. ‘hole’; M. khāḍ f. ‘hole, creek’, °ḍā m. ‘hole’, °ḍī f. ‘creek, inlet’. khaḍḍukā— see khaṭū—. Addenda: *khaḍḍa—: S.kcch. khaḍḍ f. ‘pit’; WPah.kṭg. kháḍ m. ‘hole in the earth, ravine’, poet. khāḍ (obl. —o) f. ‘small stream’, J. khāḍ f.
3793 *khaṇḍaka— 3 ‘sword’. [Perh. of same non—Aryan origin as khaḍgá2] Pk. khaṁḍa— m. ‘sword’ (→ Tam. kaṇṭam), Gy. SEeur. xaṛo, eur. xanro, xarno, xanlo, wel. xenlī f., S. khano m., P. khaṇḍā m., Ku. gng. khā̃ṛ, N. khā̃ṛo, khũṛo (X churi < kṣurá—); A. khāṇḍā ‘heavy knife’; B. khā̃rā ‘large sacrificial knife’; Or. khaṇḍā ‘sword’, H. khā̃ṛā, G. khā̃ḍũ n., M. khā̃ḍā m., Si. kaḍuva.
3801 *khaṇḍu— 2 ‘cloth’. 2. *khaṇḍī—. [Cf. *khadda—, *khāru—: ← Drav. cf. Tel. kaṇḍuvā ‘upper garment’; Kol. khanḍva ‘cloth’, Nk. khanḍa, Prj. ganḍa: see DED 85] 1. B. khā̃ṛuyā ‘small piece of coarse cloth’; Or. khaṇḍuā ‘shawl’; Si. kaḍa ‘bit of cloth’ (or < khaṇḍá1). 2. N. khā̃ṛi ‘homespun cloth’, Bi. khā̃ṛī, khaṇḍā ‘woman's sāṛī’.
3807 *khadd— ‘drive away’. P. khadeṛṇā ‘to drive away’; N. khadernu ‘to force back’; H. khadeṛnā ‘to drive away’ (→ N. khadeṛnu); G. khadvũ ‘to rush’, khadaṛvũ, °deṛvũ ‘to drive fast’.
3808 *khadda— ‘coarse cloth’. 2. *khaddara—. [Cf. *khaṇḍu—2, *khāru—] 1. N. khādi ‘rough cloth’; B. khādi ‘small piece of cloth’; H. G. M. khādī f. ‘thick coarse cotton cloth’. 2. L. khaddar, khaḍḍar m. ‘coarse cotton cloth’, P. khaddar m., H. khādar f.
3815 *khandati ‘laughs’. [Cf. Pahl. xandītan ‘to laugh’ and other Ir. forms in IIFL ii 33* and 422. — √*khand] Kt. Wg. kan— ‘to laugh’, Ash. kōn—. khánya— see khānya—.
3816 *khappa— 1 ‘cover’. N. khāpnu ‘to put one thing on another, make over- lap’; A. khāp ‘layer’; B. khāpā ‘to become adjusted’; Or. khāpa ‘sheath’; Mth. khāp, khappā ‘cover’; H. khāp f. ‘sheath’, khapānā ‘to fit into’. — S. khipa f. ‘scabbard’. Addenda: *khappa— 1 ‘cover’. [~ Drav. DED 1024]
3817 *khappa— 2 ‘hole’. [Cf. *khōppa2] S. khapu, °po m. ‘notch, nick’; L. khappā m. ‘hole’; P. khappā m. ‘cavity in a wall, narrow passage in a hill’; M. khāp f. ‘notch, nick’. *khampa— ‘shard, tile’ see kharpara—. Addenda: *khappa— 2 ‘hole’. [~ Drav. DED 1026]
3838 *khalati 2 ‘rises’. 2. *khālayati. [Cf. khaḍaka—] 1. Gy. pal. kílăr ‘climbs’, klaúăr ‘raises’, klínnă ‘ladder’. 2. K. khālun, khārun ‘to make ascend’. — Gy. pal. ḳōlăr ‘rides, embarks’, ḳlaúăr ‘gives a mount to’.
3855 *khasa— 2 ‘rough’. 2. *khasara—. [For similar words see kakkhaṭa—] 1. B. khas ‘harsh, rough (to touch)’, khaskhas, Or. khasakhasiā; H. khaskhas f. ‘harsh sound’; — A. khahaṭā ‘rough’; — B. khasṛā ‘rough draft’? — N. khaskhas ‘tickling in the throat’, khasmasāunu ‘to have a sore throat’; A. kahmah ‘rubbing sound’. 2. K. khasuru m. ‘gravel’; S. khahuro ‘rough’; N. khasro ‘rough, coarse, thick’. khasa— 3 ‘a partic. tribe’ see khaśa—.
3858 *khass— ‘snatch’. S. khasaṇu ‘to snatch, take by force, ravish’, L. khassaṇ; P. khassṇā, khasoṭṇā ‘to pluck out’, H. khasoṭnā. khājika— see khadikā—.
3859 *khāṭkāra— ‘clearing the throat’. [khāṭkarōti Pāṇ., cf. *khaṅkh—: onom. with —kāra3] Pa. kakkārēti ‘hawks’, Ku. khakārṇo; N. khakār ‘phlegm’, khakārnu ‘to hawk’, H. khakārnā, M. khākarṇẽ.
3860 *khāḍa— ‘a hollow’. [Cf. *khaḍḍa— and list s.v. kartá1] S. khāṛī f. ‘gulf, creek’; P. khāṛ ‘level country at the foot of a mountain’, °ṛī f. ‘deep watercourse, creek’; Bi. khārī ‘creek, inlet’; G. khāṛi , °ṛī f., °ṛɔ m. ‘hole’. — Altern. < *khaḍḍa—: Gy. gr. xar f. ‘hole’; Ku. khāṛ ‘pit’; B. khāṛī ‘creek, inlet’, khāṛal ‘pit, ditch’; H. khāṛī ‘creek, inlet’, khaṛ—har, °al m. ‘hole’; Marw. khāṛo m. ‘hole’; M. khāḍ f. ‘hole, creek’, °ḍā m. ‘hole’, °ḍī f. ‘creek, inlet’. *khāḍayati ‘makes stand’ see khaḍaka—. khāḍga—, *khāḍgin— see khaḍgá1.
3869 *khādanāntra— [khādana—, *antra1] S. khāṇā̃ḍro m. ‘cookhouse’.
3877 *khāru— ‘a kind of cloth’. [Cf. *khaṇḍu—2, *khadda—] P. khārvā m. ‘coarse red cloth’; N. kharuwā ‘a coarse cloth’; A. khāruwā ‘coarse red cotton cloth’, B. khāruyā, Or. khārū̆ā, Bi. khāruā̃; Bhoj. kharuā ‘grey cloth’; H. khārū̆ā, °rwā m. ‘coarse red cloth’; G. khārvũ n. ‘red cloth’, °ruī f. ‘garment worn by widows’; M. khārvā m. ‘coarse red cloth’, °vẽ n. ‘loin—cloth made of it’. khārkhōṭa— see kharkhōda—. *khāla— ‘trench’ see khalla2. *khālayati ‘raises’ see *khalati 2. *khāsayati ‘causes to rise’ see *khasati 2. khikhi— see next.
3879 *khiṅga— ‘strong?’ Pk. khiṁga— ‘dissolute’; P. khiṅgā ‘stout, able- bodied’. Addenda: khiṅga— (v.l. khiḍga—, ṣiḍga—) ‘libertine’ lex.
3881 *khiñc— ‘to drag, pull’. 2. *khēñc— formed as tr.? 3. *khaiñc— with ai from aı̃c— < *atiyañcati. 4. *khañc—. [Cf. *ghīcc—, *phiñc— (< *prakhiñc—??)] 1. P. khiñjṇā ‘to pull’, khiccṇā (after type siñj— ~ sicc- < siñcáti ~ sicyátē), N. khı̃cnu, B. khı̃cā; Mth. khı̄̃cab ‘to beat (clothes in washing)’; OAw. khı̄̃caï ‘drags’; H. khı̄̃cnā ‘to pull’ whence khicnā ‘to be pulled’; OMarw. khīc— ‘to pull’, G. khı̃cvũ. 2. P. khẽj f. ‘pulling’; B. khẽcā ‘to pull’, Or. kheñcibā, H. khẽcnā (→ K. khē̃cun ‘to drag’), OMarw. khec—, M. kheċṇẽ. 3. P. khaı̃c f. ‘pulling’; N. khaı̃cnu ‘to pull’, Mth. khaicab, H. khaı̃cnā, OMarw. khaı̃caï; G. kh e_ c f. ‘pulling’; M. khaı̃ċṇẽ ‘to pull’. 4. Pk. khaṁcaï ‘pulls’, okkhaṁcijjaï ‘is pulled’; K. khunzun, khṳ̄nzun ‘to pluck out (feathers or hair)’; Or. khā̃cibā ‘to draw tight’; OAw. khāṁcaï ‘pulls’; — N. khā̃cnu ‘to fold’? *khiṭṭa— ‘rust’ see kiṭṭa—. Addenda: *khiñc—. 1. WPah.kṭg. khínċṇõ;, kh e_ nċṇõ;, khánċṇõ; ‘to draw, pull, scratch’. 2. *khēñc—: S.kcch. khẽcṇū, khaı̃cṇū ‘to pull, draw (water)’.
3882 *khiḍ— ‘be open, expand’. 2. *khiḍḍ— 2. 3. *khiṇḍ—. 4. *khil—. 5. *khill—. 6. *khēḍ— tr. ‘open up, plough’. [Cf. khēṭita— ‘ploughed’ lex.] 1. S. khiṛaṇu ‘to blossom’; L. khiṛaṇ ‘to open (of a flower)’, awāṇ. khiṛuṇ; P. khiṛnā ‘to bloom’, caus. °ṛāuṇā; — G. khiṛ f. ‘valley, mountain pass’. 2. P. khiḍāuṇā ‘to scatter’; Mth. khiṛāeb ‘to spread’. 3. S. khiṇḍaṇu ‘to be scattered’, caus. °ḍāiṇu; L. awāṇ. khiṇḍuṇ ‘to spread’ intr.; P. khiṇḍaṇā ‘to be scattered’, caus. °ḍāuṇā, H. khiṇḍnā, khı̄̃ḍnā, caus. khı̃ḍānā; — M. khı̃ḍ f. ‘mountain pass’. 4. L. khiḷaṇ ‘to open’, intr. ‘smile’; OAw. khilaï ‘blossoms’; H. khilnā ‘to open, break out, bloom’, caus. °lānā. 5. S. khillaṇu ‘to laugh’; L. caus. khilāraṇ ‘to spread, stretch’; P. khillarṇā ‘to be scattered’, caus. khilāraṇā; G. khīlvũ ‘to bloom, expand’, caus. khilavvũ. 6. Pk. khēḍaï ‘ploughs’, pp. °ḍia—, °ḍaṇa— n. ‘plough- ing’; S. kheṛaṇu ‘to plough’, Or. kheṛibā; G. kheṛvũ ‘to plough, drive’, °ṛaṇ m. ‘cultivator’, °ṛāṇ n. ‘arable land’. *utkhiḍ—. *khiḍḍ— 1 ‘play’ see *khēḍ—. *khiḍḍ— 2 ‘open, expand’ see *khiḍ—. Addenda: *khiḍ—. 5. *khill—: WPah.kṭg. khílṇõ; ‘to blossom’.
3886 *khila— 2 ‘lump, boil’. 2. *khilla—. 3. *killa—. [Poss. conn. with kīla1 ‘tumour’ MBh.: semant. cf. *khuṇṭa1] 1. Pa. khiḷa— ‘callosity’; N. khil ‘corn, callosity, hard centre to a boil’; B. khil ‘clot forming on a teat when milking’, M. khīḷ f., °ḷā m. 2. Pk. khilla— m. ‘boil’; G. khīl m. ‘pimple’. 3. L. awāṇ. kil ‘pimple’, P. kill m. khilyá— see khilá1. *khill— ‘open, expand’ see *khiḍ—. *khilla— ‘boil’ see *khila2. Addenda: khila— 2 m. ‘*callosity’ in ‘insoluble problem in algebra’ Gol., ‘obduracy’ Lalit., ‘appendix’ (in khilakāṇḍa— n. Vd.), adj. ‘defective’ BhP. [khila2, *khilla— (khilīkr̥ta— ‘powerless, baffled’ Kāv., †;akhila- ‘entire’ Kāv.) is hardly separable from khilá1 ‘uncultivated land’, khilyá— (khilīkr̥ta— ‘impassable’ Kālid., khilībhūta— ‘deserted’ Car.) J.C.W.] *khill— see *khiḍ— Add2.
3887 *khilli— ‘roll esp. of betel leaf’. [Cf. kuhali— m., °lī— f. ‘betel leaf’ lex.?] N. khili ‘packet, roll (esp. of betel leaf)’; A. khilā ‘leaf, betel leaf’; B. khili ‘roll (esp. of betel)’; Or. khila ‘bundle’; H. khīlī f. ‘betel leaf prepared for chewing’.
3888 *khis— ‘slip’. [Cf. √*khas 1] Pk. khisaï ‘slips’; S. khisaṇu, pp. khitho ‘to fall in fortune, sleep’ (< *khiss—?); H. khisnā ‘to sink, fall’; G. khisvũ ‘to slide, go to a distance’ (whence caus. khesavvũ); M. khisṇẽ ‘to move aside’. — Ext. with —kk—: S. khiskaṇu ‘to slip’, P. khiskaṇā ‘to slip away’, H. khisaknā. Addenda: *khis—: S.kcch. khisṇū ‘to move’, WPah.kṭg. khísƏkṇõ; ‘to crawl’; G. khasvũ ‘to move, slide’ (rather < *khasati 1).
3889 *khiss— ‘grin, snarl’. Pk. khiṁsā— f. ‘blame’, khiṁsaē ‘blames’; P. khīs f. ‘grin’; Ku. khīs ‘ridicule’; N. khisi, khissi ‘mockery, scorn’, khisyāunu ‘to mock’; Mth. khīs ‘anger’, khisiāeb ‘to be fretful’; H. khīs f. ‘mockery’, khīsnā ‘to mock, grimace, show the teeth’, khisyānā ‘to grin’. *khīl— ‘play’ see *khēḍ—. khı̄́la— see kīla1. *khīlati ‘fastens’ see kı̄́lati. *khīlla— ‘stake’ see kīla1. *khīllati ‘fastens’ see kı̄́lati.
3890 *khucc— ‘pierce, tear’. 2. *khōcc—. 3. *khuñc—. 4. *khōñc—. [Poss. formations fr. *sku—c—. For list of poss. enlargements of IE. *sqeu— see √sku] 1. Gaw. kuċa— ‘to scratch’, kuċi— ‘to wish’ (< ‘*to itch’?); P. khuccṇā ‘to be enjoyed sexually’; WPah. bhal. khuċnū ‘to copulate’; OG. khūcaï; ‘pierces’. 2. Gaw. kōċi— ‘to wish’; H. khoc f., °cā m. ‘stab’; M. khoċ f. ‘dint’. 3. B. khũcāna ‘to prick’, khũci ‘inserting new thatch in old’, khũcṛāna ‘to stir a fire’; Or. khuñcibā ‘to poke’, khuñca ‘peg’; G. khũcvũ ‘to pierce’, khũc m. ‘indenta- tion’. 4. P. khõ;c f. ‘cut, tear’; A. khõ;siba ‘to stab’, khõ;sriba ‘to loosen earth with a pointed instrument’; H. khõ;cnā ‘to thrust’, khõ;cā m. ‘stab’, °cī f. ‘stuffing’, khõ;cālnā ‘to scratch’, khõ;caṛ m. ‘an officious person’; M. khõ;ċṇẽ, °ċarṇẽ ‘to thrust in’, khõ;ċaḷṇẽ ‘to dint’.
3891 *khuccā— ‘bend’. [< *skuc— beside √kuc?] S. khuca f. ‘hock, hollow behind ankle, tendon Achilles’. — See *kuñca—1, *khōñcā—. *khuñc— ‘tear, pierce’ see *khucc—. *KHUṬ ‘break, pierce’: *khuṭati, *khuṭyatē, *khuṇṭ- ati, khúṇḍatē1, *khōṭayati; *ākhuṭati, *ākhōṭa- yati, *niṣkhōṭayati.
3892 *khuṭati ‘breaks, pierces’. 2. *khuṇṭati. 3. *khuṭ- yatē. 4. *khōṭayati. 5. khúṇḍatē 1, khuṇḍáyati, khōḍayati ‘breaks in pieces’ Dhātup. [Cf. *utskr̥ta—. — √*khuṭ] 1. Pk. khuḍaï ‘is broken, is separated’, °ḍēi ‘breaks’, pp. khuḍia—, khulia—; M. khuḍṇẽ ‘to pluck, tear’. 2. H. khū̃ṭnā ‘to block, hinder’; G. khũṭvũ ‘to pluck off’; M. khũṭṇẽ ‘to pluck with the nails, be obstructed’. 3. Pk. khuṭṭaï ‘is broken’, khuṭṭa— ‘broken’ (see also *khuṭṭa4); Phal. khuṭū́m ‘I stumble’; M. khuṭṇẽ ‘to pluck’, khūṭṇẽ ‘to be obstructed’. 4. Pk. khōḍaya— m. ‘pressing the skin with fingernails’; S. khoṛaṇu ‘to drive into’; Mth. Bi. (N of Ganges) khornā, °nī ‘grain—parcher's poker’, (S of Ganges) khoṛnā, °nī; G. khoṛvũ ‘to tear, break, bury’. 5. Pk. khuṁḍaya— ‘tripped up’; B. khõ;ṛā, khũṛā ‘to dig’ (or < *khōḍḍ—). Addenda: *khuṭati. 2. *khuṇṭati: WPah.kṭg. khv́ṇḍhṇõ; ‘to break, pinch’ (see also *khuṇṭha— Add2). 4. *khōṭayati: WPah.kṭg. khóṛnõ; ‘to dig, scratch, engrave’ — see *khōdd— Add2.
3893 *khuṭṭa— 1 ‘peg, post’. 2. *khuṇṭa—1. [Same as *khuṭṭa2? — See also kṣōḍa—.] 1. Ku. khuṭī ‘peg’; N. khuṭnu ‘to stitch’ (der. *khuṭ ‘pin’ as khilnu from khil s.v. khı̄́la—); Mth. khuṭā ‘peg, post’; H. khūṭā m. ‘peg, stump’; Marw. khuṭī f. ‘peg’; M. khuṭā m. ‘post’. 2. Pk. khuṁṭa—, khoṁṭaya— m. ‘peg, post’; Dm. kuṇḍa ‘peg for fastening yoke to plough—pole’; L. khū̃ḍī f. ‘drum—stick’; P. khuṇḍ, °ḍā m. ‘peg, stump’; WPah. rudh. khuṇḍ ‘tethering peg or post’; A. khũṭā ‘post’, °ṭi ‘peg’; B. khũṭā, °ṭi ‘wooden post, stake, pin, wedge’; Or. khuṇṭa, °ṭā ‘pillar, post’; Bi. (with —ḍa—) khũṭrā, °rī ‘posts about one foot high rising from body of cart’; H. khū̃ṭā m. ‘stump, log’, °ṭī f. ‘small peg’ (→ P. khū̃ṭā m., °ṭī f. ‘stake, peg’); G. khū̃ṭ f. ‘landmark’, khũṭɔ m., °ṭī f. ‘peg’, °ṭũ n. ‘stump’, °ṭiyũ n. ‘upright support in frame of wagon’, khū̃ṭṛũ n. ‘half—burnt piece of fuel’; M. khũṭ m. ‘stump of tree, pile in river, grume on teat’ (semant. cf. kīla1 s.v. *khila2), khũṭā m. ‘stake’, °ṭī f. ‘wooden pin’, khũṭaḷṇẽ ‘to dibble’. Addenda: *khuṭṭa— 1. 2. *khuṇṭa—1: WPah.kṭg. khv́ndɔ ‘pole for fencing or piling grass round’ (Him.I 35 nd poss. wrong for ṇḍ); J. khuṇḍā m. ‘peg to fasten cattle to’.
3894 *khuṭṭa— 2 ‘leg’. [Perh. same as *khuṭṭa1 ‘peg’, but see word—group s.v. *kuṭṭha—] Ku. khuṭo ‘leg, foot’, °ṭī ‘goat's leg’; N. khuṭo ‘leg, foot’, khuṛkilo ‘ladder’ (< *khuṭ+kilo ‘peg’ < kīla1). *khuṭṭa— 3 ‘lame’ see khōra1. Addenda: *khuṭṭa—2: WPah.poet. khvṭe f. ‘leg (of a domestic animal)’; J. khuṭi f.pl. ‘legs’; Garh. khuṭu ‘foot’.
3895 *khuṭṭa— 4 ‘defective’. [See list s.v. kuṇṭha—] Pk. khuṭṭa— ‘broken’, khuṭṭaï ‘is broken, is worn out’ (but khuḍaï ‘breaks’, pp. khuḍia— < *khuṭati); Gy. pal. kúrtă ‘short’, gr. khurdo ‘small’, wel. xuredō ‘small, short, dwarfish’ (rather than < kṣudrá—, but rt, rd < MIA. ṭṭ is doubtful, since wel. vārdō ~ MIA. aṭṭa- < *ārta2 may be ← or X Pers. ārd); Ḍ. khuṭa, f. °ṭi ‘short’, Sh. khŭṭo; S. khuṭaṇu ‘to fall short, fail’, khuṭalu ‘bankrupt’; L. khuṭṭaṇ ‘to be finished’; P. khuṭṭṇā ‘to be diminished, be finished’; H. khūṭnā ‘to be worn out’; G. khuṭvũ ‘to be exhausted’; M. khuṭṇẽ ‘to lack’. *nikkhuṭṭa—; *khuṭṭahala—. Addenda: *khuṭṭa— 4 [Cf. Ir. Shgh. kut m., kat f. ‘short’. Sang. and Wkh. kuṭ prob. ← IA. — Av. kuta(ka)— would not explain Shgh. t EVSh 41]
3897 *khuḍḍha— ‘defective’. [See list s.v. kuṇṭha—] L. khuḍḍā ‘blunt, crooked—horned’, awāṇ. khuḍḍhā ‘blunt’. *khuṇṭa— 1 ‘peg’ see *khuṭṭa1. Addenda: *khuḍḍha—: Md. kuḍa ‘twisted’. *khuṇṭa— 1 see *khuṭṭa1 Add2. *khuṇṭati see *khuṭati Add2.
3898 *khuṇṭa— 2 ‘corner’. 2. *kuṇṭa—2. [Cf. *khōñca—] 1. Phal. khun ‘corner’; H. khū̃ṭ m. ‘corner, direction’ (→ P. khũṭ f. ‘corner, side’); G. khū̃ṭṛī f. ‘angle’. - X kōṇa—: G. khuṇ f., khū̆ṇɔ m. ‘corner’. 2. S. kuṇḍa f. ‘corner’; P. kū̃ṭ f. ‘corner, side’ (← H.). *catuṣkhuṇṭa—; *catuṣkuṇṭa—, *ṣaṭkuṇṭa—. *khuṇṭati ‘breaks’ see *khuṭati.
3899 *khuṇṭha— ‘defective’. [See list s.v. kuṇṭha—] P. khuṇḍh m. ‘stump, old man’, khuṇḍhā ‘blunt’; Or. khuṇṭa, °ṭā ‘withered branch’; OG. khuṁṭa ‘impotent, eunuch’, G. khũṭṛɔ m. ‘entire bull used for agriculture but not for breeding’, (Kathiawar) khũṭ m. ‘Brahmani bull’. *khuṇṭhahala—. Addenda: *khuṇṭha—: S.kcch. khūṇḍh ‘slow—witted’; WPah.kṭg. khv́ṇḍh m. ‘any object broken into pieces, stump’; khv́ṇḍhṇõ; ‘to break, pinch’ (see also *khuṇṭati s.v. khuṭati Add2); Garh. khuṇḍu ‘blunted’.
3901 *khuṇḍa— ‘defective’. [See list s.v. kuṇṭha—] L. khuṇḍā ‘blunt, crooked—horned’; P. khuṇḍī ‘crooked—horned’; N. khũṛo ‘blunt’, H. khuṇḍā. khúṇḍatē 1 ‘breaks’ see *khuṭati. khúṇḍatē 2 ‘is lame’ see khōra1. khudáti see *khōdd—. *khuddati ‘asks’ see *khōjja—.
3903 *khubja— ‘humpbacked’. [See kubjá—] Pa. khujja— ‘humpbacked, small, inferior’; Pk. khujja—, °jaya—, °jiya— ‘humpbacked, bent’; M. khuj̈ā ‘dwarfish’; Si. kuda ‘humpbacked’ or < kubjá—.
3904 *khubba— ‘hump’. [See *kubba— and list s.v. kubjá—] M. khubā m. ‘any projection on the body, esp. shoulderblade and hip’, khubaṛ n. ‘hump on back, knuckle, joint’. *khumbha— ‘jar’ see kumbhá1.
3905 *khumm— ‘bend’. Pk. khummia— ‘bent’; N. khumle, khomle ‘bent’, khumre ‘decrepit, old’, khumcinu ‘to be bent’; A. khum ‘bundle made by folding over two ends of cloth’.
3912 *khūha— ‘pit, well’. [kū́pa—1 X khḗya—, khanati X guhā1?] K. khuhu m. ‘Persian well’, kash. khūhu ‘well’; S. khūhu m. ‘well’, khuhī f. ‘small well’; L. khūh m. ‘well’, awāṇ. khū̀; P. khūh, °hā m. ‘well’, WPah. bhal. khūho, cur. khūhā, paṅ. khūī, khaś. khū̀e obl. — Influenced by two meanings of kū́pa1 ‘pit’ and kūpa2 ‘mast’: S. khūho m. ‘mast of a boat’, L. khūhā m. *khūhakhānaka—, *khūhakhānya—. Addenda: *khūha—: S.kcch. khūvo m. ‘well’. *khēñc— see *khiñc- Add2.
3918 *khēḍ— ‘play’. 2. *khēḍḍ—. 3. *khiḍḍ—1. 4. *khīl—. 5. *khill—. 6. *khēl—. 7. *khēll—. 8. kēl— or *kēḍ—. [If krı̄́ḍati, already in RV. (krı̄́ḷati, °ḷā́—, °ḷí— f., °ḷú—), is of non—Aryan origin (see in last instance A. Master BSOAS xii 363 and F. B. J. Kuiper Festschr. A. Debrunner 242: EWA i 279 with earlier lit.), then these forms may stem from the same source. If krı̄́ḍati is IE., it has crossed with these, e.g. Pk. kiḍḍaï, killaï ~ kīḍaï. Sk. kḗlati ‘trembles’ Dhātup., kḗli- f. ‘amorous play’ Mn., khḗlati ‘shakes’ R., khēlāyáti ‘plays’ Bhaṭṭ., khēli— f. ‘sport’ Gīt. may be connected. kṣvḗlati ‘jumps, sports’ R., kṣvēli—, °ikā— f. ‘play’ BhP. ac. to EAW i 296 is sanskritization of khēl—; but, although there is no form in NIA. with c̣h—, or ch—, Gy. eur. and arm. kh—, pal. k— (not x— and — < Sk. kh—) attest kṣ(v)—. H. helnā ‘to play’, if < *abhikhēl—, separates khēl— from kṣvēl— or represents a late cmpd. with MIA. kh— < kṣ(v)—] 1. Pk. khēḍaṇaa— n. ‘toy’, khēḍāvaga— ‘playing’; WPah. bhad. kheṛtu pres. part. n. ‘playing’; Or. kheṛa ‘sport, gambling’; — Si. keḷanavā ‘to play’ or < 6 or 8 below. 2. Pk. kheḍḍaï ‘plays’, °ḍā— f., °ḍa—, °ḍaya— n. ‘play’; S. kheḍ̱aṇu, kheḍ̱a f.; L. kheḍaṇ, kheḍ f., awān. caus. khiḍāvuṇ; P. kheḍṇā, khiḍāuṇā, kheḍ f.; WPah. bhal. kheḍḍu pp. n. sg. ‘it was played’; G. kheḍɔ m. ‘actor’. 3. Pa. khiḍḍā— f. ‘play’ (M. Grammont MSL xix 276 < krīḍā́—), Pk. khiḍḍa— n.; Si. kiḍuva, kiḍiya ‘sport, dancing’, kiḍī ‘dancing—girl’; — L. khiṭṭ f. ‘game’. 4. Pk. khīlāvaṇa— n. ‘toy’. 5. Pk. khillaï ‘plays’, °laṇa— n. ‘toy’; H. khillī f. ‘fun’, °lū ‘playful’. 6. Pk. khēlaï ‘plays’, °laṇa—, °ṇaya— n. ‘playing’; Or. kheḷibā vb., kheḷa, °ḷā sb.; G. kheḷɔ m. ‘itinerant actor’; M. kheḷṇẽ vb., kheḷ m.; Ko. kheḷtā. — Altern. < *khēll—: Gy. arm. eur. khel— ‘to play, dance’, pal. kḗlăr, caus. kēlauăr; K. khēlun vb., khēla, dat. khĕli f.; N. khelnu vb., khel sb.; A. khelāiba ‘to amuse’, khel ‘playing’; B. khelā, caus. khelāna, khel sb.; H. khelnā, caus. khilānā, khel m.; OMarw. khelaï vb.; — Si. kelinavā vb., keliya sb. (but if spellings with are original, then < *khēḍ—). 7. Pk. khellaï, °laṇa— n.; S. khela f.; P. khelṇā, °lhnā, caus. khilāuṇā, khal°; Or. kheli ‘sport’; Mth. khelab, Bhoj. khēlal, Aw. lakh. khēlab; OAw. khela m.; G. khelvũ, khel m. 8. Pa. kēḷāyati ‘fondles’, kēḷi— f. ‘play’; Si. keḷinavā ‘to play’, keḷiya ‘play’ if with original (or < *khēḍ— or *khēl— above or krı̄́ḍati). *abhikhēl—; *khiḍḍakara—. *khēḍḍ— ‘play’ see *khēḍ—. Addenda: *khēḍ— 1. 6. *khēl—: WPah.kṭg. khéḷɔ ‘gay’; Garh. kheḷnu ‘to play’, A. kheliba (or < 7). 7. *khēll—: WPah.kṭg. khḗl m. ‘game’, khélṇõ; ‘to play’; J. khe'l ‘game’. *khēḍ— 2 ‘plough’ see *khiḍ1.
3921 *khēdd— ‘drive, pursue’. P. khedṇā ‘to persecute, expel’; Ku. khedṇo ‘to pursue’, N. khednu, A. khediba; B. khedāna ‘to chase away’; Or. khedibā ‘to chase (an animal)’; H. khednā ‘to pursue’; — P. khedā, m. ‘pursuer’; N. khedo ‘pursuit’, A. khedā; B. H. khedā m. ‘elephant stockade’; G. khedɔ m. ‘pursuit’; — P. khedū m. ‘pursuer’, N. kheduwā. Addenda: *khēdd—: WPah.kṭg. khédṇõ; ‘to drive (e.g. cattle)’; J. khedṇu ‘to drive, hunt’. *khēl—, *khēll— see *khēḍ1 Add2.
3924 *kheśśa— ‘a partic. sort of cloth’. K. kheś m. ‘a kind of silk cloth worn by women as a girdle’; S. khesu m. ‘thick cotton cloth’; L. khes m. ‘thick cotton shawl with coloured border’; P. khes m. ‘a kind of cloth’, °sī f. ‘small shawl’; N. khes ‘a partic. kind of cloth made in Bhadgaon’; B. kheś ‘a woollen wrapper’; H. khes, °sṛā m. ‘a figured cloth’; G. khes m., °siyũ n. ‘a cloth loosely worn over the shoulders’; M. khẽs n.m. ‘a partic. kind of cloth (cotton, wool, or silk)’. — Gy. germ. keš ‘silk, silk threads’ W.P. Schmid IF lxvi 143.
3925 *khēsārī— ‘lentil’. 2. *kēsārī— [Cf. kr̥sará—] N. khesā̆ri ‘a kind of lentil’; B. Or. khesāri ‘the pulse Lathyrus sativus’; Bi. khĕsārī, jo—khesarā ‘mixed crop of barley and peas’; Mth. khesārī ‘a kind of grain’ (°sāṛī hyper—Hindiism?); H. khesārī, khis° f. ‘Lathyrus sativus’. 2. H. kisārī f. ‘L. sativus’. *khaiñc— ‘pull’ see *khiñc—.
3926 *khōkkh— ‘bark, cough’. Pk. khokkhaï ‘barks (of a monkey)’, khokkhā— f. ‘monkey's bark’; N. khoknu ‘to cough’, khoki sb., B. khukā, H. khõ;khnā, khõ;khī f., G. khokhlɔ m., M. khokṇẽ. Addenda: *khōkkh— [Cf. *khuṅk— in Add2]
3927 *khōkkha— ‘hollow’. S. khokho m. ‘anything withered and dried up’; Or. khokho ‘sound of hollow things when struck’; H. khokhā, °kā ‘hollow, decayed’; G. khokh ‘dry and hollow’, khokhũ n. ‘outer dry crust after inside is removed’; M. khok, khõ;k f. ‘hole, bruise’; — Ext. with —r—: K. khŏkhoru , khūkh° ‘hollow’, P. khokhrā, N. khokro, H. khokrā; OMarw. khokharo m. ‘cavity’; - with —l—: P. khokhlā ‘hollow’; N. khoklo, khukulo ‘loose, slack’; H. khokhal, °khlā ‘hollow, decayed’; — with ——: H. khokaṛ; — M. khokhas n. ‘hollow grains’. Addenda: *khōkkha—: S.kcch. khokho ‘old’.
3928 *khōṅga— ‘basket’. N. khõ;go, khuṅo ‘fish—trap of basketwork’; B. Or. khuṅgi ‘small bamboo wickerwork basket’. *khōcc— ‘pierce, tear’ see *khucc—. khṓjati see *khōjja—.
3929 *khōjja— ‘mark, footprint’. 2. *khōjjati ‘tracks, seeks’. 3. *khuddati [Conn. with khṓjati ‘steals’ Dhātup. is doubtful] 1. Pk. khojja— m.n. ‘footmark’; L. khojī m. ‘tracker’; P. khoj m. ‘footprint’, khojjī m. ‘tracker of lost cattle’; N. khoj ‘clue’; A. khoj ‘footprint’; B. khoj, khõ;j ‘trace’; Or. khoja ‘footmark, trace’; G. khoj m.f. ‘search’. 2. Paš. lauṛ. xōǰ—, weg. kūeǰxūǰ—, gul. ‘to ask’ (→ Par. khuǰ- IIFL i 264); Kal. rumb. khoǰim ‘I seek’; Bshk. khoǰ— ‘to ask’, Tor. kuǰ— (kh—?), Phal. khōǰ—, Sh. gil. khoǰóĭki̯, gur. khožyōnu̯; P. khojnā ‘to seek’ (→ S. khojaṇu), Ku. khojṇo, N. khojnu; A. khojiba, ‘to beg, ask for’; B. khojā, khõ;jā, khũjā ‘to search for’, Or. khojibā, Mth. khōjab, OAw. khojaï; H. khojnā ‘to seek, enquire’; G. khojvũ ‘to search for’. 3. Kt. kudå— ‘to ask’, Ash. kudā́—, Wg. kud—, Paš. kuṛ. xud—, Gaw. khud—. — Cf. N. khodalnu ‘to search for’ s.v. *khōdd—. *khōñc— ‘tear, pierce’ see *khucc- Addenda: *khōjja— [Ac. AFD 220 Pk. khojja— ‘footprint’ < kṣōdya— ‘to be trampled on’ R.] 1. WPah.poet. khōj̈ m. ‘footprint, trace’, J. khō'j. 2. WPah.poet. khoj̈ṇo ‘to search, trace, enquire’.
3930 *khōñcā— ‘curve, bend’. [< *skuc— beside √kuc?] P. khū̃j f., °jā m. ‘corner’, N. khõ;j, khõ;c, khū̃j ‘glen, ravine, depression between two hills’; H. khū̃c f. ‘tendon Achilles’; G. khɔ̃c f. ‘corner’. — See *khuccā—, *kuñca1. khōṭa— see khōra1. *khōṭayati ‘breaks’ see *khuṭati.
3931 *khōṭi— ‘blemish’. 2. *khōṭṭa—. [Cf. *khuṭṭa4 and kūṭa2] 1. Pk. khōḍi— f. ‘fault’; Tor. khōr ‘ashes’ (Morgen- stierne AO viii 304 compares Sh. khā́ro < *skāra—, but see 2 below); OAw. khorī ‘fault’; H. khorī f. ‘wicked- ness’; OG. khoḍi f., G. khoṛ f. ‘vice, fault’, M. khoḍ f. 2. Bshk. khoṭ ‘embers’, Phal. khūṭo ‘ashes, burning coal’; Sh. khoṭŭ ‘false’, (Lor.) khōṭ ‘fault’; K. khọ̆ṭu ‘base, impure’; S. khoṭu m. ‘deceit’, °ṭo ‘deceitful’; L. khoṭ f. ‘alloy, impurity’, °ṭā ‘alloyed’, awāṇ. khoṭā ‘forged’; P. khoṭ m. ‘base, alloy’ (PhonPj 117 < kauṭya—), f. ‘vice, blemish’, khoṭṭā ‘vicious, impure’; Ku. N. khoṭ ‘fault’; H. khoṭ m.f. ‘deceit’, °ṭā ‘false, base’; Marw. khoṭo ‘bad’; OG. khoṭaüṁ ‘untrue’, G. khoṭ f. ‘mistake, loss, want’, °ṭī f. ‘waste of time’, °ṭũ ‘alloyed, bad, lazy’; M. khoṭ f. ‘falsehood, loss in trade’, °ṭā ‘false, alloyed’, °ṭī ‘delayed’. *niṣkhōṭa—; *niṣkhōṭṭa—. *khōṭṭa— ‘blemish’ see prec. *khōḍa— ‘cavity’ see *khōla2. *khōḍḍ— ‘dig’ see *khōdd—. *khōṇḍa— ‘lame’ see khōra1. Addenda: *khōṭṭa—: WPah.kṭg. khōṭ m. ‘fault’, khoṭɔ ‘false’; J. khoṭā ‘wicked’; Md. kuř ‘error’. *khōḍa— ‘cavity’ see *khōla2 Add2. *khōḍḍ— ‘dig’ see *khōdd— Add2. *khōtr— ‘dig’ see *kōtr— Add2.
3932 *khōtta— ‘donkey’. [Poss. ← same source as ghōṭa—] P. bhaṭ. khotā, WPah. bhad. khautau, paṅ. cur. khōtā. *khōttarūpa—.
3934 *khōdd— ‘dig’. 2. *khōḍḍ—. 3. *kōḍḍ—. 4. *gōdd—. 5. *gōḍḍ—. 6. *guḍḍ—. [Poss. conn. with khudáti ‘thrusts (penis) into’ RV., prákhudati ‘futuit’ AV.; cf. also *khōtr—, *kōtr—] 1. P. khodṇā ‘to dig, carve’, khudṇā ‘to be dug’; Ku. khodṇo ‘to dig, carve’, N. khodnu, B. khodā, khudā, Or. khodibā, khud°; Bi. mag. khudnī ‘a kind of spade’; H. khodnā ‘to dig, carve, search’, khudnā ‘to be dug’; Marw. khodṇo ‘to dig’; G. khodvũ ‘to dig, carve’, M. khodṇẽ (also X khānayati q.v.). — N. khodalnu ‘to search for’ cf. *khuddati s.v. *khōjja—? 2. B. khõ;ṛā ‘to dig’ or < *khōṭayati s.v. *khuṭati. 3. B. koṛā, kõ;ṛā ‘to dig, pierce’, Or. koṛibā ‘to cut clods of earth with a spade, beat’; Mth. koṛab ‘to dig’, H. koṛnā. 4. K. godu m. ‘hole’, g° karun ‘to pierce’; N. godnu ‘to pierce’; H. godnā ‘to pierce, hoe’, gudnā ‘to be pierced’; G. godɔ m. ‘a push’; M. godṇẽ ‘to tattoo’. 5. L. goḍaṇ ‘to hoe’, P. goḍṇā, goḍḍī f. ‘hoeings’; N. goṛnu ‘to hoe, weed’; H. goṛnā ‘to hoe up, scrape’, goṛhnā (X kāṛhnā?); G. goḍvũ ‘to loosen earth round roots of a plant’. 6. S. guḍ̱aṇu ‘to pound, thrash’; P. guḍḍṇā ‘to beat, pelt, hoe, weed’. Addenda: *khōdd—. 1. S.kcch. khodhṇū ‘to dig’, WPah.kṭg. (Wkc.) khódṇõ;, J. khodṇu. 2. *khōḍḍ—: WPah.kc. khoḍṇo ‘to dig’; — kṭg. khoṛnõ; id. see *khuṭati Add2.
3936 *khōppa— 1 ‘coconut shell’. 2. *khōppaḍa—. 3. *khōppara—. 4. *khōbbara—. [Cf. *kōppara—] 1. S. khopo m. ‘shell of coconut or egg’; L. khopā m. ‘leather blinders on a bullock's eyes’; P. khoppā, khopā m. ‘coconut kernel’; Or. (Sambhalpur) khupuli ‘hard shell of coconut’; H. khopā m. ‘coconut kernel’. 2. Ku. khopṛī ‘skull’, N. khopri; H. khopṛī f. ‘skull, shell’. 3. K. khūpara ‘coconut shell, chestnut’; P. khopar m., °prī f. ‘skull’, khoprā m. ‘concave eyepieces over an animal's eyes when driving a mill’; H. khoprā m. ‘coconut kernel’, G. khoprẽ n.; G. M. khoprī f. ‘skull’. 4. M. khobrẽ n. ‘coconut kernel’. Addenda: *khōppa—: WPah.poet. khobo m. ‘scratch, hole’; A. khob ‘hole, cave’.
3937 *khōppa— 2 ‘hole’. [Cf. *khappa2] Phal. khop ‘rung of a ladder’ (orig. ‘notch in a plank or trunk used as a ladder’ and, despite NOPhal 40, separate fr. A. khāp ‘layer’ s.v. *khappa1); N. khop ‘ravine’, °po ‘hole in a wall’, °pi ‘little hole’, °pilṭo; A. khob ‘hole, cave’, khupiyā ‘notch to place the foot on’; Or. khopa ‘pigeonhole’; H. khop f. ‘hole, cave’; M. khop f. ‘dint’, °pā m. ‘hollow in a tree’; — Si. kopuva ‘sheath, scabbard’ (but see *khappa1); — Ku. khopṇo ‘to make a hole’; N. khopnu ‘to pierce’; A. khopani ‘pressing the toes in to prevent slipping’ (but see *skupyatē).
3938 *khōppa— 3 ‘hut’. 2. *khōmpa—. [Prob. ← Drav. DED no. 1441] 1. M. khop, °pī f. ‘cottage, hut’. — Ext. with ——: K. khŏpürü f. ‘ruined thatched mud hut’; Ku. khopṛo ‘hovel’; N. khopro ‘slave's house’; A. khupari ‘small dark room’; Mth. khopaṛī ‘hut’, M. khopḍī f.; — with —ṭṭ—: G. khopṭũ n. ‘cottage, hut’, M. khopaṭ n., °pṭī f. 2. Bi. khõ;p, °pī ‘house for storing chaff’; Mth. khõ;p ‘hut, nest’; Bhoj. khõ;p ‘cover of a granary’; M. khõ;p f. ‘hut’. — Ext. with ——: Bi. khõ;pṛī ‘shed on threshing floor’.
3939 *khōppa— 4 ‘bunch of hair’. [← Drav. DED no. 1755] N. khop ‘bunch of woman's hair tied unplaited at back of head’; A. khopā ‘hair—knot’, B. khõ;pā, Or. khopā, H. khopā m., H. M. khõ;pā m. *khōppaḍa— ‘coconut shell’ see *khōppa1. *khōppara— ‘coconut shell’ see *khōppa1. *khōbbara— ‘coconut shell’ see *khōppa1.
3943 *khōla— 2 ‘cavity, hollow’. 2. *khōlla—2. 3. *khōḍa—. 4. *khōra—2. [Cf. Par. khur ‘cave’ IIFL i 265] 1. Paš. gul. khōl ‘ravine’; P. khol f. ‘cavity, hollow’; WPah. cur. khoḷ ‘stream’; N. kholo ‘small river, valley’; Bi. khol, °li ‘trough in which the share lies when fixed in body of plough’; H. khol, °laṛ m. ‘cavity, cave’; — A. kholiba ‘to hollow out’, kholni ‘mortice’; Or. khoḷibā ‘to dig’. — X kōṭará— q.v. 2. Pk. kholla— n. ‘hollow’; L. kholā ‘hollow’; Or. khola ‘cave’; G. khol f. ‘hollowness’; M. khol ‘deep’. 3. Kho. (Lor.) khōḷ ‘cave, hollow under rock’; P. khoṛ f. ‘cavity, hollow’; — A. khor ‘cavity, hole’ or < *khōra2. 4. Gy. arm. xor ‘deep, hollow, depth’, eur. xor ‘deep, depth’, wel. xorō ‘deep’; Sh. (Lor.) kōr ‘cave’; L. khorī ‘enclosure’; P. khorā ‘empty’; N. khor ‘enclosure, trap’, °ro ‘crack in skin of foot’, °ri ‘small pocket of leaves’; A. khor ‘cave’ (or < *khōḍa—); B. khor ‘sore in foot—and- mouth disease’; H. khor m. ‘cave’, f. ‘cavity’, °rā m. ‘pit, cave’; M. khor m. ‘glen’. khōla— 3 ‘lame’ see khōra1. Addenda: *khōla— 2. 3. khōḍa—: WPah.kṭg. khv́ṛ m. ‘lowest storey of house where cattle are kept (often dug into the hillside)’ (but cf. P. kuṛ, kgr. kuṛh f. ‘enclosure for cattle’ Him.I 35); — perh. also khv́ṛ ‘dung, manure’.
3945 *khōll— ‘to open’. 2. *khull— ‘to be open’. 1. Gy. pal. kṓlăr ‘loosens’, eur. wel. xulav— ‘to comb out (hair), part, divide’; K. khōlun ‘to open’, S. kholaṇu, L. awāṇ. khōluṇ; P. kholhṇā ‘to open, loose’; WPah. rudh. kholl— ‘to open’; Ku. gng. khoe ‘releases’; N. kholnu ‘to open’, B. kholā, khulā, Or. kholibā, Mth. Aw. lakh. khōlab, H. kholnā, Marw. kholṇo, G. kholvũ; M. kholṇẽ ‘to deepen (a well)’. 2. S. khulaṇu intr. ‘to open’, L. awāṇ. khullaṇ ‘to be open’, P. khullhṇā, WPah. cam. khulhṇā, Ku. khulṇo, N. khulnu, B. khulā, H. khulnā, G. khulvũ, M. khulṇẽ; — OMarw. khulo adj. ‘open’. *utkhōll—, *niṣkhōll—. Addenda: *khōll—. 1. S.kcch. kholṇū ‘to open’; WPah.kṭg. (kc.) khólṇõ;. 2. *khull—: WPah.kṭg. khúlṇõ; ‘to be opened’, khullɔ ‘spacious, wide’; J. khulā ‘loosened’.
3946 *khōlla— 1 ‘hut’. Pk. khulla— n. ‘hut’; G. M. kholī f. ‘inner room’. *khōlla— 2 ‘cavity’ see *khōla2.
3947 *khōva— ‘inspissated milk’. P. khoā m., ‘milk boiled till thick’, N. khowā, khāwā, B. khoyā, Or. khuā, H. khoā m., M. khovā, khavā m.
3948 *khōsa— ‘husk’. Sh. (Lor.) khōh ‘what is removed after pounding rice or maize’; B. Or. H. khosā m. ‘husk’; — N. khosṭo ‘husk (of maize &c.), eggshell’, khoselo ‘husk (of maize &c.)’, khoselnu ‘to peel, rummage’. — Si. koha ‘fibre of coco- nut husk’ rather < kōśá—. KHYĀ ‘make known’: abhíkhyati, ā́khyati, ākhyā—, ākhyāta—, *ākhyātra—, ākhyā́na—, *ācikhyati, upā- khyāna—, prakhyāna—, *viyā́khyāti, vyākhyāna—, saṁ- khyā—, sáṁkhyāti, samākhyāti.
3949 *gakṣa— ‘tree’, gaccha— m. lex. Pa. gaccha— m. ‘bush’; Sh. gac̣hí f. ‘twig’; N. gāch ‘tree, shrub’; A. gās ‘tree’; B. gāch ‘tree, plant’, °chā ‘lampstand’, gāchāna ‘to grow’; Or. gacha ‘tree’; Bi. gāch ‘beanstalk’, gāchi ‘first sprout of peas’, °chī ‘grove’; Mth. gāch, gachiā ‘tree’, gāchī ‘mango grove’; Bhoj. gā̃ch ‘tree’; H. gāch m. ‘tree’, °chī f. ‘grove’; Si. gasa, gaha ‘tree’; — A. gā̆s ‘numerative used with long or slender things’, B. gāch. Addenda: *gakṣa— ‘tree’. [Cf. vr̥kṣá— with same final] A. also gâchā (phonet. —s—) ‘lampstand’ AFD 217.
3951 *gaṅgarīti ‘calls loudly’. [Poss. intens. of √gr̥̄ 3, but prob. onom. like *gargarāyati] G. gā̃garvũ ‘to bellow like a bull’; M. gā̃garṇẽ ‘to be frightened’, gā̃garḍā m. ‘outcry, brawl’.
3954 *gacca— ‘mud’. [Perh. onom., cf. Drav. words s.v. *gicc— and Pahlavi gač, Pers. geč ‘mud’.] S. gacu m. ‘mortar, plaster’ (g!), gaci ‘plastered with mortar’; P. gacc m. ‘mud, mortar, cement’; H. gac m. ‘noise made in walking through mud’; M. gaċṇẽ ‘to sink into mud’. gaccha— see *gakṣa—.
3959 *gajja— ‘foam’. 2. *gañja—4. 1. S. gajī f. ‘foam, scum’, Ku. N. Bhoj. gāj; H. gāj f. ‘froth, scum’, gajānā ‘to cause to ferment’. 2. B. gā̃jā ‘frothing’, gā̃jlā ‘froth, beestings’, gā̃jā ‘to foam’.
3960 *gañj— ‘press, ram’. 2. *gajj—. 3. *gadd—. [Cf. gañja1 m. ‘disrespect’ lex. and gandhayatē] 1. Pk. gaṁjaï ‘oppresses, rebukes’, gaṁjia— ‘hurt’, gaṁjaṇa— n. ‘disrespect’; N. gā̃jnu ‘to ravish, rape (a woman)’; A. gā̃ziba ‘to thrust, cram’; Or. gā̃jibā ‘to ram, thrash’, gañjibā ‘to oppress, abuse’, gañjaṇā ‘abuse’; H. gā̃jnā ‘to churn’, gãjnā ‘to treat with con- tempt’; G. gā̃jvũ ‘to agitate, overpower, deceive’; M. gā̃j̈ṇẽ ‘to torment’. 2. Or. gājibā ‘to ram, thrash, fall in torrents (of rain)’. 3. Pk. gaddia— ‘proud’ (?); B. gādā ‘to ram, cram’; H. gādnā ‘to press down, cram’. gañja— 1 ‘disrespect’ see *gañj—. Addenda: *gañj—. 1. WPah.kṭg. ganj̈ɔ ‘bald—headed’, P. gañjā.
3962 *gañja— 3 ‘heap’. [Perh. same as gañja2] P. gañj m. ‘heap’; N. gā̃j ‘close growth of plants’; Bhoj. gā̃j ‘heap’. — With Pk. gaṁja— m. ‘cheek’ cf. gaṇḍá1 and gaṇḍa2. *gañja— 4 ‘foam’ see *gajja—.
3965 *gaṭṭa— ‘piece’. 2. *giṭṭa—. 1. S. ǥaṭu m. ‘piece of stick in a dog's collar’, ǥaṭo m. ‘piece of wall, piece of canal left undug’, ǥaṭī f. ‘piece of elephant's tusk &c.’; P. gaṭṭ m. ‘cluster, stopper’, gaṭṭā m. ‘stopper’ (→ H. gaṭṭā m.); H. gāṭā m. ‘piece of land’. 2. S. ǥiṭī f. ‘small bit of food’. *GAṬH ‘mould, form’. [By metath. < √ghaṭ?] *gaṭhati, *gāṭhayati. Addenda: *gaṭṭa—: WPah.kṭg. gɔṭṭɔ m. ‘small stone, pebble’, J. gaṭi f.
3966 *gaṭhati ‘makes, forms’. [√*gaṭh] Pk. gaḍhaï ‘forms’; L. gaṛhāvaṇ ‘to bring buffalo- cow to bull’; P. gaṛhṇā ‘to copulate with (of bull or buffalo)’; A. gariba ‘to mould, form’; B. gaṛā ‘to hammer into shape, form’; Or. gaṛhibā ‘to mould, build’, gaṛhaṇa ‘building’; Mth. gaṛhāī ‘wages for making gold or silver ornaments’; OAw. gaḍhāi ‘makes’; H. gaṛhnā ‘to form by hammering’, G. gaḍhvũ. — Altern. < gháṭatē: Wg. gaṛawun ‘to form, produce’; K. garun, vill. gaḍun ‘to hammer into shape, forge, put together’. GAḌ ‘drip’. [Poss. ← Drav. Master BSOAS xii 347; but perh. < *gr̥d— in *grilla— (if < *gr̥d—la—) or *gr̥ta—: √*gr̥̄ 1. See also √gal 1 and *giḍḍ—] *gaḍa—3, gáḍati, gaḍita—, *gāḍa—1, *gāḍayati; *nirgaḍa—, *nirgaḍati, *nirgāḍayati, *vigaḍati.
3968 *gaḍa— 2 ‘cultivated field’. 2. *gāḍa—2. [Prob. same as *gaḍa1, i.e. ‘something dug’] 1. Ku. gaṛo ‘field’; N. garo ‘terraced field’. 2. Dm. gāŕa ‘cultivated field’; Kho. (Lor.) gāḷu ‘small field’. Addenda: *gaḍa—2: WPah.kc. gɔ̄ṛ m. ‘farmyard, earth, ground’.
3969 *gaḍa— 3 ‘dropping’. [√gaḍ] Pa. gaḷa— m. ‘a drop’, gaḷāgalaṁ gacchati ‘goes from fall to fall’; S. ǥaṛo m. ‘hail’, L. (Ju.) ǥaṛā m., P. gaṛā m. (cf. galā < gala1); — Pk. gaḍa— n. ‘large stone’?
3971 *gaḍa— 5 ‘hook’. Pa. gaḷa— m. ‘hook, fish—hook’; Pk. gala— m. ‘hook’; N. gal ‘lever’; H. gal m. ‘hook, drag hook’; G. gaḷ m. ‘hook’; M. gaḷ m. ‘hook, drag hook, hangman's hook’. *gaḍa— 6 ‘neck’ see gala2.
3972 *gaḍagaḍa— ‘noise’. [Onom.: cf. *ghaḍaghaḍa—] Pa. gaḷagaḷāyati ‘crashes, thunders’; Pk. gaḍayaḍa—, °ḍī— f. ‘sound of thunder’, gaḍayaḍaṁta— ‘making a dreadful noise’; M. gaḍāḍ m. ‘rumble’, gaḍāḍṇẽ ‘to rumble’, gaḍgaḍṇẽ.
3974 *gaḍa—baḍa— ‘confused’. 2. *gaḍḍa—baḍḍa—. [Cf. *gaḍḍ2] 1. Pk. gaḍavaḍa— n. ‘confusion’, S. gaṛḇaṛi f.; P. gaṛhbaṛ f. ‘sound of boiling water’, gaṛhbaṛāhaṭ f. ‘confusion’; Ku. gaṛbaṛūṇo ‘to confuse’; N. gaṛbaṛ ‘confusion’, B. gaṛbaṛ, °ṛi; Or. gaṛabaṛi ‘uproar’; H. gaṛbaṛ ‘confused’, m. ‘confusion, disorder’, °ṛā m., °ṛī, °ṛāhaṭ f., G. gaṛbaṛ f., M. gaḍbaḍ f., gaḍbaḍṇẽ ‘to be confused’. 2. P. gaḍḍvaḍḍ m. ‘confusion’.
3979 *gaḍḍ— 1 ‘dig, bury’. [Cf. list s.v. kartá1] L. gaḍḍaṇ ‘to sow’; P. gaḍḍṇā ‘to sow, plant, fix’; N. gāṛnu ‘to bury, stab’; A. gāriba, gā̃r° ‘to thrust, fix in’; B. gāṛā ‘to plant, bury’; Or. gāṛibā ‘to bury in a hole’; Mth. gāṛab ‘to bury’, Bhoj. gāṛal; H. gāṛnā ‘to bury, drive in’, OMarw. gāṛaï, G. gāḍvũ, M. gāḍṇē̃. — Caus. Gy. eur. garav— ‘to hide’, P. gaḍāuṇā ‘to bury, drive in’; — intr. N. gaṛnu ‘to be buried’, Mth. gaṛab, G. gaḍvũ.
3980 *gaḍḍ— 2 ‘mix’. [Cf. gadhyati ‘is mixed’ Nir., and Kan. gaḍanisu ‘to join’] Paš. gaḍ ‘mixed with, immersed in’ IIFL iii 3, 67; S. gaḍ̱aṇu ‘to meet, join, mix’, gaḍ̱u ‘jointly’; L. (Ju.) gaḍ̱ḍ̱aṇ ‘to mix (of fluids)’; P. gaḍḍ ‘promiscuous’; H. gāṛnā ‘to unite’, gāṛā ‘kneaded or mixed mud’ (or < *gāḍa2). — Poss. Wg. gaṭ ‘immersed’ but see gāḍha—.
3981 *gaḍḍa— 1 ‘hole, pit’. [G. < *garda—? — Cf. *gaḍḍ1 and list s.v. kartá1] Pk. gaḍḍa— m. ‘hole’; WPah. bhal. cur. gaḍḍ f., paṅ. gaḍḍṛī, pāḍ. gaḍōṛ ‘river, stream’; N. gaṛ—tir ‘bank of a river’; A. gārā ‘deep hole’; B. gāṛ, °ṛā ‘hollow, pit’; Or. gāṛa ‘hole, cave’, gāṛiā ‘pond’; Mth. gāṛi ‘piercing’; H. gāṛā m. ‘hole’; G. garāḍ, °ḍɔ m. ‘pit, ditch’ (< *graḍḍa— < *garda—?); Si. gaḍaya ‘ditch’. — Cf. S. giḍ̱i f. ‘hole in the ground for fire during Muharram’. — X khānī̆—: K. gān m. ‘underground room’; S. (LM 323) gāṇ f. ‘mine, hole for keeping water’; L. gāṇ m. ‘small embanked field within a field to keep water in’; G. gāṇ f. ‘mine, cellar’; M. gāṇ f. ‘cavity containing water on a raised piece of land’ (LM 323 < gáhana—). *pragaḍḍa—; *gharagaḍḍa—. Addenda: *gaḍḍa—1: WPah.kṭg. gāṛ ‘hole (e.g. after a knot in wood)’.
3982 *gaḍḍa— 2 ‘bundle, sheaf’. 2. *giḍḍa—. 1. S. gaḏo m. ‘bundle of grass &c.’, °ḍ̱ī f. ‘small do.’; L. gaḍḍā m. ‘armful of straw’, °ḍī f. ‘sheaf’; P. gaḍḍā m. ‘handful of sticks’, °ḍī f. ‘load of rice in straw’, WPah. bhal. gaḍḍi f. 2. Bshk. giḍ ‘straw’. *gaḍḍa— 3 ‘boil, swelling’ see gaṇḍá1.
3983 *gaḍḍa— 4 ‘sheep’. 2. gaḍḍara—, °ḍala— m. Apte. [Cf. gaḍḍārikā— f. ‘ewe in front of a flock’ lex., gaḍḍālikā- f. ‘sheep’ → Psht. gaḍūrai ‘lamb’ NTS ii 256] 1. Ash. gaḍewä m. ‘sheep’, °wī f.; Wg. gáḍawā, goḍṓ ‘ram’, guḍsok ‘lamb’; Paš. giḍı̄́ f. ‘sheep’; L. gaḍ m. ‘wild sheep’. 2. Pk. gaḍḍarī— f. ‘goat, ewe’, °riyā— f. ‘ewe’; Woṭ. gaḍūre ‘lamb’; B. gāṛal, °ṛar ‘the long—legged sheep’; Or. gāraṛa, gaṛera, °ṛarā ‘ram’, gāraṛi ‘ewe’, garaṛa ‘sheep’; H. gāḍar f. ‘ewe’; G. gāḍar, °ḍrũ n. ‘sheep’. — Deriv. B. gāṛle ‘shepherd’, H. gaḍariyā m. *gaḍḍa—baḍḍa— ‘confused’ see *gaḍa—baḍa—. gaḍḍara— ‘sheep’ see *gaḍḍa4. gaḍḍārikā— see *gaḍḍa4. Addenda: *gaḍḍa— 4. 2. gaḍḍara—: S.kcch. gāḍar m. ‘sheep’. gaḍḍara— see *gaḍḍa4 Add2.
3985 *gaḍḍhati ‘pulls’. [See *kaḍḍhati: √*kaḍḍh] Bshk. gaḍh imper. ‘pull!’; Phal. gaḍ— ‘to take or pull out’. Addenda: *gaḍḍhati: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) gáṛhnõ;, gaṛnõ; ‘to take out, pull out’.
3986 *gaḍha— ‘fort’. [Poss. with ODBL 500 < *gr̥dha- (> gr̥há—), Av. gƏrƏ d a—] Pk. gaḍha— m., °ḍhā— f. ‘fort’; K. gaḍ m. (= vill. *gaṛ?) ‘small masonry fort built in the hills by a local chieftain’; S. ǥaṛhu m. ‘fort’, P. gaṛh m., Ku. gaṛ, A. gar, B. gaṛ, Or. gaṛ(h)a, Mth. Bhoj. gaṛh, OAw. gaḍha m., H. gaṛhī f. (→ N. gaṛi), OMarw. OG. gaḍha m., G. gaḍh, ghaṛ m. (whence gaḍhī m. ‘inhabitant of a hill fort’), M. gaḍhī, gaḍḍī f. *gaḍhapati—; saṁgaḍha—. Addenda: *gaḍha—: S.kcch. gaḍḍh m. ‘fort’.
4002 *gaṇḍamba— ‘a partic. kind of tree’. Pa. gaṇḍamba— m.; Si. gäḍam̆bu, °ḍum̆ba ‘the tree Trema orientalis’.
4011 *gadda— 1 ‘sediment, mud’. [Perh. < *garda—, cf. Pk. geḍḍa— n. ‘mud’ J. Bloch LM 321 < *gr̥d—, *gard— in Pers. gil ‘dirt’. But see list s.v. karda—] B. gād ‘dregs, lees, scum’; Or. gāda ‘sediment, dregs’; Bi. gād ‘low—lying land’; Mth. gādi ‘sediment of foul water’; H. gād f. ‘sediment, dregs’ (→ P. gād m.); M. gādā m. ‘muck, sludge’. — Ext. with —l—: M. gadaḷ n. ‘dirt’; — with —ll—: H. gadlā ‘turbid, dirty’; G. gadlũ ‘dirty, dusty’. — Deriv. M. gādṇẽ ‘to become turbid’.
4012 *gadda— 2 ‘spotted, mottled’. 2. *gaddara—. 1. H. gādā m. ‘unripe grain parched in the ear’. 2. L. gadra ‘flea—bitten grey (of cattle)’, (Ju.) gadar ‘leucoderm, leprosy, inferior quality of rice’, gadrā ‘piebald, spotted, leprous’; P. gaddar, °rā ‘half—ripe’; H. gādar ‘unripe (of grain or fruit)’. *gaddara— ‘mottled’ see prec. gadhā— see *gaḍḍa—.
4013 *ganagana— ‘murmur’. 2. *gunaguna—. 1. N. gangan ‘murmur’, ganganāunu ‘to grumble’; Or. gaṇagaṇa ‘murmur’, G. gaṇgaṇ n., gaṇgaṇvũ vb., M. gaṇgaṇṇẽ. 2. H. gungun f., gungunānā vb. *gandu— ‘ball’ see gēnduka—. GANDH ‘hurt’: gandháyatē. Addenda: *ganagana—. 2. *gunaguna—: S.kcch. gūṇgūṇ keṇī ‘to hum, whisper’, Ko. guṇguṇtā ‘murmurs’.
4022 *gappa— ‘talk’. [Onom. cf. jálpati?] K. gaph, dat. °pas m. ‘joke’; P. gapp f. ‘tittle—tattle’, gappī m. ‘boaster’; Ku. gaph ‘absurd news’; N. gaph ‘tittle—tattle’, gapphar ‘boaster’; A. gap ‘boast’; B. gappa ‘tittle—tattle’, Or. gapa, H. G. M. gap f. Addenda: *gappa—: WPah.kṭg. gɔp f. (obl. —a) ‘gossip’, J. gap f. *gabhīna— see gabhīrá— Add2.
4023 *gabba— ‘filling of a hole’. 2. *gampa—. 1. N. gāb, gāp ‘rubble for filling in a wall, strong foundation stone of a wall’; G. gābṛī f. ‘filling of a hole’; M. gābḍẽ n. ‘patch for a hole’. 2. S. gamba f. ‘mud building’ (g!). *gabhara— ‘deep’ see gabhīrá—. *gabhīna— ‘deep’ see next.
4039 *garu— 1 ‘skin disease’. [Cf. gará3 m. ‘a partic. disease’ Suśr. and words for ‘itch’ ending in —ū̆ s.v. kharju1] Gy. gr. ger, gel m. ‘itch’, boh. ger f.; S. garu (g!) f. ‘mange’, garo ‘mangy’, m. ‘iron—grey horse’; H. gar f. ‘itch in throat and breast of a horse, farcy’; M. gar f. ‘id., scurf on hair of horse or man’. — Ext. —lla—: Gy. eur. geralo, gelalo ‘affected by itch or scab’; B. garal ‘eczema’.
4040 *garu— 2 ‘pulp, pith’. S. ǥaru f. ‘pulp, pith, marrow’, G. M. gar m.; M. garā m. ‘lump of the pulp of jackfruit’. Addenda: *garu—2: P. garī f. ‘kernel of coconut’, WPah.kṭg. gɔri , Wkc. gire f. ‘coconut, kernel of coconut’, J. garī f., H. garī f.
4053 *garda— 2 ‘seat’. [Cf. gárta2 m. ‘high seat, chariot seat’ RV., ‘chariot’ Gaut. EWA i 327 of IE. origin, but prob. with T. Burrow BSOAS xii 377 ← Drav.: Kan. garduge, gaddigĕ ‘throne, seat’, Tel. gadde. — Poss. same as *gāḍḍa—] K. gȧḍi f. ‘the royal court where the king transacts business’; S. gaḍ̱o m. ‘bundle of grass’, °ḍ̱ī f. ‘small do.’, gādī f. ‘soft pad, cushion’ (← H. or G.); P. gaddī, gaḍḍī ‘cushion, pad, seat’ (→ H. gaddā m. ‘quilted mattress’, gaddī f. ‘cushion, royal cushion’); N. gādi ‘seat, throne’; A. gādī ‘seat of honour, wadded pad on elephant's back’; B. gādi ‘pile, stack, elevated place’; Or. gādi ‘heap, mound, seat, throne’; H. gādī f. ‘thin mattress, cushion’; G. gādī f. ‘pad, raised seat’; M. gādī f. ‘pad, cushion, throne’, gadelā m. ‘large stuffed seat’. Addenda: *garda—2: S.kcch. gādhī f. ‘soft pad, throne’.
4085 *galī— ‘defile, lane’. 2. *gallī—. 3. *gālī—. [Cf. *gaḍa1 and list s.v. kartá1] 1. Paš. galı̄́ ‘mountain pass’; P. galī f. ‘hole, narrow street’, °lā m. ‘passage through a hedge’; B. gali ‘narrow lane’; Or. gaḷi ‘alley’, gaḷiā ‘hole in a wall, rivulet’; Mth. galī ‘lane’; H. galī f. ‘lane, mountain pass’. 2. S. ǥalī f. ‘lane’ (< *galliā → G. galī f., M. H. gallī f., N. galli); G. gālī f. ‘valley’. 3. K. gölü m. ‘cave, robbers' lair’. galaugha— m. ‘tumour in throat’ Suśr. [gala—, aughá—?] See *galaughika—. Addenda: gali—: X kulyā́— Add2.
4111 *gāṭṭa— 1 ‘neck, throat’. [Cf. ghāṭā1: see list s.v. kaṇṭhá—] S. ǥāṭo m. ‘nape of neck’; L. gāṭṭā m. ‘neck, throat’, (Ju.) ǥāṭā m. ‘nape of neck’, awāṇ. gāṭā; P. gāṭṭā m. ‘neck, throat’; — S. ǥāṭru m. ‘throat’ < *gātra— but conn. with gā́tra— doubtful on semantic grounds.
4112 *gāṭṭa— 2 ‘short, stunted’. 2. *gāṇṭa—. 3. *gēḍa—2. 1. P. gāṭā ‘squat’. 2. N. gāṇṭo ‘dwarf’, B. gā̃ṭā ‘strong but short, stout, knobbly’. 3. Or. geṛa, °ṛā ‘squat’; — cf. N. gaı̃ṛe ‘stunted’. Addenda: *gāṭṭa— 2 ‘stunted’. [~ Drav. DED 965]
4114 *gāḍa— 1 ‘dripping’. [√gaḍ: in sense of ‘mud’ perh. rather conn. with group under karda—] Kho. (Lor.) gāḷ ‘dregs’; S. ǥāṛo m. ‘drop’, gāṛa f. ‘drippings’; M. gāḷ f. ‘dregs’ (or < gāla1?); — Tir. gaḍ ‘mud’; M. gāḷ f. ‘mud’, gāḷā m. ‘mud on bushes over a stream, alluvium’; — H. gāṛā m. ‘kneaded or mixed mud’ (or < *gaḍḍ2). — See *gāra—. *gāḍa— 2 ‘cultivated field’ see *gaḍa2.
4116 *gāḍḍa— ‘cart’. [Despite ā poss. same as *garda2: for ‘seat > cart’ cf. gárta2 and Meyer—Lübke Rom. et. Wb. s.v. cathedra. Cf. also gadhā— f. ‘a part of a cart’ TS. com.] Pk. gaḍḍa— n., °ḍī—, °ḍiā— f. ‘cart’, K. göḍi f.; S. gāḍ̱o m. ‘wheeled cart’, L. gāḍī f., (Ju.) gāḍ̱ā m. ‘bullock cart’, gaḍḍ m. ‘cart’ (← EP.), awāṇ. gaḍī ‘train’; P. gāḍḍī, gaḍḍī f. ‘carriage’, gaḍḍ f. ‘cart’, °ḍā m. ‘large cart’, gaḍīrā ‘go—cart’; N. gāṛā, °ṛi ‘carriage, cart’, A. gārī, B. gāṛi; Or. gāṛī ‘carriage’, gaṛā ‘cart with small solid wheels’; Bi. Mth. gāṛā, °ṛī, (Saran) gaṛī; H. gāṛā m. ‘load cart’, °ṛī f. ‘carriage’; G. gāḍũ n. ‘cart’, °ḍī f. ‘carriage’, °ḍiyũ n. ‘small do.’, M. gāḍā m., °ḍī f.; Si. gäḷa ‘cart’ (< *gāḍa— < *gāḍḍa—); — ext. with —ll—: OG. gāḍalauṁ, G. gāllũ n., °lī f. Addenda: *gāḍḍa—: S.kcch. gā̆ḍī f. ‘small cart’, gaḍal f. ‘toy—cart’.
4137 *gāra— ‘dripping, oozing’. [√*gr̄o 1] L. gārā m. ‘thin mud used for mortar’; P. gārā m. ‘kneaded potter's clay, mud used for mortar’; Ku. gāro ‘mud, mortar’; N. gāro ‘mortar’; Or. gārā ‘clay’; Bi. gārā ‘mud mortar’; H. gārā m. ‘thick mud, mortar, plaster’; G. gār f. ‘cowdung prepared for plastering’, gārɔ m. ‘earth and water mixed for building a wall’; M. gārā m. ‘mixture of mud with lime or cowdung for mortar or plaster’; — S. gāro m. ‘mud plaster’ (whence gāraṇu ‘to cause to stick in mud’) is lw. with g. — See *gāḍa—1, gāla—. Addenda: *gāra— [Cf. ghāra—]: WPah.kṭg. gār, garɔ ‘mud mixed with water, mortar’, poet. gare f. ‘refuse (from a pipe)’; jaun. gārā m. ‘kneaded clay, mortar’.
4153 *gicc— ‘press, crowd’. 2. *gacc—. 3. *gijj—. 4. *ghicc—. 5. *ghacc—. 6. *ghijj—. [← Drav., J. Bloch BEFEO xliv 49: Kurukh ginjnā ‘to beat into pulp’.—Cf. Muṇḍārī geje̯ geje̯ ‘to reduce to a pulp’, Sant. ge̱je̱ ge̱je̱ ‘crammed’, gijgij ‘close’]. 1. N. H. gic—pic ‘crowded together’, G. gicgic; M. giċċa ‘crowded’, giċāḍ n. ‘a dense wood’. — Cf. Pk. vigiṁcaï ‘separates’. See *adhigicc—. 2. S. ǥacu ‘much, many’, m. ‘piece of bread’; H. gac, gacpac ‘crowded’; G. gacca ‘tightly, firmly’, gaceṭo m. ‘lump’; M. gaċ ‘tightly’, gaċāḍ n. ‘a dense wood’. — Cf. Pk. gaccha— m.n. ‘collection, crowd’. 3. Pk. gejja—, gāgejja— ‘churned’; B. gı̃ji ‘dense’, gijgij ‘crowd’; Or. gẽjibā ‘to press together’, gẽjā—gẽji ‘over- crowded’; H. gı̄̃jnā, gı̃jolnā ‘to mash with the hand’. 4. H. ghicpic ‘crowded’, G. ghīc, ghicca. 5. S. ghacpaci f. ‘overcrowdedness’; Ku. ghaceṭo ‘push’; N. ghaccā̆ ‘thrust’, ghacāro ‘rush, crowd’, ghaceṭnu ‘to push, thrust’, ghañca—mañca ‘pressure of work’; G. ghacṛā—ghacṛī f. ‘overcrowdedness’. 6. B. ghı̃ji ‘dense, impenetrable’. See also *giñjakā- and the group under *kicca— ‘mud’.
4154 *gicca— ‘neck’. [Cf. *ghicca1: see list s.v. kaṇṭhá—] L. ǥiccī f. ‘neck’, awāṇ. giccī. *gijj— ‘press, crowd’ see *gicc—. Addenda: *gicca—: S.kcch. giccī f. ‘neck’.
4155 *gijja— ‘gums of teeth’. N. gijā, gı̃jā ‘the gums’, gijāunu, gijyāunu ‘to mock’; Ku. gijauṇo ‘to provoke’.
4156 *giñjakā— f. ‘brick’. [J. Bloch BEFEO xliv 49 ff. connects with *gijj— ‘press, see *gicc—, but cf. also *kicca— ‘mud’] Pa. giñjakāvasatha— ‘residence of bricks’ (but ac. to E. Waldschmidt Mahāparinirvāṇasūtra ii 162 = Sk. kuñjikāvasatha—); Bi. pangiñjā ‘brick’ (Grierson BPL § 1263). *giṭṭa— ‘piece’ see *gaṭṭa—. *giḍa— ‘swollen gland’ see gaḍu1.
4157 *giḍḍ— ‘fall’. [Poss., after MIA. intr. type tappaï, < *giḍ— (whence Pk. gēḍaṇa— n. ‘throwing’) < *gr̥ta—, cf. √*gr̥̄1, √gaḍ, √gal 1] P. giḍḍaṇā, giḍṇā ‘to fall’; — metath. P. ḍiggaṇā, H. ḍignā. *giḍḍa— ‘bundle, sheaf’ see *gaḍḍa2. Addenda: *giḍḍ—: OP. geṛa f. ‘time, turn’, P. geṛ f.?
4158 *gidda— 1 ‘jackal, fox’. WPah. bhiḍ. bhad. gidd, pl. °dā̃ n. ‘jackal’, B. gidhī (X or < gŕ̥dhra—); — ext. —ḍa—: S. gidaṛu m. (lw. with d?), °dāṛī f., L. gidduṛ m., °dṛī f., P. giddaṛ m.; WPah. bhad. gidaṛ ‘fox’, bhiḍ. gidṛõ; n. ‘small jackal’; B. gidhaṛ ‘jackal’; Or. gidaṛ ‘fox, jackal’, gidhaṛ ‘dunce’; Mth. gīdar ‘jackal’, H. gīdaṛ m. — Woṭ. gidáṛ ‘fox’ prob. ← Ind. (Buddruss Woṭ 101 ← Psht. giḍaṛ ‘fox’ ← Ind.). *gidda— 2 ‘pith’ see *gudda—. ginduka— see gēnduka—.
4159 *girati 1 ‘drips, falls’. [√*gr̥̄ 1] P. girnā ‘to fall’, Ku. girṇo, N. girnu, Or. giribā, Mth. girab, Bhoj. giral, Aw. lakh. girab, H. girnā (whence OH. gernā ‘to throw’); OMarw. giraï; G. garvũ ‘to drop’ (< gir° whence caus. geravvũ). Addenda: *girati 1 [See galati1: √*gr̥̄ 1] 2. †;*gilati1: OMarw. (Vīsaḷa) 1 sg.pres. giḷaüṁ ‘waste away’.
4165 *gili— ‘laughing’. [Onom.?] N. gilili ‘tittering’, gilli, °lā ‘mockery’; G. gillɔ m., °lā f. ‘ridicule’.
4166 *gilla— ‘swelling, goitre’. [Cf. gilāyu— m. s.v. *gulu—? — Or the group *giḍa—, *gaḍu—1, gaṇḍa1?] WPah. bhal. gil n. ‘goitre’; — P. gilhṭ, °ṭā m., °ṭī f. ‘hard lump in flesh’, gillhaṛ, gillar m. ‘goitre’, gilhṛā m. ‘one suffering therefrom’, kgr. gilrā m.
4170 *gīrti— ‘swallowing’. [Cf. gīrṇi— f. lex. — √gr̥̄ 2] S. ǥī̆ta f. ‘swallowing, a swallow’. gúggulu— see gúlgulu—.
4171 *guṅga— ‘dumb’. [Cf. Pers. gung] Paš. guṅgā́, f. °gı̄́ ‘dumb’, S. guṅgo, L. P. guṅgā, N. gũgo, gõ;go; A. goṅgā ‘speaking indistinctly’; B. goṅgā, gho°, gogā ‘dumb’; Or. guṅga, guṅgā, ghu° ‘dumb’, guā̃ga ‘fool’; H. gū̃gā ‘dumb’, G. gũgɔ; M. gũg ‘stupid’. — X mū́ka— q.v. Addenda: *guṅga—: S.kcch. ghūṅgho m. ‘dumb’, WPah.kṭg. guṅgɔ.
4177 *guṭṭha— 1 ‘clump, lump’. Pk. guṭṭha— n. ‘clump, clump of grass’; H. guṭṭhal ‘lumpy’, m. ‘lump’, guṭhlā m. ‘large lump’, guṭhnā ‘to be knotted together’.
4178 *guṭṭha— 2 ‘wrist’. [See ghuṇṭa1 and list s.v. *khuṭṭa2] Kt. guṭ ‘wrist’, Pr. goṭ (or < gā́tra—); L. guṭṭh f. ‘corner’, guṭṭ m., °ṭī f. ‘joint’, guṭṭhī f. ‘wrist’, (Shahpur) ǥuṭṭhī f., awāṇ. guṭṭī f.
4179 *guṭṭha— 3 ‘defective’. [See list s.v. kuṇṭha—] H. guṭhlā ‘blunted’.
4180 *guḍ— ‘rumble’. [Onom. cf. guḍuguḍāyana— n. ‘rum- bling in belly’ Suśr.] S. guṛaṇu ‘to thunder’, guṛkaṇu ‘to rumble, purr’. Addenda: *guḍ—: WPah.kṭg. gvṛku m. ‘thunder’, gvṛnõ; ‘to thunder’, poet. gƏṛakṇo ‘to resound’; J. gṛikṇu ‘to roar (of thunder)’.
4189 *guḍḍa— ‘doll, effigy’. S. guḍ̱o m. ‘male cloth doll’, °ḍ̱ī f. ‘cloth doll, paper kite’; L. guḍḍī f. ‘paper kite’; P. guḍḍā m. ‘effigy of a man (made of cloth), large paper kite’, °ḍī f. ‘image, doll, paper kite’; Or. guṛī ‘paper kite’; H. guḍḍā m., guṛiyā f. ‘doll’, guḍḍī f. ‘paper kite’ (→ N. guriyā ‘doll’, guḍḍi ‘paper kite’); G. guḍī f. ‘pole set up at a festivity’. Addenda: *guḍḍa—: WPah.kṭg. ghv̀ṇḍi f. ‘doll’ (or < *ghuṇṭa2 Him.I 49)?
4197 *gudda— ‘pith, core’. 2. *gidda—2. [Cf. gōrda—] 1. P. gudd f., guddā m. ‘pulp, kernel, marrow’; Ku. gudo ‘kernel, seed, grain, pith’, °dī ‘marrow’; N. gudo ‘pith, marrow, brain’, °di ‘kernel’; H. gūdā m., °dī f. ‘pith, brain’. — X gárbha— q.v. 2. N. gidi ‘brain’, gidro ‘pith of bamboo’.
4203 *guppha— ‘something strung together’. 2. gumpha- m. ‘stringing a garland, a whisker’ lex. [< *guṣpa—? See √guph] 1. H. gupphā m. ‘wreath, tassel, bunch’; — Aw.lakh. gōphā ‘twining’ rather < *gōphya—. 2. A. gõ;ph ‘moustache’; B. gõ;p(h) ‘moustache’, gõ;p—hār ‘a sort of necklace’; — M. gũph f. ‘hair combings’? - P. gummhā̃ m. ‘hard boil’ (PhonPj 112) despite h rather < gúlma—.
4204 *gupphā— ‘cave’. [gúhā— X √gup e.g. gōpya— ‘to be taken care of’ Yājñ., Pk. guppa— ‘to be hidden’, guṁpha- m. ‘hiding’? — Very doubtful] K. gŏph f. ‘cave, hole’; S. guphā f. ‘cave’; L. guphā m. ‘hermit's cave’, awāṇ. gupphā ‘cave’, P. guphā f., WPah. cam. gupphā, N. guphā; B. guph ‘cave, ravine, pass’, gophā ‘cave’, H. G. guphā f., M. guphā, gũphā f. ‘cave, sylvan retreat of a hermit’. — Forms in —ā < —aka— and affected by gender of gúhā1? GUPH ‘string, plait’: *guptha—, *guppha—, gupháti, gumpha—, gumpháti, gumphana—, *gūḍha—2, *gōp- phanā—, *gōphayati, *gōphya—; *pragūḍha—; - guṣpitá—. Addenda: *gupphā—: WPah.kṭg. gúpph f. (obl. —a) ‘hole in the earth, den’.
4207 *guragura— ‘growl’. [Onom. cf. ghuraghurāyatē] S. guraṇu, gaũraṇu ‘to growl’, gurkaṇu ‘to purr’; N. gurrinu ‘to growl’, gurgurra ‘purring’, guruguru ‘rum- bling’; H. gurrānā ‘to growl’; G. gurvũ, gurgurvũ ‘to growl, rumble’; M. gurgarṇẽ, gurakṇẽ ‘to growl, snarl’.
4214 *gulu— ‘wrist, ankle’. [< ‘swelling’, cf. glaú— m., pl. glā́vaḥ ‘round lump of flesh’ AV. of which gilāyu— m. ‘hard tumour in throat’ Suśr. is MIA. form: very doubtful] Bshk. gūlús ‘wrist’; Sh. gil. gŭlŭċŭ m. ‘ankle’, gur. gŭlū́ċŭ m. ‘wrist’; K. gulu m. ‘forearm above wrist’; — cf. S. ǥiryo m. ‘ankle’? guluccha— see guccha—. guluñca— see guccha—.
4218 *gullara— ‘fig tree’. P. gullhar, gullar m. ‘Ficus glomerata’; N. gullar ‘a partic. kind of fig—tree’; H. gūlar f. ‘F. glomerata’, G. gular, °ler, °lrɔ m.
4226 *gūniya— ‘mason's square’. [← Pers. gūniyā ← Gk. gwni/a] L. guṇiā m.; P. gunīā m., Bi. guniyā, gŏn°, Bhoj. guniyā̃, H. guniyā m. (→ S. gūnī, °īā f.), M. guṇyā, guṇā m. gū́rdati see kū́rdati.
4250 *gērāṭa— ‘dove (?)’. Aś. gēlāṭa— ‘some sort of animal or bird’ (J. Char- pentier Festschr. Winternitz 305 ‘duck’ with very doubtful equation —āṭa— = āti—); L. gerṛā, (Ju.) ǥerā m., °rī f. ‘dove’.
4271 *gōṭṭa— ‘something round’. [Cf. guḍá1. — In sense ‘fruit, kernel’ cert. ← Drav., cf. Tam. koṭṭai ‘nut, kernel’, Kan. goṟaṭe &c. listed DED 1722] K. goṭh f., dat. °ṭi f. ‘chequer or chess or dice board’; S. ǥoṭu m. ‘large ball of tobacco ready for hookah’, °ṭī f. ‘small do.’; P. goṭ f. ‘spool on which gold or silver wire is wound, piece on a chequer board’; N. goṭo ‘piece’, goṭi ‘chess piece’; A. goṭ ‘a fruit, whole piece’, °ṭā ‘globular, solid’, guṭi ‘small ball, seed, kernel’; B. goṭā ‘seed, bean, whole’; Or. goṭā ‘whole, undivided’, goṭi ‘small ball, cocoon’, goṭāli ‘small round piece of chalk’; Bi. goṭā ‘seed’; Mth. goṭa ‘numerative particle’; H. goṭ f. ‘piece (at chess &c.)’; G. goṭ m. ‘cloud of smoke’, °ṭɔ m. ‘kernel of coconut, nosegay’, °ṭī f. ‘lump of silver, clot of blood’, °ṭilɔ m. ‘hard ball of cloth’; M. goṭā m. ‘roundish stone’, °ṭī f. ‘a marble’, goṭuḷā ‘spherical’; Si. guṭiya ‘lump, ball’; — prob. also P. goṭṭā ‘gold or silver lace’, H. goṭā m. ‘edging of such’ (→ K. goṭa m. ‘edging of gold braid’, S. goṭo m. ‘gold or silver lace’); M. goṭ ‘hem of a garment, metal wristlet’. *gōḍḍ— ‘dig’ see *khōdd—. Addenda: *gōṭṭa—: also Ko. gōṭu ‘silver or gold braid’.
4272 *gōḍḍa— ‘foot, leg, knee’. [Cf. the word—group ‘heel - ankle — knee — wrist’ s.v. *kuṭṭha—: → Brah. goḍ ‘knee’] Pk. goḍḍa—, gōḍa— m. ‘foot’, Gy. as. gur; K. gŏḍ m. ‘ankle, foot of tree, beginning of anything’; S. goḍ̱o m. ‘knee’, guḍ̱a f. ‘knee bone’; L. goḍ̱ḍ̱ā m. ‘knee’, awāṇ. gōḍā, P. goḍḍā m.; Ku. gwāṛo ‘foot’, gng. gōṛ; N. goṛo ‘foot, leg’; A. gor ‘foot, kick, foot of tree’, guri ‘kick, foot of tree’, gorohani ‘stamp of the foot’; B. goṛ ‘foot, leg’, °ṛā ‘foot of tree, root, origin’; Or. goṛa ‘foot, heel, leg, base’; Mth. goṛ ‘leg’; Bhoj. gōṛ ‘foot, leg’; Aw. lakh. goṛ pl. ‘feet’; H. goṛ, °ṛā m. ‘foot, leg’. *gōḍḍadāman—, *gōḍḍadāmana—, *gōḍḍadāmara—. Addenda: *gōḍḍa—: S.kcch. gūḍo m. ‘knee’, gauḍo in gauḍe vajṇū ‘to kick’ (see vrájati Add2).
4284 *gōddī— ‘lap’. [Perh. conn. either krōḍá— ‘bosom’ (prob. non—Aryan EWA i 281) or *gōḍḍa— ‘knees’] S. goḍ̱i f. ‘fastening of dhoti in front’; P. god, goddī f. ‘lap’; N. Mth. god ‘lap, bosom’, OAw. goda f.; H. god f. ‘lap’; OMarw. godī f. ‘arm, lap’; G. godi f. ‘lap’.
4296 *gōpp— ‘pierce’. 2. *ghōpp—. 1. S. ǥopaṇu ‘to splice’; N. gopnu ‘to pierce, stab’. 2. P. ghop deṇā ‘to thrust into’; N. ghopnu ‘to pierce’; A. ghopā ‘deep set’. *gōpphanā— ‘sling’ see gumphana—.
4307 *gōmha— ‘snake, centipede’. Pk. gomhī—, gōmī— f. ‘centipede’; N. goman, gohaman, goban, f. gomani ‘a partic. kind of snake’; A. gom ‘generic name for several poisonous snakes’, gumūni ‘female of a certain poisonous snake’; H. M. gom m. ‘a partic. kind of centipede’.
4320 *gōl—, *gōll— ‘look for’. S. ǥoraṇu, ǥolaṇu ‘to look for, search’, L. goḷaṇ, golaṇ, agolaṇ.
4325 *gōlla— ‘slave’. [Cf. gōla3?] S. golo m. ‘slave’, °lī f., °lāro, °lāṛo m. ‘son of a slave’; L. P. gollā m. ‘slave’, °lī f.; G. golɔ m. ‘menial servant in a king's harem’, °lī f., gollɔ m. ‘devotee of a goddess’. gōvara— see gōrvara—. *gōvardha— ‘bull’? [gṓ—, várdha2] See *gōrdhava—.
4358 *grava— ‘branch’? Wg. grõmacr; ‘branch’, Paš. lawā́. GRAS ‘swallow’: grásati, *grasita—, grasta—, grāsa—, grāsáyati, *grāsya—; *avagrasta—.
4386 *grilla— ‘wet, damp’. [< *gr̥dla— cf. √gaḍ: very doubtful] Pk. gilla— ‘wet’, Ash. gilest e, Dm. grīla; Paš. līl ‘wet, dew’; Kal. rumb. grīla ‘wet’; P. gill f. ‘dampness’, gillā ‘damp’, Ku. gīlo; N. gilo ‘over—cooked, over—ripe, soft’; A. gīl ‘wet, muddy, benumbed’; Aw. lakh. gīl ‘wet’; H. gīl f. ‘dampness’, gīlā, gillā ‘damp’; OMarw. gīlau ‘wet’; M. gīl m. ‘pulp’, gilgilīt ‘oozy, over—ripe, squashy’.
4403 *ghagghara— ‘waterpot’. [Onom. < gharghara- ‘gurgling’ see *gharga—?] S. ghāghari f. ‘a kind of waterpot’; Or. ghagri ‘earthen pitcher’; M. ghāgar f. ‘waterpot’.
4419 *ghaḍaghaḍa— ‘gurgling or rattling noise’. [Onom., cf. *gaḍagaḍa—] K. gŏrgŏr m. ‘gurgling’; S. ghaṛkaṇu ‘to tick (of a clock)’; N. ghārghur ‘sound made in churning thickened milk’; A. gharghar ‘creaking’; B. ghaṛghaṛ ‘purring’; Or. ghaṛaghaṛa ‘rattling’; H. ghaṛghaṛānā ‘to thunder, crack’, M. ghaḍghaḍṇẽ.
4420 *ghaṇṭa— ‘throat’. [Despite ghaṇṭikā— f. ‘uvula’ poss. < ‘little bell’, this is separate from ghaṇṭā— and belongs to the group listed s.v. kaṇṭhá—] L. ghaṇḍī f. ‘adam's apple’, awāṇ. also ‘soft palate’; P. ghaṇḍ m., °ḍī f. ‘adam's apple’; A. ghãṭ ‘protuberance on snout of crocodile’; H. ghā̃ṭī f. ‘throat, adam's apple, uvula, soft palate’ (→ N. ghā̃ṭi ‘throat’); G. ghā̃ṭɔ m. ‘throat’, °ṭī f. ‘adam's apple’; M. ghā̃ṭī f. ‘throat, adam's apple, larynx’. Addenda: ghaṇṭa—: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) ghàṇḍu m. ‘throat’.
4425 *ghanaghana— ‘tinkle, clang’. [Onom.] Pk. ghaṇiya— n. ‘thunder’, ghaṇaghaṇāiya— n. ‘in- distinct noise’; Mth. ghanghan ‘jingle’; H. ghanghanānā ‘to jingle’; G. ghaṇghaṇ, ghaṇāṇ ‘tinkling’; M. ghaṇ- ghaṇṇẽ ‘to ring, clang’, ghaṇāṇā ‘with a loud clang’.
4427 *ghabbhara— ‘confused’. 2. *ghabbhaḍa—. 1. S. ghaḇiro ‘deafish’; P. ghābrā ‘confused’ (← H.?); N. ghabrāunu ‘to confuse, be confused’, B. ghā̆brāna; Or. ghābarā ‘confused’; H. ghābar, °brā ‘startled’; G. ghābhrũ ‘confused’; M. ghābrā ‘terrified’. 2. Ku. ghabṛāṇo ‘to be puzzled’; B. ghābṛā ‘to be confused’.
4432 *gharaghara— ‘grunt, rumble’. [Cf. gharghara— m. ‘purring’ Kathās., ‘rattling’ lex. and ghuraghurā- yatē: onom.] N. ghargharāunu ‘to grunt’, ghā̃rghā̃r—ghurghur ‘growl’; Or. ghargharibā ‘to rattle’; H. gharghar m. ‘snarling’; M. ghargharṇẽ ‘to rumble’. gharaṭṭa— see *gharṣṭra—.
4443 *gharga— ‘gurgling sound of water’. [Cf. gharghara- ‘gurgling’ Rājat., m. ‘name of a river’ lex., Pk. ghag- ghara—; gárgara1 m. ‘whirlpool’ AV.: onom.] P. ghagg, pl. °gā̃ f. ‘hole caused by water’, ghaggā ‘hoarse, hollow’; N. ghāgi ‘rapids in a stream’.
4451 *gharṣṭra— ‘grindstone, mill’. [gharaṭṭa— m. ‘grind- stone’ Rājat., °aka— m., °ikā— f. MIA. < *gharaṣṭra— or *ghraṭṭhra—; —ghaṭṭa2 in araghaṭṭa—. — √ghr̥ṣ] Pk. gharaṭṭa— m. ‘mill for grinding corn, Persian waterwheel’; Paš. garāṭ ‘handmill’ (← Ind. and → Par. garāṭ IIFL iii 3, 73); K. graṭa, groṭu m., (Morgen- stierne) greṭhe ‘watermill for grinding corn’; L. ghuraṭ m. ‘handmill’ (X *ghurati 2?), khet. (LSI) grat (—?) ‘mill’; P. gharāṭ m. ‘watermill’ with ā ← WPah. bhad. bhiḍ. ḍhḷāṭ n., bhal. ghrāṭ, ghƏrāṭ n., khaś. ghrāṭ, marm. gihāṭ;—with unexpl. a in Ku. ghaṭ, N. ghaṭṭa. *gharṣṭrakara—; araghaṭṭa—. Addenda: *gharṣṭra—: WPah.kc. gƏrāṭ m. ‘watermill’, J. ghrā' m., kṭg. ghɔ̀rṭ, J. ghauṭ; G. ghãṭɔ m. ‘grindstone’, °ṭī ‘mill’; °ṭīɔ m. ‘portable mill, grindstone’.
4466 *ghāna— 1 ‘mill’. [ODBL 320 < ghrāṇaka— Siyadoni inscr. EI i 169; Dave GujLg 136 < *ghātanikā—; ?. Bloch (letter 1946) compared M. ghāvan ‘stone mortar’ and suggested as possible ghaná1 X grā́van—. None satisfactory] Pk. ghāṇa— m. ‘mill’; S. ghāṇo m. ‘oil—mill’, L. awāṇ. ghāṇī, A. B. ghānī, Or. ghaṇā, Bhoj. ghānī; H. ghānā m. ‘oil—mill’, °nī f. ‘the block on which the roller of a mill moves’; Marw. ghāṇī f. ‘oil—mill’; G. ghāṇī f. ‘oil—mill, sugar—press, the block on which the roller of an oil—mill moves’, M. ghāṇā m., °ṇī f. Addenda: *ghāna— 1 [Extracted from cmpd. ghāṇa—piṇyāka— n. ‘oil—cake from (a filling of) oil—press’ Arthaś.?] S.kcch. ghāṇī f. ‘oil—mill turned by a camel’.
4467 *ghāna— 2 ‘filling’. [Poss. conn. w. ghaná2, cf. ghānya— n. ‘compactness’ Dhātup.] √*han 3 Pk. ghāṇa— m. ‘single charge’; P. ghāṇ m. ‘profuse- ness, large mass of anything prepared at one time, one filling of a mill or pot’; WPah. bhal. ghāṇi f. ‘as much oil seed as will go into a press at a time’; N. ghān ‘any quantity sufficient for one time’; Bi. ghānī ‘one parch- ing of grain, one filling of an oil—mill’; Aw. lakh. ghān ‘one baking’; H. ghān, °nā m. ‘one parching of grain, one filling of an oil—mill’; G. ghāṇ m. ‘a quantity of materials to be pounded, &c.’; M. ghāṇā m., °ṇī f. ‘one charge of a mill’. Addenda: *ghāna— 2 in cmpd. ghāṇa—piṇyāka— n. Arthaś.?: WPah.poet. ghaṇo m. ‘filling with food, satiety’.
4472 *ghicca— ‘neck’. 2. *ghiñca—. 3. *ghēñcu—. [J. Bloch in letter 1946 < *ghṛtya— from Indo—ir. *ghart- ‘neck’ in ghāṭā— q.v., *ghaṇṭa—. But cf. *gicca— and list s.v. kaṇṭhá—] 1. N. ghicro ‘nape of neck’ (with ext. —ḍa—), H. ghīc m. ‘lower or front part of neck’. 2. Aw. lakh. ghı̄̃c ‘neck’, H. ghı̄̃c m. = ghīc ab. 3. Bhoj. ghē̃cu ‘neck’. *ghijj— ‘press, crowd’ see *gicc—. *ghiñca— ‘neck’ see *ghicca—.
4473 *ghiḍḍa— ‘defective’. [Cf. Pk. ghiṭṭha— ‘humpbacked’] L. awāṇ. ghiḍḍā ‘crooked—legged’.
4474 *ghir— ‘go round’. 2. *ghēr— tr. ‘make go round, sur- round’. [← Drav. J. Bloch BSOS v 742: cf. *ghūr—] 1. Wg. (Lumsden) "girum" ‘whirlpool’; Dm. gíran ‘again, back’; Paš. gir— ‘to turn round’, gir ‘again’; Woṭ. gir— ‘to go round’; Gaw. gir— intr. ‘to turn, walk about’, gira— tr., giri ‘again’; Bshk. Phal. gir— ‘to wander about’; S. ghiraṇu ‘to feel sick, slide down’, ghirṭu m. ‘nodding from drowsiness’; P. ghirṇā ‘to turn round, feel giddy, be surrounded’; WPah. pāḍ. ghiraṇ ‘to move away’, cam. ghrīṇā ‘to set (of sun &c.)’; B. ghirā ‘to surround’; Bi. ghirnī ‘rope—maker's twisting instrument’; Bhoj. ghiral ‘to be surrounded’; H. ghirnā ‘to be surrounded’, ghirnī f. ‘pulley’; M. ghı̃rṭī f. ‘a whirl’. 2. Paš. gerē— ‘to make go round’; Kal. rumb. gherém tr. ‘I turn round’ (whence intr. ghḗrem); K. gērun ‘to surround’, gyūru m. ‘giddiness’, gēr m. ‘circumference’; S. gheraṇu ‘to surround’, ghero m. ‘siege’, °ri f. ‘cir- cumference’; P. gherṇā ‘to surround, blockade’, gher f., °rā m. ‘circumference’, gherṇī f. ‘dizziness’; WPah. bhal. gh e_ ro m. ‘circular movement’; Ku. gherṇo tr. ‘to surround’, intr. ‘to go round’; N. ghernu tr. and intr., ghero ‘circumference’; A. B. gher, B. gherā ‘to surround’, Or. gheribā, ghera, Bhoj. gher, °rā; OAw. gherai ‘sur- rounds, besieges’; H. ghernā ‘to surround’ (whence pass. meaning of ghirnā ab.), gher, °rā m. ‘circum- ference’, °rī f. ‘vertigo’; G. ghervũ ‘to surround’, gheraṇ f. ‘sound sleep’, gherɔ m. ‘circumference’, °rī f. ‘border of short hair’; M. gherṇẽ ‘to surround’, gher, °rā m. ‘circumference’, °rī f. ‘vertigo’. — X bhramara- in L. ghãver m. ‘vortex, whirlpool, giddiness’. *āghēra—, *saṁghēr—. Addenda: *ghir—. 2. *ghēr—: S.kcch. ghero keṇū ‘to surround’; WPah.kṭg. ghèrɔ m. ‘circumference, circle, embrace’, poet. ghero m. ‘courtyard’, kṭg. ghèrnõ; ‘to surround’, J. gherṇu; Md. giranī ‘stirs (into water)’? †;*vighēra—.
4475 *ghīcc— ‘drag’. [Cf. *khiñc—] S. ghīcaṇu ‘to drag’, ghīco m. ‘pulling to and fro’; N. ghicnu ‘to grab’, ghiccinu ‘to be dragged along’; B. ghı̃cā ‘to pull’; — H. ghicolnā ‘to rub’.
4476 *ghuṅgana— ‘boiled peas and spices’. P. ghuṅgaṇī f. ‘grain boiled whole’; B. ghuṅni, ghugni ‘boiled peas with spices and oil’, H. ghū̃gnī f.
4477 *ghuṅghura— ‘bell’. 2. *ghiṅghira— [Onom.] 1. L. ghuṅgru m. ‘small camel bell’; P. ghuṅgarū m. ‘small bell’; N. ghuṅri ‘dancing—girl's ankle bells’; A. ghuṅgarā ‘string of bells’, B. ghuṅur, Or. ghuṅghura, H. ghuṅg(h) m.; OMarw. ghūghara m. ‘toe bell, string of bells’; G. ghughrɔ m. ‘jingling bell’, °rī f. ‘toe bell’, M. ghũghūr n., °ghrū m., °ghrū̃ n. — H. ghū̃ghar m. ‘curls’ ← Drav. cf. Kan. gugguri ‘curl’ DED 1361. 2. S. ghiṅghirū, °ro m. ‘ankle bell, cattle bell’. *ghuṅghurāli—.
4481 *ghuṭṭ— ‘gulp, swallow’. Pk. ghuṭṭaï, ghoṭ° ‘drinks’, Ap. ghuṁṭaï, ghuṁṭa— m. ‘a swallow of water &c.’; S. ghuṭaṇu ‘to choke’; P. ghuṭṭ, °ṭā m. ‘a swallow’, °ṭī f. ‘child's dose of medicine’; H. ghũṭnā ‘to swallow’; G. ghoṭ, ghũṭṛɔ m. ‘gulp’; M. ghoṭṇẽ ‘to swallow’, ghoṭ m. ‘gulp’, ghuṭghuṭ ‘by gulps’; — ext. with —kk—: S. ghuṭko m. ‘swallow’, ghuṭkaṇu ‘to swallow’, N. ghuṛko, ghuṛkyāunu, M. ghuṭkā m. *ghuṭṭa— ‘ankle’ see ghuṭa—. Addenda: *ghuṭṭ— [~ Drav. DED 1378, 1381]: WPah.kṭg. ghv̀ṭṇõ; ‘to swallow’, J. ghuṭṇu. *ghuṭṭa—, ghuṇṭa— 1 see ghuṭa— Add2.
4483 *ghuṇṭa— 2 ‘knot, tag, button’. S. ghuṇḍu m. ‘frown’, ghuṇḍī f. ‘knot of thread, tangle’; P. ghuṇḍī f. ‘knot, knot of wheat chaff, button’ (→ H. ghuṇḍī f. ‘tag, button’); N. ghũṛi ‘tag or button to catch in a loop’; B. Or. ghuṇṭi ‘cloth button’; G. ghũṭī f. ‘entanglement’. *ghumati ‘revolves’ see *ghummati. Addenda: *ghuṇṭa—2: WPah.kṭg. ghv̀ṇḍi f. ‘doll’ (altern. < *guḍḍa—), ghùṇḍu m. ‘veil carried by the goddess’; J. ghū̃ḍ m. ‘veil’.
4484 *ghumba— ‘head covering’. 2. *ghumbapaṭṭa—. [paṭṭa2] 1. N. ghum ‘covering of interlaced bamboo strips and leaves carried against rain or sun’. 2. N. ghumṭo ‘woman's head cloth’, B. ghomṭā, Or. ghumbaṭā; G. ghumṭɔ m. ‘woman's head cloth’, ghumṭī f. ‘leaf umbrella’. — Relationship of these not clear with S. ghū̃ghā̆ṭu m. ‘woman's head cloth’, P. ghuṅg(h)aṭ m., N. ghũguṭo, H. ghū̃ghaṭ m.f., G. ghũghaṭ m., °ghṭī f.; M. ghũghūṭ, °ghaṭ m. ‘head cloth’. Addenda: *ghumba—. 2. *ghumbapaṭṭa—: S.kcch. ghūmṭo m. ‘veil’; ghūṅghaṭ m.
4485 *ghummati ‘revolves’. 2. *ghumati. [Replaces ghū́rṇati; poss. < *ghūrma—: *ghūr—] 1. Pk. ghummaï ‘turns round’; S. ghumaṇu ‘to turn, wander’; L. ghumbar m. ‘circular dance’ (< *ghūmra—?), mult. ghummã m. ‘wooden mallet for stirring sugarcane juice’; P. ghummaṇā ‘to turn, roll, wander, be lost’; WPah. bhal. ghɔ̄m m. ‘a long unnecessary roundabout turn’; Ku. ghumṇo ‘to turn round, wander’, N. ghumnu; A. ghumāiba ‘to doze’, B. ghumā; Or. ghumibā ‘to whirl round, walk about’, ghumāibā ‘to doze’; Bi. ghumauā jāl ‘casting net’; Mth. Aw. lakh. ghūmab ‘to wander’, Bhoj. ghumal; H. ghū̆mnā ‘to revolve, wander’; G. ghumvũ ‘to revolve in the mind’; M. ghumṇẽ ‘to fer- ment’. 2. Pk. ghumaï ‘revolves’, Ko. ghũvtā. GHUR ‘make a noise’: ghúrati1, ghuraghurāyatē, ghurghurā—, *ghōra—2, *ghōrati; — ghōrá1. Addenda: *ghummati. 1. S.kcch. ghūmṇū ‘to move round’, ghūmrī f. ‘turning’, WPah.kṭg. ghùmṇõ; ‘to stroll, move’, gƏmhàuṇõ; tr. ‘to move, lead, turn’, J. ghumṇu ‘to turn back’, Garh. ghumṇu ‘to wander’; A. ghumaṭi ‘sleep’; — read B. ghumā̆na.
4492 *ghuss— 1 ‘thrust in, pierce’. [Cf. *ghōcc—] Phal. ghusū́m ‘I copulate’, pret. ghusilo; L. ghussaṇ ‘to enter, be thrust in’, P. ghusṇā, Ku. ghusṇo, N. ghusnu; B. ghusāna ‘to thrust in’; Or. ghusibā ‘to enter by force’; Bhoj. ghusal ‘to enter’, ghũsal ‘to rub in’; H. ghūsnā, ghus° ‘to be thrust in’; Marw. ghusṇo ‘to enter’; G. ghusvũ ‘to enter forcibly’, M. ghusṇẽ, Ko. ghusoṁk; — ext. with ——: L. ghusṛaṇ ‘to be thrust in’; P. ghuṣaṛnā ‘to penetrate’, N. ghusranu, tr. ghusārnu; B. ghusaṛā ‘to creep in’; H. ghusaṛnā ‘to be thrust in’, tr. °seṛnā; M. ghusaḍṇẽ tr. and intr.; — with —kk—: B. ghuskāna ‘to thrust in’; H. ghuskī f. ‘a forward woman’. Addenda: *ghuss—1: S.kcch. ghūsāṇū ‘to push into’.
4493 *ghuss— 2 ‘err’. S. gusaṇu ‘to fail, miss’ with g— from pp. gutho; L. ghussaṇ, pp. ghutthā ‘to err, be forgotten’; P. ghussṇā ‘to err, slip from the mind’, pp. ghutthā (whence gutthṇā ‘to make a mistake’). — S. gohī f. ‘evasion’ < *ghōs—.
4495 *ghūḍa— ‘manure’. [Connexion with gūtha— (MIA. *gūha—ḍa—?) is unlikely] Bi. ghūr ‘manure, manure pit’; H. ghūṛ, ghūr m. ‘sweepings’, ghūrā m. ‘manure’; — N. ghurān, °ryān, °ren ‘dunghill, midden’ (+dhā́na—?) *ghūr— ‘revolve’: *ghārayati2, *ghumati, *ghum- mati, *ghurati2, ghū́rṇati, ghōla—1, ghōlayati; praghūrṇa—, praghōlayati.
4496 *ghūra— ‘frown’. S. ghūra f. ‘staring fiercely’, ghūraṇu ‘to stare fiercely at’; P. ghūr m. ‘frown’, ghūrṇā ‘to frown on, rebuke, look lustfully at’; H. ghūr m. ‘frown, stare’, ghūrnā ‘frown at, stare at, ogle’; — ext. with —kk— (partially collide with ghúrati 1): S. ghurkaṇu ‘to rebuff’; P. ghurakṇā ‘to frown, scold’; N. ghurkanu ‘to frown’; H. ghuraknā, ghuṛaknā ‘to frown at’; G. ghurakvũ, ghar° ‘to frown’.
4498 *ghūssa— ‘blow with fist’. S. ghūso m. ‘fist’; N. ghussā ‘fist, blow with fist’; B. ghus ‘fist’; Or. ghusa ‘blow with fist’; H. ghūsā, ghussā m. ‘fist’, G. ghusɔ m., M. ghusā, ghussā m.
4499 *ghūssā— ‘a present’. P. ghūs f. ‘bribe’, Ku. ghūs; N. ghus ‘present, bribe’; B. ghus ‘bribe’, Or. ghusa, H. ghūs f. GHR̥ 1 ‘trickle’: ghāra—, *ghārayati1, ghr̥tá—; *abhi- gharati, *avaghara—, avagharati, ā́ghārayati, *udgharati1, *udghāra—, *nirgharati, *nirghāra—, *nirghārayati, *praghara—, pragharati, *praghāra—, *praghārayati, *praghirati, *vighara—, *vyāgharati, *vyāghāra—, vyā́ghārayati, vyāghārita—, vyāghr̥ta—; — forms with —l—: *ghala—, *ghalati, *ghalati—, *ghalana—, *ghalita—, *ghalyati, *ghāla—, *ghāla- yati; *avaghala—, *avaghalati, *avaghāla—, *ava- ghālayati, *āghala—, *āghālayati, *udghalyati, *udghāla—, *nirghalati, *nirghāla—, *nirghālayati, *praghala—, *praghalati, *praghāla—, *praghālayati, *praghilati. GHR̥ 2 ‘be hot’: gharmá—, *gharasya—, *ghr̥ṁsu—, ghr̥ṇá—, *ghraṇiṣya—, *ghrāṇā—.
4512 *ghēggha— ‘swelling’. N. gheg ‘goitre’; H. gheghā, °gā, ghẽghā, °gā m. ‘tumour’. *ghēñcu— ‘neck’ see *ghicca—.
4513 *ghēṇṭu— ‘neck’. [*ghaṇṭa— X *ghēñcu—? — See list s.v. kaṇṭhá—] Aw. lakh. ghẽṭuwā ‘neck’; H. ghẽṭ m. ‘throat, neck’. *ghōggha— ‘shell’ see next.
4515 *ghōcc— ‘pierce’. [Cf. *ghuss1] P. ghocṇā ‘to make a superfluous examination’; Ku. ghocṇo ‘to goad’; N. ghocnu ‘to pierce, stab’; G. ghocvũ, ghɔ̃cvũ ‘to pierce, thrust in’. Addenda: *ghōcc—: S.kcch. ghõ;cṇū ‘to pierce’.
4521 *ghōppa— ‘lying flat’. N. ghopṭo ‘lying flat on the face’; M. ghopaḍ m. ‘a low spreading mushroom’.
4525 *ghōla— 2 ‘nest’. [Like kulā́ya— ‘nest’ ← Drav.: Tam. kūṭu, Kan. Tel. Tu. gūḍu DED 1563; cf. kuṇḍá1] Ku. N. ghol ‘nest’.
4534 *ca—uḍa— ‘wide, open’. [Poss. ext. with —ḍa— of MIA. caü— extracted from cmpds. of catur—] L. côṛā ‘broad’, (Shahpur) caiṛa, awāṇ. cāṛā, P. cauṛā; Ku. cauṛ ‘flat space, field’, cauṛo ‘wide’; N. caur ‘flat space, field’; B. Or. cauṛā ‘wide’; Mth. caur, °rī ‘lowland, marshy place’; H. cauṛ, caur m. ‘open space in forest’, cauṛā ‘wide’ (→ N. cauṛo, Mth. cauṛā); OMarw. cauḍaï loc. ‘in the open’; G. cɔṛũ ‘wide’. CAK 1 ‘be frightened’: *cakyatē. CAK 2 ‘be satisfied’: cákati, *cakyati, *cākayati. [Perh. extracted from cakāna, cakē: √kan. — Semant. see álam, prábhūta—. — Cf. √śak1, √sagh, √*cagh]
4570 *caṭa— ‘crackle’, caṭana— n. ‘splitting’, caṭacaṭā- ‘rattling’ MBh., caṭacaṭāyatē ‘rattles’, caṭacaṭati, caṭatkāra— m., °tkr̥ti— f. ‘crackling’, caṭacaḍiti ‘so as to crackle’ lex. [Onom.] Pk. caḍacaḍa—, caḍakka— m. ‘crackle’; S. caṭkāu m. ‘smack’; P. caṭakṇā, carakṇā ‘to crackle’; WPah. bhal. ċaṛk f. ‘thunder’; N. carrari ‘quarrel’, carkanu ‘to split, crack’, caṛkinu ‘to crack’, caṛkanu ‘to flash’; A. sar ‘slap’; B. caṛ ‘slap’, caṛcaṛ ‘crackling’, caṛkāna ‘to make tingle’, caṭ ‘quickly’; Or. caṛcaṛ ‘crackling’, caṛaka ‘thunderbolt’, caṛakibā ‘to crackle’; H. caṛ, caṛcaṛ m. ‘crackle’, caṛaknā, caṭa° ‘to crackle’, caṭ ‘quickly’; G. caṛ, caṛcaṛ ‘with a crack’, caṭ ‘suddenly’, caṭakvũ ‘to sting’; M. ċaḍċaḍ ‘with a slap’, ċaḍak f. ‘slap’, ċaṭ ‘suddenly’, ċaṭkā m. ‘glow’. caṭita— see *caṭyatē. Addenda: *caṭa—: S.kcch. caṛakdho ‘shining’; Garh. caṛ ‘sound of splitting wood’.
4573 *caṭṭ— ‘lick, taste’. [Derivation < *caṣṭa— ‘tasted’ (LM 328) unlikely: onom.? cf. *caḍḍ—] Pk. caṭṭēi ‘licks’, Gy. eur. čar—, SEeur. čaṛ—, Paš. čaṭ—, Woṭ. c̣aṭ—, S. caṭaṇu, L. caṭṭaṇ, awāṇ. caṭṭuṇ, P. caṭṭṇā, Ku. cāṭṇo, N. cāṭnu, B. cāṭā, Or. cāṭibā, Bi. Mth. Aw. lakh. cāṭab; H. cāṭnā ‘to lick, taste, eat’ (whence caṭnā ‘to be tasted’); G. cāṭvũ ‘to lick’, M. ċāṭṇẽ. Addenda: *caṭṭ—: S.kcch. caṭṇū ‘to lick’, WPah.kṭg. ċaṭṇõ; (kc. ċaṭiṇo) ‘to lick, taste’, caus. ċƏṭauṇõ;, J. cāṭṇu.
4574 *caṭṭa— ‘bamboo matting’. P. caṭāī f. ‘matting’, N. caṭāi; B. caṭā ‘bamboo lath’, caṭāi ‘bamboo matting’; Or. caṭa, caṭāi ‘matting’, Bi. H. G. caṭāī f., M. ċaṭ m., ċaṭāī f. Addenda: *caṭṭa— ‘bamboo matting’. [~ Drav. DED 1907]
4575 *caṭṭu— ‘wooden ladle’. [Cf. *cāṭī—, *cāṭṭa—?] Pk. caṭṭu—, °ua—, °ula—, caṭua— m. ‘wooden spoon’; P. caṭṭū, caṭṭhū m. ‘wooden mortar’; M. ċāṭū m. ‘wooden spoon’. Addenda: *caṭṭu— ‘wooden ladle’. [~ Drav. DED 1905]
4577 *caḍḍ— ‘eat’. [Cf. *caṭṭ1] Pk. caḍḍaï ‘eats’, caḍḍaṇa— n. ‘a meal’; N. cāṛ ‘festival, feast’.
4578 *caḍhati ‘rises’. 2. *caḍhyati. 3. *cāḍhayati ‘raises’. 4. *cāḍha— ‘rising’. 1. Pk. caḍaï ‘rises, sits on’, caus. caḍāvēi, chaḍaï ‘rises, mounts’; K. ċarun ‘to increase’; S. caṛhaṇu ‘to rise, mount’, L. caṛhaṇ, P. caṛhṇā, Ku. caṛhṇo, N. caṛnu, caus. °ṛāunu; A. sariba ‘to mount, increase, surpass’, sarāiba ‘to put on, clothe’; B. caṛā ‘to mount, increase’, caus. °ṛāna; Or. caṛhibā ‘to climb’; Mth. caṛhab ‘to rise, mount, sit’; Bhoj. caṛhal ‘to rise’; OAw. caḍhaï ‘rises, attacks’, caus. °ḍhāvaï ‘raises, offers’; H. caṛhnā ‘to climb’, caus. °ṛhānā, Marw. caṛhṇo, G. caḍhvũ, caṛvũ (< Pk. caḍaï), caus. °ḍhāvvũ, °ṛāvvũ, M. ċaḍhṇẽ, caus. °ḍhaviṇẽ, Ko. caḍtā. 2. Si. säḍa, sän̆ḍa ‘climbing, a climb’. 3. K. ċārun ‘to pick up, collect’; S. cāṛhaṇu ‘to lift’, L. cāṛhaṇ, awāṇ. cā̂ṛuṇ, P. cāṛhṇā, WPah. cam. cāhṛṇā. 4. S. cāṛho m. ‘climber’; L. cāṛhā m. ‘climber of a date—palm’; B. cāṛ ‘a pushing up’, cāṛā ‘prop’, cāṛī ‘punting pole, lever’. *caḍhyati ‘rises’ see prec. Addenda: *caḍhati. 1. S.kcch. caṛṇū ‘to climb’, caṛāṇū ‘to incite’; WPah.kṭg. ċɔ́ṛhnõ;, kc. °no ‘to climb, break out (of illness)’, J. caṛhnu.
4640 *catuṣpattra— ‘four—leaved’. 2. catuṣpattrī— f. ‘the plant Marsilea quadrifolia’ lex. [catur—, páttra—] 1. P. caupattā, cup° ‘four—leaved’. 2. P. caupattī, cup° ‘a partic. four—leaved plant’; H. caupat, °tiyā f. ‘a partic. weed growing among wheat’. catuṣpathá— see *catuṣpantha—.
4653 *catthari— ‘laugh’. [Onom.] Pk. catthari— m.f. ‘laughter’; S. cathari f. ‘joking’, catharāito ‘ridiculous’. *catrudaśa ‘14’ see cáturdaśa.
4674 *capp— ‘press’. 2. *camp—. 3. *cipp—. [Derivation of *capp— and *cipp— and of *cuppa1 by Bloch LM 330 (followed in ND 183a) < *carp—, *cr̥pya— is very doubt- ful: if conn. with carpaṭa— (see *carpa—), capēṭa— and cipiṭá—, they are rather of non—Aryan origin. — Cf. capáyati and further *cibba—, *cimb—, *chapp— and *chipp—, *japp—] 1. Pk. cappaï ‘presses’; Kho. čopik ‘to gather, pick’ (← Ir., Wkh. čip— Morgenstierne BSOS viii 667, but perh. → Ir.); S. cāpaṇu ‘to shampoo the limbs’ (ā?); P. cappaṇ m. ‘cover’; N. cyāpnu, cep°, ‘to press, squeeze’, capeṭnu ‘to press, follow, goad to work’; A. sāpibā ‘to be contracted’; B. cāpā ‘to press, get upon, cover’; Or. cāpibā ‘to press down’, intr. capibā ‘to sink into’; H. capnā ‘to be pressed’, capnī f. ‘flat lid’; G. cāpṛɔ m. ‘clasp’; M. ċāpṇẽ ‘to press’. 2. Pk. caṁpaï ‘presses’; Mth. cā̃pab ‘to press, squeeze’, OAw. cāṁpaï; H. cā̃pnā ‘to pound’; G. cā̃pvũ ‘to press’. 3. BHSk. cipyatē ‘is crushed’, —cippitaka— ‘crushed’; Pa. cippiyamāna— ‘crushed flat’; Wg. (Lumsden) "chi- pállún" ‘to squeeze’; Paš. weg. čip— ‘to bite off’; K. ċipiñ f. ‘pinching’; S. cipaṇu ‘to press, stamp’, cipo ‘bruised, flattened’, cipu f. ‘silence’; A. sepiba ‘to press, squeeze’, B. cipā, Or. cipibā, G. cīpvũ, M. cipṇẽ, cepṇẽ. Addenda: *capp—. 2. *camp—: OMarw. (Vīsaḷa) pp. m.pl. cā̆ṁpyā ‘oppressed, restrained’. 3. *cipp— [Cf. piccayati]: S.kcch. cīplāṇū ‘to be pressed between’ ~ G. pīclāvũ AKŚ 31. CAM: †;ācamati.
4675 *cappayati ‘chews’. [Onom., cf. Pa. capucapukāra- ‘making the sound of chewing’: cf. cárvati] Pa. cappēti ‘chews’, Dm. ċapāy—, Sh. čapóĭki̯, koh. čăpōnu̯, gur. čăpyōnu̯; K. ċāpun ‘to eat’, ċopu m. ‘bite’; WPah. bhal. ċāpṇū ‘to chew’, Ku. capoṇo, N. capāunu, capkāunu; Si. sapanavā, ha° ‘to chew, bite, gnaw, crush’. *cappēṭa—, *cappēṭṭa— ‘slap’ see capēṭa—. CAM ‘sip’: cāmya—; *ācama—, ācamana—, ācāma—, ā́cāmati, ācāmayati, *nicamati.
4676 *camakka— ‘sudden movement’. 2. *cammakka—. [Cf. camatkāra— m., camatkr̥ti— f. ‘surprise’ Kathās.; Orm. čmak ‘winking’ IIFL i 391] 1. Pk. camakka— m. ‘surprise’, camakkēi ‘startles’; P. caũkṇā ‘to be startled’; B. caũkā ‘to glitter’; Or. cahaṅkibā ‘to glitter, be startled’; OAw. cauṁkaï ‘to be startled’, H. caũknā, caũk f. ‘sudden start’. 2. S. camaka f. ‘glittering’, cimko m. ‘glitter’; P. camakṇā ‘to shine’; Ku. camakṇo ‘to shine, be mad’; N. camak ‘gleam’, camkanu ‘to shine, be startled, be in- solent’; A. samakiba ‘to be startled’; B. camak ‘flash’, camkāna ‘to glitter, be startled’, Or. camakibā; Mth. camak ‘glitter’, camakab ‘to sparkle’, OAw. camakaï; H. camaknā ‘to glitter, be startled’, G. camakvũ; M. ċamakṇẽ ‘to glitter’. — Without —kka—: N. camcam ‘glare’; H. camcamānā ‘to glare’; G. camcam f. ‘burn- ing’; M. ċamċamāṭ m. ‘dazzle’. — P. camkār f., °rā m. ‘flash’. camatkāra— see prec. Addenda: *camakka—. 1. WPah.kṭg. ċɔṅkṇõ; ‘to wake (intr.) with a start’. 2. *cammakka—: S.kcch. camakṇū ‘to shine’; Ko. ċamkatā ‘walks’.
4680 *campavēlli— ‘jasmine’? [campa—, vēlli—?] S. cambelī f. ‘Jasminum grandiflorum’, P. cãbelī, camelī f.; N. cameli ‘J. sambac’; B. cameli ‘J. grandi- florum’, Or. cambelī, cā̆melī, Mth. camelī, OAw. caṁbelī, H. cãbelī, camelī f., G. cãpelī, cãbelī, camelī; M. ċãbelī, ċamelī f. ‘the plant’, ċamel n. ‘its flower’. *cammakka— ‘sudden movement’ see *camakka—. Addenda: *campavēlli—: OB. cāmbalī (sic), B. cāmeli id. CAR: †;anucará—.
4688 *carassa— ‘raw hide’. P. carsā m. ‘raw oxhide’, caras f. ‘leather bucket’; N. carsā ‘hide’; Bi. H. carsā m. ‘raw oxhide’, H. caras, tarsā m. ‘leather bucket’; M. ċarsā m. ‘raw oxhide’; - G. caṛsũ ‘a contrivance for lifting water from well or tank’: X caṛvũ < *caḍhati?
4696 *carpa— ‘flat’. 2. carpaṭa— ‘lying flat to the head (of ears)’ VarBr̥S., m. ‘palm of hand, thin biscuit of flour’ lex., carpaṭī— f. ‘flat cake’ lex. 3. *carpaṭṭa—. [Cf. Psht. ċapaq, Orm. čapâ g ‘flat hand’ IIFL i 391 and carvan— m. ‘slap with open palm’ lex.: see cipiṭá—, capēṭa—, *capp—] 1. Kt. čap&acabreve; ‘slap’; S. capu m. ‘lip’, capo m. ‘palm of hand, hand—breadth, blade of oar’; L. cappā ‘having horns pointing outwards’; P. cappā m. ‘breadth of 4 fingers’; B. cāp ‘solidified clod’, cāpā ‘cover’; M. ċāp m. ‘lobe of ear’. 2. Pk. cappuḍī—, °ḍiyā— f. ‘snapping the fingers’; Ash. Wg. čapā́l ‘palm of hand’; Ash. čapḗṛ ‘flat of hand’; Paš. čapilū́ ‘slap’, Kal. rumb. čapŕéaka; S. capiṛī f. ‘a kind of unleavened bread’, cāpoṛo m. ‘flat clod of dried earth’; L. capṛī f. ‘small flat piece of wood’, cāpṛī f. ‘cake of silt’; P. capṛī f. ‘small flat piece of wood’, cāpaṛ m. ‘flake of sun—dried mud’; N. capari ‘turf, clod of earth’, capleṭi ‘flat’; A. sāpar ‘blow with palm of hand’; B. cāpaṛ ‘open palm, slap’, cāpṛā ‘square or oblong clod’; Or. cāpaṛa, °ṛā, cāpuṛā ‘flat palm, slap’; H. cāpaṛ ‘flattened, level’, cāpṛā m., °ṛī f. ‘cake of cowdung’; G. capaṛvũ ‘to flatten’; M. ċapḍā ‘flat’. 3. Wg. čapƏṭá ‘claw’; S. capāṭa f. ‘slap’, capuṭī f. ‘snap of fingers’; P. capṭā ‘flattened, compressed’; G. capaṭ, capṭũ ‘low and flat’; M. ċapṭā ‘flat’. carpaṭa— see prec. *carpaṭṭa— ‘flat’ see *carpa—. Addenda: *carpa—. 1. Ash. Wg. čapā́l ‘palm of hand’ < *carpa- —la— ~ *carpa—ṭa— Buddruss ZDMG 116, 415. 2. *carpaṭa—: A. also cāpar (phonet. s—) ‘blow with palm’ AFD 211. carpaṭa— see *carpa— Add2.
4723 *cava— ‘point or blade of plough?’. P. H. cau m. ‘coulter of plough’, G. cavṛũ n.; M. ċav—tālẽ n. ‘a sort of harrow to draw off rubbish (consisting of a beam pierced with 14 pins)’.
4724 *cavati ‘says’, cavyā— f. ‘voice’ lex. 2. *cāvayati caus. [Connexion with káuti ‘shouts’ improbable: onom. cf. jápati?] 1. Pk. cavaï, pp. °via— ‘says’, cavēṇa— n. ‘saying’, cavacava— m. ‘a sort of noise’; S. cavaṇu, cuaṇu, pp. cayo ‘to say, tell’, caviṇī f. ‘saying, order’; G. cavvũ ‘to speak, narrate’. 2. S. cāiṇu ‘cause to say’; M. ċāvaḷṇẽ ‘to talk wildly’, (Khandesh) ‘to talk’. Addenda: *cavati: S.kcch. coṇū ‘to say’.
4725 *cavilla— ‘small stick’. N. coilo, °li ‘small stick, shaving’; Aw. lakh. cailī ‘fuel sticks’; Bi. H. cailā m., °lī f. ‘small stick’, M. ċailī f. — Cf. also S. coī f. ‘framework with nets attached for catching fish’, N. coyo ‘split cane for making nets’.
4730 *cassakk— ‘throb, twitch, sudden pain’. [See Add.] P. casakṇā ‘to throb’; WPah. cam. caskṇā ‘to be angry’; Ku. casak ‘rheumatic pain’; N. casakka with a sharp pain’, caskanu ‘to throb, give acute pain’; H. casaknā, cus° ‘to throb or twitch with pain’; G. casak f. ‘acute pain’. Addenda: *cassakk— see cāṣa2 and †;caṣati 2. S.kcch. casko m. ‘shooting pain, craving’.
4731 *cahakk— ‘burn brightly’. N. cahak ‘brightness’, cahakilo ‘brilliant, smart’; H. cahaknā ‘to burn’. Addenda: *cahakk— see cāṣa2 and †;caṣati 2.
4733a *cāṇkṣati [CDIAL Add.] WPah.kṭg. (kc.) ċā́ṇõ; ‘to wish’, kṭg. ċáu m. ‘desire’, J. 'ṇu, cāw m. (Him.I 58 only refers to CDIAL *cāh—).
4734 *cācca— ‘uncle’. [Nursery word?] S. cāco m. ‘father's brother’, °cī f. ‘his wife’, L. cācā m., °cī f.; P. cāccā, cācā m. ‘father's younger brother’, °ccī, °cī f. ‘his wife’; WPah. bhad. cāco ‘uncle’, cur. cacērā; B. cācā ‘father's brother’, °cī ‘his wife’, Or. cacā, H. cācā, caccā, cacā m., cācī f.; G. cācɔ m. ‘uncle’. Addenda: *cācca—: WPah.kṭg. (among Rājputs) ċāċ m. ‘father's brother’, ċaċi f. ‘his wife’, J. cācā m.
4736 *cāṭī— ‘pot’. [← Drav., cf. Tam. cāṭi ‘jar’, Mal. cāḍi, Tel. Kan. Tu. jāḍi. Cf. *cāṭṭa—, *cāḍḍa—] Pa. cāṭi— f. ‘vessel, jar, measure of capacity’; Si. säliya, häl° ‘earthen pot’.
4738 *cāṭṭa— ‘pot’. [← Drav., Tam. caṭṭi DED 1901: see *cāṭī—, *cāḍḍa—] Gy. eur. čāro m. ‘bowl, pan’; P. cāṭṭā m., °ṭī f. ‘large earthen vessel’; WPah. bhal. ċāṭ f. ‘large pot for storing ghee’; Or. cāṭi ‘a big basket’; H. cāṭā m. ‘pot for collect- ing expressed sugarcane juice in a mill’, °ṭī f. ‘small earthen pot’.
4739 *cāḍḍa— ‘pot’. [Cf. *cāṭī—, *cāṭṭa—] Pk. caḍḍa— n. ‘oil vessel in a lamp’; S. cāḍ̱ī f. ‘earthen vessel’; Mth. caṛiyā ‘earthen griddle for baking bread or parching grain’; G. cāḍũ n. ‘saucer—shaped vessel forming part of a lampstand’, M. ċāḍẽ, °ḍhẽ n. — Bi. cā̃ṛ ‘earthen vessel for grain’ X bhā̃ṛ < bhāṇḍa1. *cāḍha— ‘rising’, *cāḍhayati ‘raises’ see *caḍhati. Addenda: *cāḍḍa—: S.kcch. cāḍī f. ‘stone vessel to catch leavings of food for cattle and dogs’.
4749 *cāmala— or *cāvala— ‘husked rice’. [S. K. Chatterji ZII ix 31 < *cāma—, √cam with little probability: Pk. and several NIA. lggs. have no trace of nasal. Poss. of ultimately same non—Aryan origin as taṇḍulá—] Pk. cāulā m. pl., cavala— m. ‘rice’ Deśīn.; S. cā̃uru, cā̃varu m. ‘a grain of rice’, cā̃uro ‘pertaining to husked rice’; L. cāval m. ‘husked rice’, awāṇ. cāvul, P. cāval, °var, cāul, caul m., WPah. bhal. ċā̆u m. pl., jaun. cau, Ku. caũl, gng. ċā̃wōw, N. cā̃wal, cāmal, A. sāul, OB. tāula, B. cāul, cāl, Or. caü̃ḷa, cāuḷa, cāura, Bi. Mth. Bhoj. cāur, H. cā̃wal, cāw°, cā̃war m., OMarw. cāvala m., G. cāvaḷ m. (usu. pl.). *cāmalapiṣṭa—; *rasikācāmala—. Addenda: *cāmala— [~ Drav. DED 1976]: Brj. cā̃wal, °war, cāwal, °war m. ‘husked rice’. †;CĀY ‘observe’: †;cā́yati.
4775 *cāh— ‘see, look for, desire’. [J. Bloch Festschr. Wackernagel 147 ‘deformed’ from abnormal and un- attested MIA. *cākh— < cakṣatē to avoid clash with *cakṣati ‘tastes’ (cf. *pracāh— ~ pracakṣatē)? Or < *cāgh— see √*cagh—? Uncertain] Pk. cāhaï ‘wishes, expects, asks for’; K. kash. ċāhun ‘to wish’; S. cāhaṇu ‘to desire, like’, cāhu m. ‘desire, love’; L. cāhaṇ ‘to wish’, cāh f. ‘wish’, awāṇ. caīṇā ‘necessary’; P. cāhṇā ‘to wish for, demand’, 3 sg. pass. cāhye ‘it is necessary’, pres. part. cāhīdā ‘desirable’, cāh f. ‘desire, love’; WPah. bhad. cāṇā ‘to wish’; Ku. cāṇo ‘to seek, love’, gng. imper. ‘see’; N. cāhanu ‘to wish, desire’, cāinu ‘to be desired, be necessary’, cāh ‘desire’ (ext. with —— in cāhārnu ‘to look for’); A. sāiba ‘to look at, reflect on’; B. cāhā ‘to look at or for, expect, want’; Or. cāhibā, °hı̃bā ‘to look at, look at wistfully, desire, ask for’; Mth. cāhab ‘to wish for’; OAw. cāhaï ‘desires’, cāu m. ‘strong desire’; H. cāhnā ‘to see, look for’, 3 sg. pass. cāhiye ‘it is necessary’, cāh f. ‘wish’; OMarw. cāhaï ‘wishes’, cāva m. ‘want’; G. cāhvũ ‘to long for, love’, (h) m. ‘love’; M. ċāhṇẽ ‘to love, like’. CI 1 ‘heap up’: kā́ya—1, kāya—2, cáya—, cáyana—, cāpayati, *cāya—, cāyayati, citā—, cíti—, cinṓti, *cinvati, cḗya—, *caitiya—; avacaya—, uccaya—, *uccāpayati, *uccāpyatē, uccita—, uccinōti, upacaya—, *upacā- yayati, upacít—, upacīyatē, nikāyá—, pracaya—, *vicitya—, vícinōti, *vicinvati, saṁcaya—, saṁcayana—, saṁcayayati, samuccaya—. CI 2 ‘observe’: niścayá—, *niścayati, paricaya—, pari- cita—, pariciti—, viniścaya—. CI 3 ‘avenge’: *uccayatē.
4778 *cikk— ‘press, squeeze’. [Cf. cikká—4, *cukka— and cikkayati, cukk° ‘hurts, is hurt’ Dhātup.] S. cikaṇu ‘to distil, ooze out (of pus)’, cikāiṇu ‘to distil, fatigue’; WPah. bhal. ċikkṇū ‘to press down lower portion of loom with the feet, grasp, seize’; Ku. cikṇo ‘to deflower’, gng. ċikaṇi ‘copulation’; N. ciknu ‘to copulate (of man)’, cikāunu ‘do. (of woman)’. - Prob. Wg. čiṅ ‘vulva’; K. ċē̃kh, dat. ċē̃ki f. ‘woman's pudenda’.
4781 *cikka— 3 ‘small’. [Cf. cikva— m. ‘young elephant’, cikkagaja— m.; cikṣa— ‘young’, *ciṅga—: perh. same as cikká4, cikiná— ‘flat—nosed’ Pāṇ., cikina— ‘flattened, stumpy’ Harṣac. — ← Drav. (cf. Kan. cikka ‘small’) LM 330, T. Burrow BSOAS 12, 379] Pk. cikka— ‘small’, °kā— f. ‘anything small, slight rain, small drop’; M. cike ‘a little’, cikkar small. — Kho. (Lor.) ċik ‘younger, small (of animals and things)’? cikká— 4 ‘flat—nosed’ see *cikk—, *cikka3. Addenda: *cikka— 3 [Cf. Shgh. ċeg ‘child’, ċƏgag ‘small’] A. cikā (phonet. s—) ‘small’ AFD 216; Kho. ċeq or ċiq ‘small’ BKhoT 67 with?
4785 *ciṅga— ‘young bird’. 2. *cēṅga—. [Cf. *cikka3] 1. N. ciṅnu ‘chicken’; H. cı̄̃gā, cı̃gā m. ‘young bird’, ciṅgā, cı̃gnā m. ‘chicken’, cı̃gulā m. ‘young bird, child’. 2. Mth. cẽgā ‘chicken’, H. cẽgā, cẽgṛā m. ‘child’.
4787 *ciṅghāṭa—, *cinghāra— ‘noise, scream’. [Onom.? - Cf. cītkāra—] Gy. wel. čiṅār, čiṅarī f. ‘row, quarrel, brawl’, čiṅer- ‘to scold’; P. ciṅghār f. ‘screech’, ciṅghārnā ‘to screech’; H. cı̃ghāṛ, °ār f., °āṛā m. ‘scream, screech’, cı̃ghāṛnā ‘to screech, roar’; — S. ciṅghaṇu ‘to groan’.
4789 *cicc— ‘scream’. 2. *cēñc—. [Onom., cf. cicciká—] 1. Pk. cicci— m. ‘shriek’; P. ciclāuṇā ‘to shriek’, N. cicyāunu, H. ciciyānā, G. cīcvũ. 2. A. sẽsāiba ‘to scream’; B. cẽcāna ‘to cry out’. Addenda: *cicc—. 2. *cēñc—: WPah.rāmp. ciñjṇõ; ‘to call (from a distance)’.
4790 *cicca— ‘squeezed, stingy’. [Cf. cikká4?] Pk. cicca—, ciccara— ‘flat—nosed’; S. cica f. ‘meanness’, ciciṛu m. ‘importunate beggar’; N. ciccā ‘stingy’, cicilo ‘young unformed fruit’. Addenda: *cicca—. 1. A. cīcā (phonet. sisa) ‘emaciated’ AFD 216. 2. †;*ciñca—: A. cı̃cā (phonet. sı̃sa) ‘flattened’ AFD 155. †;*ciñca— see *cicca—. *ciṭaka— see caṭaka—.
4794 *ciḍ— ‘be angry’. 2. *ciḍh—. 3. *cēḍ— ‘make angry’. 4. *chēḍ— 2. 1. S. ciṛaṇu ‘to be huffy’; P. ciṛnā ‘to be provoked’; N. cirko ‘disturbance’, curinu ‘to be enraged’, ciṛnu ‘to be annoyed’ (← H.?); B. ciṛ ‘vexation’, ciṛāna ‘to provoke’; Or. ciṛibā ‘to be angry’; H. ciṛnā ‘to be pro- voked’, G. ciṛāvũ, M. ciḍṇẽ. 2. WPah. bhal. ciṛh e_ llu ‘peevish’; H. ciṛhnā ‘to be provoked’. 3. S. ceṛaṇu, ceṛāiṇu ‘to provoke’. 4. S. cheṛaṇu ‘to taunt, irritate’; L. cheṛaṇ ‘to pro- voke’, P. cheṛnā; H. cheṛnā ‘to touch, irritate’ (→ N. cheṛnu ‘to taunt’); G. cheṛvũ ‘to irritate’. *ciḍh— ‘be angry’ see prec. Addenda: *ciḍ—. 1. Garh. ciṛnu ‘to be cross with’. 2. *ciḍh—: WPah.kṭg. ċíṛh f. ‘hatred’, ċíṛhnõ; ‘to hate’. 3. *chēḍ—2: WPah.kṭg. ċhéṛnõ; ‘to disturb, trouble’, J. cheṛṇu. *ciḍh— see *ciḍ— Add2.
4794.1S*CIḌ(R)/CIR(K)/CIKR- ‘squirrel’
COMM: (FCS) DEDR2518(b), along with OIA cikroḍa, suggests an underlying *cirk- ~ *cikr- + o/u. On the other hand, the Go. pl. ciḍrahk (DEDR2518a) may imply an underlying *ciḍr…k. It is also possible to see a prefix ci- followed by an element krVḍ ~ ḍrVk.
4795 *ciṇoṭṭhī— ‘Abrus precatorius’. [Cf. ciñcī— f., kāka- ciñcā— f.; Pk. deśīn. kaṇeḍḍhiā— f.] Pk. ciṇoṭṭhī— f.; G. canɔṭhī f. ‘A. precatorius and its berry (used as a measure of weight)’. CIT ‘observe’: cittá—1, cítti—1, citrá—, cintáyati, cintā́—, cḗtana—, cētáyati, cḗtas—, cḗttr̥—.
4800 *citta— 2 ‘lying on the back’. P. citt ‘prostrate on the back’, N. cit, cittā, A. sit, B. cit, Or. cita; Mth. cit ‘lying face down’; H. cit ‘prostrate on the back’, G. cīt, catũ, cattũ, M. cīt.
4802 *citth— ‘pound, tear’. S. cithaṇu ‘to pound, bruise, hash’; L. citthaṇ ‘to chew’, (Ju.) cithaṇ; P. citthṇā ‘to pound, crush, chew’; H. cīthnā ‘to crush, tear’; M. cithṇẽ ‘to take offence’. — Ext. with ——: S. cīthaṛo m. ‘old ragged clothes’, cithiṛaṇu, cithāṛ°, cethāṛ° ‘to bruise, crush’; P. cīthṛā m. ‘rag’, Ku. cithṛo, N. cithro, cithornu ‘to scratch, claw, get scratched’; H. cīthaṛ, °thṛā m. ‘rag’, cithāṛnā ‘to tear to pieces’; G. cithṛũ n. ‘rag’; — with —r—: G. cithrũ n., °rī f. ‘rag’.
4819 *cippa—, *cīppa—, *cēppa— ‘gummy matter’. S. cipyaru m. ‘one whose eyes are full of gummy matter’; P. cīp f., cīpaṛ m. ‘glue, any viscous substance’, cippṇā, cipakṇā, °aṭṇā intr. ‘to stick’, cipṛā ‘having the eyes full of gummy secretion’, cīplā ‘sticky’; WPah. bhal. ċ e/ pṛo m. ‘gummy secretion in eyes’; N. cipro ‘id.’, ciplo ‘smooth, slimy’, ciplinu ‘to slip’; H. cep, cīpaṛ f. ‘gummy secretion in eyes’, cepnā tr. ‘to stick on’, cepī, cippī f. ‘a little piece stuck on’; G. cipṛũ n., °ṛɔ m. ‘gummy secretion in eyes’; M. cipā̆ḍ m. n., cipḍẽ n., °ḍā m. ‘id.’, cipṇẽ ‘to have eyes closed by it’, cipḍā ‘affected by it’. — Other variants (X MIA. seppha—, seṁbha— < *śrēṣman—??): WPah. bhal. ċipph m. ‘resin from pine trees’, Ku. ciphlo, cibhlo ‘slippery’, B. chep ‘spittle’, Or. chipa, chepa ‘spittle with phlegm’. *cippiṭa—, *cippiṭṭa— ‘flat’ see cipiṭá—. Addenda: *cippa—: WPah.poet. ċiplo ‘slippery’ (< *cippalla— or ← P.); kṭg. ċipƏṭṇõ; ‘to stick, adhere’ (prob. ← H. cipaṭnā or P. cipaṭṇā).
4821 *cibba— ‘flattened’. [Cf. cipitá—, cikká—4, *cimb—] S. ciḇu m. ‘dent, bruise’, ciḇo ‘dented’, ciḇa f., ciḇiro m. ‘owl’; L. cibbā, (Ju.) ciḇḇā ‘crooked, paralysed, having facial paralysis’, cibṛī f. ‘spotted owlet’; G. cībũ, cibṛũ ‘flat—faced’, cībṛī f. ‘owl’; M. cı̃bā ‘flattened’. *cimpaṭa— ‘flat’ see cipiṭá—.
4822 *cimb— ‘pinch’. [Cf. *cibba—, *capp—] Bshk. ičimik ‘blink’; S. cimṭo m. ‘tongs’; P. cambaṛnā, cimmaṛnā ‘to copulate’, cimṭā m. ‘tongs’; Ku. cim ‘pinch’, cimṭā ‘pincers’, cimoṭi ‘nip with the nails’; N. cim ‘closing the eyes’, cimlanu ‘to blink’, cimṭanu, cimoṭ° ‘to pinch’, cimṭā ‘pincers’; B. cimṭā ‘to pinch’, sb. ‘tongs’; Or. cimuṭibā ‘to pinch’, cimuṭā ‘pinching, tongs’; H. cimaṭnā ‘to embrace closely’, cimṭā, cyū̃ṭā m. ‘pincers’; G. cı̃boḷvũ ‘to pinch the ear’, cimṭɔ m. ‘tongs’, camṭɔ m. ‘hard pinch’; M. cı̃bṇẽ ‘to pinch, squeeze’, cı̃baḷṇẽ, cı̃baṭṇẽ, cimaṭṇẽ ‘to pinch’, cimṭā m. ‘pinch, pincers’. Addenda: *cimb— [In sense ‘blink’ ~ Drav. DED 2097]
4823 *ciyāku— ‘fungus’. [Cf. kyāku— n. Āp.] N. cyāu ‘mushroom or mushroom—like fungus’.
4827 *cilla— 2 ‘unctuous, shining’. Pk. cillaa—, °liya— ‘shining’; S. cilo m. ‘pancake’, cilkaṇu ‘to be bright’, P. cilakṇā; N. cillo ‘greasy, smooth, polished’, sb. ‘grease, ghee’, cillo—callo ‘a dainty’; H. cilaknā ‘to be bright’, cilcilānā ‘to be very hot (of the sun)’. Addenda: *cilla— 2. 2. †;*cila—: WPah.kṭg. ċiḷƏk ‘morning sunshine, first rays of the sun’, J. ciḷk f. ‘morning sunshine on the highest peaks’ Him.I 62.
4832 *ciṣṭa— ‘message’. [Cf. Av. kaēš—, činasti ‘teaches, makes known’, Pahl. nām—čišt ‘known by name’ H. W. Bailey JRAS 1934, 510] Sh. čiṭhi f. ‘letter’ (← Ind.); S. ciṭho m. ‘list’, °ṭhī f. ‘letter’, L. P. ciṭṭhī f.; P. ciṭṭhā m. ‘account’; WPah. bhal. ċiṭhi f. ‘letter’; N. ciṭṭhā ‘lot’, ciṭhi ‘letter’, A. siṭhi; B. ciṭhā ‘tally’, °ṭhi ‘letter’; Or. ciṭhā ‘rough draft’, °ṭhi ‘letter’; Bi. ciṭhī ‘letter sent to groom's father announcing auspicious day for wedding’; Mth. Aw. lakh. cīṭhī ‘letter’; H. ciṭṭhā m. ‘ballot’, ciṭṭhī, cīṭhī f. ‘letter’, G. ciṭṭhī f.; M. ciṭṭhā m. ‘account’, ci()ṭhī f. ‘letter’. Addenda: *ciṣṭa—: WPah.kṭg. ċíṭṭhi f. ‘note, message’.
4847 *cīssa— ‘sharp pain’. P. cīs f. ‘sudden pain’; Ku. cīs ‘keen pain, scorching’; N. ciso ‘cold’; H. cīs f. ‘sudden pain’; G. cīs f. ‘scream’.
4848 *cukk— ‘fall short of, stop’. [< Pk. cukka— ‘fallen, mis- taken, forgotten’ replacing cyutá— ‘fallen, missing one's aim’. — √cyu] Pk. cukkaï ‘falls, is forgotten, is destroyed, makes a mistake, errs’, tr. ‘to make fall, break’; Sh. koh. čŭkyōnu̯ intr. ‘to stop’, čokŭ ‘stopped, at a standstill’; S. cukaṇu ‘to be finished, err’; L. cukkaṇ ‘to be finished, be forgotten, err, miss’, awāṇ. cukkā ‘settled’; P. cukkṇā ‘to be finished, miss, err, forget’, tr. ‘to finish, under- take’; Ku. cukṇo ‘to fall short of, miss, fail’; N. cuknu ‘to be in fault, miss, overlook’; B. cukā ‘to make a mis- take, be finished, be settled’, tr. ‘to finish, settle’; Or. cukibā ‘to make a mistake’; Mth. cukab ‘perform in- sufficiently, err’; Bhoj. cukal ‘to settle an account’, cūk ‘mistake’; H. cūknā, cuk° ‘to fall short of, fail, be finished’; Marw. cūkṇo ‘to be completed’, cūk f. ‘mis- take’; OG. cūkaï ‘misses’, G. cukvũ ‘to fail, miss, err’; M. ċukṇẽ ‘to blunder’; — caus. Pk. cukkavaï ‘causes to lose’; S. cukāiṇu ‘to make err, finish’; L. cukāvaṇ ‘to finish with, settle’, P. cukāuṇā, N. cukāunu; B. cukāna ‘to get rid of, finish, settle’; Or. cukāibā ‘to settle’, H. cukānā; G. cukā̆vvũ ‘to cause to lose one's aim, discharge, settle’; M. ċukā̆viṇẽ ‘to elude’. *cukka— ‘vulva’ see *cutta—. Addenda: *cukk—: S.kcch. cukāṇū ‘to pay, remit’, cūke vanṇū ‘to miss (a target)’, WPah.poet. ċukṇo ‘to err, forget, be finished’, J. cukṇu.
4852 *cugyati ‘pecks’. [√*cug] S. cuǥaṇu ‘to peck up with the beak’; L. cuggaṇ ‘to peck, choose, graze’, awāṇ. cugguṇ ‘to eat’; P. cugṇā ‘to peck, plait’, cugāuṇā ‘to feed (birds or cattle)’, bhaṭ. cugṇā intr. ‘to graze’; WPah. cam. cugṇā ‘to graze, choose’; H. cugnā ‘to peck, pick up, feed’; Marw. cugṇo ‘to peck, eat’; G. cugvũ ‘to peck and eat (of birds)’. *cuṅga— ‘octroi duty’ see śulká—.
4853 *cuṅgati ‘pecks’. [√*cug] WPah. roh. ċuṅgṇõ; ‘to pick up, take up’, jaun. cū̃gṇõmacr; ‘to pick, glean, lift, carry’; N. cũgnu ‘to peck’, H. cū̃gnā; — S. cū̃gaṇu ‘to eat slowly’ (< ‘*to peck at ’?), cū̃gī f. ‘a few grains’; L. cuṅg f. ‘handful’; P. cuṅg f. ‘small portion of anything’; M. ċũg f. ‘swarm, flock’? *cuṅgha— ‘beard’ see *juṅgha—. cuci— see *cuccu—. cucundarī— see chucchundari—. cucūka— see *cuccu—. Addenda: *cuṅgati: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) ċuṅgṇõ; ‘to lift up, carry’, J. cuṅgṇu.
4854 *cucca— 1 ‘defective, blear—eyed’. 2. *cuñca— 1. [Cf. culla1 and rhyming *bucca1] 1. L. (Ju.) cucā ‘purblind, suffering from photo- phobia’, awāṇ. cuccā ‘short—sighted’; P. cuccā ‘blear- eyed, sore (of eyes)’, cuccuṛ ‘heavy and strong, coarse’. 2. G. cũcḷũ ‘having eyes half—closed’. *cucca— 2 ‘beak’ see cañcu—. *cucci— ‘nipple’ see next.
4855 *cuccu— ‘female breast, nipple’. 2. *cucci—. [Onom. cf. cūcuka— n. ‘nipple’ R., cuc°, cucūka— n. lex. (Pa. cūcuka— n., Pk. cūa— n.), cuci— f. W., and further kuca—] 1. Pk. cucuya—, cuccuya— n. ‘nipple’; Ash. ċuċū́ ‘female breast’, Wg. čüčǘ, Kt. čuk, Pr. žüžū́, Dm. čúču; Paš. lauṛ. ar. čučū́ ‘teat, udder’, chil. ċuċū ‘female breast’, Shum. Woṭ. Gaw. ċuċū́, Kal. rumb. čū́ču; Sv. čučuwa ‘teat’. 2. Gy. eur. čučí f. (eng. tuči) ‘breast, nipple’, pal. čič; Bshk. čič ‘female breast’, Tor. čiš, čī, Phal. čičī, Sh. gil. čúči f., pales. číče; P. cūcī f. ‘female breast (when large)’; WPah. bhad. bhal. ċiċċu n. ‘nipple, teat (human or animal)’; Ku. cūco ‘udder’, gng. ċuċ ‘female breast’; N. cuci ‘nipple’ (cf. cucarnu, cucornu ‘to suck’); B. cuci, cũci ‘female breast’; Or. cucī ‘nipple’; H. cūcī f. ‘breast, nipple’, cuccaṛ m. ‘large breast or udder’; G. cũcī f. ‘nipple’.
4858 *cuḍ— ‘wear away’. [Cf. cúṇḍati?] Pk. cuḍaṇa— n. ‘growing old, rotting’; S. cuṛaṇu intr. ‘to wear, be in wear’, coṛaṇu ‘to bring into wear’. *cuḍa—, *cuḍḍa— ‘vulva’ see *cutta—. cúṇṭati ‘cuts off’ see cuṭáti. cuṇṭī— see curī—. cuṇṭháyati see cuṭáti.
4860 *cutta—, *cūtta— ‘anus, vulva’. 2. *cuḍḍa—. 3. *cuḍa—. 4. *cukka— (cf. *cikk—). [cū̆ta— m., °ti— f. ‘anus’, cyuti- f. ‘vulva’ lex. Cf. Pers. cul ‘penis’ (if ← EIr., may be < *cuta—), but more prob. with EWA i 395 ← Drav. cf. Tam. cūttu, cūṟu ‘anus’ DED 2249] 1. K. ċoth, dat. °ti f. ‘anus, vulva’; S. cuti f., cutaṛu m. ‘anus, rump’, cūti f. ‘vulva’; L. (Ju.) cut f. ‘anus, bottom’, cuttaṛ m., cutṛī f. ‘buttock’, mult. cutt m. ‘bottom (of a lamp)’, awāṇ. cut ‘vulva’; P. cutt, cūt f. ‘vulva’, cuttaṛ m. ‘rump’, cittaṛ m. ‘buttocks’; Ku. cūt ‘vulva’, cūtaṛ ‘haunch, thigh, hip’; N. cutaṛ ‘buttocks’; B. cut ‘anus, vulva’, cutaṛ ‘anus, buttocks’; Or. (Sam- bhalpur) cutal ‘anus, buttocks’; H. cūt f. ‘vulva’, cūtaṛ m. ‘rump’; G. cūt f. ‘vulva’, M. ċūt f., ċutā̆ḍ m. 2. S. cuḍ̱u m. ‘vulva’, L. cuḍḍ m., P. cuḍḍ f. 3. P. H. cuṛ f. ‘vulva’. 4. Kho. (Lor.) ċuk ‘vulva’? CUD ‘impel’. [For list of poss. enlargements of IE. *sqeu— see √sku] cōdá—, cōdanā́—, cōdáyati, cōdya—; — *cōddati. Addenda: *cutta—: WPah.kṭg. ċuttƏr m. ‘thigh, buttocks’.
4861 *cunda— 1 ‘wood or ivory work’. [Cf. kunda1] Pa. cunda— m. ‘ivory worker’; Or. cundibā ‘to do woodwork’. *cundakāra—. *cunda— 2 ‘protuberance’ see cū́ḍa1.
4863 *cupp— ‘strike’. 2. *cōpp—. 3. *cump—. [For list of poss. enlargements of IE. *sqeu— see √sku] 1. Wg. (Lumsden) "chúp" ‘wound’, "chúba" ‘wounded, cut’; N. cup(p)i ‘dagger’; B. cupāna ‘to cut to pieces’; G. cupvũ ‘to be thrust’. 2. Ku. copṇo ‘to dip’; N. copnu ‘to pierce, sink in’, copalnu ‘to dive into, penetrate’; A. sop ‘blow’; B. cop ‘blow’, copsā ‘letting water sink in’; G. copvũ ‘to pierce’; M. ċopṇẽ ‘to beat a floor, fall in and look flat.’ 3. NiDoc. cuṁpita ‘cut, chopped’.
4864 *cuppa— 1 ‘silent’. [Onom.? — Hardly with LM 330 < *cr̥pya—, see *capp—] S. cupu, cipu f. ‘silence’, L. cup f., P. cupp f.; Ku. cup adj.; N. cup adj. and sb.; A. sup adj., B. Or. cup, Mth. cup, cuppe adv.; H. cup f.; G. cūp adj., M. ċuppa; - Paš. čup ‘silent’, čup— ‘to be silent’ ← Ind. or Kabuli Pers. IIFL iii 3, 46. — K. ċhŏpa f. Addenda: *cuppa—1: WPah.kṭg. ċup f. (obl. —a) ‘silence’, ċuppɔ ‘silent’; — A. copiba (phonet. s—) ‘to lie in wait’ AFD 331.
4865 *cuppa— 2, *cōppa— ‘oily’. [Cf. *tuppa—] Pk. cuppa— ‘oily’, coppaḍa— m. ‘ghee, oil’, coppaḍaï ‘makes greasy’, covvaḍ° (= *cobb—?), copphucca— ‘greasy’; L. cōpaṛaṇ ‘to smear with oil or butter’, copṛī ‘greasy’; P. copaṛ m. ‘grease’, cupṛāuṇā ‘to smear with oil’; Ku. copaṛ ‘oil, ghee’, cupṛo ‘oily’, gng. ċupaṛ ‘smooth’; N. tel—cupar ‘anointing with oil’, cupārnu ‘to smear with oil’; A. supi ‘oil vessel’; H. cūpaṛ, copaṛ m. ‘oil, grease, butter’, cupaṛnā, cupar° ‘to smear with oil’; G. copṛũ ‘greasy’, copaṛvũ ‘to besmear’; M. copaḍ ‘greasy’, n. ‘ghee, butter, oil’. cubuka— see cibuka—. Addenda: *cuppa—2: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) ċoppƏṛ m. ‘butter’, J. cupar m.; A. spel. cupi ‘small oil vessel’.
4866 *cubb— ‘pierce’. 2. *cōbb—. 3. *cōmb—. [For list of poss. enlargements of IE. *sqeu— see √sku] 1. A. subāiba ‘to immerse’; B. cubā ‘to plunge into’; Or. cublibā ‘to spoil water by dipping hand into pot’; H. cubuknā ‘to pierce’; M. ċubakṇẽ ‘to pierce, puncture’. 2. Ku. cobṇo ‘to dip’; N. cobnu ‘to pierce, sink in’, cobalnu ‘to immerse’; B. cobal ‘sudden bite’, cobāhā ‘a kind of waterfowl’; G. cobvũ ‘to brand’, cobɔ m. ‘puncture, drumstick’. — Si. hobanavā, ob° ‘to press, imprint’ bec. of loss of h— rather < sumbhati. 3. M. ċõ;bṇẽ ‘to stuff in’; — ċomaṇ n. ‘penis’? *CUBH ‘pierce’. [For list of poss. enlargements of IE. *sqeu— see √sku] *cubhyatē, *cumbhati.
4869 *cumbaṭa— ‘coil, round pad’. Pa. cumbaṭa— n. ‘coil, pad of cloth, pillow’, °aka— n. ‘pillow’, mālā—cumbaṭa—, °aka— n. ‘wreath’; H. cũbal, cummal m., cumlī f. ‘pad on head on which to carry burdens’, M. ċũbaḷ, °bhaḷ n.; Si. sum̆buḷuva ‘roll of cloth, esp. pad placed under a jar carried on the head, crown, garland, pillow’. Addenda: *cumbaṭa— ‘pad’. [~ Drav. DED 2204]
4874 *cul— ‘fidget, itch’. 2. *cil—. 3. *cōl— tr. 1. Pk. culuculaï ‘throbs, jumps’; Dm. čūl— ‘to creep’, čulāy— tr. ‘to move (e.g. a paw)’; Phal. čul— intr. ‘to move’; S. curaṇu intr. ‘to shake’, cur—phuri f. ‘restless- ness’; P. culculāunā ‘to fidget’; B. culculiyā ‘restless’; H. cul f. ‘itching, lust’, culculānā ‘to itch’; G. caḷ f. ‘itching’; M. ċuḷċuḷ f., °ḷā m. ‘impatience, fidgeting, itching’, ċuḷbuḷṇẽ ‘to fidget (of children)’. 2. K. ċĕl m. ‘rubbing, anger’; N. cilnu ‘to sting (of plants and animals)’, cilāunu, cilcilāunu ‘to itch,’ cilbile ‘talkative (of children)’. 3. L. colaṇ tr. ‘to agitate, move’.
4877 *culla— 2 ‘small’. [Cf. cūḍa3 ‘small’ BHS ii 232 (Pa. cūḷa—), cúṇḍati, cúṇṭati, cuṭṭáyati ‘becomes small’ Dhātup. Poss. collides with MIA. chulla— < kṣulla- (e.g. in Si.), but derivation of cūḍa3 < kṣudrá— (EWA i 394) phonet. impossible. PMWS 152 ← Mu. (see *chōṭṭa—), but H. Smith JA 1950, 196 derives from onom. *cu—cu. Belongs with culla1 to a ‘defective’ word—group (see, e.g., *bukka4) and rhymes with *bulla— < bulvá—, *kulla— < kulvá—, *bhulla—, *lulla—] Pa. Pk. culla— ‘small’; — Gy. eur. čulo ‘a little’; Si. sulu ‘small’, hul—an̆gilla ‘little finger’: less likely < kṣulla—. — MIA. cmpd. in Pk. culla—tāya— (< tātá—), M. ċultā m. ‘father's brother’. Addenda: *culla— 2 ‘small’. [Cf. also †;*cuṭṭa—]
4899 *cūha— ‘rat, mouse’. S. cūho m. ‘rat’; L. cūhā m. ‘rat’, cūhī f. ‘mouse’; P. cūhā m., °hī f. ‘rat, mouse’; N. cuhā ‘mouse’; B. cuyā ‘rat, mouse’; Or. cūā ‘mouse’; H. cūhā, cūā m., cūhī, °hiyā f. ‘rat, mouse’, G. cuvɔ m.; M. ċuhā, ċuvā m. ‘sharp—witted person’.
4900 *cūhaḍa— ‘a partic. low caste’. P. cūhṛā m. ‘a caste of sweepers’; H. cūhāṛ, cūhṛā m. ‘a scavenger caste’. *cūhaḍakarman—.
4904 *cēṭṭa— ‘defective’. [Perh. like cēṭa— ← Mu., cf. Sant. ceṇḍa ‘young’, ceṭra ‘dwarfish’ PMWS 99] Wg. čeṭe ‘stupid’, Pr. čiṭë, Paš. čaṭā. *cēḍ— ‘make angry’ see *ciḍ—.
4911 *cēlla— ‘boy’. [LM 331 ← Drav. and separate from cēṭa—: nevertheless ultimately conn. with this and *cēṭṭa—. — Cf. cēluka— m. ‘Buddhist novice’ lex.] Pa. cellaka— m. ‘a class of novice (distinct from cēṭaka—)’; Pk. cella—, °aya—, cilla— m. ‘boy’; Gy. eur. romani—čel m. ‘the Gypsies’; S. celo m. ‘disciple’, L. celṛī f. ‘female disciple’, P. celā m., °lī f.; Ku. celo ‘son, disciple’; N. celo ‘pupil, apprentice’, B. Or. Mth. celā, H. celā m. (→ K. cela m.), °lī f.; G. celɔ m., °lī f. ‘pupil’, celkɔ m. ‘boy’, °kī f. ‘girl’ (as terms of endearment); M. celā m., °lī f. ‘disciple’, cilı̄̃—pilı̄̃ n. pl. ‘brats, children’; Ko. celli, calli f. ‘girl, daughter’. CĒṢṬ ‘be active’: cḗṣṭati, cēṣṭā—. Addenda: *cēlla— [Cf. Ir. in Shgh. ċƏl—dūr ‘younger’] Ku. celo m. ‘boy’, celī f. ‘girl’, Brj. celo m. ‘boy’, celī f. ‘girl’.
4917 *cōkka— (with ext. —ḍa—, —ra—, —la—) ‘chaff, bran’. P. cokar f. ‘bran’; Ku. cokaṛ ‘bran, husk, chaff’; N. cokar ‘bran’, cokrā ‘dregs (e.g. of rice—spirit)’; B. cokaṛ, cokal ‘bran’, coklā ‘rind, bran’; Bi. cokar, cõ;k°, cokrā, cõ;k° ‘bran, husks’; H. cokaṛ, cokar, cõ;k° m. ‘bran’.
4921 *cōṅga— ‘section of bamboo’? Bshk. čõdotdot;k ‘small wooden vessel’; N. cũgā ‘a bamboo vessel for holding liquids’; A. soṅgā, suṅā ‘joint of bamboo, bamboo tube’; B. coṅg ‘pipe, tube’, coṅgā ‘blowpipe for blowing fire’, cuṅgī ‘bamboo tube used as vessel’; Or. coṅgā, cuṅgā, °gī ‘pipe, tube, cup’; Bi. Mth. cõ;gā, °gī ‘pipe of smith's bellows’; H. cõ;gā m. ‘joint of bamboo, bamboo tube’, °gī f. ‘pipe, tube’; — M. ċõ;gā m. ‘stick used as a measure of two handbreadths’? *cōñca— ‘beak’ see cañcu—. *cōṭa— ‘beak’ see cōṇṭa—. cōṭáyati see cuṭáti. *cōṭṭ— ‘cut, strike’ see cuṭáti. *cōṭṭa— 1 ‘protuberance’ see cū́ḍa1.
4922 *cōṭṭa— 2 ‘thief’. [PMWS 135 with cōrá1 ← Drav. Tam. coṭṭu—, cuṟṟu— ‘to steal’] L. P. coṭā m. ‘thief’; WPah. bhal. ċɔṭṭ m. ‘rogue’, n. ‘despicable rogue’; N. coṭṭo ‘thief’, Or. coṭhā; Aw. lakh. coṭā ‘petty thief’, H. coṭṭā m.; G. coṭṭũ ‘thievish’. Addenda: *cōṭṭa—2: WPah.poet. ċɔṭue f. ‘vagabond girl, faithless girl’; Brj. coṭṭo m. ‘thief’. *cōṭṭa— 1 see cū́ḍa1 Add2.
4924 *cōḍa— 2, cōla2 m. ‘name of a people on the Coromandel coast’ MBh. Aś. coḍā m. pl. ‘name of a people’; Si. heḷa ‘Ceylon’, eḷuva ‘the ancient Sinhalese language’ H. Smith JA 1950, 212 < *coḷiya— (EGS 31 < siṁhala—). cōḍa— 3 ‘protuberance’ see cū́ḍa1.
4925 *cōṇṭa— ‘beak’. 2. cōṭa—. 3. *ṭōñca—. 4. *ṭōcca—. [For list of similar forms see tuṇḍa— and cañcu—] 1. K. cõ̂ṭu m. ‘chin’ (← Ind.); S. cõ;ṭa f. ‘beak’ (← Centre?), B. cõ;ṭ; Si. soṭa, ho° ‘beak, snout, mouth’ (LM 332, EGS 195 < cañcu—). 2. Paš. čōṛı̄́ ‘beak’. 3. M. ṭõ;ċ, ṭoċ f. 4. G. ṭoci f. *cōṇḍa— ‘protuberance’ see cū́ḍa1. *cōtth— ‘tear’ see cuṭáti.
4951 *chaka— ‘dung’. [~ śáka— n. AV. — śákr̥t—] Pk. chaga— n. ‘dung’. *chakana—, *chakara—.
4952 *chakana— n. ‘dung’, chagaṇa— m. (n. lex.) ‘dried cowdung’ Pañcad. [~ *śakana—. — *chaka—] Pa. chakana—, °kaṇa— n. ‘animal dung’; Pk. chagaṇa- n., °ṇiyā— f. ‘cowdung’; S. cheṇu, °ṇo m. ‘cow or buffalo dung’; — G. chāṇ n. ‘cow or buffalo dung’, chāṇũ n. ‘cowdung cake’ or < *chākana—; M. śeṇ n. ‘cowdung’ or < śakana—. *chākana—; *chakanapānīya—, *chakanākara—.
4955 *chakara— ‘dung’. [~ *śakara—2. — *chaka—] Ku. chero ‘watery stool’; N. cher ‘diarrhoea’, chernu ‘to have diarrhoea’; A. serāiba ‘bowels to be loose’, serni ‘looseness of bowels’; Or. cherā ‘watery stools’, cheribā ‘to void such’; H. chernā ‘to have bad digestion’; G. cher f. ‘watery stools, bird dung’, chervũ ‘to have diarrhoea’; — M. śer f. ‘bird dung’, śerṇẽ ‘to void dung (of birds)’ or < *śakara2. *chākara—.
4956 *chakka— 1 ‘astonished, excited’. S. chakaṇu ‘to be infatuated’, caus. chakāiṇu; N. chakka ‘amazement’, chakinu ‘to be deceived’, caus. chakāunu; H. chāknā ‘to be intoxicated’, chaknā ‘to be astonished’; G. chāk f. ‘intoxication’, chākvũ ‘to be mad’, chākaṭ ‘intoxicated’. Addenda: *chakka—1: S.kcch. chakk ‘astonished’.
4957 *chakka— 2 ‘mouthful’. S. chakāiṇu ‘to cause to eat’; P. chakk f. ‘present to bards’, chakṇā ‘to eat’; N. chāk ‘anything sufficient for one time, a meal’, chāknu ‘to drink by letting water drop into mouth’; H. chāk m. ‘ready prepared food carried by labourers’; M. sāk, °ke, °kī f. ‘palm of hand hollowed to hold water or grain &c.’ *chakkaṭa— ‘cart’ see śákaṭa—. Addenda: *chakka—2: WPah.kṭg. ċhā́k m. ‘cooked food given to servants and labourers’; J. chākkā ‘a day's labour paid for with two seers of grain and a meal’.
4961 *chagana— ‘goat’ (or *chāgana—?). [→ Mj. čan ‘new- born kid’ IIFL ii 202. — chaga—] Ash. čäṇä́, čä̃ṛä ‘kid’, Wg. čẽ, čõdotdot;, Kt. čū̃, Kho. čhani (< *chāganikā— BelvalkarVol 89); Paš. lauṛ. čhanı̄́k, weg. čaṅaṛä́ ‘male kid’. *chagara— ‘goat’ see chagalá—. Addenda: *chagana—: line 3 delete Kt. čū̃ GM 22.6.71.
4964 *chajja— ‘basket’. Pk. chajjiā— f. ‘basket or pot for flowers’; S. chaj̄u m. ‘winnowing fan’; L. chajj, (Ju.) chaj̄ m. ‘winnowing basket’ (whence chājī m. ‘winnower’), P. chajj m., WPah. bhal. chaj̈j̈ n.; H. chāj m. ‘flat winnowing basket’.
4965 *chaṭ— ‘scatter, sift’. 2. *chāṭ— [~ *chaṭṭ—, *chaṇṭ—, *chiṭ—, *chiṭṭ—, *chitr—; — *chaṭṭa—1, *chīṭṭā—, *jhiṭṭa2] 1. Pk. chaḍā— f. ‘drop, lightning’ (semant. cf. Ku. chiṭo < *chiṭṭ—); S. chaṛhaṇu ‘to husk rice in a mortar’, P. chaṛnā; WPah. pāḍ. ċhaṛaṇ ‘to sow’, cur. chaṛnā ‘to place, put’; Ku. chaṛṇo ‘to husk out’; N. charnu ‘to scatter, dust, sow’, charkanu ‘to sprinkle’; B. chaṛāna ‘to scatter’; H. chaṛnā ‘to sift’; G. chaṛvũ ‘to beat, husk rice’, chaṛɔ m. ‘a sprinkling’, chaṛakvũ ‘to sprinkle’; M. saḍṇẽ ‘to pound and husk rice’, saḍā m. ‘sprinkling of thin cowdung wash’, saḍakṇẽ ‘to pelt, agitate violently, sift’. 2. K. ċhārun ‘to scatter, let go, rummage, seek for’; S. chāṛhu m. ‘rice—pounder’; Ku. bau—chāṛ ‘wind- driven drops of rain’. *ācchaṭ—, *ucchaṭ—, *pracchaṭ—, *vicchaṭ—. Addenda: *chaṭ—: WPah.kṭg. ċhɔ́ṛnõ; ‘to pound (corn or rice)’, J. chaṛnu.
4966 *chaṭa— ‘stick, cane’. 2. *chaṭṭa— 2. 3. *chiṭṭa—. 1. S. chaṛaha f. ‘thin pole’, °hī ‘walking-stick’; L. chaṛī f. ‘rod, switch’ (→ K. chīrü f. ‘switch’); P. chaṛ f. ‘bamboo spear—shaft’, °ṛī f. ‘stick, cane’, Ku. chaṛ ‘shoot’, °ṛī ‘stick’; A. sari ‘bamboo punting pole’; B. chaṛ ‘spear- shaft’, °ṛī ‘switch, cane’; Or. chaṛa ‘spear—shaft’, °ṛī ‘switch, cane’; H. chaṛī f. ‘stick, rod, whip’ (→ Bi. chaṛī ‘thin stick’, N. chaṛi); G. chaṛ m. ‘reed, bamboo, spear- shaft’, °ṛī f. ‘switch, cane’; M. saḍ m. ‘piece of stubble, stump of sugarcane’, °ḍī f. ‘splinter, piece of stubble’. 2. P. chaṭī f. ‘stick’; B. chāṭ ‘thin stick or cane’; Or. chāṭa ‘switch’; M. sāṭ m. ‘framework of slit bamboos, lathes over rafters’ → G. sāṭɔ m. ‘framework of carriage’. 3. P. chiṭī f. ‘cane’; N. chiṭi ‘basket’; A. siṭikā ‘piece of split bamboo’; B. chiṭkani ‘thin bamboo rod’; Or. chiṭikiṇi ‘pellet—bow’; H. chiṭkanī f. ‘bolt’. Addenda: *chaṭa— [~ Drav. DED 1899 — see saṭṭa2] 1. S.kcch. chaṛī f. ‘a cane’; WPah.kṭg. ċhɔṛɔ (ɔ́?) m. ‘stick, rib’, ċhɔ́ṛi f. ‘stick, symbol like a stick carried before an idol in procession’; J. chaṛi f. ‘gold— or silver—mounted stick kept by a gatekeeper’; Garh. chaṛ ‘iron bar’. 3. *chiṭṭa—: WPah.kṭg. ċhíṭṭɔ ‘lopped bare branch’.
4968 *chaṭṭ— ‘scatter’. [See *chaṭ—] Pk. chaṭṭā— f. ‘drop (of water &c.)’; Ash. čaṭā́— ‘to throw’; Paš. čaṭ— ‘to scatter’; K. ċhaṭun ‘to shake up and down, winnow’; L. chaṭṭaṇ ‘to scatter (seed)’; P. chaṭṭṇā ‘to winnow’ (whence chaṭṇā ‘to be selected’); WPah. bhal. ċhaṭṭnū ‘to winnow grain (with winnowing basket)’; N. chaṛkanu ‘to run away’; A. sāṭ ‘splash’, sāṭi ‘a quantity of seed or liquid thrown broadcast’, saṭiyāiba ‘to scatter, sprinkle’; B. chāṭā ‘to plaster a mud wall thickly’, chaṭkāna ‘to scatter’; Or. chāṭa ‘slanting rain’; H. chaṭaknā ‘to be scattered’; G. chaṭakvũ ‘to slip off’; M. sāṭā m. ‘sprinkling of flour’, saṭakṇẽ ‘to slip off’. *apacchaṭṭ—, *pracchaṭṭ—. Addenda: *chaṭṭ—: WPah.kṭg. ċháṭṇõ; ‘to whitewash’.
4969 *chaṭṭa— 1 ‘sudden movement’. [Cf. *chaṭṭ—, *chaṭ—] K. ċhaṭh, dat. °ṭi f. ‘windstorm’; S. chaṭo m. ‘stroke of wind which causes madness’; N. chaṭāunu ‘to be mad’, chaṭāhā ‘mad’, chaṭṭai ‘quickly’, chaṭpaṭi ‘restless- ness’; A. sāṭā ‘dazzling light’; B. chaṭpaṭ ‘restlessness’; Or. chaṭapaṭa ‘restless’; H. chaṭpaṭī f. ‘restlessness’; G. chaṭel ‘running wild’. *chaṭṭa— 2 ‘thin stick’ see *chaṭa—.
4970 *chaṇṭ— ‘scatter’. [See *chaṭ—; — → Psht. ċandƏl ‘to clean by shaking’; but cf. Pahl. čandēnīdan, Bal. čandag ‘to stir, shake’, Orm. ċwan— ‘to shake out dust from clothes’ IIFL i 391] Pk. chaṁṭa— m. ‘drop’, chaṁṭaï ‘sprinkles’; K. ċhā̃ḍun ‘to rummage, seek for’; S. chaṇḍaṇu ‘to separate dirt and tares from grain by sifting, sprinkle, dust’, chaṇḍo m. ‘sprinkle’, chaṇḍko m. ‘dusting’; L. chaṇḍkaṇ ‘to shake (e.g. a carpet)’; P. chaṇḍṇā ‘to sift’; Bi. chā̃ṭab ‘to beat (clothes in washing), tread out grain’; Aw. lakh. chā̃ṭab ‘to wash’; H. chā̃ṭnā ‘to knock off, sift, select’ (→Ku. chā̃ṭṇo ‘to scatter, choose’, N. chā̃ṭnu ‘to select’); G. chā̃ṭvũ ‘to sprinkle’, chā̃ṭɔ m. ‘drop’. *pracchaṇṭ—. Addenda: *chaṇṭ—: S.kcch. chaṇḍhṇū ‘to sprinkle’.
4973 *chattra— 2 ‘young animal’. S. chaṭru m. ‘six year old camel’; L. chatar, (Ju.) chatr m.f. ‘camel up to four years old’, chattrā m. ‘ram’, °rī f. ‘ewe’; P. chattrā m. ‘ram’; — L. chatrarā m. ‘ram over one year old’; N. chatauro ‘large male lamb’, °rī ‘ewe lamb not yet parturient’.
4984 *chandati ‘binds’. 2. *chanda— 3 ‘bond’. 3. *chan- dana— ‘binding’. 1. N. chā̃dnu ‘to bind, hobble’; A. sāndiba ‘to tie’, B. chā̃dā; Or. chandibā ‘to join together’; H. chā̃dnā ‘to tie’. 2. N. B. chā̃d ‘tether’; Or. chandā ‘tie, bond’; Bi. chā̃d, chān ‘hobble for cattle’; Mth. chān ‘fetter, hobble’; H. chā̃d f. ‘tether’. 3. A. sāndni ‘loop for feet in climbing trees’; Or. chandaṇi ‘tether for cows’. *chandana— ‘binding’ see prec.
4990 *channa— 2 ‘jingle’. [Cf. chanacchaniti ‘sizzlingly’ Amar.] P. chanchan f. ‘jingling’, N. chanchan, °ni, chan- chanāunu ‘to jingle’; B. chanchan ‘sound of urinating’; Or. chanchan ‘unsteady’; H. chanchan m., chanchanānā ‘to jingle’.
4994 *chapp— ‘press, cover, hide’. 2. *chipp—. [Cf. *capp- and *cipp— and *chupp—; further chimpikā— f. ‘dyer’, Pk. chiṁpaya— m. ‘cloth—printer’] 1. K. ċhapun ‘to be hidden’; S. chapaṇu ‘to lie hid’; L. (Ju.) chapaṇ ‘to be hidden’, awāṇ. chappuṇ, P. chapṇā; Ku. chāp ‘seal, stamp’; N. chāpnu ‘to cover, impress, print’; A. sāpiba ‘to squeeze, impress, print’; B. chāpā ‘to be concealed, print’; Or. chāpibā ‘to imprint’; Mth. chapab ‘to hide oneself’, chapāeb ‘to cover’, chapā ‘impression, seal’; OAw. chapaï ‘is hidden’, chāpaï ‘impresses’; H. chāpnā ‘to print’ (→ P. chāpṇā, S. chāpaṇu), G. chāpvũ. 2. K. ċhiph, dat. °pi f. ‘hiding’; P. chipṇā ‘to be hid- den’; Ku. chipṇo ‘to vanish’, tr. ‘to hide’; N. chipnu ‘to print cloth’, chipāunu ‘to hide’; A. sipāiba ‘to pre- varicate’; OAw. chīpaï ‘is hidden’; H. chīpnā ‘to print cloth’, chipnā ‘to be hidden’, chipānā ‘to hide’; OMarw. chipāvaï ‘hides’; G. chīpvũ ‘to be quenched’, chīpɔ m. ‘calico printer’. Addenda: *chapp—. 1. WPah.poet. ċhapo m. ‘stamp, hallmark’; kṭg. ċhƏpauṇõ;, °p e uṇõ; ‘to conceal’, J. chapṇu intr. ‘to hide’.
4995 *CHAMBH ‘be firm’. [< IE. *sqembh— ~ skabhnā́ti ‘makes firm’ as in Av. fra—scimbana— ~ fra—skƏmba—] *chambhayati; *ācchabhita—, *ācchambha—, *ācchambhati.
4997 *chamma— ‘jingle, sizzle, sparkle’. [Cf. chamaccha- mita— n. ‘crackling’ MārkP.] P. chamakṇā ‘to fry’; N. chamchamnu ‘to tinkle’, chamkanu ‘to sprinkle, flash, be insolent’; B. chamcham ‘startling’; H. chamchamānā ‘to tinkle’; G. chamcham ‘jingling, simmering’, chamakvũ ‘to jingle, walk with airs’; M. samsam f. ‘harassing care’.
5002 *chala— 2 ‘splash’. 2. *chalakka—. 3. *challa—. 4. *challakka—. 1. S. chara f. ‘flood’ (or < *kṣarā—); WPah. ċhalnu ‘to churn (e.g. whey)’; N. chalchali mutnu ‘to micturate through fear’; M. saḷṇẽ ‘to boil up’. 2. P. chalaknā ‘to be spilt’; N. chalakka ‘splashingly’, chalkanu ‘to plash, fluctuate’, chachalkinu ‘to be shaken up in a bottle’; H. chalaknā ‘to be spilt’; G. chaḷkɔ m. ‘splash’. 3. K. ċhāl f. ‘jump’; L. P. chall f. ‘overflowing of water, very heavy rain’; Ku. chalār ‘wave’, N. chāl; H. chāl f. ‘spray, wave’; — Si. älla ‘waterfall, rapids’? 4. S. chalko m. ‘shower of rain’; G. chālak f. ‘wave’, chalkāvũ ‘to be spilt’. *chalakka— ‘splash’ see prec. Addenda: *chala— 2. 2. *chalakka—: WPah.kṭg. chɔ́lkƏṇõ;, chɔ́lƏkṇõ; intr. ‘to splash’ (with ch and —l— ← H. or P.). 5. †;*chāla—: WPah.kṭg. ċhā́ḷ f. (obl. — i ) ‘jump, leap’ Him.I 65 — or < *ut—śāla—, but if so, why not *śwāḷ? *chalakka— see *chala2 Add2.
5007 *chākana— ‘made of dung’, chāgaṇa— m. ‘fire of dried cowdung’ lex. [*chakana—] Pk. chāṇa— n., °ṇī— f. ‘cowdung’; L. chāṇā, (Ju.) chānā m. ‘fine pulverized manure’; P. chāṇā m. ‘cowdung’; - G. chāṇ n. ‘cow or buffalo dung’, chāṇũ n. ‘cowdung cake’ or < *chakana—.
5008 *chākara— ‘made of dung’. [*chakara—] M. sāraviṇẽ ‘to smear with cowdung’ or < *śākara—. chā́ga— m. ‘he—goat’ RV. [See chaga—] *chāgya—. chāgaṇa— see *chākana—. *chāgana— ‘goat’ see *chagana—.
5012 *chācchī ‘buttermilk’. 2. *chāśī—. [chacchikā— f. Bhpr.] 1. S. chāchī f.; Ku. chā̃c(h) ‘whey’, chā̃cṛo ‘rice and whey boiled together’; Mth. chā̃chī ‘earthen pot in which milk is curdled’; OAw. chāchī ‘whey’; H. chāc(h) f. ‘buttermilk’, Marw. chāchī f. 2. Pk. chāsī— f. ‘buttermilk’, S. chāhī f., L. chā f., P. chāh f., WPah. bhad. bhal. pāḍ. ċhāh, pan̓. cur. cam. chāh, jaun. chāś; Ku. chā̃s, chā̃ ‘whey’; H. chāh f. ‘buttermilk’. *chāṭ— ‘scatter’ see *chaṭ—. Addenda: *chācchī—: S.kcch. chāy f. ‘whey, buttermilk’; WPah.kṭg. ċhā́ f. ‘whey, curd mixed with whey’; J. chā f. ‘watery curd’; Garh. chāc ‘buttermilk’.
5013 *chāṇṭ— ‘cut’. L. chāṇḍaṇ ‘to lop’, B. chā̃ṭā, Or. chāṇṭibā, H. chā̃ṭnā (→ P. chā̃ṭṇā, N. chā̃ṭnu), OMarw. chāṭaï (= chāṁṭaï?), G. chā̃ṭvũ; — Bshk. čäṇḍ— ‘to beat’ AO xviii 230 doubts connexion.
5014 *chātti— ‘chest, breast’. S. P. chātī f., Ku. N. B. Or. Mth. chāti; H. chātī, °tiyā f. ‘chest’, °tā m. ‘broad prominent chest’; Marw. chātī, chā̃tī f. ‘chest’, G. chātī f. Addenda: *chātti—: WPah.kṭg. ċhátti f., kc. °te f. ‘chest, mind’.
5026 *chāpa— ‘young one’. [chā— m. ‘young animal’ lex. - Relationship with śāva— not clear though PMWS 67 makes both ← Mu.: very doubtful] Pa. chāpa—, °aka— m., °pī— f. ‘young of an animal’, Pk. chāva— m.; Gy. SEeur. čhavó m. ‘boy’, čhai f. ‘girl’, wel. čavō m., čai f.; K. ċhav m. ‘young of animal, young shoot of plant’; N. chāwā ‘young elephant or camel’; A. sāw, sāwā ‘young of animal or bird’; MB. chāo, B. chā, chā̃ ‘young of animal, infant child’; Or. chā, chuā ‘young of animal’; Bi. chāwā ‘young pig’, chāī ‘young sow’; H. chāwā m. ‘young of any animal, young ele- phant of 10 to 20 years’; OG. chāvaü m. ‘young man’; Si. suva ‘young of animal’. — Various ext.: — —ḍa—: Gy. SEeur. čhavri ‘young chicken’, wel. čavarī f. (pal. čmắri?); Ku. chyauṛo ‘boy’; N. chāuro ‘young of dog, cat, bear, &c.’; A. seurī ‘young female animal’; H. chāwṛā m. ‘young of animal, tiger cub’; — —nn—: Gy. pal. čṓnă m. ‘boy’, čṓni f. ‘girl’; P. chaunā m. ‘young of animal, boy, dwarf’; Ku. chauno ‘lamb, child’; A. sānā ‘young of bird or animal’; B. chānā ‘young of animal’; Bi. chaunā ‘young pig’; H. chāwnā, chaunā m. ‘young of animal, boy, son’; — —la—: A. sawāl ‘boy, son’; B. chāyāl ‘lad, brat’; — —kka—: Gy. arm. čhoki ‘daughter’ or < *chōkka—; — —ṇḍa— (cf. *lavaṇḍa—): Mth. chaũṛ ‘strong robust boy’, chaũṛā ‘boy’; — —ṭṭa—: WPah. jaun. chauṭā m., °ṭī f. ‘baby’. *chāśī— ‘buttermilk’ see *chācchī—. Addenda: *chāpa—: WPah.kṭg. (Khaś tribe) ċh e/ i f. ‘small girl, younger sister’.
5034 *chicchara— ‘quarrelsome’. [Cf. chittvará— ‘hostile’ lex.?] Ku. chicro ‘quarrelsome’; N. chicaro, chicro ‘quick- tempered’; G. chichallũ ‘troublesome’ < °charlũ.
5035 *chiṭ— ‘sudden movement, flash, splash, scatter’. 2. *chiṭṭ—. 3. *chiṇṭ—. [Cf. *chitr— and list of similar words under *chaṭ—] 1. K. chirkāwun ‘to sprinkle’, P. chiṛkaṇā; Mth. chirab ‘to be scattered’; OAw. chirakaï ‘sprinkles’; H. chiṛaknā, M. śiḍakṇẽ. 2. S. chiṭaṇu ‘to sprinkle’; P. chiṭṭ f. ‘sprinkling’; Ku. chiṭo ‘drop of water, lightning’; N. chiṭo ‘drop’, adj. ‘quick’, chiṭnu ‘to sprinkle’, chiṛko ‘spot’; A. siṭ ‘a splash’, siṭā ‘shot’, siṭikiba ‘to be scattered or sprinkled’; B. chiṭā, chiṭkā ‘to scatter, sprinkle’; Or. ch ṭā ‘drop’, chiṭāibā ‘to cause to scatter’, chiṭkibā ‘to scatter with a jerk’; Bi. chiṭab ‘to scatter seed’; Mth. chiṭi ‘whiplash’; OAw. chiṭakaï ‘is sprinkled’; H. chīṭā m. ‘splash’, chiṭaknā ‘to fly back with a spring’; M. śiṭā ‘drop of spray’, śīṭ f. ‘excrement of birds’. 3. Bi. chı̄̃ṭab ‘to scatter seed’; H. chı̄̃ṭnā ‘to scatter, sow’; M. śı̃ṭ f. ‘drop of rain’. *ucchiṭṭ—. *chiṭṭ— ‘scatter’: see prec. *chiṭṭa— ‘thin stick’ see *chaṭa—. Addenda: *chiṭ—. 2. *chiṭṭ—: A. chiṭā (phonet. s—) ‘stain, splash’. 4. †;*chēṭ—: WPah.poet. ċheṛu m.pl. used banter- ingly about small children, J. cheṛu ‘one who stirs’ rather than with Him.I 66 < *chēḍ—1, *chēḍ2. *chiṭṭ— ‘scatter’ see *chiṭ— Add2. CHID: †;*chēdu—.
5036 *chiṭṭā— ‘spotted cloth’. [Cf. *chiṭṭ—, *chaṭ—] Ku. chı̄̃ṭ ‘calico’, N. chiṭ, A. siṭ, B. chiṭ, Or. chiṭa, H. chīṭ, chı̄̃ṭ f. (→ K. chiṭh, dat. °ṭi f., S. chīṭa f., P. chīṭ, chı̄̃ṭ f.); G. chīṭ f. ‘chintz’, M. śīṭ n. *chiṇṭ— ‘scatter’ see *chiṭ—.
5040 *chitr— ‘scatter, sprinkle’. [Cf. *chiṭ— and list of words under *chaṭ—] Kho. (O'Brien) čitro g (= čhi°?) ‘leaking’; S. chiṭraṇu ‘to scatter, sprinkle’, chiṭriṛo ‘thin’; P. chitarnā ‘to be scattered, be spread’; — ext. —— (or —r— in H.): N. chitrinu ‘to be scattered’; H. chitrānā ‘to scatter’; M. śitaḍṇẽ ‘to fall in drops, sprinkle’. CHID ‘cut’: chitti—, chittvará—, chittvā́, *chidati, chidyátē, chidrá—, chinátti, *chindati, chinná—, *chilla—1, chḗttum, chēda—, chēdana—, chēdayati, chēdyatē; avachinna—, *ācchindati, ācchēda—, úcchitti—, úcchinatti, ucchinna—, ucchēdayati, *paricchindati, paricchinna—, paricchēda—, *pra- cchindati, pracchinna—, sáṁchinatti, samucchē da—.
5044 *chin— ‘sift, sprinkle (< sudden movement?)’. [Mean- ing influenced by forms s.v. √*kṣan 2?] G. chiṇvũ ‘to be sifted’; — S. chiṇkaṇu ‘to sprinkle’, P. chiṇkaṇā; N. chinkanu ‘to sift’; H. chinaknā ‘to winnow’; M. śiṇak f. ‘shooting pain’.
5049 *chir— ‘pierce’. N. chirnu ‘to pierce, bore a hole’; A. siriba ‘to tear’ or < chidrá—; M. śirṇẽ ‘to enter forcibly or suddenly’, śirakṇẽ ‘to pierce’. Addenda: *chir— ‘pierce’. 1. A. chiriba (phonet. s—) also ‘to be torn’ AFD 331. 2. *chēr—: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) ċhérnõ; ‘to obsess (of a god), to be obsessed (by a god)’ Him.I 66.
5052 *chilla— 2 ‘skin, rind’. [Perh. of similar non—Aryan origin as challi— and *chōll— and to be separated from verbs ‘to cut, peel’ s.v. *chilla1] S. chila, °lu f. ‘peel, bark, skin, shell’, chiluru m. ‘fish scale, crust of bread’; L. chill f. ‘skin, bark, rind’, awāṇ. chilluṛ ‘skin, peel’, P. chill, chillak f., chilkā m.; WPah. bhal. ċhil f. ‘bark’; N. chilko ‘crust, rind,s kin of milk’, B. Or. H. chilkā m.; H. chillaṛ m. ‘husk of gram &c.’; Marw. chīlo m. ‘bark’; G. chileṭũ n. ‘bark, peel’. Addenda: *chilla— 2 [Same as *chilla1?] WPah.kṭg. ċhílkɔ m. ‘bark (of trees)’; J. chilṇu ‘to bark, peel’.
5058 *chupp— ‘cover, hide’. 2. *chōpp—. [For list of poss. enlargements of IE. *sqeu— see √sku; but cf. *chapp- and *chipp—] 1. P. chupṇā ‘to be hidden’, H. chupnā, G. chupāvũ. 2. Ku. chopṇo ‘to conceal’; N. chopnu ‘to pounce on, cover, hide’; H. chopnā ‘to shut, fill up’; — K. ċhŏpa f. ‘silence’ prob. onom. with *cuppa1.
5062 *chēḍ— 1 ‘make wander’. 2. *chēl—. 1. S. cheṛaṇu ‘to put cattle out to graze’. 2. S. cheraṇu ‘to cause to wander’; N. chelnu ‘to dispel, hide’. *chēḍ— 2 ‘make angry’ see *ciḍ—.
5065 *ḍēhmu— ‘hornet’. S. ḍ̱ẽbhū m. ‘a kind of wasp, hornet’; L. ḍihmū̃ m. ‘wasp’, mult. ḍēmbhū m.; P. ḍehmū, °mū̃ f. ‘yellow hornet’; — Si. ḍebarā, de° ‘large hornet’.
5069 *chōka— ‘boy’. 2. *chōkka—. [Cf. *chōkara—] 1. Pk. chōia— m. ‘slave’; G. choṛī f. ‘girl’ (but cf. Pk. chōḍi— f. ‘small’). 2. Gy. arm. čoki ‘girl, daughter’ or ext. of *chāpa—.
5070 *chōkara— ‘boy’. 2. *chōkhara—. 3. *chōkkara—. [Cf. *chōka—] 1. Pk. chōyara— m. ‘boy’; N. choro ‘boy’, °ri ‘girl’, A. sorā, H. chorā m., °rī f., G. chorɔ m., °rī f., °rũ n. ‘brat’. 2. Pk. chōhara— m. ‘boy’, S. chuharu m., °hari, °hiri f., L. chohur m., °hir f., awāṇ. chòr, P. chohar, °hrā m., °hrī f., chuhur, °rā m., H. chohrā m. 3. K. chūkur m. ‘lad’, chūkürü f. ‘goodlooking girl’ (← Ind.); S. chokaru m. ‘boy’, °ri f. ‘girl’; P. chokrā m. ‘boy’, WPah. bhal. chokru, pl. °rā̃ n., B. chokrā m., chukri f., Or. chokarā m., H. chokrā (→ Mth. chokaṛā, N. chokaṛā), °rī f., G. chokrɔ m., M. sokrā m. *chōkka— ‘boy’ see *chōka—. *chōkkara—, *chōkhara— ‘boy’ see *chōkara—. Addenda: *chōkara—: WPah.kc. ċhoru m. ‘child, boy’.
5071 *chōṭṭa— ‘small’. [→ Ir. Zebaki čuṭ ‘small’ Rep1 79. Cf. Pk. chōḍi— f. ‘small’ (< *chōṭa—?): for other poss. connections in IA. see *culla2] Sh. gil. ċhŭṭŭ́ m. ‘dwarf’ (← K.?), koh. čōṭ m. ‘lie’ Morgenstierne Göteborgs Högskolas Årsskrift xli 35, 3, 37 (semant. cf. alīka— ~ N. ali ‘a little’, and similar range of meaning in ‘defective’ word—groups, e.g. *laṭṭa1); K. ċhọ̆ṭu ‘short, small’, L. choṭā, P. choṭṭā, Ku. choṭo, gng. ċhwaṭ; N. choṭo ‘small, mean’; A. soṭ ‘low—grade’, suṭā ‘deficient’; B. Or. choṭa ‘small’, Mth. choṭ, °ṭā, Aw. lakh. choṭ, H. choṭā, G. choṭũ; Si. hoṭē ‘very small (of cocoanuts &c.)’. — Kho. (Lor.) čurtu ‘tailless’, Or. choṭā ‘lame, crippled’ < *chōrta—? *ucchōṭṭa—. *chōpp— ‘cover, hide’ see *chupp—. Addenda: †;*chōṭa— ‘small’. 1. Pk. chōḍī— f. ‘small’, WPah.kc. ċhoṛe f. ‘girl’. 2. *chōṭṭa— ‘small’: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) ċhóṭṭɔ ‘small’; kṭg. ċhṓṭu ‘boy, son’, ċhṓṭi ‘girl, daughter’, J. chō'ṭī, kc. ċhoṭe f. (but these are, according to Him.I 68 of different origin from *chōṭṭa— ‘small’ as also kc. ċhoru ‘boy, son’ poss. < *chōkhara— or *chōkara—). 3. †;*cōṭa— 2 ‘small’: Pk. cōḍī— f. ‘small’; G. coṛī f. ‘girl’. 4. †;*cuṭṭa— ‘small’: A. cuṭi (phonet. suti) ‘dwarfish’. — Cf. cúṇḍati, culla—2, †;cūḍa3.
5072 *chōra— ‘orphan’. [Cf. *śō2] Gy. gr. čoró ‘poor, orphaned’, rum. čor— ‘to orphan’, wel. čō̆rō ‘poor, unfortunate’; S. choro m. ‘orphan’; L. chorā ‘orphaned’; Ku. choro ‘orphan boy’. chōrayati see churayati. Addenda: *chōra— [< *chōkhara— or *chōkara—?]
5073 *chōll— ‘to peel, skin’. [← Drav. T. Burrow BSOAS xii 141, but cf. also challi— and *chilla2] Pk. chollaï ‘skins’; Gy. SEeur. čhol—, gr. čol— ‘to peel, cut out’, arm. čhol— ‘to destroy’; Ku. cholṇo ‘to peel a fruit’, gng. ċholaṇ ‘to cut’; N. lā̃ṛo cholnu ‘to mastur- bate’; B. cholā ‘to skin’, chuli ‘skin—disease’; Or. cholā adj. ‘having rind removed’, sb. ‘gram (husked?)’; H. cholnā ‘to cut, peel, scrape’; G. cholvũ ‘to peel, skin’, chol f. ‘peel, bark’; M. solṇẽ ‘to skin’, solā m. ‘shelled pea’; — Sh. čol m. ‘skin’? Addenda: *chōll— [MIA. ext. with —ulla— of chyáti to *chaülla- > Pk. chollaï Burrow Tau vii] S.kcch. cholṇū ‘to scrape’; WPah.kṭg. ċhólṇõ; ‘to scratch, cut’.
5074 *chōhāra— ‘date palm and its fruit’. S. chuhāro m. ‘a kind of date’; P. chuhārā m. ‘date palm’; N. choharā, °horo ‘dried date’, A. sohārā, °horā, B. chohārā, Or. H. chuhārā, chuā° m. chyáti see *chidati. [√chō]
5076 *jag— ‘glitter’. [Cf. *jhakk3] P. jagjagāṭ, jagmag f. ‘glitter’, jagmagāuṇā ‘to glitter’, N. jagmag, jagmagāunu; B. jagjagā ‘dazzle’; Or. jaka ‘brilliance’, jakajaka ‘dazzle’, H. jagmag f., jagjagānā. *jagga— ‘hair’ see *jakka—.
5085 *jañjāla— ‘worry, affairs’. Kho. (Lor.) *l nǰal ‘quarrel’; P. jãjāl m. ‘disorder’ (→ S. jañjā̆lu m.); Ku. jãjāl ‘business’; N. jañjāl ‘affairs, family, children’; B. jañjāl ‘disorder, rubbish’, Or. jañjāḷa; Mth. jãjāl ‘trouble’; H. jañjāl m. ‘worries’; G. jãjāḷ m. ‘disorder’, M. j̈ãj̈āḷ m.
5089 *jaṭṭa— 2 ‘name of a tribe or people’. [Cf. jartika— m. ‘name of a people’ MBh.] Gy. as. zatt, (Firdausi) zott ‘gypsies of Arabia and Syria’; S. jaṭu m. ‘Sindhi peasant, Musulman’; L. P. jaṭṭ m., jaṭṭī f. ‘a Jāṭ’, H. jāṭ m.
5091 *jaḍati ‘joins, sets’. 2. *jāḍa— ‘joining, pair’. [← Drav. LM 333] 1. Pk. jaḍia— ‘set (of jewels), joined’; K. jarun ‘to set jewels’ (← Ind.); S. jaṛaṇu ‘to join, rivet, set’, jaṛa f. ‘rivet, boundary between two fields’; P. jaṛāuṇā ‘to have fastened or set’; A. zarāiba ‘to collect’; B. jaṛāna ‘to set jewels, wrap round, entangle’, jaṛ ‘heaped together’; Or. jaṛibā ‘to unite’; OAw. jaraï ‘sets jewels, bedecks’; H. jaṛnā ‘to join, stick in, set’ (→ N. jaṛnu ‘to set, be set’); OMarw. jaṛāū ‘inlaid’; G. jaṛvũ ‘to join, meet with, set jewels’; M. j̈aḍṇẽ ‘to join, connect, inlay, be firmly established’, j̈aṭṇẽ ‘to combine, confederate’. 2. S. jāṛo m. ‘twin’, L. P. jāṛā m.; M. j̈āḍī f. ‘a double yoke’. *jaḍḍa—, jáḍhu— ‘dull, cold’ see jaḍa—. Addenda: *jaḍati [Burrow Shwa 63 yátatē ‘places himself in the right position’ RV. with spontaneous cerebraliza- tion > *yaṭati > Pk. jaḍaï whence Sk. jaḍita- ‘studded with jewels’. According to Burrow < IE. *yéteti ‘fixes’, Toch. yā̆t— ‘to decorate’, yatwe ‘decora- tion’; see also yātyatē Add2]
5092 *jaṇṭa— ‘a kind of tree’. L. P. jaṇḍ m. ‘Prosopis spicigera’, jaṇḍī f. ‘a small variety’; H. jā̃ṭ m. ‘P. spicigera’.
5095 *jatta— ‘hair’. 2. *jatra—. 3. *jacca—. [For list of poss. connected words see jáṭā—] 1. Ḍ. ǰāt ‘hair of head’; Sh. gil. (Lor.) ǰat ‘hair of animals’; S. j̄ati f. ‘soft downy hair’; L. jatt, (Ju.) j̄at f. ‘goat's or camel's hair, sheep's wool, short hair on body’, awāṇ. jat ‘goat's hair’; WPah. bhal. j̈at f. ‘hair’. 2. Tor. ǰaṣ ‘goat's hair’ < *ǰac̣? 3. Kal. ǰäč ‘goat's hair’, Kho. zoč; Woṭ. zas ‘hair’ < *zaċ? *jatra— ‘hair’ see prec. Addenda: *jatta—, cf. jarta— ‘hairy’ Candra Uṇ.
5097 *jadas— ‘vulva’. [Cf. Av. zadah— ‘podex’] Pr. zúlu ‘vulva’. JAN ‘be born’: ja—, jána—, janana—, jananī—, janáyati, jáni—, janita—, janítra—, janitrī—, jániman—, janús—, *janti—, jantú—, *jantra—, jánman—, jánya—, janyatē, jā́—, jātá—, jāti—, *jātiya—, jā́tya—, *jānayati, jāni—, jānya—, jā́yatē, jāyā́—, jñātí—1, jñātitva—, *jñātra—; ā́jāyatē, újjāyatē, nijá—, prajana—, prájanayati, prájāta—, prájāyatē, *vijanā—, *vijanati, vijanman—, vijāta—, *vijātra—, víjāyatē. Addenda: *jadas—: delete entry (see Add. 14514). JAN: †;*jn̄a2.
5122 *japp— ‘to squeeze, press’. [Cf. *capp—] Pa. jappā— f. ‘attachment, lust’, jappati ‘longs for’ (= pajappā—, pajappati); B. jāpṭā ‘to hold tight, em- brace’; Or. jāpibā ‘to press, squeeze’, jāpaṭibā ‘to hold tight’; Si. dapa ‘sexual union’.
5124 *jabbu— ‘network muzzle’. WPah. bhiḍ. e bõ;, pl. —u n. ‘muzzle for cattle’; N. jābi ‘network muzzle’, Bi. jāb, jābā ‘id.’, jabrā ‘small grain store’ (semant. cf. vakṣaskāra— in Bi.), Mth. jābī, H. jāb m., jābī f.; — P. jhābū m. ‘muzzle for horse or ox’, chābbū m. ‘id., small basket’. JABH ‘bite’: jábhatē, jámbha—, jámbhatē. Addenda: *jabbu— see chádman— Add2.
5140 *jamm— ‘be bright’. [Cf. *jhamm3] N. jamkanu ‘to look bright’; B. H. jamak f. ‘brilliance’; B. jamakā ‘to be bright, flourish’, H. jamaknā ‘to be bright’. Addenda: *jamm—: WPah.kṭg. jamṇõ; ‘to be hot, get enraged, (of ear) experience a burning sensation’ (lw. with j—? - but cf. jhamm4), j̈Əmauṇõ; ‘to kindle’.
5232 *jījja— ‘nursery word for breast, mother, sister, relative’. [Cf. *diddā—] Paš. lauṛ. ǰīǰı̄́ ‘elder sister’, ar. ǰíǰi ‘husband's brother's wife’; S. jījā, jījī ‘affectionate term for mother, aunt, &c.’, jījali ‘do. for mother’; P. jījjā, jījā m. ‘sister's husband, child, bridegroom’, jījī f. ‘woman's breast for suckling, girl, bride’, ḍog. j̈īj̈ā m. ‘sister's husband’; N. jiju ‘great—grandfather’; Or. jeji ‘grandfather, grandmother’; H. jījī, jijjī, jijī, jijiyā f. ‘breast, elder sister, wet—nurse’, jījā m. ‘sister's husband’; G. jijī f. ‘mother’, jījī—mā f. ‘grandmother’, jījɔ m. ‘grandfather’, jījī—bā f. ‘husband's sister’; M. jijī f. ‘elder sister’.
5254 *juṅgha— ‘beard, moustache’. 2. *cuṅgha—. [Cf. *phuṅgha—. — ← Drav. cf. Kan. juṅgu ‘pubic hair’?] 1. Ku. jūṅā ‘moustache’, N. jũghā, juṅā. 2. Kal. rumb. čuṅ ‘beard’. *juṇṭa— ‘hair’ see jūṭa—. *juvāla— ‘flame’ see jvālá—. JUṢ ‘enjoy’: juṣṭá—1, júṣṭi—, jṓṣati, jṓṣṭr̥—; *ājuṣṭa—.
5269 *jēmanakāri— ‘making a meal’. [jēmana—, kāri—] Ku. jyūṇār ‘feast’, N. jiunār, OAw. jevanāra f., H. jewnār, jionār, jaunār f., jẽwnārā m.
5270 *jēmanapattra— ‘leaf used for eating off’. [jēmana—, páttra—] M. jevaṇvat n. *jōkkā—, *jōṅkā— ‘leech’ see jalūkā—.
5316 *jhakk— 1 ‘sudden movement or blast’. 2. *jhakkōl—. [Cf. Sk. jhag—iti ‘suddenly’ S. M. Katre Calcutta Oriental Journal i 100] 1. S. jhaka f. ‘storm of wind’; P. jhakk m. ‘dust- storm’, jhakk(h)aṛ m. ‘squall’, jhakṇā ‘to be passionate’; Ku. jhā̃ko ‘fit of anger, epilepsy’; N. jhāk—jhuk ‘acci- dent’; A. zãk ‘sudden fit of anger’; B. jhā̃kan ‘jerking, passionate reproof’; Or. jhā̃ka ‘fit of rage’; H. jhakkaṛ ‘sudden blast’ (→ N. jhakkaṛ ‘storm’); — L. jhakkaṇ ‘to shrink back, be afraid’; N. jhakjhakāunu ‘to jog’. 2. S. jhakora f. ‘downpour of rain’; P. jhakolṇā ‘to shake’, H. jhakolnā, jhakornā; G. jhakoḷ f. ‘rainstorm’. Addenda: *jhakk—1: Ko. j̈hāṅki ‘ribald speech’.
5317 *jhakk— 2 ‘cover’. [Cf. *jhakk1 and similar range of meaning between *jhapp—1, *jhamp1 and *jhapp—2, *jhamp2] Bi. jhaknā ‘cover of a grain pot’; M. j̈hākṇẽ ‘to cover’.
5318 *jhakk— 3 ‘flash, shine’. 2. *jhaṅk— 2. 3. *jhagg—. [Same as *jhakk1? — Cf. jhagajhagāyatē ‘flashes’ DevīP.] 1. N. jhak—jhak ‘splendour’, jhakkalo ‘showy’, jhaka—makka ‘shining’; A. zak—mak ‘brightness’, B. jhak—jhak, —mak; Or. jhaka ‘glitter’, jhak—jhak ‘bright- ness’, jhakamaki ‘flint stone’; H. jhak ‘bright’, jhak—jhak ‘splendour’; M. j̈hakṇẽ ‘to be dazzled’, j̈hak—mag f. ‘brilliance’. 2. Pk. jhaṁkaï ‘is burnt’; K. zongu m. ‘fire, esp. a great blaze’; A. zãk—zãk ‘glittering’. 3. S. jhaǥi—maǥi f. ‘brightness’; G. jhag—jhag, —mag ‘brightly’; M. j̈hag—j̈hag f. ‘brilliance’; — cf. Pk. jaga- jagaṁta— ‘shining’. Addenda: *jhakk— 3. 3. *jhagg—: Ko. j̈hagj̈hagi ‘shining, polished’. *jhakk— 5 ‘clump’ see *jhaṅk1. Add2.
5319 *jhakk— 4 ‘obstinacy’. P. jhakk m. ‘doubt’; N. jhakki ‘intolerant of in- justice’, jhakkaṛ ‘obstinate person’; H. jhakkī, °kaṛ ‘stubborn’, M. j̈hakkaḍ. *jhakk— 5 ‘clump’ see *jhaṅk1. *jhakkā— ‘froth’ see *jhaggā—.
5320 *jhakkh— ‘babble’. [Onom.?] Pk. jhakkhia— n. ‘reproach’, jhaṁkhaï ‘babbles, re- proaches’; S. jhakaṇu ‘to chatter, gabble’. jhagajhagāyatē see *jhakk3.
5321 *jhagaḍ— ‘quarrel’. 2. *jhaggaḍ—. 3. *jhaggaṭṭ—. 1. Pk. jhagaḍa— m. ‘quarrel’ (cf. jagaḍaṁta— ‘quarrel- ling’); S. jheṛo m. ‘quarrel’, L. P. jheṛā m.; L. jheṛaṇ ‘to quarrel’. 2. S. jhaǥiṛo m. ‘quarrel’, jhaǥiṛaṇu ‘to quarrel’, L. jhagṛaṇ, P. jhagṛā m., jhagaṛṇā, WPah. pan̓. jhagaṛṇā, Ku. jhagṛo, N. jhagrā—sagrā, jhagranu, B. jhagṛā, Or. jhagaṛā, H. jhagṛā m., jhagaṛnā, Marw. jhagṛo, G. jhagṛɔ, jhaghṛɔ m., jhaghaṛvũ, M. j̈hagḍā m., j̈hagaḍṇẽ. 3. M. j̈hagaṭṇẽ ‘to collide with, seize violently’. *jhaggaṭṭ—, *jhaggaḍ— ‘quarrel’ see prec. Addenda: *jhagaḍ—. 2. *jhaggaḍ—: S.kcch. jaghaṛṇū ‘to quarrel’; WPah.kc. j̈hɔgṛo m. ‘quarrel’ prob. ← H. (Him.I 77). *jhagg— ‘shine’ see *jhakk3. *jhaggaḍ— ‘quarrel’ see *jhagaḍ— Add2.
5322 *jhaggā— ‘froth, scum’. 2. *jhakkā—. 1. S. jhaǥa f. ‘froth, scum, suds’; L. jhagg, f. ‘foam’, (Ju.) jhaǥ f. ‘foam, saliva’, jhaǥaṇ ‘to churn’, jhaǥǥā m. ‘small churning stick’; P. jhagg f. ‘foam, froth, scum’; H. jhāg f. ‘froth, scum’. 2. A. zāki ‘the frothing of boiling sugar—cane juice’.
5323 *jhaṅk— 1 ‘clump, cluster’. 2. *jhaṅkh— 2. 3. *jhakk— 5. [In meaning ‘hair’ cf. *jakka—] 1. S. jhaṅgu m. ‘jungle’, L. P. jhaṅg m. ‘thicket’; N. jāṅ ‘clump’; B. jhā̃k ‘flock’; Or. jhāṅka ‘flock’, jhāṅkaṛā ‘bushy’; H. jhā̃k m. ‘flock’; M. j̈hā̃kar n. ‘thick bush’. 2. Pk. jhaṁkhara— m. ‘dry tree’; Mth. jhā̃khī, °khaṛ ‘bush’; G. jhā̃khrũ n. ‘a prickly shrub with few leaves’. 3. Phal. ǰhakuṭo ‘woman's hair’; N. jhā̃kro ‘hair allowed to grow long and left uncombed’; A. zāk ‘crowd’; M. j̈hāk f. ‘flock’. *jhaṅk— 2 ‘flash’ see *jhakk3. Addenda: *jhaṅk— 1. 2. *jhakk—5: WPah.kṭg. j̈hàkkƏṛ, j̈hàkṛɔ m. ‘shrub, bush’, J. jhākhṛ m.
5325 *jhaṅkh— 1 ‘peep’. Ku. jhā̃kṇo ‘to peep at’, N. jhā̃knu, Or. jhāṅkibā; Mth. jhā̃kī ‘act of peeping’; Bhoj. jhā̃kal ‘to peep at’, H. jhā̃khnā (→ P. jhākṇā), OMarw. jhākaï, G. jhā̃khvũ, jā̃° (also dhā̃khvũ). *jhaṅkh— 2 ‘clump’ see *jhaṅk1.
5327 *jhaṭ— ‘sudden movement’. 2. *jhaṭṭ—. 3. *jhaṇṭ—. 4. *jhiṭṭ—. [Cf. jhaṭiti ‘instantly’ Bhartr̥. Further poss. conn. *jhaṭati] 1. Pk. jhaḍitti, °ḍatti ‘suddenly’; N. jharra ‘in a flash’; B. jhaṛājhaṛ ‘very quickly’, M. j̈haḍj̈haḍ. — Ext. —kk—: N. jharko ‘anger’, jharkanu ‘to be irritable’; A. zarak ‘rustling noise’; H. jhaṛāk m. ‘swiftness’; G. jhaṛak f. ‘swoop, leap’, jhaṛākɔ m. ‘sudden smart blow’; M. j̈haḍakṇẽ ‘to start’, j̈haḍākā m. ‘smart blow’; — —pp—: S. jhaṛpa f. ‘stroke (of wind, sun or fate)’, jhaṛpaṇu ‘to strike (of wind &c.)’; H. jhaṛap f. ‘fight’, jhaṛapnā ‘to fight’; G. jhaṛap f. ‘scuffling’, jhaṛapvũ ‘to snatch’; M. j̈haḍap f. ‘swoop’, j̈haḍapṇẽ ‘to swoop upon, fan’, j̈haḍpaṇ n. ‘flap, fan, shutter, lid’. 2. Paš. ǰaṭ— ‘to strike down, crack (a nut)’; S. jhaṭu m. ‘snatch’, jhaṭaṇu ‘to snatch at’; L. jhaṭṭ f. ‘snatch’, (Ju.) jhaṭ m. ‘a moment’, adv. ‘suddenly’; P. jhaṭṭ m. ‘a moment, haste, snatch’, jhaṭṭ—paṭṭ ‘in a moment’; Ku. jhaṭ—paṭ ‘quickly’, N. jhaṭṭa, jhaṭṭa—paṭṭa, A. zaṭo- paṭokai, B. jhaṭ, jhaṭ—phaṭ, Or. jhaṭ; Bi. jaṭāhab ‘to knock fruit down by throwing a stick at it’; Mth. jhaṭā ‘quickly’, Aw. lakh. H. G. jhaṭ; M. j̈haṭṇẽ ‘to collide violently’, j̈haṭ—j̈haṭ ‘smartly’. — Ext. —kk—: S. jhaṭko m. ‘snatch, shower of rain’; P. jhaṭkā m. ‘jerk’, jhaṭakṇā ‘to jerk’, N. jhaṛko, jhaṛkanu; B. jhaṭkā ‘blast of wind’, jhaṭkāna ‘to flap’; Or. jhaṭikā ‘strong wind’; H. jhaṭkā m. ‘jerk’, jhaṭaknā ‘to jerk’, G. jhāṭkɔ m., jhāṭakvũ, M. j̈haṭkā m., j̈haṭakṇẽ. 3. Mth. jhā̃ṭab ‘to beat (ears of corn to extract the grain)’. 4. Bi. jhiṭṭī ‘whiplash’. Addenda: *jhaṭ—. 2. *jhaṭṭ—: S.kcch. jaṭṇū ‘to snatch’, jaṭko m. ‘blow’; WPah.kṭg. j̈hɔṭ ‘suddenly’. 5. †;*jhiṭ—: WPah.kc. jhiṛno ‘to pull’; J. jhiṛṇu ‘to drag, draw’; kṭg. j̈hìṛkṇõ; ‘to interrupt (sleep) suddenly’; J. jhiṛkṇu ‘to scold’; H. jhiṛaknā ‘to shake, scold’.
5328 *jhaṭati ‘falls’. 2. *jhāṭayati ‘shakes down’. [Conn. *jhaṭ—? Or, since it collides in mng. with *jharati 1, < *jhr̥ta— pp. of √*jhar?] 1. Pk. jhaḍaï ‘hastens, makes fall’; Paš. ǰaṛ— ‘to fall off’; L. jhaṛaṇ ‘to drip, ooze’, awāṇ. jhaṛuṇ ‘to fall’; P. jhaṛṇā ‘to fall off, be shaken off, be emitted (of semen)’; WPah. cur. jhaṛnū ‘to fall’, khaś. j̈haṛ—; Ku. jhaṛṇo ‘to drop down’, N. jharnu ‘to fall’ (or < *jharati 1); Or. jhaṛibā ‘to fall’, H. jhaṛnā; M. j̈haḍṇẽ ‘to be shed or cast (of leaves &c.)’. — Ext. —kk(h)—: H. jhaṛaknā, jhiṛ° ‘to shake’; Mth. jharkhāeb ‘to shake (fruit from a tree)’; - Bi. jharjharāeb. 2. Pk. jhāḍaṇa— n. ‘sweeping’; Paš. ǰāṛ— ‘to shake down’; Kho. žāḷ ‘splashing (of water)’; S. jhāṛaṇu ‘to exorcize’; L. jhāṛaṇ ‘to thresh, sweep’, awāṇ. jhāṛuṇ ‘to dust’; P. jhāṛṇā ‘to shake off, thresh, sweep’; WPah. pāḍ. jhāṛaṇ ‘to fall’; Ku. jhāṛṇo ‘to shake off, sweep’; N. jhārnu ‘to put down’ (or < *jhārayati), jhārinu ‘to be shaken off’; A. zāriba ‘to winnow, exorcize’; B. jhāṛā ‘to shake off, thresh, exorcize’, Or. jhāṛibā; Bi. jhārab ‘to beat (heads of corn to extract grain)’, Mth. jhārab ‘to sweep’; H. jhāṛnā ‘to shake off, strain’; Marw. jhāṛṇo ‘to sweep’; G. jhāṛvũ ‘to shake, sift’; M. j̈hāḍṇẽ ‘to shake, flap, sweep, exorcize’. *jhaṭṭ— ‘sudden movement’ see *jhaṭ—. Addenda: *jhaṭati. 1. WPah.J. jhaṛnu ‘to fall’; Garh. jhaṛnu ‘to drop down’. 2. *jhāṭayati: WPah.poet. j̈haṛno ‘to cut (e.g. branches off a tree)’; P. jhāṛnā ‘to trim trees’. *jhaṭṭ— ‘sudden movement’ see *jhaṭ— Add2.
5329 *jhaḍī— ‘rainstorm’. [LM 337 ← Drav. (Kan. jaḍi, jiḍi ‘fine continuous rain’: note also meaning ‘rain- storm’ under *jhaṭṭ—, *jhakk—1, *jhapp1] Pk. jhaḍī— f. ‘continuous rain’; S. jhaṛī f. ‘continued rain or wind’; L. jhaṛ m. ‘large cloud’, jhaṛī f. ‘moderate rain’; P. jhaṛ m. ‘clouds covering sky, heavy rain’, jhaṛī f. ‘continued rain’; WPah. cur. cam. jhaṛī ‘rain’; Ku. jhaṛī ‘incessant rain’; N. jhari ‘showers’; A. zari ‘continuous rain for several days’; B. jhaṛ, °ṛi ‘storm, high wind’; Or. jhaṛa, °ṛī ‘continuous wind and rain’; H. jhaṛī f. ‘showers’; Marw. G. jhaṛī f. ‘continuous heavy rain’; M. j̈haḍ, °ḍī f. ‘long continued rain’. — Cf. S. jhuṛu m. ‘heavy clouds’, °ṛī f. ‘rainy weather’. JHAṆ ‘tinkle’: jhaṅkāra—, jhaṇajhaṇāyatē, *jha- ṇatka—, jhaṇatkāra—, *jhaṇikā—, *jhāṇayati. Addenda: *jhaḍī—: WPah.poet. j̈Əṛaṇe ‘in the rainy season’; J. jhaṛ m.pl. ‘continued rain’; A. spel. jaṛi.
5333 *jhaṇikā— ‘tinkling’. [√jhaṇ] Gy. gr. čeni, wel. šenī, šanī f. ‘bracelet, necklace’, as. ǰeni ‘bracelet’. *jhaṇṭ— ‘sudden movement’ see *jhaṭ—.
5334 *jhaṇṭa— ‘hair’. 2. *jhāṭṭha—. 3. *jhiṇṭa—. [Cf. *jhuṇṭa2, and for list see jáṭā—] 1. Pk. jhaṁṭī— f. ‘small bunch of hair’; S. jhaṇḍi f. ‘first hair on a child's head’, L. P. jhaṇḍ f.; A. zãṭ ‘matted hair’; B. jhā̃ṭ ‘pubic hair’; Or. jhaṇṭi ‘little tuft of hair on head’; Mth. jhā̃ṭi ‘pubic hair’, H. jhā̃ṭ f. (→ S. jhā̃ṭa f., P. jhā̃ṭ(h) f., Ku. jhā̃ṭ f., N. jā̃ṭhā), G. jhā̃ṭũ n.; M. j̈hā̃ṭ f. ‘matted tress’, m. ‘pubic hair’; Ko. jhāṇṭi ‘lock of combed out hair’. 2. Sv. žāṭ ‘hair’; Phal. ǰhāṭ ‘goat's hair’, ǰhēeṭi ‘mane’; Sh. pales. žaṭh, jij. žäṭ ‘goat's hair’; K. zaṭh, dat. °ṭi f. ‘clotted lump of hair on head, hair combings’; P. jhāṭṭā m. ‘woman's long hair’. 3. S. jhiṇḍā m. pl. ‘short hair of an infant’, jhiṇḍūlo ‘whose hair is allowed to grow’. — See jhiṇṭikā—. Addenda: *jhaṇṭa—. 1. S.kcch. jaṇḍ m. ‘first hair on a child's head’; WPah.kṭg. j̈hàṇḍ e f.pl. ‘pubic hair’, J. jhāṇṭo f.pl.
5335 *jhapaḍ— ‘onrush’. [Cf. *jhapp1] P. jhauṛ m. ‘attack’; H. jhauṛnā ‘to attack’; — M. j̈hoḍṇẽ ‘to destroy’ with which LM 338 compares Pk. jhōḍia— m. ‘hunter’?
5336 *jhapp— 1 ‘sudden movement’. 2. *jhamp— 1. [jhampa- m. ‘jump’ Hit.] 1. S. jhapo m. ‘pounce’, jhapaṇu ‘to snatch at’; L. jhappaṇ ‘to seize’; P. jhapp ‘quickly’; WPah. khaś. j̈happ f. ‘pounce’; Ku. jhapp ‘suddenly’; N. jhappa, jhāp—jhuppa ‘all at once’; A. zapaṅ ‘sound of suddenly plunging into water’; B. jhap, jhapāṅ ‘splash’, jhap- jhap ‘quickly’; Or. jhap ‘hastily’; Mth. jhap ‘at once’; H. jhap m. ‘jerk’; G. jhap ‘suddenly’, jhapājhap f. ‘scuffle’; M. j̈hap—j̈hap ‘suddenly’. — Ext. —kk—: P. jhapakṇā ‘to wink’; WPah. bhal. j̈hapkṇū ‘to flash’; N. jhapakka ‘suddenly’; H. jhapaknā ‘to spring at’, jhapak f. ‘blast’; M. j̈hapkaṇa ‘smartly’; — —ṭṭ—: P. jhapaṭṇā ‘to pounce on’, Ku. jhapṭaṇo, N. jhapṭanu; Or. jhapaṭa ‘scampering’; Mth. jhapaṭ ‘swoop’; H. jhapaṭnā ‘to run quickly’, jhapāṭ f. ‘quickness’; G. jhāpṭũ n. ‘sharp shower of rain’, jhapaṭ f. ‘spring’, jhapeṭvũ ‘to beat’; M. j̈hapāṭṇẽ ‘to accomplish smartly’, j̈hapeṭ f. ‘swoop (of a bird)’; — —s—: Mth. jhapās, jhāpas ‘violent rainstorm’, H. jhapās f. — Cf. also L. jhabb ‘quick’; P. jhapph f. ‘swoop (of a bird)’, jhapphṇā ‘to catch’. 2. L. jhamb f. ‘rain blown by wind’, jhambaṇ ‘to card cotton’; P. jambhṇā ‘to shake, card cotton’; WPah. cam. jambhṇā ‘to dust’; A. zā̃p ‘jump’, zā̃piba ‘to jump’, B. jhā̃p, jhā̃pā, Or. jhāmpa, jhāmpibā, Mth. jhā̃p; H. jhampnā ‘to pounce on’; G. jhãpāvvũ ‘to throw head- long’; M. j̈hā̃p f. ‘stoop (of a bird)’. — Ext. —ṭṭ—: N. jhamṭanu ‘to assault’. — Cf. also M. j̈hā̃baḍṇẽ ‘to snatch’.
5337 *jhapp— 2 ‘cover’. 2. *jhamp— 2. [Cf. *jhapp1 and similar range of meaning between *jhakk1 and *jhakk2, and in *ḍhapp—] 1. N. jhāpo ‘lid’; A. zāpiba ‘to be closed’, zapāiba ‘to cover’; B. jhāpnā ‘film over the eyes’, Or. jhāpaṇā; Mth. jhapnā ‘cover of a granary’. 2. Pk. jhaṁpaï ‘covers’, jhaṁpaṇī— f. ‘eyelid’; P. jhammaṇ m. ‘cover of a cart’; N. jhā̃po ‘lid’, jhā̃pnu ‘to cover’, jhā̃pan ‘cover of a litter’; A. zā̃p ‘cover’; B. jhā̃pāna ‘to overspread’; Or. jhāmpa ‘big basket with a lid’ (see also *jhamp3); Bi. jhā̃p ‘basket-lid’; Mth. Aw. lakh. jhā̃pab ‘to cover’, H. jhā̃pnā; M. j̈hā̃pṇẽ ‘to cover’, j̈hā̃paṇ n. ‘lid’. *jhamp— 1 ‘sudden movement’ see *jhapp1. *jhamp— 2 ‘cover’ see *jhapp2.
5338 *jhamp— 3 ‘matting’. [Same as *jhamp2?] B. jhā̃p ‘mat—door’, jhā̃pi ‘small wickerwork box’; Or. jhāmpa ‘big basket with a lid’; H. jhā̃p m. ‘bamboo frame, matted shutter’; G. jhā̃pɔ m. ‘matted gate’, jhā̃pī f. ‘small bamboo casket’; M. j̈hā̃p m. ‘thatched hut’ (cf. N. jhāpro ‘little shed’ < *jhappa—ḍa—), j̈hā̃pā m. ‘matted shutter’; — P. jhāmbh f. ‘matting shelter’. jhampa— see *jhapp1.
5339 *jhamm— 1 ‘sudden movement’. Bshk. ǰamda ‘quick’; P. jhammṇā ‘to throw on the ground’, jhamājham ‘heavily (of rain)’; N. jhamma ‘quite’, jham—jham ‘in torrents (of rain)’; A. zam—zam ‘cry caused by burning’; B. jham—jham ‘pattering’; H. jham—jham ‘sound of heavy rain’. — Ext. —ṭṭ—: Ku. jhamṭaṇo ‘to pounce on’, N. jhamṭanu. Addenda: *jhamm—1: cf. OP. jhimijhimi f. ‘steady drizzle’, P. jhim—jhim f.
5340 *jhamm— 2 ‘entanglement’. S. jhamaku m. ‘entangling of branches’, jhamaṭu m. ‘grove of trees’; N. jhamelā ‘entanglement, quarrel’; H. jhamelā m. ‘wrangling’.
5341 *jhamm— 3 ‘flash’. [Same as *jhamm1? — Cf. *jamm—] P. jhamjham ‘glittering’; H. jhamjhamānā ‘to sparkle’. — Ext. —kk—: P. jhamakṇā ‘to glitter’, N. jhamkanu; Or. jhamakibā ‘to flash’; H. jhamaknā ‘to glitter’; OMarw. jhamakālīyo ‘shining’; M. j̈hamakṇẽ ‘to glitter’. Addenda: *jhamm—3: WPah.poet. j̈hɔmko m. ‘light, flash’; J. jhamākā m. ‘lightning’. — Cf. S.kcch. jabakṇū ‘to flash’, G. jhabakvũ AKŚ 45.
5342 *jhamm— 4 ‘jingle, tingle’. [Same as *jhamm3?] N. jhamjhamāunu ‘to tingle’; A. zamzamāiba ‘to cause a burning sensation’; B. jhamjham ‘jingling’; G. jhamjham ‘with a jingle, with a burning sensation’; M. j̈hamj̈ham ‘with a jingle’. — Ext. —kk—: H. jhamkā m. ‘clanging’; G. jhamak f. ‘rhyme’, jhamkār m. ‘tingling, tinkling’. *JHAR ‘flow’: jhara—, jharaṇa—1, *jharati1, jhar- jhara—2, *jhāra—1, *jhāraṇa—, *jhārayati, *jhirati1, *jhurati1, *jhr̥ta—; *abhijjharati, *avajjhara—, *ujjharati, *nijjharati, nirjhara—1, *nirjharati, *nirjhāra—, *prajjhara—, *prajjharati, — *jhaṭati. — See √*jhal1, √*kṣar, √*kṣal.
5350 *jharjhara— 3 ‘worn out’. [jharjharita— R.: ~ jarjára—. — √*jhr̥̄] N. jhā̃jar ‘emaciated’. *JHAL 1 ‘flow’: *jhalati, *jhāla—1, *jhālana—, *jhāla- yati; *avajjhālayati, *ujjhalati, *ujjhāla—, *ujjhāla- yati, *prajjhalati. — See √*jhar, √kṣar, √kṣal.
5351 *jhal— 2 ‘sudden movement’. 2. *jhall— 1. [Cf. jha- lajjhalā— f. ‘flapping of elephants' ears’ Kām.] 1. N. jhaljhali ‘repeatedly’, jhalyā̃sse ‘startled’; B. jhalak ‘flapping of waves’, jhalās ‘purblind’ (< ‘*blink- ing’?); H. jhalnā ‘to move a fan to and fro’. 2. S. jhalaṇu ‘to seize’, jhalī f. ‘large fan’; P. jhall m. ‘swing of a fan’, jhallī f. ‘cloth used for fanning in winnowing’, jhallṇā ‘to move a fan’; Or. jhalajhala ‘flapping’, jhalakibā ‘to spring up’; H. jhallā, jhālā m. ‘shower of rain’; G. jhāl f. ‘sudden leap’, jhālvũ ‘to catch hold of’; M. j̈hāl f. ‘springing forward in anger’. Addenda: *jhal— 2. 2. *jhall—1: S.kcch. jalṇū ‘to hold’. †;*JHAL 3 ‘flame, blaze’: *jhal—3, jhalā—, *jhall—2, *jhāla2.
5352 *jhal— 3 ‘flash’. 2. *jhall— 2, jhallikā— f. ‘light’ lex. [See jhalā— and *jhil—. — Cf. jhalañjhala— m. ‘lustre’ lex.] 1. Pk. jhalajhalaṁta— ‘shining’; L. jhalbal m. ‘glitter’; N. jhaljhal, jhalājhal, jhallomalla ‘bright, ablaze’; A. zaliba ‘to shine, be angry’ (or < jválati); B. jhalsā ‘scorched’; Mth. jhalamala ‘shining’; Bhoj. jhalmal ‘sparkle’; H. jhaljhalānā ‘to shine’; OMarw. jhalamalīyo ‘shining’; G. jhaḷvũ ‘to be burnt’, jhaḷjhaḷ ‘resplendently’, jhaḷelɔ, jhareḷɔ m. ‘blister caused by scorching’; M. j̈haḷṇẽ ‘to get warm in the sun (of a liquor)’, j̈haḷj̈haḷ f. ‘glitter’. — Pk. jhalahalaṁta— ‘shining’, OG. jhalahalataüṁ; M. j̈haḷāḷṇẽ ‘to shine brightly’. — Ext. —kk—: Ap. jhalakkia— ‘burnt’; L. jhalkaṇ ‘to glitter’; P. jhalkā, °ārā m. ‘flash’, jhalakṇā ‘to shine’, jhalā̃g m. ‘morning’; Ku. jhalkaṇo ‘to glitter’, N. jhalkanu; A. zalak ‘brilliant light’; B. jhalkā ‘flash’; Mth. jhalakab ‘to glitter’; Bhoj. jhalak ‘flash’; H. jhalaknā ‘to sparkle’, jhalkā m. ‘blister’; G. jhaḷakvũ ‘to shine’; M. j̈haḷakṇẽ ‘to glitter’, Ko. jhaḷkatā. 2. S. jhalkaṇu ‘to shine’; P. jhall m. ‘rage’; WPah. bhal. j̈hall f. ‘flame’; Or. jhalakibā ‘to glisten’, Aw. lakh. jhalkab ‘to shine’; H. jhallā ‘hot’, jhallānā ‘to burn’, jhālnā ‘to make hot, polish’; G. jhallāvũ ‘to be scorched’, jhalakvũ ‘to shine’; M. j̈halāḷ f. ‘gleam’.
5355 *jhalla— ‘bush’. [Cf. jhāṭa—] Ash. Kt. zul ‘jungle’; Paš. dar. ǰal ‘tree’, nir. ǰāl, ar. ǰōl, kuṛ. zal, chil. zol, Gmb. ǰalā; Kal. Əhal ‘jungle’; Kho. žal ‘grove, copse (of trees)’; Sh. ǰēl m. ‘forest’; L. jhall m. ‘jungle’; P. jhall m. ‘reed—bed, thicket’; WPah. bhad. bhiḍ. j̈hall n. ‘bush’, bhal. j̈h e ll n., rudh. j̈hall ‘thicket’; N. jhāl ‘collection of vines or other plants’; H. jhalār m. ‘brushwood’; M. j̈hāl f. ‘pendulous flowering and fruitage of a tree’. Addenda: *jhalla— ‘bush’: WPah.kṭg. j̈hàll, kc. j̈hāl m. ‘bush’; J. jhāll m.pl. ‘thorny shrubs’; poet. j̈hɔlṭu m. ‘bush’.
5357 *jhallā— ‘lock of hair’. [Cf. jhallarī1. — For list of similar words for ‘hair’ see jáṭā—] M. j̈hāl f. ‘tassel of hair’.
5360 *jhas— ‘sudden movement’. 2. *jhass—. 1. Pk. jhasia— ‘thrown up’; Ku. jhasjhas ‘startling’. - Ext. —kk—: Ku. jhasak ‘fright’; N. jhasko ‘sprain in a muscle’, jhaskanu ‘to be startled’. 2. P. jhassṇā ‘to rub’; N. jhās—jhus ‘chaff’; Or. jhāsibā ‘to attack suddenly’. *jhass— ‘sudden movement’ see prec.
5361 *jhāñjha— ‘tinkling’. [Cf. jhañjhā—?] S. jhā̃jhu m. ‘cymbal’; P. jhā̃j m. ‘sound of a musical instrument’; N. B. jhā̃jh ‘cymbal’, Or. jhāñjha; OAw. jhāṁjha f. ‘cymbal’, lakh. jhā̃jh ‘anklet’; H. G. jhā̃jh f. ‘cymbal’, M. j̈hā̃j̈ f.
5364 *jhāta— ‘burnt’. [Cf. kṣātí— f. ‘burning’ RV. - √*jhai] Pk. jhāya— ‘burnt to ashes’; Si. dāya ‘destruction’ (not with Geiger EGS 74 < *jhaya— ~ kṣayá—).
5365 *jhāna— ‘burnt’. [~ *kṣāṇa—: cf. Pk. vijjhāṇa— ‘ex- tinguished’. — √*jhai] Pa. jhāna— n. ‘conflagration’; L. poṭh. jhāṇī m. ‘cremation ground’ or more prob. < *jhāyana—. *jhāpayati ‘causes to burn’ see *jhāyati.
5366 *jhāma— 1 ‘burnt’. 2. jhāmaka— n. ‘vitrified brick’ lex. [~ kṣāmá—. — √*jhai] 1. Pa. jhāma— ‘burning’; Pk. jhāma— ‘burning, dark- coloured’; Phal. ǰhām ‘itching’; A. zā̃u ‘vitrified brick’; Or. jhā̃ ‘burnt, over—roasted, calcined’; Mth. jhām ‘vitrified brick’. 2. S. jhā̃õ; m. ‘a kind of brick or pumice—stone for rubbing dirt off soles of feet’, P. jhā̃vā̃, jhāmā̃ m.; MB. jhā̃oe inst. ‘pumice—stone’, B. jhāmā; Or. jhāmā ‘vitrified brick’, Bi. jhā̃wā̃, Mth. jhāmā, Bhoj. jhāwā̃, H. jhā̃wā, jhāmā m. (whence jhãwānā ‘to clean the feet with pumice—stone’); Si. dam̆bu ‘burning, on fire’. - Deriv.: Pk. jhāmaï tr. ‘burns’; G. jhāmvũ ‘to dip a hot piece of stone in water’; — Pk. jhāmia— ‘burnt, blackened’; P. jhāı̄̃ f. ‘freckle’; B. jhā̃i ‘calcined rice’; Or. jhāı̃ ‘excessive heat, summer’; H. jhāı̄̃ f. ‘dusky colour’; — prob. also P. jhāı̄̃ f. ‘shadow’, G. jhā̃y f. *jhāmala—1; *jhāmarūpa—; *ardhajjhāma—. Addenda: *jhāma— 1. 1. WPah.kṭg. j̈hawɔ m. ‘flash of lightning’, J. jhā̃wã m. ‘light’. 2. A. jhā̃o (phonet. zão) ‘vitrified brick’, Brj. jhā̃wo, jhāmo m.
5367 *jhāma— 2 ‘dim—sighted’. [Cf. *jhāma1 in P. jhāı̄̃ f. ‘shadow’?] S. jhā̃ı̄̃ f. ‘dimness of sight’. *jhāmala2. *jhāmara— ‘a disease’ see *jhāmala2.
5374 *jhāra— 2 ‘collection’. S. jhāri f. ‘flock of birds’; G. jhārũ n. ‘troop’.
5377 *jhārikā— ‘water—pot’. S. jhārī f. ‘metal vessel with long neck’, N. jhāri; A. zāri ‘drinking vessel with spout’, B. Or. Bi. jhāri, H. jhārī f. (→ Mth. jhāṛī), G. jhārī f., M. j̈hārī f.
5384 *jhikk— ‘bend, jerk’. 2. *jhiṅk—. [Cf. √*jhukk] 1. Tor. žigal— ‘to pull’; S. jhikaṇu ‘to bend, be crooked’, jhiku m. ‘a dint, inclination’, jhiko ‘crooked’; Ku. jhikṇo intr. ‘to delay’, jhikoṇo tr.; N. jhiknu ‘to pull in, take out or off’, jhikro ‘splinter’; A. zikār ‘sudden start’; Or. jhikibā ‘to pull with a jerk’; Bi. jhīkā ‘handful of grain poured into a mill’; G. jhikvũ ‘to dash to the ground’, jhīkɔ m. ‘dust of bricks’. 2. B. jhı̃kā ‘jerk’, Or. jhiṅkibā ‘to pull with a jerk’; Bi. jhı̄̃k, °kā ‘handful of grain poured into a mill’; G. jhı̃kvũ ‘to dash to the ground’; M. jhı̃kṇẽ, jhik° ‘to catch (a ball &c.)’. Addenda: *jhikk—: WPah.kṭg. jhìkṇõ; intr. ‘to swing, sway, tilt’. †;*jhiṭ— ‘sudden movement’ see *jhaṭ—.
5385 *jhiṅga— ‘prawn’. [Cf. ciṅgaṭa—, gāṅgaṭa—, kar- kaṭa1] P. jhiṅgā m. ‘shrimp, prawn’; N. jhiṅo ‘small fly’, jhiṅe mācho ‘shrimp, prawn’; Aw. lakh. H. jhı̄̃gā m. ‘shrimp, prawn’, M. jhı̃gā m. — Deriv. S. jhiṅgaṇu ‘(of flies) to alight on and spoil food’. *jhiṅgura—; *jhiṅgarūpa—.
5387 *jhiṅgura— ‘cockroach’. [Cf. jhiñjhī—, jhijjhī— f. ‘cricket’ lex.—*jhiṅga—] Pk. jhiṁgira—, °aḍa— m. ‘a small insect’; P. jhiṅgur m. ‘cricket’; N. jhiṅur ‘cockroach’; Mth. jhı̃gur ‘cricket’; Bhoj. jhiṅgur ‘grasshopper’; H. jhı̃gur m. ‘cricket’. *jhiṭṭ— ‘sudden movement’ see *jhaṭ—. *jhiṭṭa— ‘bush’ see jhāṭa—. *jhiṇṭa— ‘hair’ see *jhaṇṭa—.
5391 *jhil— ‘flash’. [Cf. *jhal3] Sh. (Lor.) ǰil boiki ‘to rise (of sun)’; Or. jhiljhil ‘flashing’; Si. dilihenavā, dilenavā ‘to glitter’. — Ext. —kk—: N. jhilik ‘flash’; A. zilikiba ‘to sparkle’; B. jhillikā ‘lustre’. — S. jhirmiri f. ‘starshine’; P. jhilmilāuṇā ‘to sparkle’; N. jhilimili ‘glitter’, A. zilmilāiba; Or. jhilimili ‘vivid light’; H. jhilmil m. ‘sparkling’; M. jhiḷmiḷ ‘dazzlingly’; — S. jhirmira f. ‘venetian blind’; P. jhilmilī f. ‘shutter’, N. jhilmil, B. jhilimili, jhilmil, Or. jhilimili, H. jhilmil m.; M. jhiḷmiḷī f. ‘hangings’.
5392 *jhilla— 1 ‘swamp, lake’. [Cf. *hilla2] Pk. jhillaï ‘bathes’, jhillī— f. ‘wave’; N. B. jhil ‘lake, pool’; Or. jhila ‘lake, pool, swamp’; Bi. jhīl ‘low marshy land’; Mth. jhīl ‘lake, marsh’, H. jhīl f. (→ P. jhīl f.); G. jhīl f. ‘deep reservoir of water’; M. jhīl f. ‘rill’, m. ‘swampiness’. Addenda: *jhilla—2: G. jhīl f. ‘a kind of plant’. †;*jhīvara— see dhīvara—.
5393 *jhilla— 2 ‘a partic. kind of plant’. Pk. jhillī— f. ‘a partic. wild plant’; S. jhilu f. ‘an edible water—plant, a small wild shrub from which tooth cleaners are made’.
5399 *jhukkati ‘stoops, breaks’. 2. *jhuṅkati. [Cf. Shgh. ǰuk— ‘to beat’, Par. ǰukḗw— ‘to shake’ IIFL i 261. - √*jhukk] 1. S. jhukaṇu ‘to stoop’, L. jhukaṇ, P. jhukṇā; WPah. bhal. j̈ukṇū ‘to crush or break stone’; Ku. jhukṇo ‘to bow’; N. jhuknu ‘to bend forward’, jhukkinu ‘to be misled’; H. jhuknā ‘to bend’ intr., G. jhukvũ, M. j̈hukṇẽ; — S. jhokaṇu ‘to push faggots on to the fire’; N. jhok ‘a net hung up to hold clothes’. 2. N. jhuṅgi ‘carrying something by holding it on both sides’; B. jhũkā ‘to stoop’; Or. jhuṅkibā ‘to stoop, stagger’. — Bhoj. jhõ;k ‘gust of wind’? *jhuṅkati ‘stoops’ see prec. *jhuṭṭa— ‘knot of hair’ see *jhuṇṭa2. Addenda: *jhukkati. 3. †;*jhōkkati tr.: S. jhokaṇu ‘to push faggots on the fire’, P. jhokṇā ‘id., thrust forward’; WPah.kṭg. j̈hòkṇõ; ‘to throw down or away’ Him.I 78, J. jhokṇu ‘to throw fuel on fire’; — kṭg. j̈hòkṭi f. ‘firewood’, J. jhokkū m. ‘fuel’, N. jhok ‘net hung up to hold clothes’, cf. Sh. jŭk m. ‘wood’, WPah.kṭg. (kc.) j̈húkhṛɔ m. ‘wood’, kṭg. j̈hv́khṛi f. ‘firewood’, J. jhukhrī f.
5401 *jhuṇṭa— 2 ‘tangle, knot of hair, protuberance’. 2. *jhōṇṭa—. 3. *jhuṭṭa—. 4. *jhūṭa— 2. 5. *jhōṭṭa—. [Cf. jūṭa— and cū́ḍa1: for list of poss. connected words see jáṭā—] 1. WPah. bhal. j̈huṇṭṛī f. ‘woman's queue of hair’; B. jhũṭ ‘chignon, bird's crest, protuberance on back of ox or camel’, Or. jhuṇṭi; H. jhũṭiyā f. ‘lock of hair on crown of head’. 2. A. zõ;ṭ ‘entanglement’, zõ;ṭiba ‘to entangle’; Mth. jhõ;ṭī ‘queue of hair’; Bhoj. jhõ;ṭā ‘tuft of hair’; M. j̈hõ;ṭ f. ‘knot of hanging hair’. 3. S. jhuṭu m. ‘top knot’. 4. S. jhūṛo m. ‘knot of hair’, L. jhūṛā m.; G. jhuṛɔ m. ‘bunch of false hair for making up a woman's hair’, jhū̆ṛī f. ‘bunch, bundle’. 5. S. jhoṭo m. ‘tuft of hair on crown’.
5402 *jhuṇḍra— ‘crowd’. 2. *jhutta—. [Cf. *jhuppa2] 1. S. jhuṇḍru m. ‘band of fakirs’; P. jhuṇḍ m. ‘flock, troop’; Ku. jhuṇḍi, N. jhuṇḍa; Bi. jhuṇḍ, jhū̃ṛ ‘flock of sheep or goats’; Bhoj. jhũṛi ‘crowd’; H. jhuṇḍ m. ‘flock, troop’, G. jhuṇḍ n., M. j̈huṇḍ f. 2. N. jhut, jhutti ‘crowd’, jhutto ‘bundle of 4 or 6 maize cobs’, jhuttinu ‘to get entangled’; B. jhutta ‘crowd’. *jhutta— ‘crowd’ see prec.
5403 *jhuppa— 1 ‘hut’. 2. *jhumpa—. 3. *jhōppa—. 4. *jhōmpa—. 1. S. jhūpiṛo m., °ṛī f. ‘hut’; L. jhupṛī f. ‘hut of grass and branches’; N. jhupro ‘hut’, A. zupuri, B. jhupṛi, Or. jhupuṛi, G. jhupṛũ n. 2. Pk. jhuṁpaḍā— f. ‘hut’; L. jhub m. ‘hut of sticks or mud’; G. jhũpṛũ n., °ṛī f. ‘hut’. 3. Ku. jhopṛī f. ‘hut’, N. jhopro, °ri, B. jhopṛā, H. jhopṛā m., °ṛī f. 4. Bi. jhõ;pṛī ‘shed on threshing floor’; Mth. H. jhõ;pṛā m., °ṛī f. ‘hut’, G. jhõ;pṛũ n., M. j̈hõ;pā m., j̈hõ;pḍī f., j̈hõ;pḍẽ n. — L. jhômpṛā m., P. jhaumpṛā m. < MIA. *jhaüṁpa—.
5404 *jhuppa— 2 ‘crowd, cluster’. 2. *jhubba—. 3. *jhumma—. [Cf. *jhuṇḍra—] 1. Ku. jhupuro ‘cluster’, N. jhuppo; A. zupurā ‘low and bushy’; H. jhūpā m. ‘collection, heap’. 2. S. jhūbāṭaṇu ‘to crush’; P. jhubkā m. ‘pendent earring’. 3. S. jhumu m. ‘thicket’; N. jhumma ‘huddled together’, jhumminu intr. ‘to crowd together’; A. zum ‘herd’; G. jhum n. ‘group’. — Ext. —kk—: S. jhumaku m. ‘cluster’, jhūmaku m. ‘a kind of ear ornament’; P. jhumkā m. ‘pendent earring’; N. jhumko, jham° ‘cluster’; B. jhumkā ‘earring with pendants’, Or. jhumukā; H. jhumkā ‘cluster’, G. jhumkhũ n., °khɔ m., M. j̈humkā m.; — with —ṭṭ—: S. jhumaṭu m. ‘thicket’, jhumṭo m. ‘grove of trees’; Ku. jhumuṭo ‘flock, swarm’;—with —r—: P. jhumar m. ‘crowd’. *jhubba— ‘crowd’ see prec. *jhumpa— ‘hut’ see *jhuppa1. *jhumma— ‘crowd’ see *jhuppa2. Addenda: *jhuppa— 2. 2. jhubba—: OP jhubbaṇu intr. ‘to crowd together’. 3. *jhumma—: WPah.kṭg. jhùmkɔ m. ‘cluster’.
5406 *jhulyati ‘swings’. [Cf. Par. ǰūlē ‘shaking’, Pers. ǰūlīdan ‘to be scattered’. — √*jhul] Pk. jhullaï ‘swings’; Phal. ǰül— ‘to be lying down’, ǰhuli ‘on, to’ NOPhal 37; K. zŏl f. ‘brief drowsiness’; S. jhūlaṇu ‘to swing, nod’; L. awāṇ. jhuluṇ ‘to blow’; P. jhullṇā ‘to swing’; WPah. bhad. zhulṇu ‘to sleep’, bhal. j̈hullṇū, śeu. j̈hulnū; Ku. jhulṇo ‘to swing’; N. jhulnu ‘to nod, sleep’; A. zuliba ‘to be suspended’; B. jhulā ‘to swing, hang’, Or. jhulibā; Bhoj. jhūlā ‘woman's skirt’; OAw. jhulāvaï ‘causes to swing’; H. jhūlnā ‘to swing’, Marw. jhūlṇo; G. jhulvũ ‘to swing, hang, saunter’, M. j̈hulṇẽ. — Ext. —kk—: S. jhulko m. ‘blast of wind’; P. jhulkaṇā ‘to hang down, go’; N. jhulkanu ‘to rise (of sun)’; M. j̈hulakṇẽ ‘to wave gently’. *jhūṭa— 1 ‘bush’ see jhuṇṭa1. *jhūṭa— 2 ‘hair’ see *jhuṇṭa2. Addenda: *jhulyati: WPah.kṭg. j̈hùlṇõ; intr. ‘to swing’, J. jhulṇu, kṭg. caus. j̈Əlh e\ uṇõ;, poet. j̈Əlharo m., °re f. ‘act of waving, scintillating’, intr. j̈Əlharno; kṭg. (kc.) j̈hùllɔ m. ‘rope—bridge’, j̈hùllƏṇ m. ‘washing—line’.
5407 *jhūṭṭha— ‘false’. [→ Par. ǰuṭ ‘concealed’, ǰuṭī ‘theft’ IIFL i 263] Pk. jhuṭṭha—, juṭṭha— ‘false’; Paš. ǰuṭı̄́ ‘lascivious woman’; S. jūṭhu m. ‘lie’, juṭhi f. ‘abusing’; P. jhūṭh f. ‘lie’, jhūṭhā ‘false’; Ku. jhūṭo ‘liar’; N. jhuṭ ‘lie’, jhuṭho, °ṭo ‘false’, B. jhũṭha; Or. jhuṭha, °ṭa ‘false’, °ṭā ‘liar’; Mth. Bhoj. jhūṭh ‘lying, false’, H. jhūṭhā; Marw. jhūṭh f. ‘lie’, jhūṭho ‘false’, G. juṭhũ; M. j̈huṭ f. ‘lie’, j̈huṭā ‘false’. Addenda: *jhūṭṭha—: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) j̈hv́ṭṭhɔ ‘false, untrue’; J. jhuṭṭh m. ‘untruth’.
5412 *jhūśa— ‘hair’. [Cf. *jhūṭa— and kḗśa—: for list of poss. connected words see jáṭā—] Paš. kuṛ. ǰuš m. ‘hair’; Ku. jhūs ‘beard of barley’; N. jhus ‘fine hair, hairs on a plant or caterpillar, shavings’. *JHR̥̄ ‘waste away’. [equivalence of many of the forms below with those grouped under √jr̥̄ 1 suggests that √*jhr̥̄ derives from √jr̥̄ 1 with jh— from √*jhi ~ √kṣi 2] *jharaṇa—2, *jharati2, *jharjhara—, *jhirati2, *jhīrṇa—, jhīryati, *jhurati2, *jhūra—, *jhūrati, *jhūrṇa—, *jhūryatē; *nirjhara—2, *nirjhūra—; — √jr̥̄ 1.
5413 *jhēlati ‘undergoes’. N. jhelnu ‘to undergo, suffer’, H. jhelnā, OMarw. jhelaï. — H. jhelnā ‘to take’, M. jhelṇẽ ‘to catch’ (< *jhēll—)? *JHAI ‘burn’: *jhāta—, *jhāna—, *jhāpayati, *jhāma—1, jhāmaka—, *jhāmala—1, *jhāyati, *jhāyana—, *jhāla—2; *avajjhāyati, *vijjhāpayati, *vijjhāyati. — See √kṣai.
5414 *jhōṭati ‘cuts, beats’. [Cf. chōṭayati ‘cuts, splits’ Dhātup.] Pk. jhōḍaï ‘makes leaves fall off a tree’; N. jhornu ‘to beat for game’; B. jhoṛā ‘to cut, lop’; OAw. jhoraï ‘beats, shakes’; H. jhoṛnā, jhor° ‘to beat’, M. j̈hoḍṇẽ. *jhōṭṭa— 1 ‘bush’ see jhuṇṭa1. *jhōṭṭa— 2 ‘knot of hair’ see *jhuṇṭa2. jhōḍa— see jhuṇṭa1. *jhōṇṭa— ‘knot of hair’ see *jhuṇṭa2. *jhōppa—, jhōmpa— ‘hut’ see *jhuppa1. Addenda: *jhōṭati: A. juriba (phonet. z—) ‘to clear forest’ AFD 219 (3 sg. jure), 331 (st. jor—).
5415 *jhōla— 1 ‘bag’. 2. *jhōlla—. [jhaulikā— f. ‘small bag’ Dhūrtas. — Perh. conn. √*jhul, cf. parallel formation of N. jholuṅgo ‘swinging cradle’ and A. zoloṅgā ‘beggar's bag’] 1. Pk. jhōliā— f. ‘bag’; L. jhoḷī f. ‘skirt used as a bag, lap’; P. jholā m., °lī f. ‘bag’, Ku. jholo, °lī; N. jholi ‘small wallet’; A. zuli ‘bag, scrotum’; B. jholi, jhuli ‘bag’; Bi. jholā, °lī ‘feeding bag for cattle’; Mth. jhorī ‘bag’, Bhoj. jhōrā, H. jholī f., G. jhoḷī f., jhorṇɔ m., °ṇī f.; M. j̈hoḷī f. ‘mendicant's bag’. 2. Pk. jholliā— f. ‘bag’; S. jhola f. ‘skirt used to hold anything in’, jholī f. ‘fakir's bag, nest of eggs, brood of young birds’. Addenda: *jhōla— 1. 1. WPah.J. jhoḷā m. ‘wallet’. 2. *jhōlla—: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) j̈hòllɔ m. ‘bag’. *jhōlla— ‘bag’ see *jhōla1 Add2.
5416 *jhōla— 2 ‘juice’. Sh. (Lor.) ǰūli f. ‘soup’, Ku. jhol; N. jhol ‘juice, soup’; A. zol ‘soup’, B. jhol, Or. jhoḷa, Mth. jhor, H. jhol m.
5417 *jhōlayati ‘causes to swing’. [√*jhul] P. jholṇā ‘to stir buttermilk’; N. jholinu intr. ‘to dangle, get loose’; H. jholnā ‘to cause to swing, to fan’; G. jhoḷvũ ‘to shake’; M. jhoḷṇā m. ‘sling for lifting animals’. *jhōlla— ‘bag’ see *jhōla1. jhaulikā— see *jhōla1.
5418 *ṭaüna— ‘deaf’. WPah. bhad. ṭauṇo ‘deaf’, bhal. ṭaõ;ṇo, khaś. ṭaoṇā, N. ṭaunu; — Ku. ṭolo with l from kālo ‘dumb’ (< kalya2). Addenda: *ṭaüna—: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) ṭɔṇɔ ‘deaf’, J. ṭōnwṇā.
5420 *ṭakk— 1 ‘remain, stop’. 2. *ṭikk—. 3. *ṭēkk— usu. tr. [Cf. *ḍakk—3, *ṭhēkk—] 1. Sh. (Lor.) ṭak boiki ‘to be hampered, be stuck’; P. ṭakk m. ‘settlement of price’; N. ṭakka aṛinu ‘to come to a dead stop’; G. ṭakvũ ‘to stop’; M. ṭākṇẽ ‘to leave’. 2. Kho. (Lor.) tika ‘support, cushion behind the back’; S. ṭikaṇu ‘to remain, be firm’; L. ṭikkaṇ ‘to stay’; P. ṭikṇā ‘to stay’, ṭikkṇā ‘to appoint’; N. ṭiknu ‘to remain, last’; A. ṭikiba ‘to last, be of service’; B. ṭikā ‘to remain’; Or. ṭikibā ‘to last, be effective’; H. ṭiknā ‘to stop, remain’; M. ṭikṇẽ ‘to stay’. 3. P. ṭekṇā ‘to prop’, ṭekaṇ m. ‘prop, bundle of wood’; Ku. ṭekṇo ‘to prop’, ṭeko ‘prop, obstacle’; N. ṭeknu ‘to set up’, ṭek ‘obstinacy’, ṭekan ‘prop’; A. ṭek ‘middle part of a dam’; B. ṭẽkā ‘to remain’; Or. ṭekibā ‘to lift up’; OAw. ṭekaï ‘puts, stops’, ṭeka f. ‘prop’; H. ṭeknā ‘to prop’; G. ṭekvũ, ṭek m.f. ‘support’; M. ṭekṇẽ tr. and intr. ‘to rest’. Addenda: *ṭakk— 1. 2. *ṭikk—: WPah.J. ṭikṇu ‘to stop’. 3. *ṭēkk—: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) ṭekṇõ; ‘to stop, stay, stand, support, endure, place’; J. ṭekṇu ‘to support’.
5421 *ṭakk— 2 ‘cut, break’. [Cf. ṭakkara—] Ash. ṭakä ‘broken’; Sh. (Lor.) ṭak thoiki ‘to break, open (e.g. a pomegranate)’; K. ṭakun ‘to gnaw, crunch’; L. ṭakkaṇ ‘to cut, mark by notching’, ṭakk m. ‘cut’, ṭākā m. ‘vaccinator’; P. ṭakkṇā ‘to cut, strike’, ṭakk m. ‘gash, cutting in a field of grain’, ḍog. ṭakka m. ‘bite’. *ṭakka— 1 ‘a coin’ see ṭaṅka1.
5422 *ṭakka— 2 ‘bald’. 2. *ṭhakka—. 1. B. ṭāk ‘bald patch’, ṭākuyā, ṭek° ‘bald’, Or. ṭākarā; M. ṭakkal n. ‘bald spot’, ṭakalyā ‘bald’, ṭakurẽ n., °korī f., ṭakulẽ n., °lī f. ‘slang term for head, esp. fore part’;- B. ṭākrā ‘palate’ semant. cf. tā́lu—. 2. Or. ṭhākerā ‘bald’.
5423 *ṭakka— 3 ‘hill’. 2. *ṭaṅga— 4. 3. *ṭikka— 2. 4. *ṭiṅga—. 5. *ṭēkka—. 6. *ṭēṅga—. 7. *ṭuṅka—. 8. *ṭuṅga— 1. 9. *ḍakka— 3. 10. *ḍagga— 1. 11. *ḍaṅga— 3. 12. *ḍuṅga—. 13. *ḍōṅga— 2. 14. tuṅga—. 15. *thuṅga—. 16. *daṅga—. [Cf. ṭaṅka4 m. ‘peak, crag’ MBh., tuṅga— (see below) ‘lofty’, m. ‘mountain’ MBh., and *ṭappa3 with further list. Variety of form indicates non—Aryan and perh. (with PMWS 149) Mu. origin. - Further poss. connexion with *ḍhōkka2 ‘rock’ and large group of words for ‘lump’ s.v. *ḍhikka1] 1. Ext. —r—: S. ṭakuru m. ‘mountain’, ṭakirī f. ‘hillock’, ṭākara f. ‘low hill’, ṭākirū m. ‘mountaineer’; N. ṭākuro, °ri ‘hill top’. 2. Or. ṭāṅgī ‘hill, stony country’. — Ext. —r—: Or. ṭāṅgara ‘rocky hilly land’. 3. Ext. —r—: Or. ṭikara ‘high land, sandbank’, ṭikarā, ṭīkirā ‘anthill’. 4. A. ṭiṅ ‘mountain peak’, ṭiṅnā ‘elevated piece of land’, ṭiṅāli ‘very high’. — Ext. —l— in *uṭṭiṅgala—. 5. M. ṭek m.n., ṭekā̆ḍ n., ṭekḍī, ṭẽk° f. ‘hillock’. — Ext. —r—: P. ṭekrā m., °rī f. ‘rock, hill’; H. ṭekar, °krā m. ‘heap, hillock’; G. ṭekrɔ m., °rī f. ‘mountain, hillock’. 6. K. ṭē̃g m. ‘hillock, mound’. 7. G. ṭũk ‘peak’. 8. M. ṭũg n. ‘mound, lump’. — Ext. —r—: Or. ṭuṅguri ‘hillock’; M. ṭũgar n. ‘bump, mound’ (see *uṭṭungara—); — —l—: M. ṭũgaḷ, °gūḷ n. 9. K. ḍȧki f. ‘hill, rising ground’. — Ext. —r—: K. ḍakürü f. ‘hill on a road’. 10. Ext. —r—: Pk. ḍaggara— m. ‘upper terrace of a house’; M. ḍagar f. ‘little hill, slope’. 11. Ku. ḍā̃g, ḍā̃k ‘stony land’; B. ḍāṅ ‘heap’, ḍāṅgā ‘hill, dry upland’; H. ḍā̃g f. ‘mountain—ridge’; M. ḍā̃g m.n., ḍā̃gaṇ, °gāṇ, ḍãgāṇ n. ‘hill—tract’. — Ext. —r—: N. ḍaṅgur ‘heap’. 12. M. ḍũg m. ‘hill, pile’, °gā m. ‘eminence’, °gī f. ‘heap’. — Ext. —r—: Pk. ḍuṁgara— m. ‘mountain’; Ku. ḍũgar, ḍũgrī; N. ḍuṅgar ‘heap’; Or. ḍuṅguri ‘hillock’, H. ḍū̃gar m., G. ḍũgar m., ḍũgrī f. 13. S. ḍ̱ū̃garu m. ‘hill’, H. M. ḍõ;gar m. 14. Pa. tuṅga— ‘high’; Pk. tuṁga— ‘high’, tuṁgī̆ya— m. ‘mountain’; K. tŏng, tọ̆ngu m. ‘peak’, P. tuṅg f.; A. tuṅg ‘importance’; Si. tun̆gu ‘lofty, mountain’. — Cf. uttuṅga— ‘lofty’ MBh. 15. K. thọ̆ngu m. ‘peak’. 16. H. dā̃g f. ‘hill, precipice’, dā̃gī ‘belonging to hill country’. Addenda: *ṭakka— 3. 12. *ḍuṅga—: S.kcch. ḍūṅghar m. ‘hillock’.
5430 *ṭaṅka— 6 ‘artificial pond’. Pk. ṭaṁka— m. ‘ditch, reservoir, shore’; H. ṭā̃kh m. ‘underground reservoir of water’; G. ṭā̃kũ n. ‘reservoir’, °kī f. ‘cistern, small well’; M. ṭā̃kẽ, ṭākẽ n. ‘hole dug in rock as a boundary mark, reservoir, cistern’. ṭaṅka—7, ṭaṅkaṇa— 1 ‘borax’ see ṭaṅgaṇa1. ṭaṅkaṇa— 2 ‘a tribe’ see *ṭāṅkana—.
5433 *ṭaṅkati 2 ‘chisels’. [ṭaṅka2] Pa. ṭaṅkita—mañca— ‘a stone (i.e. chiselled) platform’; G. ṭā̃kvũ ‘to chisel’, M. ṭā̃kṇẽ.
5436 *ṭaṅg— ‘hang up’. [Cf. √taṁs and similar relationship between √daṁś and *ḍaṅk—] S. ṭaṅgaṇu ‘to hang up’; L. ṭaṅgaṇ, ṭaṅgṇā m. ‘clothes line’; P. ṭaṅgṇā ‘to hang up’, Ku. ṭāṅṇo, ṭā̃kṇo; N. ṭāṅnu ‘to hang up, spread out’ (cf. Pk. ṭaṁkia— ‘spread out’); B. ṭāṅgā ‘to hang up’, Or. ṭāṅgibā; Bi. ṭãgnā, °nī ‘stick or rope for hanging clothes on’; Mth. ṭā̃gab ‘to hang up’, H. ṭā̃gnā, G. ṭā̃gvũ, M. ṭā̃gṇẽ. ṭaṅga— 1 ‘a weight’ see ṭaṅka1. ṭaṅga— 2 ‘sword, spade’ see ṭaṅka2. ṭaṅga— 3 ‘leg’ see ṭaṅka3. *ṭaṅga— 4 ‘hill’ see *ṭakka3. ṭaṅga— 5 ‘borax’ see next.
5438 *ṭaṭṭ— ‘pain, smart’. N. ṭāṭo ‘scar’, ṭaṭṭinu ‘to be exposed to hunger or sunshine’, ṭaṭṭāunu ‘to smart (of a sore)’; B. ṭāṭāna ‘to pain, be dried up’; H. ṭaṭānā ‘to pain’.
5439 *ṭaṭṭa— ‘defective’. 2. *taṭṭa—2. [See list s.v. *ṭuṇṭa2] 1. N. ṭaṭaro ‘obstinate fool’. 2. Gaw. taṭára ‘lean’. Addenda: *ṭaṭṭa—: WPah.poet. ṭaṭo ‘dumb, stupid’, J. ṭāṭā; kṭg. ṭɔṭṭɔ ‘stammering’.
5440 *ṭaṭṭu— or *taṭṭu— ‘pony’. [Onom.?] Sh. pales. ṭaṭū́ ‘horse’; K. ṭoṭu m. ‘pony’, S. ṭaṭū̃ m., L. ṭaṭṭū m., P. ṭaṭṭū m., Ku. ṭaṭṭu, N. ṭaṭu, B. ṭāṭu, Or. taṭu, Aw. lakh. ṭaṭuā, H. ṭaṭṭū m., G. ṭaṭṭu, ṭaṭu m., ṭaṭvũ n., °vāṇī f., M. taṭṭū, taṭū m., taṭāṇī f.
5441 *ṭaḍḍha— ‘distant’. Ku. ṭāṛ, N. ṭāṛho, ṭāṛo. — But H. tārī f. ‘distance’ < *tāra— or *tāḍa—?. Addenda: *ṭaḍḍha—: Garh. ṭāḍā ‘distant’, Ku. ṭāṛo, taṛā.
5442 *ṭaṇṭa— ‘dispute’. N. ṭaṇṭā ‘dispute, bother’; H. ṭaṇṭā m. ‘wrangling’, G. ṭaṇṭɔ m.
5443 *ṭan— ‘be tight’. 2. *ṭān— ‘tighten’. 3. *ṭhān—. [Re- lationship with √tan (tanṓti, *tānayati) is obscure] 1. N. ṭanna ‘tense, swollen’, ṭanṭani ‘securely’, ṭankanu ‘to become tense’; B. ṭanṭanāna ‘to be tense, throb’, ṭankāna ‘to stiffen’; M. ṭaṇṭaṇṇẽ ‘to be strained very tightly’, ṭaṇkā, ‘strong, healthy’. 2. S. ṭāṇaṇu ‘to pull tight’; Ku. ṭāṇi—ṭāṇi ‘tightness, painful feeling’; A. ṭāniba ‘to pull tight’; B. ṭānā ‘to tighten’, ṭān ‘spasm’; Or. ṭāṇibā ‘to pull tight’, ṭāṇi ‘warp’; H. ṭānnā ‘to pull tight’, M. ṭāṇṇẽ. 3. Mth. ṭhānab ‘to drag’.
5444 *ṭapp— ‘drip, drop’. 2. *ṭipp—2. 3. *ṭēpp—. 4. *ṭupp—. 5. *ṭōpp—. 6. *ṭhipp—. 7. *tapp—. [Onom., cf. tḗpatē ‘sprinkles’, stḗpatē ‘drips’ Dhātup.] 1. B. ṭap ‘sound of dropping’, ṭapāna ‘to drop, trickle, distil’, ṭapkāna ‘to fall in drops’; Or. ṭapakibā ‘to drip, ooze’; Aw. ṭapa—ṭapa ‘patter of drops’; H. ṭapaknā ‘to drip’, ṭabhak m. ‘sound of dripping’; G. ṭapkũ n. ‘drop’; M. ṭapkā m. ‘falling drop’. 2. Pk. ṭippī— f. ‘spot on forehead’; S. ṭipo m. ‘dot placed over letters’; WPah. jaun. ṭīpū ‘drop; B. ṭipā ‘to drip’; Or. ṭip—ṭip ‘dripping’; H. ṭipkā m. ‘drop’, G. ṭīpũ n.; M. ṭīp n. ‘drop, tear’, ṭipṇẽ ‘to drip’, ṭipakṇẽ intr. ‘to drop’, ṭipkā m. ‘drop’. 3. S. ṭepo m. ‘drop’. 4. B. ṭupā ‘to drip’. 5. B. ṭopāna ‘to distil’; Or. ṭopā ‘raindrop’, ṭopi ‘small spot on forehead’. 6. M. ṭhipakṇẽ, ṭhibakṇẽ ‘to drip’. 7. Ku. taptapāṇo ‘to drip, fall in drops’; N. tap—tap ‘sound of dripping or throbbing’, tapkanu ‘to drop, drip, trickle’, tapkeni ‘shady place overhung by trees (i.e. dripped on)’ < *tapkyāni; H. tapaknā ‘to throb’; M. tapakṇẽ ‘to drip’. *ṭappa— 1 ‘network’ see *tarpa1. Addenda: *ṭapp—. 2. *ṭipp—2: S.kcch. ṭipakṇū ‘to drip’; WPah.kṭg. ippɔ m. ‘drop’, J. ṭipā m.
5445 *ṭappa— 2 ‘tap, blow’. 2. *trappa—. 1. K. ṭaph, dat. °pas m. ‘blow, kick’, ṭāph, dat. °pi f. ‘slap’; S. ṭapuṛa f. ‘tapping’; Ku. ṭāp ‘step’; N. ṭāp ‘horse's hoof’; A. ṭāb ‘horse's hoofprint’; B. ṭāpar ‘slight stroke’; Or. ṭāpu ‘horse's hoof’, ṭāparā—ṭāpuri ‘poking at each other’; H. ṭāp f. ‘sound of a horse's hoof, hoof’; G. ṭaplɔ m. ‘slap’, ṭapārvũ ‘to beat’; M. ṭāp f. ‘kick from a horse’, ṭāparṇẽ ‘to hammer’, ṭaplā m. ‘smack’. 2. S. ṭrapura f. ‘tapping’. Addenda: *ṭappa— 2 ‘blow’. 3. †;*ṭippa— 3 (same as *ṭipp1 ‘pinch’?): WPah.kiũth. ṭipṇa ‘to beat’, ṭipuṇa ‘to fight’ (refl.) or by metath. of piṭṭayati (Him.I 81).
5446 *ṭappa— 3 ‘hill’. 2. *ṭippa—2. 3. *ṭēppa—2. 4. *ṭibba—. 5. *ṭimba—. 6. *ṭēmba—. 7. *ṭumba—2. [Cf. *ḍippa- and parallel variations s.v. *ṭakka3] 1. M. ṭāp—ṭep m. pl. ‘mounds, hillocks’. 2. Ku. ṭīpo, ṭippo ‘ridge, peak’. — Ext. —r—: S. ṭipiri f. ‘crown of head’; Ku. ṭipīr ‘ridge, peak’; N. ṭipri ‘hilltop’. 3. M. ṭep m.n. ‘mound’. — Ext. —r—: M. ṭepar n. ‘mound’; — —l—: Ku. ṭepulo ‘mound, ridge’. 4. L. P. ṭibbā m. ‘mound, sandbank, hill’; Ku. ṭibbā, ṭibaṛī ‘ridge, peak’; H. ṭibbā m. ‘hill’, ṭībā m. ‘hill, sandbank’. 5. WPah. jaun. ṭı̄̃bā ‘hill’; G. ṭı̄̃bɔ m. ‘sandbank, hill’. — Ext. —r— in *uṭṭimbara—. 6. A. ṭemekā, ṭemunā ‘small protuberance’; G. ṭẽbɔ m. ‘large heap’; M. ṭẽb, ṭẽbh, ṭẽbā, ṭẽbhā m. ‘hill, summit’. 7. A. ṭummi ‘high bank’. — Ext. —r—: M. ṭũbar n. ‘mound, bump, wart’ (see *uṭṭumbara—). *ṬAR ‘move aside’: *ṭarati, *ṭārayati; *uṭṭārayati; — √ṭal 1. Addenda: *ṭappa— 3. 2. *ṭippa—2: S.kcch. ṭippar f. ‘head’. 4. ṭibba—: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) ibbɔ m. ‘hill’, kṭg. ibṛi f. ‘small hill’.
5447 *ṭarati ‘moves aside’. 2. Caus. *ṭārayati. [~ ṭálati, ṭālayati. — √*ṭar] 1. Ku. ṭarakṇo ‘to withdraw, shun’; N. ṭarnu ‘to pass by’; Or. ṭarakibā ‘to steal away from a place’. 2. N. ṭārnu ‘to spurn, neglect, evade’.
5448 *ṭarara— ‘astringent’. N. ṭarro ‘sour, astringent’; H. ṭarrā ‘harsh’. ṬAL 1 ‘move aside’: ṭálati, ṭālayati; *uṭṭālayati; — √*ṭar.
5449 *ṭal— 2 ‘glitter, tinkle’. Pk. ṭalaṭalaï ‘tinkles’; S. ṭalī f., ṭaliāro m. ‘bell hung round neck of cattle’, L. ṭalī f.; N. ṭal—ṭal ‘glitter’, ṭalkanu ‘to shine’; A. ṭal—ṭal ‘clear’, ṭalak ‘winking’, ṭal—bal ‘glistening’; M. ṭaḷ—ṭaḷ ‘lustrously’.
5451 *ṭalla— 1 ‘heap’. 2. *ṭilla—. 1. S. ṭalo m. ‘raft of timbers’; N. ṭāl ‘pile of wood’; Bi. ṭāl ‘pile of cowdung’; H. ṭāl f. ‘pile of wood &c.’. 2. L. ṭillā m. ‘hillock’; P. ṭillā m. ‘hillock, mound, heap of grass or timber (used as a raft), raft’; H. ṭīlā m. ‘hillock, mound’.
5452 *ṭalla— 2 ‘piece of cloth’. K. ḍoḍ. ṭalla ‘clothes’; N. ṭālo ‘piece of cloth, patch’. Addenda: *ṭalla—2: WPah.poet. ṭalo ‘piece of cloth, cloth’, kṭg. ṭalli f. ‘patch on cloth’, J. ṭāllī f. ‘bit of cloth’. ṭālayati see ṭálati Add2. †;ṬIK ‘to go’: †;ṭikyatē. *ṭikk— ‘stop’ see *ṭakk1 Add2.
5453 *ṭahall— ‘walk up and down’. [Connexion with trákhati (ND 241 b 19) unlikely] K. ṭahal f. ‘service’, ṭaholu m. ‘servant, esp. groom’, ṭahȧli m. ‘servant, groom, cowherd’; S. ṭahalaṇu ‘to go for a walk or drive’, ṭahala f. ‘walk, service’, ṭahaluo m. ‘servant’; L. ṭehl f. ‘service’; P. ṭahilṇā ‘to promenade’, ṭahil f. ‘service’, ṭahiliā, °luā m. ‘servant’; Ku. ṭailaṇo ‘to walk about’, ṭahal ‘service’; N. ṭahalnu ‘to roam’, ṭahal ‘service’, ṭahaluwā ‘servant’; A. ṭahaliba ‘to walk up and down’; B. ṭahalā ‘id.’, ṭahaliyā ‘going from house to house’; Or. ṭahalibā ‘to walk about’, ṭahala ‘walking about’, ṭahaliyā ‘servant’, Mth. ṭahalū; Bhoj. ṭahal ‘work’; H. ṭahalnā, ṭaharnā ‘to take a walk, die’, ṭahal f. ‘work’, ṭahlū m. ‘servant’; G. e h e lvũ, e ‘to go from house to house begging’, e h e l f. ‘so going’, e h e liyā m. ‘one who so goes’; M. ṭahalṇẽ, ṭehal°, ṭehel° tr. and intr. ‘to walk about’. — H. ṭaghalnā, ṭagharnā ‘to walk about’?
5454 *ṭāṅkana— ‘a kind of horse’. [Cf. ṭaṅkaṇa2, ṭaṅgaṇa2 m. ‘name of a people living northwest of Madhyadeśa’ R., Pk. ṭaṁkaṇa— m. ‘a non—Aryan tribe’] K. ṭā̃gun m. ‘a species of hill pony’, N. ṭā̃gan, ṭāṅan, B. ṭaṅkan; M. ṭā̃kaṇ, ṭāk° m. ‘a species of small horse’; — other forms with g ← NW. or Himalayan source: A. ṭāṅnā ‘a smart horse’; B. ṭāṅgan ‘a species of pony’, Or. ṭāṅgaṇa; H. ṭā̃gan m. ‘hill pony’; G. ṭā̃gaṇ n. ‘a species of pony’.
5455 *ṭāḍa— ‘level piece of ground’. N. ṭār ‘level piece of ground above a stream’, ṭāri ‘unirrigated rice—field’; Bi. ṭāṛ, ṭā̃ṛ ‘stretch of raised infertile soil’; M. ṭāḷī f. ‘open terrace’. *ṭāṇṭa—, *ṭāṇṭha— ‘stalk’ see *ḍaṇṭha—. *ṭān— ‘tighten’ see *ṭan—.
5456 *ṭāppuka— ‘island’. K. ṭôpu m., S. L. ṭāpū m., P. ṭāppū m., N. B. Or. ṭāpu, H. G. M. ṭāpū m., M. ṭāpū̃ n. *ṭāyara— ‘poor horse’ see next.
5458 *ṭikka— 1 ‘mark, spot’. [ṭikkikā— f. ‘white mark on fore- head of a horse’ VarBr̥S. — Connexion, if any, with tílaka— and *ṭillaka— is obscure] Pk. ṭikka— n. ‘caste—mark’, ṭikkida— ‘marked with one’; Ḍ. ṭīk e m. pl. ‘spot’, Sh. ṭīku̯ m.; K. ṭyoku m. ‘caste—mark’; S. ṭiko m. ‘mark, stain, caste—mark’, ṭika f. ‘stone in a ring’, L. ṭikk f.; L. P. ṭikkā m. ‘mark’; WPah. bhad. ṭikku n. ‘caste—mark’, Ku. ṭīko m., N. ṭikā; B. Or. ṭikā ‘mark’, Bi. ṭīk, Mth. ṭīkā, ṭikulī; H. ṭīkā m. ‘caste—mark’, Marw. ṭīko m.; G. ṭīkɔ m. ‘mark’; M. ṭikā m. ‘spot’, ṭikẽ, ṭhikẽ n. ‘mole, freckle’; OSi. ṭik ‘mark’, Si. tik ‘spot, mark, freckle’. *ṭikka— 2 ‘hill’ see *ṭakka3. Addenda: *ṭikka—1: S.kcch. ṭiko m. ‘mark on forehead’; WPah.kṭg. ikkɔ m. ‘caste—mark (round mark applied to forehead of women esp. when married), eldest son of a rājā’, J. ṭīkā m. ‘heir apparent of a chief’, P. ṭikkā m. ‘caste—mark, oldest son of a king’.
5459 *ṭikka— 3 ‘cake’. S. ṭikī f. ‘cake’; L. ṭikkī f. ‘food’; P. ṭikkī f. ‘small cake’; N. ṭikiyā ‘cake of powdered charcoal’, A. ṭikirā, B. ṭikā, °ke, Or. ṭikiā; H. ṭikiyā f. ‘id.’, ṭikkaṛ m. ‘thick cake of bread’; G. ṭīkī f. ‘cake’, ṭikkaṛ m. ‘thick small cake’; M. ṭiklī f. ‘cake’. ṭikkikā— see *ṭikka1.
5460 *ṭiṅkara— ‘stick’. [See list s.v. *ḍakka2] L. ṭiṅgrī f. ‘bough’; N. ṭiṅgar ‘contemptuous term for a tall and thin man’; M. ṭikorā ‘large—sized’, ṭikorṇẽ n. ‘stick’. *ṭiṅga— ‘hill’ see *ṭakka3. Addenda: *ṭiṅkara— ‘stick’. [Ext. of a *ṭiṅka— ~ *ḍakka2] 2. †;*ṭiṅkaṭa—: WPah.kṭg. iṅgṛɔ m. ‘top branch’ (rather than with Him.I 81 < *ṭiṅkara—).
5462 *ṭiṇṭa— ‘defective’. [See list s.v. *ṭuṇṭa2] L. awāṇ. ṭı̃ṇḍ ‘bald—head’.
5464 *ṭipp— 1 ‘squeeze, nip’. [Poss. same as *ṭippati] K. ṭĕpun ‘to fill a receptacle forcibly’; S. ṭipaṇu ‘to squeeze’; Ku. ṭipṇo ‘to pluck’, N. ṭipnu; A. ṭipiba ‘to squeeze, pinch’; B. ṭipā ‘to pinch’, Or. ṭipibā; H. ṭīpnā ‘to squeeze, press’; G. ṭīpvũ ‘to pick up one by one’, M. ṭipṇẽ. *ṭipp— 2 ‘drip’ see *ṭapp—. *ṭippa— 1 ‘note’ see *ṭippati. *ṭippa— 2 ‘hill’ see *ṭappa3. ṭippaṇa— see *ṭippati. Addenda: *ṭipp— 1 ‘pinch’ (see *ṭappa—2, †;*ṭippa3): WPah.kṭg. ipṇõ; ‘to pinch’, kc. ipṇo ‘to pick up’. *ṭipp— 2 ‘drip’ see *ṭapp— Add2. *ṭippa— 1 ‘note’ see *ṭippati Add2. *ṭippa— 2 ‘hill’ see ṭappa3 Add2. †;*ṭippa— 3 ‘flow’ see *ṭappa2 Add2.
5465 *ṭippati ‘notes’. 2. *ṭippa— 1 ‘note’. 3. ṭippaṇa—, °aka- n., °ṇī— f. ‘commentary, gloss’ BHSk. [Poss. same as *ṭipp1 ‘nip, notch’? — BHSk. ṭippiṭaka— < *ṭippita—? — See *ṭēv—.] 1. G. ṭipvũ ‘to note down’, M. ṭipṇẽ. 2. Ku. ṭīp m., ṭīp—ṭāp ‘bond, document’; M. ṭīp f. ‘list, note’. 3. Pk. ṭippaṇaya— n. ‘commentary’; S. ṭipiṇo m. ‘almanac’; Or. ṭipaṇā ‘note, notch, fingermark’; Bi. ṭīpan ‘horoscope of boy and girl for marriage’; G. ṭipṇũ n. ‘almanac’, ṭipṇī f. ‘memorandum’; M. ṭipaṇ n. ‘note’. *ṭibba—, *ṭimba— ‘hill’ see *ṭappa3. *ṭimbaru— ‘a tree’ see tumburu—. *ṭilla— ‘heap, mound’ see *ṭalla1. *ṭillaka— ‘mark’ see tila2. ṭīṭibha— see ṭiṭṭibha—. Addenda: *ṭippati. 2. G. ṭīp f. ‘list, note, document’. 3. ṭippaṇa—: S.kcch. ṭipṇo m. ‘almanac’. ṭippaṇa— see *ṭippati Add2. *ṭibba— ‘hill’ see *ṭappa3 Add2.
5466 *ṭukk— ‘cut, break’. 2. *ṭukka— ‘piece’. [Poss. < *trukk—, but connexion with √truṭ (as pp. with MIA. —kk— replacing —ita—) very doubtful] 1. Ash. trikā— ‘to tear’, Kt. tr̥k—; Wg. (Lumsden) "troka—ún" ‘to tear’, "trúká—ún" ‘to gather’; Paš. ṭug—, ṭuk— ‘to peck, bite’; K. trukun, ṭukun ‘to crunch’; S. ṭukaṇu ‘to cut, gnaw’; L. ṭukkaṇ ‘to cut’, P. ṭukkṇā; WPah. jaun. ṭūkṇõmacr; ‘to bite’; N. ṭākun—ṭukun ‘cutting up’; A. ṭukiba ‘to bite bit by bit’; Or. ṭukibā ‘to eat small particles by picking them up’. 2. K. truku m. ‘sound of crunching’, ṭukh (dat. °kas) m. ‘piece’; S. ṭuku m. ‘cut, hole’; L. ṭukkā m. ‘cut in a canal’; P. ṭukk m. ‘cut, piece’, ṭuk ‘little’; Ku. ṭūk ‘twig, shoot’; N. ṭuk ‘piece’; B. ṭuk ‘particle denoting a small quantity’; Bi. Mth. ṭūk ‘piece’; Bhoj. ṭūk ‘piece of cloth’; OAw. ṭūka—ṭūka m. pl. ‘small pieces’, ṭuka adv. ‘for a while’; H. ṭūk m. ‘small piece’, ṭuk adj. and adv. ‘a little’; G. ṭũk, °kũ ‘small, brief’. — Ext. ——: P. ṭukkaṛ m. ‘thick piece of bread’, ṭukṛā m. ‘piece’ Ku. ṭukuṛo m. ‘piece’, ṭukaṛi f. ‘scrap, bread’; N. ṭukro ‘piece, splinter’ (whence ṭukryāunu ‘to break in pieces’); H. ṭukaṛ, ṭukṛā m. ‘piece’, G. ṭukṛɔ m., M. tukḍā, ṭu° m.; — with —r—: Paš. ṭƏkur— ‘to seize with the teeth’ (?); K. ṭukara m. ‘piece’, S. ṭukaru, ṭukiro m.; L. ṭukkur (pl. °kar) m. ‘piece of bread’; A. ṭukurā ‘small piece’, B. ṭukrā, Or. ṭukurā, Bi. ṭukrī ‘quarter of a cake’; — —ll—: Ku. ṭukulo ‘shoot, twig’; Or. ṭukulī ‘girl’. Connexion with N. tukuni, ṭu° ‘small liquid measure’, M. tukṇẽ ‘to weigh’, tūk n. ‘weighing’ is very doubtful. Addenda: *ṭukk—. 1. WPah.kṭg. (kc.) ṭvkṇõ; ‘to bite, eat’, J. ṭukṇā. 2. *ṭukka—: WPah.kṭg. ṭvkṛɔ m. ‘piece, morsel’.
5467 *ṭugga— ‘defective’. 2. *ṭuṅga—2. 3. *ṭōṅga—2. [~ *ṭhugga—: see list s.v. *ṭuṇṭa2] 1. Mth. ṭūgar ‘orphaned of one parent’. 2. Bi. (North of Ganges) ṭũgnī ‘cutting ears of corn without stalks’, (SMunger) ṭũgnā ‘ear of wheat’ (but see śuṅga—); H. ṭũgā m. ‘docked tail’. 3. M. ṭõ;g ‘wilful’ ṭõ;gaḷ ‘thick and rude’. *ṭuṅka—, *ṭuṅga— 1 ‘hill’ see *ṭakka3. *ṭuṅga— 2 ‘defective’ see *ṭugga—. *ṭuṅga— 3 ‘navel’ see tundi—. *ṭuḍḍa— ‘defective’ see *ṭuṇṭa2. *ṭuṇṭa— 1 ‘mouth’ see tuṇḍa—.
5468 *ṭuṇṭa— 2 ‘defective’. 2. *ṭōṭṭa—2. 3. *ṭōṇta—2. 4. *ṭuḍḍa—. 5. *ṭuṇḍa—2. 6. *ṭunna—. 7. *tōṭṭa—2. [Cf. ṭuṇṭuka—, ṭōṭa— ‘small’ ← Mu. PMWS 150. — Other variants: *ṭaṭṭa— (*taṭṭa2, *ṭugga— (*ṭuṅga2, *ṭōṅga2), *ṭulla—, *ṭhugga— (*ṭhuṅga—), *ṭhuṭṭha— (*ṭhuṇṭha—, *ṭhōṭṭha—, *ṭhōṇṭha—), *ṭhōbba— (*ṭhōmba—), *ṭhōssa—, *ḍōkka—2, *ḍuṇṭa— (*ḍuḍḍa2, *ḍuṇḍa2, *ḍōṭṭa—, *ḍōṇṭa2), *ḍussa—, *ḍhōṭṭa—, *duḍḍa—2, *dhōkka—2, *ṭiṇṭa—, *ṭhiṭṭha— (*ṭhēṭṭha—, *ṭhēṇṭha—, *thiṭṭha—, *thēṭṭha—, *thēṇṭha—), *ṭhiṅga2 (*ṭhēṅga2), *ḍhilla2 *ḍhēlla2. — Other ‘defective’ word—groups with similar variations s.vv. kuṇṭha—, *naṭṭa—, baṇḍá—, *bukka—4, *maṭṭa—, *lakka—1, vaṇṭa—2, *śaṭṭa—] 1. Pk. ṭuṁṭa— ‘having the hands cut off’; K. ṭunḍa m. ‘one who has a naturally crooked or withered arm’; L. ṭuṇḍ, °ḍur m. ‘stump (of tree or limb)’, ṭuṇḍā ‘maimed, branchless’; P. ṭuṇḍ m. ‘handless arm, withered hand, bare trunk of tree’, ṭuṇḍā ‘wanting a hand, having broken arms’, m. ‘shrivelled or paralysed hand’; H. ṭuṇṭā ‘handless’; G. ṭũṭḷũ ‘having a weakness or defect in the hands’, ṭũṭ—mũṭ ‘shattered’. 2. A. B. ṭoṭā ‘stump’. 3. L. awāṇ. ṭūṇḍā ‘decrepit’; H. ṭõ;ṭā ‘handless’. 4. S. ṭuḍ̱o, °ḍ̱iṛo ‘crippled or maimed in the hands’. 5. H. ṭuṇḍ m. ‘stump of branch or arm’, ṭuṇḍā ‘hand- less’; G. ṭuṇḍũ ‘having crooked hands or weak arms, arrogant’. 6. H. ṭunnā m. ‘stump, nipple, clitoris’. 7. Gaw. tōṭa ‘blunt’. ṭuṇṭuka— see *ṭuṇṭa2. *ṭuṇḍa— 1 ‘mouth’ see tuṇḍa—. *ṭuṇḍa— 2 ‘defective’ see *ṭuṇṭa2. *ṭuṇḍi— ‘navel’ see tundi—. *ṭunna— ‘defective’ see *ṭuṇṭa2. *ṭupp— ‘drip’ see *ṭapp—. Addenda: *ṭuṇṭa—2: WPah.kṭg. ṭvnḍ m. ‘branchless tree’, ṭvṇḍɔ ‘blunt, one—armed’, J. ṭuṇḍā.
5469 *ṭubb— ‘sink, dive’. [Cf. *ḍubb—] S. ṭuḇaṇu ‘to sink, dive’; L. ṭubbaṇ, (Ju.) ṭuḇḇaṇ ‘to dive, clean out a well’; P. ṭubbṇā ‘to dive’; — S. ṭuḇī f. ‘a dive’, L. ṭubbī f.; P. ṭubbī f. ‘diving, sinking a well’; Or. ṭuba ‘small pools full of water’, ṭubā ‘diving’; — S. ṭoḇo m. ‘diver’; L. ṭobā m. ‘diver, well—cleaner, diving bird’; P. ṭobī f. ‘diving’, ṭobhā m. ‘diver’. *ṭumba— ‘hill’ see *tappa3. Addenda: *ṭubb—: S.kcch. ṭubbī f. ‘a dive’. *ṭēkk— ‘stop’ see *ṭakk1 Add2.
5470 *ṭulla— ‘defective’. [See list s.v. *ṭuṇṭa2] M. ṭullū ‘dwarfish, short and thickset’, m. ‘childish penis’. *ṭūṭṭa— ‘mouth’ see tuṇḍa—.
5471 *ṭūssa— ‘small bit, bud, shoot’. [Connexion, if any with túṣa— is not clear] P. ṭūsā m. ‘bud of wild cotton’; Ku. ṭuso, ṭoso (pl. ṭwāsā) ‘blade of grass, sprout’ (whence ṭusṇo ‘to germinate’), N. ṭuso; B. ṭusi, ṭosā ‘drop, particle’; H. ṭūsā m. ‘shoot’. *ṭēkk— ‘stop’ see ṭakk1. *ṭēkka—, *ṭēṅga— ‘hill’ see *ṭakka3. *ṭēpp— ‘drip’ see *ṭapp—.
5472 *ṭēppa— 1 ‘fringe’. N. ṭepro ‘foreskin’; B. ṭep ‘border or end of cloth’. *ṭēppa—2, *ṭēmba— ‘hill’ see *ṭappa3. *ṭēmbaru— ‘a tree’ see tumburu—.
5473 *ṭēr— ‘notice’. N. ṭernu ‘to notice, regard’, ṭer ‘attention’, B. ṭer, Or. ṭera; H. ṭernā ‘to call out’, ṭer f. ‘summons’. - Conn. with WPah. pāḍ. paṅ. cur. ṭīr ‘eye’ very doubtful. Addenda: *ṭēr—: WPah.kṭg. ṭēr f. ‘request, urge’.
5475 *ṭēv— ‘appoint, fix’. [Poss. < *ṭēp—: cf. words for ‘horoscope’ s.v. *ṭippati] S. ṭeva f. ‘habit’; P. ṭevā m. ‘birth record from which horoscope is calculated’; N. ṭewā ‘support, prop’; H. ṭew f., ṭewā m. ‘habit’, G. ṭev f.; M. ṭev f. ‘fancy’, ṭevaṇ n. ‘appointed time or place’. Addenda: *ṭēv—: WPah.kṭg. (Wkc.) e uṇõ; ‘to arrange, manage’, kṭg. ṭewi f. ‘wooden peg attaching yoke to pole’ Him.I 79.
5476 *ṭōkk— ‘strike, bite’. 2. *ṭōkka—2. 3. *ṭōkkarā—. [Cf. *ṭhōkk— and *ṭukk—] 1. S. ṭokaṇu ‘to scold’; P. ṭokṇā ‘to hinder’; WPah. khaś. ṭokknū ‘to fix in, interrupt’; Ku. ṭokṇo ‘to destroy, reprimand’; N. ṭoknu ‘to snap at, bite’; A. ṭokan ‘heavy stick, club’; B. ṭokā ‘to thwart’; Or. ṭokibā ‘to reprove, stumble’; Mth. ṭokab ‘to question’; H. ṭoknā ‘to check, blame, question’; G. ṭokvũ, ṭɔ̃kvũ ‘to scold’; M. ṭokṇẽ ‘to challenge’. 2. K. ṭŏkh (dat. °kas) m. ‘hammering’; Ash. ṭoká ‘nail, peg’, Kt. tku (NTS ii 281 < *ṭhōkk—); Ku. ṭok ‘rebuke’, ṭoko ‘prop, obstacle’; A. ṭok—ṭok ‘sound of gentle repeated knocking’; G. ṭok f. ‘goading’; Si. ṭokka (pl. ṭoku) ‘blow on the head’ (or < *ṭhōkk—). 3. S. ṭokara f. ‘knock’; B. ṭokar ‘rap’; G. ṭokar f. ‘knock’, ṭokrī f. ‘tongue of a bell’. Addenda: *ṭōkk—: Garh. ṭokṇu ‘to hinder, check’.
5477 *ṭōkka— 1 ‘basket’. 2. *ṭhōkka—. [Cf. *dhōkka1] 1. B. ṭokā ‘hat of basketwork’; Or. ṭokāi ‘basket’, M. ṭõ;kvī. — Ext. —r—: K. ṭūkürü f. ‘basket’, S. ṭokiro m., °rī f., P. ṭokrā m.; WPah. bhal. ṭukru m. ‘small basket of wicker and clay’; Ku. ṭokrī f. ‘basket’, N. ṭokrā, °ri (ṭokaṛi ← Bi.?), B. ṭokrā, Or. ṭukurā, Bi. ṭokṛā (hyper- hindiism with for r), H. ṭokrā m., °rī f.; M. ṭokar m. ‘circular leathern basket’, ṭokrā m. ‘basket’; — with —n—: Or. (dial.) ṭukanā, ṭukini. 2. N. ṭhokro ‘quiver’, ṭhokre ‘maker of clay vessels’. *ṭōkka—2, *ṭōkkarā— ‘blow’ see *ṭōkk—. Addenda: *ṭōkka—: WPah.kṭg. ṭokrɔ, °ru m. ‘basket’, Md. ṭukuri. †;*ṭōṭa— see *ṭōṭṭa1.
5478 *ṭōṅka— ‘beak’. 2. ṭōṅga—1. 3. *ṭhōṅga—. [See list s.v. tuṇḍa—] 1. H. ṭõ;k f. ‘beak, point’, M. ṭõ;k, ṭõ;krī f. — Poss. Wg. ṭõmacr;ka, tūṅga ‘scorpion’, Shum. ṭä̃ukƏ (NTS xvii 307 cf. N. ṭhuṅnu see below). 2. H. ṭõ;g f. ‘beak, point’. 3. S. ṭhoṅgo m. ‘peck’; P. ṭhū̃gṇā ‘to peck’, Ku. ṭhuṅṇo, N. ṭhuṅnu; A. ṭhõ;gonā ‘blow on cheek’; H. ṭhõ;g f. ‘beak’, ṭhõ;gnā, ṭhū̃gnā ‘to peck’. *ṭōṅga— 1 ‘beak’ see prec. *ṭōṅga— 2 ‘defective’ see *ṭugga—. *ṭōcca—, *ṭōñca— ‘beak’ see *cōṇṭa—.
5479 *ṭōṭṭa— 1 ‘hollow stick, tube, hole’. 2. *ṭōṇṭa— 1 3. * ḍuḍḍa—1. [Same as *ṭōṭṭa—2, *ḍuḍḍa2?] 1. S. ṭoṭo m. ‘piece of stick’; P. ṭoṭṭā m. ‘candle—end’, ṭoṭṭī f. ‘joint of bamboo’; Ku. ṭoṭo ‘hole’; N. ṭoṛko (< *ṭoṭko) ‘big hole in a tree’; H. ṭoṭā m. ‘hollow bamboo tube, cartridge’ (in latter sense → K. ṭoṭa m., A. B. Or. M. ṭoṭā ‘cartridge’, N. ṭoṭā ‘fired cartridge case’); G. ṭoṭɔ m. ‘pipe, throat, cracker’. 2. Bhoj. ṭõmacr;ṭī ‘pipe’. 3. P. ḍuḍḍ f. ‘mouse—hole’, duṛ(h) f. ‘wolf's den’ (see *dula—). *ṭōṭṭa— 2 ‘defective’ see *ṭuṇṭa2. *ṭōṭṭa— 3 ‘mouth’ see tuṇḍa—. *ṭōṇṭa— 1 ‘tube’ see *ṭōṭṭa1. *ṭōṇṭa— 2 ‘defective’ see *ṭuṇṭa2. *ṭōṇṭa— 3 ‘mouth’ see tuṇḍa—. *ṭōṇḍi— ‘navel’ see tundi—. Addenda: *ṭōṭṭa— 1. 4. †;*ṭōṭa—: S.kcch. ṭoṛī f. ‘bamboo stick’.
5480 *ṭōna— ‘sorcery’. [If, ac. to W.Wüst RM 3, 5 ff., — may be non—Aryan adaptation of IA. ś— (or vice versa?), then poss. < *ṭakuna— < śakuná— ‘bird of omen’ RV. (cf. śakunī— f. ‘demon’, °nikā— f. ‘attendant on Skanda’ MBh. and further śākiná— ‘ep. of Indra’ RV., śākinī— f. ‘atten- dant on Durgā’: see ḍākinī—) rather than with Wüst loc. cit. p. 10 < śuná n. ‘prosperity’ ŚBr. (J. C. W.)] S. ṭoṇo m. ‘witchcraft’, P. ṭoṇā, ṭūṇā m.; WPah. bhal. ṭoṇo m. ‘spell, charm’; Ku. ṭōṇo, ṭūṇo ‘sorcery’, N. ṭuṇā (whence ṭuṇyāhā ‘wizard’), Or. ṭuṇā, OAw. ṭonā, H. ṭonā, ṭaunā m., G. ṭoṇũ n. (changed to —ṭumaṇ in kāmaṇ—ṭumaṇ n.); M. ṭāṇā—ṭoṇā m. ‘juggling’. *ṭōndi— ‘navel’ see tundi—. ṭōpara— see *tōba— and ṭōppa2. *ṭōpp— ‘drip’ see *tapp—.
5481 *ṭōppa— 1 ‘hat, covering’. [Late Sk. ṭuppikā— f. ‘a partic. article of clothing’, ṭōpikā— f. ‘turban’ W.Wüst RM 3, 75 ff.: connexion with āṭōpa— (whether with PMWS 18 ← Mu. or with Wüst non—Aryan change of *āśōpha—) is very doubtful. — Same as *ṭōppa2?] Pk. ṭōpiā— f. ‘helmet’; Dm. ṭópai ‘peak’ NTS xii 193; Gaw. ṭopı̄́ ‘hat, cap’, Bshk. ṭō̤p K. ṭōpa m. ‘cap’, ṭūpi f. ‘skull—cap’; S. ṭopu m., °pī f. ‘hat’, L. ṭopī f., awāṇ. ṭōp, P. ṭop, ṭoppā m., ṭoppī, ṭopī f.; WPah. bhal. ṭopu m. ‘cap’, jaun. ṭōp ‘hookah bowl’, ṭōpī ‘cotton cap’; N. ṭop ‘helmet’, ṭopi ‘hat, cap’, ṭopā ‘opening of a mine’; A. ṭupi ‘hat, cap’, B. Or. ṭopi, ṭupi, Bi. Bhoj. Aw. lakh. ṭōpī, H. ṭop, °pā m., °pī f.; G. ṭop m., °pī f. ‘hat’, ṭopũ n. ‘eyelid’; M. ṭop m., °pī f. ‘hat’, ṭopā m. ‘rain—hood’. - Verb or verbal noun; Ku. ṭopṇo m. ‘umbrella of reeds and leaves’; H. ṭopnā ‘to cover’; M. ṭopaṇ n. ‘lid’. - Ext. ——: Ku. ṭopaṛyūṇo ‘to thatch’; Mth. ṭopaṛ ‘a kind of plaster applied to feet or limbs to prevent ague’; - —r—: B. ṭopar ‘bridegroom's tinsel crown’; Or. ṭopara ‘hat’, (Sambhalpur) ṭupar ‘eye—shade’; — —l—: N. ṭopalnu ‘to pretend’? Addenda: *ṭōppa—1: S.kcch. ṭopī f. ‘top of a hookah’; WPah.kṭg. (kc.) ṭoppɔ m., kṭg. ṭoppi f. ‘small cap’, poet. ṭopu, ṭopṛu m. ‘cap’; Md. tofi (totpek) ‘cap’.
5482 *ṭōppa— 2 ‘basket—work’. [Cf. ṭōpara— ‘small bag’ Dhūrtas. (but see *tōba—). — Same as *ṭōppa1?] Or. ṭupā ‘big basket’. — Ext. —r—: WPah. jaun. ṭŏprī ‘basket’; Ku. ṭopro m. ‘deep basket’; — —ll—: Or. ṭuplī ‘little basket’; G. ṭoplɔ m. ‘basket’, M. ṭoplā m.
5483 *ṭōla— ‘division, party’. 2. *ṭōlla—. 3. *tōla—. [Conn. with pratōlī— (ND 247 b 46) very doubtful] 1. K. ṭola m. ‘any clan of high—caste Hindus’; S. ṭoro m. ‘flock of sheep, herd, gang’; L. ṭolā m. ‘herd (of bulls)’, ṭolī f. ‘pack (of wolves or jackals)’; Ku. ṭolo m. ‘line of houses’, ṭolī f. ‘party’, ṭolko m. ‘herd, flock’; N. ṭol ‘division of a town, party, gang’; A. ṭol ‘premises’; B. ṭol ‘shed, school’, ṭuli ‘quarter of a town’; H. ṭol m. ‘hamlet, party’, ṭolā m. ‘quarter of a town’, ṭolī f. ‘quarter of a town, group, band’; G. ṭoḷũ n. ‘flock of sheep’, ṭoḷkī f. ‘band’; M. ṭōḷī f. ‘flock of sheep’. 2. S. ṭolo m. ‘party’, ṭolī f. ‘band of musicians’; P. ṭollā, ṭolā m. ‘clan, quarter of a town’; Or. ṭola ‘Sanskrit school’, ṭulā ‘hamlet, part of a village’; Mth. ṭol ‘village, quarter of a town’; — perh. also the forms of K. L. Ku. N. A. B. H. above. 3. A. tul ‘herd of cattle, company, society’. Addenda: *ṭōla—. 2. *ṭōlla—: WPah.kṭg. ṭolli f. ‘bundle of grass piled round a pole’. *ṭōlla— ‘party’ see *ṭōla— Add2.
5484 *ṭōll— ‘wander’. [Connexion with turáti very doubtful, but cf. NIA. forms with ṭur— ~ tur— and with ḍul— ~ dul— s.v. √dul] S. ṭolāko m. ‘wandering’, ṭulkaṇu ‘to wander’; P. ṭolaṇā ‘to search for’; Ku. ṭolyūṇo ‘to neglect’; N. ṭol(h)inu ‘to be doing nothing, look bewildered’, ṭol(h)āunu ‘to get puzzled’, ṭol(h)o ‘absent—minded person’. *ṭōlla— ‘party’ see *ṭōla—.
5485 *ṭōss— ‘strike’. [Cf. *ṭhōss—] K. ṭūsu m. ‘blow with clenched fist’, ṭōsā—ṭōs f. ‘mutual cudgelling’; Ku. ṭoso ‘fit of anger’.
5486 *ṭōh— ‘grope’. P. ṭohṇā, ṭuhuṇā ‘to feel about, seek out’; WPah. (Joshi) ṭoṇu ‘to seek by touch’; H. ṭohnā ‘to feel for’, ṭoh f. ‘touch, search’, ṭoā m. ‘groping’. ṭválati see ṭálati. Addenda: *ṭōh—: WPah.kṭg. ṭɔı̃ f. ‘desire, craving’.
5487 *ṭhakk— 1 ‘clatter’. [Onom.] K. ṭhākun ‘to hammer’; S. ṭhakāu m. ‘clatter’, P. ṭhak—ṭhak; N. ṭhakṭhakyāunu ‘to knock against’, ṭhāk- ṭhuk ‘thumping and bumping’, ṭhakkar ‘collision’; A. B. ṭhak—ṭhak ‘clatter’, Oṛ ṭhaka—ṭhaka, H. G. M. ṭhak—ṭhak; Si. ṭaka—pōruva ‘piece of board (pōruva) hung on a tree to frighten birds’. *ṭhakk— 2 ‘cheat’ see *ṭhagg—. *ṭhakka— ‘bald’ see *ṭakka2. Addenda: *ṭhakk— 2 ‘cheat’ see *ṭhagg— Add2.
5489 *ṭhagg— ‘cheat’. 2. *ṭhakk— 2. 3. *ṭhaṅg—. [Con- nexion with sthagayati ‘hides’ VarBr̥S., sthaga— ‘dis- honest’ LM 340 very doubtful. Still more doubtful is the proposal of W. Wüst RM 3, 9 and 12 to connect with *ḍākka1 and make both non—Aryan borrowings from śā́ka—. — → Par. ṭag ‘mud’ IIFL i 296, but cf. *tagga—] 1. Pk. ṭhagiya— ‘cheated’; K. ṭhagun ‘to cheat, rob’, S. ṭhaǥaṇu, L. (Ju.) ṭhaǥaṇ, P. ṭhaggṇā, Ku. ṭhagṇo, N. ṭhagnu, A. ṭhagiba, H. ṭhagnā, G. ṭhagvũ; — Pk. ṭhaga- m. ‘thief’, Sh. ṭha̯g m., K. ṭhag m., S. ṭhaǥu m., L. ṭhaǥ m., P. ṭhagg m., Ku. A. B. ṭhag, Or. OAw. ṭhaga, lakh. H. G. M. ṭhag m. 2. Paš. ṭhak m. ‘thief’; B. ṭhakāna ‘to deceive’, Or. ṭhakibā, ṭhaka, Mth. ṭhakab, ṭhak; M. ṭhakṇẽ ‘to be deceived’, ṭhak m. ‘thief’. 3. G. ṭhā̃gũ n. ‘knavery’. *ṭhaṅg— ‘cheat’ see prec. Addenda: *ṭhagg—. 1. S.kcch. ṭhagg(h) m. ‘rogue’, ṭhagṇū ‘to cheat’, Garh. ṭhagṇu. 2. ṭhakk—: Md. ṭekum ‘cheating’.
5490 *ṭhaṭṭh— ‘strike’. [Onom.?] N. ṭhaṭāunu ‘to strike, beat’, ṭhaṭāi ‘striking’, ṭhaṭāk—ṭhuṭuk ‘noise of beating’; H. ṭhaṭhānā ‘to beat’, ṭhaṭhāī f. ‘noise of beating’. *ṭhaṭṭha—1, *ṭhaṭṭha2?
5491 *ṭhaṭṭha— 1 ‘brass’. [Onom. from noise of hammering brass? — *ṭhaṭṭh—] N. ṭhaṭṭar ‘an alloy of copper and bell metal’. *ṭhaṭṭhakara—, *ṭhaṭṭhakāra—.
5492 *ṭhaṭṭha— 2 ‘joke’. [From noise of laughing? Cf. Eng. ‘to crack jokes’. — *ṭhaṭṭh—] K. ṭhaṭha m. ‘joke, ridicule’, S. ṭhaṭho m., P. ṭhaṭṭhā m., Ku. N. ṭhaṭṭā; A. ṭhāṭā ‘joke, taunt’; B. ṭhāṭṭā ‘joke’, Or. ṭhaṭā, thaṭā, thaṭṭā, H. ṭhaṭṭhā m., G. ṭhaṭṭhɔ m., M. ṭhaṭṭhā, thaṭṭā. — Phal. ṭhāṭḗki ‘ogress, witch’ NOPhal 51 (or deformation of *ḍākka2?).
5493 *ṭhaṭṭhakāra— ‘brass worker’. 2. *ṭhaṭṭhakara—. [*ṭhaṭṭha—1, kāra1] 1. Pk. ṭhaṭṭhāra— m., K. ṭhõdotdot;ṭhur m., S. ṭhā̃ṭhāro m., P. ṭhaṭhiār, °rā m. 2. P. ludh. ṭhaṭherā m., Ku. ṭhaṭhero m., N. ṭhaṭero, Bi. ṭhaṭherā, Mth. ṭhaṭheri, H. ṭhaṭherā m. *ṭhaṇḍha— ‘cold’ see stabdha—.
5494 *ṭhan— ‘jingle, clang’. [Onom.] P. ṭhaṇakṇā ‘to jingle’, ṭhaṇākā m. ‘jingling’; B. ṭhan—ṭhan ‘clanging’, Or. ṭhaṇa—ṭhaṇa, H. ṭhan—ṭhan; G. ṭhaṇṭhaṇvũ ‘to clank’, ṭhaṇakvũ ‘to beat, throb’; M. ṭhaṇ—ṭhaṇ ‘with the sound of hammering’, ṭhaṇṭhaṇṇẽ ‘to clank, beat, throb’, ṭhaṇkāviṇẽ ‘to ring (of a vessel)’.
5495 *ṭhapp— ‘strike, press’. [Cf. *thapp—] S. ṭhapaṇu ‘to beat out (metals)’, ṭhapo m. ‘seal’; L. ṭhappaṇ ‘to close a book’, ṭhappā m. ‘stroke, stamp’; P. ṭhappṇā ‘to strike, close a book, stamp, print’; Ku. ṭhāp ‘thumb impression, seal’; N. ṭhappā ‘a partic. rhythm in music’; B. ṭhāpāna ‘to press home (in copulating)’, ṭhāp ‘so doing’; H. ṭhappā m. ‘stamp, mould’; G. ṭhapkɔ m. ‘rebuke’; M. ṭhapkārṇẽ ‘to strike’. Addenda: *ṭhapp— [Cf. also Pk. ṭhappa— ‘to be put, fit to be set up’ < †;sthāpya—]
5496 *ṭhamm— ‘jingle, display’. [Onom.—Semant. cf. ḍam- bara—] N. ṭham—ṭham ‘display, arrogance, smartness’, ṭhamṭhamāunu ‘to swagger’; B. ṭhāma ‘elegant’; Or. ṭhamaka ‘affected gait’; G. ṭham—ṭham ‘jingling’, ṭhamkɔ m. ‘jingling, strutting’, ṭhamṭhamāhaṭ f. ‘pride’; M. ṭhamakṇẽ ‘to mince, strut’. Addenda: *ṭhamm—: cf. OP. ṭhimaṇu ‘to mince’, P. ṭhimakṇā, ṭhumakṇā.
5497 *ṭhalla— ‘empty’. Pk. ṭhalla— ‘poor, penniless’, ṭhaliya— ‘empty’; S. ṭhalho ‘empty’, ṭhalhi ‘unproductive’, ṭhalhaṇu ‘to put a stop to’; P. ṭhallh f. ‘stoppage, obstruction’; H. ṭhālā ‘unemployed’, ṭhāl f. ‘leisure’; OG. ṭhālaü ‘empty’, G. ṭhālũ ‘empty, unemployed’.
5498 *ṭhas— ‘display’. N. ṭhassā, ṭhasak ‘ostentatious expenditure’, ṭhaskanu ‘to show discontent’; B. H. ṭhasak f. ‘foppishness’; G. ṭhaskɔ m. ‘haughtiness’; M. ṭhasak f. ‘daintiness’.
5499 *ṭhass— ‘press down’. [Cf. *thass—, *ṭhōss—] Gy. wel. gr. tas— ‘to be suffocated’, tasav— ‘to throttle’, pal. tăsnauăr ‘throttles’; K. ṭhāsun ‘to hammer into’, ṭhā̆s m. ‘crash, bang’; P. ṭhasṇā ‘to be forced in’, ṭhā̃sṇā ‘to force in’; Ku. ṭhā̃sṇo ‘to thrust, cram’; N. ṭhos—ṭhās ‘poking’; A. ṭhāhiba ‘to ram down’; B. thāsā ‘to knead, cram’; Or. ṭhāsibā ‘to cram’, ṭhasā ‘a mould’; H. ṭhāsnā, ṭhā̃snā ‘to press down’, ṭhas ‘closely pressed’; G. ṭhā̃svũ ‘to cram’, ṭhasvũ intr. ‘to sink in’, ṭhas(s)ɔ m. ‘impression’, ṭhas ‘closely’; M. ṭhāsṇẽ, ṭhā̃sṇẽ ‘to cram’, ṭhasṇẽ ‘to sink in deeply’, ṭhās, ṭhā̃s ‘closely rammed’. *ṭhān— ‘tighten’ see *ṭan—. *ṭhāla— ‘branch’ see ḍāla1. Addenda: *ṭhass—: cf. OP. ṭhāhaṇu ‘to grieve, distress’?
5500 *ṭhiṅga— 1 ‘block, stick, leg’. 2. *ṭhēṅga—. [See list s.v. *ḍakka2] 1. P. ṭhiṅgā m. ‘stick’; N. ṭhiṅro, ṭhiṅuro, ṭhiũro ‘stocks, fetter’; M. ṭhı̃gā ‘stick, block socket for post’, ṭhı̃gḍā m. ‘cudgel’. 2. P. ṭhı̄̃gā m. ‘stick’; N. ṭhyā̃gro, ṭheṅro ‘stocks, fetter’; A. ṭheṅgā ‘pantaloons’ (< ‘*legs’?); B. ṭheṅg ‘leg’, ṭheṅgā ‘cudgel’; Or. ṭheṅga ‘leg’, ṭheṅgā ‘cudgel’; H. ṭhẽgā m. ‘bludgeon’; M. ṭhẽgā m. ‘stick’, ṭhẽgḍā m. ‘cudgel’.
5501 *ṭhiṅga— 2 ‘defective’. 2. *ṭhēṅga— 2. [Cf. *ṭhiṭṭha- and list s.v. *ṭuṇṭa2] 1. P. ṭhiṅgṇā ‘dwarfish’, H. ṭhı̃gnā, G. ṭhı̃gṇũ. 2. B. ṭheṅguyā ‘broken, weak, defective’; M. ṭhẽgā, ṭhẽgyā, ṭhẽgṇā ‘dwarfish’.
5502 *ṭhiṭṭha— ‘defective’. 2. *ṭhēṭṭha—. 3. *ṭhēṇṭha—. 4. *thiṭṭha—. 5. *thēṭṭha—. 6. *thēṇṭha—. [Cf. *ṭhiṅga2, and list s.v. *ṭuṇṭa2] 1. P. ṭhiṭṭh ‘bad’; N. ṭhiṭo ‘young calf just weaned, lad’, ṭhiṭi ‘girl’, ṭhiṛke ‘a person with short sinewy legs’; B. ṭhiṭā ‘impudent’; G. ṭhī̆ṭhũ ‘useless’. 2. P. ṭheṭhar ‘ruined’; N. ṭheṭā ‘substance rejected in making rice beer’, ṭheṭnu ‘half—cooked, inexperienced’, ṭheṭnā—meṭnā ‘the scum of society’. 3. M. ṭhẽṭā ‘short, scant’. 4. M. thiṭā. 5. M. theṭā. 6. M. thẽṭā. *ṭhipp— ‘drip’ see *tapp—. *ṭhibba— ‘flattened’ see *thēbba— Addenda: *ṭhiṭṭha—. 7. †;*ṭhiṇṭa—: WPah.poet. ṭhīṇḍ m. ‘lazy and idle person’, J. ṭhı̃ḍ m. ‘a youth’, ṭhı̃ḍṇu ‘to play a trick’, cam. ṭhiṇḍ ‘ignorant’.
5503 *ṭhīkka— ‘firm, right’. [Prob. < *ṭhiakka— < sthitá—. Cf. Pk. ṭhiaa— ‘upright’, or *ṭhiikka— cf. Aś. man. cira- ṭhitika— ‘lasting long’, kāl. cila—ṭhitikya—. H. Smith JA 1950, 194 with *ṭhikka— as replacement of ṭhia— (as ḍakka—, chikka— of daṭṭha—, chivia—) does not explain ī of K. S. P.] K. ṭhīkun ‘to stand firm’; S. ṭhīku ‘correct’, P. Ku. ṭhīk, N. A. B. ṭhik; Or. ṭhika ‘stability, accuracy’, ṭhikibā ‘to be fixed, be obstructed, strike against’; Mth. Bhoj. H. G. M. ṭhīk ‘firm, correct’. — Poss. also in the following (but cf. similar forms s.v. *ṭhēkk—): P. ṭhikāṇā m. ‘station’; A. B. Or. ṭhikā ‘piecework’; A. Or. ṭhikanā ‘certainty’; B. ṭhikānā ‘station’; Mth. H. ṭhīkā m. ‘piecework’ (H. also ṭhekā m.); H. ṭhikānā m. ‘station’; OMarw. ṭhīka m. ‘trace, whereabouts’; M. ṭhikāṇ, °ṇā m. ‘abode’. Addenda: *ṭhīkka—: WPah.kṭg. ṭhı̄́k ‘accurate’.
5504 *ṭhīkkara— ‘potsherd’. Pk. ṭhikkariā— f. ‘potsherd’, S. ṭhikaru m., °kirī f., L. ṭhīkrī f., P. ṭhīkar, ṭhīkrā m., °rī f., H. ṭhīkrā m., °rī f., Marw. ṭhīkro m.; G. ṭhīkrũ n. ‘earthen vessel’, °rī f. ‘potsherd’, M. ṭhikrī f.
5505 *ṭhugga— ‘defective’. 2. *ṭhuṅga—. [~ *ṭugga—: see list s.v. *ṭuṇṭa2] 1. P. ṭhuggā ‘idiotic, stupid’. 2. Or. ṭhuṅgā ‘lopped off, pollard, naked, solitary’; H. ṭhũgnā ‘dwarfish’. *ṭhuṅga— ‘defective’ see prec.
5506 *ṭhuṭṭha— ‘defective’. 2. *ṭhuṇṭha—. 3. *ṭhōṭṭha—. 4. *ṭhōṇṭha—2. [See list s.v. *ṭuṇṭa2] 1. S. ṭhuṭhu ‘stupid’, ṭhuṭhyo m. ‘thumb held up in representation of penis’ (semant. cf. *ṭhōssa—); L. ṭhuṭṭh m. ‘thumb held up as a sign of rejection’, awāṇ. ṭhuṭh ‘stump’; N. ṭhuṭo ‘polled, hairless, hornless, stump (of tree or maize)’, ṭhuṭi ‘wicked woman, shrew’; Or. ṭhuṭhā ‘lopped, pollard, fingerless, leprous’; Bi. (Patna) ṭhuṭṭhā ‘blighted and empty head of small millet’, (SE) ṭhūṭhā ‘hornless bullock’; M. ṭhūṭā ‘reduced to a stump’. 2. Pk. ṭhuṁṭha— m.n. ‘stump’; Ku. ṭhuno ‘half—burnt log’, ṭhunlo ‘fingerless hand (such as a leper's)’, ṭhuniṇo ‘to be limbless’, tikho—ṭhunno ‘long and sharp—nosed’; N. ṭhũṛo ‘half—burnt log’; B. ṭhũṭā ‘maimed, stump’; Or. ṭhuṇṭhā ‘maimed’, ṭhuṇṭā, thu° ‘lopped, shorn’; Bi. ṭhũṭhā ‘blighted and empty head of small millet’; Bhoj. ṭhũṭh ‘leafless tree’; H. ṭhū̃ṭh m. ‘stump’, ṭhū̃ṭhā ‘lopped, amputated’; G. ṭhũṭhũ ‘handless’, n. ‘stump’; M. ṭhũṭhaṇ n. ‘stump (of tree or limb)’. 3. S. ṭhoṭho ‘withered’; P. ṭhoṭṭh ‘stupid’; Ku. ṭhoṭo ‘anything hollow’ (but see *ṭōṭṭa1); N. ṭhoṭari ‘tor- toise’ (< *ṭhoṭṭa—ḍiā ‘limbless’); H. ṭhoṭ ‘stupid’, G. ṭhoṭh; M. ṭhoṭā ‘reduced to a stump’. 4. S. ṭhū̃ṭhu m. ‘dried—up tree’, ṭhū̃ṭho ‘handless’; M. ṭhõ;ṭ n. ‘trunk’, ṭhõ;ṭā ‘armless, legless, fingerless, reduced to a stump’. *ṭhuḍḍa— ‘mouth’ see tuṇḍa—. *ṭhuṇṭha— ‘defective’ see *ṭhuṭṭha—. *ṭhuṇḍa— ‘mouth’ see tuṇḍa—. Addenda: *ṭhuṭṭha—. 3. *ṭhōṭṭha—: WPah.kṭg. ṭhóṭṭhi f. ‘detach- able pipebowl’, ṭhóṭṭhɔ m. ‘object fixed on an arrow- head as a cover (to be used in a game)’; H. ṭhoṭhrā ‘hollow’. 4. †;*ṭhuḍḍa—2: WPah.kṭg. ṭhv́ḍṛɔ, ṭhv́ḷṛɔ ‘hornless’. 5. †;*ṭhōḍa—: WPah.kṭg. ṭhóḍṛɔ, ṭhóḷṛɔ ‘hornless’. †;*ṭhuḍḍa— 2 ‘defective’ see *ṭhuṭṭha—.
5507 *ṭhuna— ‘striking, breaking’. Or. ṭhuṇā ‘blow with the knuckles’; — N. ṭhunko, ṭhanko ‘stroke, fragment’; A. ṭhunukā ‘brittle’, B. ṭhunkā.
5508 *ṭhuss— ‘sound of sobbing &c.’ [Onom.] P. ṭhuss f. ‘sound expressive of contempt’, ṭhuskaṇā ‘to sob’; N. ṭhussa ‘displeased’; H. ṭhusaknā ‘to sob’; G. ṭhusɔ m. ‘taunt’.
5509 *ṭhēkk— ‘fix’. [Poss. < *ṭhēakka— ext. of Pk. thēa- ‘durable’ < sthḗyas— or Pa. thēta— ‘firm’ (< sthitá- X sthḗyas—?). Cf. *ṭhīkka—, but also *ṭikk—, *ṭēkk- with similar range of meanings s.v. *ṭakk—] S. ṭheko ‘mode of beating a drum’; L. ṭhek f. ‘wheat- sheaf’; P. ṭhekā ‘task, mode of beating a drum’; N. ṭhek ‘anything fixed’, ṭhekā ‘keeping time in accompaniment to a song by clapping or striking’, ṭheknu ‘to post’, ṭhekān ‘arrangement’; A. ṭhekā ‘prop, striking two things together’; B. ṭhek ‘prop’, ṭhekāna ‘to obstruct’; Or. ṭheka ‘prop’, ṭhekibā ‘to collide with’; Mth. ṭhekānā ‘fixture’; H. ṭhek m. ‘prop’, ṭhekā m. ‘mode of beating a drum’, G. ṭhekɔ m., ṭhekāṇũ n. ‘station’; M. ṭhekā m. ‘mode of beating a drum’. Addenda: *ṭhēkk—: WPah.kṭg. ṭhékɔ ‘work done under contract’; J. ṭhē'k f. ‘prohibition, restriction’; P. ṭhekā m. ‘work done under contract’.
5510 *ṭhēkka— ‘receptacle’. P. ṭhekī f. ‘bamboo frame to hold grain’; Ku. ṭheko, °kī ‘round wooden vessel’, gng. ṭhyak, ṭheki , N. ṭheko, °ki; Or. ṭheki, ṭhẽki ‘small earthen pot’; H. ṭhekī f. ‘large grain—sack’. *ṭhēṅga— 1 ‘stick’ see *ṭhiṅga1. *ṭhēṅga— 2 ‘defective’ see *ṭhiṅga2.
5511 *ṭhēcc— ‘push’. 2. *thēcc—. 3. *ṭhēss—. 4. *ṭhōss—. [Cf. *ṭōss—, *ḍhūss—. — See list s.v. *ṭhēḍḍ—] 1. M. ṭhẽċ f. ‘knock’. 2. Ku. thecṇo ‘to crush’, thecṛo m. ‘footmark’; N. theccinu ‘to be pressed down, squat’, thicnu intr. ‘to press on’. 3. Ku. ṭhes ‘stumble, blow’; N. ṭhesnu ‘to ram, thrust in’, ṭhessinu ‘to stumble’, ṭhes ‘stumble, knock’, ṭhesan ‘additional weight placed on a load to balance it’; A. ṭhehā—ṭhehi ‘crammed, crowded’; B. ṭhes ‘leaning against, push’, ṭhesāna tr. ‘to lean against’; Or. ṭhesibā ‘to bruise, beat’, ṭhẽsibā ‘to jostle, crowd’; Mth. ṭhes ‘stumbling’; H. ṭhesnā ‘to ram in’, ṭhes f. ‘knock’; G. ṭhes f. ‘knock’, ṭhesaṇiyũ n. ‘anything that helps in pushing’; M. ṭhẽs f. ‘knock’. 4. K. ṭhūs m. ‘quarrel’; P. ṭhūsṇā ‘to stuff, cram, eat’; Ku. ṭhosṇo ‘to strike into, strike, shake’; N. ṭhosṇo ‘to poke, chide’; B. ṭhusā ‘to cram’; H. ṭhosnā ‘to press down’; G. ṭhoso m. ‘blow’, M. ṭhosrā m.; — S. ṭhaũso m. ‘blow’, G. ṭhɔ̃svũ ‘to cram’, ṭhɔ̃sɔ m. ‘blow’. *ṭhēṭṭha— ‘defective’ see *ṭhiṭṭha—. Addenda: *ṭhēcc—. 2. *thēcc—: WPah.kṭg. thḗċ f. ‘obstinacy’ Him.I 95; J. thecṇu ‘to beat’. 5. †;*thōcc—: WPah.kṭg. thɔ́ċ ‘sound of a splash’, kc. thuċuk f. (obl. —a) ‘small slap’, kṭg. thƏċrāṛ, kc. thƏċṛā m. ‘big slap’ Him.I 96.
5512 *ṭhēḍḍ— ‘push’. 2. *ṭhēll—. 3. *ṭēll—. [Cf. *ṭhēcc—, *ṭhēss—, *ṭhōss—] 1. P. ṭheḍā m. ‘stumble’. 2. S. ṭhelhaṇu ‘to push’; P. ṭhehlaṇā ‘to thrust into water’, ṭhillhṇā intr. ‘to plunge into water’; Ku. ṭhelṇo ‘to push’; N. ṭhelnu ‘to push, poke’, intr. ‘to protrude’; A. ṭheliba ‘to push’, B. ṭhelā, Or. ṭhelibā, Mth. ṭhelab; H. ṭhelnā ‘to push’, ṭhelā ‘push—cart’ (→ Bhoj. P. ṭhelā m.); G. ṭhelvũ ‘to push’, M. ṭhelṇẽ. 3. Ku. ṭelaṇo ‘to push, thrust’, ṭilṇo ‘to cram’. *ṭhēṇṭha— ‘defective’ see *ṭhiṭṭha—. *ṭhēll— ‘push’ see *ṭhēḍḍ—. *ṭhēss— ‘push’ see *ṭhēcc—. Addenda: *ṭhēḍḍ—. 2. *ṭhēll—: S.kcch. ṭhelṇū ‘to push’, OMarw. 3 sg. pres.pass. ṭhelijaï. *ṭhēll— ‘push’ see *thēḍḍ— Add2.
5513 *ṭhōkk— ‘knock’. 2. *ṭhōkka—. 3. *ṭhōkkarā—. [Cf. *ṭōkk— and *ṭukk—] 1. Kho. (Lor.) ṭhuxeik ‘to knock (on a door)’; K. ṭhukun ‘to hammer’; S. ṭhokaṇu ‘to knock’; L. ṭhokaṇ ‘to hammer’; P. ṭhokṇā ‘to strike’; Ku. ṭhokṇo ‘to wield’; N. ṭhoknu ‘to knock’; A. ṭhūkiba ‘to strike’, B. ṭhokā, ṭhukā, Or. ṭhukibā; H. ṭhoknā ‘to knock, make firm’; G. ṭhokvũ ‘to strike’, M. ṭhokṇẽ. 2. Ash. ṭoká ‘nail, peg’, Kt. tku NTS ii 281 (or < *ṭōkk—); K. ṭhukh (dat. °kas) m. ‘hammering’; P. ṭhokā m. ‘carpenter’; Ku. ṭhok ‘obstacle’; B. ṭhok ‘whim’; H. ṭhok m. ‘blow’, G. ṭhok f., M. ṭhok m.; Si. ṭokka (pl. ṭoku) ‘blow on the head’ (or < *ṭōkk—). 3. K. ṭhūkara m. ‘blow, stumble’; S. ṭhokara f. ‘blow’, P. ṭhokar f.; Ku. ṭhokar ‘stumble’; N. ṭhokar ‘blow, obstacle’; B. ṭhokar ‘blow’, Or. ṭhokara; Mth. ṭhokrā ‘wooden peg for stirring grain while being crushed’; Bhoj. H. G. ṭhokar f. ‘blow’; M. ṭhokar f. ‘stumbling’. *ṭhōkka— ‘basket’ see *ṭōkka1. *ṭhōṅga— ‘beak’ see *ṭōṅka—. *ṭhōṭṭha— ‘defective’ see *ṭhuṭṭha—. *ṭhōḍḍa—, *ṭhōṇṭha— 1 ‘mouth’ see tuṇḍa—. *ṭhōṇṭha— 2 ‘defective’ see *ṭhuṭṭha—. *ṭhōṇḍa— ‘mouth’ see tuṇḍa—. *ṭhōṇḍi— ‘navel’ see tundi—. Addenda: *ṭhōkk—. 1. S.kcch. ṭhokṇū ‘to hammer, strike’; WPah.kṭg. ṭhókṇõ; ‘to copulate (of men)’, ṭhókku m. ‘copulation’; Garh. ṭhokṇu ‘to drive into, beat’. *ṭhōṭṭha— ‘defective’ see *ṭhuṭṭha— Add2. †;*ṭhōḍa— ‘defective’ see *ṭhuṭṭha—.
5514 *ṭhōbba— ‘defective’. 2. *ṭhōmba—. [See list s.v. *ṭuṇṭa2] 1. G. ṭhobrũ ‘ugly, clumsy’. 2. M. ṭhõ;b m. ‘bare trunk, boor, childless man’, thõ;bā m. ‘boor, short stout stick’ (LM 340 < stambha—). *ṭhōmba— ‘defective’ see prec. *ṭhōss— ‘push’ see *ṭhēcc—.
5515 *ṭhōssa— ‘defective’. [~ *ḍussa—. See list s.v. *ṭuṇṭa2] P. ṭhossā m. ‘gesture of denial with thumb’ (semant. cf. *ṭhuṭṭha—); WPah. (Joshi) ṭhosā ‘penis’; N. ṭhoso ‘stalk after a plant is cut, stubble’; H. ṭhosā m. ‘gesture with thumb’.
5516 *ḍakk— 1 ‘shout’. Ku. ḍākṇo ‘to chide, lecture, dispatch’, ḍāko ‘scold- ing, exhortation’; N. ḍāknu ‘to call, send for’, ḍāko ‘shout, voice’; A. ḍākiba ‘to shout’, ḍākā ‘cockcrow’; B. ḍākā ‘to call, summon’, ḍāk ‘shout’; Or. ḍākibā ‘to shout’, ḍāka, ḍakā ‘shout, sound’, ḍakarā ‘invitation’; Mth. ḍāk ‘shout’; H. ḍāknā, ḍā̃knā ‘to shout’, ḍāk f. ‘shouting’. *ḍakkāra—; — *ḍakka1? Addenda: *ḍakk—1: WPah.kc. ḍakṇo ‘to drive (e.g. cattle)’; J. ḍākṇu ‘to chide, dispatch’.
5517 *ḍakk— 2 ‘bite’. 2. *ḍaṅk—. 3. *ḍaṅkh—. 4. *daṅk—. [Connexion with √daṁś is doubtful] 1. Pk. ḍakka—, dakka— ‘bitten’ (H. Smith JA 1950, 194 replacement of daṭṭha—), ḍakkijjaï ‘is bitten’; A. ḍākiba ‘to bite, sting’; H. ḍakorī f. ‘hornet’. 2. Pk. ḍaṁka— m. ‘bite, sting’; S. ḍ̱aṅgaṇu ‘to bite, sting’, ḍ̱aṅgu m. ‘bite, sting’; L. ḍaṅg m. ‘bite’, (Ju.) ḍ̱ãgaṇ ‘to bite’, P. ḍaṅgṇā, ḍaṅg m.; Or. ḍaṅka ‘fangs of a snake, insect bite’; Mth. ḍaṅk ‘bite of insect or rep- tile’; H. ḍā̃k m. ‘insect sting’; G. ḍā̃k m. ‘large green wasp’. 3. G. ḍā̃kh m. ‘a kind of wasp’; M. ḍā̃khṇẽ ‘to bite’, ḍā̃kh ‘bite, sting’. 4. N. daṅinu ‘to be cheated’ (semant. cf. ḍā̃snu < dáṁśati). Addenda: *ḍakk— 2. 2. *ḍaṅk—: S.kcch. ḍaṅgh m. ‘a sting’; WPah.poet. ḍaṅge f. ‘a sting, pang’; A. ḍā̃kiba (phonet. d—) ‘to bite’ AFD 207.
5518 *ḍakk— 3 ‘stop’. [Cf. *ṭakk1] L. ḍakkaṇ, (Ju.) ḍ̱a° ‘to stop, obstruct’; P. ḍakkṇā ‘to block up, hinder’, ḍakk m. ‘hindrance’, ḍakkā m. ‘plug’.
5519 *ḍakka— 1 ‘relay, post’. [ḍakk1?] Ku. A. B. ḍāk ‘relay, post, posting stage’, Or. ḍāka, H. ḍāk f. (→ P. ḍāk f., K. ḍākh, dat. °kas m.), G. M. ḍāk f.
5521 *ḍakkāra— ‘belch’. 2. *ḍhakkāra—. [Onom. with kāra3] 1. K. ḍākur m., S. ḍ̱akāru m., P. ḍakār f., ḍakārnā vb.; Ku. ḍakār ‘belch’, ḍakārṇo ‘to belch, digest’; N. ḍakār ‘belch’, ḍakārnu vb.; Or. ḍakāra ‘vomiting’; H. ḍakār f. ‘belch’, ḍakārnā, ḍãk° vb., M. ḍakār m. 2. Or. ḍhakāra, ḍhaṅk°, ḍhẽk° ‘belch’, Mth. ḍhẽkār, H. ḍhakār, ḍhik° f., M. ḍhẽkar m.; — Dm. ḍrē̃k— ‘to belch’. Addenda: *ḍakkāra— [Cf. *ḍhikk—]: WPah.kṭg. ḍƏkār f. ‘belch, hiccup’; J. ḍāk f. ‘vomit’.
5522 *ḍag— 1 ‘tremble’. 2. *ḍak—. 3. *ḍig— 1. 4. *dag— 1. 5. *dig—. [Cf. *dhagg—] 1. Pk. ḍagamagaï ‘trembles’; P. ḍagḍagāuṇā ‘to tremble’, ḍagmag ‘trembling’; Ku. ḍagmagāṇo ‘to hesitate’; N. ḍagnu ‘to recoil’, ḍagḍagāunu, ḍagmag° ‘to tremble’; A. ḍagmag ‘unsteadiness, sparkle’, ḍagmagāiba ‘to glitter’; B. ḍagmag ‘trembling’, ḍagḍagiyā ‘glowing’; Or. ḍagaḍaga ‘briskly, hastily (of walking)’; Mth. ḍagrī ‘winnowing basket’, ḍagmag sb. ‘trembling’; H. ḍagḍagānā, ḍagmag° ‘to tremble, burn brightly’; OMarw. ḍagaï ‘quivers’; G. ḍagvũ, ḍagḍagvũ, ḍagmagvũ ‘to tremble’; M. ḍagṇẽ, ḍagḍagṇẽ, ḍagmagṇẽ ‘to tremble’, ḍagāgṇẽ ‘to totter’. 2. S. ḍ̱akaṇu ‘to tremble’, ḍ̱akaḍ̱akato ‘just caught (of a fish)’; N. ḍaknu ‘to harass’; M. ḍakḍakṇẽ ‘to tremble’; — Ash. ḍeḍek— ‘to tremble’, Kt. ḍäṭkyitum NTS vii 90, däṭkye— NTS ii 255, Wg. ḍaḍek—, Pr. ā—ẓuẓu—. 3. H. ḍignā ‘to unsettle’, ḍigmig ‘trembling’; OMarw. ḍigaï ‘fails’. 4. P. dagdagāuṇā ‘to shine’. 5. N. digmigāunu ‘to shudder at one's food’.
5523 *ḍag— 2 ‘step, pace’. 2. *ḍig— 2. 3. *dag— 2. 1. N. ḍag ‘step, stride’, H. ḍag f., OMarw. ḍaga f., G. ḍag, ḍaglũ n.; M. ḍag f. ‘pace’, ḍagṇẽ ‘to step over’; — Or. ḍagara ‘footstep, road’; Mth. ḍagar ‘road’, H. ḍagar f., ḍagrā m., G. ḍagar f. 2. P. ḍı̃gh f. ‘foot, step’; N. ḍeg, ḍek ‘pace’; Mth. ḍeg ‘footstep’; H. ḍig, ḍeg f. ‘pace’. 3. L. dagg m. ‘road’, daggaṛ rāh m. ‘wide road’ (mult. ḍaggar rāh < daggaṛ?); P. dagaṛ m. ‘road’, H. dagṛā m. *ḍagga— 1 ‘hill’ see *ṭakka3.
5524 *ḍagga— 2 ‘defective’. 2. *ḍaṅga— 2. 3. ḍaṅgara— 2 ‘expression of contempt’ lex. (→ Psht. Orm. ḍaṅgar ‘lean’ IIFL i 393, NTS ii 255). 4. *ḍikka— 2. 5. *ḍiṅga— 2. 6. ḍiṅgara— m. ‘rogue, servant’ lex. 7. *ḍēṅga— 2. 8. *ḍhagga—. 9. *ḍhaṅkha—. 10. *ḍhiṅka— 2. 11. *dhaṅga—. 12. *dhiṅga—. [Cf. ḍaṅgara1: see lists s.vv. *ḍōkka2 and *ṭuṇṭa2] 1. Wg. ḍege ‘old, weak’; Woṭ. ḍāg (f. ḍyēg) ‘old’, Gaw. ḍaga. 2. Ku. ḍā̃go ‘lean (e.g. of oxen)’; N. ḍā̃go ‘male (of animals)’; A. ḍāṅ ‘wicked’, ḍāṅ—muṭhiyā ‘without wife or children’; Or. ḍāṅga ‘one who is reduced to a skele- ton’, ḍāṅguā ‘bachelor, widower’, ḍaṅgā ‘long and narrow (e.g. of a plot of ground)’. 3. Ash. ḍäṅor ‘unwell’; Bashg. daṅgor ‘lazy’; K. ḍangur (dat. °garas) m. ‘fool’; P. ḍaṅgar m. ‘stupid man’; N. ḍāṅro ‘term of contempt for a blacksmith’, ḍāṅre ‘large and lazy’; A. ḍaṅurā ‘living alone without wife or children’; H. ḍā̃gar, ḍā̃grā m. ‘starveling’. 4. OMarw. ḍīkarī f. ‘daughter’. 5. S. ḍ̱iṅgu m. ‘crook’, ḍ̱iṅgo ‘crooked’, L. P. ḍiṅgā; Ku. ḍı̃glo ‘lean, emaciated’; N. ḍı̃go, ḍiṅo ‘abusive word for a cow’; G. ḍı̃g f. n. ‘lie’. 6. Kt. ḍigƏr ‘bad, unpleasant’; N. ḍiṅgar ‘con- temptuous term for an inhabitant of the Tarai’; B. ḍiṅgar ‘vile’; Or. ḍiṅgara ‘rogue’, °rā ‘wicked’; H. ḍiṅgar m. ‘rogue’; M. ḍı̃gar m. ‘boy’. 7. B. ḍeṅguyā ‘having no wife’. 8. L. (Shahpur) ḍhaǥǥā ‘small weak ox’, ḍhaǥǥī f. ‘cow’, ḍhaǥṛā m. ‘paramour’. 9. Pk. ḍhaṁkhara— m.n. ‘branch without leaves or fruit’; S. ḍhaṅgaru m. ‘lean emaciated beast’; Ku. ḍhā̃go ‘lean’, m. ‘skeleton’; M. ḍhā̃k, n., ḍhā̃kaḷ f. ‘old decay- ing stump’, ḍhā̃kẽ n. ‘stout stake’, ḍhā̃kaḷ, °kūḷ ‘old and decaying, bare of leaves &c.’ 10. S. ḍhiṅgaru m. ‘lean emaciated beast’. 11. Or. dhāṅgaṛ ‘young servant, herdsman, name of a Santal tribe’, dhāṅgaṛā ‘unmarried youth’, °ṛī ‘un- married girl’, dhāṅgarā ‘youth, man’; H. dhaṅgar m. ‘herdsman’, dhā̃gaṛ, °ar m. ‘a non—Aryan tribe in the Vindhyas, digger of wells and tanks’; M. dhā̃gaḍ ‘rude, loutish’, f. ‘hoyden’. 12. M. dhı̃gaḍ = prec. *ḍaṅk— ‘bite’ see *ḍakk2. Addenda: *ḍagga— 2. 8. *ḍhagga—1: transfer words for ox and cow to †;*ḍhagga2 s.v. †;*ḍagga3. 12. *dhiṅga—: S.kcch. dhīṅgho ‘stout’. 13. †;*dhakkha—: P. dhakkh ‘small’; WPah.kṭg. (kc.) dhɔ́kkh ‘little, some’, kṭg. dhɔ́khni f. ‘one eighth’ (Him.I 108), J. dhakh ‘a little’; Garh. dhakkaṛ ‘a good—for—nothing man’. 14. †;*dhagga—: P. dhagṛā m. ‘paramour’, dhagaṛ ‘violent man’, WPah.poet. dhɔgṛa m. ‘scoundrel, paramour’, H. dhagṛā.
5525 *ḍaṅka— ‘drum’. 2. *ḍakka— 4. [Cf. ḍakkārī— ‘lute’ lex.] 1. P. N. B. Or. H. M. ḍaṅkā m. ‘drum’; G. ḍaṅkɔ m. ‘large kettledrum’, M. ḍā̃kā m. 2. Pk. ḍakka— m. ‘a partic. musical instrument’; G. ḍakkɔ m. ‘drum’; Si. ḍäkkiya ‘tom—tom’. *ḍaṅkh— ‘bite’ see *ḍakk2. *ḍaṅga— 1 ‘stick’ see *ḍakka2. *ḍaṅga— 2 ‘defective’ see *ḍagga2. *ḍaṅga— 3 ‘hill’ see *ṭakka3. *ḍaṅga— 4 ‘boat’ see *ḍōṅga1.
5526 *ḍaṅgara— 1 ‘cattle’. 2. *daṅgara—. [Same as ḍaṅ- gara2 s.v. *ḍagga2 as a pejorative term for cattle] 1. K. ḍangur m. ‘bullock’, L. ḍaṅgur, (Ju.) ḍ̱ãgar m. ‘horned cattle’; P. ḍaṅgar m. ‘cattle’, Or. ḍaṅgara; Bi. ḍā̃gar ‘old worn—out beast, dead cattle’, dhūr ḍā̃gar ‘cattle in general’; Bhoj. ḍāṅgar ‘cattle’; H. ḍā̃gar, ḍā̃grā m. ‘horned cattle’. 2. H. dā̃gar m. = prec. ḍaṅgara— 2 ‘defective’ see *ḍagga2. *ḍaṭṭha—, *daṇṭa— ‘stalk’ see next.
5527 *ḍaṇṭha— ‘stem’. 2. *ḍaṇṭa—. 3. *ḍāṇṭa—. 4. *ḍaṭṭha—. 5. *ḍāṭṭha—. 6. *ḍiṇṭa—. 7. *ṭāṇṭa—. 8. *ṭāṇṭha—. 9. *taṇṭa—. 10. *daṇṭha—. [Cf. taṇḍaka— n. ‘tree- trunk’ lex.—This group, if it includes daṇḍá— (EWA ii 11) and de/ndr(e)on (H. W. Bailey TPS 1952, 60), is prob. like āṇḍá— and índra—, non—IE. in origin (despite Bailey loc. cit. fn. 3) and the IA. forms have been infl. by Drav. and Mu. words (lit. EWA loc. cit.) and speech- habits (J.C.W.)] 1. H. ḍā̃ṭh, °ṭhī f., ḍā̃ṭhal m., ḍaṇṭhā, °ṭhal, °ṭhlā m. ‘stem, stalk’. 2. L. (Ju.) ḍ̱ãḍī f. ‘stem of poppy’, ḍ̱ãḍal m. ‘culm’; B. ḍā̃ṭ ‘stem, stalk’; Mth. ḍā̃ṭ ‘foot stalk of lotus’, ḍaṇṭī ‘foot stalk of a plant, beam of scales’; Bhoj. ḍaṇṭā ‘stick’; H. ḍā̃ṭ ‘stem, stalk’. 3. S. ḍ̱ā̃ḍī f. ‘stalk of flower or fruit’. 4. P. ḍaṭṭhal m. ‘hull of gram’; H. ḍaṭhā m. ‘stalk’. 5. S. ḍ̱āṭho m. ‘fibres and stalk of tobacco leaf’. 6. G. ḍı̄̃ṭũ, ḍīṭũ n. ‘leaf stalk’. 7. L. ṭāṇḍā m. ‘dry stalk of bājrā’, P. ṭā̃ḍā m. 8. P. ṭā̃ḍhā m. 9. N. tāndro ‘dry stalk or straw’ (< *tāṇṭa—ḍa—); M. tā̃ṭ ‘stem’. 10. Or. dāṇṭhi ‘hard stalk of a creeper, stalk—like bean’. ḌAP ‘accumulate’: ḍāpayatē. *ḍabara— ‘pool’ see *ḍabbara—. *ḍabb— ‘press’ see *dabb—. Addenda: *ḍaṇṭha—. 1. S.kcch. ḍāṇḍhī f. ‘small drumstick’, ḍāṇḍhyo m. ‘short thick stick’. 4. *ḍaṭṭha—: A. ḍaṭh ‘elephant goad’ rather < *dāṁṣṭra—? 11. †;*taṇḍa—: Md. tan̆ḍi ‘stalk’. 12. †;*diṇṭa—: M. dẽṭ ‘stem, stalk’, Ko. dēṇṭu.
5528 *ḍabba— 1 ‘box’. 2. *ḍibba— 1. 3. *ḍēbba—. 4. *ḍāva— 1. 5. *dabba—. 6. *dibba—. [Not conn. with darvi—, but of non—Aryan origin (A. Master BSOAS xii 348 ← Drav.)] 1. K. ḍaba m. ‘small round covered box’; L. ḍabbī f. ‘small box’; P. ḍabb m. ‘a kind of pocket’; Ku. ḍābā ‘small box’; B. ḍāb ‘unripe coconut full of water’, ḍābā ‘large hollow vessel to feed cattle from’, ḍābu ‘small jar’; Or. ḍāba ‘raw coconut’, ḍabā ‘small metal box’, ḍābā ‘canister’; Bhoj. ḍabasā ‘round vessel’; H. ḍabbā m., °bī f. ‘box’, ḍabrī f. ‘earthen cup’; G. ḍābṛī f. ‘box’, ḍabṛũ n. ‘leather bag’; M. ḍabbā m., ḍabḍẽ n., *ḍī f., ḍabkī f. ‘box’. 2. P. ḍibbā m. ‘box’; Ku. ḍibi ‘small vessel or box’; N. ḍibiyā ‘small flat box’; B. Or. ḍibā ‘small box for jewels’, Bi. ḍībā, ḍibbā, Bhoj. ḍībā, H. ḍibī, ḍibbī f. 3. Aw. lakh. ḍebiyā ‘casket’. 4. Mth. ḍāwā ‘large earthen cup’; M. ḍāv f., ḍav, ḍaū m. ‘hollowed coconut used as a vessel’. 5. L. dablā m. ‘jewel box’, °lī f. ‘snuff—box’; — N. dāb, dāp ‘sheath’; M. dāb m. ‘girdle’? 6. P. dibbā m. ‘box’. Addenda: *ḍabba— 1. 1. S.kcch. ḍabī f. ‘small box’, ḍabo m. ‘carriage’; WPah.poet. ḍabu m. ‘small box’; J. ḍābū m. ‘round wooden box’. 7. †;*ḍabbara—2: S.kcch. ḍabrī f. ‘small round metal vessel’; Bhoj. ḍabarā m. ‘a round vessel’; H. ḍabrī f. ‘leather cup’; G. ḍābrī f. ‘box’, ḍābrũ n. ‘leather bag’. †;*ḍabbara— 2 ‘box’ see *ḍabba1.
5529 *ḍabba— 2 ‘spot’. 2. *dribba—. 3. *dhabba—. 1. K. ḍobu ‘spotted’; S. ḍ̱aḇo m. ‘a kind of dog’; P. ḍabb m. ‘spot’, ḍabbā ‘spotted’, ḍabbī f. ‘spotted bitch’; N. ḍābar ‘spot, small swelling’; G. ḍabkɔ m. ‘drop, blot’. 2. S. ḍriḇuṛu m. ‘mark of sting or bite’. 3. L. dhabbā m. ‘cotton—printer’; P. dhabbā m. ‘spot’; N. dhabbo ‘stain, spot’, H. dhabbā m., G. dhābũ n.
5530 *ḍabbara— ‘mud, pool, vessel’. 2. *dabbara—. 3. *ḍabara—. [Semant. for ‘pool ~ vessel’ cf. kuṇḍá—1, kumbhá1] 1. L. ḍabbar m. ‘clayey hollow’; A. ḍabar ‘spittoon’; B. ḍābar ‘water—vessel’; H. ḍābar m. ‘low hollow ground where water collects’; OMarw. ḍābara m. ‘pool’; M. ḍaburā, °brā m. ‘hole dug for water’. 2. Ash. dábar ‘clay’; Paš. dabar ‘wet’; P. dābar m. ‘clay’. 3. M. ḍavrā m. ‘hole dug for water’.
5533 *ḍambharūpa— ‘young animal’. [ḍimbha—3, rūpá—] N. ḍambaru, ḍammaru ‘tiger's cub’.
5536 *ḍala— ‘lump’. 2. *ḍalla— 1. 3. *ḍilla—. 4. *ḍēlla—. 5. *ḍhalla—. 6. *ḍhilla— 1. 7. *ḍhēlla—. 8. dala— 1 m. ‘clump, heap’ lex. 9. *dalla—. 10. *dilla—. 11. *ṭēla—. [See list s.v. *ḍhikka1] 1. Pk. ḍala— m. ‘lump’; Gaw. Sv. ḍal ‘big, thick’; P. ḍalā m. ‘lump’, ḍalī f. ‘small lump, betel—nut’; Ku. ḍalo, °li ‘lump, clump’, H. ḍalā m., °lī f., Marw. ḍalī f. — N. ḍolo ‘round and smooth’ (X gol < gōla1?). 2. N. ḍallo ‘round, round lump, clod; G. ḍalɔ m. ‘lump’, M. ḍallā m. — S. ḍ̱alhaṇu ‘to stuff, fill the stomach’? 3. K. ḍı̄̃jü f. ‘ball, small globular mass’; S. ḍ̱īlu m. ‘belly, body’; L. ḍilh (pl. °hı̃) f. ‘boulder’, (Ju.) ḍ̱ilh m. ‘clod’; P. ḍīl m. ‘bulk’; N. ḍil ‘ridge, bank’; A. ḍil ‘heart, spadix of a plaintain tree’, ḍilā ‘mango—stone, calf of leg’ (semant. cf. píṇḍa—); H. ḍīl m. ‘lump, ploughed land’; G. ḍīl n. ‘body’. 4. S. ḍ̱elhu m. ‘an unripe fruit of Ceriops candolleana’; L. ḍēlhā, ḍēlā, (Ju.) ḍ̱ē° ‘a fruit of Capparis aphylla, an unripe fruit, diseased eyeball’; P. ḍelhā, ḍellā, ḍelā m. ‘an unripe fruit of Capparis aphylla, eyeball’; WPah. bhal. ḍell n. ‘lump or heap of clay’, khaś. ḍellā ‘hip’, jaun. ḍēlī ‘stone of fruit’; Ku. ḍel ‘clump, clod’; N. ḍeli ‘small round basket without a handle’; B. ḍelā ‘lump’; H. ḍel m. ‘lump, ploughed land’. 5. H. ḍhallā m. ‘lump of clay, clod’. 6. B. ḍhil ‘lump, clod, stone’; Mth. ḍhīl ‘louse’; M. ḍhīl n. ‘potbelly’. 7. Paš. ḍäl plural affix; K. ḍela m. ‘clod’, P. ḍhelā m., WPah. bhal. bhad. ḍhell n., bhiḍ. ḍhellõ; (pl. °lã) n., Ku. ḍhel, ḍhelo m., N. B. Or. H. ḍhelā m.; M. ḍhel f. ‘heap’, n.f. ‘potbelly’, ḍhelā m. ‘dry spot in a river’. 8. P. dalā m. ‘lump’; Ku. dalo ‘large stone’; A. dalā ‘clod’, dali ‘lump, piece of stone used as a missile’; B. dalā, °li, dalni ‘lump, clod’; Or. daḷi ‘clod’, daḷanī ‘clod, brickbat’; H. dalī f. ‘clod’; Si. dali ‘clod of clay or earth’. 9. Ku. dallā, dālā ‘large rocks and stones, debris and sand’. 10. Bshk. dil ‘clod’; H. dil f. ‘small eminence, site of an old village’; G. dil n. ‘body, belly’. 11. Or. ṭeḷā ‘clod of earth’. *ḍhēllapáśa—. *ḍalla— 1 ‘lump’ see prec. Addenda: *ḍala— ‘lump’. 2. *ḍalla—1: WPah.kṭg. ḍāl f. ‘stomach’ Him.I 84. 4. *ḍēlla—: WPah.jaun. ḍelī ‘fruitstone’. 9. *dalla—: WPah.Wkc. dɔle f. ‘laziness’ (see also *ḍhila—). 10. *dilla—: WPah.poet. dile f. ‘fruitstone’ Him.I 102. 12. †;*ḍhōla—2: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) ḍhṑḷ m. ‘stone’, kṭg. ḍhòḷṭɔ m. ‘big stone or boulder’, ḍhòḷṭu ‘small id.’ Him.I 87. *ḍalla— 1 ‘lump’ see *ḍala— Add2.
5537 *ḍalla— 2 ‘basket’, ḍallaka— n. ‘basket carried with stick and ropes over shoulder’ BrahmavP. 2. *ḍāla— 2. 3. *dāla— 3. 1. Pk. ḍalla—, °aga— n. ‘basket’, S. ḍ̱alho m., P. ḍall f., Ku. ḍālo m., N. ḍālo, °li; A. ḍāli ‘basket of fruit &c. for a present’; B. ḍālā, °li ‘basket’; Or. ḍālā, °li ‘basket, wickerwork tray’; Mth. ḍālā ‘present to bridegroom's father on departure of marriage procession’; H. ḍāl, °lī f. ‘basket’ (→ P. ḍālī f. ‘basket, esp. of fruit as a present’, K. ḍöli f.), ḍālā, ḍallā m. ‘large basket, litter’; G. ḍālũ n. ‘basket’; M. ḍāl f. n. ‘basket’, ḍālẽ n. ‘frame to hold pitchers’; Si. ḍalaka ‘basket, sling, present of fruit &c.’. 2. M. ḍāḷī f. °ḷẽ n. ‘basket’. 3. M. dāḷẽ n. = prec. ḍallaka— see prec. Addenda: *ḍalla—2: S.kcch. ḍallo m. ‘big basket’ (ḍālo m. ← G.).
5538 *ḍavala— ‘shape’. 2. *ḍavalla—. 1. K. ḍol m. ‘shape, figure’, P. ḍaul m., N. ḍawal, ḍaul; B. H. ḍaul m. ‘shape, condition’, G. ḍɔḷ f.; M. ḍauḷ ‘a form ready to be filled’. 2. S. ḍ̱aulu m. ‘shape’; Or. ḍaula ‘shape, condition’, adj. ‘handsome’; M. ḍaul, ḍahūl m. ‘shape, condition’. *ḍavalla— ‘shape’ see prec.
5539 *ḍavva— ‘lefthand, crosswise’. 2. *ḍāva— 2. 3. *ḍābba—. 4. *ḍivva—. 5. *ḍēvva—. 6. ḍhēvva—. 7. *dēva— 2. 8. *dēvva—. [Non—Aryan: A. Master BSOAS xii 348 ← Drav.] 1. Pk. ḍavva— ‘left’; P. ḍaū m. ‘fool’; Or. (Sambhalpur) ḍabri ‘left side or hand’. 2. Pk. ḍāva— m. ‘left hand’; S. ḍ̱āo ‘left’, ḍāvaṛu ‘left- handed’; H. ḍāwā ‘left’; M. ḍāvā ‘id.’, ḍāvrā ‘lefthanded, crooked—horned’, ḍāvrẽ n. ‘crooked horn’. 3. S. ḍ̱āḇaṛu ‘lefthanded’; OG. ḍābaü ‘left’, G. ḍābũ, ḍābhũ. 4. H. ḍibbā m. ‘left hand’, ḍibariyā ‘lefthanded’. 5. N. ḍebro ‘obstinate’, ḍebre ‘left’; B. ḍebrā ‘left- handed’, Or. ḍebarā ‘id.’, ḍebiri ‘pertaining to the left’; Bi. Mth. ḍeb ‘bullock with one erect and one hanging horn’. — X *trēḍḍa— q.v. 6. Ku. ḍhebro ‘lefthanded’. 7. H. dewrā ‘left’. 8. N. debro ‘obstinate’, debre ‘left’, H. debrā. Addenda: *ḍavva—. 3. *ḍābba—: S.kcch. ḍābo ‘left’.
5543 *ḍākka— 1 ‘robber, robbery’. [Ac. to W.Wüst RM 3, 33, with *ṭhakk2, ← non—Aryan adaptation of śāka—] P. ḍākā m. ‘robbery, band of robbers’, ḍākū m. ‘robber’; N. ḍāku, ḍā̃kā, °ku, ḍakait ‘robber’, A. B. ḍāku, ḍakāit, Or. ḍāku, ḍā̃ku, ḍakāita, Mth. ḍākū, ḍakait; H. ḍākā, m. ‘robbery, band of robbers’, ḍākū, ḍā̃kū, ḍakait m. ‘robber’; G. ḍākɔ m. ‘attack by robbers’; M. ḍā̃kā m. ‘band of robbers, attack by robbers’; — G. ḍākũ ‘dishonoured’, ḍākiyũ, ḍākṇũ ‘wicked’ (or < ḍākínī—). *ḍākka— 2 ‘goblin’ see ḍāka—. *ḍākkinī—, *ḍāṅkinī— ‘witch’ see ḍākínī—. *ḍāṭṭha— ‘stalk’ see *ḍaṇṭha—. *ḍāḍha— ‘branch’ see ḍāla1. *ḍāṇṭa— ‘stalk’ see *ḍaṇṭha—.
5545 *ḍāl— ‘pour, put’. 2. *ḍār—. [Cf. √*ḍhal] 1. Ku. ḍālṇo ‘to throw, pour, put in’; Mth. ḍārab ‘to throw’; OAw. ḍāraï ‘throws, puts away’; H. ḍālnā ‘to pour, put, scatter, destroy’, caus. ḍalānā, ḍalāu m. ‘rubbish’; M. ḍāḷṇẽ ‘to pile up orderly’, ḍāḷ m. ‘pile’. 2. P. ḍārṇā ‘to throw’; — H. ḍārnā = ḍālnā (or with EH. —r— < —l—). Addenda: *ḍāl—: WPah.poet. ḍalṇo ‘to throw’ (← H. Him.I 84).
5547 *ḍikka— 1 ‘stick, line’. 2. *ḍiṅka—. [See list s.v. *ḍakka2] 1. N. ḍiko ‘horizontal line on the top of Nāgarī letters’; A. ḍikiba ‘to draw a line’ (semant. cf. Mth. ḍā̃ṛi ‘line’ < daṇḍá—). — Wg. dikā— ‘to drive away’?? 2. N. ḍı̃gnu, ḍiṅnu ‘small stick for driving animals’. *ḍikka— 2 ‘defective’ see *ḍagga—.2 *ḍig— 1 ‘tremble’ see *ḍag1. *ḍig— 2 ‘step’ see *ḍag2. *ḍiṅga— 1 ‘boat’ see *ḍōṅga1. *ḍiṅga—2, ḍiṅgara— ‘defective’ see *ḍagga2. ḍiḍimāṇaka— see ṭiṭṭibha—. *ḍiḍḍha— ‘belly’ see *ḍhiḍḍha2. *ḍiṇṭa— ‘stalk’ see *ḍaṇṭha—. ḍiṇḍibha— see dundubha—. Addenda: *ḍikka—. 2. *ḍiṅka—: WPah.kṭg. īṅg m. ‘stick’, kṭg. (kc.) iṅgɔ m., poet. iṅkule f. ‘small stick’, J. ḍiṅgli f. *ḍiṅka— ‘stick’ see ḍikka1 Add2.
5549 *ḍippa— ‘mound, hill’. 2. *ḍibba— 2. [Cf. forms s.v. *ṭappa3 and parallel variations s.v. *ṭakka3. — Origin of Dhātup. √ḍip ‘heap’? Then cf. √ḍap.] 1. S. ḍ̱ipo m. ‘a kind of wen or swollen lump’; Ku. ḍīp ‘hillock, ridge’; — Ku. ḍino ‘hilltop’ (X ḍāno < daṇḍá—?). 2. S. ḍ̱iḇa f. ‘mound of earth’; Or. ḍibiri ‘nut of a bolt’. *ḍibba— 1 ‘box’ see *ḍabba1. *ḍibba— 2 ‘mound, lump’ see *ḍippa—.
5555 *ḍīra— ‘shoot’. Pk. ḍīra— n. ‘new shoot’, M. ḍīr n.
5556 *ḍukk— ‘swell’. S. ḍ̱uku m. ‘girl's breast when it begins to swell’; N. ḍuku ‘new shoot of a creeper’; — Ku. ḍokīṇo ‘to be satiated’.
5557 *ḍukka— ‘blow with fist’. P. ḍukk m. ‘blow’; Ku. ḍukā pl. ‘fisticuffs’; H. ḍuk m. ‘blow with fist’. — Eng. slang dukes ‘fists’ ← unre- corded Gy.? — Sh. ḍukiní f. ‘fighting’ or < *ḍhukyati.
5558 *ḍukkar— ‘bellow’. Dm. ḍrõmacr;k— ‘to bellow, bray’; Phal. ḍrhōṅk— ‘to bellow’, N. ḍukranu.
5559 *ḍuggi— ‘drum’. [Onom.] P. ḍugḍugī f. ‘drum’, N. ḍuggi, ḍugḍugi, Or. ḍugi, H. G. ḍugḍugī f. *ḍuṅga— ‘hill’ see *ṭakka3. ḍuḍubha—, ḍuḍuma— see dundubha—. *ḍuḍḍa— 1 ‘hole’ see *ṭōṭṭa1. *ḍuḍḍa— 2 ‘defective’ see next.
5560 *ḍuṇṭa— ‘defective’. 2. *ḍuḍḍa— 2. 3. *ḍuṇḍa— 2. 4. *ḍōṭṭa—. 5. *ḍōṇṭa— 2. [See list s.v. *ṭuṇṭa2] 1. S. ḍ̱uṇḍī f. ‘end of stalk attached to fruit, knob, nipple’; L. ḍuṇḍrī f. ‘short tail of the Thal sheep’; P. ḍuṇḍ m. ‘headless body, bare trunk of tree’. 2. Ash. ḍuḍestēi ‘blunt’, Kt. ḍūḍe, ḍuṛu; P. ḍuḍḍ f. ‘crookedness in feet’, ḍuḍḍā ‘crooked—footed, clump- footed’. 3. Ku. ḍuno ‘lame’; N. ḍũṛo ‘having lost a limb, lame, deformed’, ḍũṛuḷo ‘maimed, armless, contemp- tuous term for hand’; Bi. ḍũṛiyā ‘hornless bullock’; H. ḍū̃ḍā m. ‘bullock with one horn’. 4. L. ḍoṭā, (Ju.) ḍ̱o° m. ‘profligate (used by women of men)’. 5. P. ḍõ;ḍrā ‘leafless’; Ku. ḍũḍo ‘lame’. *ḍuṇṭi— ‘navel’ see tundi—. *ḍuṇḍa— 1 ‘mouth’ see tuṇḍa—. *ḍuṇḍa— 2 ‘defective’ see *ḍuṇṭa—. ḍuṇḍa— 3 ‘belly’ see tundá1. ḍuṇḍu—, ḍuṇḍubha— see dundubha—. Addenda: *ḍuṇṭa—. 1. S.kcch. ḍūṇḍh m. ‘stem of a leaf or fruit’.
5561 *ḍubb— ‘sink’. 2. Caus. *ḍōbb—. [Metath. of MIA. buḍḍaï < *buḍyati. Cf. *ṭubb—] 1. Paš. ḍub— ‘to be drowned’, Mai. ḍūb—; Phal. ḍup ‘sinking’; Sh. (Lor.) ḍup ‘plunged in’; K. ḍubun ‘to dive, sink, be ruined’; P. ḍubbṇā ‘to sink’; WPah. khaś. ḍubbnu ‘to sink, prick’; Ku. ḍubṇo ‘to sink’, N. ḍubnu, A. ḍubiba, B. ḍubā, Or. ḍubibā, Mth. ḍubab, H. ḍū̆bnā, G. ḍubvũ, M. ḍubṇẽ (whence ḍubakṇẽ ‘to gambol in the water’, ḍubkaḷṇẽ ‘to dip’); — M. ḍũbṇẽ, ḍũbhṇẽ, ḍumṇẽ ‘to gambol in the water’. 2. P. ḍobṇā tr. ‘to plunge in’, Ku. ḍobṇo, N. ḍobnu; H. ḍobnā ‘to dip, dye’; M. ḍobṇẽ ‘to immerse’. ḍumba— see ḍōmba—. *ḍumbara— ‘Ficus glomerata’ see udumbára—. Addenda: *ḍubb—. 1. S.kcch. ḍubṇū ‘to sink, be drowned’; WPah.kṭg. (kc.) ḍvbṇõ; ‘to drive, sink, drown’, caus. ḍƏb e uṇõ;.
5562 *ḍumma— ‘fat—bellied’. N. ḍumma ‘with the belly fat from eating (of children and cattle)’; M. ḍumṇā ‘fat—bellied’. ḍulī— see duḍi—.
5563 *ḍussa— ‘defective’. [~ *ṭhōssa—. See list s.v. *ṭuṇṭa2] K. ḍŏsa, ḍusa ‘having a maimed or bent body (from disease &c.)’. *ḍēṅga— 1 ‘boat’ see *ḍōṅga1. *ḍēṅga— 2 ‘defective’ see *ḍagga2. ḍēbba— ‘box’ see *ḍabba1.
5564 *ḍēra— 1 ‘resting—place’. 2. *dēra—. 1. K. ḍera m. ‘tent, temporary stopping place’; P. ḍerā m. ‘tent, encampment’; WPah. bhal. ḍero m. ‘lodging place, shelter’; Ku. ḍero ‘tent, shelter, house, esp. temporary lodging’; N. ḍerā ‘tent, booth’; A. B. Or. Mth. H. ḍerā ‘tent, shelter, temporary resting- place’, Marw. ḍero m., G. ḍerɔ m., M. ḍerā m. 2. B. derā ‘a sort of tent’; H. derā m. ‘tent, house’ (→ S. dero m. ‘tent’). *ḍēra— 2 ‘slanting, squinting’ see ṭēraka—. *ḍēlla— ‘lump’ see *dala—. *ḍēvva— ‘left’ see *ḍavva—. Addenda: *ḍēra—1: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) ḍerɔ m. ‘small house’, J. ḍerā m. *ḍēlla— ‘lump’ see *ḍala— Add2.
5566 *ḍōka— ‘head’. 2. *ḍōkka— 1. 1. H. M. ḍoī f. ‘head’. 2. Kho. (Lor.) ḍok korik ‘to take someone on one's back’; G. ḍok f. ‘neck’, ḍokũ n. ‘head’, M. ḍokẽ n. - Ku. N. ḍoko ‘basket carried on back and shoulders’ (but see *ṭōkka— and *dhōkka1). — K. ḍĕka m. ‘forehead’ perh. rather < *ḍhēkka1. *ḍōkka— 1 ‘head’ see prec.
5567 *ḍōkka— 2 ‘defective’. 2. *dhōkka— 2. [~ *ṭugga—. See lists s.vv. *ḍagga— and *ṭuṇṭa2] 1. Ku. ḍokro, ḍokhro ‘old man’; B. ḍokrā ‘old, decrepit’, Or. ḍokarā; H. ḍokrā ‘decrepit’; G. ḍokɔ m. ‘penis’, ḍokrɔ m. ‘old man’, M. ḍokrā m. — Kho. (Lor.) duk ‘hunched up, hump of camel’; K. ḍọ̆ku ‘hump- backed’ perh. < *ḍōkka1. 2. Or. dhokaṛa ‘decrepit, hanging down (of breasts)’.
5568 *ḍōṅga— 1 ‘trough, dug—out canoe, boat’. 2. *ḍaṅga— 4. 3. *ḍiṅga— 1. 4. *ḍēṅga— 1. 5. *ḍōṇṭa— 1. [Though prob. of non—Aryan origin, it may have affected the meaning of drṓṇa1] 1. Pk. ḍoṁgī—, °galī— f. ‘small box for betel’, ḍuṁgha- m. ‘water—vessel made of coconut shell’; Sh. (Lor.) ḍūṅo ‘small earthen vessel’; K. ḍū̃ga m. ‘a kind of covered boat’; P. ḍõ;gā m., °gī f., ḍõ;ghā m., °ghī f. ‘a deep boat’; Ku. ḍuṅo ‘ferry boat’; N. ḍũgo, ḍuṅo ‘small boat (usu. of one piece of wood)’; A. ḍoṅgā ‘canoe made of plaintain—sheath’; B. ḍoṅa, ḍuṅi ‘canoe, boat’; Or. ḍuṅgi ‘dug—out canoe’; Bhoj. Aw.lakh. ḍõmacr;gī ‘boat’; H. ḍõ;gā m. ‘trough, canoe, ladle’; G. ḍũgɔ m. ‘tobacco- pipe’; M. ḍõ;gā m. ‘a sort of boat or canoe’. 2. Or. ḍaṅgā ‘small country boat, dug—out canoe’, ḍaṅgi ‘canoe’. 3. A. B. ḍiṅā ‘boat, canoe’, Or. ḍiṅgā. 4. Bhoj. ḍē̃gi ‘boat’; H. ḍẽgī f. ‘small boat, canoe’. 5. S. ḍ̱ū̃ḍo m., °ḍī f. ‘boat’; L. ḍōṇḍā m. ‘boat’, mult. ḍūṇḍā m., (Ju.) ḍ̱ū̃ḍ̱ī f.; N. ḍũṛ, ḍũṛh ‘trough, wooden or bamboo water—channel, gutter.’ *ḍōṅga— 2 ‘hill’ see *ṭakka3. *ḍōṭṭa— ‘defective’ see *ḍuṇṭa—.
5569 *ḍōṭṭha ‘hollow stem’. [Cf. *ṭōṭṭa—1, *ṭhōṭṭha—, *dhōdda—] Ku. ḍoṭho ‘hollow trunk, box’; N. ḍoṭho ‘vessel to hold liquid’. *ḍōṇṭa— 1 ‘trough, boat’ see *ḍōṅga1. *ḍōṇṭa— 2 ‘defective’ see *ḍuṇṭa—. *ḍōbb— ‘immerse’ see *ḍubb—. ḍōma— see next.
5573 *ḍōva— ‘spoon’. 2.. *dōva—. [Connexion with dárvi- very doubtful] 1. Pk. ḍōva—, ḍōa— m. ‘wooden spoon or vessel or handle’; Gy. eur. roi f. ‘spoon’, SEeur. ṛoy, pal. dṓwi ‘large wooden spoon’; S. ḍ̱oī f. ‘spoon’; L. (Ju.) ḍ̱oī f. ‘small wooden spoon’; P. ḍoī f. ‘spoon’; Or. ḍuā ‘spoon for stirring boiling rice’; Bi. ḍoī f. ‘spoon’; Mth. ḍoi ‘spoon’ (used by Moslems ~ dābi < dárvi— used by Hindus); H. ḍowā m. ‘large ladle’, ḍoī f. ‘spoon’; G. ḍoī f. ‘spoon’, ḍoiyɔ m. ‘coconut shell used as bowl’. — Ext. —r—: Sh. (Lor.) ḍōri ‘big wooden ladle’ (← H.?); H. ḍorā m. ‘large ladle’, ḍorī f. ‘ladle’; — —ll—: S. ḍ̱oilo m. ‘spoon’; M. ḍoylī f. ‘oil—dipper (made of coconut shell, mango stone, or wood)’. 2. L. mult. doī f. ‘small wooden spoon’.
5574 *ḍhakk— ‘cover’. 2. *ḍhaṅk—. [Cf. ḍhakkana— n. ‘shutting’ Śīl.] 1. Pk. ḍhakkaï ‘shuts’; S. ḍhakaṇu ‘to cover’; L. ḍhakkaṇ ‘to imprison’; P. ḍhakkṇā ‘to cover’, Ku. ḍhakṇo, N. ḍhāknu, A. ḍhākiba, B. ḍhākā, Bhoj. ḍhākal, OMarw. ḍhakaï; — Pk. ḍhakkiṇī— f. ‘lid’, S. ḍhakkaṇī f., P. ḍhakṇā m., °ṇī f., WPah. bhad. ḍhakkaṇ n., Ku. ḍhākaṇ, N. ḍhakni, A. ḍhākni, B. ḍhākan, ḍhāknā, °ni; Bi. ḍhaknā ‘cover of grain—pot’, Mth. ḍhākni; Bhoj. ḍhaknī ‘lid’. — Poss. K. ḍākürü f. ‘wide shallow basket’; N. ḍhāki ‘basket’, ḍhākar ‘a kind of large basket’; Bi. mag. ḍhākā ‘large open basket’; — P. ḍhakkā m. ‘pass between two hills’. 2. Pk. ḍhaṁkissaï ‘will cover’; Kho. (Lor.) ḍaṅgeik ‘to cover, shut, bury’; Phal. ḍhaṅg— ‘to bury’; Or. ḍhaṅkibā ‘to cover’, H. ḍhā̃knā, Marw. ḍhā̃kṇo, G. ḍhā̃kvũ, M. ḍhā̃kṇẽ; — Pk. ḍhaṁkaṇa— n., °ṇī— f. ‘cover, lid’, Or. ḍhāṅkuṇi, H. ḍhãknī f., G. ḍhā̃kṇũ n., °ṇī f., M. ḍhā̃kaṇ n., ḍhā̃kṇī f. *ḍhagga— ‘defective’ see *ḍagga2. *ḍhaṅk— ‘cover’ see *ḍhakk—. *ḍhaṅkha— ‘defective’ see *ḍagga2. Addenda: *ḍhakk—1: S.kcch. ḍhakṇū ‘to cover, shut (a door)’, WPah.kṭg. (kc.) ḍhàkṇõ;, Garh. ḍhakṇu; A. ḍhākiba (phonet. dh—) ‘to cover’, G. ḍhākvũ, M. ḍhākṇẽ.
5575 *ḍhaḍḍha— 1 ‘fat, swollen’. [Prob. belongs to group *ḍhēḍḍha1 ‘lump’] WPah. jaun. ḍhāṛū ‘male cat’; N. ḍhāṛi ‘massive, large, fat’, ḍhāṛe ‘male (usu. of cats)’; — G. ḍhā̃ḍhɔ m. ‘ox’, ḍhā̃ḍhũ n. ‘dead ox or buffalo’. *ḍhaḍḍha— 2 ‘belly’ see *ḍhiḍḍha2.
5576 *ḍhaḍḍha— 3 ‘drum’. [Onom.] Pk. ḍhaḍḍha— m. ‘drum’; L. ḍhaḍḍh f. ‘sounding the drum rapidly to call men together’. Addenda: *ḍhaḍḍha—3: deriv. OP. P. ḍhāḍhī m. ‘bard, minstrel’.
5577 *ḍhaḍḍhara— ‘hollow’. Pk. ḍhaḍḍhara— ‘old’; S. ḍhaḍharu m. ‘hollow in tree- trunk, belly of a vessel’.
5578 *ḍhaṇḍha— ‘mud, pool’. Pk. ḍhaṁḍha—, ḍhaṁḍharia— m. ‘mud’; S. ḍhaṇḍha f. ‘pond’; L. ḍhann f. ‘deep pool’; P. ḍhannh, ḍhann, ḍhaṇḍ f. ‘pond, lake’.
5579 *ḍhapp— ‘cover’. 2. *ḍhamp—. [Cf. *ḍhakk—, *jhapp2] 1. P. ḍhappṇā ‘to cover’; WPah. rudh. ḍhappnā, śeu. ḍhappṇū ‘to shut cattle in cowshed’, bhal. ḍhapp m. ‘sparrow—trap’; Ku. ḍhapīṇo ‘to be covered’, °pyūṇo ‘to prevent, foreclose’; N. ḍhāpnu ‘to cover’, ḍhapni ‘lid’; A. ḍhāp ‘embankment’, ḍhāpar ‘roof of boat’, ḍhāpali ‘bamboo screen’; Mth. ḍhapnā ‘cover of a granary’; H. ḍhāpnā ‘to cover’, ḍhapnī f. ‘lid’; M. ḍhāpā m. ‘ridge—tile’. 2. Ku. ḍhā̃pṇo ‘to cover’, Or. ḍhāmpibā, H. ḍhā̃pnā; M. ḍhā̃pṇẽ ‘id.’, ḍhā̃pṇī f. ‘lid’. Addenda: *ḍhapp— ‘cover’. 1. WPah.kṭg. ḍhàppi f. ‘roofed place, verandah’. 3. †;*ḍhabb—: WPah.kṭg. ḍhàbbi f. id.; H. ḍhābā m. ‘thatched roofing’.
5580 *ḍhappa— ‘lump’. 2. *ḍhaba—. 3. *ḍhabba—. 4. *ḍhippa—. 5. *ḍhibba—. 6. ḍhēppa—. 7. *ḍhēmpa—. 8. *ḍhēba— (cf. ḍhēvvukā— f. ‘a coin’ Kathārṇ.). 9. *ḍhēbba—. 10. ḍhēmba—. 11. *ḍhubba—. 12. *ḍhōmpa—. [See list of words for ‘lump’ with initial ḍh— s.v. *ḍhikka1] 1. Ku. ḍhapuwā ‘pice, money’; H. ḍhappū ‘podgy’. 2. P. ḍhaūā m. ‘copper coin of 2 pice’. 3. P. ḍhabūā m. = prec.; H. ḍhabbū, ḍhabuā m. ‘un- stamped lump of copper’, ḍhabbūs ‘podgy’; M. ḍhabak n., ḍhabkā m. ‘large lump’, ḍhabbaḷ ‘large and clumsy’. 4. Gaw. ḍipa—dánt ‘back—tooth’; Ku. ḍhipko ‘hillock, ridge’; A. ḍhip ‘mound of earth raised as a mark’; B. ḍhipi ‘heap’, ḍhiplā ‘protuberance, knob, stopper’; Or. ḍhipa ‘mound of earth, hillock, high ground’; H. ḍhīp, °pā m. ‘lump, clump’; M. ḍhipaḷ, °pūḷ n. ‘lump, clod’. 5. L. ḍhibbī f. ‘rocky knoll, hill’; P. ḍhibbā m. ‘heap of sand, hill’; N. ḍhibri ‘nut of a bolt, earthenware lamp’; B. ḍhibi ‘heap’; Or. ḍhibi ‘nut of a bolt’; Bhoj. ḍhibarī ‘small lamp’; H. ḍhibuā m. ‘unstamped lump of copper’, ḍhibkā m. ‘lump, protuberance’, ḍhibrī f. ‘nut of a bolt’. 6. Ku. ḍhepuwā ‘pice, money’; N. ḍhep ‘quire of Nepalese paper’, ḍhepnu ‘to press close’; B. ḍhepā ‘rising of liquids’, ḍhepsā ‘swollen’; Or. ḍhepa ‘high (of land)’; H. ḍhep, °pā m. ‘lump’; G. ḍhepũ, ḍhephũ, ḍheplũ n. ‘clod’; M. ḍhep n. ‘clod, mass of papers &c.’, ḍhepṇẽ ‘to close and get firm’. 7. M. ḍhẽp n. ‘clod, mass of papers &c.’, ḍhẽpaḷ n. ‘clod’, ḍhẽpśī f. ‘lump of cowdung burnt to ashes’. 8. Tor. ḍe ‘part, share’; P. ḍheī f. ‘heap, small pile’; N. ḍheuwā ‘pice, money’; B. ḍheu ‘swelling’. 9. S. ḍheḇiro m. ‘a kind of cake’; N. ḍheb ‘quire of Nepalese paper’, ḍhebuwā ‘pice, money’, ḍhebri ‘nut of a bolt’, Bhoj. ḍhebuā ‘pice’; H. ḍhebuā m. ‘unstamped lump of copper equal to one paisā’, ḍhebrī f. ‘lump’; G. ḍhebrũ n. ‘thick cake’; M. ḍhebrẽ n. ‘large and spreading nose’. 10. M. ḍhẽbūs n. ‘lump, bump’. 11. M. ḍhubā m. ‘little hill’. 12. M. ḍhõ;pā m. ‘knee’, ḍhõ;par, ḍhop° n.m. ‘knee, elbow, shoulder, middle joint of fingers, cheekbone, hip’. *ḍhaba—, *ḍhabba— ‘lump’ see prec. *ḍhamp— ‘cover’ see *ḍhapp—. *ḌHAR ‘fall’: *āḍḍharati. — See √ḍhal. *ḌHAL ‘fall’: *ḍhalati, *ḍhālayati; *avaḍḍhāla—, *āḍḍhalati, *uḍḍhālayati, *niḍḍhalati; — *āḍḍha- rati. — *ḍāl—, √dhvr̥? Addenda: *ḍhappa—. 3. *ḍhabba—: S.kcch. ḍhabū ‘partic. copper coin’. †;*ḍhabb— ‘cover’ see *ḍhapp—. *ḍhabba— ‘lump’ see *ḍhappa— Add2.
5581 *ḍhalati ‘bends over, falls’. 2. Caus. *ḍhālayati. [Perh. < dhvárati ‘bends, causes to fall’ RV. (K. points to —r—, see *āḍḍhalati); *ḍhulati similarly < *dhurati (cf. aor. adhūrṣata RV.). But cf. *ḍāl—. — √*ḍhal] 1. Pk. ḍhalaï ‘falls, drips’; K. ḍalun ‘to slip, stumble, be displaced’; S. ḍharaṇu ‘to descend, run down, pour in (of water)’; L. ḍhalaṇ ‘to decline, flow down a slope’; P. ḍhalṇā ‘to be poured out, fall, melt’; WPah. bhal. ḍhalṇū ‘to fall’, Ku. ḍhalṇo; N. ḍhalnu ‘to topple over’; A. ḍhaliba ‘to lean’, B. ḍhalā; Or. ḍhaḷibā ‘to stumble, reel, incline’; Bi. ḍharab ‘to empty (the bucket at a well)’; Mth. ḍharab ‘to flow, drop, hang down’; OAw. ḍharaï ‘flows down, falls, melts’; H. ḍharnā ‘to flow down’, ḍhalnā ‘to topple over’; OMarw. ḍhalaï ‘falls, declines’; G. ḍhaḷvũ ‘to slip, be poured out’; M. ḍhaḷṇẽ ‘to lean over’. — Ext. with —kk—: S. ḍharkaṇu ‘to roll’; P. ḍhalaknā ‘to lean over, be spilt’; WPah. cam. ḍhaḷakṇā ‘to be pushed away’; Ku. ḍhalkaṇo ‘to overflow’; N. ḍhalkanu ‘to lean over, lie down’; B. ḍhalkā ‘to get loose’; H. ḍhalaknā ‘to lean over, be spilt’; G. ḍhaḷaktũ ‘leaning’. 2. Pk. ḍhālaï ‘throws down, makes nod’; K. ḍālun ‘to remove, throw’; S. ḍhāraṇu ‘to cause to alight, pour out’; P. ḍhālaṇā ‘to pour, throw, melt’; Ku. ḍhālṇo ‘to fill, throw, cut down’; N. ḍhālnu ‘to fell’; A. ḍhāliba ‘to pour’, B. ḍhālā, Or. ḍhāḷibā, Mth. ḍhārab, Bhoj. ḍhāral, H. ḍhārnā, ḍhālnā, G. ḍhāḷvũ; M. ḍhāḷṇẽ ‘to smooth the clods in a field, to shed its lustre (of a pearl)’. *ḍhalla— ‘lump’ see *ḍala—. Addenda: *ḍhalati. 1. WPah.kṭg. ḍhɔ̀ḷnõ; ‘to fall, set (of sun), flow’, J. ḍhaḷṇu. 2. *ḍhālayati: WPah.kṭg. ḍhàḷnõ; ‘to throw, pour down, chop (wood)’; J. ḍhāḷṇu ‘to cause to melt’.
5582 *ḍhākka— ‘back, waist’. Wg. ḍakā́ ‘waist’; Dm. ḍā̃k, ḍaṅ ‘back’, Shum. ḍäg, Woṭ. ḍāg, Gaw. ḍáka; Kal. rumb. ḍhak ‘waist’, urt. ḍhā̃k ‘back’; Bshk. ḍāk ‘waist’, d(h)āk ‘back’ AO xviii 233; Tor. ḍāk, ḍāg ‘back’, Mai. ḍāg, ḍā; Phal. ḍōk ‘waist, back’; Sh. ḍāki̯ f. ‘back, small of back’, pales. ḍāko; S. ḍhāka f. ‘hip’, L. ḍhāk; P. ḍhāk f. ‘side, hip’.
5584 *ḍhikk— ‘bellow’. 2. *ḍhēṅk—. 1. Pk. ḍhikkaï ‘bellows’, ḍhikkiya— n. ‘camel's roaring’, cf. ḍikkaï ‘roars (of camel)’; S. ḍhikaṇu ‘to groan, low’, ḍhika f. ‘groan, lowing’; L. ḍhikkaṇ ‘to low softly’, ḍhikk f. ‘bellow’. 2. Pk. ḍheṁkiya— n. ‘camel's roaring’; M. ḍhẽkṇẽ ‘to bellow at’, ḍhẽk f. ‘bellowing of a bull’. Addenda: *ḍhikk— [Cf. *ḍakkāra—] WPah.J. ḍhikki f. ‘hiccup’.
5585 *ḍhikka— 1 ‘lump’. 2. *ḍhigga— 1. 3. *ḍhēkka— 1. 4. *ḍhēgga—. 5. *ḍhēṅka— 1. 6. *ḍhēṅga—. 7. *ḍhuṅga—. 8. *dhōṅga— 1. [Other word—groups mean- ing ‘lump’ with initial ḍh, dh, —, d—, s.vv. *ḍhicca- (*ḍhiñca—), *ḍhēsa— (*ḍhēṁsa—), *ḍhēḍḍha1 (*ḍhēṇḍha1, *ḍhiṇḍha1, *dhiḍḍha—), *ḍhappa— (*ḍhaba—, *ḍhabba—, *ḍhippa—, *ḍhibba—, *ḍhēppa—, *ḍhēmpa—, *ḍhēba—, *ḍhēbba—, *ḍhēmba—, *ḍhubba—, *ḍhōmpa—), *ḍhīmma- (*ḍhēmma—, *ḍhōmma—), *ḍhēra1 (*dhēra—), *ḍippa- (*ḍibba2), *ḍala— (*ḍalla1, *ḍilla—, *ḍēlla—, *ḍhalla—, *ḍhilla1, *ḍhēlla1, *ṭēla—, dala1, *dilla—), *dikka- (*digga—). — ḍimba—1, ḍimbha3?] 1. Kho. (Lor.) ḍik ‘penis (used as a term of abuse)’; K. ḍĕka m. ‘forehead’; N. ḍhiko ‘lump (of salt)’, ḍhik ‘fat useless ox’, ḍhikuro ‘heap, mound’, ḍhikanā ‘lump, clod’; M. ḍhikḷī f. ‘small heap’, ḍikhaḷ f. ‘clot, clod, lump’. 2. S. ḍhiǥu m. ‘lump’, L. (Ju.) ḍhiǥ m. ‘heap’; P. ḍhigg m. ‘high bank, hill’; N. ḍhig ‘bank’; H. ḍhīg m. ‘large mass’; OG. ḍhīga m. ‘heap’; M. ḍhīg m. ‘large heap, mass’, ḍhigī f. ‘a prop’. 3. Ku. ḍheko (pl. ḍhyākā) m. ‘clod, lump’; B. ḍheka ‘much’; G. ḍhekɔ m. ‘protuberance’; M. ḍhekḷī f. ‘clot, small heap’. 4. Or. ḍhegā ‘egg—shaped, oval and protruding’ [semant. cf. ḍimba1] 5. N. ḍhiṅgri ‘nut of a bolt’; Or. ḍheṅkaḷā ‘clods of earth for throwing, brickbats’; M. ḍhẽkaḷ, °kūḷ n. ‘clod’. 6. Ku. ḍhyāṅā ‘loins, haunches, hips’; Mth. ḍhẽg ‘stump of a tree’; M. ḍhẽg n. ‘groin’, ḍhẽgā m. ‘buttock’. 7. Ash. ḍuṅä ‘scrotum’; Wg. zō—ḍuṅ ‘heart’; M. ḍhũg n. ‘the buttocks’; — Wg. düṅnä ‘scrotum’, j̈or—duṅa ‘heart’ or perh. < 8. 8. M. dhõ;gā m. ‘buttock’. *ḍhiggākara—. *ḍhikka— 2 ‘weight on lever’ see *ḍhēṅka2. *ḍhikka— 3 ‘crane’ see dhvā́ṅkṣa—. *ḍhigga— 1 ‘lump’ see *ḍhikka1. Addenda: *ḍhikka— 1. 1. S.kcch. ḍhiko ‘the hip’. 3. *ḍhigga—1: S.kcch. ḍhiggh m. ‘heap’, G. ḍhaglo m. (AKŚ 43). 5. *ḍhēṅka—1: S.kcch. ḍhẽko m. ‘clod, lump’. *ḍhigga— 1 ‘lump’ see *ḍhikka1 Add2.
5586 *ḍhigga— 2 ‘side, direction’. Gy. wel. rum. rig f. ‘side’, boh. rik f., germ. gr. rik m.; P. ḍhig ‘near, by, with’; Ku. ḍhīk ‘edge, corner’; H. ḍhig m. ‘side, quarter’, postp. with ke ‘near’.
5587 *ḍhiggākara— ‘heap of lumps’. [*ḍhigga—1, ākará—] H. ḍhigār m. ‘heap, pile’, G. ḍhīgār m. *ḍhiṅka— 1 ‘weight on lever’ see *ḍhēṅka2. *ḍhiṅka— 2 ‘defective’ see *ḍagga2. *ḍhiṅka— 3 ‘crane’ see dhvā́ṅkṣa—.
5588 *ḍhicca— ‘lump, heap’. 2. *ḍhiñca—. [See list s.v. *ḍhikka1] 1. Ku. ḍhīc, ḍhicc m. ‘heap, abundance’, ḍhīco ‘heap, pile (e.g. of boiled rice)’; G. ḍhīc ‘strong and stout’. 2. G. ḍhı̄̃caṇ n.m. ‘knee’. *ḍhiñca— ‘lump’ see prec. *ḍhiḍḍha— 1 ‘lump’ see *ḍhēḍḍha1.
5589 *ḍhiḍḍha— 2 ‘belly’. 2. *ḍiḍḍha—. 3. *ḍhiṇḍha— 2. 4. *ḍhēḍḍha— 2. 5. *ḍhēṇḍha— 2. 6. *ḍhēra— 2. 7. *ḍhaḍḍha— 2. 8. *dhaḍḍha—. [Same as *ḍhēḍḍha—1, ḍhēra1?] 1. S. ḍhiḍhu m. ‘belly’, L. ḍhiḍḍh m., awāṇ. ḍhiḍ, P. ḍhiḍḍ(h) m., ḍhiḍḍī f.; Mth. ḍhīṛhā ‘gravid womb’; H. ḍhīṛh ‘id.’, ḍhīḍhā m. ‘back’. 2. S. ḍ̱iḍhu m. ‘belly’, °ḍho m. ‘id., centre piece of a paper kite’. 3. H. ḍhı̄̃ṛhā m. ‘large belly, gravid womb’. 4. Sh. jij. ḍeṛi ‘belly’; — altern. < 6: Tor. ḍei, Phal. ḍher f. 5. A. ḍhẽrā ‘pot—bellied’, H. ḍhẽḍhā m. ‘large belly, gravid womb’. 6. Sh. pales. ḍērē ‘belly’, gil. (Lor.) ḍēr f.; — Tor. Phal. see 4. 7. Bshk. ḍār ‘belly’. 8. Si. daḍa ‘belly’. *ḍhiṇḍha— 1 ‘lump’ see *ḍhēḍḍha1. *ḍhiṇḍha— 2 ‘belly’ see *ḍhiḍḍha2. *ḍhippa—, *ḍhibba— ‘lump’ see *ḍhappa—.
5590 *ḍhila— ‘loose, slack’. 2. *ḍhilla— 2. [Prob. belongs to group of ‘defective’ words s.v. *ṭuṇṭa2 or ‘lump’ words cf. *ḍhilla1 s.v. *ḍala— and has no connexion with *śr̥thilá—] 1. S. ḍhiro ‘slack, loose’, Or. ḍhiḷā. 2. Pk. ḍhilla— ‘slow’; Paš. ḍilū́— ‘to be tired’ (verb? IIFL iii 3, 65); K. ḍīl m. ‘slackness’, ḍyolu ‘loose, slack’, ḍĕlun ‘to be loose’; S. ḍhilo ‘slow, loose, sterile, giving little milk’; L. ḍhillā ‘slow, late’, ḍhill f. ‘delay’, awāṇ. ḍhil; P. ḍhillā ‘slack, slow, late’, ḍhill f. ‘delay’ (ḍhailā ‘lazy, loose’?); WPah. paṅ. ḍhillā ‘lazy’; Ku. ḍhīlo ‘loose, slow, lazy’, ḍhīlḍhāl ‘delay’ (cf. jhīlo ‘loose, weak’); N. ḍhilo ‘loose, late’, ḍhilāunu ‘to delay, be slack’; A. ḍhil, °lā ‘loose, slow, late, easy, soft’; B. ḍhila, °lā ‘loose, slack’; Or. ḍhilā ‘slow, late’, ḍhilibā ‘to set cattle free to graze’; Bhoj. ḍhīl ‘slack, loose’, H. ḍhīlā; OMarw. ḍhīla f. ‘delay’, Marw. ḍhīlo ‘slack, loose’; G. ḍhīli f., ḍhīlũ, M. ḍhīl f., ḍhilā.—See Add. *ḍhilla— 1 ‘lump’ see *ḍala—. *ḍhilla— 2 ‘slack’ see *ḍhila—. Addenda: *ḍhila—. 2. *ḍhilla—2: WPah.kṭg. ḍhìllɔ ‘loose’, ḍhílhṇõ; ‘to get loose’. *ḍhilla— 2 ‘slack’ see *ḍhila— Add2.
5591 *ḍhīmma— ‘lump’. 2. *ḍhēmma—. 3. *ḍhōmma—. [Cf. *dhīmma—? — See list of words for ‘lump’ with initial ḍh— s.v. *ḍhikka1] 1. L. ḍhīm, pl. °mã f. ‘clod’, awāṇ. ḍhim ‘lump’; P. ḍhīmh, ḍhīm f., °mā m. ‘clod’; Or. ḍhimā ‘pebble, rubble’, ḍhimirā ‘hillocks’; H. ḍhīm, °mā m. ‘lump, clod’; G. ḍhīmũ, ḍhīmṛũ, ḍhīmṇũ n. ‘big swelling or bump, block of wood’, ḍhīmcũ n. ‘block of wood’; M. ḍhimā m. ‘tump, hillock’. 2. L. ḍhem f. ‘clod’, P. ḍhemh f., H. ḍhem, °mā m.; M. ḍhemā m. ‘a bump (on body, trees, &c.), dry spot in a river’, ḍhemūs n. ‘bump’, ḍhemāī f. ‘corpulent woman’. 3. M. ḍhomaṇ n. ‘buttock’.
5592 *ḍhukyati ‘approaches’. [√ḍhauk] Pk. ḍhukkaï ‘meets’; Sh. ḍukiní f. ‘fighting, quarrel’ (or < *ḍukka—?); S. ḍhukaṇu ‘to arrive’; L. ḍhukkaṇ ‘to come home (of cattle), be conveyed’; P. ḍhukkṇā ‘to approach, be obtained’; N. ḍhuknu ‘to lie in wait for’; A. ḍhukiba ‘to enter’, ḍhukāiba ‘to come to an end, die’; B. ḍhukā ‘to enter’; Or. ḍhukibā ‘to arrive at, enter’, ḍhukāibā ‘to thrust in’; Bhoj. ḍhukal ‘to enter’; H. ḍhū̆knā ‘to approach, crouch’; OMarw. ḍhukāvaï ‘brings near’; — Pk. ḍhukka— ‘met, present’; Kal. ḍhūk ‘meeting’; Sh. ḍok boĭki̯ ‘to meet, be obtained’. *ḍhuṅga— ‘lump’ see *ḍhikka1. *ḍhubba— ‘lump’ see *ḍhappa—. Addenda: *ḍhukyati: WPah.poet. ḍhvkṇo ‘to penetrate, invade’ (poss. ← H. Him.I 88).
5593 *ḍhulati ‘bends, falls, flows’. 2. Caus. *ḍhōlayati. 3. Pass. *ḍhulyatē. [Poss. < *dhurati beside dhvárati see *ḍhalati] 1. P. ḍhulṇā ‘to incline, be attentive’; A. ḍhuliba ‘to rock to and fro’; B. ḍhulā ‘to stagger, nod, doze’; Or. ḍhuḷā ‘drowsing’, ḍhuḷāibā ‘to doze’; H. ḍhulnā ‘to slope, slip forward, sink’. 2. S. ḍhoraṇu ‘to pour out’; P. ḍholaṇā tr. ‘to lean towards’; Ku. ḍholṇo tr. ‘to fling, carry’, intr. ‘to fall’; N. ḍholnu tr. ‘to spill’, intr. ‘to flow smoothly’; G. ḍhoḷvũ ‘to pour out’; — NTS xii 158 tentatively relates Dm. bâdorá, °ḍorá ‘flood’ < vāhá— with *ḍhōla—. 3. P. ḍullhaṇā ‘to be poured out’. Addenda: *ḍhulati. 2. *ḍhōlayati: OMarw. (Vīsaḷa) 1 sg.fut. ḍhoḷisuṁ vāi ‘I will fan’ (vāi < vātá—). 3. *ḍhulyatē: WPah.poet. ḍhvlṇo ‘to sway’. *ḍhulyatē see *ḍhulati Add2. *ḍhēṅka— 1 ‘lump’ see *ḍhikka1 Add2.
5594 *ḍhussa— ‘swollen’. 2. *ḍhōssa—. 1. N. ḍhussa ‘swollen with wind’, ḍhussinu ‘to be swollen’; B. ḍhusā ‘stout and lazy’. 2. N. ḍhose ‘fat, thick (of bread)’. *ḍhūṇḍh— ‘seek’ see *dhūṇḍh—.
5595 *ḍhūss— ‘push’. 2. *ḍhōss—. 3. *dhūss—. [Cf. *ṭhōss—, *ṭōss—] 1. N. ḍhusyāunu ‘to strike’, B. ḍhusā ‘to butt’; M. ḍhusṇẽ ‘to poke, rush into’. 2. H. ḍhos m. ‘thrust’; G. ḍhosɔ m. ‘blow’, M. ḍhosā, ḍhõ;sā m. 3. P. dhūsṇā ‘to cram, ram, butt’, dhūs, dhuss f. ‘rushing head—foremost’. *ḍhēṁsa— ‘lump’ see *ḍhēsa—. *ḍhēkka— 1 ‘lump’ see *ḍhikka1. *ḍhēkka— 2 ‘weight on lever’ see *ḍhēṅka2. *ḍhēkka— 3 ‘crane’ see dhvā́ṅkṣa—. *ḍhēgga—. *ḍhēṅka— 1 ‘lump’ see *ḍhikka1.
5596 *ḍhēṅka— 2 ‘weight on a lever’. 2. *ḍhēkka— 2. 3. *ḍhiṅka— 1. 4. *ḍhikka— 2. [Same as *ḍhikka1?] 1. Pk. ḍheṁkā— f. ‘beam of a well’; S. ḍhı̄̃go m. ‘water- wheel’; A. B. Or. ḍhẽki ‘rice—husking pedal’; Bi. ḍhẽkā ‘id.’, ḍhẽki ‘id., lever for raising water’; Mth. Bhoj. ḍhẽkī ‘pounding or husking machine’; H. ḍhẽkā m., °kī f. ‘rice—husking pedal’, ḍhẽkuā m. ‘lever for drawing water’. — Ext. —ll—: K. ḍē̃kalī f. ‘machine for drawing water, dip well’; S. ḍhı̄̃gulo m. ‘waterwheel’; P. ḍhı̄̃galī f. ‘well—bucket on a lever’; Bi. ḍhẽkuḷ, °lā ‘lever for raising water’; Mth. ḍhẽkul ‘counterpoise for such a lever’; H. ḍhẽklī f. ‘the lever’. 2. Mth. ḍhekī ‘pounding machine’; M. ḍhekī f. ‘pedal for crushing lime’, ḍhekẽ n. ‘curved piece of wood which presses down roller of oil mill’. 3. Or. ḍhiṅki ‘rice—husking machine’. 4. N. Or. ḍhiki ‘id.’; N. ḍhikuwā ‘horizontal beam of oil press’. *ḍhēṅka— 3 ‘a partic. kind of bird’ see dhvā́ṅkṣa—.
5597 *ḍhēṅkuṇa— ‘bug’. [Cf. *ḍhēṅka1 and utkuṇa—: semant. cf. *dikka— ‘lump’ ~ diṅka— ‘louse’] Pk. ḍheṁkuṇa—, ḍhaṁkuṇa—, ḍēkuṇa— m. ‘bug’, ḍhiṁkuṇa—, °kaṇa— m. ‘tick’; M. ḍhẽkuṇ, ḍhekuṇ m. ‘bug’, ḍhẽkṇī, ḍhekṇī f. ‘large stinking cockroach’. *ḍhēṅga— ‘lump’ see *ḍhikka1.
5598 *ḍhēḍḍha— 1 ‘lump’. 2. *ḍhēṇḍha— 1. 3. *ḍhiṇḍha— 1. 4. *ḍhiḍḍha— 1. 5. *dhiḍḍha—. [Cf. *ḍhaddha1 and list s.v. *ḍhikka1] 1. H. ḍheṛ m. ‘heap’, ḍheṛhī f. ‘seed—pod’. 2. P. ḍhı̄̃ḍā m. ‘earth pellet’; WPah. jaun. ḍhē̃ḍā ‘circular’; N. B. ḍhẽṛi ‘seed—pod’, Bhoj. ḍhẽṛhī, H. ḍhẽḍhī, ḍhẽṛī f. 3. WPah. jaun. ḍhiṇḍā ‘anything round’; Ku. ḍhino ‘lump, ball, heap’; N. ḍhı̃ṛi ‘seed—pod’; Or. ḍhiṇḍā ‘lump, handful’. 4. H. ḍhīṛ m.f. ‘heap’. 5. Sh. (Lor.) diḍu ‘bullet’. *ḍhēḍḍha— 2 ‘belly’ see *ḍhiḍḍha2. *ḍhēṇḍha— 1 ‘lump’ see *ḍhēḍḍha1. *ḍhēṇḍha— 2 ‘belly’ see *ḍhiḍḍha2. *ḍhēppa—, *ḍhēba—, *ḍhēbba—, *ḍhēmpa—, *ḍhēmba—, *ḍhēmma— ‘lump’ see *ḍhappa—.
5599 *ḍhēra— 1 ‘lump, heap’. 2. *dhēra—. [See list of words for ‘lump’ with initial ḍh— (dh—) s.v. *ḍhikka1] 1. Paš. ḍēr ‘heap’; K. ḍēr m. ‘heap, store, granary’; S. ḍheru m. ‘heap’; L. ḍher ‘much, many’, ḍherī f. ‘hillock’, mult. ‘heap’; P. WPah.bhal. ḍher m. ‘ heap’; Ku. ḍher ‘heap, large quantity’, ḍheri f. ‘heap’; N. ḍher, °ri ‘heap, mass, bundle’; A. ḍher ‘much’, ḍheriba ‘to heap up’, ḍerhi ‘surplus, excess’; B. ḍhera ‘much’, ḍheri ‘heap’; Or. ḍhera ‘much’; Bi. ḍhērī ‘heap (of grain or manure)’; Mth. ḍher, °rī ‘heap, quantity, much’; Aw. lakh. ḍhēr ‘heap, many’; H. ḍher m., ḍherī f. ‘heap’, G. ḍher m.; M. ḍher m. ‘large lump’, ḍherī f. ‘little heap’. 2. N. dher, dherai ‘much, many’. *ḍhēra— 2 ‘belly’ see *ḍhiḍḍha2. *ḍhēra— 3 ‘slanting, squinting’ see ṭēraka—. *ḍhēlla— 1 ‘lump’ see *ḍala—. Addenda: *ḍhēra—1: S.kcch. ḍherī f. ‘heap of thread’; WPah.kṭg. ḍhḕr m. ‘heap’, J. ḍhēr.
5600 *ḍhēlla— 2 ‘defective’. [Cf. *ḍhilla2 and list s.v. *ṭuṇṭa2] Pk. ḍhella— ‘poor’.
5602 *ḍhēsa— ‘lump, heap’. 2. *ḍhēṁsa—. [Cf. *ḍhicca- and list s.v. *ḍhikka1] 1. P. ḍheī f. ‘heap’; N. ḍhesinu, ḍhessinu ‘to sit close to’, ḍhesso ‘a push’, ḍhisko ‘hillock, bank of earth’; B. ḍhesāna ‘to insinuate’; G. ḍheśkũ n. ‘a thick cake’, ḍhesrɔ m. ‘heap of dung’; M. ḍhesṇẽ ‘to crowd, cram’. 2. Bhoj. ḍhẽsarāel ‘to be lazy’ (semant. cf. *ḍhilla—1 ~ *ḍhilla2); M. ḍhẽsẽ, ḍhẽsaṇ n. ‘groin’ (semant. cf. *ḍhuṅga—). *ḍhōkka— 1 ‘matting’ see *dhōkka1.
5603 *ḍhōkka— 2 ‘rock’. 2. *ḍhōṅka—. [Perh. belongs to same group as *ḍōṅga2 s.v. *ṭakka3] 1. Kho. (Lor.) ḍok ‘high ground, hillock, heap’; H. ḍhok m. ‘large piece of broken stone’. 2. Ku. ḍhũgo ‘stone’, N. ḍhuṅgo. *ḍhōṅkahāra—. *ḍhōṅka— ‘rock’ see prec. Addenda: *ḍhōkka—2: WPah.kc. ḍhōk m. ‘mountain slope, peak’.
5605 *ḍhōṅga— 1 ‘projecting part of body’. [Cf. *ḍhuṅga- ‘lump’] Ash. ḍoṅg, ḍoṅ, zā̃—ḍõmacr; (< jā́nu—) ‘knee’; Shum. ḍuä̃lik ‘knee’, ḍuṅgurik ‘elbow’; Gaw. ḍuṅgɔ́ ‘knee’ (→ Woṭ. ḍṓṅga ‘lower leg’ Buddruss Woṭ 100), ḍuṅgī ‘elbow’; Sv. ḍuiṅgya ‘elbow, ankle—bone’; H. ḍhõ;gā m. ‘hip’. — Gy. pal. dṓni ‘knee’ (NTS ii 255) X jā́nu—?
5606 *ḍhōnga— 2 ‘hollow’. Bshk. ḍoṅ ‘hole’; N. ḍhuṅro ‘hollow stem, funnel’.
5607 *ḍhōṭṭa— ‘defective’. [~ *ḍōṭṭa—. See list s.v. *ṭuṇṭa2] N. ḍhoṭe ‘simple—minded, silly’. *ḍhōḍḍhi—, *ḍhōṇḍhi— ‘navel’ see tundi—. *ḍhōmpa— ‘lump’ see *ḍhappa—. *ḍhōmma— ‘lump’ see *ḍhīmma—.
5609 *ḍhauka— ‘a present’. [Cf. ḍhaukana— n. ‘id.’ Rājat.- √ḍhauk] P. ḍhōā m. ‘a present (of fruits, &c.)’, Aw.lakh. ḍhowā (semant. cf. *bhēṭṭ—).
5611 *ḍhaukyatē ‘is brought’. 2. *dhaukyatē. [√ḍhauk] 1. N. ḍhoknu, ḍhognu ‘to bow down before, salute respectfully’; H. ḍhoknā ‘to lean against’; — Ku. ḍhok ‘obeisance’, N. ḍhok, ḍhog—bheṭ (whence —g in verb), H. ḍhok f., OMarw. ḍhoka f. 2. H. dhoknā ‘to bow down before’, dhok f. ‘obeisance’.
5625 *tagg— ‘endure’. [Cf. *taṅga—?] K. tagun ‘to be possible, be known how to be done’; S. taǥaṇu ‘to last, endure’; P. tagṇā ‘to persevere, hold out’; N. tagnu ‘to last, endure’, M. tagṇẽ.
5626 *tagga— ‘mud’. [Cf. Bur. t *lg*l ‘mud’] Kho. (Lor.) toq ‘mud, quagmire’; Sh. tăgā́ ‘mud’; K. tagöri m. ‘a man who makes mud or plaster’; Ku. tāgaṛ ‘mortar’; B. tāgāṛ ‘mortar, pit in which it is prepared’. *taṅka— ‘pear’ see ṭaṅka5.
5631 *taṭṭa— 1 ‘pot’. Pa. taṭṭaka— m. ‘bowl for holding food, flat bowl’ (→ Tam. taṭṭam Kern Toev s.v.); M. tāṭ n. ‘rimmed metal dining plate’; Ko. taṭṭẽ n. ‘small metal tumbler’; Si. taṭuva ‘metal vessel, dish’. *taṭṭa— 2 ‘defective’ see *ṭaṭṭa—. *taṭṭu— ‘pony’ see *ṭaṭṭu—. TAḌ 1 ‘strike’. [← Drav. J. Bloch BSOS v 737, T. Burrow BSOAS xii 380] *taḍati1, *taḍikā—, tā́ḍa—1, tāḍa—2, tāḍana—, tāḍá- yati1, tāla—; *ātāḍayati, *uttāḍayati, vitāḍayati. *TAḌ 2 ‘stretch’: *taḍati2, *taḍḍati, tāḍayati 2. taḍaga— see taḍāga—. Addenda: *taṭṭa—1: WPah.kc. tɔṭo m. ‘plate for cooking on’; M. also tāṭh n., Ko. tāṭa. TAḌ2: †;*vitāḍa—, †;*vitāḍayati 2.
5633 *taḍati 2 ‘stretches’. 2. *taḍḍati. 3. tāḍayati 2 ‘(math.) multiplies’ Apte. [√*taḍ 2] 1. Pk. taḍia— ‘spread out’, taḍiṇa— ‘sparse’; P. taṛṇā ‘to be stretched’; N. tarnu ‘to make ready for slaughter (by pulling an animal's head forward so that the neck is stretched out)’, tarkanu ‘to be strained’; A. tariba ‘to open, spread (a net or curtain)’, ṭarāiba ‘to spread, extend’. 2. Pk. taḍḍaï tr. ‘spreads out, makes’, paritaḍḍaviya- ‘well spread out’; P. ṭaḍḍṇā tr. ‘to open, spread out, stretch’. 3. Pk. tāḍaï ‘multiplies’; Ash. tāṛ— ‘to think’; S. tāṛī f. ‘absorption of mind, strong desire’; L. tāṛ m. ‘watching, vigil’; P. tāṛṇā ‘to ponder, understand, frown’; Ku. tāṛṇo ‘to examine, test, estimate’; N. tāṛnu ‘to hazard a guess’; H. tāṛnā ‘to understand’; M. tāḍṇẽ ‘to investigate, discover, infer’.
5634 *taḍapphaḍ— ‘agitate’. [Cf. √taḍ 1 and traṭ—] Pk. taḍapphaḍaï ‘crackles, is perturbed’; S. taṛphaṇu ‘to writhe, wriggle, be agitated’; P. taṛphaṛāuṇā ‘to flutter, cause to flutter’, taṛphāuṇā ‘to agitate’; B. taṛpāna ‘to frisk, flounce, wriggle (like a fish)’; H. taṛphaṛnā, taṛpaṛnā, taṛapnā ‘to toss, roll about, be anxious’; G. taṛphaṛvũ, tarph° ‘to toss about, flounce, be agitated’; M. taḍphaḍṇẽ intr. ‘to toss about’, taḷapṇẽ ‘to be brandished’. taḍā́ka— see taḍāga—.
5687 *tamana— 2 ‘dark’. [Same as tamana1 n. ‘losing one's breath’ ŚāṅkhŚr.? — See *tamara—. — √tam] K. tamun m. ‘soot, similar black substance’, tamonu ‘sooty, blackened’.
5688 *tamara— ‘giddiness’. [Cf. tamrá—, r/n stem *tamar- ~ *taman— in *tamana—2. — √tam] Ku. taũri ‘giddiness, dizziness’, M. tavar m.
5718 *targa— ‘terrible, strong’. [Cf. Gk. ta/rbos ‘fear’ EWA i 485: but see also *taṅga—. — √tarj] WPah.bhad. ṭḷagṛo ‘strong’, ṭḷagṛu n. ‘light’; H. tagṛā ‘strong’ (→ N. tagaṛo); G. trāgũ n. ‘compulsion’; — L. trakṛā, takṛā ‘strong, diligent’ with unexpl. k. TARJ ‘threaten’: *targa—, tárjati, tarjana—. Addenda: *targa—: S.kcch. takkaṛ f. ‘hastiness’, takṛo ‘hasty’; WPah.kṭg. takṛɔ, Wkc. tɔkṛo ‘strong, healthy’. †;tardá— see *triḍḍa—.
5750 *tāḍa— 3 ‘fan—palm’, tāḍī2 f. in tāḍī—puṭa— ‘palm—leaf’ Kād., tāla2 m. ‘Borassus flabelliformis’ Mn., tālī—, °lakī— f. ‘palm—wine’ W. [Cf. hintāla—] Pa. tāla— m. ‘fan—palm’, Pk. tāḍa—, tāla—, tala— m., tāḍī—, tālī— f., K. tāl m., P. tāṛ m., N. tār (tāṛ ← H.), A. tāl, B. tāṛ, Or. tāṛa, tāṛi, tāḷa, Bi. tār, tāṛ, OAw. tāra, H. G. tāṛ m., M. tāḍ m., Si. tala. — Gy. gr. taró m., tarí f. ‘rum’, rum. tari ‘brandy’, pal. tar ‘date—spirit’; S. tāṛī f. ‘juice of the palmyra’; P. tāṛī ‘the fermented juice’; N. tāṛī ‘id., yeast’ (← H.); A. tāri ‘the fermented juice’, B. Or. tāṛi, Bi. tārī, tāṛī, Bhoj. tāṛī; H. tāṛī f. ‘the juice, the fermented juice’; G. tāṛī f. ‘the juice’, M. tāḍī f. - X hintāla— q.v. tālavr̥nta—; *madatāḍikā—. Addenda: tāḍa—3: S.kcch. tāṛ m. ‘palm tree’. †;*tāḍarukṣa—.
5812 *tinta— ‘wet’. 2. *tinna—. [~ *stinta—; — cf. timita—. — √tim] 1. Pa. tinta— ‘wet’, Pk. tiṁta—, Gy. rum. tindo, hung. čindo, germ. rus. eng. wel. kindō, A. titā, MB. tita, B. titā, Or. tintā; Mth. tī̆tal ‘wet, limp’; H. tītā ‘wet’; Si. tet ‘wet’, teta ‘wetness’ (e from temanavā < *tēmayati); — deriv. vbs.: Gy. rum. thind́ar ‘wets’; A. titiba ‘to be wet’; B. titā ‘to become moist’, titāna ‘to moisten’. 2. Pk. tiṇṇa— ‘wet’, Ku. tino. Addenda: *tinta—: Md. tet ‘wet’; A. titiba ‘to be wet’ AFD 337. TIP ‘sprinkle’: †;*tēpya—.
5819 *timbila— ‘a partic. kind of tree’. 2. *triyambala—. 1. S. timiru ‘the tree Avicennia tomentosa’; — altern. < 2: Ku. N. timilo ‘wild fig tree’. 2. P. taremal, tiamle, timbal m. ‘Ficus roxburghii macrophylla’.
5824 *tirimiri— ‘dazzle’. S. tirviri f. ‘dazzling, dimness, greasy spots on water’, tirvirā m. pl. ‘a disease of the eyes in which things appear indistinct, particles of dust in the air’; N. tirimiri ‘dazzle, mistiness’, tirmir ‘dazzling light’, tirmirāunu ‘to be dazzled’, tiribiri ‘sound of dripping water’; A. tirbir ‘sparkle’; H. M. tirmirī f. ‘giddiness’; H. tirmirānā ‘to be dazzled’.
5859 *tunda—3, ‘striking, sharp’. [√tud] P. tund ‘piercing, sharp, keen, strong, pure’? *tundati ‘strikes’. [Cf. nítundatē ‘pierces’ RV. - √tud] See tunná1.
5864 *tuppa— ‘grease’. [Prob. like *cuppa— of non—Aryan origin (Kan. tuppa ‘ghee’ DED 2685 is rather ← MIA.); but it may have induced glossing of RV. tr̥prá3 as ‘purōḍāśa—’ Sāy. and ‘ghee’ Uṇk.] Pk. tuppa— ‘greasy, smeared with ghee’, n. ‘ghee’, tuppia—, °pavia—, °palia— ‘smeared with ghee’, uttupiya- ‘oily’; G. M. tūp n. ‘ghee’, M. tupaṭ ‘oily’. TUB ‘strike’: *tumba—2, túmbati, *tumbita—; — √tup. tubara— 1 ‘astringent’ see tuvara—. tubara— 2 ‘a pulse’ see tubarī2.
5869 *tumba— 2 ‘obstruction, boss’. [√tub] Or. tumbha ‘nave of wheel’; M. tũbā, tũbāḍā m. ‘plug, back of axe, nave of wheel’; — Si. tum̆basa ‘mound raised by white ants’ or < *stumba— (+?).
5930 *tr̥pu— ‘sour’. [Cf. Russ. terpkiy ‘sour’ < *tr̥pŭkŭ and poss. Psht. trīw NTS xii 192. Other forms in tr̥pra2 and *tr̥psa— in Parth. trifš, Bal. trušp, Pers. turuš ‘sour’ W. Henning BSOS ix 88] Kt. trui—zū ‘sour milk’, Wg. trui—zƏr, Dm. tru—c̣hı̄́ra, Paš.ar. trua—c̣hīr, chil. l ui—čīr, Gaw. l uzan—c̣hir (—zan?), Phal. truṇu—c̣hı̄́r (< *tr̥puna—?); — Tir. trē ‘salt’ rather < tīvrá—.
5947 *tējila— ‘a partic. plant’. [Cf. tējanī— (°jinī— Npr.) f. ‘Sanseviera roxburghiana’ lex., ‘Zanthoxylon rhetsa’ Bhpr., taijana— ‘coming from this plant’ Kāṭh.: for form cf. Pk. tēilla— = tēaṁsi— < tējasvin—: — √tij?] Pk. tēāli— m. ‘a kind of tree’ (?); P. teilā m. ‘the shrub Ribes grossularia (with small and intensely sour fruit seldom eaten)’. *tēntara—, *tēntulī— ‘tamarind’ see tintiḍī—. *tēnduka— ‘ebony’ see tinduka—. tēpati see *stēpa—.
5965 *tōtta— 1 ‘stammering’. 2. *thōttha—3. 3. *thōntha— 3. 1. P. totlā ‘stammering’; WPah. (Joshi) totḷā ‘lisping’; N. tote ‘babbling, lisping’; B. totlā ‘stammering’, Or. totaḷā, °alā, Mth. totrāh, H. totar, totlā, G. totḷũ, totlũ, totṛũ, M. totḷā, totrā; — P. totlāuṇā ‘to stammer’; Ku. tutlāṇo ‘to talk wildly’. 2. Or. thothā, thotaṛā (dial. thutrā, thathrā) ‘stammer- ing’, thotā ‘idiot’. 3. A. thõ;tā ‘stammering’; Mth. thõ;tī ‘babbler, garrulous’. *tōtta— 2 ‘blue vitriol’ see tutthá—.
5972 *tōba— ‘bag’. [Cf. ṭōpara— ‘small bag’ Dhūrtas. (but see *ṭōppa2) and Ir. *tūbraka— in Pers. Psht. tōbra, tūbra ‘nose—bag’ (→ P. H. tobrā → Bi. tobṛā, G. tobrɔ, M. tobrā), EBal. thīra g (→ Brah. tūra), Bakhtiyari turba, Kurd. tūrik] B. to ‘fold’; — ext. ——: L. ṭoṛā m. ‘bag hung round a cluster of dates’; P. toṛā m. ‘moneybag’; Ku. toṛo ‘bag (esp. of rupees)’; B. Or. H. toṛā m. ‘leather moneybag’ (→ N. toṛā), G. toṛɔ m.; M. toḍā m. ‘bag’. - B. torā ‘purse’ ← Bi.?
5977 *tōrī— ‘gourd’. [Poss. < *tubara— ~ tumba1] P. torī f. ‘a small gourd’; Ku. toriyā̃ ‘autumnal fruit of a creeper of which vegetable food is made’; N. toriyo, °iũ, pl. °iyā, °iyā̃ ‘gourd (eaten as a vegetable)’; B. torā ‘pottage’. *tōla— ‘group’ see *ṭōla—.
5987 *traṅga— 2 ‘piece of cloth’. [Cf. *truṅga—] K. trongu m. ‘worn rag’; L. taraṅgaṛ, °ṛī, tarāṅgaṛī f. ‘large—meshed net for loading on pack animals’, P. taṅgaṛ m.; N. ṭāṅ—ṭuṅ ‘odds and ends’.
5989 *traṭṭ— ‘crackle’. [Cf. traṭ—] Sh. c̣ăṭ f. ‘crack’; M. taṭ—taṭṇẽ ‘to crackle’; Si. taṭa- taṭa ‘trembling’. *uttraṭṭati.
5990 *traṭṭa— ‘woven work’. 2. *traḍḍa—. [Cf. *thaṭṭha1] 1. Pa. taṭṭikā— f. ‘mat’, taṭṭaka— m. ‘flat bowl’; Pk. taṭṭī— f. ‘hedge’, ṭaṭṭī—, °ṭiā— f. ‘screen, curtain’; K. ṭāṭh, dat. °ṭas m. ‘sackcloth’; S. ṭaṭī f. ‘Hindu bier’; L. traṭṭī f. ‘screen’; P. taraṭṭī, ṭaṭṭī f. ‘bamboo matting, screen’; Ku. ṭāṭ ‘sackcloth’, N. tāṭ, ṭāṭ,; A. ṭāṭi ‘bamboo fence’; B. ṭāṭ ‘temporary roofing, shed’, ṭāṭi ‘bamboo mat’; Or. tāṭa ‘big wicker tray’, tāṭi, ṭā° ‘bamboo mat’; Mth. ṭāṭ ‘mat, screen’; Bhoj. ṭāṭ, °ṭī ‘bamboo thatch’; H. ṭāṭ f. ‘sackcloth, mat’, °ṭī f. ‘bamboo matting’; G. tāṭ, ṭāṭ n. ‘sackcloth’, tāṭũ n. ‘bamboo seat’, trāṭī, tāṭī, ṭā° f. ‘bamboo matting’; M. tāṭ n. ‘sackcloth’ (taraṭ n. ← G.), f. ‘quickset hedge’, tāṭī f. ‘light bamboo frame’, taṭkẽ n. ‘matted or wattled frame’; — prob. WPah. bhad. khaś. ṭḷāṭ ‘common grass’. 2. L.awāṇ. traḍḍā ‘torn mat’; — WPah.rudh. trāṛ ‘common grass’. *traḍḍa— ‘matting’ see prec. TRAP ‘jump, show feeling’: *tarpati, *tr̥pyati Add., tr̥prá—1, *trapa—, trápatē, trāpáyati *avatrapatē, *avatrapya—. *trapa— ‘jump’ in *markaṭatrapa—. [√trap] Addenda: *traṭṭa—: WPah.kṭg. taṭi f. ‘plot of land in front of a house’ ← H. or EP.
6010 *trāgga— or *tārga— or *tāgra— ‘thread’. [Cf. *dhāgga—] Pk. tagga— n. ‘gold thread, thread—bracelet’; K. tagürü f. ‘thread round a woman's waist’; P. tarāgī, tarāgaṛī, taṛāgī, taṛāgaṛī f. ‘string round waist’, tāgā, taggā m. ‘thread’; Ku. tāg ‘quilting cotton’, tāgo m. ‘thread—ceremony’; N. tāgā ‘thread, sacred thread’; B. tāgā ‘thread’, Or. tāgā̆, OAw. H. tāgā m., G. trāgɔ, trāgṛɔ, tāgṛɔ m.; M. tāg m. ‘plant from which a kind of hemp is made’; — S. tāǥaṇu ‘to stitch’ (lw. with t—); P. taggṇā ‘to sew up a wound’; N. tagnu ‘to quilt with cotton’; Or. tāgibā ‘to sew with thick cotton’; H. tāgnā ‘to quilt’. — X pragrahá—: Bi. tagahī ‘tethering rope for cattle’.
6024 *triḍḍa— and *tiḍḍa— ‘locust, grasshopper’. [L. < tri°, S. and poss. all others, incl. P. and G., < ti°: perh. ← Mu. PMWS 135] Pk. tiḍḍa— m., °ḍī— f., teḍḍa— m. ‘a grain—eating insect, locust’; S. tiḍ̱o m. ‘cricket, cockroach’, tiḍ̱ī̆ f. ‘insects such as these’; L. triḍḍā, ‘an acrid insect’, (Shahpur) triḍḍā, (Ju.) tiḍḍā m. ‘grasshopper’; P. tiḍḍā, ṭiḍḍā m. ‘locust’, Bi. ṭīṛī, (SWShahabad) ṭirrī, H. tiḍḍā m., °ḍī f., ṭiḍḍī, ṭīṛī f., G. tīḍ m., ṭīḍ n.— L.mult. ṭiṇḍāṇā m. ‘firefly’; P. ṭiḍāṇā, ṭaḍ°, ṭiḍiāṇā, ṭaḍ°, tināṇā, taṇāṇā m. ‘firefly’, ṭiṇḍaṇ m., ṭiṇḍāṇī f. ‘general name for beetles’. tridivasa— ‘tertian (of fever)’ AgP. [tri—, divasá—] See next. Addenda: *triḍḍa—, cf. tardá— m. ‘a noxious insect’ AV. (T. Burrow JRAS 1967 42).
6028 *trip— ‘be wet’. [Cf. √*trim, √tim, √stim, √tip, √stip] Kt. tréwelƏ ‘wet’; Ash. trupalä ‘wet, moist’, Wg. trupala, trә́pala, tr̥pә́lë, Paš.kuṛ. tapaliwṓ (< *tripya—?). — Less prob. < tr̥pála—.
6039 *trimyati ‘becomes wet’. [~ tímyati. — √*trim] S. ṭrimaṇu ‘to ooze’, ṭrimiṇo ‘leaky’, ṭrimṭrimi f. ‘dripping’; L. trimmaṇ ‘to drop, distil, leak’, trimmo f. ‘leaking, distillation’.
6062 *truṅga— ‘piece of cloth’. [Cf. *traṅga2] K. trọ̆ngu m. ‘bundle of rags’; N. ṭāṅ—ṭuṅ ‘odds and ends’; Or. ṭuṅgeibā ‘to cut into pieces’. TRUṬ ‘break’. [Prob. (despite P. Tedesco JAOS 73, 80 who derives from MIA. *truṭṭa—, Pk. tuṭṭa— ‘broken’ < *tr̥tta— pp. of tr̥ṇátti) with EWA i 586 of non—Aryan origin: cf. tōṭayati ‘breaks’ Rājat., vitruḍyati ‘excoriates’ KātyŚr.com. (tuḍáti, tṓḍati, túṇḍatē Dhātup.) and tōṭaka— (Daśar.), trōṭaka— n. ‘altercation’ (túṭati, túḍḍati, tuḍati, tṓḍatē Dhātup.)] trúṭati, truṭi—1, trúṭyati, *truṇṭati, trōṭa—, trōṭaka—, trōṭáyati; *uttruṭyati, *vitruṭati.
6066 *truṇṭati ‘breaks’. [Cf. cúṇṭati. — √truṭ] L. truṇḍaṇ, taruṇḍaṇ ‘to take a little from a large quantity, pilfer’ (semant. cf. Eng. to break into), awāṇ. truṇḍuṇ ‘to pluck’; P. taruṇḍṇā tr. ‘to break’. TRUP ‘pierce, hurt’. [Cf. √truph and forms without r (tupáti, tṓpati, túmpati, tupháti, tṓphati, túmphati ‘hurts’ Dhātup., prastumpati ‘butts’) which are prob. of IE. origin EWA i 512; but ac. to T. Burrow BSOAS xii 142 √trup is ← Drav. see DED 2743. — For semant. development ‘pierce—abort’ cf. śūlatē, śalyá—] *trupati, *trúpyati, trúmpati, *trōpa—, trṓpati, *trōpyatē.
6067 *trupati ‘hurts’, tupáti Dhātup. [~ *truphati. — √trup] S. ṭruijaṇu ‘to miscarry (only of animals)’, L. tarūṇā, poṭh. tarūṇā, P. tūṇā; Ku. gng. tuiã ‘aborted (of cattle)’; H. tūnā ‘to leak, fall, miscarry (of foetus or child)’; G. tarvāvũ ‘to miscarry (only of animals)’; — N. tuhunu ‘to have a miscarriage, die in the womb’, tuhāunu ‘to miscarry, cast young’ poss. < *truphati. Addenda: trúpati: WPah.kṭg. cv̄ṇõ; ‘to have an abortion’.
6068 *trupyati or *trupnāti ‘pierces’. [√trup] Paš.kuṛ. l upiyém ‘I sew’, Woṭ. tuph— Buddruss Woṭ 129 < *thup— ← Gaw. l üpe—, Sv. l up—; K. trọ̌pu m. ‘stitching’; WPah.bhal. ṭḷupp f. ‘sewing’; P. tuppṇā ‘to sew’, tarupṇā, turpṇā, turupṇā, ḍog. truppanī f. ‘needle’ (→ Ku. turpaṇo ‘to sew a cloth double’; A. turup ‘hem’; B. turpā ‘to pierce, sew’; Or. turpibā ‘to make simple long stitches’; H. turupnā ‘to hem’); G. ṭupvũ ‘to pierce, prick’; M. ṭupṇẽ ‘to pierce, enter, thrust (e.g. a needle) into’. TRUPH ‘miscarry’: *truphati; — √trup. Addenda: *trupyati: WPah.kṭg. chúpṇõ; (—?) ‘to pierce, prick’, chópṇõ; (—?) id.
6069 *truphati ‘miscarries’. [~ *trupati. — Cf. trṓphati Dhātup. — √truph] L.awāṇ. trū̀uṇ ‘to give still birth to’; — N. tuhunu ‘to have a miscarriage, to be still—born’, tuhāunu ‘to miscarry, cast young’ or poss. < trúpati.
6071 *trēḍḍa— ‘slanting, squinting’. 2. *trēḍḍha—. [Cf. ṭēraka— and *śrēḍa—] 1. S. ṭreḍ̱o ‘slanting, cross—eyed’; Ku. ṭeṛo ‘cross, perverse’; N. ṭeṛo ‘slanting, squinting’; A. ṭerā ‘crooked’ (or < ṭēraka—); B. teṛā, ṭe° ‘crooked, squinting’; Or. ṭeṛā ‘crooked’, OG. treḍaü, G. teḍũ, ṭe°; M. teḍā ‘crooked’, tiḍā ‘warped’. 2. L. trēḍhā ‘crooked’, trēḍh f. ‘making a round to look for tracks’; P. ṭeḍh m. ‘crookedness’, tareḍhā, ṭeḍhā ‘crooked’, WPah.bhad. bhal. ṭḷèḍḍo, Or. teṛhā, Mth. teṛh, Bhoj. ṭeṛh, H. ṭeṛhā, M. teḍhā. — X *ḍēvva—: N. ḍeuṛho ‘crooked, crosswise’, B. teoṛā. *trēḍḍha— see prec. *trēdhāra— ‘triple’ see *tridhāra—.
6072 *trēmayati ‘makes wet’. [~ *tēmayati. — √*trim] S. ṭrehaṇu ‘to damp’, ṭreha f. ‘damping’; P. ṭemṇā ‘to moisten the surface of a piece of bread’.
6073 *trēmala— ‘wet’. [√*trim] L. trēḷ f. ‘dew’, mult. awāṇ. treṛ (< treḷ? — Semant. cf. Paš. līl s.v. *grilla—), P. tel f. — In Longworth- Dames Textbook of the Balochi Language ix 26 S. trer ‘dew’ is prob. a mistake for L. since trer is found as lw. only in NBal. TRAI ‘protect’: trā́—, trāṇa—; *paritrā—.
6077 *trōṭa— ‘breaking, breakage’. [√truṭ] Pk. tōḍa— m. ‘breaking’; K. trūlu m. ‘weariness’ (< *trūru ); Ku. toṛ ‘breakage’; B. toṛ ‘force, violence (as of a stream)’; H. toṛ m. ‘breakage’; G. ṭollɔ m. ‘delay’ (< *toḍlɔ); M. toḍ m. ‘the line made in paper when folded’.
6080 *trōṭikā— ‘a herb, mustard’. [Cf. truṭi2 f. ‘small cardamon’ lex.] Kal.rumb. trõmacr;ŕyak ‘clover’; P. toryā m. ‘mustard plant’ (r?); Ku. toṛī f. ‘mustard plant’, torī f. ‘a kind of mustard’; N. tori ‘mustard oil plant’; B. toṛi, ṭoṛi ‘a partic. leguminous plant’; Bi. tori ‘an oil seed plant, mustard’; H. toṛī f. ‘mustard plant and seed, rape seed’. *trōṭikākāṣṭha—. Addenda: *trōṭikā—, cf. tōṭaka— m.n. ‘white mustard seed’ lex.
6082 *trōpa— ‘piercing, hole’. [√trup] L. P. ṭoā m. ‘hole, pit’; M. ṭov m. ‘little hole’.
6084 *trōpyatē ‘is pierced’. [√trup] S. ṭropaṇu ‘to bore the ears or nose, lance a sore’, ṭropo m. ‘running stitch’; M. ṭopṇẽ ‘to pierce’, n. ‘gimlet’, ṭopasṇẽ ‘to pierce’. Addenda: *trōpyatē: WPah.kṭg. chƏp e uṇõ; ‘to cause to be pierced’; Ko. toptā ‘pierces’.
6089 *thaṭṭha— 1 ‘framework’. [Poss. < taṣṭá—, but cf. *traṭṭa—] K. ṭhoṭhu m. ‘bridge—pier of logs piled horizontally’, ṭhaṭhur m. ‘part of a house—wall made of logs laid horizontally’; P. ṭhaṭh f. ‘bridge—pier’; N. ṭhā̃ṭi ‘inn (lit. shed made of or covered with bamboo matting?)’; B. ṭhāṭ ‘framework’; Or. thāṭa ‘framework, skeleton’, ṭhāṭa ‘bamboo framework for decoration, build of one's body, body’; Mth. ṭhāṭ ‘bamboo frame of a thatch or of a mat house’; OAw. ṭhāṭa m. ‘frame of a roof on which thatch is laid’; H. ṭhāṭh m. ‘frame of a roof’, ṭhāṭar m. ‘bamboo frame’; G. ṭhāṭhũ n. ‘framework, body’, ṭhā̃ṭhũ n. ‘skeleton’, ṭhāṭhṛī f. ‘bamboo bier’; M. thāṭ, ṭhāṭ m. ‘frame of a roof’. Addenda: *thaṭṭha—1: WPah.kc. thaṭo m. ‘projecting part of a verandah’.
6090 *thaṭṭha— 2 ‘pomp, ceremony’. [Same as *thaṭṭha1 and < taṣṭá—??] Pk. thaṭṭa— m.n. ‘pomp, ceremony’; S. ṭhāṭhu m. ‘pomp’, L. ṭhaṭṭh m., P. ṭhaṭh f.; Ku. ṭhāṭ ‘pomp, glory, property’; N. ṭhā̃ṭ ‘fashion’; A. ṭhāṭ ‘pomp, dignity’; B. ṭhāṭ ‘affectation’; H. ṭhāṭh m. ‘pomp, posture, fashion, goods’; M. thaṭṇẽ ‘to act pompously’. *thaṇḍha— ‘cold’ see stabdha—. *thantha— ‘empty, blunt’ see *thōttha2.
6091 *thapp— ‘slap, pat’. 2. *thabb—. 3. *thipp—. [Cf. *ṭhapp—, *dhapp— PMWS 60] 1. K. thaph, dat. °pi f. ‘grasping with the hand’, thapa m. ‘seal’, thopu m. ‘shutter, blind’, thôpu m. ‘patting’ (< *thāpp—); S. thaphaṇu ‘to pat, flatter’, thapthapi f. ‘slapping’; L. thappaṇ ‘to slap, pat’, thapp m. ‘slap’; P. thappṇā ‘to beat, hammer, fix’; Ku. thāp ‘beating the ground’, thāpo ‘mark of hand or foot’; A. thāp ‘pouncing on’, thapā ‘slap’; Or. thāpa ‘stroke of whole palm on a drum’, thāpi ‘flat piece of wood used by potters for patting clay’; Bhoj. thāpī ‘wooden mallet’; H. thāpnā ‘to pat’, thāp m. ‘striking a drum’; G. thāpvũ ‘to flatten by patting’, thāp f. ‘slap’; M. thāpṇẽ and thāp f. ‘id.’, thāpā m. ‘wooden instrument for breaking clods’, thāpī f. ‘mason's patter’. — Ext. ——: K. thāpur m. ‘slap’, S. thapaṛa f., P. thappaṛ m.; Ku. thāpaṛ ‘mark of hand or foot’, thapaṛ ‘slap’, N. thappaṛ; A. thapar ‘slight thud’, thapariyāiba ‘to slap’; B. thāpaṛ, thapṛā ‘slap’, Or. thāpaṛa, °puṛa, Bhoj. Aw.lakh. thaparā, H. thappaṛ m., G. thāpaṛ f., M. thāpaḍ f. (G. M. thāpaṭ f.); — —kk—: Ku. thapkāuṇo ‘to tap’. 2. B. thābā ‘to slap’; Or. thābā ‘paw’; G. thābaṛvũ ‘to pat’, M. thābṇẽ; — S. thāḇo m. ‘trip, stumble’. 3. K. thipun ‘to slap, pat’. Addenda: *thapp— [Cf. †;sthāpya—]: S. thāpī f. ‘pat, slap’, P. thāp m.; — WPah.kṭg. thɔ́ppƏṛ, tháppƏṛ m., J. thapēṛ m.; — M. thāpā m. also ‘cowdung and straw patted into a lump’.
6092 *thar— ‘tremble’. [~ *thal—, *thur—: cf. tharatharāya- māna— ‘trembling’ BHSk.] K. thā̆run ‘to tremble’, thara f. ‘trembling’, thār f. ‘trepidation’; Or. tharibā ‘to tremble’, tharā̆ ‘a shiver’; — N. tharra ‘trembling, convulsion’ < *tharaḍ—, G. tharṛāī f.; — L. tharkaṇ intr. ‘to shake’ (cf. S. thaṛkaṇu), P. tharakṇā, A. tharakiba, H. tharaknā, G. tharakvũ, M. tharakṇẽ; — Pk. tharaharaï ‘feels giddy’; Ku. tharrāṇo ‘to tremble’; N. tharahari ‘trembling’; Or. tharahara ‘shivering’; H. tharharānā, tharrānā ‘to tremble’, M. tharārṇẽ; — Pk. tharatharēdi, tharattharaï ‘feels giddy’; Sh. koh. thărthăr, gur. thătharai ‘shiver- ing’; K. thõdotdot;tharun ‘to be flurried’; P. thartharāuṇā ‘to tremble’, Ku. thartharāṇo, N. thartharāunu; A. thar- thari ‘trembling’; B. thartharāna ‘to tremble’; Or. OAw. tharathara m. ‘shivering’; H. thartharnā ‘to quiver’; G. thartharvũ, thatharvũ ‘to tremble’, M. thartharṇẽ. Addenda: *thar—: Md. turuturu aḷanī ‘shakes’ (intr.).
6093 *thal— ‘tremble’. 2. *thall—. [~ *thar—, *thur—] 1. N. thalinu ‘to be ill’; — P. thalthalāuṇā ‘to shake (as flabby flesh)’, tharthallā m. ‘earthquake’; Ku. thalthalo ‘fat with a swollen body’; N. thalthal ‘shaking of loose flabby flesh’, thalthalinu ‘to shake (of flabby flesh)’, thalthale ‘marshy ground’; B. thalthal ‘flabbi- ness’; H. thalthal f. ‘shaking’. 2. Or. thalathala ‘flabby’; M. thalthal f. ‘flabbiness’, thalthalṇẽ ‘to shake flabbily’. *thall— ‘tremble’ see prec.
6094 *thass— ‘press down’. [Cf. *ṭhass—] N. thāso ‘heap (usu. of dung)’; B. thāsā ‘to ram down’. *thāna— ‘piece of cloth’ see next.
6095 *thānna— ‘piece of cloth’. 2. *thāna—. 1. Gy. eur. than m. ‘cloth, bed’; Sh. K. thān m. ‘com- plete roll of cloth or silk’; S. thānu m. ‘a web of cloth’, P. Ku. thān m.; N. thān ‘piece of cloth, piece, bundle (used in numbering), head of cattle’ (e.g. bis thān bhaı̃si ‘20 buffaloes’); A. B. thān ‘whole piece of cloth’, Or. thāna; H. thān m. ‘piece of cloth, covering of a horse, piece (of corn &c.), unit (in counting)’; G. M. thān n. ‘piece of cloth’. 2. S. thāṇu m. ‘piece of cloth’, M. thāṇ n.
6096 *thigga— ‘rag’. 2. *thēgga—. 3. *thiṅga—. 1. Pk. thiggala— n. ‘patch for mending’, P. thiglī f.; - S. thiǥiṛī f. ‘rag’; L. thigṛā m. ‘cloth’, thigṛī f. ‘rag’ (Ju. ǥ for both); G. thigṛũ n., °ṛī f. ‘patch’. 2. H. theglī f. ‘patch of cloth’. 3. G. thı̃gṛũ n., °ṛī f. *thiṅga— ‘rag’ see prec. *thiṭṭha— ‘defective’ see *ṭhiṭṭha—. Addenda: *thigga—: S.kcch. thighṛo m. ‘patch’.
6097 *thukk— ‘spit’. [thūt] Pk. thukka— n. ‘spittle, phlegm’; Ash. tuk ‘spitting’; Paš. thūk ‘spittle’, Woṭ. tuk, Phal. thuki, Sh. thúki f., K. thŏkh, dat. °ki f., S. thuka f., L. thukk f., WPah.bhad. thuk n., Ku. thūk, N. B. thuk, Or. thuka, Bhoj. thūk, Aw.lakh. thūku , H. thūk m., G. thũk n., M. thūk n.f.; - Pk. thukkaï ‘spits’, K. thŏkun, S. thukaṇu, L. thukkaṇ, P. thukkṇā, Ku. thukṇo, N. thuknu, B. thukā, Or. thukibā, Mth. thukab, H. thūknā, G. thũkvũ, M. thukṇẽ, thũkṇẽ. *thuṅga— ‘hill’ see *ṭakka3. Addenda: *thukk—: S.kcch. thūkṇū ‘to spit’, WPah.kṭg. (kc.) thúkṇõ;; thū́k m. ‘spittle’.
6098 *thuḍa— ‘trunk, branch’. 2. *thuḍḍa—. 3. *thōḍa—2. 1. Pk. thuḍa— n. ‘tree trunk’, S. thuṛu m.; N. thur ‘dry branch of a tree’; G. thaṛ n. ‘tree trunk’, thaṛũ n. ‘trunk near root, roots of a tree’. 2. S. thuḍ̱ī f. ‘lower part of stalk of a plant’. 3. A. thor ‘unopened leaf’; B. thoṛ ‘spathe of plain- tain’, Or. thoṛa; H. thoṛ m. ‘spathe of any plant before it separates from stem’.
6099 *thuḍḍ— ‘kick against’. S. thuḍ̱o m. ‘a stumble’, thuḍ̱aṇu ‘to kick with the toe’; L. ṭhuḍḍā (Ju. —ḍ̱ḍ̱—) m. ‘trip, stumble’; N. thuṛnu ‘to stumble’; B. thuṛā, thoṛā ‘to strike, chop’; Or. ṭhuṛāibā ‘to amass’. — X khura— in Sh. gil. thŭri, pales. thurī f. ‘heel’. *thuḍḍa— ‘trunk, branch’ see *thuḍa—. *thuṇḍa—, *thuttha—, *thuntha— ‘mouth’ see tuṇḍa—. Addenda: *thuḍḍ—: X khura—: Phal. thuri ‘heel’. — X *khun- (e.g. Gaw. khunīk, S. khuṇyo s.v. khuriṇī—); Dm. thuni (AO xviii 240 thuṇī) ‘heel’ Buddruss ZDMG 116, 417.
6100 *thubba— ‘defective’. 2. *thōbba—. [Cf. tūpará- ‘hornless goat’ AV., ‘blunt’ TBr., tūbara2 m. ‘hornless bull, beardless man’ lex., tūbaraka— m. ‘eunuch’ MBh.] 1. B. thubuṛā ‘blunt, past marriageable age’; Or. thubuṛā ‘blunt, past sexual enjoyment, shameless’. 2. B. thobṛā = thubuṛā, Or. thobaṛā, thobarā = thubuṛā.
6101 *thur— ‘tremble’. [~ *thar—, *thal—] N. thurthuri ‘convulsively’; A. thurthuriyā ‘tremulous with age’; B. thurthur ‘trembling’; Or. thurathurā ‘decrepit’; M. thurthuraviṇẽ ‘to bristle up’ (cf. thuḍ- thuḍṇẽ ‘to tremble’). *thuṣa— ‘chaff’ see túṣa—.
6105 *thūmma— ‘sexually vigorous’. S. thū̃ma f. ‘sexual power, virility’; N. thumā, thummā ‘uncastrated ram’. *thēgga— ‘rag’ see *thigga—. *thēcc— ‘press’ see *ṭhēcc—. *thēṭṭha— ‘defective’ see *ṭhiṭṭha—. *thēṇṭha— 1 ‘mouth’ see tuṇḍa—. *thēṇṭha— 2 ‘defective’ see *ṭhiṭṭha—.
6106 *thēppa— ‘pickle, sweetmeat’. S. thepa f. ‘a kind of sweetmeat’; N. thepe, thebe ‘pickle, chutney (esp. of radishes and unripe mango)’.
6107 *thēbba— ‘flattened’. 2. *ṭhibba—. 1. N. thepco ‘flattened (e.g. of nose)’; B. thebrā ‘flat- nosed’; Or. thebaṛā ‘flat’. 2. P. ṭhibbā ‘club—footed’. *thōḍa— 1 ‘mouth’ see tuṇḍa—. *thōḍa— 2 ‘trunk, branch’ see *thuḍa—. *thōḍḍa—2, *thōttha— 1 ‘mouth’ see tuṇḍa—.
6108 *thōttha— 2 ‘empty, blunt’. 2. *thōntha—2. 3. *thantha—. 1. S. thotho ‘useless’; P. thothā ‘hollow, toothless’; Ku. thoto ‘useless, rotten, toothless’; N. thoto ‘gap caused by loss of tooth’, thote ‘gap—toothed’; B. thotāna ‘to blunten’; H. thothā f. ‘empty, worm—eaten, blunt’, thoth f. ‘emptiness’; G. thothũ n. ‘rotten part of corn’; — ext. —ra—: Ku. thotro ‘rotten, hollow (of wood), use- less’; N. thotro ‘worn out, old’; H. thotar, thotrā ‘empty, worm—eaten, blunt’; G. thothar f. ‘a swelling’. 2. Mth. thõ;th, thõ;thā ‘toothless’. 3. Or. thant(h)aṛā, °arā ‘blunt’; — dantharā ‘having blunt toothed edge’ X dānta (< dánta—)? *thōttha— 3 ‘stammering’ see *tōtta1. *thōttha— 4 ‘blue vitriol’ see tutthá—. *thōntha— 1 ‘mouth’ see tuṇḍa—. *thōntha— 2 ‘empty, blunt’ see *thōttha2. *thōntha— 3 ‘stammering’ see *tōtta1.
6109 *thōba— ‘snout’. 2. *thōbba—. [Cf. stuva— m.n. ‘partic part of a horse's head’ lex.? — See also list s.v. tuṇḍa—] 1. Ku. thol ‘snout, lips’ (< *thōvala—?). 2. Ku. thobṇo ‘snout, lips’; B. thobanā, thubnā ‘face or mouth of animal’; H. thobṛā m. ‘snout, muzzle’. *thōbba— ‘snout’ see prec. Addenda: *thōba—. 2. *thōbba—: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) thóbbƏṛ m. ‘snout, mouth (contemptuous slang)’; Garh. thobṛu ‘nostrils of an animal’. *thōbba— ‘snout’ see *thōba— Add2.
6126 *dacc— ‘fear’. N. dacko ‘fright’, dackanu ‘to be frightened, be startled’, M. daċkā m., daċakṇẽ.
6127 *daḍavaḍa— ‘onrush’. Pk. daḍavaḍa— ‘quick’, m. ‘attack’; G. daroṛɔ m. ‘attack by a band of robbers’, M. daroḍā m.
6170 *dab— ‘a noise’. [Onom.] P. dabaṛ—dabaṛ ‘with the sound of heavy and noisy steps’; N. dabdab ‘mud’; H. dabdabā m. ‘noise’; M. dabdab ‘noise of a slack drum’.
6173 *dabb— ‘press’. 2. *ḍabb—. 3. *dapph—. [A. Master BSOAS xii 348 ← Drav. — Cf. *drapp—] 1. Gy. eur. dab f. ‘blow, kick’ (whence daber— ‘to pummel’); Mai.ky. dab— ‘to bury’; K. dabun ‘to press into’; S. daḇaṇu, daḇāiṇu ‘to press down’ (d—!); L. dabbaṇ ‘to press, bury’, (Ju.) daḇaṇ ‘to be pressed down, be buried’; P. dabb f. ‘pressure’, dabbṇā, dabāuṇā ‘to press down’, intr. dabṇā, dabīṛnā ‘to press back’; Ku. dābṇo ‘to press, force, bury’, intr. dabṇo; N. dābnu ‘to press down’, dabāunu ‘to crush, bury’, dabinu ‘to be put out of sight’; A. dābiba ‘to sink’, dabāiba ‘to press’; B. dābā ‘to press down’, dābnā ‘snub’, dābṛi ‘intimida- tion’ (ODBL 446 wrongly < darpa—); Or. dābibā ‘to press down, prohibit, reprimand’, dabibā, dabakibā ‘to shrink back’; H. dāb m. ‘pressure’, dābnā ‘to press, rule, snub’, dabnā intr. dabaknā, ‘to be covered, be hidden’; G. dāb m. ‘restraint’, dābvũ ‘to press’, dabāvvũ ‘to press, intimidate’; M. dābṇẽ ‘to press’, dabṇẽ, dabakṇẽ ‘to bend under a weight’. 2. A. ḍābi ‘threat’, ḍabāiba ‘to press down’; Or. ḍābibā ‘to cover’; G. ḍabāvvũ ‘to press, intimidate’, ḍabkɔ, ḍapkɔ m. ‘fear, apprehension’. 3. Kho. daphḗik ‘to crush’. *ādabb—. *dabba— ‘box’ see *ḍabba1. *dabbara— ‘mud’ see *ḍabbara—. DABH ‘hurt, deceive’: dabdha—, dábdhi—, dábhati, dabhnṓti, dabhrá—, dambhá—, dambháyati, dambhin—, dahara—, dahrá—; ádbhuta—, dūḍábha—. Addenda: *dabb—: S.kcch. dhabāyṇū ‘to suppress’; WPah.kṭg. dabṇõ; ‘to cover with earth, bury’, dƏbauṇõ; ‘to press down’, kc. °ṇo ‘to bury’; J. dābṇu ‘to press’. - S.kcch. dh < d represents spirant e.g. d ābṇū ‘to press’ AKŚ xxii, d abāyṇū (← G. dābvũ, dabāvvũ?).
6212 *dal— 2 ‘quiver’. B. daluyā ‘boggy’; — H. dalaknā ‘to tremble, glitter’; — N. daldal ‘marsh, mud’; A. daldalni ‘quagmire’, dal- daliyā ‘muddy’; B. daldal ‘quagmire, flabbiness’, daldaliyā ‘boggy’; Or. daladala ‘tremulous’; H. M. daldal f. ‘marsh’. dala— 1 ‘lump’ see *ḍala—.
6261 *dādda— ‘father or other elderly relative’. [Cf. *diddā—, tātá—] Gy. germ. dād ‘father’; Ḍ. dādo m. ‘grandfather’; Dm. dádi ‘father’; Paš.lauṛ. dadā́ ‘elder brother’, gul. dādā ‘father’, kuṛ. dādo ‘father's brother’; Kal. dā́da ‘father’; Bshk. dād ‘grandfather’, dēd f. ‘grandmother’; Phal. dōdo ‘father's father’, dēdi ‘father's mother’; Sh. dādo ‘grandfather’, dādi f.; S. ḍ̱āḍ̱o m. ‘father's father’, ḍ̱āḍ̱ī f., L. ḍ̱āḍ̱ā m., °ḍ̱ī f., dādā m., °dī f., P. dāddā, ḍā° m., dāddī, ḍā° f., WPah.bhal. dādo m.; Ku. dā̆dā ‘grand- father, elder brother’, dādī ‘grandmother, elder sister’, ‘term of address to an elder brother’; N. dādā ‘old servant’, dājyu, dāi (X bhāi < bhrā́tr̥—) ‘elder brother’; A. dādā ‘elder brother’; B. dādā ‘grandfather, elder brother’, dādi ‘grandmother’; Or. dā̆dā, dādi ‘grand- father, father's brother, elder brother’; Mth. dādā ‘grandfather’; H. dādā m. ‘father's father, elder brother’, dādī f. ‘father's mother’; G. dādɔ m. ‘father's father’, dādī f.; M. dādā m. ‘elder brother’, dādī f. ‘respectful term for an old woman’. *dāddatāta—, *dāddaśvaśura—, *dāddaśvaśrū—. Addenda: *dādda—: S.kcch. ḍāḍo m. ‘grandfather’; WPah.kṭg. dād m. ‘father's father, elder brother’, J. dādā m. ‘grandfather’; kṭg. daddi f. ‘father's mother’.
6307 *dārśa— ‘hair’. [Cf. Wkh. d ürs, Mj. lurs, Par. dō̤š, Orm. dā̃š ‘goat's hair’ < *darsa— NTS v 43: →Brah. drassam ‘goat's hair’ Bray Brah 99] S. ḍ̱āsa f. ‘goat's hair’, ḍ̱āsī ‘made of it’.
6308 *dāla— 1 ‘tearing, splitting’. [~ dāra1. — Same as dāla2? — Separate from *ḍāla—1. — √dal 1] K. dāla m. ‘skin (esp. a whole skin) of sheep, goat, &c.’ (cf. dalun ‘to excoriate’ s.v. dálati); WPah.bhal. dāl f. ‘crack (in soil, wood, &c.)’.
6318 *dāsaka— ‘beam’. L. ḍāhā m. ‘piece of wood fastened to neck of cattle to prevent straying’; Ku. dāso ‘rooftree’; N. dāso ‘beam’; H. dāsā m. ‘broad and long piece of stone or wood’; M. dāśā (< *dāsiā?) ‘lath used to reinforce a thin wall’.
6326 *dikka— lump'. 2. *digga—. [dikka— m. ‘young ele- phant’, diṅka— m. ‘young louse’ lex., (cf. *ḍhēṅka- ‘lump’ ~ *ḍhēṅkuṇa— ‘bug’). — See list s.v. *ḍhikka1] 1. G. dīkrɔ m. ‘son’, °rī f. ‘daughter’ (semant. cf. ḍimbha2?). 2. Ku. digaṛo m. ‘lump, clod of earth’. *dig— ‘tremble’ see *ḍag1. *digga— ‘lump’, diṅka— see *dikka—. *dita—, *ditta— ‘given’ see dattá—. Addenda: *dikka— ‘lump’, dikkarī— f. ‘adolescent girl’ lex. †;*diṇṭa— ‘stem’ see *ḍaṇṭha—. *dinna— see dattá— Add2. *dilla— see ḍala— Add2.
6327 *diddā— ‘elder sister’. [diddā— f. ‘name of a Kashmir princess’ Rājat. — Cf. *dādda—, *jījja—] K. dĕd f. ‘elderly lady, chief wife in a household’, voc. dĕdi ‘respectful term of address to an older woman’; WPah.paṅ. dēddī, cur. daiddī ‘elder sister’, Ku. didī, , N. didi; B. Or. didi ‘elder sister’ (B. also ‘grand- mother’), H. dīdī f.
6401 *duḍḍa— 2 ‘defective’. [Cf. *ḍuḍḍa— and list s.v. *ṭuṇṭa2] L. (Ju.) duḍ̱ m. ‘stump of tree, anything useless’; G. duḍ f. ‘bare tree—trunk’. *duṇṭi— ‘navel’ see tundi—. *duṇḍa— ‘mouth’ see tuṇḍa—. duṇḍubha— see dundhubha—. duta— see dūta2.
6419 *dumbha— ‘tail’. [Only Kal. attests an aspirate: poss. all NIA. forms, and cert. those of Dard. with l—, are ← Ir., Av. duma—, Pahl. dumbak, Pers. dum(b), Psht. lƏm EVP 36. But, besides Kal., some derivatives, e.g. s.v. *dumbhaśa—, suggest possibility of orig. IA. form] Gy. eur. dumo m. ‘back, shoulder’; Wg. dumä́ŕ, tumtä́ ‘tail’, Kt. dƏmŕә́i, Pr. lümṳ̄, dƏmū́ (← Kt. Rep1 47), Paš.gul. dum(b), nir. dumā́ (← Pers. IIFL iii 3, 55), ar. līm, Shum. līmƏ, Gaw. limoṭá, Kal. dh *l mŕḗi, Kho. rūm, K. dumba m.; L. dumb m. ‘ear of millet’; P. dumb, dumm m. ‘tail’, N. dum, Or. duma, Mth. dom, H. dumb, dum f., G. dum f.; M. dumālā m. ‘hind part’. - X *lōpi— q.v. *dumbhaśa—; *dumbhaśvāvidh—.
6452 *dula— ‘hole’. [√dal 1?] Ku. dulo m., °li f., dulno m. ‘hole, cavity, animal's den’; N. dulo ‘hole, animal's hole (e.g. of a mouse)’, nāka ko dulo ‘nostril’, dulko ‘little hole’; — M. ḍuḷū̃ n. ‘little hole’, ḍolā m.; — poss. Ash. dūra ‘hole’ (kāsāra- dū́ra ‘nostril’, dum—durḗk ‘smoke—hole’); Wg. dúri, dorı̄́g ‘smoke—hole’: but these poss. < dúr—. — Con- nexion, if any, with P. duḍ(h) f. ‘wolf's den’, ḍuḍḍ f. ‘mouse—hole’ s.v. *ṭōṭṭa1 is obscure. *dhuradulaka—.
6453 *dulati ‘swings’. 2. *dulyati. [√dul] 1. Pk. ḍulaï ‘shakes’; — altern. < 2: K. ḍulun ‘to roll’; Ku. ḍulṇo ‘to wander’; N. ḍulnu ‘to walk about’; B. dulā ‘to swing’; H. dulnā, ḍu° ‘to move’. 2. S. ḍ̱ulaṇu ‘to wander vainly’; L. ḍullaṇ ‘ṭo be shaken’, P. ḍullṇā, OMarw. ḍūlaï; G. dulvũ, ḍu° ‘to be absorbed in’; M. ḍulṇẽ ‘to stagger’. See dōlāyatē.
6489 *dūta— 2 ‘pained’ (dūda— ‘afflicting’ lex.). [Cf. dūná—, duta— ‘pained’ Śiś., dūtaka— m. ‘name of Agni in the form of forest—fire’ Gr̥hyaS. — √du 1] NiDoc. dutaǵa ‘burnt (?)’; — B. duyā, do ‘in pain, hated’ rather < durbhága—. *dūtakāri—.
6492 *dūna— 2 ‘distant’. [~ dūrá—. — √du 3] Paš.ar. Shum. dúnik ‘far, distant’ IIFL iii 3, 55.
6509 *dr̥ḍhi— ‘firmness’. [Cf. dr̥ḍhīkāra— m. and adj. ‘strengthening’ MBh. — √dr̥ṁh] P. dariṛh f., diṛh m. ‘firmness of mind’. — Deriv.: S. ḍ̱iṛhi ‘firm’ (< *dr̥ḍhin—? — not with LM 355 < dhr̥ṣṭá—), N. darilo.
6510 *dr̥ta— ‘cleft’, dr̥daka— m. ‘hole in the ground for cook- ing’ W. [Cf. dr̥ka— n. ‘hole’ lex. — √dr̥̄] Pk. dia— ‘struck’; Sh.jij. dә́ṛu ‘valley’.
6565 *dēhuḍī— ‘mound, threshold’. 2. dēhuḍḍ(h)ī—. [Cf. dēhalı̄́—, dēhı̄́—: for variation of a, ī̆, u in suffix cf. Av. daēza— ~ dēhı̄́— and vamrá—, °rı̄́— ~ *vamlu— (in vāma- lūra—). — √dih] 1. G. devṛī f. ‘platform in front of house, police- station’; — altern. < 2: Ku. ḍyoṛī ‘threshold, gate, enclosure’; B. de(h)uṛi ‘threshold, vestibule, outer gate of mansion’, Or. dehuṛi (whence dehuṛiā ‘gatekeeper’); H. dihuṛī, ḍehuṛhī, ḍeoṛhī, ḍyoṛhī, ḍihuṛī, ḍihaṛī f. ‘threshold, porch’; M. dehuḍī, devḍhī, devḍī f. ‘platform in front of house, porch, vestibule’. 2. K. ḍīḍi , dat. ḍēḍĕ f. ‘entrance of a large house, portico’; S. ḍ̱euḍhī, ḍ̱eḍhī f. ‘porch’, L. ḍeuḍhī, (Ju.) ḍ̱eḍhī f.; P. ḍeuḍhī, ḍeuṛhī f. ‘threshold’, N. ḍeuṛho, °ṛo, °ṛi ‘porch’, (Tarai) ‘door, house’; Mth. ḍeuṛhī ‘doorway of a house’; Bhoj. deoṛhī ‘gate’; Māl. ḍūḍhī f. ‘threshold, porch’; G. ḍoḍhī f. ‘watchman's seat near entrance gate’. *dēhuḍḍ(h)ī— ‘mound’ see prec. *dēhula— ‘mound’ see dēhalı̄́—. DAI ‘clean’: avadāta— Add., *uddāta—.
6581 *dōr— ‘look at or for’. N. dornu ‘to notice, discern’, WN. ḍornu ‘to know how (to do something), have a thorough grasp of’; G. dorvũ ‘to direct’; — S. ḍ̱oraṇu ‘to wander in search of’ rather < dōlāyatē. dōraka— see davara—.
6583 *dōla— 2 ‘bucket’. [Poss. same as dōla1. Forms of S. Mth. Aw. G. M. < *ḍōlla— or are ← H.] Bshk. ḍōl ‘brass pot’; K. ḍol m. ‘bucket’, S. ḍ̱olu m., P. ḍol m., WPah.bhal. ḍol n., Ku. N. B. Mth. ḍol, Aw. lakh. ḍōlu , H. dol, ḍol m., G. ḍol f., M. ḍol m. Addenda: dōla—2: Bshk. ḍōl ‘brass pot’; WPah.poet. ḍōr m. ‘small pot’, kṭg. ḍōl m. ‘bucket’, J. ḍō'l m. ← H. or < *dōlla—).
6613 *drakk— ‘drag’. Paš.lauṛ. drakaṛ— ‘to trail, be dragged along the road’, kuṛ. lōik—; Gau. žek— ‘to pull’, Sv. dark—, Phal. drakū—, Sh. ẓakal—; — Woṭ. likh— (with i from likh < dīrghá— Buddruss Woṭ 111). *drakṣā— ‘grape’ see drā́kṣā—.
6616 *draṅgha— 1 ‘long’. [Cf. Pers. diraṅg: IE. *dl—on—gho- (Lat. longus, &c.) ~ *del—Ə—gho— (Sk. dīrghá—) and *dol—i—gho— (Gk. dolixo/s)?] Kho. drū̆ṅg ‘long, tall’; — Gau. Sh.pales. ẓugo poss., bec. of u, ← Kho.
6617 *draṅgha— 2 ‘something firm or fixing’. [Cf. Av. drƏnǰaiti ‘strengthens’, ONorse drengr ‘thick stick’, OSlav. drǫgŭ ‘pole’ NTS xv 258] Pr. ḍugó ‘stick, yoke-peg’; — Si. (SigGr) dag, daṅga ‘bound, made firm’??
6618 *draṭ— ‘press’. 2. *draṭṭ—. 3. *draṇṭ—. 1. M. daḍṇẽ ‘to press down’, daḍaṇ f. n. ‘hiding place’, daḍā m. ‘plug’, daḍakṇẽ, daḍapṇẽ ‘to press down’. 2. Pk. saṁdaṭṭa—, °aya— ‘touching, rubbed’; K. droṭu ‘tough’, drõdotdot;ṭhu ‘hardened’; S. ḍ̱aṭaṇu ‘to bury, cork up’, ḍ̱aṭo m. ‘cork’; L. P. ḍaṭṭā m. ‘stopper’; P. ḍaṭṇā ‘to stop’; H. ḍāṭnā ‘to threaten, check, plug’ (→ P. ḍāṭṇā ‘to check, cram’); G. dāṭvũ, ḍā° ‘to bury’, dāṭɔ, ḍā° m. ‘cork’, dāṭ, °ṭī f. ‘crowd’; M. dāṭ ‘thick’, dāṭṇẽ ‘to be pressed in, become thick’. 3. B. ḍā̃ṭā ‘to threaten’; Or. ḍāṇṭibā ‘to check’; H. ḍā̃ṭnā ‘to threaten, check, plug’ (→ N. ḍā̃ṭnu ‘to threaten’, (Tarai) dā̃ṭnu). — See daṣṭa—. *draṭṭ—, *draṇṭ— ‘press’ see prec.
6619 *drapp— ‘press’. [→ Psht. drabƏl ‘to press down’ (rather than, with EVP 22, ← *dabb— for which no NIA. forms attest dr—). But both MIA. and NIA. forms may be conn. w. darpá—, darpáyati, dŕ̥pyati (with semantic development ‘excitement — arrogance — oppression - force’) or at least have collided with them or have been affected by meaning of forms of *dabb—] P. dap(p)aṭ, ḍapaṭ m. ‘rebuke’, dapaṭṇā, ḍa° ‘to rebuke’; N. dapkāunu ‘to rebuke’, dapoṭ ‘hiding’; A. dāpiba ‘to control, reprove’, dapāliba ‘to rebuke’; B. dāpā ‘to stamp’; Mth. dāpab ‘to press, squeeze’; H. dāp m. ‘stamping forcibly, strength’, dapaṭnā ‘to rebuke’; M. dāpṇẽ ‘to menace’, dapṇẽ ‘to lie hid’, dapaṭṇẽ ‘to cram in, menace’. — Pk. dappa— m. ‘force’ and S. ḍrapu m. ‘fear’ rather < darpá—. — Wg. dr̥p— ‘to copu- late (of a man)’ poss. but less likely < dŕ̥pyati. DRAM ‘run’: drámati, *drāmayati.
6620 *dramaṇa—, damana2 m. ‘wormwood, Artemisia indica’ Mantram., °aka— VarBr̥S. 2. *dramṇa—. [*dramṇa— (→ Brah. dranna ‘Artemisia’) ← Ir., cf. Pahl. dramnak, °na g ‘wormwood’ < *dramanaka— H. W. Bailey BSOS vii 764] 1. Pk. damaṇaka—, °aga—, °aya—, davaṇaya— m. ‘a plant with fragrant leaves’; P.kgr. donā m. ‘the shrub Daphne oleoides (infusion of bark and leaves used medicinally for colic and gonorrhoea), Artemisia elegans’; N. damanā ‘Artemisia indica’, A. damanā, dawanā, B. donā; Or. dayaṇā, daaṇā ‘A. indica, A. chinensis, A. latifolia, thyme’; H. daunā, donā m. ‘A. indica or lactifolia’, nāg—daun m. ‘asparagus’; G. damaṇ m. n. ‘a fragrant medicinal plant’, damrɔ, ḍa° m. ‘A. indica’; M. davaṇā m. ‘A. abrotanum’. — K. dramun m. ‘a species of grass’ rather < *dhārmaṇa—. 2. Wg. drә̃ ‘a kind of Artemisia’; Kho. (Lor.) drōn ‘wormwood, kinds of small scrub used for firewood’; Sh. (Lor.) j̣ūn ‘a kind of shrub (twigs of which are ground and given as a vermifuge for children)’; — P. durũgā m. ‘Artemisia elegans’. Addenda: *dramaṇa— [Cf. Shgh. ċū d m ‘wormwood’ < Ir. *dramna— EVSh 22] Brj. dawan, dauno m. ‘Artemisia indica’.
6632 *drāmiḍa—, dramiḍa—, drāviḍa— MBh., draviḍa— m. Mn. ‘name of a people, Dravidian’. [EWA ii 73] Pk. damila—, daviḍa—, davila— m.; OSi. demeḷ ‘Tamil’, Si. demaḷā.
6666 *dvārapr̥ṣṭha— ‘lintel’. [dvā́ra—, pr̥ṣṭhá—] M. dārvaṭhā, °vãṭhā, dārı̃vṭhā m. ‘upper crosspiece or lintel of door’. Addenda: *dvārapr̥ṣṭha—: Md. dorāṛi, dorōṛi ‘gateway’?
6701 *dhakk— ‘push, strike’. [dhakkayati ‘annihilates’ Dhātup.] K. daka m. ‘a push, blow’, S. dhaku m., L. P. dhakkā m.; Ku. dhakkā ‘collision’, dhā̃kā ‘forcibly pushing’; N. dhakkā ‘collision, push’; B. dhā̆kkā ‘push’, Or. dhakā; H. dhak m. ‘shock, sudden terror’, dhakkā m. ‘push’; OMarw. dhakā—dhakī f. ‘rush’; G. dhakkɔ m. ‘push’, M. dhakā, ḍhakā m.; — P. dhakkṇā ‘to push, oust’; — S. dhakiṛaṇu ‘to half—clean rice by beating it in a mortar’; — Ku. dhakelṇo ‘to push’, N. dhakelnu, H. dhakelnā, ḍha°, G. dhakelvũ. Addenda: *dhakk—: S.kcch. dhakko ḍeṇo ‘to push’; WPah.kṭg. dhàkkɔ m. ‘push, dash’, J. dhākā m. †;*dhakkha— ‘defective’ see *ḍagga2.
6704 *dhagg— ‘throb, glitter’. [Cf. dhagiti ‘at once’ Kād., dhagad—dhagiti ‘crack!’ HPariś., and *ḍag1] Pk. dhagadhagaï ‘flares’, dhagadhaggamāṇa—, dhaggī- kaya— ‘blazing’; H. dhagdhagānā ‘to throb, glitter’; G. dhagdhagvũ ‘to burn fiercely’; M. dhagdhagṇẽ ‘id., to beat (of heart)’; — S. dhakdhaki f. ‘palpitation’; N. dhakāunu ‘to pant’; B. dhak ‘sudden blaze’, dhakdhak- āna ‘to throb, glitter’; Or. dhaka ‘blaze’, dhakadhaka ‘throbbing, blazing’; H. dhakdhakānā, dhadhaknā ‘to blaze’, G. dhakdhakvũ; M. dhakdhakṇẽ ‘to palpitate’. *dhaṅga— ‘defective’ see *ḍagga2. Addenda: *dhagg—: Ko. dhaggu ‘heat’, dhagdhagu ‘blazing heat’. †;*dhagga— ‘defective’ see ḍagga2.
6705 *dhajja— ‘pomp’. [Cf. dhvaja— m. ‘penis’ Suśr., ‘arro- gance’ lex., *dhākka— ‘pomp’, *dhakk— ‘push’: similar mngs. s.vv. darpá—, *drapp—, *dabb—] K. daza m. ‘ostentatious pride’; S. dhaj̄u ‘dressed up’; P. dhaj f. ‘style’; Ku. dhaj m. ‘immense riches’; N. dhaj ‘pomp’; H. G. dhaj f. ‘style’, M. dhaj̈ f.
6707 *dhaṭa— 2, dhaṭī— f. ‘old cloth, loincloth’ lex. [Drav., Kan. daṭṭi ‘waistband’ etc., DED 2465] Ku. dhaṛo ‘piece of cloth’, N. dharo, B. dhaṛā; Or. dhaṛā ‘rag, loincloth’, dhaṛi ‘rag’; Mth. dhariā ‘child's narrow loincloth’. *dhaṭavastra—. Addenda: *dhaṭa— 2. 2. †;*dhaṭṭa—: WPah.kṭg. dhàṭṭu m. ‘woman's headgear, kerchief’, kc. dhaṭu m. (also dhaṭhu m. ‘scarf’, J. dhāṭ(h)u m. Him.I 105). †;*dhaṭṭa— see *dhaṭa2.
6708 *dhaṭa— 3 ‘edge’, dhaṭika— ‘(cloth) with hemmed edges’ BHS ii 275. [Same as *dhaṭa2?] S. dhaṛī f. ‘coloured edge to cloth’; L. dhaṛā m. ‘field boundary’; P. dhaṛī f. ‘line’; Or. dhaṛi ‘edge’; H. dhaṛī f. ‘line’; M. dhaḍ f. ‘brink, edge (esp. of a raised place)’, dhaḍī f. ‘border of cloth’; — ext. in N. dharko ‘stripe, line’, dharcho, dharso ‘streak, line, shred of cloth, long narrow piece of land’.
6711 *dhaḍ— ‘throb, beat’. Pk. dhaḍahaḍia— n. ‘thunder’; N. dhaṛnu ‘to press (for payment)’, dhaṛādhaṛ ‘boldly’; Or. dhaṛ—dhaṛ ‘palpita- tion’; H. G. dhaṛādhaṛ ‘dashingly’; M. dhaḍādhaḍ ‘id.’, dhaḍ—dhaḍ ‘palpitatingly’. — Ext. —kk—: S. dhaṛkaṇu ‘to palpitate, winnow’; P. dhaṛkṇā ‘to palpitate with fear’, dhaṛkā m. ‘fear’; N. dharkanu ‘to be torn, be grieved’, dhaṛkanu ‘to beat loudly (of heart), walk smartly’; Aw. lakh. dharkab ‘to throb’; H. dhaṛaknā ‘to throb, blaze up’; G. dhaṛakvũ ‘to throb’, dhaṛak f., dhaṛākɔ m. ‘quick push’, dhaṛkaṇ ‘timid’; M. dhaḍakṇẽ ‘to throb’, dhaḍākā m. ‘throbbing’.
6712 *dhaḍa— ‘trunk of body’. Pk. dhaḍa— n. ‘trunk of body’, S. dhaṛu m., P. dhaṛ f.; Ku. dhaṛ m. ‘trunk of body or tree, middle part of any- thing’; B. dhaṛ ‘trunk of body’, Or. dhaṛa ‘trunk of body or tree’; Mth. dhar ‘headless body’; OAw. dhara m. ‘body, heart’; H. dhaṛ m. ‘trunk of body’ (→ Mth. N. dhaṛ), OMarw. dhaṛa m., G. dhaṛ n.; M. dhaḍ n. ‘head- less body’. —L. dhaṛ f., dhaṛā m. ‘heap, party’?? *dhaḍāṅgaka—.
6729 *dhapp— ‘slap, drive’. [Cf. *thapp—: PMWS 60 ← Mu.?] L. dhappā m. ‘blow with both hands’; P. Ku. dhappā m. ‘slap’; Ku. dhāp ‘striking the earth with the hand in cursing’; N. dhāp ‘slap’; B. dhāp ‘leap’; Or. dhāpa ‘oppression, attack’, dhāpaṛa ‘slap’; H. dhappā m. ‘slap’, G. dhappɔ m., dhāplũ n.; M. dhāp f. ‘panting’; - Ku. dhapyoṇo ‘to force to run’, dhapkaṇo ‘to leap’; N. dhāpinu ‘to be strained’, dhapāunu ‘to drive away’; H. dhā̆pnā ‘to be weary’; G. dhapvũ ‘to proceed’; M. dhāpṇẽ ‘to pant’. *dhappa— ‘spot’ see *ḍabba2. DHAM or DHMĀ ‘blow’: dhamá—, dhámati, dha- mana—, dhamáni—, dhamanī—, dhamyátē, dhmātá—, dhmātŕ̥—, *dhmātra—, dhmāna—; ādhmāna—, ā́dhmā- yati, uddhama—, *uddhāma—, uddhmāna—, *uddhmā- yatē, upadhmā́na—, prádhamati, vidhmāpayati.
6735 *dhamm— ‘noise’. [Cf. dhamadhamā ‘with the noise of bellows or trumpet’ MW., dhamadhamāyatē ‘roars’ Nāg., ‘quakes’ Mālatīm.] Pk. dhamadhamaï ‘makes a noise’; P. Ku. dhamādham m. ‘noise of beating’; N. dhamādham ‘incessantly’; A. dhamdhamāiba ‘to roar’; B. dhamdham ‘blowing re- peatedly’; Or. dhamādham ‘with a thump’; OAw. dhamari f. ‘tumultuous movement’, dhamadhama m. ‘tumult’; H. dhamādham ‘noisily, suddenly’; G. dhamādham f. ‘scuffle’, M. dhamādhamī f.; — P. dhammaṛdhussā m. ‘noisy stamping’; N. dhamardhus ‘fat, stalwart’, H. dhamdhūsar. *dhammakka—.
6765 *dhava— 2 ‘white’. M. dhavā ‘white’, Ko. dhavo. dhavalá2. dhavá— 3 m. ‘man’ Naigh., ‘husband’ BhP. [Extracted from vidhávā—] *gōrdhava—.
6769 *dhākka— ‘pomp, boast’. S. dhāka f., °ko m. ‘fame, awe’; P. dhāk f. ‘pomp’; Ku. dhāk ‘eager wish’; N. dhāk ‘pomp, boasting’; H. dhāk f. ‘pomp, grandeur’; G. dhāk f. ‘awe’, M. dhāk m.
6770 *dhāgga— ‘thread’. 2. *dharāgga—. [Poss. X dhara- m. ‘flock of cotton’, Pk. dhara— n. ‘raw cotton’: but cf. *trāgga—] 1. S. dhāǥo m. ‘thread, twine’; L. dhāggā m. ‘small string by which thong attaching yoke to plough—shaft is itself fastened to peg in shaft’, awāṇ. dhāgā ‘thread’, P. dhāggā m., Ku. N. dhāgo; Or. dhāgā, ḍhāgā ‘single stitch’; H. dhāgā m. ‘thread’; G. dhāgɔ m. ‘thread, piece of cloth’, dhāgī f. ‘patchwork quilt’; M. dhāgā m. ‘thread’; — ext. —l—: Ku. dhāgulo ‘bracelet’, H. dhagulā m. — X dā́man1: Gy. eur. thav m. ‘thread’, pal. dăf, as. def? 2. Pk. dharagga— m. ‘cotton’. *DHĀṬ ‘drive out, attack’: *dhāṭayati, dhāṭī—; nirdhāṭayati. Addenda: *dhāgga— [Rather †;*dhārga— ~ †;*dharga— with dial. a ~ ā < IE. o (*dhorgo— in NPers. darz ‘suture’, darzmān ‘thread’); Pk. dharagga— < *dhargga— < *dharga— T. Burrow BSOAS xxxviii 73] WPah.J. dhāgā m. ‘thread’, kṭg. dhàggɔ m., poet. dhaguḷo, °gḷo, °gḷu m. ‘bracelet’ (Him.I 105).
6797 *dhārmaṇa— ‘a kind of grass’. [Cf. dharmaṇa2?] K. dramun, dat. °manas m. ‘the grass Panicum dactylon or Cynodon dactylon’ (rather than < *dra- maṇa—); L. dhāman m. ‘the excellent grass Pennisetum cenchroides’, mult. dhāmhuṇ m., P. dhāmaṇ m.; H. dhāman m. ‘a grass of good quality’. Addenda: dhārmaṇa—: WPah.poet. damnoṇo?) ‘grassy’ Him.I 98.
6811 *dhipp— ‘flicker, shine’. [Onom.? Cf. *dhapp— and poss. influence of √dīp] Pk. dhippaï ‘shines’, dhippira— ‘shining’; N. dhipdhip ‘glimmering light’, dhipdhipāunu ‘to flicker’, dhipko ‘gleam’; A. dhipdhipāiba ‘to palpitate’; Mth. dhīpal ‘warm’, dhipāeb ‘to set alight, to warm’; — Ku. dhuppa f. ‘faint gleam’, dhupdhupāṇo ‘to glimmer, twinkle, flame’.
6814 *dhīmma— ‘slow’. [Cf. *ḍhīmma— ‘lump’?] P. dhīmā ‘slow’, Ku. dhīmo, N. A. B. Or. dhimā, H. dhīmā, G. dhīmũ, M. dhim(m)ā. Addenda: *dhīmma—: A. also ḍhimā (phonet. dh—) ‘slow, languid’ AFD 210.
6820 *dhukk— ‘tremble’. Pk. dhukkādhukkaï ‘trembles’; N. dhukdhuki ‘palpita- tion’, H. dhukdhukī f.; M. dhukdhukṇẽ ‘to palpitate’, dhukmuk ‘with palpitation’. DHUKṢ ‘kindle’: dhúkṣatē; saṁdhukṣatē.
6825 *dhuppā— ‘sunshine’. [Cf. *dhapp—, *dhipp—] S. dhupa f. ‘heat of sun’, L. dhupp f., awāṇ. dhup; P. WPah. dhupp f. ‘sunshine’, Ku. dhūp, N. dhup; A. dhupiba ‘to pant with heat’; B. dhup, Or. OAw. dhūpa, H. G. M. dhūp f.; — NOGaw 37 in Gaw. handā́dup ‘darkness’ —dup < *dhuppā—; but perh. it is adup ‘absence of sunshine’ with Gaw. negative prefix.
6828 *dhuradhara—, dhuraṁdhara— ‘bearing a yoke, fit to be harnessed’ MBh. [dhúr—, dhara—] Pk. dhuraṁdhara— ‘capable of bearing a load’; G. dharār, dharāḷ ‘able to bear the yoke’.
6833 *dhuvati 2 ‘washes’. 2. dhūtá— 2 ‘rinsed (of soma)’ RV., dhuta2 ‘cleansed’ R. [Same as dhuváti 1 and dhūtá—1? — √dhāv 2] 1. Pk. dhu(v) ‘washes’; Dm. dūwāy— ‘to wash’, Bshk. du—, Phal. dhūv—; K. ḍuwun ‘to sweep’ (or < dhuváti 1); WPah.bhal. dhũṇū ‘to wash’, cam. dhūṇā, M. dhu(v)ṇẽ; Ko. dhuttā ‘washes’, dhuvaṇa n. ‘wash- ing’. — S. dhuaṇu, N. dhunu (both with pp. dhoyo) prob. < dho— s.v. *dhauvati. — Anal. pass. stems in P. dhuppṇā ‘to be washed’, M. dhupṇẽ ‘to be washed, to wash’, caus. dhupaviṇẽ (after MIA. type chuvaï ~ chuppaï) and P. dhuccṇā (after type paaï ~ paccaï). 2. Gy. kar. duhend ‘they washed off’; Dm. pret. duwam ‘I washed’, Phal. dhūwēli; WPah.bhal. pp. dhuho ‘washed’ (< *dhuo huo?); Or. dhuā ‘bleached’. *dhūtamāṣya—. *dhuṣa— ‘chaff’ see túṣa—. Addenda: *dhuvati2: S.kcch. dhūṇū ‘to wash’.
6834 *dhuṣṭa— ‘dust, powder’? [See *dhūḍi—] N. ḍhuṭo ‘powder, bran’. dhustū́ra— see dhattūra—. DHŪ ‘shake’: dhāvayati3, *dhunvati, dhuváti1, dhūtá—1, dhūna—, dhūni—, dhūnṓti, *dhūya—, dhūyatē1, dhūvati; *uddhavati, uddhūta—, vídhūnōti; - dhūpa—, dhūpana—; — √dhāv2 . dhū́ṅkṣṇā— see dhvā́ṅkṣa—.
6835 *dhūḍi— m., dhūli— f. ‘dust, powder’ Pañcat., dhūlikā— f. ‘pollen, fog, mist’ lex. [Prob. < *dhū̆ẓḍi— (IE. origin and comparison with OSlav. dŭždĭ ‘rain’ given in ND 331 a 23 wrongly rejected in EWA ii 110): three other words with poss. original meaning ‘dust’ may belong here, *dhuṣa—, *dhuṣṭa— and dhūsara— (~ dhvas(i)—). The variation dh ~ t seen in tūsta— n. ‘dust’ Pāṇ.Kāś., tusta— m.n. lex., though suggesting non—Aryan origin, may be due to influence of tuṣa—] Pk. dhūlī̆— f. ‘dust’; Gy. arm. thuli ‘earth, ashes, snow’, pal. dīl, dı̄́li ‘dust, ashes, clay’, díri—kerar ‘makes ashes, scatters, winnows’; Tir. (Leech) "dùda" ‘dust’; Paš. weg. duṛı̄́, dar. dū́ri ‘dust—storm’; Tor. dur m. ‘mist’; Phal. dúṛi ‘dust’, S. dhūṛi f.; L. dhūṛ f. ‘dust (in the air)’; P. dhūṛ, dhūl f., dhor m. ‘dust’, dhūṛā m. ‘fine dust of anything pulverized’, kgr. dhūr f. ‘thick mist or cloud’; WPah.bhal. dhuṛ f. ‘dust’, cam. jaun. dhūṛ, bhad. dhuṛo ‘grey’; Ku. dhūl, dhuli ‘dust’, dhulo ‘dust, flour’, dhuliyā ‘flour’; N. dhulo ‘dust, powder’; A. dhuli, dhulā ‘dust’, B. dhul, dhulā; Or. dhuḷi, dhūḷā, (dial.) dhūri ‘dust, pollen’; OAw. dhūrī f. ‘dust’, H. dhūl, dhūr, dhūliyā f. (whence dhū̆riyānā ‘to throw dust on, winnow’); OMarw. dhūli f. ‘dust, ashes’; G. dhūṛ, dhūḷi f. ‘dust’, M. dhūḷ f., Ko. dhūḷi. *uddhūḍi—, uddhūlana—, uddhūlayati; *dhūḍi- dhāna—, *dhūḍipaṭṭa—. Addenda: *dhūḍi—: S.kcch. dhūṛ f. ‘dust’, WPah.kṭg. dhv̀ḷɔ m., J. dhūḷ f.; Garh. dhūḷū ‘dust’, dhūṛu ‘flour’.
6839 *dhūṇḍh— ‘seek’. 2. *ḍhūṇḍh— (ḍhuṇḍhati ‘seeks’ lex.). 1. Or. dhuṇḍhibā, °ḍibā, dhundibā ‘to search’, G. dhuṇḍvũ, M. dhũḍṇẽ, dhũḍāḷṇẽ. 2. Pk. ḍhuṁḍhullaï, ḍhaṁ°, ḍhaṁḍhōlaï ‘wanders round, seeks’; Gy. eur. rod— (wel. with unvoiced r—) ‘to seek’, arm. lor— ‘to find’; S. ḍhū̃ḍhaṇu ‘to seek’, L. ḍhūṇḍhaṇ, ḍhūḍaṇ, P. ḍhū̃ḍhṇā, Ku. ḍhunṇo, N. ḍhũṛālnu, B. ḍhũṛā, ḍhõ;ṛā, Aw. lakh. ḍhū̃ṛhab, H. ḍhū̃ḍhnā, G. ḍhũḍhvũ, ḍhũḍvũ, M. ḍhũḍhāḷnẽ, ḍhā̃ḍhuḷṇẽ. *ādhūṇḍh—.
6862 *dhūya— ‘to be shaken, to be swept up’. [√dhū] P. dhujj m. ‘heap’; N. dhujo ‘piece, shred’.
6880 *dhōkka— 1 ‘sacking, matting’. 2. *dhōkha—. 3. *dhōṅga— 2. 4. *ḍhōkka— 1. [Cf. *ṭōkka1] 1. Ext. ——: N. dhokro ‘large jute bag’, B. dhokaṛ; Or. dhokaṛa ‘cloth bag’; Bi. dhŏkrā ‘jute bag’; Mth. dhokṛā ‘bag, vessel, receptacle’; H. dhukṛī f. ‘small bag’; G. dhokṛũ n. ‘bale of cotton’; — with —ṭṭ—: M. dhokṭī f. ‘wallet’; — with —n—: G. dhokṇũ n. ‘bale of cotton’; — with —s—: N. (Tarai) dhokse ‘place covered with a mat to store rice in’. 2. L. dhohẽ (pl. dhūhı̄̃) m. ‘large thatched shed’. 3. M. dhõ;gḍā m. ‘coarse cloth’, dhõ;gṭī f. ‘wallet’. 4. L. ḍhok f. ‘hut in the fields’; Ku. ḍhwākā m. pl. ‘gates of a city or market’; N. ḍhokā (pl. of *ḍhoko) ‘door’; — OMarw. ḍhokaro m. ‘basket’; — N. ḍhokse ‘place covered with a mat to store rice in, large basket’. *dhōkka— 2 ‘defective’ see *ḍōkka2. *dhōkha— ‘matting’ see *dhōkka1. *dhōṅga— 1 ‘lump’ see *ḍhikka1. *dhōṅga— 2 ‘matting’ see *dhōkka1. dhōḍa— see dundhubha—.
6881 *dhōtta— ‘cloth’. 2. dhōtra— ODBL 506 (lex.?). [Cf. *dhauta1 which is poss. same as dhautá2, replaced in MIA. by anal. *dhōtta— in WPah.l.rudh. dhōtā s.v. *dhauvati. — If dhōtra— is old, then it could be source of all NIA. forms (E forms with meaning ‘loin—cloth’ with —t(t)— having spread to K. S. L. P.). But if it is sanskritization of MIA. *dhotta—, then the dhotar of L. P. Ku. H. G. M. may derive from an extended *dhotta—ra—] 1. K. dūti (with definite article dōtyāh) f. ‘loin—cloth’. S. dhotī f., dhotyo m., P. dhottī f., Ku. dhotī, dhotā m. pl., gng. dhweti , N. dhoti, A. dhuti, B. Or. dhoti, dhuti, Bi. Mth. H. dhotī f., G. dhotī f., dhotiyū n., dhotlī f. ‘small do.’. — Or. dhotaṛa ‘worn out and torn’. 2. L. dhōtar m. ‘thin country cloth’; P. dhotar f. ‘very thin coarse cotton cloth’ (→ Ku. H. dhotar f.); G. dhotar n. ‘loin—cloth’ (→ M. dhotar n.). — Connexion with L. adhōtar m. ‘thin country cloth’, OH. adhotara m. ‘a coarse country cloth’ is unexpl. (scarcely with HŚS 1716 < adhō—vastra—). *bāladhōtta—. dhōtra— see prec. Addenda: *dhōtta—: S.kcch. dhotyo m. ‘man's white garment round waist and tucked in behind’.
6882 *dhōdda— ‘hollow, swollen’. 2. *dhōnda—. [Cf. *ḍōṭṭha—, *ṭhōṭṭha—] 1. N. dhodro, dhotro ‘hollow’; A. dhod ‘sluggard’; M. dhodyā, dhodar ‘swollen, puffy’, dhodśī f. ‘puffiness, flabbiness’; — N. dhollo ‘flabby’ < *dhodlo? 2. A. dhond ‘hollow in a tree’. *dhōddha— ‘belly’ see tunda1. *dhōnda— ‘hollow’ see *dhōdda—. *dhōndha— ‘belly’ see tunda1. *dhōrśa— ‘cloth’ see dūrśá—. *dhaukyatē ‘is brought’ see *ḍhaukyatē.
6883 *dhauta— 1 ‘cloth, thread’, dhautaka— ‘made of bleached silk’ Pat., dhautakaṭa— m. ‘bag of coarse cloth’ lex. [Perh. same as dhautá2: see also *dhōtta—] WPah.bhal. dhou m. ‘thread (wool or cotton)’? dhautá— 2 ‘washed’ see *dhauvati. dhaura— 1 see dhavá1. *dhaura—2, *dhaurya— ‘pertaining to the yoke’ see next.
6902 *dhvasa— ‘fall’. [See dhváṁsati. — √dhvaṁs] Or. dhasā ‘place from which earth is falling down, soil which gives way because of water below’; H. dhas m. ‘dive’; M. dhas m. ‘steep slope’. dhvasáti, dhvasta—, dhvasyatē see dhváṁsati.
6934 *naṭati ‘trembles, totters’. 2. *nāṭayati. 3. *naṭyati. [~ *laṭati, *lāṭayati: cf. unnaṭati ‘jumps up’ Kāś. on Pāṇ. ~ *ullaṭati. Prob. ← Drav. Kuiper IL 16, 104. — √*naṭ] 1. B. naṛā intr. ‘to shake, flinch, move’, caus. naṛāna; Or. naṛibā intr. ‘to shake’, naṛa—naṛa ‘unsteady, shaking’. — Poss. also Pk. ṇaḍaï ‘is distraught’; Ku. naṛak ‘scolding’, naṛkyūṇo ‘to scold, frighten’; Mth. narab ‘to refuse scornfully’; G. naṛvũ ‘to obstruct’; M. naḍṇẽ ‘to go with difficulty, be embarrassed’. 2. B. nāṛā tr. ‘to shake, agitate’. — M. nāḍṇẽ ‘to rob’? 3. K. naṭun intr. ‘to shake, tremble, be afraid’.
6935 *naṭṭa— ‘defective’. 2. *naṭṭha—. 3. *naḍḍha—. 4. *naṇḍha—. 5. *niḍḍha—. [Cf. *laṇṭha—, *laḍḍha—, *laṇḍha—, *liḍḍa— in group of ‘defective ’words s.v. laṭṭa1. — *naṭṭha— prob. orig. separate from naṣṭá- with which it collided in MIA. and from which in some cases it is difficult both phonet. and semant. to dis- tinguish it] 1. S. naṭu m. ‘knave’; P. nāṭā m. ‘dwarf’; Ku. nāṭo, naṭuwā, naṭṭal ‘unmarried’; Bi. nāṭā, naṭwā ‘stunted bullock’; Mth. nāṭ ‘dwarf’; H. nāṭā ‘short, dwarfish, vile, dissolute’; M. nāṭā ‘vile’. 2. Ku. naṭhalo ‘childless’; N. nāṭho ‘contemptuous term for a wifeless man, paramour’; Or. nāṭhā ‘dwarf- ish, having no heirs’; H. nā̃ṭhā ‘deceased without heirs’ (perh. < naṣṭá—, see naṣṭi— in Ku.), nā̃ṭh m. ‘the estate of such a person’, naṭhiyā m. ‘scoundrel’; G. naṭhārũ ‘rude, unbecoming’; M. naṭhārā ‘bad, useless’. 3. Woṭ. nāṛ m. ‘boy’, nyāṛ, ny e_ f. ‘girl’; L. naḍḍhā ‘small, young’, (Salt Range) naḍhā m. ‘bridegroom’, (Hindko of Peshawar) naḍḍhā m. ‘boy’, awāṇ. naḍhā ‘young boy’; P. naḍḍhā m. ‘old person’; Si. naḍi ‘large, stout, bulky’, naḍa ‘filth, any impure thing’ (or < laṇḍa1). 4. S. naṇḍho ‘small, short, low, unimportant’; L. (Tinauli) naṇḍā ‘boy’. 5. L. niḍḍhā ‘small, young’, (Shahpur) niḍhā. *naṭṭha— ‘defective’ see *naṭṭa—. *naṭyati intr. ‘shakes’ see *naṭati. Addenda: *naṭṭa—. 1. Garh. nāṭ ‘childlessness’. 5. *niḍḍha—: S.kcch. niṇḍho ‘small’. NAD: †;vinadati.
6939 *naḍina—, naliná— n. ‘lotus flower’ MBh., naḍínī— f. ‘reed—bed’ Pāṇ.gaṇa, nalinī— f. ‘lotus pond, lotus’ MBh. [< *naḍin—? — naḍá—] Pa. nalinī— f. ‘pond’; Pk. ṇaliṇa— n. ‘red lotus’, °ṇī̆— f. ‘lotus pond’; Si. neḷun, °um, °um̆ba ‘lotus flower’. *naḍḍha— ‘defective’ see *naṭṭa—.
7037 *nākka— ‘like a nose, projecting’. [*nakka—] K. naka ‘big—nosed’; S. nāko m. ‘eye of needle (semant. cf. N. nāthro s.v. nastā—), entrance, pass’; L. nakkā m. ‘edge’; P. nākkā m. ‘river—mouth, van of an army’; N. nāko ‘tip, ridge of a hill’; B. nākā ‘defile’; Or. nākā ‘eye—end of a needle, spout of a jug, town- gate’, nāki ‘eye of a needle’; H. nākā m. ‘eye of needle, end of road, passage, gap’, G. nākũ n.; M. nākẽ n., °kā m. ‘end of road’.
7055 *nānda— ‘pot’, nandā— f. ‘small earthen waterjar’, °dikā— f. lex. Pk. ṇaṁda— n. ‘pot’; S. nādu m., °dī f. ‘large water vessel’, P. nā̃d m.; A. nadīyā ‘large earthen pot’, B. nādā, Or. nandiā ‘big open—mouthed pot’; Bi. nā̃d, nād, lād, lāed ‘earthen feeding trough for cattle’, nadiyā ‘vessel for curds’; H. nā̃d f. ‘large open earthen water- pot’, M. nā̃d(ī) f. *nāndakūpikā—, *nāndatapikā—. Addenda: *nānda— [~ nandā— with dial. a ~ ā < IE. o T. Burrow BSOAS xxxviii 73]
7059 *nānna— ‘term of respect for an older relative’. [Cf. nanā̃— f. ‘mother’ RV.] Pk. ṇaṇṇa— m. ‘eldest brother’; Ḍ. n *l na ‘grand- mother’; Ash. nänı̄́ ‘father's sister’; Kt. nanı̄́, nū̃ ‘mother's sister’; Pr. nan, nän ‘mother, wife's mother’; Dm. nan ‘mother's sister’; K. nāñ f. ‘father's or mother's mother’; S. nāno m. ‘mother's father’, °nī ‘her mother’ nānāṇo ‘belonging to mother's family’; L. P. nānā m. ‘mother's father’, °nī f. ‘her mother’, WPah.bhal. Ku. nāno m., °nī f.; N. nāni ‘baby, term of address to younger woman’; B. nānā ‘mother's father’, °ni ‘her mother’; Or. nānā ‘mother's father’, °ni ‘mother's mother, father's sister, elder sister’, nāna ‘son’, nanā ‘elder brother, mother, daughter’, nani ‘term of address for a Brahman's daughter’; H. nānā m. ‘mother's father’, °nī f. ‘her mother’, naniyā ‘belonging to mother's grandfather’; M. nānā m., °nī f. ‘respectful term of address’. — L.khet. nāṇā ‘grandmother’ < *nānakā—? *nānnīpitākula—. Addenda: *nānna—: WPah.kṭg. nān m. ‘mother's father’, J. nān(ā) m.; kṭg. nanni f. ‘mother's mother’, J. nānī f.; Garh. nɔni ‘a small girl’ (or < nagná—).
7570 *nīvara— 2 ‘fat’. [Cf. nı̄́vati ‘becomes fat’ Dhātup. and pīvará—] Si. neranavā, neriyanavā ‘to become fat’??
7581 *nr̥tti— ‘dancing, quivering’. [√nr̥t] K. naṭh, dat. °ṭi f. ‘quivering, trembling’ or more prob. deriv. of naṭun s.v. naṭati 1.
7618 *pakk— ‘move forward, reach’. [Loss of final syllables and of —m— in K. would make derivation from prákram- ati doubtful. Pk. paccala— ‘sufficient, able’ suggests connection with pakvá—] Pk. pakka— ‘reached, sufficient, able’, pakkaṇa— ‘able’; K. pakun ‘to go, tread, advance, go on well, succeed’; Or. pakāibā ‘to make move, throw, throw away, place, put’; — A. B. pāk ‘bend, twist, eddy, rounds of a field in ploughing’? Addenda: *pakk— [< pr̥kṣá— ‘strong’ RV. (semant. cf. pūryátē)? — (But Pk. pakka— ‘pakā huā, tr̥pta, garvit, samartha, pakkā’ PSM, WPah.kṭg. pakkɔ ‘ripe, clever’ may confirm der. from pakvá—; Pk. pakka- ‘pahũcā huā’ PSM suggests pakvá— collides with a Pk. pakka— < prā́pta— like mukka— < mukta—, etc. J.C.W.)]
7619 *pakkaḍ— ‘seize’. 2. *paggaḍ—. [Cf. Pk. paggaï, paṁgaï, piṁgaï ‘seizes’. — Obscure and doubtful con- nexion with pragrahá—, prágr̥hṇāti ‘holds’ AV., Pa. paggaṇhati, pp. paggahita—, Pk. paggahiya—] 1. P. pakaṛṇā, pha° ‘to seize’, Ku. pakaṛṇo, N. pakranu, A. pākariba, B. pākaṛā, Or. pakaṛāibā, Aw.lakh. pakarab, H. pakaṛnā, Marw. pakaṛṇo, G. pakaṛvũ, M. pakaḍṇẽ. 2. P. pagaṛṇā ‘to seize’, Or. pagaṛibā. Addenda: *pakkaḍ—: S.kcch. pakaṛṇū ‘to catch’, WPah.kṭg. (kc.) pakƏṛnõ;, Wkc. pɔkƏṛno, J. pākṛnu ‘to arrest’.
7643 *paggala— ‘mad’. [pāgala— BrahmavP. — Poss. a ‘defective’ word of the group paṅgu— (cf. esp. Or. pāṅguḷā)] K. P. pāgal ‘mad’, Ku. pāgal, paglo, N. A. B. pāgal; Or. pāgaḷa, °gala, pagaḷā, °galā ‘mad’, pāṅguḷā ‘madness’ (or < paṅgula—?); H. pāgal, paglā ‘mad’. Addenda: *paggala—: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) pagƏl ‘mad’ (prob. ← H. Him.I 109).
7644 *paggā— ‘headdress’. [Scarcely with ODBL 461 < pragraha—] K. pag f. ‘turban’, S. paǥa f., L. pagg, pl. °gã f., (Ju.) paǥ f., P. pagg f., Ku. pāg f., N. A. B. pāg, Or. pāga, Bi. Mth. H. pāg f., G. pāgh f.; — ext. —ḍa—: K. pagürü f., S. paǥiṛī f., L. pagṛī f., P. paggaṛ m.; Ku. pāgṛo m. ‘turban, loin—sheet’; N. pagari ‘turban, cap’; A. pāguri ‘turban’, B. pāgṛi, Or. pagaṛi, Bi. pagrī, H. pagṛī f. (→ Mth. pagaṛī), G. pāghṛī f.; M. pagḍī f. ‘child's turban’. *paggapaṭṭa—. Addenda: *paggā—: S.kcch. pāg, pāgh ‘turban’, WPah.kṭg. pagg (prob. ← P. Him.I 109), pāg f., J. pāg f., A. pāg AFD 182; Md. faguḍi ‘turban’ ← Ind.
7648 *paṅgur— ‘cover’. Pk. paṁguraï ‘covers’, paṁguraṇa— n. ‘cloth, garment’; G. pā̃graṇ n. ‘small kind of dhotī worn by men, bodice’; OM. pāṁguraṇeṁ ‘to cover loosely, put on loosely’, pāṁguraṇa n. ‘covering, sheet’.
7652 *pacchi— ‘basket’. Pa. Pk. pacchi— f. ‘basket’; L. pacchī f. ‘basket (woven from grass, wheat straw, palm leaves or ends of reeds)’; A. pāsi ‘bamboo basket’; Si. päsa, pähä ‘basket’; - deriv. Or. pāchiā ‘kept in a basket (of milk for curdling)’.
7711 *paṭyati ‘splits’. [√paṭ 1] S. paṭaṇu ‘to dig up, pluck out’; L. paṭṭaṇ ‘to dig up, bite’, awāṇ. paṭṭuṇ ‘to uproot’; P. paṭṭṇā ‘to dig up, open’; N. paṭnu ‘to lie fallow’ (i.e. after being dug up?); H. paṭnā ‘to be levelled, be irrigated’. — See pāṭayati. PAṬH ‘recite, read’: páṭhati, paṭhana—, pāṭha—, pā́ṭhaka—, pāṭhayati, pāṭhin—; *āpaṭhati, pari- pāṭha—; — √prath. Addenda: *paṭyati: WPah.kṭg. pɔṭṇõ; ‘to uproot’, J. paṭṇu.
7732 *patta— 2 ‘back’. 2. *pattama—. 3. *pattama—. [Poss. < apāktáḥ AV., ápāktāt RV. ‘from behind’, ápāñc- ‘behind’ RV.: √añc. — But as a specifically NW word it may derive from Indo—Ir. *pati (Av. paiti, &c. ~ Sk. práti) with doubling of —t— as in iyattaká— or Pk. itti ~ íti (J. C. W.)] 1. Ash. patē̃́i ‘after’, Wg. alé patái, Paš. pat; Gaw. pata ‘behind’, patae ‘afterwards’; Woṭ. padḗ ‘back, again’; Bshk. (Biddulph) pat ‘after’, patai ‘second’, patka ‘again’; Tor. pat, pad ‘behind’, Mai. patō, Sh. phătú (ph ?); K. potu ‘hinder, subsequent’, pȧti ‘behind’; WPah.bhal. pátte ‘behind’; Ku. patīr ‘after, beyond’ (+?). 2. WPah.bhal. pattar ‘further behind’, pattraũ ‘hinder’. 3. NiDoc. patama adv. ‘back’; — with —ima—: K. patyumu ‘hindmost’; WPah.bhiḍ. p e ttiõ; ‘hinder’. *patta— 3 ‘fallen’ see pátati. *pattaṅga— ‘flying insect’ see pataṅgá—. pattana— see paṭṭana—. *pattama—, *pattara—, ‘behind’ see *patta2.
7748 *pada— 2 ‘tendon’. [Cf. Psht. pala ‘tendon, nerve’, Pers. pai] Pr. wy e le ‘tendon’ NTS xv 278; Kho. (Lor.) poi ‘tendon, sinew’.
7967 *palla— 3 ‘cloth’. [Cf. pallava2, and further paṭa— and poss. palya—] S. pālu m. ‘tent’ (← Centre or G.?); L.awāṇ. pallā ‘cloth, scarf’; Ku. pāl ‘canopy’; N. pāl ‘tent’; A. pāl ‘sail, large sheet of cloth, palanquin’; B. pāl ‘sail’, pāil ‘sail, awning’; Or. pāla ‘sail’; H. pāl m. ‘sail’, pallā m. ‘sheet, border’; G. pāl m. ‘cloth curtain for side of tent’; M. pāl n. ‘large cloth to form a tent’; Si. pala ‘cotton cloth’ (or < paṭa—). — P. H. pallā m. ‘cloth spread out for grain’ poss. < palya—. Addenda: *palla—3: S.kcch. pāl m. ‘big jute cloth’. †;*palla— 4 see pala3.
7968 *pallaṭṭ— ‘turn, overturn’. [Origin very doubtful: < *palyaṭṭ— < *paliaṭṭ— (cf. Pk. pariaṭṭa—) < pári- vartatē? — Or < *paly—aṭyati ‘goes round’ (cf. paryaṭati ‘roams’ MBh.? — Or X paryasta— LM 367] Pk. pallaṭṭaï, palaṭṭaï ‘turns over’, allaṭṭa—pallaṭṭa- n. ‘turning from side to side’ Deśīn.; Dm. palaṭ— intr. ‘to roll, fly (of things, e.g. a stone)’; Paš.lauṛ. palaṭı̄́ ‘rolling about’; K. palaṭun ‘to melt’; S. palṭaṇu ‘to cast metal’; P. palṭaṇā intr. ‘to turn, change’, palṭāuṇā tr., palṭā m. ‘turn’; WPah.bhal. pal e_ ṭnū ‘to fold’; Ku. palṭaṇo intr. ‘to return’, palṭauṇo tr. ‘to send back, overturn’, palaṭ, palṭo ‘exchange’; N. palṭanu intr. ‘to overturn’, palṭāunu tr., palṭa, °ṭo ‘time, occasion’; A. pālṭiba intr. ‘to overturn’, pālṭāiba tr., pālaṭ ‘exchange’; B. pālṭāna tr. ‘to turn, change’, pālaṭ ‘exchange’; Or. pālaṭibā ‘to overturn’, pālaṭa ‘exchange’, °ṭā ‘change of clothes’; Mth. palṭab ‘to be reversed’; OAw. palaṭaï intr. ‘returns’; H. palaṭnā intr. ‘to overturn’, palṭānā tr., palṭā m. ‘turn’; G. pā̆laṭvũ intr. ‘to change’, palṭɔ m. ‘rise and fall in music’, pālṭɔ m. ‘return, recompense’; M. pālaṭ m. ‘turn’, palāṭaṇ, paleṭaṇ n. ‘turn, wandering’. — See parivarta—, párivartatē. Addenda: *pallaṭṭ—: WPah.Wkc. pɔlṭṇo, °ṭiṇo ‘to turn back, return (into)’, pƏlṭ e uṇo ‘to cause to retract’; A. pālaṭ ‘turned up (AFD 204), turned down (236)’, pālaṭiba ‘to turn back’ (337); OMarw. palaṭaï ‘alters’.
8013 *paṣṭa— ‘breast’. [Identification with IE. *pek̂t— in Lat. pectus &c. very doubtful NTS xiii 229] Pr. wustū́, ustū́ ‘breast, rib’.
8014 *paṣṭāna— ‘Afghan’. [← Ir. cf. Psht. paštūn, pl. °tānƏ < *pr̥ṣṭāna— ‘hill people’ EVP 61] K. paṭhān m., °ṭhöñü f. ‘Pathan’, S. paṭhāṇu m., P. paṭhāṇ m., N. paṭhān, A. B. pāṭhān, Or. paṭhāṇa, H. paṭhān m., G. M. paṭhāṇ m.
8015 *paṣṭha— ‘young animal’. 2. *pāṣṭha—. [Connexion with paṣṭhaváh— ‘four or five year old bull’ VS. (ND 374 a 21, EWA ii 241) very doubtful: and in absence of other evidence for —ṣṭh— orig. rather *paṭṭha—, *pāṭṭha- ~ *pāḍḍa— q.v.] 1. S. paṭha f. ‘kid of 8 or 9 months’; L. paṭṭh, paṭṭhṛī f., paṭhōrā m., °rī f. ‘kid’, paṭṭhā m., °ṭhī f. ‘young donkey’; P. paṭṭh f. ‘young she—goat not yet giving milk, pullet’, paṭṭhā m. ‘young he—goat or cock or man or grass’, paṭṭhī f. ‘young girl before puberty’, paṭhor, °rī f., °rā m. ‘young goat’; WPah. bhal. paṭh e_ r m.f. ‘well—developed lamb’; Ku. pāṭho m., °ṭhī f. ‘kid, lamb’, paṭṭhā ‘young man’, paṭhaṅaro ‘young she—goat’, gng. pāṭh m., pyeṭh f. ‘kid’; N. pāṭho m., °ṭhi f. ‘kid’; A. paṭhā ‘full—grown uncastrated goat’, pāṭhī ‘she—goat’; B. pā̃ṭ(h)ā ‘he—goat, young ram’, pā̃ṭhi ‘young she—goat, any young female animal’; Or. peṇṭhā m., °ṭhī f. ‘kid, lamb’; Bi. pāṭhā m., °ṭhī, paṭhiyā f. ‘kid’, Bhoj. pāṭhā, paṭṭhā; H. pāṭhā, paṭṭhā, paṭh m. ‘young full grown animal’, paṭhiyā f. ‘young she—goat’; M. pāṭ(h) f. ‘kid’; Si. päṭavā, päṭiyā ‘young of any animal, young person’, — ext. kk—: Sh. faṭikĕr m.f. ‘foal’; Si. päṭikkī ‘girl’. 2. K.pog. pāṭh ‘kid’; S. pāṭho, pāṭhuru m. ‘10 or 12 months old kid’; P. pāṭhā m. ‘young elephant’; H. pāṛhī f. ‘young buffalo’ (or < *pāḍḍa—?). *paṣṭharūpa—; *ajapaṣṭha—, *avipaṣṭha—. Addenda: *paṣṭha—: S.kcch. paṭṭh m. ‘young goat’.
8018 *pahuñca— ‘forearm, wrist’. L. pôcā m. ‘paw’, (Shahpur) paucā m. ‘paw, claw’; P. pahũcā m. ‘wrist, paw’; N. paũjā ‘paw’; OAw. pahuṁcihi obl. sg. f. ‘wrist’; H. pahũcā m. ‘forearm, wrist’; G. pɔ̃hɔ̃cɔ m. ‘wrist’, M. pohãcī f. 1 ‘drink’: pa—1, pā́tra—, pā́na—, pānı̄́ya—, pāyáyati, *pipāsaka—, pipāsā́—, pipāsitá—, píbati, pītá—1, pīyátē, pēya—; āpāna—1, nipāna—, prapā́—. 2 ‘protect’: pa—2, pā—; *āpāna2. pā— in cmpds. ‘protecting’: adhipā́—, tanūpā́—, pa- śupā́—; — pa2. Addenda: *pahuñca—: S.kcch. paũco m. ‘wrist’, WPah.kṭg. pɔ̄́nj̈ɔ m.
8041 *pāḍi— ‘row, line, turn’, pālí1, °lī— ‘boundary, edge’ MBh., ‘row, line’ Ratnāv., ‘dam, dike’ Rājat. [Perh. < *prāḍi— ~ *āḍi2 (cf. prānta— ~ ánta—); semant. for ‘line’ > ‘turn’ cf. Ku. pā̃t ‘line, turn, rotation’ < paṅktí—. — Other suggestions with lit. EWA ii 263 s.v. pāliḥ] Pa. pāḷi— f. ‘line, row, text’; Pk. pāli— f. ‘edge, boun- dary, bank of tank’, °lī— f. ‘line, direction’, °liā— f. ‘handle of sword’; L. pāl f. ‘arrangement in line’; P. pāl, °lī f. ‘line, row, series’; Ku. pāl ‘covering of a roof’; N. pāri ‘border, hem’, pāli ‘lower edge of thatched roof’, pāro ‘beat in music’; A. pāri ‘line of teeth, em- broidered border’; B. pāṛi, pāiṛ ‘edge, border, one of side pieces of thatched roof’, pāli ‘edge, border’; Or. pāṛ ‘border of cloth, high bank of a tank’, pāeṛ (Sam- bhalpur pāer) ‘small embankment, ridge of a field’, pāḷi ‘turn’; Bi. pārī ‘field’; Mth. pāṛhi, °ṛhiā ‘edge, margin, coloured edge of cloth’; H. pāṛ m. ‘edge of cloth’, pāṛā m. ‘boundary of field’, pāl f. ‘raised bank, dam, causeway’, pālā m. ‘heap of earth to separate two sides in the game kabaḍḍī’, (EH.?) pārī f. ‘time, turn’ (→ Ku. pārī); G. pāṛɔ m. ‘column in multiplication’, pāḷi f. ‘edge, parapet’, pāḷī f. ‘turn’; M. pāḍā m. ‘column in multiplication’, pāḷ f. ‘edge, parapet’, pāḷī f. ‘encircling line, turn’; Ko. pāḷi ‘turn, chance’; Si. peḷa ‘row, line, text (as opposed to commentary)’, paḷi ‘revenge’, pella ‘turn’ (< *peḷya—?). In the languages which do not distinguish MIA. —āl- or —āḷ— from —all— the words may, but less prob., repre- sent MIA. *pallaya— < paryaya—: Gy. wel. på̄lē ‘back, in return’; Ku. pālo, °lī ‘turn, time, rotation’, N. pālo, °li, A. pāl, B. H. pālā. *agrapāli—, aṅkapāli—, *daṇḍapāli—. Addenda: *pāḍi—: S.kcch. pār f. ‘border, bank’, WPah.J. pāḷi f. ‘turn’; Garh. pāḷ ‘wall’ rather than < pālá—? †;dantapāli—.
8042 *pāḍḍa— ‘young of buffalo or goat’, paḍḍika— m. ‘calf’ lex. 2. *pēḍḍa—. [Cf. *kaḍḍa— and *paṣṭha—. — Prob. ← Drav. DED 3208] 1. Pk. paḍḍaya— m. ‘buffalo’, °ḍī— f. ‘cow or buffalo that has calved once’, °ḍiyā— f. ‘id., small buffalo cow’, pāḍī— f. ‘young buffalo’, paḍḍacchī— f. ‘buffalo cow’; Paš.dar. nir. pāṛek f., weg. pāyaṛék ‘goat’; S. pāḍ̱o m. ‘buffalo calf’; Ku. pāṛo ‘wild goat, fawn’; N. pāṛo m., °ṛi f. ‘buffalo calf’, Bi. pāṛā m., °ṛī f., H. pā̆ṛā, paṛūā, pãṛwā m., pāṛhī, paṛiyā f., G. pāḍɔ m., °ḍī f., °ḍũ n.; OM. pāḍasa n. ‘fawn’ (< *paḍḍaccha—?), M. pāḍā m., °ḍī f. ‘buffalo calf’, pāḍẽ n. ‘calf of a cow’. 2. Pk. peḍḍa— m., °ḍā— f. ‘buffalo’; A. perā ‘stout male buffalo’, perī ‘buffalo cow’; Or. peṛā ‘young buffalo’. *pāḍḍarūpa—.
8044 *pāḍhaka— ‘a spotted deer’. [MIA. (amg.) < *pārṣṭaka- ~ *pr̥ṣṭa2 ‘spotted’: very doubtful] S. phāṛho m. ‘hogdeer or Cervus porcinus’, L. pāhṛā m., °ṛī f., P. pāṛhā m.; H. pāṛhā m. ‘spotted antelope, hogdeer’.
8046 *pāṇikā— ‘spoon’. [pāṇí—?] Pa. pāṇikā— f. ‘a sort of spoon’; — Ku. paṇyũ ‘a spoon to stir rice—water with’; N. paniũ, puniũ ‘ladle to stir rice’; G. paḷī f. ‘ladle, dipper’, paḷɔ m. ‘large ladle’: phonet., but not semant., rather < praṇītā—.
8050 *pāṇḍaśa— ‘yellowish’. [~ pā́ṇḍara—: cf. *dhūmaśa- ~ dhūmara—. — pāṇḍú—] Wg. pr̃ä̃sƏ ‘grey’.
8141 *pāhāḍa— ‘rock, hill’. [Despite EWA ii 266 prob. con- nected with pāṣı̄́—, pāṣāṇá—] K. pahār m. ‘mountain’, L. P. Ku. pahāṛ m.; N. paharo ‘rock, cliff’ (pahāṛ ‘mountain’ ← H.); B. pāhāṛ ‘hill, steep bank’; Or. pāhāṛa ‘hill’; Mth. H. G. pahāṛ m., M. pahāḍ m. pi prefix = ápi: *pikāla—, *pikṣōṭayati, *pikṣōbha- yati, *pijānāti, pidadhāti, pidhāna—, pinaddha—, *pinahati, pināsa—, *pibandhati, *pivr̥ddha—, pihita—. Addenda: *pāhāḍa—: WPah.kṭg. pā́ṛ m. ‘mountain, hill’, pā́ṛi ‘mountainous’, m. ‘mountaineer’, f. ‘language of mountaineers’; Garh. pāṛ ‘mountain’; — WPah.poet. pwāṛ m. ‘hill, mountain’ (< †;*utpāhāḍa—?). †;*utpāhāḍa—. pi prefix: †;*pibandha—, †;*pibandhita—.
8144 *pikkā— ‘saliva’. S. pika f. ‘spittle’; P. pīk f. ‘spittle spat out when chewing betel’; A. pik ‘juice of betel nut chewed and spat out, spittle’; B. pik ‘spittle’; Or. pika ‘betel- stained saliva’; Mth. pik—dānī ‘spittoon’; H. pīk f. ‘juice of betel—nut spat out’; G. pik f. ‘do., saliva’; M. pı̃k, pı̃kī, pikī f. ‘spittle (esp. when chewing tobacco, betel, &c.)’, pīk n. ‘spittle’.
8150 *piccikā— ‘mucus in the eyes’. [Cf. piccaṭa— m. ‘ophthalmia’, piñjaṭa— m. ‘excretion from the eyes’ lex. which are ← Drav. T. Burrow BSOAS xii 384] S. picī f. ‘mucus in the eyes’, picyaru m. ‘one from whose eyes mucus exudes’. Addenda: *piccikā—: Ko. piċċaḍa ‘secretion from eye’.
8159 *piñjati ‘cards cotton’. [Cf. piñjáyati ‘strikes’ Dhātup. — piñjā—] Pk. piṁjaï ‘cards cotton’, S. piñaṇu, L. piñjaṇ, awāṇ. piñjuṇ, P. piñjṇā, pãjāuṇā, B. pı̃jā, pẽjā, Or. piñjibā, H. pı̄̃jnā, G. pı̄̃jvũ, M. pı̃j̈ṇẽ. — ← NW. piññ—: EP. pinna, H. pīnnā (whence pinnā ‘to be carded’).
8195 *pidda— ‘a small bird’. [Cf. pidvá— m. ‘some kind of animal’ VS.?] L. (Ju.) piddī f. ‘tom—tit, robin, honeysucker’; P. piddā m., °dī f., pidṛā m., °ṛī f. ‘a kind of small bird, tom—tit’; H. pīdṛī f. ‘tom—tit’. pidvá— see prec.
8202 *pippa— 1 ‘pipe (for playing), mouthpiece’. [Onom.?] L. pīpī f. ‘reed of a pipe’; P. pīpnī f. ‘fife’; N. pipri ‘mouthpiece of a flute’; G. pīpī, pīpuṛī f. ‘pipe, mouth- piece’; M. pı̃pāṇī, °poṇī, °pārī f. ‘mouthpiece of a wind instrument’.
8203 *pippa— 2 ‘fly’. Pk. pippaya— m. ‘mosquito’ (cf. pippaḍā— s.v. pipīlá—); N. pipso ‘fly, small child’, piuso ‘small insect which worries cattle’.
8212 *pira— ‘sharp, pungent’. Ku. piro ‘irritating’, pirpiro ‘angry—looking’; N. piro ‘sharp, pungent’, pirpirāunu ‘to tingle’; A. pirpirāiba ‘to irritate, tickle slightly’; M. pirakṇẽ ‘to have a sudden and scanty stool’. Addenda: *pira—: cf. WPah.J. pirprā ‘bitter’. †;*piratara—.
8214 *pilla— ‘small, child, young of animal’, pillika— m. ‘chicken’ Mānas. [← Drav. Tam. piḷḷai DED 3449, LM 368] Pa. pillaka— m. ‘young of animal, child’; Pk. pilha— n. ‘fledgeling’, pīlua—, pella—, °aga— m. ‘child’; B. pil ‘young of animal’, cāliyā—pilā, cele—pile ‘children’; Or. pila ‘small tubers coming from root of plaintain’, pilā ‘small’, sb. ‘child’; Bhoj. pillā ‘puppy’, Aw.lakh. pilawā, H. pillā m.; G. pīlɔ m. ‘sprout, shoot’; M. pīl, pilẽ, °lū̃, pillū̃, pilkū̃ n., pilā, pilvā m. ‘young of animal’; Si. pilavā, pillā ‘young of animal, maggot’. *vaṁśapillaka—. pillika— see prec. *pivanī—, *pivarī— ‘ball of cotton’ see *pūna—. Addenda: *pilla—1: S.kcch. pill m. ‘a partic. kind of very small berry’.
8236 *pītsa— ‘pine’. [Cf. pı̄́tudāru— n. ‘deodar’ NTS ii 271 and Lat. pīnus (< *pitsnu—) &c. IEW 794] Shum. —wič in l yēwič ‘pine’, but prob. with Kaf. words for ‘pine’ < *pōśī— q.v. *pīthala— ‘yellow’ see pītala1.
8246 *pukkār— ‘shout’. [Onom.: cf. pūtkarōti ‘makes a noise of loud breathing’ Pañcat.] Pk. pukkā̆rēi, pokkārēi, pokkaraï ‘shouts’, pukkāra—, pok° m. ‘shout’ (pukkaï, pok° ‘shouts’, pukkā— f.), S. pukāraṇu, pukāro m., P. pukārnā, pukār f., Ku. pukār, N. pukārnu, OAw. pukāraï, pukārā m., H. pukārnā; OMarw. pukāra f. ‘complaint’; G. pukārvũ, pok° ‘to shout’, pokār m. ‘loud noise’, M. pukārṇẽ, pukārā m.
8248 *pucca— ‘vulva’. [See list s.v. pūta2] M. puccī f. ‘pudendum muliebre’. Addenda: *pucca—: cf. H. pūc ‘worthless’? — deriv. OP. pocāraṇu ‘to caress’, P. H. puckārnā.
8256 *puṭṭa— 2 ‘small, dwarfish’, puṭṭáyati ‘is or becomes small’ Dhātup. [With T. Burrow BSOAS xii 385 ← Drav. (Kan. Tu. puṭṭa ‘small, dwarfish’ etc. DED 3498)] N. puṭṭa ‘chubby’; — ext. with —kk— in N. puṛko ‘dwarf’. puṭṭáyati see prec. *puḍa—, *puṇḍa— ‘lump’ see *pēḍa—.
8264 *putta— 2 ‘insect’, puttikā— f. ‘white ant’ Mn. (San- skritized as putra2 m. ‘small animal’ Car., putraka2 m. ‘id.’ Suśr., ‘grasshopper’ lex.). 2. *puttala— 2, putta- likā2 f. ‘fly’ Yaśast.com. [Like (pipīlika—)puṭa— n. ‘anthill’ MBh., ← Drav. T. Burrow TPS 1945, 111, EWA ii 304 (Tam. puṛṛu, Kan. puttu, Tel. puṭṭa, Prj. putkal ‘white ant hill’: DED 3556)] 1. Ku. dhan—putā ‘winged ants’; N. putko ‘a kind of small bee’. 2. Ku. putalo m., pur—putalī f. ‘butterfly’, dhan- putalī f. ‘winged ant’; N. putali ‘butterfly’. puttala— 1 ‘puppet’ see *putrala—. *puttala— 2 ‘insect’ see *putta2. puttalikā1 ‘puppet’ see *putrala—. puttalikā— 2 ‘fly’ see *putta2. puttikā— 1 ‘puppet’ see *putrala—. puttikā— 2 ‘white ant’ see *putta2.
8298 *puśśī— ‘cat’. [Onom., cf. Psht. pišō, Pers. pušek, Eng. puss] Ash. pisä̃́s, Wg. pisā̃́, Kt. pšäs f., Pr. pšigī, Dm. pū̃ši, Paš.ar. pisā̃so, kuṛ. pisō̃́sō, lagh. pišū́ndak (—ṇḍ—? - X uṇḍar s.v. undura— IIFL iii 3, 148), Gaw. pšǟ̃šī, Kho. pušī, Bshk. pišı̄́r, Tor. pīš, Kand. púši, Sv, piši, Phal. púšī, Sh.pales. púšo, (Lor.) būši f., S. phūsī, phūsnī f., Or. pusi; H. pus pus ‘affectionate call for a cat’. — X mūṣa1 q.v. PUṢ ‘nourish’: puṣṭá—, púṣṭi—, púṣyati, pṓṣa—, pōṣaṇa—, pōṣáyati, pōṣita—, *pōṣiya—, pṓṣya—; *ati- puṣṭa—, *prapuṣṭa—, prápuṣyati, *vipuṣṭa—; — puṣ- kara—, puṣkalá—, púṣpa—, púṣya1?
8310 *pusati ‘leaves, is left’. 2. Pp. *pusta— 1 whence pustayati ‘*makes disappear, diminishes’ (‘disrespects’ Dhātup.). [pōsayati 1 ‘decreases’ Apte (cf. IE. *paus- IEW 790). But pōsáyati 2 ‘emits’ Dhātup. (to which NTS xiii 232 refers these words) is MIA. < *prōṣayati (: pruṣyati 1 ‘sprinkles’), Pa. pōsituṁ ‘to sprinkle’ (cf. Pk. pōsa— m. ‘anus, penis’, pōsaṇa— n. ‘anus’ < *prōṣa—, prōṣaṇa—). — For forms of Dm. Gaw. Phal. cf. also *phuss—1. — √pus] 1. Ash. pƏs— (pret. pusóu) ‘to lose’, Wg. pus—, püsā—; Pr. ps— (—?) ‘to leave behind, lose (?)’; Paš. pƏs— ‘to hide’; Woṭ. pusā́— ‘to lose’, Gaw. phusa—; Phal. phus- ‘to make disappear’. 2. Ash. pus ‘lost’, Wg. püs, Kt. pyüs, pīs; Paš.kuṛ. pus ‘disappeared, hidden’; Dm. Gaw. phus ‘lost’. *pusta— 1 ‘lost’ see prec. pusta— 2 n. ‘working in clay’ see pōta2. pustaka— see *pōstaka—.
8326 *pūna— ‘bundle, roll (esp. of cotton)’. 2. *pōna—2. 3. *pivanī—. 4. *pivarī—. [Cf. pūṇáyati ‘collects’ Dhātup. Prob. conn. with piñjā—, pañji— and poss. puñja—. — Scarcely *pūna— ‘cleaned (i.e. carded)’ ~ pūtá1] 1. Pk. pūṇī—, °ṇiā— f. ‘roll of cotton’, S. L. pūṇī f. (→ Psht. pūṇaī rather than with NTS xii 284 < *pāš(m)- nakī—), P. pūṇ, pūṇī f.; Ku. puṇo, °ṇi f. ‘bundle, ball’; H. pūnī f. ‘roll of cotton’, G. pūṇī f. 2. Pk. pōṇiā— f. ‘spindle full of thread’; WPah.bhal. poṇo m. ‘bundle of maize with ears cut off’, poṇi, pl. pūṇī f. ‘roll of cotton for spinning’, H. ponī f. 3. Bi. peunī ‘roll of cotton’. 4. N. piuri ‘roll of cotton or wool after carding’; Mth. pīr ‘roll of cotton’.
8327 *pūni— ‘pus’. [Cf. pū́ti— and pūyana— n. ‘pus’ lex. — √pūy] L. pūn f. ‘pus’ (n?). pūpa— see apūpá—. *pakvapūpaḍa—. pūpalā— see apūpá—. PŪY ‘stink’: pū́ti—, pūtika—, *pūni—, pū́ya—, pūyana—, *pautya—; *paripūya—, *prapūya—.
8329 *pūr—, or *pavara— ‘fire’. [Cf. paví— ‘fire’, pavana3 n. ‘potter's kiln’, pāvana— m. ‘fire’ lex., pāvaká— (metr. pavāká—) ‘bright’, m. ‘Agni’ RV. — Gk. pu=r, &c.] Wg. puř, purǘi ‘embers’ NTS xviii 289 with (?); Paš. lauṛ. pūr ‘big fire, bonfire’, ar. puer, dar. pōr (IIFL iii 3, 146 < *paura— or *pāvara—); Shum. pōr ‘burning embers’.
8350 *pūliya— ‘rotten’. [Cf. pū́lya— n. ‘shrivelled grain’ AV., pulāka2 m. ‘shrivelled or bad grain’ Mn., Pa. pulaka— m. ‘a shrivelled grain’, Pk. pulāga—, °āya— m.n. ‘poor tasteless food consisting of chick—peas and dry grain’. — If not of IE. origin (Lith. pū́liai ‘pus’, &c. EWA ii 326), then poss. conn. with words for ‘hollow’ s.v. *pōḍa—] Kho. púli ‘rotten, addled’ BelvalkarVol 94, (Lor.) pulik ‘to become addled or rotten or crumbly or worn out (as egg, stone, wood, clothes), be lost (as a sum owed)’. — Or < prálīyatē? pū́lya— see prec. PR̥ ‘cross’: *partana—, pārá—, pāraṇa—, pā́riya—; *atipāra—, níṣparati, níṣpārayati, *viyāpāra—, *viyā- pr̥ta—, *vyāparati, vyāpāra—, vyāpārayati, *vyāpr̥ta—, supārá—. — Perh. rather from √pr̥̄: pāráyati1, pāla—, pālana—, pāláyati, na pārayati, *nipārayati, saṁ- pārayati.
8376 *pēṭṭa— 2 ‘belly’. 2. *pēḍḍuka—. 3. *pōṭṭa— 2. 4. *pōtta— 3. [Similar phonetic range in words for ‘basket’ (pēṭa—, *pēṭṭa—1, *pōtta4) with which these may be identical] 1. Pk. peṭṭa—, piṭṭa— n. ‘belly’, Gy. SEeur. peṛ, wel. pēr̄ m., boh. germ. pēr, gr. rum. hung. per m., arm. per, pal. pēt, Ḍ. pēṭ, pl. °ṭa, K.rām. ḍoḍ. pēṭ; S. peṭu m. ‘belly, womb, foetus’ (whence peṭyo m. ‘food’); P. peṭ, peṭṛā m. ‘belly’, peṭ()ā m. ‘tripe, guts’, peṭ()ī f. ‘girdle’; WPah.bhad. bhal. p e_ , pl. °ṭã n., pāḍ. pēṭ, paṅ. pēṭh ‘belly’, Ku. N. A. peṭ; A. peṭu ‘entrails’, peṭi ‘girdle’; B. peṭ ‘belly’, Or. peṭa, Mth. peṭ(h), Bhoj. Aw.lakh. peṭ m.; H. peṭ, peṭā m. ‘belly’, peṭī f. ‘girth’; OMarw. peṭa m. ‘belly’, G. peṭ n. 2. P. peḍū m. ‘lower belly’; H. peṛū m. ‘lower belly, pubes’; G. peḍũ n. ‘belly below navel’. 3. Pk. poṭṭa—, puṭṭa— n. ‘belly’; Gy. SEeur. poṛ ‘navel’, boh. pora ‘intestines’, gr. it. por m. ‘belly’, span. po, poriá; P. poṭṭā m. ‘fowl's crop’; B. põ;ṭā ‘entrails’; Or. puṭā, °ṭi ‘bowels, viscera, lungs’, poṭā ‘animal's entrails, bladder of fish’; H. poṭā m. ‘bird's crop’, °ṭī f.; M. poṭ n. ‘belly’. 4. WPah.bhal. pɔ̄t n. ‘stomach’. *pēṭṭāra— ‘basket’ see piṭaka1. Addenda: *pēṭṭa— 2. 1. WPah.kṭg. kc. pēṭ m. ‘stomach, belly’, J. ' m.; kṭg. peṭṭi m. ‘man with protruding belly’, f. ‘waistband’; Garh. peṭ ‘belly’. 3. pōṭṭa—2: WPah.kṭg. kc. pōṭ m. ‘stomach of an animal, protruding part of a wall, bag made of animal's stomach’, Wkc. poṭkro m., Garh. poṭgu.
8377 *pēḍa— ‘lump’. 2. *pēḍha—2. 3. *pēṇḍa—. 4. *pēntha—. 5. *pēnda—. 6. *puḍa—. 7. *puṇḍa—. 8. *pōdda—. [See píṇḍa—] 1. Pa. yaka—pēḷa— ‘liver’; Pk. pēḍa—, °aya— n. ‘collec- tion, troop’; K. per f. ‘lump of dough’; S. peṛo m. ‘lump of clay’; L.awāṇ. P. peṛā ‘lump’; Ku. pyāṛā m. pl. ‘balls made of inspissated milk’; B. peṛā ‘lump of dough’; Or. peṛā ‘sweetmeat of sugar and thickened milk’, Bi. peṛā; H. peṛ m. ‘lump’, peṛā m. ‘lump of dough’; M. peḷū̃ n. ‘boil’; Ko. peḍ m. ‘raised bench, hillock’. 2. Pk. pēḍha— n. ‘lump’, pēḍhāla— ‘round’. 3. Pk. peṁḍa— n. ‘lump’, B. pẽṛā ‘sort of sweetmeat’ (or < 1); Or. peṇḍā ‘cluster, calf of leg’, peṇḍi ‘small cluster’, peṇḍu ‘ball’; H. pẽḍ m. ‘rising ground’; G. pẽḍɔ m. ‘lump of clay, a kind of sweetmeat’; M. pẽḍ m. ‘large turf or clod, mud attached to shoes’, pẽḍā m. ‘lump of cowdung’. 4. Or. penthā, °thi ‘cluster, bunch’. 5. K. pĕnd f. ‘ball’, Si. pen̆da. 6. Pk. puḍa—, puḍḍa— m. ‘son’, puḍaïa— ‘lump—shaped’. 7. Pk. puṁḍaïa— ‘lump—shaped, globular’, poṁḍa—, °aya— m. ‘fruit’; Ash. puṇū́ ‘kidneys’; Wg. pũř ‘spleen, calf of leg’, pūṇī ‘calf of leg’, pū̃řīk, puṇḍrṓk ‘kidney’; Kt. puṇú ‘kidney, calf of leg’, puṇyuk ‘swollen’; Pr. puṇḍik ‘upper knob of an axe’, puḍo—musuk ‘calf of leg’, puḍúk ‘bullet’, yüṇḍo—bokso ‘swollen (of a boil)’, oḍob- igyī ‘thumb’; Tir. (Leech) "pondî" ‘calf of leg’; N. pũṛi ‘sow’ (lit. ‘having teats’?); Or. puṇḍā ‘herd of cows &c." adj. ‘corpulent’, puṇḍukā ‘a person with stout body and swollen cheeks’. 8. G. podḷɔ m. ‘lump of dung, indolent person’. *pēḍḍa— ‘young buffalo’ see *pāḍḍa—. *pēḍḍuka— ‘belly’ see *pēṭṭa2. pēḍha— 1 ‘stool’ see pīṭha—. *pēḍha— 2 ‘lump’ see *pēḍa—. Addenda: *pēḍa—1: S.kcch. peṛī f.pl. ‘offerings’, WPah.kṭg. peṛɔ m. ‘a partic. kind of sweetmeat prepared from milk’ (poss. ← H. P. peṛā Him.I 114).
8378 *pēṇāhi— ‘pelican’. Pa. pēṇāhi—, °ikā— f. ‘a species of bird’; S. peṇi f. ‘pelican’, L. peiṇ, pêṇ, (Ju.) pain f. *pēṇḍa— ‘lump’ see *pēḍa—. *pēṇḍha— ‘packet’ see *pōṭṭa1. *pēntha— ‘lump’ see *pēḍa—.
8379 *pēnda— 1 ‘bottom’. 2. *pōnda—. [Cf. pōta4, °aka—, pōṭa— m. ‘foundation of a house’ lex., pōṭī— f. ‘rectum’ PārGr̥.com. and ‘buttock’ group s.v. pūta2] 1. P. pẽdā m., °dī f. ‘bottom’; N. pı̃d, pı̃dh, pin ‘bottom, fundament, buttocks’; A. penda ‘lower or inner extremity of the alimentary canal or the vagina’; Or. pendi ‘earth bulging at bottom side of a brick when in the mould, depression at bottom of a pot, pedestal of a cup’; Bi. pẽd(ā), °dī, penī ‘bottom of a granary’, Mth. pẽdo; H. pẽdā m. ‘bottom’; M. pẽd n. ‘tuft of grass’, pẽdī, pẽdhī f. ‘bottom’; Si. pen̆da ‘bird's tail’; Md. fīndu ‘hips’, fidu ‘posterior’. 2. K. põ̂du m. ‘vulva’, pōn m. ‘anus, female parts’; Ku. pūn, punaṛ m. ‘backside, loin, vulva’; B. põ;d ‘anus, posterior, hips’; M. põ;d n. ‘the bottom (as of a vessel)’. *pēnda— 2 ‘lump’ see *pēḍa—. Addenda: *pēnda—1: Md. fin̆du ‘private parts’.
8391 *pōka— ‘hollow’. 2. *pōkkala—. 3. *pōkkhara—. 4. *pōggala—. 5. *pōṅka—1. 6. pōṅga—1. 7. *phōkka—. 8. *phōkkara—. 9. *phōṅka—. [See also *pōcca1, *pōḍa— (pōra1, *pōla—, *pōlla—, *phōra—, *phōlla—), *phōttara—, *pōppa— (*phōppha—, *phōmpha—), *phōssa—, *bhōkka— (*bhōṅka2, *bhōṅga—), *bhōsa—. — Prob. ← Drav. which has similar series of words DED 3646] 1. M. poyẽ, povẽ n. ‘honeycomb in hollow of wood or stone’. 2. G. M. pokaḷ ‘hollow’, G. pokḷī f. ‘cavity’. 3. B. phukar ‘hole’; Or. pokhara ‘cavity in tree trunk’; M. pokhā̆r ‘hollowed, excavated’, pokhar n., pokhār(ā) m. ‘hole, cavity’. 4. G. pogaḷ f. ‘hollowness’, pogar f. ‘a hollow, vacuum’. 5. Ko. põ;kaṇ n. ‘a hollow grain’. 6. H. põ;gā ‘empty, hollow’. 7. Pk. phukkā ‘in vain’ Deśīn.; K. phŏka ‘hollow’, S. phoku, P. phokā; N. phoko ‘blister, bubble’; Or. (Bastar) phok—hā ‘useless’; H. phok, °kā ‘hollow’; OG. phoka ‘in vain’, G. phok ‘hollow’; — S. phokaṭu ‘use- lessly’; P. phokaṭ m. ‘dregs’; N. phokaṭo ‘unirrigated field’; H. phokaṭ m. ‘worthless thing or person’; G. phokaṭ, phogaṭ ‘in vain’; M. phukaṭ ‘gratis’; — Ku. phokso ‘swollen’; N. phokso ‘lung’; — Ku. phokāṇo, °āno m. ‘the bladder, penis’; — Mth. phokcā ‘a small fish (whose belly, blown up by cruel boys, swells enormously)’. 8. B. phokar ‘hole’. 9. K. phọ̆ngu ‘hollow, pithless’; H. phõ;k ‘hollow’. Addenda: *pōka— ‘hollow’. 7. *phōkka—: WPah.J. fokā ‘empty’. 8. *phōkkara—: WPah.kṭg. phúkhrɔ ‘worthless man’.
8392 *pōkka— 1 ‘bundle, fold’. [For words of this type in many languages see F. W. Thomas AO xiii 54] Ku. poko ‘thigh, loins, back, rectum’; N. poko ‘re- ceptacle made by doubling up a handkerchief or the slack of a dhoti’; A. pokaṛ ‘buttock, posterior, back, anus’.
8393 *pōkka— 2 ‘worm, grub’. [Cf. pulaka— m. ‘kind of insect or vermin’ lex. and similar phonet. relationship in jalūkā— ~ *jōkkā—] A. pok ‘worm’; B. pokā ‘insect, worm’; Or. poka ‘insect, worm, maggot, moth’, pokaṛā ‘worm—eaten’; H. pokā, põ;kā m. ‘caterpillar, worm, wood—worm; - big flying insect on plants (= bõ;kā m.)’. *pōkkala—, *pōkkhara— ‘hollow’ see *pōka—. pōganḍa—, *pōgga— ‘young’ see *pōṅga2. *pōggala—, *pōṅka— ‘hollow’ see *pōka—. *pōṅka— 2 ‘young’ see *pōṅga2. *pōṅga— 1 ‘hollow’ see *pōka—.
8394 *pōṅga— 2 ‘young of animal or plant’. 2. *pōgga—. 3. *pōṅka— 2. [Cf. pōgaṇḍa—, paugaṇḍa— ‘not fully grown, deformed’, m. ‘boy’ BhP., Pk. pōaṁḍa— m. ‘eunuch’. — Belongs to the group of pṓta1] 1. H. pū̃gṛā m. ‘boy’; M. põ;gā m. ‘young snake, shoot’, põ;gḍā m. ‘stripling’, põ;gḍī f. ‘girl’. 2. P. poggā m. ‘tender branch’ (rather than < prōdgata—). 3. B. põ;k ‘young shoot of coconut’.
8395 *pōcca— 1 ‘hollow’. [See list s.v. *pōka—] Pk. pocca— ‘very soft’, poccaḍa—, puc° ‘sapless, worth- less, dirty’; WPah.jaun. pōcrō ‘hollow’; G. poc f. ‘un- husked rice which is soft and has no grains in it’, pocũ ‘soft, feeble’. *pōcca— 2 ‘cloth’ see pōta2. pōṭa— see *pēnda1. pōṭī— see pūta2 and *pēnda1. Addenda: *pōcca—1: S.kcch. poco ‘hollow, tender’. *pōṭṭa— 2 ‘belly’ see *pēṭṭa2 Add2.
8396 *pōṭṭa— 1 ‘bundle’. 2. pōṭṭala— n., °lī— f. lex., °laka— n., pōṭala— m. Car. 3. *pēṇḍha—. [Cf. puṭa—] 1. Pk. poṭṭa— n. ‘bundle’; S. poṭiṛī f. ‘bag, satchel’; P. poṭ f. ‘bag, load’; N. poṭi ‘bulb (e.g. of garlic)’, poṭinu ‘(ears) to be filled with grain’, poṭilo ‘filled with grain (of an ear)’; H. poṭ f. ‘bundle, bale’; G. poṭ ‘bundle’, poṭkũ n. ‘packet’. 2. Pk. poṭṭala— n., °liyā— f., puṭṭala—, °laya— m.n., °liyā— f. ‘bundle’ (whence poṭṭaliya— m. ‘porter’); P. poṭlī f. ‘small bag’; B. põ;ṭlā, pũṭal, °ṭuli ‘bundle’, Or. poṭaḷā̆, °ḷi, H. poṭlā m., °lī f. ‘small do.’, G. poṭlɔ m., °lī f., °lũ n.; M. poṭḷā m., °ḷī f. ‘bundle of stuff’. 3. M. pẽḍhī f. ‘packet’. *pōṭṭa— 2 ‘belly’ see *pēṭṭa2. *pōṭṭa— 3 ‘young’ see pṓta1. pōṭṭala— see *pōṭṭa1.
8397 *pōḍ— ‘burn’. [Cf. pauli— and Pk. paü(l)laï ‘cooks’, paüliya— ‘cooked, burnt’, appaüliya—, appōli— ‘uncooked fruit cake’: S. K. Chatterji ZII ix 40 wrongly connects with Gk. pu=r, &c.] Kho. (Lor.) pūlik ‘to be burnt’, p *l leik ‘to burn’, (LSI) pulī ‘having burnt’; N. polnu ‘to burn, bake, cook’; OA. poliba ‘to burn’, A. poriba; B. poṛā, puṛā ‘to burn, be burnt’, caus. puṛāna; Or. poṛibā, puṛ° ‘to set fire to, heat, burn, be afflicted with grief’, caus. poṛāibā, puṛeibā; M. poḷṇẽ ‘to burn’. *āpōḍ—. Addenda: *pōḍ—: Kho. pāleik ‘to burn (tr.)’ BKhoT 71.
8398 *pōḍa— ‘hollow’. 2. *pōra— 1. 3. *pōla—. 4. *pōlla—. 5. *phōra—. 6. *phōlla—. [Cf. Pa. pōṭa— ‘bubble’. - See also list s.v. *pōka—; — poss. conn. with *pūliya—] 1. Ku. nak—poṛ ‘nostril’; N. poro ‘small hole’ (or < 2); G. poṛũ n. ‘thin scaly crust’ (semant. cf. *pōppa—); M. poḷ, °ḷẽ n. ‘honeycomb’ (or < 3: semant. cf. *pōka—). 2. S. poru m. ‘cavity’, poro m. ‘hollow’ (or < 3); P. por f. ‘hollow bamboo’ (or < *pōra2); N. see 1. 3. S. see 2; L. polā ‘hollow, porous, loose (of soil)’; M. see 1. 4. Pk. polla—, °aḍa—, pulla— ‘hollow’; P. pollā ‘hollow’, pol m., pulāī f. ‘hollowness’; Or. pola ‘hollow’, sb. ‘puffed—up pastry’, polā ‘empty’; G. poli f. ‘cavity’, polũ, polrũ ‘hollow’, polāṇ n. ‘hollowness’; M. pol n. ‘empty tube or grain’, polā ‘hollow’; — altern. < 3: Woṭ. pōl, f. pyēl ‘light (in weight)’; Gaw. pōlá, f. pōlī ‘small’; K. pọ̆lu ‘weak’, pŏluru ‘plump but unsubstantial’; Ku. polo ‘hollow, weak’, m. ‘beehive’ (l or ?); N. pol, pwāl ‘hole’, polo, pwālo ‘beehive’; A. pola—kaṭā ‘burglar’; B. polo ‘basket open at both ends for catching fish’; H. pol f. ‘hollowness’, polā ‘hollow, empty, flabby’. 5. B. Or. phorā ‘hollow’. 6. P. pholuṛ m. ‘chaff’; H. pholā m. ‘blister’; G. pholvũ ‘to husk’; M. phol n. ‘hollow grain’. Addenda: *pōḍa— ‘hollow’. [~ Drav. DED 3726] 4. *pōlla—: WPah.kṭg. pollɔ ‘hollow’, J. polā.
8403 *pōttī— ‘glass bead’. Pk. pottī— f. ‘glass’; S. pūti f. ‘glass bead’, P. pot f.; N. pote ‘long straight bar of jewelry’; B. pot ‘glass bead’, puti, pũti ‘small bead’; Or. puti ‘necklace of small glass beads’; H. pot m. ‘glass bead’, G. M. pot f.; — Bi. pot ‘jeweller's polishing stone’ rather than < pōtrá1. *pōttha— 1 ‘young’ see pṓta1. *pōttha— 2 ‘cloth’ see pōta2. *pōttha— 3 ‘bundle’ see piṭaka1.
8405 *pōppa— ‘hollow’. 2. *phōppha—. 3. *phōmpha—. [See list s.v. *pōka—] 1. P. H. poplā ‘toothless’; — Or. poparā ‘hollow, worn out’; — G. popṛũ, n., °ṛī f., °ṛɔ m., popcũ n. ‘de- tached scaly crust’ (semant. cf. *pōḍa—), popṭɔ m. ‘pod’, poplā̃ n. pl. ‘vain struggles’. 2. S. phopho ‘hollow’; M. phopā m. ‘puffed out or flabby person’; — B. phopar ‘hollow’; Or. phoparā ‘full of holes, decayed, spongy’, (Sambhalpur) phuphlā ‘toothless’. 3. B. phõ;parā ‘hollow’; H. phõ;phī f. ‘hollow reed, pipe’, phõ;phar ‘hollow’. *pōra— 1 ‘hollow’ see *pōḍa—. Addenda: *pōppa—. 2. *phōppha—: A. phopolā ‘hollow’ AFD 212. *pōlla— ‘hollow’ see *pōḍa— Add2.
8406 *pōra— 2 ‘joint’. [Cf. śata—pōra(ka)— n. ‘species of sugar- cane’ Suśr., nīla—pōra—, —paura— m. lex. — Connexion. with párvan— (through *parvara— as Gk. pei=rar ~ gen. pei/ratos) very doubtful] Pk. pōra— n.m. ‘knot’, pōraga— n.m. ‘a sort of plant with knots’; P. por f. ‘hollow bamboo for drilling seed’ (or < *pōra1 s.v. *pōḍa—), porā m. ‘joint of bamboo’; Ku. por, porī ‘knot or joint of bamboo’; H. por f. ‘space between two joints’, porā m. ‘beam’, poruā m. ‘knuckle’; Si. puruka ‘knot or joint of bamboo, knob, link’. — M. per n. ‘joint, articulation’? *pōla— ‘hollow’ see *pōḍa—. pōlī— see pauli—. *pōlla— ‘hollow’ see *pōḍa—.
8407 *pōśī— ‘pine’. [Cf. Gk. peu/kh f. ‘pine’, Lith. pušìs, OPruss. peuse NTS xiii 229] Ash. piċ—kandƏ ‘pine’, Kt. pṳ̄ċi, piċi, Wg. puċ, püċ (pṳ̄ċ—kƏŕ ‘pine—cone’), Pr. wyoċ, Shum. l yēwič (l —?). — In Shum. ts > č, and earlier for the forms with i NTS ii 271 suggested *pītsa—, but they are scarcely to be separated.
8534 *pratañcā— ‘bowstring’. [Cf. patañcikā— f. ‘id.’ lex., pratyañcā— f. HŚS 2230, pataṅgikā— f. Apte. — Prob. of non—Aryan origin] Pk. paḍaṁcā—, paḍaṁsuā— f. ‘bowstring’; N. parı̃jo ‘pocket between strings of pellet—bow to hold shot when being fired, forked stick of a sling’ (rather than with ND 365 b 34 < *pratijya— ‘near the bowstring’).
9034 *phakk— 1 ‘toss food into the mouth’. Paš.lauṛ. gul. pak— ‘to eat (mulberries, grain and similar things)’, Shum. pheki—; S. phakaṇu ‘to jerk into mouth (when eating from hand)’, phaku m. ‘handful so eaten’, °kī f. ‘dose of powdered medicine’; L. phakkā m. ‘mouthful’; P. phakkṇā ‘to toss food into mouth’, phakkā m. ‘quantity so thrown’, N. phakyāunu, phā̃k, °ko; Mth. phakā ‘act of so eating’; H. phā̃knā ‘to jerk any dry food into mouth’, phāk, phā̃k m. ‘as much as can be so eaten, bit, piece’, phā̃kī f. ‘mouthful of dry grain &c.’; G. phākvũ ‘so to eat’, phākɔ m. ‘mouthful’, M. phākṇẽ, phā̃k°, phākā, phā̃kā m. Addenda: *phakk—1: WPah.kṭg. phákkɔ m. ‘handful of eatables (e.g. grain)’, J. fākā m. ‘handful of roasted grain’.
9035 *phakk— 2 ‘deceive’. 2. phakkikā— f. ‘proposition’ Naiṣ., ‘(in logic) statement to be refuted, sophism, fraud’ lex. [Cf. phakkati ‘propounds a statement to be refuted’ Dhātup., ‘acts wrongly’ lex. — Similar mean- ings in *phaṭ2] 1. K. phakun ‘to state one's poverty as inability to give’; S. phakiṛī f. ‘altercation’; P. phakkaṛ, °ṛī f. ‘abuse’; WPah.jaun. phākūṇõmacr; ‘to dispute’; N. phakāunu ‘to flatter, seduce’; A. phākaṭi ‘deception’; B. phakā ‘to be disappointed’, phakkaṛ ‘hoaxer’; Or phakaṛi ‘fraud’; H. phakkaṛ m. ‘abuse’, phā̃kṛā m. ‘vain boaster’ (→ P. phā̃kṛā m.); G. phā̃kɔ m. ‘pretension’, phagvũ ‘to be misled’ (X ṭhagvũ s.v. *ṭhagg—?); M. phākaḍ ‘flashy’. 2. Pk. phakkiyā— f. ‘passage in a text hard to inter- pret’; WPah. (Joshi) fākī f. ‘complaint’; A. phāki ‘deception, trick’, B. Or. phā̃ki; H. phā̃kī f. ‘objection (in logic), trick, fraud’; M. phā̃kī f. ‘proposition, sen- tence’.
9036 *phakk— 3 ‘open’. P. phakkṇā ‘to squander’; N. phakranu intr. ‘to open (of flowers)’, phaklā̃se ‘spendthrift’; B. phā̃k ‘opening’; H. phā̃knā ‘to open’; M. phākṇẽ, phākaṭṇẽ ‘to open wide’.
9038 *phaṭ— 1 ‘sudden movement’. 2. *phaṭṭ—1. [Cf. pháṭ interj. ‘crack!’ AV. — spháṭati ‘breaks, tears’ Dhātup. prob. hyper—sk. for ph—] 1. Ash. paṛakǟ́ı̃ ‘lightning, flicker’ NTS ii 274; S. phaṛphaṛi f. ‘flapping’, phaṛkaṇu ‘to tremble, flutter, throb’; P. phaṛphaṛāuṇā ‘to move convulsively’; B. phaṛ ‘flapping, explosion’, phaṛphaṛ ‘flapping’; Or. phaṛaphaṛa ‘sound of flapping, fluttering, tearing’; H. phaṛphaṛānā ‘to move convulsively’; G. phaṛ m. ‘bang’, phaṛphaṛvũ ‘to flutter’, M. phaḍphaḍṇẽ; — altern. < *spharati: N. pharpharāunu ‘to twitch, flutter, flap’; A. pharpharāiba ‘to tingle’; OAw. pharakaï ‘throbs’, Mth. pharkab. 2. S. phaṭaṇu ‘to wound’, phaṭāko m. ‘cracker’; P. phāṭṭṇā ‘to beat’, phaṭakṇā ‘to winnow’, phaṭkārṇā ‘to shake’; Ku. phaṭakṇo ‘to winnow, fan’, phaṭkoṇo ‘to ‘beat’, gng. ph *l ṭk *l_ ṛ̃ ‘winnowing’; N. phaṛkanu ‘to jump about, winnow’, phaṛkārnu ‘to shake’, phaṭphaṭāunu ‘to flap about’; A. phaṭphaṭīyā ‘shining’, phaṭkā ‘cracker’; B. phaṭkā ‘speckled’; Or. phaṭakā ‘fireworks’; H. phaṭphaṭānā ‘to flap about’, phaṭaknā ‘to winnow’, phaṭkārnā ‘to beat clothes’; G. phaṭak f. ‘throbbing’, phaṭakvũ ‘to beat’, phaṭkārvũ ‘to slash’; M. phāṭṇẽ ‘to wander wildly’, phaṭakṇẽ ‘to winnow, fan’, phaṭkārṇẽ ‘to slash’. Addenda: *phaṭ— 1. 1. WPah.kṭg. phƏṛakṇõ; ‘to separate grain from impurities with a bhɔ̀ṭṭi , to remove dust’. 2. *phaṭṭ—1: WPah.kṭg. phɔ́ṭṭa—phɔ́ṭṭa ‘quickly’, poet. phƏṭkāṇo ‘to throw, fling’.
9039 *phaṭ— 2 ‘cheat’. 2. *phaṭṭ—2. [Cf. phaṭā ‘a cheat’ lex. (← NIA. cf. B. below?) and similar meanings s.v. *phakk2; sphaṇṭayati, sphiṇ°, sphuṇ° ‘mocks’ Dhātup.] 1. K. phar m. ‘cock and bull story’, phoru m. ‘ridicule’, pharun ‘secretly to help oneself to the results of another's success’. 2. N. phaṭṭi ‘liar, funny’, phaṭāhā ‘exaggerater’, phaṭphaṭinu ‘to plead poverty when help is asked’; B. phaṭ, phaṭā ‘cheat’; M. phaṭaviṇẽ ‘to cheat’. *phaṭṭagāna—. Addenda: *phaṭ— 2. 2. *phaṭṭ—: Ko. phaṭṭi ‘false’, phaṭiṅgu ‘a cheat’. *phaṭṭ— 1 see *phaṭ1 Add2.
9041 *phaṭṭagāna— ‘joking song’. [*phaṭṭ—2, gāna—] G. phaṭāṇũ n. ‘song full of joking’. PHAṆ 1 ‘spring’: pháṇati1, phāṇayati 1. *PHAṆ 2 ‘swell, rise, boil’: phaṇá—2, *phaṇati, phāṇayati2, phāṇita—; *utphaṇati, *utphāṇa—, *ut- phāṇayati.
9045 *phaṇati 2 ‘swells, rises, boils’. [Cf. phaṇá—2, phḗna—, phēṇa— ‘froth’; phaṇa1, *phēṇa2, phēna2, phaṭa- ‘expanded hood’, phāṇḍin— ‘name of serpent demon’ lex.; perh. also phāṇayati 2, phāṇṭá— s.v. phāṇita—; PMWS 163 associates phā̆ṇḍa— ‘belly’ with phaṭa—. - √*phaṇ 2] P. phaṇphaṇāuṇā ‘to foam, boil, raise the hood (of cobra)’, phaṇakṇā ‘to rise’; N. phanphaninu ‘to show anger by movement’, phankanu ‘to rise uncere- moniously, get angry’; Or. phaṇaphaṇa ‘slightly swollen’; G. phaṇakvũ ‘to rise’; M. phaṇphaṇṇẽ ‘to be in a glow (from anger &c.)’, phaṇkā m. ‘fit of anger’. *phaṭṭiṅga—, phaḍiṅgā— see pataṅgá—.
9047 *phaṇṭa— ‘barren’. [Cf. baṇḍá— and list of ‘defective’ words s.v. phakka—] S. phaṇḍī f. adj. ‘barren, having ceased bearing’; L. phaṇḍar, °ḍir f. ‘an old cow or buffalo which has ceased calving or giving milk’; P. phaṇḍar ‘barren (of animals)’; — poss. Dm. phaṇḍa ‘anus, vulva’ (semant. cf. similar meanings in baṇḍá—, laṇḍa— and many ‘defective’ words).
9048 *phatta— ‘defective’. 2. phadda—. [Cf. *phutta— and list s.v. phakka—] 1. Ku. phatīṇo ‘to be disgraced or misused’; N. phataro ‘babbler’, phatarinu ‘to talk nonsense’, phat- phatāunu ‘to be garrulous’; Or. phatuā ‘unsuccessful, liar, malignant’; G. phātṛɔ m. ‘fool, eunuch’; M. phāt- māy f. ‘fat bloated woman’, phatulā m. ‘an impotent, imbecile’. 2. L.awāṇ. phaddā ‘toothless’; P. phaddaṛ ‘very fat and ugly, without energy, worthless’; G. phadiyũ n. ‘value of 4 pies only’; M. phadūl ‘puffed up, bloated, flabby’, phadyā m. ‘small copper coin, a paisā’. *phattiṅga— ‘flying insect’ see pataṅgá—. *phadda— ‘defective’ see *phatta—. *phanasa— ‘breadfruit’ see panasá—.
9049 *phapphara— ‘buckwheat’. P. phaphrā, phāph° m. ‘buckwheat’; WPah.jaun. phāphrā ‘husk of wheat’; Ku. phāpar ‘a kind of buck- wheat growing near the snow—line’; N. A. phāpar ‘buckwheat’; M. phāprī f. ‘a kind of pot—herb’. *phara— 1 ‘blade’ see phala2. *phara— 2 ‘board’ see phala3. phara— 3 ‘shield’ see phalaka2.
9050 *pharati ‘moves, turns’. [Cf. phálati 3, phḗlati ‘goes’ Dhātup. — See *phirati] Ku. pharakṇo ‘to turn round’; N. pharkanu ‘to turn back’; G. pharakvũ ‘to move’; M. pharakṇẽ ‘to move out of the way’; — G. pharvũ ‘to turn, return’ rather < *phirati. *pharpaṭa— ‘thin crust’ see párpaṭa1. PHAL ‘burst’: phala—2, phala—3, phálaka—1, phá- lati2, *phāla—2, phālayati; viphalati; — phála—1, phā́la1? Addenda: *pharati: WPah.kṭg. phƏrkauṇõ; ‘to fling’, J. farkāwṇu.
9068 *phass— ‘loose’. [Cf. *phuss1] K. phasun ‘to become opened or dismembered or tender’; S. phasu ‘wearied’; Ku. phaskano ‘flabby, swollen’; N. phasphase ‘loosely woven’, phasko ‘loose, brittle’; B. phaskā ‘loose’; Or. phasaṛa ‘fruitless, vain’, phaskā ‘loose’; H. phas, phasphasā ‘loose, soft’, phas- aknā ‘to become loose’; G. phasakvũ ‘to burst, come to nothing’, M. phasakṇẽ.
9069 *phāṭṭakka— ‘gate, door’. [< *prahaṭṭa— ~ haṭṭa—??] P. N. phāṭak m. ‘gate’; A. phāṭak ‘prison’, phaṭak ‘gate’; B. phā̆ṭak ‘gate, prison’; Bi. H. phāṭak m. ‘gate’; G. phaṭkiyũ bārṇũ n. ‘a single shutter to close a door’; M. phāṭak, phākaṭ n., phaṭkā m. ‘gate (of a village &c.)’. phāṇáyati 1 ‘makes spring’ see pháṇati 1. phāṇayati 2 ‘skims’ see next.
9071 *phāṇṭ— ‘separate by beating or cutting’. K. phanḍun ‘to beat out (e.g. dust from a carpet)’; S. phāṇḍaṇu ‘to separate, apportion’; P. phā̃ṭ f. ‘piece’; WPah.bhal. phaṇḍnū, ph *l nnū ‘to gin cotton’, phāno m. ‘one who gins’, (Joshi) fā̃ḍṇu ‘to divide, distribute’; Ku. phā̃ṭaṇo ‘to divide’; N. phā̃ṛnu ‘to cut (esp. bushes and scrub)’; G. phãṭāvũ ‘to be divided’; M. phā̃ṭā m. ‘long divergent piece’. phāṇṭá— see phāṇita—. Addenda: *phāṇṭ—: WPah.kṭg. pháṇṭ m. ‘contribution given by each village to a temple or common fund’ ← H. (Him.I 125: semant. comparing sv́ṇḍ < samūḍha—).
9073 *phāla— 2 ‘piece split off’. [Cf. phala—3. — √phal] Pa. phāla— m. (?) ‘board, slab’, phālaka— ‘splitting’; Gy. eur. phal ‘board’, wel. phal f. ‘pailing, rail, stake’; K. phal f. ‘strip of wood’ (or < phala3?); S. phāra f. ‘slice’; P. phāl f. ‘wedge’; Ku. phālo ‘piece of wood or metal, iron bar’; N. phāli ‘thin strip of metal’; A. phāli ‘strip’; B. phālā ‘chip’, °li ‘strip’; Or. phāḷiā ‘chip’; Bi. phārī ‘half a hide’; H. phāl m. ‘lump of areca—nut’, (poet.) phār m. ‘piece’; G. phāḷɔ m. ‘share’; M. phāḷ ‘slip of wood’. Addenda: *phāla—2: Md. fali ‘oar’ or < phala2? †;phāla— 3 ‘jump’ see sphāla—.
9077 *phiñc— ‘scatter’. [piṭṭayati X *khiñc—??] Ku. phı̃jlaṇo ‘to scatter, strew over’; N. phı̃jnu ‘to scatter, spread out’; Bi. phı̄̃cab ‘to beat clothes in wash- ing’. — WPah. (Joshi) fı̃cṇu ‘to rub, press’?
9078 *phirati intr. ‘moves, wanders, turns’. 2. *phērayati ‘makes moves &c.’ 3. *phēra— ‘turn, turning’. [Cf. *pha- rati ‘moves, turns’ (with phálati 3, phḗlati ‘goes’ Dhātup.). Poss. phar— and phir— are MIA. < *spar—, *spir— and belong to √spr̥ for which the basic meaning ‘convey’ (~ √pr̥) would account for the uses ‘rescue (from: abl.)’, ‘help (towards: dat.)’, ‘attain, win’ (cf. *sparati). With this Ir. *spar— (usu. attributed to Sk. sphuráti: Bar- tholomae AirWb 1613 for Av. spar— ‘tread, hasten’, Horn NPE 155) may be cognate in some of its meanings, e.g. Pers. sipardan ‘to travel’ (J. C. W.)] 1. Pk. phiraï ‘goes, returns’; Gy. eur. phir—, gr. pir- ‘to wander round, walk about, walk’; Sh.gil. phĭróĭki̯ intr. ‘to turn, return’, koh. phĭrōnu̯, gur. phĭryōnu̯ tr. ‘to turn’; K. phirun tr. ‘to turn over’, kash. phirunu ‘to turn’; S. phirṇī f. ‘spinning jenny’; L.awāṇ. phiruṇ ‘to be moved’; P. phirnā ‘to wander’; WPah.paṅ. phirṇā ‘to turn’, (Joshi) firṇu ‘to whirl, wander’; Ku. phirṇo ‘to wander’; N. phirnu ‘to wander, turn’, A. phiriba; B. phirā intr. ‘to turn’; Mth. phirab intr. ‘to turn, twist, leap’; Bhoj. phiral ‘to return’; OAw. phiraï ‘wanders, returns’; H. phirnā intr. ‘to turn’; OMarw. phiraï ‘turns, walks about, moves’; G. pharvũ ‘to wander’; M. phirṇẽ ‘to wander, turn’; — absol. as adverb: Dm. phīri ‘again’, Sh.koh. phĭrī, gur. phărḗ, P. phir, WPah.bhal. phirī, OAw. phiri, H. phir, G. pharī. 2. Pk. phēraṇa— n. ‘turning’; Sh.gil. pheróĭki̯ tr. and intr. ‘to turn, turn back; K. phērun intr. ‘to wander’; S. pheraṇu tr. ‘to turn’; L. pheraṇ tr. ‘to return’, awāṇ. pheruṇ tr. ‘to move’; P. pherṇā tr. ‘to turn’ (phervā̃, phermā̃ ‘liable to be turned’ < *phēritavya—); WPah. (Joshi) ferṇu ‘to send back’; Ku. pheraṇo tr. ‘to return, move from one place to another, set in motion’; N. phernu tr. ‘to change’; B. pherā tr. ‘to turn’; Or. pheribā intr. ‘to turn, come back, change’, pherāibā tr.; Mth. pherab tr. and intr. ‘to turn aside’; OAw. pheraï tr. ‘turns, changes’; H. phernā intr. ‘to turn, wheel, return’, phirānā tr.; G. pheravvũ tr. ‘to turn’, M. pherṇẽ; — absol. as adverb: P. L. pher ‘again’, N. pheri, B. pher, Or. phera, Bi. H. G. M. pher. 3. Sh. (Lor.) pheri ‘whirlpool’; K. phēra, phyūru m. ‘sauntering’; S. pheru m. ‘turn’, °ro m. ‘circle’; L. pher, °rā m., °rī f. ‘turn, time’; P. pher m. ‘turn’, °rā m. ‘circle’; WPah. (Joshi) ferā m. ‘bad turn, swindle’; Ku. pher ‘turn’, °ro ‘circle’; N. pher ‘edge, hem’, °ro ‘circle’; A. pher ‘turn of fortune’, pherā ‘particle placed after nouns to denote a small quantity’; B. pher ‘turn’; Or. phera ‘coil, twist of a rope’, °rā ‘circle’; Bi. pher ‘turn’; Mth. pherā, °rī ‘circuit, routine’; OAw. phera ‘circum- ambulation’; H. pher m. ‘turn’, °rā m. ‘circle’; Marw. phero m. ‘circumambulation of the marriage fire’; G. pher m. ‘turn’, °rɔ m. ‘circle’, M. pher, °rā m. Addenda: *phirati. 1. S.kcch. pherṇū ‘to go round’; WPah.kṭg. (kc.) phírnõ; ‘to turn round, return, wander’, J. firṇu; kṭg. phíri f. ‘turn’, caus. phƏr e uṇõ; ‘to make turn’, phír adv. and postp. ‘round’, phíri, °rhi ‘again’, J. firi; Md. firukenī ‘creeps’, furoḷu ‘wheel’, furoḷanī ‘rolls, turns over, changes’? 2. *phērayati: S.kcch. pharāyṇū tr. ‘to spin (a top)’; WPah.kṭg. (kc.) phérnõ; ‘to turn upside down’. 3. *phēra—: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) phérɔ m. ‘circle, turn, time’.
9079 *phis— ‘burst’. S. phisaṇu intr. ‘to split, burst’, phehaṇu tr. (intr. —iss- ~ tr. —ēs—); L. phissaṇ ‘to be squeezed, be bruised, be rotten’; P. phissṇā intr. ‘to burst’.
9080 *phiss— ‘slip’ [Cf. picchala—]. S. phiskaṇu ‘to slip’, P. phisalṇā, WPah. (Joshi) fisalnu, fiśkṇu, Ku. phislaṇo, H. phisalnā; M. phiskaṭṇẽ ‘to fall away’. Addenda: *phiss— ‘slip’. [Onom. *pusati, *phass—, *phuss—, peth. X picchā— in picchala—, picchila— and WPah. *ph(r)iśśaḷ—]: WPah.kṭg. phríśśƏḷnõ; ‘to slip, slide’ (intrusive r as in phraṛnõ; < sphāṭayati?).
9081 *phissa— ‘defective’. [See list s.v. phakka—] N. phissa ‘easily torn’, phisphise ‘easily giving way’; G. phīsũ ‘weak, faded’. Addenda: *phissa— [Semant. ‘defective’ as ‘genital’ cf. *phussa—] 1. Paš.ar. phisū ‘vulva’ Morgenstierne IIFL iii 3; S.kcch. phisso ‘tasteless’. 2. †;*phiñca—: WPah.kṭg. phı̄́nċ f., phínċɔ m. ‘testicle’.
9082 *phukyatē ‘is opened, untied’. 2. *phōkayati ‘unties’. 1. Kal.rumb. phɔk ‘loose’; N. phuknu intr. ‘to open, loosened’, phuko ‘free, untied’. 2. Pk. phōiaya— ‘set free, spread out’ Deśīn.; N. phunu, absol. phoi ‘to unfasten’, H. phonā. — X *khōll—: S. pholhaṇu ‘to open’, P. pholṇā. Addenda: *phukyatē: WPah.kṭg. phúkṇõ; ‘to be untied or loosened’.
9083 *phuṅga— ‘mustache’. [Scarcely with AO viii 307 < *spaṁśuka— ~ śmáśru—. Cf. *juṅgha—] Dm. phū̃ka ‘mustache’, Kal. uṣ—phuṅ (uṣṭ < ṓṣṭha—), Bshk. Tor. phuṅ, Phal. phuṅga m. pl., Sh.gil. phŭṅ m., pales. phugg *l, jij. phuge.
9084 *phucca— ‘defective’. [Cf. *bucca—1, *bhucca— and list s.vv. phakka— and *bukka4] Ku. phucco ‘undersized, short, dwarfish’; N. phuco ‘small, little boy’, phuci ‘little girl’, phucunu ‘little fellow’; A. phusuṅ ‘worthless’; Si. pus ‘empty, blank, blighted (of fruit)’, puhu ‘empty (of fruit)’, pussa ‘un- productive, blighted, having no kernel’, pussā ‘animal born without testicles or castrated when very young’, pussī ‘barren cow’, pusiyā ‘old and decrepit ox’.
9085 *phutta— ‘insignificant’. [Cf. *phatta—] Bshk. phut ‘fly’, phit ‘mosquito’; Phal. phutto ‘fly’, phutti f. ‘mosquito’.
9089 *phupphu—, *phupphī—, *phapphī— ‘father's sister’. Pk. pupphā—, °phī—, °phiā— f., Dm. phâpi, Gaw. pīpı̄́; Bshk. pēp ‘father's or mother's sister’; Tor. pāp, pabī ‘father's sister’, Phal. phḗpī, Sh.gil. pales. phīpī, koh. gur. phīpi̯ ‘father's sister, mother's brother's wife’; K. phŏph, pŏph ‘father's sister’, pŏphuwu m. ‘her husband’, S. puphī f., puphaṛu m.; L. phupphī f. ‘father's sister’, phupphuṛ m. ‘her husband’, phupphēr m. ‘her son’; P. phupphī f. ‘father's sister’, phupphā m. ‘her husband’, WPah.bhal. pupphi f., puppho m., Ku. phūphū f., phūp(h)ā m., N. phupu f., phupāju m., H. phūphū, °phī, phūā f., phūphū, °phā m., G. phoī, phui, phai f., phuvɔ m.; M. phuī f. ‘father's sister, husband's mother’ (used esp. by women). *phupphāputra—, *phupphīśvaśura—, *phupphī- śvaśrū́—. phupphukāraka— see next. Addenda: *phupphu—: OG. phūihāīu ŚSB, G. phoiyāi m. ‘father's sister's son’.
9098 *phuss— 1 ‘be loose’. [Cf. *phass— on the one hand, and aspirated forms of *pusati on the other] N. phuskanu ‘to be loosened, slip’; Or. phusuki jibā ‘to miscarry (of a work)’; H. phusphus f. ‘looseness, flabbiness’, phusphusā, phuskā ‘loose, flabby, soft’; G. phusphusiyũ ‘flimsy’; M. phusakṇẽ ‘to break off’, phuskaṭṇẽ ‘to fall away’; — Sh. gil. phū̃ṣku, gur. phūšu ‘empty’? Addenda: *phuss— 1 ‘be loose’. [Cf. also *phiss— Add2] WPah.kṭg. luś—phuśśɔ ‘slippery, sliding’ (cf. *lussa— ‘defective’, *phussa— ‘defective’).
9099 *phuss— 2 ‘hissing, whispering’. Ku. phusphusāṭ ‘whispering’, phuskaṇo ‘to whisper’, phuskī f. ‘whisper’; N. phusphus ‘whisper’; B. phusphus ‘whispering’, phuslāna ‘to flatter’; Mth. phūsab ‘to whisper’, phusiā ‘whisperer, deceiver’; H. phusphus f. ‘hissing’.
9100 *phussa— ‘defective’. [Cf. *bhussa—1, *bussa—, and busa 1] H. phūs m. ‘old dried straw, rubbish, anything de- cayed’, phūsī f. ‘chaff, rubbish’, phūsṛā, phūsrā m. ‘rags and tatters’; — WPah. (Joshi) fusā m., °sī f. ‘pudendum muliebre’. — See púṣya1. Addenda: *phussa— [Semant. for ‘defective’ word in sense of ‘genitals’ cf. *phissa— Add2] WPah.kṭg. phv́ssi f. ‘female genitals’, phv́śṭi f. (for ś cf. púṣya1), J. fusi. — Gy.eur. phus m. ‘straw, hay’ ~ Gy.pal. bis despite W. Schmid IF 70, 350 rather < *bhusa—.
9102 *phūtka— ‘blowing’. [phūt—] Pk. phukkaï ‘blows’, phuṁkā— f. ‘blowing’; Gy. wel. phūko ‘distended’, gr. pukó ‘swollen up’, boh. phukní ‘bellows’, hung. phukni f. ‘bag’; Ash. puk ‘breath’, Wg. puk, pṳ̄ ‘breath, soul’; Dm. phūky — ‘to breathe, blow’; Paš.kuṛ. phuk— ‘to winnow’; Woṭ. phuk reflexive pron. ‘self’; Gaw. phūk ‘breath, life’; Tor. pug— ‘to blow’; Phal. phūk— ‘to blow out’; K. phŏkh, dat. °kas m. ‘puff, blowing’, phukh, dat. °kas m. ‘blowpipe’, phukun ‘to blow up (a fire)’, phŏkun intr. ‘to blow (of wind)’; S. phūkaṇu ‘to blow’, phūka f. ‘blast, puff’; P. phū̆kṇā ‘to blow’, phukk f. ‘soul’; WPah.bhal. phukki f. ‘puff of air (from bellows or mouth)’, (Joshi) fukṇu ‘to burn, cremate’; Ku. phukṇo ‘to blow’, phūk ‘breath, life, soul’, phū̃kṇo ‘to practise magic’; N. phuknu ‘to blow’, phuk- phāk ‘incantation’; A. phũkiba ‘to blow’, B. phũkā, Or. phuṅkibā, Mth. phūkab, phū̃k°, H. phuknā, phū̃k°, phũk°, OMarw. phūkaï, G. phũkvũ, M. phũkṇẽ. — X útpunāti q.v. Addenda: *phūtka—: S.kcch. phūkāyṇū ‘(wind) to blow’; Garh. phukṇu ‘to blow’, phūk ‘blowing with the mouth’.
9105 *phūha— ‘wantonness’. S. phūhu m. ‘pride of youth’; — ext. —ḍa—: S. phūhaṛu ‘intemperate in language’; P. phūhaṛ ‘obscene’; N. phohar, °hor, phor ‘obscene language’; Or. (Sam- bhalpur) puhar ‘dirt, filth’; H. pūhaṛ ‘obscene’; G. phuaṛ, phu e ‘filthy’. Addenda: *phūha—: S.kcch. phūvaṛ ‘filthy, slatternly (of women)’.
9106 *phēkk— ‘throw’. 2. *phēṅk—. 3. *phēṅg—. 1. B. phekā ‘to throw’, Mth. phekab. 2. N. phẽknu, phyā̃k°, H. phẽknā, G. phẽkvũ, M. phẽkṇẽ, phek°. 3. Or. pheṅgibā. *phēṅk—, *phēṅg— ‘throw’ see prec. *phēṅga— ‘lame’ see paṅgú—. Addenda: *phēkk—. 2. *phēṅk—: WPah.kṭg. ph e/ ṅkṇõ; ‘to throw’ ← H. Him.I 126. *phēṅk— see *phēkk— Add2.
9107 *phēṭṭa— 1 ‘strip of cloth’. 2. *phēṇṭa—. [Cf. phuṭṭaka- n. ‘a kind of cloth’ BHSk., °ṭikā— f. Kathās.; paṭṭa2] 1. S. pheṭo, phẽṭo m. ‘strip of cloth used as turban’; Ku. pheṭ, °ṭo ‘end of a sheet’; N. pheṭā ‘turban’; B. pheṭi ‘turban, skein of thread’; Bi. pheṭwāl ‘a kind of cotton’; H. pheṭ, phẽṭ f. ‘waistband’, pheṭā, phẽṭā m. ‘waistband, small turban’; G. phẽṭɔ m. ‘turban’; M. pheṭ ‘skirt’. 2. Gy. eur. (boh.) pherno ‘head—cloth’. *phēṭṭa— 2 ‘snake's hood’ see phaṭa—. phēṇa— 1 ‘foam’ see phḗna—. *phēṇa— 2 ‘hood of snake’ see phaṇa1. *phēṇṭa— ‘strip of cloth’ see *phēṭṭa1.
9113 *phōttara— ‘hollow’. [See list s.v. *pōka—] G. photrũ n. ‘chaff’. *phōppha—, *phōmpha— ‘hollow’ see *pōppa—. *phōra—, *phōlla— ‘hollow’ see *pōḍa—.
9114 *phōssa— ‘hollow’. [See list s.v. *pōka—] A. phõ;hā ‘blister’; — Dm. phōsı̄́ra ‘rotten’; - P. phosaṛ m. ‘idle fellow’; N. phosro ‘empty, useless’; - B. H. phoskā m. ‘blister’.
9117 *bakk— ‘chatter’. Pk. bakkara— n. ‘laughter’; K. bakun ‘to prate’; S. bakaṇu ‘to prattle’, P. bakṇā, N. baknu, A. bakiba, B. bakā, Or. bakibā, H. baknā, G. bakvũ, M. bakṇẽ; - redupl.: S. bakbaki f. ‘prattling’, Ku. N. bakbak, Or. bakabaka, H. G. M. bakbak f. *bakkavāda—. Addenda: *bakk—: WPah.kṭg. bakṇõ; in jāt bakṇi ‘to open the mouth, to talk’, J. bākṇu ‘to stretch the mouth’.
9119 *baggaḍa— ‘a kind of rice’. P. bagaṛ f. ‘coarse grass, a kind of red rice’; Ku. bagaṛ ‘a kind of rice’; N. bagaṛā ‘a kind of coarse rice’; H. bagaṛ, bagṛā m. ‘rice roughly cleaned’, M. bagaḍ f.
9120 *baggha— ‘defective’. [Cf. phakka— and other ‘de- fective’ words with initial b— s.vv. baṇḍá—, *bukka4] P. bagghū m. ‘fat stupid person, scarecrow, bugbear’.
9122 *baḍabaḍa— ‘grumble, mutter’. [~ *vaḍavaḍa—. - Onom.] Pk. baḍabaḍaï ‘laments’ Deśīn.; S. baṛbaṛāiṇu ‘to grumble’, P. baṛbaṛāuṇā, Ku. baṛbaṛāṇo; N. barbarāunu ‘to grunt, grumble, mutter in sleep’; B. baṛbaṛ ‘murmur, grumble’, baṛbaṛāna ‘to murmur’; Or. baṛabaṛa ‘grumbling’; H. baṛbaṛānā ‘to grumble’, G. baṛbaṛvũ, M. baḍbaḍṇẽ.
9147 *bappuḍa— ‘wretched’. [Orig. an exclamation like the nursery words bāppa—, *bābba—] Pk. bappuḍa— ‘wretched’; N. bāphre ‘exclamation of sorrow’; H. bāpṛā, bāpurā ‘wretched’, Brj. bāprā, G. bāpṛũ, M. bāpuḍā, bāpḍā, bābḍā. babbula— see next.
9150 *bamba— ‘big, swollen’. S. bamjaṇu ‘to be swollen’; Ku. bamāṇo ‘to be puffed up, be proud, grow’, bamkaṇo ‘to be puffed up’, bamṭyāṇo ‘to become mad’, bamato ‘much, plenty’, bāmto m. ‘ardent desire’, bamtaṇo ‘to become mad’; N. bam—phasel ‘good harvest’, bamme ‘crowded’, bamkanu ‘to boast’; G. M. bãb ‘vast, full’. bambhara— see bhambha—. baraṭa— see varaṭa 1. barivarda— see balivárda—. bariśa— see baḍiśa—.
9151 *baru— ‘a kind of reed or grass’. Pk. barua— n. ‘a kind of grass like sugarcane’; S. ḇarū m. ‘a species of grass’; P. barū m. ‘a kind of coarse grass’; H. barū, baro m. ‘a tall grass or reed, species of Saccharum (used for pens), Arundo karka or Calamus scriptorius’; G. baru m. ‘a reed’, baroṛũ n. ‘reed—stick’; M. barū m. ‘the writing—reed Calamus scriptorius’.
9152 *barka— ‘fawn’. [Cf. bárkara—] L. bakk m.f. ‘fawn’; — WPah. (Joshi) bākṭu m., °ṭī f. ‘kid’.
9164 *balakk— ‘bubble, throb’. [—kk— ext. of bal— in *ubbal—?] Ku. balkaṇo ‘to throb’; N. balak—balak ‘throbbing of the pulse’, balkanu ‘to become hot and excited (esp. of clitoris)’; B. balak ‘swelling up in boiling (e.g. milk)’, balkā ‘boiled only once’; H. balaknā ‘to bubble’.
9165S bal-bal-
bal-bal sound of water (pouring from a gourd, bottle) JB, survives in NIA as onomatopoetic without sound change. (MW 6/13/10)
9198 *bā— ‘father’. 2. *bāī— ‘mother’. [Cf. *bāppa—, *bābba—. — Nursery words] 1. Pk. bāa— m. ‘child’; Paš.weg. Shum. ‘father’; N. ‘father’, bājyā ‘grandfather’, bājei ‘grandmother’. 2. Pk. bāiyā— f. ‘mother’, G. bāī f. *bāī— ‘mother’ see prec. bākurá— see *bōra2.
9200 *bājja— ‘defective’. [Cf. lists s.vv. baṇḍá—, *bukka4] P. bājjā m. ‘fool, idiot’.
9201 *bājjara— ‘millet’. [HŚS 2422 and POBh. s.v. quote Sk. varjarī—] S. ḇājhari, ḇājhirī f., °ro m. ‘the grain Holcus spica- tus’; L. bājrā m., mult. bājhrā m., °rī f. ‘spiked millet’; P. bājrā m., °rī f. ‘millet’, N. bājuro, B. bājrā, Or. bājarā; Bi. bājṛā ‘millet’, bājrī ‘a small pea’; Mth. bājṛā ‘millet’, H. bājrā, bājṛā m.; G. bājrī f. ‘millet’, °rɔ m. ‘a large variety’; M. bāj̈rā m. ‘millet’, °rī f. ‘a small variety’. *bāḍa— ‘defective’ see baṇḍá—. Addenda: *bājjara— [Without explaining S. — etc. T. Burrow BSOAS xxxviii 73 posits *vārjara— ~ varjarī— with a ~ ā < IE. o, and without support of other IE. words]
9209 *bāppa— ‘father’. 2. *bābba—. [Cf. *—. — Nursery words] 1. Pk. bappa— m. ‘father’, Gy. arm. bap; Dm. bàp ‘father, grandfather’; Gaw. Tor. bāp ‘father’; L. bāpū m. ‘grandfather’; P. bāp, bāpū m. ‘father’, N. bāp; A. bāp ‘father’, bāpā ‘term of address to a father or of affection to a young man’, bāpu ‘term of address to a learned Brahman’; B. bāp ‘father’, bāpu ‘father, child’; Or. bāpa ‘father’, bapā ‘term of endearment to younger persons’, bāpu ‘term of address to a father or to a young person’, (Puri) bāpā ‘father's father’; Mth. bāp, bappā ‘father’, Aw.lakh. H. G. M. bāp m., Si. bapa. 2. Ḍ. baba ‘father, father's brother’ (pl. piāra < pitŕ̥—), b *l m. ‘grandfather’; Paš.ar. bāba ‘father’, Shum. bā́bā; Bshk. bab ‘father’, bobƏ ‘father's brother’; Sv. bāb, bābu ‘father’; Phal. bā́bu ‘father’, bābá ‘father's brother’; Sh.gil. bābu̯ m. ‘father’, pales. bubā; K. bab m. ‘father, grandfather’, bāb m. ‘father’, rām. babb, pog. baub, ḍoḍ. babbō; P. bābbā m. ‘father, grandfather’, bābū m. ‘term of respect’, kgr. babb m. ‘father’, WPah. bhad. bābō, bhal. bāb, cur. bābb, cam. babb, khaś. babb (voc. bāvā); Ku. bābu ‘father’, babā ‘affectionate term for father or child’; N. bābu ‘father’, bābai ‘term of address to child’, babuwā ‘father, (Tarai) affectionate term for son’; B. bābā ‘father, baby’, bābu ‘gentleman’; Or. bābā ‘father’, babā ‘father's elder brother’, bābu ‘gentleman’, babuā ‘term of endearment to juniors’; Mth. bā̆bā ‘father’, bābu ‘title of respect’; H. bābū m. ‘father’, babuwā m. ‘child’; G. M. bābū m. ‘term of respect’; M. bābḍā ‘term of endearment to a child’. *bāppaghara—; *bābbajāni—. Addenda: *bāppa—. 1. WPah.kṭg. (kc.) bāp m. ‘father’, kṭg. bapu m. (used by Rajputs), J. bāpū m., Md. (upper class) bappa, (lower class) bafā. 2. *bābba—: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) bāb m. ‘father’, babu (used by Rajputs), J. bābū m.
9213 *bāru— ‘betel leaf’. [← Austro—as. J. Przyluski BSL xxiv 257: cf. tāmbūlá—] B. bāru ‘betel’. *bārujīvin—.
9236 *biggāī— ‘a kind of insect’. Pk. biggāī—, biggāiā— f.; G. bagāī f. ‘an insect found on the body of cattle’. Addenda: *biggāī—: S.kcch. baghāī f. ‘fly—like insect on body of cattle’.
9238 *biḍḍa— ‘defective’. 2. *bēṭṭa—. 3. *bēḍa—. 4. *bēḍḍa—. 5. *bēṇḍa—. [Cf. nibiḍa2 ‘crook—nosed’ Kāś., ‘low’ Kād. and *bhēḍḍa— and viṭa—: see list s.v. *bukka4] 1. L. biḍḍā ‘flat—nosed’. 2. Pk. biṭṭa— m. ‘boy’, °ṭī— f. ‘girl’ (= *bĕṭṭa—?); Phal. bēṭı̄́, °ṭí ‘lamb’; K. bīṭh—cod m. ‘one guilty of incest with daughter’; S. ḇeṭo m. ‘boy’, °ṭī f. ‘girl’, L. beṭī f., P. beṭā m., °ṭī f., Ku. N. beṭo m., °ṭi f.; A. beṭā ‘boy’, beṭi ‘slave- girl’; B. beṭā ‘son’, °ṭi ‘daughter’, Mth. beṭā, °ṭuā m., beṭī, °ṭiā f.; OAw. beṭā m. ‘boy’, lakh. biṭiyā ‘daughter’, H. beṭā m., beṭī, biṭiyā f., Marw. beṭo m., °ṭī f., G. beṭɔ m., °ṭī f., M. beṭā m., °ṭī f. 3. Ash. beṛā ‘dumb’; Wg. beṛe ‘dumb, stupid, mad’; Paš.kuṛ. beṛṓ ‘deaf’, dar. beṛā́ ‘dumb’, ar. bäṛo ‘stupid’; Woṭ. bḗṛa ‘dumb’ (Buddruss Woṭ 93 < badhirá— with from boṛ ‘deaf’, see *bōḍa—); — altern. < *bēḍḍa—: Or. beṛā ‘dumb, idiotic’; M. beḍūk m. ‘frog’, beḍkī f. ‘small frog’ (~ maṇḍū́ka—). 4. L. bēḍā ‘belonging to the Plains’, awāṇ. bēḍā ‘foolish’. 5. M. bẽḍū ‘small and stout (of man or beast)’. Addenda: *biḍḍa—. 2. *bēṭṭa—: WPah.kṭg. beṭṭɔ (voc. °ṭa) m. ‘son’, °i f. ‘daughter, girl’; J. beṭā m. ‘son’. 5. *bēṇḍa—: WPah.kṭg. bīṇḍ m. ‘bachelor’. 6. †;*binta—: WPah.kṭg. bindɔ m. ‘baby with an abnormality (e.g. with 2 heads, 4 arms, or one eye in forehead)’ Him.I 146. †;*daridrabēṭṭa—. †;*binta— ‘defective’ see *biḍḍa—.
9246 *bila— 2 ‘cover’. [Cf. vilati ‘covers’ Dhātup.] Kho. bil ‘lid or cover of a vessel’ (Rep1 72: but poss. further semant. development of ‘opening’ < bíla1); P. bil m. ‘cornice round opening of an earthen corn—bin’?
9255 *bījadhānyavāṭī— ‘seed—bed’. [*bījadhānya—, vāṭa1] H. bihnaur f. ‘seed—bed’.
9262 *bukka— 3 ‘handful’. Pk. bukkā— f. ‘handful, handful of rice’; K. bọ̆ku m. ‘hand with fingers extended to hold grain’; S. ḇuku m. ‘the full of both palms closed’, ḇukī f. ‘handful of grain put into the mill’; L. P. bukk m. ‘double handful’; Ku. bukṇā ‘parched rice for chewing’, bukauṇo ‘to eat’; N. bukāunu ‘to eat by throwing handfuls into the mouth’; H. būknā ‘to eat’, bukṭā, buṛkā m. ‘snap, bite’; G. būk m. ‘morsel’, bukvũ ‘to eat parched rice’; M. bukī f. ‘blow with fist’; Si. boku ‘hand bent to receive water’, bukula ‘blow with fist’.
9263 *bukka— 4 ‘defective’. 2. *bugghara—. 3. *buṅka—. 4. *būkkhara—. 5. *bōkka—2. 6. *bōkkha—. 7. *bōggha—. 8. *bōṅga—. [Other groups of ‘defective’ words with initial b—, bh— are *bucca1 (*būccara—, *bōcca—, *bōñca—), *buṭṭa1 (*buṭṭha—, *buḍḍha—, *buṇṭa—, *buṇṭha—, *būṭa1, *bōṭṭa1, *bōḍa—, *bōḍḍa—, *bōṇṭha—), *butta— (*buttha—, *buddha2, *buntala—, *bunda—, *bundha2, *bōtta—, *bōttha—, *bōdda—, *bōddha—, *bōntha—, *bōnda—), *bura— (*bōra1), *bulla— (*būla—), *bussa- (*būssara—), *bhukkhara— (*bhūkka—, *bhōṅka—), *bhucca- (*bhuccara—, *bhujjara—, *bhōcca—), *bhuṭṭa— (*bhuṭṭha—, *bhuḍa—, *bhuḍḍa—, *bhuṇṭa—, *bhuṇṭha—, *bhuṇḍa1, *bhōṭṭa—, *bhōḍa—, *bhōḍḍa—, *bhōṇṭa—, *bhōṇḍa—), *bhutta2 (*bhuttara—, *bhudda—, *bhuntha—, *bhunda—, *bhōtta—, *bhōttha—, *bhōdda—, *bhōntha—, *bhōnthara—, *bhōnda—), *bhōra—, *bhulla— (*bhōla—, *bhōlla—), *bhussa1 (*bhussara, *bhōssa—), *bēṅga—, *biḍḍa- (*bēṭṭa—, *bēḍa—, *bēḍḍa—, *bēṇḍa—), *bhēkka1 (*bhēṅka—, *bhēṅga—), *bhēḍa—2, *bhēdda—, bhēla2 (*bhēlla1), *bhēsa— (*bhēsara—). — Similar series s.vv. kuṇṭha—, *ṭuṇṭa—2, *naṭṭa—, baṇḍá—, *maṭṭa—, *rakka—, *lakka—1, *śaṭṭa—, *habba—] 1. Ash. bukest e/ ‘blunt’, Wg. bukƏ; Paš.chil. bukuno ‘lamb’, ar. buguno, Shum. bukunik; Tor. būk ‘blunt’; Ku. buko ‘chaff, husk, powder’; N. bukuro, bukunu ‘a little fellow’; M. bukṇā m. ‘dumpy person, tuskless elephant’. 2. P. bugghar ‘fat—cheeked’. 3. Ku. bũgṛo, buṅṛo ‘small, undersized, simple, humble’. 4. P. būkhar ‘fat and stupid’. 5. Dm. bōka ‘blunt’; B. bokā ‘senseless’, bokṛā ‘coarse, rough’; Or. bokā ‘blockhead’; M. bokā m. ‘lout, un- wieldy person’. 6. G. bokhũ, bokhlũ ‘toothless’. 7. G. boghlũ ‘simple, guileless’. 8. M. bõ;gā ‘loutish, clumsily big, dull, idiot’. Addenda: *bukka— 4. 5. *bōkka—2: WPah.kṭg. bōk ‘dull, clownish’; A. bakiba ‘to babble’, nibokā ‘taciturn’ (with intensive †;niṣ—, — rather than < †;nirvākya- AFD 229). 6. *bōkkha—: S.kcch. bokho ‘toothless, leafless’.
9264 *bukka— 5 ‘powder’, bukkā— f. ‘fragrant powder’ T. Burrow BelvalkarVol 8. 2. *bhukka—. 1. Pk. bukka— m.n. ‘chaff’; S. ḇukī f. ‘powdered medicine’; P. bukkā m. ‘dust’; N. buko ‘dry’, bukuwā ‘powdered turmeric and other spices’; B. Or. bukni ‘powder’; Bi. bukuā ‘bean flour and powdered pepper’; H. būkā m., buknī f. ‘powder’, bū̆knā ‘to pulverize’; M. bukā m. ‘a partic. fragrant powder’, bukī f., bukṇā m., bukṭī f. ‘powder’. 2. P. bhukkī f. ‘powder’, bhukkṇā ‘to sprinkle’.
9266 *bucca— 1 ‘defective’. 2. *būccara—. 3. *bōcca—. 4. *bōñca—. [Cf. *bhucca—, *phucca—, and rhyming *cucca1: see list s.v. *bukka4] 1. S. ḇucu m. ‘tuft of hair’, ḇuco ‘scanty—bearded, having only a tuft on chin’, ḇucī f. ‘scanty beard’; L. (Ju.) ḇuccā ‘scanty—bearded’, awāṇ. buccā; P. buccā ‘crop—eared’; Ku. buco ‘empty, unadorned’; N. buco ‘cropped of ears or tail &c.’, sb. ‘tame boar’, buckā ‘stubble’; H. būcā ‘crop—eared’; G. bucũ ‘flat—nosed’, buciyũ ‘flat—nosed, earless’, bucɔ m. ‘boy’, °cī f. ‘girl’; M. buċā ‘crop—eared’, buċkā m. ‘tuft’. 2. L. būcar m. ‘husks of millet’. 3. Bshk. boč ‘vulva’; WPah.bhal. bocci f. ‘goat with very small ears’; M. boċū ‘silly, paltry’, m. ‘catamite’. 4. B. bõ;cā ‘crop—nosed, crop—eared, shameless, wicked’; M. bõ;ċarḍā ‘toothless, gap—toothed’. Addenda: *bucca— 1. 1. M. buccī, puccī f. ‘pudendum muliebre’.
9267 *bucca— 2 ‘plug’. 2. *buñca—. 3. *bujja—. [Cf. *buṭṭa2] 1. N. buco ‘plug, stopper’, bucinu ‘to be plugged’; G. buc m. ‘plug’, M. buċ m. 2. S. ḇuñjo m. ‘plug’, °jī f. ‘cork’. 3. L. bujjā m. ‘plug’; P. bujjā m. ‘stopper, menstrual cloth’, °jī f. ‘plug’; Ku. bujṇo ‘to stop, shut (eyes &c.)’; N. bujo ‘cork, stopper’, bujinu ‘to be stopped up’; B. bujā, bũjā ‘to shut’; Or. bujā ‘shutting’, bujibā tr. ‘to shut, enclose, fence’, intr. ‘to be closed, be filled up’; H. bujnā m. ‘pessary’; M. buj̈ m. ‘plug’, buj̈ṇẽ ‘to stop up’. — Cf. Pk. vujjaṇa— n. ‘lid’. *bujja—, *buñca— ‘plug’ see prec.
9268 *buṭṭa— 1 ‘defective’. 2. *buṭṭha—. 3. *buḍḍha—1. 4. *buṇṭa—. 5. *buṇṭha—. 6. būṭa— 1 in būṭakarṇa- ‘crop—eared (as nom. prop.)’ R. Pischel ZDMG 58, 372. 7. *bōṭṭa— 1. 8. *bōḍa—. 9. *bōḍḍa—. 10. *bōṇṭha—. [Poss. also *bōḍḍha— sanskritized in bauḍhya—vihāra— m. ‘name of an offering to the Rudras’ Gr̥S. — Cf. *butta—, *biḍḍa—, *bhuṭṭa—, and perh. buli—: see list s.v. *bukka4] 1. S. ḇuṭo ‘wanting ears or horns or tail’; L. (Ju.) ḇuṭā ‘one—eared, hare—lipped, unadorned, spoilt, cracked, chipped’; P. buṭṭ m. ‘toothless gum’, buṭṭā ‘unadorned’; N. buṭo ‘stump’, (with emph. doubling) buṭṭo ‘un- adorned’; A. buṭā ‘of short stature’, buṭī ‘worn—out, blunt’; Or. buṭiā ‘dwarfish’; G. būṭ f. ‘lobe of ear’; M. būṭ m. ‘hammer—headed shark’, buṭkā ‘broken—tipped, dwarfish’. 2. Ku. buṭhli f. adj. ‘without clothes or ornaments’; Or. (Sambhalpur) buṭhi ‘dwarf’; G. buṭṭhũ ‘blunt, re- duced to a stump’, buṭṭhɔ m. ‘ear of millet’. 3. Bshk. gaṅgar—bū́ṭ ‘spider’, Phal. buḍṓlo, Sh. tal- būṛu̯; Si. buḍḍayā ‘stupid man’. — Cf. *buḍḍha2. 4. S. buṇḍo, buṇḍro ‘blunt, stupid’. 5. M. bũṭhā ‘reduced to a stump’, bũṭhaṇ n. ‘stump, stub’. 6. P. būṛā ‘earless, having the nose bored’; G. buṛiyal, buṛthal ‘stupid’ (cf. Sh. tal— būṛu̯ in 3?). 7. P. boṭi m. ‘unfeathered young sparrow’; Ku. boṭi ‘vulva’; H. boṭā m. ‘log’; M. boṭkā ‘blunt’, boṭūk n. ‘stump’. 8. Pk. bōḍa— ‘young’, bōḍiya— ‘bald’; Ash. búṛistēi ‘unripe, uncooked’; Wg. buṛō ‘deaf, dumb’; Dm. búŕa ‘deaf’, Paš.lauṛ. boṛā́, ar. bƏṛṓ (→ Par. būṛū IIFL iii 3, 38), Shum. bōṛa, Woṭ. kana—bṓṛ, f. —bḗṛ, Gaw. buṛó, Bshk. bɔ̄̀'r, f. bē'r (AO xviii 228 < badhirá—), Tor. boo, Sv. buṛo, Phal. bhūru (or < *bhōḍa—), S. ḇoṛo; P. boṛā ‘broken (of teeth)’, m. ‘one with broken teeth’; G. boṛũ ‘bare—headed’, boṛī f. ‘widow’, boṛkũ ‘shaven—headed, bald’, °kī f. ‘widow’, boṛvũ ‘to shave’; — altern. < 9: Ku. boṛo ‘man without beard or mustache’; M. boḍ n. ‘contemptuous term for head’, boḍā m. ‘penis’, boḍkā ‘bare, bare—headed, stripped of fruit, hornless, toeless, fingerless’. 9. P. boḍḍā ‘rotten’; — Ku. M. forms see 8; —cf. Pk. voḍḍa— m. ‘fool’. 10. M. bõ;ṭhā ‘reduced to a stump’, bõ;ṭhaṇ, bõ;ṭhūk n. ‘stump’. *buṭṭāṅga—. Addenda: *buṭṭa—1: S.kcch. būṭo m. ‘remnant after stalk is cut off’. 5. *buṇṭha—: S.kcch. būṇḍh m. id. 8. *bōḍa—: S.kcch. boṛo ḍeṇū ‘to ferment’, G. boḷɔ devɔ. — S.kcch. bauṛo ‘deaf’, OP. P. bolā.
9269 *buṭṭa— 2 ‘plug’. [Cf. *bucca2] S. ḇuṭijaṇu ‘to be blocked’; L. (Ju.) ḇuṭaṇ ‘to stop, close (ears or mouth)’; M. buṭṇẽ n. ‘cork, stopper’.
9271 *buḍḍha— 2 ‘old’. [Initial b— in all lggs. seems to pre- clude direct derivation < vr̥ddhá2. Either same as *buḍḍha1 (but infl. by MIA. vuḍḍha— < vr̥ddhá2) or < *br̥ḍḍha— replacing *br̥ḍha— (√br̥h 1) see prauḍha—. Pa. Pk. buḍḍha— ‘old’, Gy. eur. phuro; Paš.weg. buṛālék ‘old woman’, (LSI) buḍai; Shum. buṛā́la, f. °lek ‘old’; Gaw. búṛa, búḍa ‘grandfather’, búṛi, búḍi ‘grand- mother’; Mai. búḍa ‘old man’, °ḍī ‘old woman’; Phal. būṛ, būḍo, f. buṛi ‘old’; K. buḍu ‘old’ (whence buḍun ‘to become old’), S. ḇuḍho; L. buḍḍh, buḍḍhī f. ‘old channel of Chenab river’, buḍḍhā, buḍhṛā, (Ju.) ḇuḍhā ‘old’, P. buḍḍhā; WPah.bhad. buḍhappaṇ n. ‘old age’, khaś. bùḍḍā ‘old’, bhal. bùḍ, f. bùḍḍi (whence buḍh e_ ṇū ‘to make old’), Ku. buṛho, buḍḍho, gng. buṛ, N. buṛ(h)o, A. burā, B. buṛā; Or. buṛha ‘old cow’, buṛhā ‘old’; Mth. būṛh, f. būṛhi ‘old’, buṛhiā ‘old woman’; Bhoj. bū̆ṛh ‘old’, OAw. būḍha, lakh. būṛh, H. būṛhā, OMarw. būḍhaü, G. būḍh adj., buḍhiyɔ m. ‘old man’. Addenda: *buḍḍha—2: S.kcch. boḍhau ‘old’, WPah.kṭg. bv́ḍḍhɔ, kc. bvṛo ‘old (of age)’, kṭg. bv́ḍhḷɔ ‘old’; Garh. buḍḍyā ‘old’, buṛāpu ‘old age’.
9273 *butta— ‘defective’. 2. *buttha—. 3. *buddha—2. 4. *buntala—. 5. *bunda—2. 6. *bundha— 2. 7. *būdha—. 8. *bōtta—. 9. *bōttha—. 10. *bōdda—. 11. *bōddha—. 12. *bōntha—. 13. *bōnda—. [Cf. *buṭṭa—1, *bhutta—: see list s.v. *bukka4] 1. P. butt ‘stupid, dumb’, buttā m. ‘fraud’. 2. L. butthā ‘rotten, old’. 3. L. (Ju.) ḇudhā m. ‘fool’; P. buddho ‘silly’; N. budhune ‘squat, short’, budhunā ‘a fish with a large head’; H. buddhū m. ‘fool’; G. budhũ n. ‘cudgel’. 4. L. (Ju.) bũdul ‘stout, fat, strong’. 5. Pk. buṁdi— m.f. ‘pig’ (see also *bundi— s.v. *bhūṇḍa—), buṁdīra— m. ‘buffalo’; M. bũdkā ‘squat’. 6. P. bunnhā ‘stupid’; G. bũdhī ‘dull, stupid’. 7. G. būhɔ m. ‘foolish man’. 8. P. bot m. ‘unfeathered young sparrow’, bottā m., °tī f. ‘young camel’; Or. botā ‘refuse and rind of jack- fruit’, boti ‘emptied pods of pulse’, botiā ‘evil—smelling, fetid’; G. bot m. ‘fool’, botṛɔ m. ‘young camel’. 9. G. bothaṛ ‘dull, stupid’. 10. S. bodilo ‘simple, artless’; P. boddā ‘rotten’; Ku. bodo, bodlo ‘weak, rotten’; B. bodā ‘evil—smelling’; Or. boda ‘stunned, numbed’, bodā ‘fat person, male goat or sheep’ (semant. cf. *bukka—2,4, *bōkka1,2); H. bodā ‘weak’, bodlā ‘silly’; G. bodũ ‘hoarse’, n. ‘ill—burnt or cracked pot’; M. bod ‘flat, dull (of sound)’; — altern. < 11: Woṭ. bodā ‘quiet (of speech)’; K. bōda ‘stupid’. 11. N. bodho ‘blunt, sluggish’; Or. bodha, °dhu ‘stunned, numb’; — Woṭ. K. forms see 10. 12. M. bõ;thā, bothā ‘blunt, dull’. 13. A. bondā ‘of inferior quality (of bell—metal)’, sb. ‘male cat’, bondārā, f. bundari ‘dwarfed’; M. bõ;dar n. ‘dirty and much used cloth’, bõ;drā ‘careless, untidy’. *buttha— ‘defective’ see *butta—. Addenda: *butta—. 2. *buttha—: S.kcch. butth m. ‘stunted tree’. *buttha— ‘defective’ see *butta— Add2.
9274 *budabuda— ‘murmur’. [Onom.] N. budbud ‘murmuring’, budbudāunu ‘to mutter, grumble’; H. budbudānā ‘to mutter’.
9275 *budda— ‘vulva’. [Cf. *putta— s.v. pūta2 and ‘de- fective’ group s.v. *butta—] L. buddī f. ‘vulva’.
9281 *bundhati ‘heeds’. [Poss. old, cf. Gk. punqa/nomai: cf. búndati ‘perceives’ Bhaṭṭ. — √budh] S. ḇundhaṇu ‘to hear, obey’ (pp. ḇudho), caus. ḇun- dhāiṇu: more prob. anal. pres. st. from pp. ḇudho < buddha1 after type ḇadho ~ ḇandhaṇu.
9282 *buba— ‘father’. [Cf. *bābba—, *bāppa—. — Nursery word] Ku. buwā ‘father’, bubo—jyu ‘title of address to hus- band's father’, bubu ‘father's sister’; N. (used by Rānās) bubā ‘father’, (children's language) buwā; Or. buā ‘term of endearment to father or to young child’; M. buvā m. ‘respectful term for an older man’. Addenda: *buba—: WPah.kṭg. bvi f. (obl. bui, bui e) ‘father's sister’.
9283 *bubba— ‘woman's breast’. [Nursery word] S. bubo m. ‘breast’, bubī f. ‘man's or girl's nipple’; L. bubbā ‘woman's breast’; N. (children's language) bubu ‘milk’. Addenda: *bubba—: S.kcch. bhubho m. ‘woman's breast’, WPah.kṭg. bubu m. ‘nipple of female breast’.
9289 *bura— ‘defective’. 2. *bōra—1. [Cf. *bhōra—: see list s.v. *bukka4] 1. S. buro ‘noseless, bad’; P. burā ‘wicked’; WPah. bhad. buro ‘ugly, bad’, bhal. buro ‘bad’, burṛi f. ‘sheep with small ears’, paṅ. cam. burā ‘bad’, cur. būrā; Ku. N. buro ‘wicked’; Or. burā ‘inferior, improper’; H. burā ‘bad, wicked’, G. būrũ, M. burā. 2. Or. borā ‘wicked’. *burakāra—. Addenda: *bura—: WPah.kṭg. burɔ ‘bad, wicked’, J. burā, Garh. buru; Ko. buro ‘scrotum’.
9296 *bussa— ‘defective’. 2. *būssara—. [Cf. *bhussa1 and poss. busa—: see list s.v. *bukka4] 1. S. ḇuso ‘crop—eared, short—eared, shaven—headed, without ornaments’; L.awāṇ. bussā ‘without orna- ments’; P. bussā ‘unadorned, sad’, bussṇā ‘to stink, rot’; Ku. busilo ‘empty (of grain)’, m. ‘empty grain’; G. būsũ ‘blunt, stupid, tasteless’; Si. busa ‘sour curds’. 2. P. būsar ‘tall and stout but stupid’. būkka— see vr̥kká—. *būkkhara— ‘defective’ see *bukka4. būkhan— see vr̥kká—. *būccara— ‘defective’ see *bucca1. būṭa— 1 ‘defective’ see *buṭṭa1. Addenda: *bussa—: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) búś ‘chat, talk’ (cf. kṭg. , ś s.v. phissa—, phussa— ‘defective’)?
9297 *būṭa— 2 ‘bush, plant’. 2. *būṭṭa—. 3. *bōṭṭa—2. 4. *bhūṭa—. [Cf. Pers. bōta ‘plant’ → Par. bū̆ta IIFL i 243] 1. Gy. eur. buro ‘thornbush, bramble’; S. ḇūṛo m. ‘bush’. 2. K.rām. buṭa obl. ‘tree’; S. ḇūṭo m., °ṭī f. ‘bush, flower’, L. P. būṭā m., °ṭī f.; WPah.bhal. bhiḍ. buṭṭ n. ‘tree’, cur. buṭṭ, bhad. cam. būṭā; Ku. buṭī ‘herb’; N. buṭā—buṭi ‘shrubs’; A. B. buṭ ‘chickpea’, buṭā ‘flower on cloth’; Or. buṭa, buṇṭa ‘chickpea’, buṭā ‘flower on cloth’; Bi. Bhoj. bū̃ṭ ‘the chickpea Cicer arietinum’; OAw. būṭī f. ‘root of a plant, drug’; H. būṭā m. ‘bush, sprig, flower, plant of chickpea’, būṭī f. ‘sprig’; G. buṭṭɔ m., °ṭī f. ‘painted flower’, M. būṭ, °ṭā m., °ṭī f. — K. būta m. ‘flower on cloth’ ← Pers.? 3. L. boṭā m. ‘plant’; P. boṭṭā m. ‘sugarcane slip for planting’; WPah.pāḍ. bŏṭṭ ‘tree’; Ku. N. boṭ ‘tree, stem, trunk’; H. boṭā m. ‘log’ (or < *bōṭṭa1?). 4. Ku. bhūṛ ‘bush, hedge’. *būṭṭa— ‘bush’ see prec. *būḍhi— ‘intelligence’ see buddhi—. *būdha— ‘defective’ see *butta—. Addenda: *būṭa—. 2. *būṭṭa—: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) bv̄ṭ m. ‘tree’, kṭg. bvṭṭi f. ‘plant, tree’, poet. bvṭṛe f. ‘plant’. *būṭṭa— see *būṭa— Add2.
9298 *būra— ‘powder’. 2. *bhūra—. 1. S. ḇūru m. ‘buds and blossoms of fruit trees, young heads of grain’, ḇūro m. ‘sawdust, filings, fine sugar’, ḇūrī f. ‘feathery excrescences on heads of millet’, ḇūraṇu ‘to reduce to powder’; L. būr, būrā m. ‘pollen’; P. būr m. ‘sawdust’; H. būr f. ‘sawdust’, būrā m. ‘powder’; G. būrũ n. ‘inferior sugar’; M. burā m. ‘mould’; — ext. —kk—: S. ḇurkaṇu ‘to powder’; P. burkṇā ‘to sprinkle’; Ku. burko m. ‘powder’, burkaṇo ‘to fill with powder’; N. burki ‘unhusked rice strewn along the way a bier is carried to burning place’; H. burkī f. ‘pinch of dust’, buraknā ‘to sprinkle’; — redup.: S. ḇurḇuri f. ‘pimples’; Ku. burburoṇo ‘to pulverize, sprinkle with powder’, burburāṇo ‘to drizzle’; N. burbur ‘sprinkling’, burburinu ‘to become dry and dusty’; H. burburnā, burburānā ‘to sprinkle’; M. burburṇẽ ‘to drizzle’. 2. Ku. bhuro m. ‘coarse powder, chaff, sawdust’; B. bhurā ‘sawdust’; Or. bhurā ‘powder’; H. bhurbhurānā ‘to sprinkle’. *būla— ‘defective’ see bulvá—.
9299 *būsta— ‘lip’. Paš.chil. būest ‘lip’, kuṛ. bes, lauṛ. bustū́ṛ, ar. bústƏṛ, dar. bostaṛ, Shum. bṓstaṛ, Gau. bōt; K. buthu m. ‘face’ (LM 402 wrongly < vaktra—); S. ḇūthu m. ‘mouth’, ḇūthī f. ‘lower part of face’, ḇūthāṛī f. ‘id. (contemp- tuous), muzzle for horse’; L. būth, m., būthī f. (Ju. —) ‘mouth or face of an animal’, (Ju.) ḇuthāṛ m. ‘face, mouth’; P. būth m. ‘face of horse, camel, &c.’, būthā m., būthī f. ‘mouth or snout of an animal’. *būssara— ‘defective’ see *bussa—. Addenda: *būsta—: S.kcch. būth m. ‘mouth’.
9307 *bēṅga— ‘defective’. [Cf. *bhēkka—: see list s.v. *bukka4] A. beṅā ‘idiotic’; B. beṅā ‘left—hand’; Or. beṅga ‘fetid smell’; Bi. bẽgā, bẽ̆gwā ‘loose sandy sub—soil in which a clay well does not work’ (semant. cf. *bhuḍḍa— and *bhudda— in H.): all less likely < *víyaṅga— s.v. vyàṅga1. *bēṭṭa— ‘small’, *bēḍa ‘defective’ see *biḍḍa—.
9311 *bōkk— ‘carry’. [Poss. < ‘carry on the back’: cf. bukka1 s.v. vr̥kká—] Sh.koh. bōki̯ f. ‘load’; Ku. bokṇo ‘to carry’, N. boknu; — A. bokosā ‘load carried on back’ or ← H. buqca ‘bag for carrying things’? Addenda: *bōkk—: S.kcch. bokṇū ‘to catch (something thrown)’; Garh. bokṇu ‘to carry’. *bōkka—2, *bōkkha— ‘defective’ see *bukka4 Add2. *bōḍa— ‘defective’ see *buṭṭa1 Add2. *bōḍayati see *buḍyati Add2.
9312 *bōkka— 1 ‘he—goat’. [Cf. bukka2 m. ‘goat’ lex. Poss. of IE. origin EWA ii 436: note phonetic parallelism with ‘defective’ *bōkka2 s.v. *bukka4 and cf. Or. bodā ‘male goat or sheep’ ~ ‘defective’ *bōdda— s.v. *butta—] Pk. bokkaḍa— m. ‘goat’; S. ḇoka f. ‘cry of a goat’, ḇokijaṇu ‘to be with young (of goats)’; L. bok m. ‘bleat of a goat’, (Ju.) ḇokaṇ ‘to bleat’; P. bok m. ‘goat’; Ku. boko m. ‘goat’, bokyā m. ‘full grown goat’, bokyāṇ f. ‘smell of a he—goat’; N. boko ‘he—goat’, B. bokā; Or. bokā, bukā ‘sheep or goat as sacrificial victim’; Bi. bokā ‘he—goat’, Mth. bokṛā; H. bok, °kā m. ‘ram’, bokrā m. ‘goat’; OG. bokaḍaü m. ‘he—goat’, G. bokṛũ n., M. bokaḍ m. — ‘made of goatskin’: K. būkh, dat. būkas m. ‘well—bucket’, S. ḇoko m., L. bokā (Ju. —) m., P. bokkā m., H. bokā m. ‘well—bucket (usu. of goatskin)’; G. bokh f. ‘bucket’. *bōkka— 2 ‘defective’ see *bukka4.
9313 *bōkkasa— ‘name of a people’. [Cf. bukkasa— m. ‘a man of the lowest stratum’ lex.] Pk. bokkasa— m. ‘a non—Aryan people’; Ku. bogso ‘wizard’; N. bokso ‘wizard’, boksi ‘witch’. *bōkkha—, *bōggha—, *bōṅga— ‘defective’ see *bukka4. *bōcca—, *bōñca— ‘defective’ see *bucca1. *bōṭṭa— 1 ‘defective’ see *buṭṭa1. *bōṭṭa— 2 ‘bush’ see *būṭa2. *bōḍa— ‘defective’ see *buṭṭa1. *bōḍayati ‘immerses’ see *buḍyati. *bōḍḍa— ‘defective’ see *buṭṭa1. *bōtta—, *bōttha—, *bōdda—, *bōddha— ‘defective’ see *butta—.
9319 *bōbba— ‘dumb’. [Onom.] A. B. bobā ‘dumb’, A. bubuwāiba ‘to speak indis- tinctly’; Or. bobā ‘dumb, stammering’; G. bobṛũ ‘stammering’; M. bobḍā ‘lisping, speaking indistinctly’. *bōra— 1 ‘defective’ see *bura—.
9320 *bōra— 2 ‘sacking, sack’. [Orig. ‘of goat's hair’ for which jute was substituted esp. in the East. — Poss. < bákura— RV. if this means ‘bag or bellows made of goat skin’ (= bākurá— dŕ̥ti— RV., vākura— JaimBr.)] Sh. borí f. ‘sack’; S. ḇoro m. ‘cloth made of goat's hair, bag or sack made of the same (= ḇorī f.)’; L. bōrā m. ‘large sack, measure of grain’, bōrī f. ‘bag made of goat's or camel's hair’; P. borā m., borī f. ‘sack, coarse bag (for pack animals)’; N. boro ‘sack’; B. Or. Bi. Mth. H. borā m. ‘gunny bag (made of jute)’, H. borī f. ‘money bag’; G. borɔ m. ‘a kind of carpet’; M. borā m. ‘stuff for carpet or sack, sack made of it’, borī f. ‘money bag’. bōlayati see *buḍyati. Addenda: *bōra—2: WPah.kṭg. bori f. ‘sack, bag’.
9326 *brākati ‘bleats’. 2. *blākkati. [Cf. ORuss. blekati ‘to bleat’, IE. blē IEW 102] 1. Kho. (Lor.) bra g sb. ‘bleating’, bra g eik (O'Brien "brāgöik") ‘to bleat’; Sh. (Lor.) brã ‘bleating’ (with br- retained in onom. word?). 2. Bshk. lāk— ‘to bleat’, 3 sg. pres. lākent.
9329 *bhakabhaka— ‘panting, puffing’. [Onom. cf. bhaka- bhakāyatē ‘croaks’ Subhāṣ., bhakkikā— f. ‘cricket’ lex.] P. bhakar—bhakar ‘greedily’; N. bhakbhak ‘stammer- ingly’, bhakābhak ‘one mouthful after another’; B. bhakbhak ‘gushingly’; Or. bhakbhak ‘chatter’; H. bhakbhak f. ‘puffing’; G. M. bhakbhak ‘gushingly’.
9330 *bhakkha— ‘lump’. 2. *bhikkha—. 1. Ḍ. b *l/ kula ‘thick’ (Lorimer ḌumLg 150 wrongly < bahala—); Paš.dar. bakoṭā́, ar. ba g uṭṓ ‘stout, fat’; Bshk. bakū́l ‘strong, thick, fat’; Phal. bhakulo ‘strong’; Sh.pales. bhāk ‘bull’; S. bhakū m. ‘blockhead’, bhakuo ‘stupid’; L. bhakrain m. ‘hammer for breaking lumps of earth’ (+?); P. bhakūā ‘foolish’; Ku. bhakuno ‘stock of grain’; N. bhakku ‘short stout man’, bhakullo ‘chubby, plump’, bhakānu ‘lump, clod’, bhakuṇḍo ‘wooden ball used in a game’; B. bhākus ‘stupid, awkward’; Or. bhaku, °kā, °kuā ‘fool’, bhākuṛi ‘short and stout’, °ṛa ‘whoreson’; Mth. bhakkū ‘fool’, H. bhakuā m.; G. bhākhrɔ m. ‘lump of bread’, M. bhākar f.; Si. baka ‘big’, bakkā ‘big man or animal’, bakkan ‘large, plump, clumsy’. 2. P. bhikk f., bhikkā m., bhikkaṛ m.f. ‘lump, clod of earth’.
9365 *bhaṭ— ‘sudden movement or noise’. 2. *bhaṭṭ—. [Cf. bhaṭabhaṭāyatē ‘gurgles’ Cat.] 1. H. bhaṛ m. ‘crackle, rush’; M. bhaḍ f. ‘crackling fuel’; — redup.: P. bhaṛbhaṛī f. ‘alarm’; Ku. bhaṛbhaṛāṭ m. ‘startling noise, crackling of fire’; Or. bhaṛabhaṛa ‘snuffling’; G. bhaṛbhaṛ ‘violently’, bhaṛābhaṛ ‘smartly’; — ext. —kk—: Pk. bhaḍakka— m. ‘noise’; Paš. lāmbƏl—bṛāk ‘lightning’ IIFL iii 3, 110; S. bhaṛka f. ‘flash’, bhaṛkaṇu ‘to blaze’; P. bhaṛk f. ‘flash’, bhaṛkṇā ‘to be angry’; Ku. bhaṛāk ‘blow’, bhaṛkaṇo ‘to be angry’; N. bharkanu ‘to take fright, start’; A. bharak ‘boast, display’; B. bhaṛak ‘display’, Or. bhaṛaka; B. bhaṛkāna ‘to take fright’, Or. bhaṛakibā; H. bhaṛak f. ‘flash, display’, bhaṛaknā ‘to be excited, take fright’; G. bhaṛkũ n. ‘blaze’, bhaṛākɔ m. ‘crash, blaze’, bhaṛakvũ ‘to take fright, start’; M. bhaḍak f. ‘display’, bhaḍakṇẽ ‘to blaze, take fright’. 2. G. M. bhaṭ ‘suddenly’; — ext. —kk—: S. bhaṭkaṇu, bhiṭ° ‘to wander’; Ku. bhaṭkaṇo ‘to writhe’; N. bhaṭak ‘display’, bhaṛkanu ‘to start, rise (of penis)’; H. bha- ṭaknā ‘to be restless’; G. bhaṭakvũ ‘to blaze, start’; M. bhaṭakṇẽ ‘to wander’ (LM 377 < bhraṣṭa—). bhaṭa— see bhr̥ta—. bhaṭabhaṭāyatē see *bhaṭ—. *bhaṭṭ— ‘sudden movement or noise’ see *bhaṭ—. bhaṭṭa— 1 m. ‘lord’ see bhártr̥—. Addenda: *bhaṭ—: OP. bhaṛathū m. ‘uproar’, P. bhaṛthū m. (+?).
9368 *bhaḍḍu— ‘cooking vessel’. [Cf. bhāṇḍa1] P. bhaḍḍū m. ‘copper cooking vessel’, N. bhaḍḍu. bhaṇati see bhánati.
9376 *bhaṇḍu— ‘hairless’. [‘Defective’ word (sanskritized in bhadrākaraṇa—?): cf. list s.v. baṇḍá—] Pa. bhaṇḍu— ‘bald, shaven’, Pk. bhaṁḍu— n. ‘shaving’; N. rā̃ṛ—bhā̃ṛ ‘abusive term for a widow’, M. rā̃ḍ—bhā̃ḍ f. bhaṇḍuka— see bhaṇṭuka—.
9382 *bhan— 2 ‘buzz’. 2. *bhin—. 3. *bhun—. [Onom. (cf. bhāṇ ŚBr. ~ bhráṇati Dhātup.) replacing IE. *bhr̥m- (see bhr̥ngā—) as in bhaṅkārī— ~ bhaṅgārī— f. ‘gadfly’ lex.] 1. L. bhaṇbhaṇ m. ‘buzz, hum’; Ku. bhaṇbhaṇāṇo ‘to buzz’; N. bhanbhan ‘buzzing’, bhanbhanāunu ‘to mur- mur, grumble’; A. bhanbhanāiba ‘to buzz’; B. bhanbhan ‘muttering’; Or. bhaṇabhaṇa ‘buzzing, muttering’; Mth. bhanbhanābaṭi ‘a humming’; H. bhanbhanānā ‘to mutter’, M. bhaṇbhaṇṇẽ; — ext. —kk—: Ku. bhaṇak ‘faint noise’, bhaṇkaṇo ‘to buzz’; N. bhanak ‘reproach’, bhanakka ‘abruptly’, bhankanu ‘to stagger with anger, abuse’; H. bhanak f. ‘hum, buzz’, G. bhaṇkɔ m., M. bhaṇkā. 2. P. bhiṇbhiṇāuṇā ‘to buzz, swarm’; Ku. bhiṇ- bhiṇāṇo ‘to buzz, hum’; H. bhinbhin f. ‘buzzing’; — ext. —kk—: P. bhiṇakṇā ‘to buzz’; H. bhinaknā ‘to ring, buzz’. 3. S. bhuṇbhuṇi f. ‘buzzing’; P. bhuṇbhuṇā m. ‘a partic. insect’; N. bhunbhun ‘buzzing of a fly’, bhunu- bhunu ‘humming of a bumble bee’; A. bhunbhun ‘buzzing’, bhunbhunāiba ‘to buzz’.
9385 *bhandati ‘orders’. [Aryanized form of bhaṇḍatē ‘reviles’? — See bhánati] Gaw. (LSI) bandaüs pret. ‘to order’, Kal. bhand—, Kho. bandeik (→ Yid. bandawā́— IIFL ii 198: but Kho. baṇḍēik NOGaw 31), Phal. band—, 2 sg. imper. bandaye NOPhal 29.
9387 *bhabbā— ‘apple’. Gy. eur. phab, phabái f. ‘apple’, Ḍ. b *l bāi f.; Wg. babә́ŕ ‘pear (?)’; Dm. bâbâ ‘apple’ AO viii 300, babāi NOPhal 28, Gaw. bōbái, Bshk. bōbä́i, Tor. babaí f., Gau. "bàbou", Sv. bōbái, Phal. babái f.
9388 *bhabh— ‘blaze’. [Onom. Cf. bhambha— ‘aperture of stove’ Car., ‘smoke’ lex.?] S. bhabhaṛu, bhabhaṭu m. ‘flare’; N. bhabāunu ‘to burn (esp. with pain)’; — ext. —kk—: S. bhabhaka f. ‘flare’; P. bhabak f. ‘glare’; H. bhabaknā ‘to burst into flame’; G. bhabhkɔ m. ‘threat’; M. bhabakṇẽ ‘to rise (of fire)’. *bhama— ‘anger’ see bhā́ma1.
9405 *bhal— 2 ‘bubble, swell’. 2. *bhar—. [Cf. √bhur, *bhul—] 1. P. bhal f. ‘swelling’; N. bhal ‘rush of waters, flood’, bhalnu ‘to toss up, throw for places (in games)’; - redup.: N. bhalbhale ‘bubbling with a hiss’; M. bhaḷbhaḷṇẽ ‘to gush forth’; — ext. —kk—: Ku. bhalko m. ‘bubble’, bhalkaṇo ‘to bubble’, bhalkyūṇo ‘to cook by boiling’; N. bhalkanu intr. ‘to boil’. 2. H. bharbharānā, bhabhrānā ‘to swell’.
9489 *bhicc— ‘press’. H. bhīcnā ‘to press, squeeze’; — ext. —kk— and ——: G. bhacakvũ ‘to be struck, to pierce’, bhacaṛvũ ‘to press, squeeze’. — Cf. G. bhı̃svũ ‘to press’, bh e_ m. ‘crushing’. *BHIṬ ‘meet, throng’: *bhiṭ—, *bhīṭ—, *bhēṭ—, *bhēṭṭ—, *bhēl—, *bhēll—; *ābhiṭ—, *ābhēṭ—, *udbhiṭ—, *saṁbhiṭ—; — cf. √*miḍ, √mil. [Any connexion with abhı̄́vr̥ta— ‘surrounded’ or abhívartatē ‘approaches’ is very unlikely. Poss. with √*miḍ of Mu. origin PMWS 148 and with √pīḍ (see Add.) if also of non—Aryan origin. Sanskritized as bhitra— n. ‘a dance’ Saṁgīt. ?]
9490 *bhiṭ— ‘meet, throng’. 2. *bhīṭ—. 3. *bhēṭ—. 4. *bhēṭṭ—. 5. *bhēl—. 6. *bhēll—. [√*bhiṭ] 1. Pk. bhiḍaï ‘meets, fights’; S. bhiṛaṇu ‘to meet’, bhiṛāiṇu ‘to mix’; L. bhiṛaṇ ‘to fight’; P. bhiṛṇā ‘to fight’, caus. bhiṛāuṇā; WPah.bhal. bhiṛnū ‘to be tight’, biṛ ‘near’ (with abnormal loss of aspiration in post- position), cur. bhiṛnā ‘to fight’; Ku. bhiṛṇo ‘to quarrel with’; N. bhirnu ‘to put on, gird on’, bhirāunu ‘to cause to wear’; A. bhirāiba ‘to tie (two buffaloes) together’; B. bhiṛā ‘to come close’, bhiṛāna ‘to bring alongside’; H. bhiṛnā ‘to come close, embrace, fight’, bhiṛānā ‘to bring together’; G. bhiṛvũ ‘to come close, fight’, bhiṛāvvũ ‘to embrace’; M. bhiḍṇẽ ‘to come close, fight’. 2. Pk. bhīḍaï ‘meets, fights’; K. bīr f. ‘crowd’, S. bhīṛa f.; P. bhīṛ ‘crowd’, bhīṛnā ‘to close’; Ku. bhīṛ ‘crowd’; N. bhiṛ (lw. with ); A. bhir ‘pressure’, bhiriba ‘to press, crush, be bent’, bhirāiba tr. ‘to bend’; B. bhiṛ ‘crowd’; Or. bhiṛa ‘crowd’, bhiṛibā ‘to draw tight, hug, tie’; Mth. bhīrab ‘to tie’; Aw.lakh. bhīr ‘crowd’, H. G. bhīṛ f., M. bhīḍ f. 3. S. bheṛo ‘joined’; P. bheṛnā ‘to close, compare’; WPah.bhal. bh e_ ṛnū ‘to tighten’; H. bheṛnā ‘to close in’ (→ N. bheṛ ‘clash’), bheṛū ‘quarrelsome’. 4. Pk. bhiṭṭijjaï ‘meets’, bhiṭṭaṇa— n. ‘present’; S. bheṭaṇu ‘to complete’; P. bheṭaṇ f. ‘procuress’; Ku. bheṭṇo ‘to meet’; N. bheṭnu ‘to meet’, bheṭāunu ‘to fall in with, accomplish’; A. bheṭiba, bhẽṭ° ‘to obstruct’, bheṭā ‘dam’; B. bheṭā ‘to meet’, Or. bheṭibā, Mth. bheṭab, bhẽṭ°, OAw. bheṁṭaï, H. bheṭnā, G. bheṭvũ, M. bheṭṇẽ; — Pk. bhiṭṭā— f. ‘present’ (semant. cf. upāyana—), S. bheṭa f., P. bheṭ f.; Ku. bheṭaulī f. ‘presents sent to sister in month of Cait’; N. A. B. Or. bheṭi ‘a present’ (A. also bhẽṭi); Mth. bhẽṭ ‘interview’; OAw. bheṁṭa f. ‘present’, lakh. bhē̃ṭ, H. bheṭī f.; G. bheṭ f. ‘meeting’, bheṭiyɔ m. ‘bearer of a gift’; M. bheṭ f. ‘meeting, present’. — WPah. (Joshi) mhiṭṇu, miṭṇu ‘to meet’ X milṇu < miláti. 5. Pk. bhēlēi ‘mixes’, caus. bhēlavia—; H. bhel f. ‘mixture’; G. bheḷ m. ‘mixture’, bheḷũ ‘mixed up’, bheḷavvũ ‘to mix’; M. bheḷ f. ‘mixture’, bheḷṇẽ tr. and intr. ‘to mix’. 6. N. bhelā ‘crowd’; B. bhel ‘deception’; Or. bhela ‘alloy, deception’; M. bhelṇẽ tr. and intr. ‘to mix’. Addenda: *bhiṭ—. 1. WPah.kṭg. (Wkc.) bhiṛnõ; ‘to put on, wear’, caus. bƏṛh e\ uṇõ; ‘to clothe’. 4. *bhēṭṭ—: S.kcch. bheṭṇū ‘to embrace’, Garh. bhẽṭṇu; OMarw. bheṭi f. ‘meeting, embrace’. — X mil: WPah.kṭg. miṭhṇõ; ‘to meet, gather, be possessed (by the god), dance ecstatically’, J. mhiṭṇu, miṭṇu ‘to meet’; — kṭg. meṭṇõ; tr. ‘to gather, roll together’, meṭhṇõ; intr. ‘to gather, meet’. 5. *bhēl—: S.kcch. bherṇū ‘to mix’.
9491 *bhiṭṭa— ‘mound’. 2. *bhīṭa—. 3. *bhiṇḍa—. 1. S. bhiṭa f. ‘sandhill’; Ku. bhiṭo m. ‘ridge, terrace, upper side of field’, bhiṭuko m. ‘ridge, terrace, hillock’; N. bhiṭo ‘wall holding up a terraced field’; B. bhiṭā ‘mound, mound on a ruined site, homestead’ (in last sense ODBL 66 refers to OB. cmpds. with —hiṭṭi—, —viṭṭi— and Tam. viḍu, viṭṭu ‘house’); H. bhīṭ f. ‘em- bankment’. 2. Ku. bhīṛ, bhiṛo ‘terrace, wall’; N. bhir ‘steep slope, precipice’. 3. Mth. bhı̄̃ṛ, bhı̃ṛwā ‘mound round a tank’. *bhiṇḍa— ‘mound’ see prec. Addenda: *bhiṭṭa—. 4. †;*bhiṇṭa—: WPah.kṭg. bhìndi f., poet. bhrinde f. ‘stone fence round threshing floor’. 5. †;*bhēṭṭa—: A. bhẽṭā (phonet. bh e_ ta) ‘dam, enclosure’ AFD 214, 421, bhẽṭi (phonet. bhẽti) ‘site of a house’ AFD 202. †;*bhiṇṭa— ‘mound’ see *bhiṭṭa—.
9517 *bhīla— ‘dreadful’. [bhīra— ‘intimidating’ Śiś. Cf. bhīrú— ~ bhīlu—. — √bhī] Mai.ky. bhīl m. ‘fear’, Chil. bihil f. (Buddruss Kan 46 < bhīti— with l—suffix).
9519 *bhukkhara— ‘defective’. 2. *bhūkka—. 3. *bhōṅka— 1. [See list s.v. *bukka4] 1. G. bhūkhar ‘unproductive, barren’. 2. S. bhūku m. ‘blockhead’. 3. H. bhõ;kṛā ‘very large and fat’; — bhõ;kas m. ‘wizard’ rather < *bōkkasa—.
9524 *bhucca— ‘defective’. 2. *bhuccara—. 3. *bhuccha—. 4. *bhujjara—. 5. *bhōcca—. [Cf. *bucca1: see list s.v. *bukka4] 1. S. bhū̆cu ‘long—haired, having long straggling hair’, m. ‘long tangled hair’, bhūcu m. ‘fool’; P. bhucc ‘igno- rant, fat’; Ku. bhuc ‘foolish, rude, uncivilized’, bhuco ‘young shoot or plant, stalk’; N. bhuccuk ‘ignorant, foolish’; H. bhuc m. ‘clown, blockhead’; G. bhuciyɔ ‘brittle’. 2. P. bhuccar m. ‘corpulent man’; Ku. bhucrīṇo ‘to be dwarfed, be stunted’; — Woṭ. basṓr ‘vulva’? 3. S. bucho, buchiṛo ‘ugly, bad, wicked’. 4. Ku. bhujrīṇo ‘to become dwarfish’. 5. Bshk. boč ‘vulva’, Sv. boiču; A. bhosoko ‘stumpy’. *bhuccara—, *bhuccha— ‘defective’ see prec. BHUJ 1 ‘bend’: bhukti—1, bhugna—1, bhúja—, bhu- jaṁga—; *udbhukta—, nibhugna—1, *nibhujyatē, *ni- bhuñjati. BHUJ 2 ‘enjoy’: *bubhukṣaka—, bubhukṣatē, bu- bhukṣā—, bubhukṣitá—, bubhukṣu—, bhukta—, bhukti—2, *bhugna—2, bhujyatē, bhuñjatē, bhṓga—, bhōgin—, bhṓgya—, bhōjá—, bhṓjatē, bhṓjana—, bhōjyà—; abhukta—, *abhugna—, *nibhugna—2, *samābhukta—. Addenda: *bhucca—. 3. *bhuccha—: S.kcch. bhucchap f. ‘shame, inferiority’. *bhuccha— ‘defective’ see *bhucca— Add2. BHUJ2: †;bhujyú—. bhuja—: †;*bhujārgalā—.
9530 *bhuṭṭa— ‘defective’. 2. *bhuṭṭha—. 3. *bhuḍa—. 4. *bhuḍḍa—. 5. *bhuṇṭa—. 6. *bhuṇṭha—. 7. *bhuṇḍa— 1. 8. *bhōṭṭa—. 9. *bhōḍa—. 10. *bhōḍḍa—. 11. *bhōṇṭa—. 12. *bhōṇḍa—. [Cf. *bhutta—2, *buṭṭa1: see list s.v. *bukka4] 1. S. bhuṭu ‘ruined’ (or < bhr̥ṣṭa2); N. bhũṭu ‘care- less’; A. bhuṭkrā ‘dwarf in stature’; B. bhuṭa ‘ruined’. 2. G. bhūṭhũ ‘scared, ashamed’. 3. N. bhuro ‘young (of fish)’, sb. ‘small boy’, bhuri ‘small girl’, bhure ‘small, young’; G. bhuṛkas ‘little children’. 4. S. bhuḍ̱o ‘toothless’; H. bhūṛ f. ‘soil of the fourth quality, sandy soil’ (cf. bhūdā < *bhudda— s.v. *bhutta2), bhūṛā m. ‘sand, dust’; Si. buḍḍayā ‘fool’ (or < *buḍḍha1). 5. P. bhuṇḍā ‘ugly’; Ku. bhũṛū ‘foolish, rude’. 6. G. bhũṭhũ ‘humiliated’. 7. Ku. bhunlo ‘hornless, simple’ (or < *bhunda—); Bi. bhū̃ṛā, bhũṛwā ‘hornless bullock’, bhũṛiyā ‘beardless wheat’ (cf. mũṛiyā < muṇḍa—); H. bhū̃ḍ, °ḍā ‘ugly’, bhuṇḍā ‘hornless’; G. bhũḍũ ‘bad’; M. bhũḍā ‘hornless, bare’. 8. Or. bhoṭi ‘corpulent’; G. bhoṭ m. ‘fool’. 9. Phal. bhūru ‘deaf’ (or < *bōḍa—). 10. L. bhoḍā ‘hornless’, awāṇ. bhoḍā ‘having an ugly face or forehead’; P. bhoḍā ‘hornless’, roḍā—bhoḍā ‘shaven—headed’. 11. P. bhoṇḍā ‘ugly’; H. bhõ;ṭā ‘blunt, stupid’. 12. H. bhõ;ḍ ‘ugly’, m. ‘dung—beetle’, bhõ;ḍā ‘ugly’; M. bhõ;ḍā ‘decrepit’. *bhuṭṭha—, *bhuḍa—, *bhuḍḍa—, *bhuṇṭa—, *bhuṇṭha—, bhuṇḍa— 1 ‘defective’ see prec.
9532 *bhutta— 2 ‘defective’. 2. *bhuttara—. 3. *bhudda—. 4. *bhuntha—. 5. *bhunda—. 6. *bhōtta—. 7. *bhōttha—. 8. *bhōdda—. 9. *bhōntha—. 10. *bhōnthara—. 11. *bhōnda—. [Cf. *bhuṭṭa—, *butta—: see list s.v. *bukka4] 1. L. bhutān ‘stupid’; Ku. bhuto ‘stump of a plant, stick, millet stems (after cutting)’, bhutāṛo ‘rag’; N. bhutte ‘blunt’; Or. bhutā ‘stupid’. 2. N. bhutro ‘penis (used in abuse)’; H. bhutrā ‘blunt’. 3. H. bhūdā m. ‘light sandy soil’ (cf. bhūr < *bhuḍḍa s.v. *bhuṭṭa—). 4. G. bhũthũ ‘ugly’. 5. WPah. (Joshi) bhũdu m. ‘fool’; Ku. bhunlo ‘horn- less, simple’ (or < *bhuṇḍa1); N. bhunu ‘very small’; B. bhũdo—mukho ‘swollen—faced’; Or. bhundaṛ ‘stupid’. 6. P. bhoto m. ‘simpleton’; A. B. H. bhotā ‘blunt’. 7. Mth. bhŏthrā ‘patchwork quilt’ (semant. cf. Bi. lẽdrā ‘id.’ < *lēnda— s.v. *litta—); H. bhothā ‘blunt’; G. bhothaṛ m. ‘simpleton’. 8. A. bhodā ‘dull, simple, foolish’. 9. B. bhõ;tā ‘blunt’, H. bhõ;thā. 10. H. bhõ;thrā ‘blunt’. 11. B. bhõ;dā, bhõ;daṛ ‘stupid’; Or. bhondaṛa ‘scowling, foolish’; H. bhõ;dū ‘silly, artless’; — S. bhaũdū ‘silly’ (aũ?). *bhuttara—, *bhudda— ‘defective’ see prec. *bhun— ‘buzz’ see *bhan2. *bhuntha—, bhunda— ‘defective’ see *bhutta2. Addenda: *bhutta— 2. 3. *bhudda—: S.kcch. bhūdh f. ‘pot—belly’, bhūdho m. ‘belly’, or < *bhuṇḍa2. 7. *bhōttha—: S.kcch. bhotho m. ‘fool’. *bhudda— ‘defective’ see *bhutta2 Add2.
9533 *bhubbhala— ‘burning ember’. P. bhubbal f. ‘burning ember’, N. bhubro, bhumro, H. bhūbhal, °bal m. BHUR ‘more quickly’: bhuraṇyú—, bhuráti; - *bhurvati, *bhul—; — bhr̥ṇā́ti 2?
9537 *bhul— ‘bubbling’. [Cf. √bhur, *bhal2] N. bhulla ‘suddenly’, bhulbhulinu ‘to spout out’, bhulko ‘spouting up (of water)’, bhulukka ‘bubblingly’; B. bhulkā ‘spring of water’; — H. bhulasnā ‘to be burnt’?
9538 *bhull— ‘err, forget’. 2. *bhōl— ‘lead astray’. [L. A. Schwarzschild JAOS 77, 206 Pk. bhulla— replaced *bhuṭṭha— < bhr̥ṣṭa2 ‘fallen’: doubtful] 1. Pk. bhulla— ‘forgotten’, bhullaï ‘falls, errs’; K. bulun ‘to be led astray’; S. bhulaṇu ‘to err, forget’; L. bhullaṇ ‘to lose the way, err’, P. bhullṇā; Ku. bhulṇo ‘to err, forget’, gng. bhulãṛ̃, N. bhulnu, A. bhuliba, B. bhulā, Or. bhulibā; Mth. bhūlab ‘to go astray, err’; Bhoj. bhulal ‘to forget’; OAw. bhūlaï ‘goes astray, errs, for- gets’, H. bhūlnā, OMarw. bhūlaï, G. bhulvũ, M. bhulṇẽ. 2. Pk. bhōlaï, bhōlavaï ‘deceives’; Mth. bhorala ‘he forgot, was bewildered’, bhor ‘forgetful’ (cf. *bhōla—); G. bhoḷavvũ ‘to deceive’. Addenda: *bhull—. 1. S.kcch. bhūlṇū ‘to forget’; WPah.kṭg. bhū̀l f. ‘mistake’, kṭg. (kc.) bhulṇõ; ‘to be mistaken, forget’; Garh. bhulṇu ‘to forget’. 2. *bhōl—: WPah.kṭg. nƏbhòḷpi e, °pƏṇi e ‘innocently, inadvertently’.
9539 *bhulla— ‘defective’. 2. *bhōla— (bhōla— m. ‘a mixed caste’ lex.). 3. *bhōlla—. [Cf. *bhōra—, bulvá—: see list s.v. *bukka4] 1. Ku. bhulo ‘simple, frank, honest’. 2. Pk. bhōla— ‘straightforward’; S. bhoro ‘foolish’; L.awāṇ. P. bhōlā ‘simple—minded’; Or. bhoḷa ‘maddened, enchanted’, sb. ‘forgetfulness’ (cf. *bhōl—), bhoḷā ‘mad, intoxicated’; Mth. bhorā ‘bewildered, forgetful’; OAw. bhorā ‘simple’; G. bhoḷũ ‘foolish, credulous’; M. bhoḷā ‘foolish’; Ko. bhoḷo ‘simple’; — altern. < *bhōlla—: WPah. (Joshi) bholā ‘simple—minded’; Ku. bholo ‘simple, artless’; N. bholo ‘foolish’; A. bholā ‘foolish, simple, frank, peaceful’; H. bholā ‘foolish, guileless’; Si. bol ‘chaff’ (for this meaning see busa—). 3. S. bholo ‘foolish’, Or. bholā; OAw. bholī f. adj. ‘simple’; — forms of Ku. N. A. H. Si. s.v. *bhōla- above. *bhusa— ‘chaff’ see busa—. *bhusakuṭaka— ‘chaff—store’ see *busakuṭikā—. Addenda: *bhulla—. 2. *bhōla—: OP. bholattaṇu m. ‘simplicity’; WPah.kṭg. (kc.) bhòḷɔ ‘simple minded, honest, dull’; OMarw. (Vīsaḷa) f.adj. bhoḷī ‘simple’. 3. *bhōlla—: WPah.J. bholā ‘simple’.
9545 *bhussa— 1 ‘defective’. 2. *bhussara—. 3. *bhōssa—. [Cf. *bussa—, and *bhussa2 ‘chaff’ s.v. busa—: see list s.v. *bukka4] 1. L.awāṇ. bhussā ‘pale’; Ku. bhus ‘foolish, wild, un- civilized, rude’, bhūs, bhuso ‘blasted grain’ (as ‘chaff’ < *bhussa2 s.v. busa—), bhusīṇo ‘to lose energy’ (or < bhŕ̥śyati), bhusṛo ‘penis’, bhusṛī ‘vulva’; N. bhusāhā ‘worthless’. 2. L. (Shahpur) bhusra ‘grey’, m. ‘sandstone’; H. bhusrā m. ‘inferior kind of wheat’. 3. P. bhosṛā m., °ṛī f. ‘large vulva’; Ku. bhosṛo ‘penis’, bhosṛī ‘vulva’; B. bhõ;s ‘fool’; H. bhosṛā m., °ṛī f. ‘large vulva (term of abuse to women)’; G. bhos, bhoś, bhosṛī f., °ṛɔ m. ‘vulva’, M. bhosḍī, bhõ;sḍī f. — These words are prob. independent of bhasád— f. *bhussa— 2 ‘chaff’ see busa—. *bhussara— ‘defective’ see *bhussa1. BHŪ ‘become’: bhavá—, bhávati, bhavana—, bhávant—, bhavantī—, bhavita—, bhaviṣyánt—, bhāvá—, bhāvana—, bhāvayati, bhū́—, bhūtá—, bhūtí—, bhū́man—, bhūmyá—, bhū́yas, bhū́yiṣṭha—; abhíbhavati, udbhava—, ud- bhūta—, párābhavati, páribhūti—, prabhavá—, prabhú—, prábhūta—, *prōdbhava—, saṁbhavá—, sáṁbhavati, saṁbhāvayati. Addenda: *bhussa— 1. 2. *bhussara—: OP. bhusarī f. ‘bread’, P. bhusrī f. BHŪ: †;udbhāva—, †;prábhavati, †;*prabhāvyatē.
9551 *bhūṇḍa— ‘pig’. 2. *bhūḍḍa—. 3. *bundi—. [Cf. ‘de- fective’ and ‘belly’ words *bhuṇḍa—1, 2, *bhuḍḍa—, *bunda2?] 1. Pk. bhuṁḍa—, bhoṁḍa— m. ‘pig’, bhuṁḍī—, °ḍiṇī— f., °ḍīra— m., L. bhūn, bhūṇḍ f., mult. bhūṇḍin f., (Shahpur) bhoṇ, bhū̃ḍ f., N. bhuni f., OG. bhūṁḍa m., G. bhũḍ n., bhũḍaṇ f. 2. S. bhūḍ̱iṇi f. 3. Pk. buṁdi— m.f. (see also *bunda2). Addenda: *bhūṇḍa—: S.kcch. bhūṇḍhaṇ f. ‘sow’.
9571 *bhūva— ‘fine hair’. [In Drav. cf. Mal. pūṭa ‘down of birds, wool, fine hair’, Nk. būr ‘down, fine feathers’, &c. DED 3575?] N. bhuwā ‘fine down on body of young animal’; B. bhuyā ‘mildew’; Bi. bhūā ‘hair on ear of maize, hairy worm’; H. bhūwā, bhūā m. ‘a sort of downy cotton from the tree Bombax heptaphyllum, cotton—wool, cater- pillar’, bhuī f. ‘a sort of insect or caterpillar’; Si. ‘hairy (of plants)’, būva ‘down on leaves or fruit or insects’. BHŪṢ ‘adorn’: bhūṣaṇa—, bhūṣā—.
9574 *bhūsa— ‘fine rain’. M. bhusẽ n. ‘drizzling rain’; — ext. —r—: P. bhūhar f. ‘fine rain’. BHR̥ ‘bear’: bhaṭa— bhára—, bháraṇa—, bháraṇī—, bharata—, bhárati, *bharitr̥—, bhártr̥—, bhāṭa—, bhāṭi—, bhārá—, *bhāraṇa—, bhāratara—, bhārayati, bhārika—1, bhārika—2, bhārin—, *bhārta—, *bhārti—, bhr̥ta—, bhr̥tí—, bhriyátē; apabharati, *abhāriya—, abhr̥ta—, ávabharatē, ābharaṇa—, ā́bharati, ābhr̥ta—, *udbhara—, údbharati, *udbhāra—, *udbhārayati, *udbhr̥ta—, durbhara—, *nibharati, prábhr̥ta—, prā- bhr̥ta—, sáṁbharati, saṁbhārá—, sáṁbhr̥ta—, saṁ- bhr̥ti—. Addenda: *bhūsa— ‘fine rain’ same as *bhussa—1, *bhussara- ‘defective’ (L. bhusra ‘grey’), †;busá2 ‘bad weather (opp. svàr)’ RV. ~ *bhusa—, *bhussa—2, busa ‘chaff’. BHR̥: †;bharma—; †;úpabharatē.
9601 *bhēkka— 1 ‘defective’. 2. *bhēṅka—. 3. *bhēṅga—. [Cf. *bēṅga—: see list s.v. *bukka4] 1. Ku. bhekuwā ‘foolish, blunted, unlettered’, bhekal, bheklo ‘foolish, lazy, unreliable’, bh e kaluwā ‘foolish’; A. bhekerā ‘blunt’. 2. A. bhẽko ‘foolish, stupid’. 3. S. bhı̄̃ga f. ‘waste’; L. bhêṅgā ‘squinting’, Ju. bhẽgā, awāṇ. bh e ṅgā, WPah.bhal. bh e ṅgro; N. bhyāṅga ‘ugliness’; A. bheṅgurā ‘crooked’; B. bheṅguṛā ‘crippled’, bheṅgāna ‘to grimace’; H. bhẽgā ‘squinting’. *bhēkka— 2 ‘frog’ see bhḗka—.
9602 *bhēkkha— ‘lump’. 2. *bhēgga—. [Cf. *bhēlla— and ‘defective’ word—group s.v. *bhēkka—] 1. G. bhekhaṛ f. ‘lump, mass’. 2. G. bheg m. ‘mixture’, bhegũ ‘collected, mixed together’. *bhēgga— ‘lump’ see prec. *bhēṅka—, *bhēṅga— ‘defective’ see *bhēkka1.
9603 *bhējj— ‘send’. [Not with P. Tedesco JAOS 65, 154 < visarjayati, but poss. < *(a)bhi—ajyatē ‘is led to’ (abhyàjati RV.): √aj; or < MIA. *bhejjēti anal. caus. to *bhijjati < *(a)bhi—iyati ‘approaches’ (abhyḕti RV. and abhiyāpayati ‘sends’ BhP.): √i 2] Ḍ. biǰālina ‘to send’, K.rām. ḍoḍ. bhej—, P. bhejṇā, WPah.bhad. bhal. bhej̈ṇū, khaś. bhej̈—, Ku. bhejṇo, N. bhejnu, B. bhejā, Or. bhejibā, Mth. bhejab, H. bhejnā, OMarw. bhejaï. *bhēṭ—, *bhēṭṭ— ‘meet’ see *bhiṭ—. Addenda: *bhējj—: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) bhèj̈ṇõ; ‘to cause (to be done), make (somebody do something)’. bhēḍa— 3 see bēḍā— Add2.
9605 *bhēḍa— 2 ‘defective’. [Cf. *biḍḍa—, *bhēdda—: see list s.v. *bukka4] Ku. bheṛ ‘idiot, foolish, rude’; A. bherā ‘dull—headed’, bheruwā ‘dull, stupid, timid’. bhēḍa— 3 ‘raft’ see bēḍā—.
9612 *bhēdda— ‘defective’. [Cf. *bhēḍa2: see list s.v. *bukka4] Or. bhedo ‘corpulent’.
9614 *bhēna— ‘honey’. [Cf. Bal. bēnag ‘honey’ (but Orm. pīn): IE. *bhei— ‘bee’ NTS xii 159 with (?)] Dm. bin ‘honey’, binaká ‘bee’ (← Ir. NTS v 41); Paš. lauṛ. &c. bēn, ar. en ‘honey’, Shum. bƏen IIFL iii 3, 35. bhēraṇḍa— see phēru—.
9618 *bhēlla— 2 ‘lump’. [Cf. *bhēkkha— and ‘defective’ word- group s.v. bhēla2] P. bhellā m. ‘lump’; A. bhel ‘corpse’; Or. H. bhelā m. ‘lump, clod’. Addenda: *bhēlla— 2 ‘lump’. [Cf. †;*bhēḍa4] WPah.poet. bhelle f. ‘lump of molasses’.
9619 *bhēsa— ‘defective’. 2. *bhēsara—. [Cf. *bhussa—: see list s.v. *bukka4] 1. Ku. bhyās, bhesaṛ ‘foolish, rude, uncivilized’; A. bhẽhiyāiba ‘to make faces’; Or. bhesaṛā ‘ugly’. 2. Or. bhesarā ‘ugly’.
9624 *bhōkka— ‘hollow’. 2. *bhōṅka—2. 3. *bhōṅga—. [See list s.v. *pōka—] 1. Ku. bhokro, bhokāro ‘hollow, concave’; G. bhok n. ‘hole’, bhokvũ ‘to pierce’, bhokārũ n. ‘hollowness’; M. bhok n. ‘hole’, bhokū m. ‘perforation’, bhokṇẽ ‘to pierce’, bhoksā m. ‘rude gap’; Si. boku ‘hollow, oval’. 2. N. bhwāṅ ‘hole’, H. bhõ;k m. ‘stab’; G. bhõ;k m. ‘hole’; M. bhõ;k m. ‘hollowness’. 3. M. bhõ;gaḷ, bhõ;gḷā ‘hollow, loose’, bhõ;gḷī f. ‘hollow of a tube’.
9632 *bhōṭṭīya— ‘Tibetan’. [bhōṭīya— lex. — See bhauṭṭa—] Ku. bhoṭiyā ‘inhabitant of the higher mountains of Kumaon’ (~ huṇiyā ‘Tibetan’ < hūṇa—); N. bhoṭe ‘Tibetan’; A. bhuṭīyā ‘living in Bhutan’, Or. bhuṭiā. *bhōḍa—, *bhōḍḍa—, *bhōṇṭa—, *bhōṇḍa— ‘defective’ see *bhuṭṭa—. *bhōtta—, *bhōttha—, *bhōdda—, *bhōntha—, *bhōn- thara—, *bhōnda— ‘defective’ see *bhutta2.
9633 *bhōra— ‘defective’. [~ *bhōla—. Cf. *bura—: see list s.v. *bukka4] L.khet. bhōrā ‘deaf’; N. bhor ‘deception’; Si. boru ‘false’, boruva ‘a lie’ (P. Goldschmidt IA 6, 325 wrongly < aparādha—).
9634 *bhōrā—, *bhōlā— ‘daybreak’. [Cf. bhōlā—nātha— m. ‘name of Śiva as husband of Uṣas’, bhaulī— f. ‘name of a musical mode’] P. bhor m. ‘dawn’, N. B. bhor, Or. bhora, Mth. H. G. bhor f.; — Ku. bhol ‘tomorrow’, N. bholi. *bhōl— ‘lead astray’ see *bhull—. *bhōla—, *bhōlla— ‘defective’ see *bhulla—. *bhōlā— ‘daybreak’ see *bhōrā—. Addenda: *bhōrā: Garh. bhoḷ ‘tomorrow’. *bhōl— ‘mislead’ see *bhull— Add2. *bhōla—, *bhōlla— ‘defective’ see *bhulla— Add2.
9635 *bhōsa— ‘hollow’. [Cf. *phōssa—. — For other ‘hollow’ words see list s.v. *pōka—] B. bhõ;s ‘abyss’; M. bhosṇẽ ‘to thrust into’, bhõ;skaṭ n. ‘gap in wall or fence’; Si. buhuru ‘hole, pit’ (< *bhō- sara—? — ES 63 wrongly < vivara—). *bhōssa— ‘defective’ see *bhussa1.
9680 *bhrāru— ‘bear’. [So NTS xvii 238, comparing H. bhālū < bhallū́ka— q.v.] Wg. brō̤, bu ‘black bear’ (ND 480 b 36 wrongly < *bhrūra—). BHRĀŚ ‘shine’: *bhrāśa—.
9690 *bhrūra— ‘brown’. [IE. *bhrū—ro— ~ *bhrū—no— IEW 136. — See babhrú—] Sh. (Lor.) buro ‘(of horse or cow) whitish’ (br— dissim. to b— or ← Ind.); K. bura m. ‘coarse white sugar’; S. bhūro ‘brownish, whitish’; L. P. bhūrā ‘brown’; Ku. bhū̆ro ‘white, fair’, bhuriyā ‘white people, Englishmen’; N. bhuro ‘brown’; B. Or. bhurā ‘brown sugar’, Bi. bhūrā; H. bhūrā ‘brown’; G. bhūrũ ‘brown, white’; M. bhurā ‘light brown’; — ext. ——: N. bhurrā ‘black and white pigeon’; Bi. bhūrrā ‘brown sugar’; — —ll—: Mth. bhulla ‘light brown’; — —kk—: M. bhurkā ‘dirty white’. Addenda: *bhrūra— [Cf. Ir. *barwa— (or *b(r)ūra—?) Shgh. vů̄r ‘brown’, Yaghn. vur, Mj. vūr, Pers. būr EVSh 85] WPah.kṭg. bƏrhìḷɔ ‘brown (or bay?)’.
9701 *maggara— ‘back of head or neck’. P. magar m. ‘back of shoulder, back’; WPah.pāḍ. magir ‘head’, paṅ. magar. Addenda: *maggara—: WPah.kṭg. mɔgrɔ, poet. mɔgru m. ‘the part of an animal's neck nearest the head’. *maṅkuṇa— see matkuṇa1 Add2. *macya— see *macyatē Add2.
9709 *macc— ‘sound of cracking or smacking’. [Onom. - Cf. *maṭṭ—] P. macc m. ‘smacking sound in eating’; B. mac ‘creak- ing’; M. maċmaċ f. ‘creaking of jaws’; — ext. —kk—: P. macak f. ‘smacking sound’, macakṇā ‘to make such a sound in eating’; N. mackanu ‘to creak’; B. mackāna ‘to be wrenched’; Or. macakibā, makacibā ‘to wrench, crush, tread’; H. macaknā ‘to creak’. *macya— ‘to be kindled’ see next.
9714 *majjhika— ‘boatman’. [Cf. maṅga—?] N. mājhi, mā̃jhi ‘boatman’; A. māzi ‘steersman’, B. māji; Or. mājhi ‘steersman’, majhiā ‘boatman’, Bi. Mth. H. mā̃jhī m. *majjhra— ‘marrow’ see majján—.
9722 *maṭ— ‘crackle, snap’. 2. *maṭṭ—. [Onom. — Cf. maṭā̆maṭāyati Gr., maḍamaḍiti Bālar., *macc—] 1. B. maṛmaṛ ‘crashing noise’; — ext. —kk—: P. maṛkaṇā ‘to break in folding’; N. markanu ‘to be sprained’; B. maṛkā ‘brittle’. 2. S. maṭijaṇu ‘to be angered’; A. B. maṭ ‘sound of snapping’; Or. maṭmaṭ ‘staring with wide—opened eyes’; G. maṭmaṭāvũ ‘to open and close quickly’; M. maṭmaṭ ‘sound of quick movement’; — ext. —kk—: P. maṭakṇā ‘to crackle, behave affectedly’; N. maṭakka ‘absolutely’; B. maṭkāna ‘to crack’; Or. maṭkā ‘fragile’; H. maṭaknā ‘to twinkle’. *maṭṭ— ‘crackle’ see prec.
9723 *maṭṭa— ‘defective’. 2. *maṭṭara—2. 3. *maṭṭha—1. 4. *maṭṭhara—. 5. *maṭha— (in maṭhara— ‘drunk’ lex., ‘insistent’ Rājat.). 6. *maḍa— (maṭa— m. ‘son of a Vaiśya and a Kuṭī’ lex., maṭaha— ‘little, poor’ Yaśast., maṭūṣikā—, v. ll. ma()ḍū°, ma(n)dhū° f. ‘dwarfish girl’ Gr̥S.). 7. *maḍḍa—. 8. *maṇṭa—. 9. *maṇṭha—. 10. *maṇṭhara—. 11. *maṇḍa—4. 12. *māḍa—1. 13. *māḍha—. 14. *māṇa—. 15. *māṇḍha—. [Cf. other ‘defective’ word—groups with initial m—: *mat- thara— (*madda—, *maddha—, *manthara—, manda—, mandara—, *mandhyara—), malvá—, *mēṅga—1, *mēcca—, *miḍḍa— (*miṇḍha1, *mēṭṭa1, *mēṇḍa1, *mēṇḍha1), *mitta— (*middha—, mindā́—, *mindha—, *mindhara—, *mīna—, *mēdda1), *mēssa—, mū́ka— (*mūga—, *mukka2, *mukkara—, *mugga—, *muṅga—, *mōkka—, *mōgga—), *muccha— (*mōccha—), *muṭṭa1 (*muṭṭha1, *muṭṭhara—, *muḍa—, *muḍḍa—, *muḍḍha1, *muṇṭa—, *muṇṭara—, muṇḍa1, *muṇḍha—, *muṇḍhara—, *mōṭṭa1, *mōṭṭha—, *mōṭṭhara—, *mōḍḍa—, *mōṇḍa—), *mutta— (*muttha1, *mutthara1, *munna—, *mōtthara1, *mōdda1, *mōddha—), *mussa—. — Similar series s. vv. kuṇṭha—, *ṭuṇṭa—2, *naṭṭa—, baṇḍá—, *bukka—4, *rakka—, *lakka—1, vaṇṭa—2, *śaṭṭa—] 1. Pk. maṭṭa— ‘hornless’; Mai. māṭ, ky. mā̆ṭ ‘boy, youth’ (Buddruss Kan 62 < márta—, but cf. K. WPah. words for ‘child’ < *maṭṭha1 below, and generally very many ‘defective’ groups which provide words for ‘child’); B. māṭa ‘slow, sluggish’. 2. S. maṭaru ‘obstinate, perverse’; L. maṭṭar f. ‘troublesome cow, cow giving little milk’; P. maṭṭar ‘not allowing milk to descend into udder (of cows)’. 3. Pk. maṭṭha— ‘lazy’; K. moṭhu ‘dull, worthless’, ḍoḍ. maṭṭho ‘child’, rām. maṭṭhŭ ‘small’; S. maṭhu m. ‘base metal, alloy, dross’, maṭho ‘bad, weak, diluted’; L. maṭṭhā ‘lazy, slow, blunt, cheap’, m. ‘cheapness, glut’, awāṇ. maṭṭhā ‘slow’; P. maṭh—lūṇā ‘imperfectly salted’, maṭṭhā ‘blunt’, maṭhlā m. ‘home—made earthen vessel’, maṭhunn m. ‘blockhead’ (poss. < *maṭṭhuṇḍa- with same ending as bhēruṇḍa— ‘terrible’ MBh.); WPah. bhad. maṭṭhū ‘boy’, bhal. maṭh, khaś. maṭṭhu, pāḍ. māṭhaṛ ‘small’, cur. māṭhṛā, paṅ. maṭhṛā; Ku. māṭhu ‘slowly’; N. māṭho ‘slow’; A. māṭh ‘blunt, slow’, maṭhā ‘immature, coarse (of rice)’; B. māṭha ‘blunt, slow, sluggish’; Or. mā̆ṭhuā ‘slow, lazy’; H. māṭhā, maṭṭhā ‘slow’, māṭhū m. ‘buffoon, ape’; G. māṭhũ ‘vicious, bad, unfortunate’, māṭherũ ‘a little, not much’ (< *maṭṭha—tara—); M. māṭh ‘dumpy, stunted’, māṭhā m. ‘blockhead’. 4. K. mõdotdot;ṭhuru ‘lazy, inert’; Bhoj. maṭṭhar ‘slow, lethargic’; M. māṭharṇẽ ‘to become dull or languid’. 5. S. maṛhu m. ‘sluggard’, maṛho m. ‘sluggard, feeble old man’. 6. Pk. maḍabha— ‘hunchback, dwarfish’, maḍaha—, maḍahulla— ‘small’; OMarw. maḍī f. adj. ‘wretched’; M. maḍ m. ‘hateful fellow’, maṭgā ‘too small’ (< *maḍkā?). 7. H. maḍḍī ‘stupid’, m. ‘fool’; — altern. < *māḍa1: Ku. māṛo ‘thin’; M. māḍā ‘left fallow (of fields)’. 8. S. maṇḍu m. ‘lameness’, maṇḍo ‘lame’, maṇḍāiṇu ‘to limp’; L. maṇḍ m. ‘lameness’, maṇḍā ‘lame’. 9. Pk. maṇṭha— ‘dissolute’; L. maṇḍhā ‘small’. 10. L. maṇḍhrā ‘contemptibly small’. 11. Or. māṇḍuā ‘dull, foolish, coarse, fat’. 12. S. māṛo ‘thin, wicked’; L. māṛā ‘bad, thin, poor’; P. māṛā ‘thin, weak, bad, worthless, little, scarce’ (whence maṛappaṇ m. ‘leanness’); WPah.jaun. māṛō ‘weak’, (Joshi) māṛu, māṛā; Si. mala ‘miserly, niggardly’ (or < malvá—), maḷi ‘lazy’; — altern. < *maḍḍa—: Ku. māṛo ‘thin’; M. māḍā ‘left fallow’. 13. M. māḍhā ‘left fallow’. 14. Ku. māṇo ‘man without beard or mustache’ (or < mānavá—). 15. P. mā̃ḍhā ‘dwarfish’. *maṭṭhāṅgaka—. Addenda: *maṭṭa—. 3. *maṭṭha—1: S.kcch. māṭh ‘silent’; WPah.kṭg. máṭṭhɔ, máṇṭhɔ ‘small, young’, máṭḥṛɔ, máṇṭhṛɔ, máṭhƏṛḍɔ ‘smaller, younger’; J. māṭhā ‘small’, māṭhṛā ‘smaller, younger’. 9. *maṇṭha—: S.kcch. maṇḍhyo ‘stubborn’, maṇḍhāṇū ‘to limp’. 11. *maṇḍa— 4 (maṇḍūra2 ‘bodily defective’ RV., ‘rust of iron’ lex. ~ *mandūra— ‘iron dross’ s.v. *matthara— Add2). 12. *māḍa—1: WPah.kṭg. maṛɔ ‘weak, bad’, J. māṛā ‘feeble’. *maṭṭha— 1 ‘defective’ see *maṭṭa— Add2.
9724 *maṭṭara— 1 ‘pea’. 2. *maṭṭha— 3. 1. S. maṭaru m. ‘a grain of the pulse Lathyrus sativus’; L. maṭṭar m. ‘the pea Pisum sativum’; P. maṭṭar, mattar m. ‘pea’, N. maṭar, A. maṭar—māh (mā́ṣa1), B. maṭar, Or. maṭara; Bi. maṭar ‘P. sativum’, (SWShahabad) maṇṭar; H. maṭar m. ‘P. sativum’, maṭrā m. ‘large variety of pea’, °rī f. ‘small do.’. 2. G. M. maṭh m. ‘pea’: see also mukuṣṭha—. *maṭṭara—2, *maṭṭha— 1 ‘defective’ see *maṭṭa—.
9725 *maṭṭha— 2 ‘lump’. [Other ‘lump’ words with initial m— are *mikkara— (*mēṅga2, *mēṅgana—), *mēñca—2, *mēṭṭa2 (*mēṇḍa2), *mēdda—2, *mucca—, *muḍḍha2 (*muṇḍa2), *muttha2 (*mutthara2, *mōtthara2, *mōdda2). — Cf. similar ‘defective’ word—groups s.v. *maṭṭa—] P. maṭhunnī f. ‘lump of clay or dough’ (< *maṭ- ṭhuṇḍa—? — Cf. maṭhunn s.v. *maṭṭha1). *maṭṭha— 3 ‘pea’ see *maṭṭara1. *maṭṭhara— ‘defective’ see *maṭṭa—.
9729 *maḍh— ‘cover’. Pk. maḍhia— ‘covered, set’, māḍhia— ‘covered with armour’, māḍhī— f. ‘armour’; S. maṛhaṇu ‘to cover (book, drum, chair)’; P. maṛhṇā ‘to cover with cloth’; H. maṛhnā, mãḍhnā ‘to cover, overspread, encrust’; G. maḍhvũ ‘to cover (book, drum, &c.)’; M. maḍhṇẽ ‘to cover, encrust’.
9754 *matthara— ‘defective’. 2. *madda—. 3. *maddha—. 4. manthara— (f. °rı̄́— Pāṇ.gaṇa) ‘slow, lazy, dull, bent, hunchbacked’ lex., °raka— m. ‘name of a hunchback’ Pañcat. 5. manda— ‘dull—witted’ KaṭhUp., ‘slow, idle, weak’ MBh., ‘bad’ MārkP., °aka— ‘simple, stupid’. 6. mandara— ‘slow, tardy, large, thick’ lex. [A ‘de- fective’ word—group poss. developed, with variations similar to those of other such groups, from manda- (√mand 2): but cf. also mindā́— f. ‘bodily defect’ TS. - See *mandhyara— and list s.v. *maṭṭa—] 1. K. mathōra, f. °thürü ‘corpulent’; N. matthar ‘slow, dim, dull’. 2. N. madauro ‘sick’ (+ ?); Or. mādā ‘lazy, dull, slow’. 3. N. madhauro, Or. mādhā: both as in 2. 4. Pk. maṁthara— ‘slow, dull, crooked’; S. mandhiro ‘dwarfish, short, low, little’; L. madhrā, (Ju.) mandhrā, (Shahpur) madhra ‘short’, P. mandhrā ‘short in stature’; N. madhuro ‘dim, tasteless’. 5. Pa. manda— ‘slow, lazy, stupid, unprofitable’; Pk. maṁda— ‘slow, lazy, small, base’, n. ‘illness’; K. mondu , f. münzü ‘slow, dull, stupid’; S. mando ‘bad, wicked’; L. mandā m. ‘evil—speaking’, mãdāī f. ‘wickedness’, awāṇ. mandā ‘bad’, mā̃dā ‘sick, dying’ (← Centre or G.?); P. mand ‘little, slight, faint’, mandā ‘bad’; WPah. bhal. manno ‘bad’; Or. māndā ‘lazy, slow’, (Sambhal- pur) mãd ‘bad’; Mth. mandā ‘vile, slow, gentle’; Aw.lakh. mā̃dā ‘sick’; H. mā̃d ‘faded, tarnished, stale’, f. ‘dull colour, dunghill’, mandā ‘slow, sluggish, stupid’; G. mā̃dũ ‘sick’; M. mā̃dā ‘sick’ (LM 383 ← Pers.), mand, madā̆ḍ, mãdaṭ ‘slow, stupid’, mãdā ‘relaxed, abated, cheap’; Si. man̆da, mada ‘small, weak’, (SigGr) mad ‘insufficient’, madi ‘defective, insufficient, low, vile’; Md. madu ‘slow’. — Vocalization obscure in Or. māundā ‘slow, lazy’; M. maı̃d ‘lazy, stupid’. 6. H. mandrā ‘short, stumpy, squat’. mandatara—, mandimán—; *mandadhainava—, *mandapāta—, mandākṣa—, mandāgni—. Addenda: *matthara— [mindā́— TS. ~ maṇḍūra— RV.]. 4. *manthara—: S.kcch. mandhro ‘dwarfish, short- statured’. 5. manda—: S.kcch. māndho ‘sick’; OP. manūru m. ‘scrap iron, iron dross, slag’ (~ †;maṇḍūra2 ‘bodily defective’ RV., ‘rust on iron’ lex. s.v. *maṭṭa— Add2) C. Shackle.
9856 *mandhyara— ‘defective’. [Cf. vandhya— and man- dara— s.v. manda—: see list s.v. *maṭṭa—] K. manzuru m., °zürü f. ‘cripple’, mạnzarun ‘to be imperfect, to diminish’.
9862 *mamma— 2 ‘food’. [Nursery word] A. mām ‘food’, G. M. mām n.
9863 *mammaḍa— ‘crust, scab’. N. māmro, °ri ‘crust (of bread)’; A. māmar ‘rust’, māmri ‘ringworm’; B. māmṛi ‘scab’ (ODBL 691 < márman—). maya— in cmpds. ‘made of’: *avimaya—, kāṣṭhamaya—, gōmáya—, *canakamaya—, tilamáya—, darbhamáya—, dānamaya—, rajatamaya—, suvarṇamaya—, strīmaya—, hiraṇyamáya—.
9980 *mahyā— ‘buffalo’. 2. *mahiyā—. [For formation ~ mahiṣá— cf. *rōhya— ~ rōhiṣa—: further maha— m. ‘buffalo’, mahā— f. ‘cow’ lex., māhēyī— f. ‘cow’ MBh., Pk. māhila— ‘buffalo—herdsman’ der. *māhiya—? - P. Tedesco Language 19, 14 derives from máhiṣī- through *mahiṁśī— (cf. Pa. mahiṁsa—) > *mahiñjhī—. - mah—] 1. S. mañjha, °jhī f. ‘buffalo’, L. majjh f., mult. mañjh, pl. majhı̄̃ f., awāṇ. majh, pl. °jhı̄̃ f., P. majjh, majjhī f. 2. Bi. (N of Ganges) bhaı̄̃ f.? *māhya—. ‘measure’: *māta—, mā́ti, mā́trā—, mā́na—2, māpaka—, māpayati, māpya—, *māpyatē, mā́yatē, mita—, mitya—, *mināti, mīyátē1, mēmīyatē; anu- māna—, unmāna—, *unmāpayati, *unmāpya—, *unmā- yatē, upamā́—, *nimāta—, *nimāti, *nimātra—, *nimāna—, nirmāti, nirmāṇa—, nirmāpayati, nírmita—, *nirmi- tatva—, parimāṇa—, pratimā́—, pramāṇa—, pramāṇika—, pramāpayati, vimā́na—, sáṁmāti, saṁmāna—, *saṁmā- payati, saṁmīyatē.
9996 *māḍa— 2 ‘upper storey of a house’. [mālaka— m. ‘raised pavilion or balcony’ Siṁhās. (see S. Lévi BSOS viii 623), mālikā— f. ‘whitewashed upper—storeyed house’ lex., māḍi— f. ‘palace’ lex. — ← Drav., Tam. māṭam ‘storeyed house’, Kan. māḍi ‘upstair house’, &c. DED 3930. Cf. mēṭa— m. ‘whitewashed storeyed house’ lex. also ← Drav. ib.] Pa. māḷa— ‘sort of pavilion’, māḷaka—, mālaka— m. ‘circular enclosure’, maṇḍala—māḷa— m. ‘circular hall with peaked roof’; Pk. māla— m. ‘raised platform, upper part of a house’, māḍia— n. ‘house’; Wg. māla, malá ‘roof’, mala—druḗk ‘smoke—hole’ NTS xvii 275; S. māṛī f. ‘upper storey’; L. māṛī f. ‘storeyed house of burnt brick’; P. māṛī f. ‘upper storey’; G. māḷ m. ‘loft, upper storey’, māḷɔ m. ‘loft, large house’, māḷiyũ n. ‘loft’; M. māḷ m. ‘stage, platform’, māḷā m. ‘loft, granary’, māḍī f. ‘storey of a house, loft’; Si. maḷu—va ‘courtyard of a house’. māḍi— see prec. *māḍha—, *māṇa— ‘defective’ see *maṭṭa—. māṇaka— see mānaka1. māṇavá— see mānavá—.
10030 *māda— 2 ‘curds’. 2. *mādya—. 3. *mādiya—. [Cf. Bal. ma d a g ‘to curdle’. — √mad 2?] 1. Kho. (Lor.) m *l— in m *l c̣hír ‘curds, junket, partially dried curds (put in a bag as food for a journey)’; S. māo m. ‘milk boiled down to a hard lump of curd’. 2. Tir. mazḗ ‘sour milk’ (AO xii 184 < *madya—). 3. Bshk. mā̃ya, mä̃ya ‘sour milk’. Addenda: *māda— 2 [Shgh. mo d ‘buttermilk’ (like Ishk. mid ‘cream, milk with buttermilk’, < mādya— EVSh 43 and Parth. pym'dg ‘cream’ EVSh 43)]
10043 *māna— 4 ‘bamboo’. [Cf. Kui māṇi ‘bamboo’] P. mānū m. ‘young shoot of bamboo’; M. māṇ f. ‘large bamboo’, māṇā, māṇgā m. ‘long bamboo’, māṇyā m. ‘small bamboo’; — N. māndro ‘split cane mat’ rather < mandurā2.
10044 *māna— 5 ‘skin—bag’. [Cf. mr̥nmāna— ‘earthen oil vessel (?)’ Hem. (poss. sanskritization of maṇa— with mā́na2 q.v.) and Yid. mun go ‘inflated sheepskin’ IIFL ii 228] Ash. maṇa, mãṛƏ ‘skin—bag’, Wg. mū̃ŕukә́, mō̃́kä, Kt. mãŕe; Dm. māna ‘skin—bag for ghee’; Gaw. māṇa, māṇeṭı̄́ ‘skin—bag for sour milk’, Kal.rumb. mōni, Kho. manu (BelvalkarVol 93 < mānaka— ‘measure’); Bshk. mān ‘inflated skin’; Phal. mṓnu, °no ‘skin—bag for ghee’; Or. cama—muṇā ‘skin—bag’.
10117 *mikkara— ‘lump’. 2. *mēṅga—2. 3. *mēṅgana—. [Cf. *mēñca2 and list s.v. *maṭṭha2. — Cf. ‘defective’ word *mēṅga1] 1. P. mikkar f. ‘small lump (of salt, molasses, &c.)’. 2. P. mı̄̃g f. ‘dung of sheep, goats, hares, rats, and other such animals’; Ku. mı̄̃g ‘goat's dung’. 3. K. mĕngun m. ‘dung of sheep and goats’, mĕngüñü f. ‘dung of rats’; L. meṅgaṇ f. ‘dung of sheep, goats, deer, and hares’; P. mı̄̃gaṇ, °gan, mẽgaṇ, mẽgṇī f. = mı̄̃g above; Ku. mı̄̃gaṇ ‘dung of wild deer’; H. mı̃gnī, mẽgnī f. ‘orbicular dung of goats, sheep, deer, camels, rats, &c.’. MIKṢ ‘mix’: *miṣṭa—2; *āmiṣṭa—. — See miśrá—.
10118 *micc— ‘close the eyes, blink’. [Cf. Khot. nä—mäjs— ‘to blink’, Bal. mičāč ‘eyelids’, Russ. migatĭ ‘to blink’, Kur. mīnxnā ‘to close the eyes’ DED 3693, and *miṭṭ- ‘to close the eyes’, Kan. miṭakisa ‘to blink’ DED 3969; further miṣánt— ‘with open eyes’ RV., √mīl in sáṁ mīlya ‘with closed eyes’ RV. A non—Aryan or wide- spread onom. word, scarcely (like Lat. micāre ‘to sparkle’, Tam. mı̃cu ‘to flash’) to be assigned to a common IE. root (J. C. W.)] Pk. miṁcaṇa— n. ‘closing the eyes’; P. mīcṇā ‘to close the eyes, shut the hand or mouth’, micāuṇā ‘to make close the eyes’; H. mī̆cnā, mīchnā ‘to close the eyes’; G. micvũ ‘to close the eyes’, micāmṇā̃ n. pl. ‘winking’; — ext. —kk—: A. misikāiba ‘to sneer’; B. mickāna ‘to smile’; H. mickānā, mac° ‘to wink’; M. miċakṇẽ ‘to close eyes or lips’. — G. vı̄̃cvũ ‘to close the eyes’ < *vi—micc—? — N. micnu ‘to press’ (ND 507 a 45) rather < *mr̥dyatē. Addenda: *micc—: S.kcch. micṇū ‘to close the eyes’, WPah.kṭg. miċṇõ; ‘to shut the eyes, wink’, J. micṇi (sc. eyes). *miḍati see miláti Add2.
10119 *miṭṭ— ‘close the eyes’. [See *micc—] P. mīṭṇā ‘to close the eyes’; N. miṭik ‘twinkling, moment’; B. miṭiyā ‘twinkling’, Or. miṭi—miṭi; G. miṭi f. ‘blinking’; M. miṭṇẽ ‘to close the eyes’. *MIḌ ‘meet’: *miḍati, *mēḍa—, *mēḍayati. [See √mil. — Poss., with √bhiṭ, of Mu. origin PMWS 148] *miḍati ‘meets’ see miláti.
10120 *miḍḍa— ‘defective’. 2. *miṇḍa—. 3. *miṇḍha—1. 4. *mēṭṭa—1. 5. *mēṇḍa—1. 6. *mēṇḍha—1. [Cf. *mitta— and list s.v. *maṭṭa—; — mḗṭati, mḗḍati ‘is mad’ Dhātup. — Cf. *mēṭṭa2 ‘lump’] 1. G. miḍiyɔ ‘having horns bent over forehead (of oxen and goats)’. 2. G. mı̄̃ḍũ ‘having rims turned over’. 3. S. miṇḍhiṇo ‘silent and stupid in appearance but really treacherous and cunning’; G. miṇḍhũ ‘having deep—laid plans, crafty, conceited’. 4. A. meṭā ‘slow in work, heavy—bodied’. 5. Or. meṇḍa ‘foolish’; H. mẽṛā, mẽḍā m. ‘ram with curling horns’, °ḍī f. ‘she—goat do.’. 6. Or. meṇḍha ‘foolish’, °ḍhā ‘fool’; M. mẽḍhā m. ‘crook or curved end (of a horn, stick, &c.)’. *miṇḍa—, *miṇḍha— 1 ‘defective’ see prec. miṇḍha— 2 ‘ram’ see mēṇḍha2.
10122 *mitta— ‘defective’. 2. middha— n. ‘drowsiness’ BHS ii 432. 3. mindā́— f. ‘bodily defect, blemish’ TS. 4. *mindha—. 5. *mindhara—. 6. *mīna—2. 7. *mēdda— 1 (X mḗḍhra— (mēṇḍhra— BhP.) n. ‘penis’ AV. in mēdra— n. ‘penis, lower belly’ Apte). [Cf. *miḍḍa— and see list s.v. *maṭṭa—. — Resemblance of this ‘defective’ word—group (e.g. *mēdda1 in A. medelā ‘corpulent’) with mḗdas— n. ‘body fat’ RV., ‘corpulence’ ŚārṅgS. is prob. fortuitous. — Cf. *mēdda2 ‘lump’] 1. S. mitero ‘short in stature’ (< *mitta—tara—). 2. Pa. middha— n. ‘torpor, stupidity’, middhin- ‘sluggish’. 3. K. myondu ‘leprous’, m. ‘leprosy’, mĕndun ‘to suffer from leprosy’ (mĕndith marun ‘to die of leprosy’ used in curses). 4. P. minnhā ‘dim, slight, perverse, taciturn, revengeful’. 5. S. mindhiro ‘short, low, little’. 6. P. mīṇā ‘having the horns curving along the cheek’. 7. A. medā ‘indolent, slow’, medelā ‘corpulent, badly baked (of a pot)’; B. medā ‘slow, dull’; Or. medā ‘foolish’.
10150 *mukka— 1 ‘blow with fist’. [Prob. ← Drav., Prj. muṭka ‘blow with fist’, Kur. muṭkā ‘fist’, DED. 4041] K. muköli f. ‘blow with fist’, (El.) mukāl m. ‘fist’; S. muka f. ‘blow with fist’, L. mukk, °kī f.; P. mukk m. ‘fist’, °kī f.; WPah.bhal. mukki f. ‘blow with fist’; N. mukkā, °ki ‘fist’, H. mūkā, mukkā m., °kī f., mukkhī f. (X muṭṭhī < muṣṭí—); G. mukkɔ m., °kī f. ‘blow with fist’. *mukka— 2 ‘dumb’ see mū́ka—. *mukkara— ‘defective’ see mū́ka—.
10178 *mucca— ‘lump’. [See list s.v. *maṭṭha2. — Cf. *muccha— ‘defective’] S. mucu m. ‘lump, heap’, muco m. ‘tuft of hair or grass’; P. mucc m. ‘piece of meat’, muccā m. ‘do. about 1/4 seer in weight’.
10179 *muccha— ‘defective’. 2. *mōccha—. 3. *mujja—. [Cf. *mēcca—: see list s.v. *maṭṭa—. — Cf. *mucca— ‘lump’] 1. S. mucho m. ‘rough end of a stick cut off as use- less’, muchaṇu ‘to lop’. 2. P. mocchā m. ‘short thick piece of timber’. 3. A. muzā ‘wrinkled, shrunk’, muzurā ‘lean, stunted’.
10180 *mucchā— ‘mustache’. 2. mōcchā—. [gōcchā— X múkha— or MIA. massu— < śmáśru—?] 1. S. mucha f. ‘mustache’, L. mucch, pl. °chā̃ f., awāṇ. much, khet. mv́cchā̃, P. mucch m., Ku.gng. mū̃ċh, Or. mucha, H. mūch f., G. mūch, mũch f. 2. B. moc, Or. mocha, Mth. mõ;ch, Bhoj. mõ;ch, °chi; Aw. mōch ‘whiskers’, mõmacr;ch ‘hair on face’; H. moch f. ‘mustache’.
10187 *muṭṭa— 1 ‘defective’. 2. *muṭṭha—1. 3. *muṭṭhara—. 4. *muḍa—. 5. *muḍḍa—. 6. *muḍḍha— 1 (cf. mūḍhá—). 7. *muṇṭa—. 8. *muṇṭara—. 9. *muṇḍha—. 10. *muṇḍhara—. 11. *mōṭṭa—1. 12. *mōṭṭha—. 13. *mōṭṭhara—. 14. *mōḍḍa—. 15. *mōṇḍa—. [A ‘de- fective’ word—group to which also muṇḍa1 belongs. - Cf. *mutta—: see list s.v. *maṭṭa—. — Cf. *muḍḍha—2, *muṇḍa2 ‘lump’] 1. Kt. mƏṭo ‘blunt’, Pr. muṭkū́, Kho. muṭu; Paš.lauṛ. muṭā́, gul. muṭū́ ‘short’; P.ḍog. muṭā ‘fat’; Si. moṭa ‘blunt’ (or < 2 or 7 or 12 or 13). 2. Dm. muṭh ‘tree’, Gaw. muṭhá, Kal. Phal. muṭh; Bi. muṭhiyā, muṭhāl, muṭhail ‘bullock with stunted horns’; Si. see 1. 3. Bi. muṭhrā, muṭhariyā ‘bullock with stunted horns’. 4. H. murlā ‘toothless’. 5. S. muḍ̱o ‘blunt’; L. (Ju.) muḍ̱ m. ‘stump, branch cut short’; N. muṛo ‘log’, muṛulo ‘hairless, bald, hat- less’, muṛuli ‘hornless (of does)’; B. muṛ ‘lopped, branchless’, muṛā ‘shaven’; Bi. mūṛā ‘hornless bullock’, muṛiyā ‘blighted (of grain)’, muṛlā ‘hornless ox, beardless wheat’; Mth. mūṛā, muṛlā ‘hornless ox’; H. muṛiyā m. ‘bald—head’, muṛlā ‘shaved’; M. muḍā ‘broken—mouthed’. 6. OA. muḍhā, A. murā ‘stubble, stump’. 7. Pk. muṁṭa— ‘undersized, small—bodied’; S. muṇḍo ‘blunt, obtuse’; L. muṇḍā ‘lame’; Si. see 1. 8. L. muṇḍur m. ‘stump’. 9. S. muṇḍho ‘blunt’; L. muṇḍh; muḍḍh m. ‘stem’, muṇḍhī f. ‘stump of a plant’; Or. (Bāleśwar) muṇḍhā ‘blunt’; H. mũḍhnā ‘to shave’ (= mū̃ṛnā < muṇḍa- yati); G. rũḍh—mũḍh ‘headless and limbless’; M. mũḍhā ‘bald, headless’. 10. M. mũḍhrā ‘having horns turned back inward or lying flat or low and stumpy’. 11. K. mọ̆ṭu ‘fat’, pog. mŏṭ, L. moṭā, P. moṭṭā; WPah.jaun. mōṭō ‘big, fat’; Ku. N. moṭo ‘fat’; A. B. moṭ ‘gross total, load’, moṭā ‘fat’; Or. moṭa ‘gross total’, moṭā ‘fat’; Mth. Bhoj. H. moṭā ‘fat’; OMarw. moṭaü ‘big, fat’, G. moṭũ, M. moṭā; Si. see 1. 12. K. mū̃ṭhu ‘dull, stupid’; P. moṭhū m. ‘dwarf’. 13. K. mõmacr;ṭhuru m. ‘bare trunk of a tree’. 14. S. moḍ̱o ‘hornless’. 15. Pk. moṁḍa— ‘shaved’; Sh.gur. mŏṇḍ f. ‘widow’; L. mōn f. ‘doe of black—buck’, mōnā ‘hornless’; P. monnā m. ‘Hindu who shaves as opposed to Sikh’ (rather than < mauṇḍya—); A. morā—hāti ‘tuskless male elephant’. Addenda: *muṭṭa— 1. 5. *muḍḍa—: A. mũrā (phonet. mura) ‘log, trunk’ AFD 234. 11. *mōṭṭa—1: WPah.kṭg. moṭṭɔ ‘fat, proud’; jaun. moṭo ‘fat, big’. *muḍḍa— ‘defective’ see *muṭṭa1 Add2.
10188 *muṭṭa— 2 ‘heart’. [Orig. ‘lump’ cf. *muḍḍha2?] Pk. muṭṭima—, moṭ° m. ‘pride’; N. muṭu ‘heart, courage, feelings’; Si. miṭi ‘heart’. *muṭṭa— 3 ‘bundle’ see mūta—. *muṭṭha— 1 ‘defective’ see *muṭṭa1. *muṭṭha— 2 ‘bundle’ see mūta—. *muṭṭhara—, *muḍa—, *muḍḍa—, *muḍḍha— 1 ‘de- fective’ see *muṭṭa1.
10189 *muḍḍha— 2 ‘lump’. 2. *muṇḍa— 2. [See list s.v. *maṭṭha2. — Cf. *muḍḍha1, muṇḍa1 ‘defective’ s.v. *muṭṭa1] 1. H. muḍḍhā m. ‘shoulder’, mū̃ḍhā m. ‘lump, hump, shoulder’. 2. Or. muṇḍā ‘lump’. muṇáti see *munāti 1. *muṇṭa— ‘defective’ see *muṭṭa1.
10196 *mutta— ‘defective’. 2. *muttha—1. 3. *mutthara—1. 4. *munda—. 5. *munna— (cf. mauna— n. ‘silence’ MBh.). 6. *mōtthara—1. 7. *mōdda—1. 8. *mōd- dha— (cf. mudhā?) [Cf. *mitta—, *matthara—, *muṭṭa1: see list s.v. *maṭṭa—. — Cf. *muttha—2, *mutthara—2. *mōtthara—2, *mōdda2 ‘lump’ and *mūna—, *mōnna— ‘silent’ s.v. mauná—] 1. S. muto ‘short and stout, fat’. 2. Or. mutha ‘clenched fist’ (or < *muttha2), muthaṛā, °thuṛā ‘blunt’. 3. L. mutthur m. ‘blockhead, worthless person’; H. muthrā ‘dull, blunt’. 4. Kho. mun ‘stump of tree’, (Lor.) kƏr—mvn ‘crop- eared’ (→ Orm. mundū́ ‘tree—trunk’ NTS v 22); Sh. mūn, pl. °ní ‘stump or bole of tree, stump of amputated leg or arm, maize stubble’: or both ← Ind. (e.g. S. munu < muṇḍa1). 5. H. munnā m. ‘pet, darling’, mūnū ‘small, diminu- tive’. 6. H. mothrā ‘dull, blunt’. 7. M. modḷā m. ‘burly clumsy fellow’. 8. P. modhū m. ‘blockhead, large and fat cat’; H. modhū ‘foolish’; M. modhā goḷā m. ‘cripple, lubber’, modhḷā m. ‘bulky lubberly person, large loose bundle’. *muttha— 1 ‘defective’ see prec.
10197 *muttha— 2 ‘lump’. 2. *mutthara—2. 3. *mōtthara—2. 4. *mōdda—2. [See list s.v. *maṭṭha2. — Cf. same series of ‘defective’ words s.v. *mutta—] 1. Or. mutha ‘clenched fist’. 2. H. muthrā m. ‘spavin, splint on a horse's leg’. 3. H. mothrā m. ‘id.’. 4. M. modḷā m. ‘lump (of earth)’. *mutthara— 1 ‘defective’ see *mutta—. *mutthara— 2 ‘lump’ see *muttha2. mutya— see muktā—. MUD 1 ‘gladden’: ánumōdatē, anumōdana—, *āmōd- ayati. MUD 2 ‘mix, wet’. [Cf. Gk. muda/w ‘be wet’ WP ii 251] *mōdana—, mōdayati; — mōdaka—?
10208 *munāla— or *mōnāla— ‘pheasant’. [Cf. kuṇāla—] K. mōnāl m. ‘Impeyan pheasant’; P. munāl, manāl m. ‘pheasant’, WPah.jaun. mŏnāu; N. munāl, monāl ‘Himalayan pheasant’; Or. murāḷa ‘a kind of wild bird’; H. munāl m. ‘pheasant’. múni— m. ‘inspired man’ RV., ‘devotee (esp. one vowed to silence)’ ŚBr. [*munāti 1] See mauna—. *munda—, *munna— ‘defective’ see *mutta—. Addenda: *munāla—: WPah.kc. bunāḷ, bƏnyāḷ m., kṭg. (kc.) bƏnāḷ m. ‘the wild pheasant’, J. manāḷ m.; kṭg. bƏnaḷi f. ‘hen—pheasant’ (b— and —n— from ványa— ‘grown in a forest’ in kṭg. bān ‘oak tree’?).
10215 *murumura— ‘crackling’. [Onom. — Cf. múrmura- m. ‘expiring ember’ MaitrS., ‘burning chaff’ Kāv., Pa. mummura— m. ‘hot ashes, burning chaff’] Pa. murumurā— f. ‘crackling’, murumurāpēti ‘munches’; Pk. murumuria— ‘rattling’; P. murmurā m. ‘parched maize’; N. murmurinu ‘to murmur, crackle, shake with anger’; H. murmurānā ‘to crackle’; M. murmur f. ‘muttering’, murmurā m. ‘parched rice’. múrmura— see prec. *mulati ‘crushes’ see *murati 1. mulālı̄́— see mŕ̥ṇāla—. *muśala— ‘pestle’ see músala—. MUṢ ‘steal’: muṣ—, muṣati, muṣṭa—, muṣyatē, mūṣaṇa—, mūṣati, mōṣa—, mṓṣati.
10227 *muss— ‘smile, sob’. [Cf. musra— n. ‘tear’ Uṇ.com.?] N. musmus ‘smilingly’, musmusāunu ‘to smile’; H. musmusānā, masmasānā ‘to sob’, M. musmusṇẽ. — Ext. —kk—: S. muskaṇu ‘to smile’; N. musukka ‘smilingly’, muskurāunu, muskar° ‘to smile’, H. muskānā, musku- rānā; G. muskāvũ to be delighted’.
10228 *mussa— ‘defective’. [Cf. *mēssa—: see list s.v. *maṭṭa—] L. mussā ‘having horns slightly bent and curving up’, m. ‘buffalo with such horns’. MUH ‘bewilder’: mugdhá—, múhyati, mūḍhá—, mṓha—, mōhana—, mōháyati, mṓhuka—, *mōhya—; *āmuhyati, *āmūḍha—, *nirmōhyamāna—.
10305 *mēṅga— 1 ‘defective’. [Cf. *mēcca1: see list s.v. *maṭṭa—. — Cf. *mēṅga2 ‘lump’] M. mẽgā, mẽgyā ‘impotent, weak, imbecile, silly’, mẽgẽ n. ‘a weak silly fellow’; — mẽg f. ‘snake's slough’? *mēṅga—2, *mēṅgana— ‘lump’ see *mikkara—.
10306 *mēcca— ‘defective’. 2. *mēñca— 1. [Cf. *mucca—: see list s.v. *maṭṭa—. — Cf. *mēñca2 ‘lump’] 1. Paš. mečƏ ‘wretched, miserly’; M. meċlā ‘mealy- mouthed, timid, bashful’. 2. Or. meñcaṛā ‘dwarfish’. *mēñca— 1 ‘defective’ see prec.
10307 *mēñca— 2 ‘lump’. [See list s.v. *maṭṭha2. — Cf. *mēñca1 ‘defective’] Or. meñca ‘fish roe’, meñcā ‘lump’. *mējjha— ‘ram’ see mēṇḍha—. mēṭa— see *māḍa2. mḗṭati see *miḍḍa—. *mēṭṭa— 1 ‘defective’ see *miḍḍa—.
10308 *mēṭṭa— 2 ‘lump’. 2. *mēṇḍa—2. [See list s.v. *maṭṭha2. — Cf. *mēṭṭa1, *mēṇḍa1 ‘defective’ s.v. *miḍḍa—] 1. Or. meṭṭā ‘hillock’. 2. Or. meṇḍā ‘lump, clot’. mēṭha— 1 see mahāmātra—. mēṭha— 2 ‘ram’ see mēṇḍha2. mēṭhī— see mēthí—. *mēḍa— ‘meeting’ see mēla—. *mēḍayati ‘unites’ see mēlayati. mēḍhī— see mēthí—. mḗḍhra— 1 ‘penis’ see mēṣá—, *mitta—. mēḍhra— 2 ‘ram’ see mēṇḍha2.
10312 *mēṇḍhī— ‘lock of hair, curl’. [Cf. *mēṇḍha1 s.v. *miḍḍa—] S. mı̄̃ḍhī f., °ḍho m. ‘braid in a woman's hair’, L. mē̃ḍhī f.; G. mı̃ḍlɔ, miḍ° m. ‘braid of hair on a girl's forehead’; M. meḍhā m. ‘curl, snarl, twist or tangle in cord or thread’.
10313 *mētthī— ‘the potherb fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum)’. [mēthī— f. Pañcad., mēthikā—, mēthinī—, manthā2, vēdhanī— f. lex. — ← Drav. cf. Tam. mēti, mentiyam, vental, &c. DED 4161] K. mīthi f. ‘fenugreek’, S. methī f., L. methrī f., °rā m., P. methī f., methe m. pl. ‘its seeds’, met(h) f., °rā m., N. A. methi, B. met(h)i, Or. methi, Bi. H. G. M. methī f.; M. methā m. ‘another variety’.
10325 *mēdda— 2 ‘lump’. [See list s.v. *maṭṭha2. — Cf. *mēdda1 ‘defective’ s.v. *mitta—] Or. meda ‘lump of clay’, medā ‘lump of dung’, medāṛi ‘heap, mass’, medibā ‘to knead together’.
10333 *mēll— ‘leave, let go’. [Cf. Ap. mullaï ‘lets go’ (from *mulla— replacing mutta— < muktá—?)] Pk. mellaï, millaï, milhaï ‘abandons’, caus. pp. millāvia—; G. melvũ ‘to let go, leave, send, place, keep’, melāvvũ ‘to set free’; — ext. —kk—: N. milkinu ‘to be thrown away’, milkāunu ‘to abandon’. Addenda: *mēll—: OMarw. (Vīsaḷa) absol. melhī ‘to leave, abandon’.
10336 *mēssa— ‘defective’. [Cf. *mussa—: see list s.v. *maṭṭa—] P. mīsṇā ‘perverse, taciturn’.
10351 *mōcc— ‘twist, wring’. [Cf. √muṭ] B. mocaṛ ‘a twist, wrench’, mocnā ‘tweezers’; Or. mocibā ‘to contract’. *mōccha— ‘defective’ see *muccha—. mōṭa— 1 ‘bundle’ see mūta—.
10352 *mōṭa— 2 ‘wicker stool’. 2. *mōṭha— 2. 1. A. murā ‘wicker stool’, B. Or. moṛā, M. moḍā m. 2. H. moṛhā m. → N. moṛhā, muṛā. mṓṭati see muṭáti. *mōṭṭa— 1 ‘defective, fat’ see *muṭṭa1. *mōṭṭa— 2 ‘bundle’ see mūta—. *mōṭṭha—, *mōtthara— ‘defective’ see *muṭṭa1. *mōṭyatē ‘is twisted’ see muṭáti. *mōṭha— 1 ‘bundle’ see mūta—. *mōṭha— 2 ‘wicker stool’ see *mōṭa2. *mōḍḍa— ‘defective’ see *muṭṭa1.
10396 *yaja— ‘cold’. [IE. *yeĝ— ‘ice’ IEW 503?] Kt. yūċ ‘cold’, Pr. (y)ṳ̄zu, Wg. yū̆z, yoz → Kal. Kho. yoz (→ Wkh. yaz) NTS xv 280 rather than < avaśyā—.
10430 *yal— ‘endure, stay’. S. jaraṇu ‘to endure, suffer with patience’, jāraṇu ‘to endure, get on, subsist’; L. jālaṇ ‘to endure, be patient, stop, go slowly’; G. jeravvũ ‘to endure’, jāḷavvũ ‘to preserve uninjured’.
10538 *rakka— ‘defective’. 2. *rakkara—. 3. raṅká— ‘slow, dull’ Uṇ., ‘poor, hungry’ Prab., m. ‘starveling’ Mālatīm., °aka— m. Bharaṭ. (~ *laṅka1). 4. *raṅkha—. 5. *raṅga— 4. [~ *lakka1. — raṅka— ‘poor’ PMWS 140 ← Mu. cf. Sant. re̱ṅge̱c' ‘poor’ (cf. rhyming vaṅka- ‘vagabond’ Bhadrab.). — Other ‘defective’ word- groups with initial r— s.vv. *raṭṭa— (*raḍḍa—, *raṇṭa—, *raṇṭha—, raṇḍa—, *rāḍa—, *rāṇa—), *rigga— (*rēṅga—), *rēñca— (*rēñja—), *rēṇṭa— (*rēṇḍa—), *rēnda—, *rēppa—, *rugga—, *rōcca— (*rōñca—), *ruḍa— (*ruḍha—, *ruṇṭa—, *ruṇṭha—, ruṇḍa—, *ruṇḍha—, *rōṭṭa2, *rōḍa1, *rōḍḍa—), *runda—, *rōbba—, *rōra—, *rulla—. — Similar series s.vv. kuṇṭha—, *naṭṭa—, baṇḍá—, *bukka—4, *maṭṭa—, *lakka—1, vaṇṭa—2, *śaṭṭa—] 1. L. rakkaṛ m. ‘poor soil’; P. rakkaṛ ‘hard and barren (of land)’; M. rakṭẽ n. ‘contemptuous term for an old or worn or coarse or undersized or tattered blanket or for any old and bad clothing’. 2. P. rakkar = rakkaṛ above. 3. Pk. raṁka— ‘poor’; L. raṅguṛ ‘poor, bad (of crops)’; OAw. rāṁka ‘wretched, poor’; H. rā̃k ‘poor’, rā̃kaṛ f. ‘poor stony ground’; G. rā̃k, rā̃kṛũ ‘poor, humble’, rā̃kũ n. ‘beggar’; M. rā̃kaṭ ‘big and boorish’; — Ku. N. rā̃go ‘buffalo bull’ (or < raṅku—?). 4. P. raṅghaṛ m. ‘a Moslem caste who are slothful agriculturists, conceited person’. 5. OAw. rāṁga m. ‘wretch’. *rakkara— ‘defective’ see prec. Addenda: *rakka—: cf. also OP. rañca, rañcaka f. ‘a little bit’.
10558 *ragg— ‘rub’. G. ragvũ ‘to importune’; — ext. ——: S. raǥiṛo m. ‘wrangling’; P. ragaṛṇā ‘to rub’, Ku. ragaṛṇo; N. ragṛanu ‘to rub, work overtime’; B. ragṛāna ‘to rub’, Or. ragaṛibā, Mth. ragaṛab, H. ragaṛnā, G. ragaṛvũ, raggaṛ ‘thick and liquid’; M. ragaḍṇẽ ‘to rub’. raṅká— see *rakka—. Addenda: *ragg—: Ko. ragḍo ‘grinding stone’, raggaḍtā ‘rubs’.
10592 *raṭi— ‘crying out’. [Cf. raṭita— n. ‘screaming’ Kād., Pk. raḍiya— n. — √raṭ] S. raṛi f. ‘scream’ (whence raṛyo m. ‘bawler’); L. raṛ f. ‘grunt or groan of camel’; N. raṛi ‘amorous quarrel’; Or. raṛi ‘scream’; H. (poet.) rara f. ‘shout’; M. raḍī f. ‘losing one's temper’.
10593 *raṭṭa—. 5. raṇḍa—: rann f. ‘harlot’, ranol f. ‘widow’, ranāpo m. ‘widowhood’.
10594 *raḍḍ— ‘slip’. 2. *raḍ—. [~ *laḍḍ1] 1. Pk. raḍḍa— ‘slipped’; — ext. —kk—: Ku. raṛakṇo ‘to fall down’; N. raṛkanu ‘to slip’; H. raṛkānā ‘to shove’. 2. G. raṛvũ ‘to slip’. *raḍḍa— ‘defective’ see *raṭṭa—. RAṆ 1 ‘rejoice’: ráṇa—1, rátna—. RAṆ 2 ‘rattle, jingle’: raṇa2.
10598 *raṇḍhu— ‘rope’. [If rájju— X bandha—, why ṇḍh?] Pk. raṁḍhua— n. ‘rope’; G. rā̃ḍhvũ n. ‘rope, string’.
10622 *rappha—: rāph m. ‘anthill, snake's hole’.
10623 *rabbā—: rabb f. ‘gruel’.
10629 *rampa—: rambh f. ‘iron strip edge for weeding tool’.
10630 *rampati: rambhṇū ‘to clear field for planting’.
10640 *ral— ‘meet with, join’. 2. *rall—. [Derivation from álarti ‘hastens towards’ RV., arāryatē Pat. > *arāl- yatē is very doubtful] 1. L. raḷaṇ ‘to be joined, be mixed, fall into (of river into sea)’; P. ralāuṇā ‘to mix, join’; G. raḷvũ ‘to acquire, earn’. 2. K. ralun ‘to be mixed with’, S. ralaṇu; L. (Ju.) ralle ‘unitedly’; Ku. rālṇo ‘to join, mix (e.g. rice with lentils)’; H. rālnā ‘to mix, bruise’ (whence intr. ralnā ‘to be mixed or pounded together’); Marw. rālṇo ‘to throw, put down’. Addenda: *ral—. 1. WPah.kṭg. rɔḷnõ; ‘to meet, be joined’; J. raḷṇu ‘to be mixed together’.
10642 *rava— 2 ‘piece’. [~ láva—1. — √ru 2] S. rayū̃ f. pl. ‘rice pounded to small pieces’ (or < rajas—); P. ravā m. ‘small bit of gold or crystal &c.’; Bi. raī ‘hemp’; H. rawā m. ‘grain (of sand, dust, &c.), filing, little lump’; G. ravɔ m. ‘granule, particle of gold or silver &c., granulous wheaten flour’; M. ravā, ravkā m. ‘grain, little lump’. ravaṇa— 1 n. ‘noise’ Bhaṭṭ. [√ru 1] See *rapaṇa—. Addenda: *rava— 2. — Ext. —l—: OP. ravāla f. ‘dust’, P. ravāl.
10667 *rahala—, *rāhala— ‘a kind of pulse’. Bi. rahar, rahrī ‘the pulse Cytisus cajanus’, Mth. rāhar, rāhari, raihar (→ N. rahar, rahari ‘lentil’); H. rahlā m. ‘the chickpea Cicer arietinum’. — Cf. Pk. rālā—, rāalā—, rallā— f., rālaya— m.n. ‘a kind of millet’; M. rāḷā m. ‘Panicum italicum’. *rahalakāṣṭha—.
10681 *rājanī—: rāyaṇ, ryāṇ f. ‘the tree’, rāyṇ f. ‘the berry’.
10709 *rānti—: rāndh f. ‘a play, show’, rā̃dh karāṇī ‘to amuse a baby’, rāndhīko m. ‘toy’; — (+ kāra1) rāndhyār m. ‘showman’.
10731 *rikṣa— or *rikṣya— ‘excrement’. [Cf. formation of *pakṣya—2. — √ric] Kal. ric̣ ‘excrement’; Kho. ric̣(h) ‘fresh dung (of cow, man, bird)’, (Lor.) ric̣u ‘fresh cowdung’ Belval- kar Vol 95. RIKH 1 ‘scratch’: rēkhā́—; *udrikhati, *udrēkha—, *udrēkhayati, *udrēkhita—; — √likh. RIKH 2 ‘move, crawl’: *rikhati, *rikhyati, ríṅkhati, riṅkhaṇa—; — √*righ, √riṅg, √raṅg. *rikhyati ‘crawls’ see ríṅkhati.
10732 *rigga— ‘defective’. 2. *rēṅga—. [Cf. *rugga—: see list s.v. *rakka—] 1. S. riǥa f. ‘lazy or importunate person’. 2. G. rẽgī—pẽgī ‘weak, cowardly, worthless’. *rigyati ‘crawls’ see ríṅgati. *RIGH ‘move’: *righati, *righyati; — √rikh2, √riṅg, √raṅg.
10734 *riṅk— ‘roar, cry’. 2. *rēṅk—. 1. Woṭ. Bshk. riṅg— ‘to weep, cry’, Tor. žiṅg—, Sv. riṅg—; S. riṅgha f. ‘crying, fretting (of child)’; L. riṅgaṇ ‘to bellow, roar (of buffalo or she—camel)’; P. riṅgṇā ‘to low’. 2. S. rı̄̃gā̆ṭu m. ‘creak’; P. rı̄̃gṇā, rı̄̃ghṇā ‘to low, moan’; N. rẽknu ‘to bray’, H. rẽknā; G. rẽkṛɔ m. ‘low- ing, bleating’; M. rẽkṇẽ ‘to grunt’.
10759 *rugga—: rauggho adj. ‘the whole’ (cf. S.). 2. *ruṅga- (X Pk. rujja— s.v. *rōdya—): rūngo (phonet. rvṅgo AKŚ xxvi) m. ‘tear’, rūṅgāro m. ‘act of weeping’.
10769 *ruṭṭa— ‘lump’. 2. *rōḍa— 2. 3. *rōḍha—. [~ *luṭṭa2. — Cf. *rōḍa1 ‘defective’ s.v. *ruḍa—] 1. K.rām. ḍoḍ. ruṭ ‘head’. 2. L. roṛā m. ‘lump, clod, pebble’, roṛī f. ‘small bit of road—metal’; P. roṛā m. ‘hard clod, brickbat’, roṛī f. ‘lump of earth’; N. roṛā ‘pebbles’; H. roṛā m. ‘frag- ment of stone, brickbat’; G. roṛũ n. ‘clod, brickbat’; M. roḍā m. ‘brickbat’. 3. G. roḍhɔ m. ‘large cake of cowdung’. Addenda: *ruṭṭa—. 4. †;*rōḍḍa—2: OP. roḍaṛī f. ‘lump of coarse sugar’.
10770 *ruḍa— ‘defective’. 2. *ruḍha—. 3. *ruṇṭa— (~ *luṇṭa—). 4. *ruṇṭha—. 5. ruṇḍa— (~ *luṇḍa—) ‘maimed’, m. ‘mutilated body’ Kathās., n. ‘id., off- spring of mare and mule (!)’, ruṇḍikā— f. ‘female go- between’. 6. *ruṇḍha—. 7. *rōṭṭa— 2. 8. *rōḍa—1. 9. *rōḍḍa—. [~ *luḍa1. — Cf. *raṭṭa—, *rēṇṭa—: see list s.v. *rakka—. — Cf. *rōḍa2 ‘lump’] 1. Or. ruṛiā ‘stunted, dwarfish’. 2. Or. ruṛha ‘stump of hair growing on head some days after shaving’, ruṛhiā ‘stunted, dwarfish’. 3. S. ruṇḍo ‘blunt’. 4. Or. ruṇṭhā ‘dry, sapless, feeble, miserly, dwarfish’. 5. Pk. ruṁḍa— m.n. ‘headless corpse’; Gaw. rūṇḍa ‘the scab’; Sh. rŭṇı̄́ f. ‘mange’, (Lor.) runo (?) ‘leprosy’; N. runu ‘tiny’ (WN. or ← Ku. or < *runda—); Or. ruṇḍa ‘crowded together’ (whence ruṇḍāibā ‘to crowd together’), ruṇḍiā ‘miserly’; M. rũḍ n. de- capitated body’. 6. Pk. ruṁḍha— m. ‘knave, gambler’; G. rũḍh—mũḍh ‘headless and limbless’; M. rũḍh n. ‘decapitated body’. 7. Or. roṭa ‘thick’. 8. G. roṛ ‘thick’; — altern. < *rōḍḍa—: Ku. roṛo ‘scoundrel’; M. roḍ ‘thin’. 9. S. roḍ̱o ‘shaven’; L. roḍā ‘hornless’, (Ju.) roḍ̱ m. ‘shaven head’, roḍ̱ā ‘shaven—headed, bald’, awāṇ. rōḍā ‘clean—shaven’; P. roḍ f. ‘shaven head’, roḍḍā, roḍā ‘shaven—headed’; Si. roḍḍa ‘chaff, sawdust, rubbish’ (semant. cf. bol < *bhōla—); — altern. < *rōḍa— see Ku. M. above. *ruḍha—, *ruṇṭa— ‘defective’ see *ruḍa—. ruṇṭati see *luṭṭati. *ruṇṭha—, ruṇḍa—, *ruṇḍha— ‘defective’ see *ruḍa—.
10780 *runda— ‘defective’. [~ *lunda—. — Prob. belongs to ‘defective’ word—group beginning ru—, —, cf. ruṇḍa- s.v. *ruḍa— and see list s.v. *rakka—. Direct derivation < IE. *rundo— in Eng. runt ‘stump, smallest of a litter, &c.’ (ND 540 a 10) is unlikely] N. runu ‘tiny’, runko ‘tiny piece’ (or WN. < ruṇḍa—); Bi. runnī ‘poor land which requires to be left fallow’, rūnā ‘land which requires irrigation’.
10786 *rum— ‘roll about’. 2. *rumal—. 3. rul—. 1. G. rumvũ ‘to wander about’. 2. N. rumalinu ‘to loiter’; M. rõ;vaḷṇẽ, rõ;ḷṇẽ ‘to wash rice’. 3. Pk. rulaï ‘lies down’; S. rulaṇu ‘to wander about’; P. rolṇā ‘to separate rice from husk’; OG. rulivaüṁ n. ‘wandering’, G. roḷvũ ‘to roll’; M. ruḷṇẽ ‘to roll, trail along’.
10787 *rumaka— ‘saline earth’. [Cf. rumā— f. ‘name of a salt—mine’ lex., (with or without lavaṇa—) rōmaka—, raumaka— (Suśr.), rauma— (lex.) n. ‘saline earth’] Kho. ruṅ ‘white saline earth, salt in earth’ (or < raṅga5?). *rumakōdaka—.
10789 *rulla— ‘defective’. [~ *lulla—: see list s.v. *rakka—] P. ruhlā ‘crippled in legs and feet’; Ku. rulo m. ‘small undeveloped or decayed grain’; Bi. rullī ‘worn- out land that requires to be left fallow’, H. rull, rullā m. ruvatha— see rutá—. RUŚ ‘shine’: rúśant—, *ruṣṭa2.
10798 *rū—a— ‘cotton’. [< *rūca— ~ Pk ruṁcaï (s.v. *rōñc—) ‘cards cotton’? J. C. W.] Pk. rūa— n. ‘carded cotton’, S. raī f., L. rũ f.; P. rū̃ m., rūī, rūı̄̃ f. ‘cotton wool’; WPah.bhad. rū̃ n. ‘cotton’; Ku. ruwā ‘cotton wool’; N. ruwo ‘cotton’; Or. ruā ‘cotton’, rui ‘cleaned cotton’; Mth. ‘cotton wool’; OAw. rūī f. ‘carded cotton’, H. rū̆ī f., G. n. ruvɔ m.; M. m., ruī f. ‘carded cotton’ (ruī also ‘Calotropis gigantea which yields a downy kind of cotton’). Addenda: *rū—a—: WPah.kṭg. rvi f. ‘cotton’, J. rūī, rū̃ f.
10809 *rē— ‘dust, sand’. [Cf. Ir. *rai—ka— in Pers. rēg, Bal. rēk ‘sand’ NTS v 340] rēṇú—, rētra—, *rēva—, rēvaṭa—1, *rēhā—.
10812 *rēñca— ‘defective’. 2. *rēñja—. [~ *lēñca—. — Cf. *rōcca—: see list s.v. *rakka—] 1. G. rẽciyɔ—pẽciyɔ ‘weak, cowardly, worthless’. 2. G. rẽji—pẽji ‘id.’. *rēñja— ‘defective’ see prec.
10813 *rēḍati, rḗḷatē ‘is angry’ Naigh., árēḍant— ‘not dis- respectful’ TS., rḗṭati ‘reproves’ Dhātup., rēṭi— f. ‘harsh speech’ lex. P. reṛkā m. ‘quarrelling’, kgr. rerrṇā ‘to exasperate’; — L. reḍh f. ‘feud’ < *rēḍ(h)—ti—?
10815 *rēṇṭa— ‘defective’. 2. *rēṇḍa— (~ lēṇḍa1). [~ lēṇṭa—. — Cf. *raṭṭa—, *ruḍa—: see list s.v. *rakka—] 1. Ku. rẽḍ ‘headless body, corpse’; Or. reṇṭā ‘ob- stinate, perverse’; G. rẽṭ ‘feeble’; M. rẽṭ, reṭ n. ‘slang term for a thick hard clumsy cake’. 2. Pk. riṁḍī— f. ‘an old torn worn—out garment’; Bshk. riṇḍ ‘widow’ (rather than < raṇḍa—); Bi. rẽṛā ‘stunted wheat’. *rēṇḍa— ‘defective’ see prec. Addenda: *rēṇṭa—: 3. †;*riṇṭa—: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) riṇḍ m. ‘a young good for nothing, libertine’; kṭg. riṇḍɔ ‘of mediocre quality’; P. riṇḍā m. ‘small watermelon, little child’.
10817 *rēnda— ‘defective’. [~ *lēnda—. — Cf. *runda—: see list s.v. *rakka—] M. rẽd ‘slow, sluggish’.
10819 *rēppa— ‘defective’. [Cf. *rōbba—: see list s.v. *rakka—] Or. repa ‘miserly, cruel’.
10821 *rēva— ‘sand, dust’. 2. rēvaṭa— 1 m. ‘dust (W.), whirl- wind’ lex. [*—] 1. H. rew f. ‘sand’; M. rev, rẽv f. ‘fine sand or gravel’, revā, rẽvā m. ‘coarse do.’; Ko. rẽva ‘sand’. 2. Pk. rēvaliā— f. ‘dust—devil’; Ku. reṛo ‘sand and stones, debris washed down by a stream’; OMarw. revaṛo m. ‘dunghill’; M. revḍā m. ‘fine sand or gravel’. rēvaṭa— 1 ‘whirlwind’ see prec.
10822 *rēvaḍa— ‘a sweetmeat covered with seeds’. [Same as rēvaṭa1?] K. livürü f. ‘a small cake of sugar covered with seeds’; S. reviṛī f. ‘a sweetmeat’, P. reuṛī f., Ku. ryūṛī, N. B. reuṛi; H. rewṛī f. ‘small cake covered with sesamum seeds’, G. revṛī f., M. revḍī f. rēṣā— see hrēṣā—.
10824 *rēhā— ‘sand’. [*—] P. reh, rehī f. ‘saltpetre with earthy mixture, manure’; H. reh f. ‘brackish soil, fuller's earth’. *rēhāsthala—.
10827 *rōkk—: rokṇū ‘to stop’ tr., rokāṇū ‘to stay’ intr.
10828 *rōkka— ‘ready money’. [rōka— ‘buying with cash’ lex. prob. sanskritization of MIA. *rokka—. — Scarcely with PhonPj 129 < raukma— ‘golden’ Mn.] S. roku m. ‘cash’, L. rok m., P. rok f., B. rok (rokh adj. ‘in cash’), Or. roka—ṭhoka, Mth. H. rok m.; G. rok, rokh ‘in cash’, M. rokh, rokh—ṭok; — ext. ——: S. rokaṛi f. ‘cash’; L. rokiṛ f. ‘cash book’; P. rokaṛ f. ‘cash’, B. rokaṛ; Or. rokaṛa ‘cash book’; H. rokaṛ f. ‘cash’ (← N. Mth. rokaṛ), G. rokaṛi f., M. rokaḍ f.
10834 *rōcca— ‘defective’. 2. *rōñca—. [~ *luñca—. — Cf. *rēñca—: see list s.v. *rakka—] 1. G. rocũ ‘rustic, clownish, dried up, wrinkled’. 2. G. rõ;cũ ‘id.’, rõ;cɔ m. ‘clown’.
10836 *rōñc— ‘crush, press in’. [Semantically connexion with √luñc— is unlikely: see *rū—a—] Pk. roṁcaï, roccaï, ruccaï ‘crushes, grinds’, ruṁcaï ‘cards (cotton)’; M. rõ;ċṇẽ ‘to force in, penetrate’. *rōñca— ‘defective’ see *rōcca—. rōṭikā— see next. Addenda: *rōñc—, cf. rōcanī— f. ‘grinding mill’, rōcaka— m. ‘one who crushes pulse’ Arthaś.
10837 *rōṭṭa— 1 ‘bread’. [rōṭikā— f. Bhpr. — LM 396 relates it to *rōñc— and rōṭatē ‘strikes against’ Dhātup., rōḍa- m. ‘pounding’ lex.] Pk. roṭṭa— m.n. ‘rice flour’ Deśīn., roṭṭaga— m., ruṭṭiā— f. ‘bread’; K. rōṭh, dat. °ṭas m. ‘loaf’, ḍoḍ. rōṭī; S. roṭu m. ‘thick bread’, roṭī f. ‘bread’; L. roṭī f. ‘loaf’, P. roṭ, roṭā m., roṭī f.; WPah.bhad. bhal. roṭṭī f. ‘bread’, pāḍ. ruaiṭi , Ku. rwāṭā m. pl.; N. roṭ, roṭo ‘a big loaf’, roṭi ‘bread’, A. B. ruṭi, Or. roṭi, ruṭi, Mth. roṭī; H. roṭ, roṭā m. ‘thick bread’, roṭī f. ‘bread’, Marw. G. roṭī f., G. roṭlɔ m., M. roṭ m., roṭī f.; Si. roṭi ‘unleavened bread of rice flour’. *rōṭṭa—2, *rōḍa— 1 ‘defective’ see *ruḍa—. *rōḍa— 2 ‘lump’ see *ruṭṭa—. *rōḍḍa— ‘defective’ see *ruḍa—. *rōḍha— ‘lump’ see *ruṭṭa—. Addenda: *rōṭṭa—1: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) roṭi f. ‘loaf, wheat—loaf, bread, meal’; Garh. roṭ ‘cake—like preparation’, Md. roři ‘bread’. †;*yavarōṭikā—. †;*rōḍḍa— 2 ‘lump’ see *ruṭṭa—.
10850 *rōbba— ‘defective’. [~ *lōbba—. — Cf. *rēppa—: see list s.v. *rakka—] G. robaṛ ‘stupid, dull’. rōmaka— see *rumaka—.
10855 *rōra— ‘defective’. [Cf. *rulla—: see list s.v. *rakka—] Pk. rōra— ‘indigent’.
10876 *lakk— ‘sound of lapping or bubbling’. [Onom.] S. lakaṇu ‘to lap (as a dog)’, laklaki f. ‘sound of lapping’, L. lakkaṇ, pres. part. lakēndā; P. lakkṇā ‘to make a lapping sound (of a dog)’; A. laklakāiba ‘to feel a craving’; Or. laklak ‘bubbling’; H. lakhlakhānā ‘to pant with heat’; M. lakhlakh f. ‘keen hunger’.
10877 *lakka—1. 4. laṅga—1: laṅgṛāṇū ‘to limp’.
10878 *lakka— 2 ‘lump’. 2. *laṅka—2. [Cf. similar series in ‘defective’ word—groups s.v. *lakka1. — Other word- groups for ‘lump’ with initial l— s.vv. *laḍḍu2 (*laṇḍa3), *ladda1 (*landa2), *liṅga—3, liṭṭa3 (*liṇḍa2, *lēḍa—, *lēḍḍa2, *lēṇṭa—, lēṇḍa2), *lidda3 (*linda—, *lēdda2, *lēddha2, *lēnta—, *lēntha—), *libba—2, lōgá—, *lōcca—2, *luṭṭa2 (luṇḍikā—), *lōttha2 (*lōdda2, *lōddha2, *lōnda—), *lumba2 (*lumbara—)] 1. N. lakku ‘heap, pile of money (esp. in gambling)’; H. lakkā m. ‘lump, piece’. 2. P. laṅg f. ‘heap’; H. lā̃k f. ‘heap’. Addenda: *lakka—2: 2. *laṅka—2: WPah.kṭg. lɔṅg m. ‘nose—stud’, J. loṅg m. *lakkuṭa— see lakuṭa— Add2.
10879 *lakka— 3 ‘waist, loins’. Pk. lakkha— m.n. ‘body’; S. laku m. ‘waist, loins, pass between hills’; L. lakk m. ‘waist, loins’; P. lakk, lakkā m. ‘waist, middle’, lakku m. ‘loins’; WPah. bhad. lakk n. ‘waist’, H. lā̃k f. *lakkuṭa— ‘stick’ see lakuṭa—.
10900 *laṅga—2 ‘tray, basket, net’. P. laṅgarā m. ‘earthen vessel used by dyers’; N. nāṅlo ‘winnowing tray’; A. lāṅgi ‘fishing net’; B. lāṅgul ‘basket for corn’.
10901 *laṅga—3 ‘end of loincloth’. [Cf. lañja3 ‘end of cloth tucked in behind’ lex. (same as lañja2 ‘tail’? — Phonet. cf. lañja1 ~ laṅga1 s.v. *lakka1). — Poss. conn. with liṅga1— or *liṅga3 and the word—groups s.v. lakka1 many of which provide a word for ‘penis’] Kho. (Lor.) luṅ ‘loincloth’; H. lā̃g f. ‘fold of cloth between thighs’ (→ P. lā̃gaṛ f. ‘loincloth’). *laṅgapaṭṭa—.
10907 *lacc— ‘bend, sway’. 2. *lañc—. [Cf. lañcā—?] 1. H. lacnā ‘to bend, give way’, G. lacvũ, M. laċṇẽ; — ext. —kk—: P. lacakṇā ‘to yield under a load’; N. lackinu ‘be bent, droop, sway (as a bridge)’; H. lacaknā ‘to be bent’, G. lacakvũ; M. laċakṇẽ ‘to slip down’. 2. G. lā̃cvũ ‘to bend down’.
10908 *laccha— ‘defective’, [Cf. *licca—, *lucca—: see list s.v. *lakka1] N. lāchi ‘weak, cowardly, worthless’; — Sh. (Lor.) lāċh ‘impotent’ (ċh?). LAJJ ‘be ashamed’. [J. Wackernagel Festgabe Jacobi 13 lajjátē < rájyatē: cf. mng. ‘blush’ in H.] lajjátē, lajjā—, lajjāpayati, lajjālu—, lajjita—, *lajjira—, lajjirī—, alajja—, nirlajja—, *nilajjāpita—, salajja—.
10918 *laṭṭa—2: laṭakṇū ‘to cling, hang’.
10920 *laḍ—2 ‘fight’. 2. *laḍḍ—2. 3. *laḍh—. 1. P. laṛṇā ‘to fight’, WPah.bhad. bhal. laṛṇū, cam. laṛṇā, Ku. laṛṇo, A. lariba, B. laṛā, OAw. laraï, H. laṛnā (→ N. laṛnu, Mth. laṛab, Bhoj. laṛal), G. laṛvũ. 2. K. laḍun. 3. Or. laṛhibā, na°, M. laḍhṇẽ. Addenda: *laḍ—2: WPah.kṭg. lɔṛnõ; ‘to fight’, J. laṛṇu; Garh. laṛnu ‘to quarrel’.
10921 *laḍa— ‘string, garland’. [See *laṭṭa2] K. lar f. ‘string of necklace’; L. laṛī f. ‘strand of cord’, mult. laṛ m., P. laṛī f.; Ku. laṛ ‘garland, string’, laṛo ‘cord’, laṛi ‘garland, string of beads’; N. lari, lariyā ‘skein of cotton removed after spinning’; Mth. lar ‘strand of rope’; OAw. larī f. ‘string of pearls’, H. laṛ, laṛī f., OMarw. laṛa f., M. laḍ, laḍī f. Addenda: *laḍa—: WPah.kc. lɔṛṭo, lɔḷṭo ‘rope’.
10924 *laḍikka— ‘child’. 2. *laḍḍikka—. [Cf. lāḍī̆ka— m. ‘boy, servant’ lex. ‘Defective’ word ~ laṭa—, laḍḍa—, lala—. Cf. láṭati ‘acts childishly’, laṭva— m. ‘dancing boy’. Similar formations in Mu. PMWS 114] 1. P. laṛkā m. ‘boy’, °kī f. ‘girl’, Aw.lakh. Bhoj. larikā; — altern. < 2 with shortening of vowel: Gy. eur. raklo m., °li f. (< *larako), WPah.cur. laṛkā m., Ku. laṛīk, B. leṛkā, Mth. laṛikā, laṛkā, H. laṛkā m., °kī f. 2. P. laḍikkā m. ‘spoilt child’, N. laṛko, °ki, A. lārikā; G. lāḍkũ n. ‘darling’, M. lāḍkā m.
10925 *laḍḍ—1 ‘slip, run’. [~*raḍḍ—] S. laḍ̱aṇu ‘to run’, L. laḍḍaṇ; N. laṛnu ‘to slip, stumble’; A. lariba ‘to run’. *laḍḍ—2 ‘fight’ see *laḍ2. laḍḍa— see laṭṭa1. *laḍḍikka— ‘child’ see *laḍikka—.
10927 *laḍḍu—2 ‘lump’. 2. laṇḍa—3 n. ‘excrement’ BhP. [Prob. same as laḍḍu1: see list s.v. *lakka2. — Cf. ‘defective’ word—group s.v. *laṭṭa1] 1. Dm. laŕāu ‘dough’; Paš.al. lāṛū ‘dough’, lauṛ. laḍū́ ‘walnut, ball, grain’, as numerator in dū laḍū́ ā́ṇḍa ‘two eggs’, uzb. līṅ—laḍḍī ‘walnut’; A. lāru ‘ball of any soft substance’; B. nāṛ ‘hard stools’ (or < 2?); H. laḍḍū m. ‘ball, lump’. 2. Pa. laṇḍa— n. ‘dung’, aja—laṇḍikā— f. ‘goat's dung’; Or. laṇḍā ‘big lumps of cowdung or spittle’; — B. see 1. *laḍḍha— ‘defective’ see laṭṭa1. *laḍh— ‘fight’ see *laḍ2. *laṇṭa—, *laṇṭha—1 ‘defective’ see laṭṭa1. *laṇṭha—2 ‘tangled’ see *laṭṭa2. LAṆḌ ‘toss up’: *avalaṇḍayati, *ullaṇḍati; - √laṭ? *laṇḍa—1 ‘defective’ see laṭṭa1. *laṇḍa—2 ‘tangled’ see *laṭṭa2. laṇḍa—3 ‘excrement’ see *laḍḍu2. *laṇḍara—, *laṇḍha— ‘defective’ see laṭṭa1. Addenda: *laḍḍu—2. 1. WPah.kc. laḍu m. ‘burning piece of charcoal’. 3. †;*laḍu—: WPah.poet. laṛu m. ‘charcoal’. *laṇṭha—1, *laṇḍa—1 ‘defective’ see *laṭṭa1 Add2.
10930 *latta—1 ‘defective’ (sanskritized as laktaka— n. ‘dirty tattered cloth’ Suśr., naktaka— n. lex.?). 2. *lattara—. 3. *latthara—. 4. *laddhara—. 5. *lanta—. 6. *lantara—. 7. *landa—1. 8. *latra— (~litra—). [Cf. *litta—, *lutta—, laṭṭa1: see list s.v. *lakka1. — Cf. *ladda—1, *landa2 ‘lump’] 1. Ash. lat ‘lazy’; Paš. latā m. ‘rag’; L.awāṇ. lattā ‘clothes’; P. lattā m. ‘rag’, nattā m. ‘piece of woollen cloth to wipe out oil—press’; WPah.bhal. lato m. ‘small rag put in a gun’; Ku. lātā, lattā, latā m. pl. ‘clothes’; H. lattā m. ‘tattered cloth’; G. lattũ n. ‘rag’; M. lattī f. ‘torn strip’. 2. Bi. latrī ‘old shoes’; H. latrā ‘tattered, torn’. 3. N. lāthro ‘young sapling, soft young branch’, lathrakka ‘exhausted’; H. lathar ‘dirty’. 4. H. laddhar ‘clumsily patched’. 5. Pa. nantaka— n. ‘shred, rag’; Pk .ṇaṁtaga— n. ‘cloth, clothes’. 6. Ku. lantarā ‘rags’. 7. Si. lan̆da ‘young woman’ (< ‘*small’: cf. latā2). 8. Bshk. l, f. l ‘bad’, Tor. lāš, Chil. lačo AO xviii 241. *latta—2 ‘tangled’ see *laṭṭa2. *lattara— ‘defective’ see *latta1.
10931 *lattā—: latt f. ‘kick’.
10933 *ladda—1 ‘lump’. 2. *landa—2. [Cf. *lidda—3, *lōdda—2, *laḍḍu2: see list s.v. *lakka2. — Cf. ‘defective’ word—group s.v. *latta1] 1. Pk. laddī— f. ‘elephant's dung’; K. lôdu m. ‘dung- hill’; Ku. lād ‘belly’, lādo ‘excreta of belly, belly’; N. lādo ‘belly’, lādi ‘excrement of goats and sheep, con- temptuous term for food’; A. lād ‘round solid dung of animals’, ladā ‘lump, solidified mass’; B. nād ‘dung of animals’, nādi ‘dung pellet (as of goats)’; Or. nāda ‘dung of animals’, G. lādi f.; M. lādā m. ‘mass of kneaded dough’. 2. G. lā̃dɔ m. ‘clammy lump’. *ladda—2 ‘tangled’ see *laṭṭa2. *laddhara—, *lanta—, *lantara—, *landa—1 ‘defective’ see *latta1. *landa—2 ‘lump’ see *ladda1. LAP ‘chatter’: *lapa—, lápati, lapana—, *lāpana—, lāpayati1; apalāpa—, *apalāpayatē, ālapati, *ālapi- traka—, *ālapyati, ālāpá—, *ālāpayati, ālāpya—, ālāpana—1, *upalapati, ullapati, ullāpayati, pra- lāpá—, vílapati, vilapana—, vilapyati, vilāpa—, vilāpayati1, saṁlapati; — √rap1.
10939 *lappa—1: lepsṇū (G. lapasvũ) ‘to slip’.
10940 *lappa—2: lapaṇ f. ‘slap’.
10942 *lappēṭṭ— ‘wrap’. [√*lapp] P. lapeṭnā ‘to wrap’, Ku. lapeṭṇo, N. lapeṭnu; B. lapeṭ ‘a fold’, lapṭāna ‘to fold’; Bi. lapeṭan ‘wooden roller on which cloth is wound as weaved’; OAw. lapeṭaï ‘wraps up’; H. lapeṭnā ‘to wrap, fold, wind’, G. lapeṭvũ, M. lapeṭṇẽ. *lappha—1 ‘sudden movement’ see *lappa1. Addenda: *lappēṭṭ—: WPah.kṭg. lƏpeṭṇõ; ‘to twist, wrap’, J. lapeṭṇu. *lappha—1 ‘jump’ see *lappa1 Add2.
10943 *lappha—2: lapoṛ—sãkh (term of abuse). 3. *labba—: lābaṛ—caṭo ‘untrue, unreliable’.
10972 *lalla— ‘inarticulate noise’, 2. lallara— ‘stammering’ lex., lalalla— Kathās. 1. Pk. lalla— ‘making an inarticulate noise’; Gy. span. laló ‘a Portuguese’, pal. lálă ‘dumb’; K. lalawun ‘to talk foolishly, babble’. 2. Gy. gr. laloró, germ. lalƏro, eng. lullero ‘dumb’; - cf. S. larlari f. ‘gabbling’. *lallakka—.
10984 *lavaṇḍa— ‘servant, boy’. [Cf. Psht. lawaṇḍ ‘vaga- bond, rake’] Ash. lƏwén ‘slave’, Wg. lawә́ṇƏ, loṓṇ, Kt. láwäṇ, Bashg. lonī, Pr. lū̆ṇḍū́, Dm. lawán; Paš. lawoṇ—mārī ‘wanton woman’, (LSI) lawāṇ ‘slave’; Gaw. lāwáṇ ‘slave’; Phal. lawā́ṇ ‘slave’, lawā́ṇḍ ‘unmarried man’, lawaṇḍı̄́ ‘unmarried woman’, l° kuṛi ‘slave girl’; P. laũḍā m. ‘boy, servant’, °ḍī f. ‘servant girl’; Ku. laũṛo, lauṛo ‘boy, son’, laũṛī, lauṛī ‘slave girl, maidservant, girl, daughter’; A. lârā ‘male child’; Mth. naũṛī ‘maidservant’; Aw.lakh. laũṛiā ‘daughter’; H. lauṇḍā m. ‘boy’; G. lɔṇḍɔ m., °ḍī f. ‘slave’, lɔ̃ḍɔ m., °ḍī f. ‘unchaste man or woman’; M. lavãḍī f. ‘female slave’.
10991 *laṣṭi—: laṭṭh m. ‘thick stick’.
10992 *lasa—: lasso ‘glossy’.
10998 *lassī— ‘buttermilk’. S. lasī f. ‘buttermilk and water, milk and water’; L. P. lassī f. ‘buttermilk’, awāṇ. lassī ‘sour milk’. *lahaḍi— ‘wave’ see next.
11000 *lākkuṭa— ‘wooden’. [*lakkuṭa— s.v. lakuṭa—] S. lākuṛyo ‘wooden’, G. lākuṛ.
11010 *lāṅghaka—: lāṅgho m. ‘a fast’ (but like S. lā̃gho ‘ford, fordable’ rather < *lāṅghya— replacing laṅghya— ‘to be traversed’ Kāv., ‘made to fast’ Suśr.).
11012 *lāḍa—: lāṛak, lārak m. ‘best man’.
11021 *lāma— ‘defective’. [Cf. rāmá— ‘dark, black’ AV., rāmā́— f. ‘a dark woman’ TS. — See list s.v. *lakka1] Pa. lāmaka— ‘inferior, bad, sinful’; Pk. lāmā— f. ‘witch’; S. lāo ‘blunt’, lāmo (< *lāmba—?); P. lāvā̃ ‘maimed’; N. lāuke ‘interfering busybody’; M. lā̃v f. ‘ogress, beldam’; Si. lamā ‘childish, infantile’, lamayā ‘child’. Addenda: *lāma— [ā < IE. o (OHG. lam ‘lame’, OSl. lomiti ‘to break’) T. Burrow BSOAS xxxviii 76]
11024 *lārā— ‘string, line’. S. lāra f. ‘string of any glutinous substance’; P. lār f. ‘line’; N. lāri ‘halter of twisted twigs for sheep’; H. lār f. ‘string’; OMarw. lāra ‘at the back, behind’; G. lār f. ‘line’, lārũ n. ‘long line’, lāre ‘behind’.
11028 *lālā—2 ‘tongue of bell’. [Cf. lalati ‘lolls, wags (of tongue)’ Kathās.] S. lāra f. ‘tongue of bell’, Ku. N. rālo, G. lāḷī f.
11044 *likka—: (X likṣā́—?) likh adv. ‘a little’.
11052 *liṅga—3 ‘lump’. [Cf. lōgá—: see list s.v. *lakka2. - Cf. *liṅga2 ‘defective’] K. nĕng f. ‘great pile of cooked rice’, nĕngürü f. ‘small hard lump of human excrement’; Or. liṅgā ‘fleshy tumour or wart on shoulders of a bullock’. liṅgika— see *likka—.
11053 *licca— ‘defective’. 2. *liccha—. 3. *lijjha—. 4. *lēcca—. 5. *lēñca— (~ *rēñca—). [Cf. *laccha—, *lucca—: see list s.v. *lakka1] 1. K. lyoċu ‘weak’, lĕċun ‘to become weak or flabby’; N. liccaṛ ‘miserly’, H. līcaṛ (not with ND 556 b 6 < lípsatē). 2. Kho. ličhak ‘flabby, swaying’. 3. H. lījhā ‘tasteless, juiceless, useless’. 4. Ku. lecaṛ ‘shameless, miserly’, lyacṛā m. pl. ‘half- cooked bread, blots’; M. leċṇẽ ‘to yield’. 5. Or. leñca ‘mean—minded, low—class’. *liccha—, *lijjha— ‘defective’ see prec.
11054 *liṭṭa—1 ‘defective’ (liṭyati ‘is small, is contemptible’ Pāṇ.gaṇa). 2. *liḍḍa—. 3. *liṇḍa—1. 4. *liṇḍara—. 5. *līḍa—. 6. *lēṭṭha—. 7. *lēḍḍa—1. 8. *lēṇṭa- (~ *rēṇṭa—). 9. *lēṇḍa—1 (~ *rēṇḍa—). 10. *lēṇḍ- ara—. 11. *lēṇḍha—. [Cf. *laṭṭa—1, *luṭṭa—1 *litta—: see list s.v. *lakka1. — Cf. *liṭṭa—3, *liṇḍa—2, *lēḍḍa—2, *lēṇḍa2 ‘lump’] 1. Pk. liṭṭia— ‘greedy, lustful’, n. ‘flattery’; A. liṭikā ‘dwarfed’. 2. Tor. liṭ, obl. liḍe ‘small’, (Biddulph) "lid" ‘in- fant’; K. lĕḍ ‘cowardly, weakly’; P. liḍḍ f. ‘cowardice’; H. liḍār ‘cowardly’, m. ‘jackal’ (cf. *giḍḍara—); M. liḍyā ‘lean and weak (esp. of a child)’. 3. Ku. lino ‘tailless, bastard, shameless, weak’; N. lı̃ṛo ‘tailless, worthless’, lı̃ṛe ‘tailless, obstinate’. 4. Ku. linro = lino in 3. 5. S. līṛa f. ‘rag, strip of cloth’; P. līṛā m. ‘cloth in general’. 6. N. leṭhan ‘obstinacy’; A. leṭhā ‘hindrance’, B. leṭhā, leṭā. 7. Sh. (Lor.) le_ṛo ‘bastard’; B. leṛā ‘bald’, neṛā ‘lopped, shorn, bald’; Or. leṛa ‘menstrual blood’; Si. leḍa ‘sick’, leḍā ‘sick person’, leḍaya, °ḍē ‘disease’. 8. Or. leṇṭā ‘inferior, contemptible’. 9. Ash. le/ṇḍe ‘bald’ (or < laṇḍa1), Dm. lyēṇḍa, Paš.weg. lēṇḍā́, ar. lẽrṓ, dar. lẽṛā́; Or. leṇḍā ‘inferior, contemptible’; Bi. lẽṛurī ‘empty maize cob’; H. lẽḍī ‘impotent, cowardly’; M. lẽḍyātāḍ m. ‘the male or barren palmyra’. 10. H. lẽḍrā = lẽḍī in 9. 11. Bi. lẽṛhā ‘empty maize cob’, Mth. neṛhā; H. lẽḍhā m. ‘smut, mildew’. *liṭṭa—2 ‘tangled’ see *laṭṭa2. Addenda: *liṭṭa—1. 3. liṇḍa—1: WPah.poet. liṇḍo ‘tailless’, J. lı̃ḍā. *liṇḍa—1 ‘defective’ see *liṭṭa1 Add2.
11055 *liṭṭa—3. 4. *lēḍḍa—2: liḍḍ f. ‘dung’ (see *lidda3).
11056 *litta—. 7. *lēttha—: lithaṛṇū (G. lathaṛvũ) ‘to stagger’.
11057 *lidda—3 ‘lump’. 2. *linda—. 3. *lēdda—2. 4. *lēddha—2. 5. *lēnta—. 6. *lēntha—. [Cf. *ladda—1, *lōttha—2, *liṭṭa3: see list s.v. *lakka2. — Cf. ‘defective’ word—group s.v. *litta—. — Orm. lid ‘horse dung’ NTS v 21 (unless this, to avoid dil ‘heart’, is metath. of *dil < *dr̥t— in Sogd. drtyč, Chvarezmian dirt, Wkh. dƏrt ‘dung’ W. Henning in letter)] 1. K. lĕd, dat. lë̆zü f. ‘dung of horses, mules, asses, elephants’, S. liḍ̱i f., L. lidd, liḍḍ, (Ju.) liḍ̱ f., awāṇ. lid, P. lidd f.; Ku. lido ‘dung of goats’; N. lidi ‘dung of horses and other animals’; Bi. līd, līdī, liddī f. ‘dung of horses and elephants’, Mth. liddā, H. G. M. līd f. 2. K. nĕnd f. ‘piled up large solidified heap of stale boiled rice’. 3. A. ledenā ‘faeces and urine of a sick person’; B. nedi ‘cowdung cake’; Or. neda, ledi, nedi ‘solid circular bit of dung’; Bi. led, ledā, ledī ‘clod used as counter- poise on a lever’. 4. Bi. (SE) ledho ‘clod as counterpoise on beam of water—lift’, Mth. ledh. 5. Or. lentā ‘mass, collection, bundle’. 6. Or. lenthā ‘id.’. *liddhara— ‘defective’ see *litta—. *linda— ‘lump’ see *lidda3. lindu— see *litta—. LIP ‘smear’: liptá—1, lipyatē, limpá—, limpáti, lēpa—, lēpana—, lēpayati, *lēptra—, lēpya—; *ava- lipya—, avalēpayati, ālipta—, ālimpana—, ālēpa—, ālēpana—, ālēpayati, upalēpayati, pralipta—, pralē- payati, vilēpana—, *saṁlipta—, *saṁlēpana—. Addenda: *lidda—3. 1. WPah.kṭg. līd f. ‘horse dung’. 4. †;*lēdha— in OP. māṁlīha f. ‘dried cowdung as fuel’, P. malīh f. < †;*māhiṣalēdha—?
11063 *libba—1: libb m. ‘saliva’, lipph f. ‘babble’, libṛī f. ‘chatter’.
11064 *libba—2 ‘lump’. [See list s.v. *lakka2. — Cf. *libba1 ‘defective’] K. lyobu, dat. lĕbis m. ‘lump of cowdung’.
11068 *lissa—: liss m. ‘an attack of cold’.
11070 *līkkā—2 ‘track, line’. S. līka f., °ko m. ‘line, streak’, līkaṇu ‘to trace out- lines’; L. līk f. ‘line, crack in soil’, līkā m. ‘line’; P. līk f. ‘line, track, rut’; N. likh, lig ‘line, rut, path’; B. lik ‘line, track, rut’, H. G. līk f. — X lḗkhā— q.v. līkṣā— see likṣā́—. *līḍa— ‘defective’ see *liṭṭa1 *lība— ‘defective’ see *libba1.
11071 *līra— ‘defective’. 2. *lēra—. 3. *lēlla—1. [Cf. *lēlla2 and the rhyming cīra—: see list s.v. *lakka1] 1. L. līr f. ‘rag’, (Ju.) līrā̃ ‘ragged, shabby’; P. līr f. ‘strip of cloth, rag’. 2. Or. lera ‘rheum of eyes’ (semant. cf. *lēdda1). 3. S. lelhaṛu m. ‘lazy worthless person’; Or. lelhā ‘weak’, leliha ‘louse’ (< *lēllibha—?). *līsa— ‘defective’ see *lissa—.
11072 *lukka—1. 2. *lugga—: lūghṛo m. ‘a cloth’.
11073 *lucca— ‘defective’. 2. *luñca— (~ *rōñca—). 3. *luñja—. 4. *lōcca—1 (cf. lōcaka1 ‘stupid’ lex.). 5. *lōjjha—. [Cf. Pers. luč, lunǰ ‘naked’. — Cf. *laccha—, *licca—: see list s.v. *lakka1] 1. Kal.rumb. lūča ‘unembroidered part of cloak’; K. luc ‘wicked’ ← Ind.; S. lucu m. ‘blackguard’, luco ‘infamous’; L. luccā ‘of bad character’, (Ju.) luc, luccā ‘quarrelsome’, awāṇ. luccā m. ‘rascal’; P. lucc m. ‘lecher’, luccā ‘profligate’; WPah.bhad. lucpŏṇ ‘de- bauchery’ (< —tvana—); Ku. luccā ‘miserly’, lucṛo ‘lean, mean’, gng. luċ ‘miser’; N. lucco ‘profligate’; A. lussā ‘licentious’, B. Or. luccā; H. luc ‘naked, bare’, luccā ‘profligate’, lucṛā ‘silly, sycophantic’; G. luccũ ‘lewd’, M. luċċā. 2. P. luñj m. ‘paralysis (of a limb), crookedness’, luñjā ‘crippled’; Ku. lũj ‘devoid of use of hands or feet, gouty’. 3. H. lũj, luñj, lũjā, luñjā ‘crippled in hands or feet’ 4. Or. loccā ‘profligate, lewd’. 5. L. lojhvā̃ ‘crooked’; N. lojho ‘slack, slow’. LUÑC ‘pluck out’: luñcati, luñcana—. *luñca— ‘defective’ see *lucca—.
11076 *luṭṭa—1 ‘defective’. 2. *luṭṭha—. 3. *luḍa- (~ *ruḍa—). 4. *luḍḍa—. 5. *luṇṭa— (~ *ruṇṭa—; cf. luṇṭāka— m. ‘crow’ lex.). 6. luṇṭhaka— m. ‘robber’ Hcar. (cf. *luṭṭati). 7. *luṇḍa— (~ ruṇḍa—). 8. *luṇḍara—. 9. *lōṭṭa—1. 10. *lōṭṭha—. 11. *lōṇṭha—. [Cf. *laṭṭa—1, *liṭṭa—1, *lutta—: see list s.v. *lakka1. — Cf. *luṭṭa2 ‘lump’. — Par. lúṇḍu ‘short’, Psht. laṇḍ ← IA. IIFL i 269] 1. Ash. luṭ ‘young man’; Wg. lṳ̄ṭ ‘young bearded man’; Tor. lūṭ ‘small’; Phal. ṣiṣa—lúṭo ‘bald—headed’; Sh. lŭṭŭ ‘bare, bare—headed’; — altern. < 2: forms of Gaw. Kho. Si. 2. Pk. luṭṭha— n. ‘broken piece of brick’; Gaw. luṭh, luṭ ‘young’, sb. ‘bridegroom’ NOGaw 42; Kho. (Morgenstierne) luṭh ‘big’, (Lor.) luṭ ‘big, senior, old’, luti (= : < *luṭṭhiya—) ‘greatness’; N. luṭho ‘loose- living bachelor’, luṭhi ‘young unmarried woman (spoken contemptuously)’; A. luṭhuṅ—ṭhuṅgīyā ‘destitute, home- less’. 3. N. lure ‘a lean fellow’; A. lurumā ‘stunted in growth’; M. luḍā—khuḍā ‘old, infirm’, luḍmā ‘stunted’ (or < 4). 4. Tor. luḍ ‘small’ (or < lūṭ in 1); M. see 3. 5. S. luṇḍu m. ‘intercalary month’, luṇḍo ‘tailless, destitute’; L. luṇḍā ‘tailless, shameless, of bad character’, (Ju.) m. ‘money paid to a husband to divorce his wife’, awāṇ. lũḍā—bucā ‘immoral’; P. luṇḍ m. ‘shameless person’, luṇḍā ‘tailless, wifeless’; WPah. jaun. lū̃ḍ ‘blackguard’; — altern. < 7: K. lunḍa ‘pro- fligate’; N. lũṛinu ‘to have the leaves plucked off’. 6. Pk. luṁṭhaga— m. ‘rogue’; G. luṇṭhɔ m. ‘vaga- bond’. 7. Paš. luṇḍa—bā́z ‘frivolous girl’; Sh. (Lor.) lund, lon, pl. luni (= ṇḍ?), jij. (Morgenstierne) lɔṇ ‘penis’ (or < laṇḍa1?); H. lũḍā ‘tailless, cropped’; G. lū̃ḍɔ m. ‘contemptuous term for a man’, lū̃ḍāī f. ‘roguery’; M. lũḍā ‘mutilated’; — K. N. altern. < 5. 8. Kho. (Lor.) luṇḍur ‘ill—shaped person’ (or < *laṇḍara—). 9. Pk. loṭṭa—, °aya— m. ‘unripe rice, elephant calf’. 10. M. loṭhā ‘sturdy’; — Kho. loṭhoro ‘younger’ (rather < *laṭṭhara—); A. loṭhorā ‘plump, fleshy’ (or < lōṣṭá—). 11. G. lõ;ṭhɔ ‘stout, rude, cunning’. Addenda: *luṭṭa—1. 2. *luṭṭha—: WPah.kṭg. lv́ṭhṛɔ ‘bald—headed’. 5. *luṇṭa—: WPah.poet. lvṇḍa m. ‘rogue’. 6. luṇṭhaka—: also G. lũṭhũ ‘violent’. 12. †;*lōṇḍa—: Md. lon̆ḍu ‘lazy’.
11077 *luṭṭa—2 ‘lump’. 2. *luḍa—2. 3. luṇḍikā— f. ‘ball, mass, excrement’ lex. 4. *lōṭṭa—.2 [Into this series, paralleled by *liṭṭa3 and others s.v. *lakka2, would fit Pk. loṭṭha— < lōṣṭá— TS. which has similar varia- tions of root vowel and ending in lōṣṭu— lex., lēṣṭu—, nēṣṭu— MBh. — Cf. ‘defective’ word—group s.v. *luṭṭa1] 1. K.pog. kash. lŏṭ ‘head’; Ku. luṭo ‘heap of grass’. 2. B. luṛi, nuṛi ‘pebble, ball, nodule’ (ODBL < lōṣṭá—). 3. Or. luṇḍā, nuṇḍā ‘fire—wisp’; Bi. lū̃ṛā, nū̃ṛā, nuṇḍā ‘bundle of grass for cleaning vessels’; Mth. lū̃ṛā, nū̃ṛā ‘id.’, lū̃ṛī ‘bundle’; H. lũḍā, lũṛā m. ‘lump, ring of twisted grass’. 4. Sh. lōṭu̯ m. ‘ball of flour or ghee’, lōṭi̯ f. ‘football’. Addenda: *luṭṭa—2. 3. luṇḍikā—: A. lũrā, nũrā ‘mass, ball’ AFD 229, 425.
11078 *luṭṭati: lū̃ṭṇū ‘to plunder’.
11081 *lutta— ‘defective’. 2. *luttara—. 3. *lutthara—. 4. *lunda— (~ *runda—). 5. *lōtta—. 6. *lōttara—. 7. *lōttha—1. 8. *lōtthara—. 9. *lōdda—1. 10. *lōddara—. 11. *lōddha—1. [Cf. Pers. lūt ‘naked’, Kurd. rūt. — Similar word—groups s.vv. *latta—1, *litta—, *luṭṭa1: see list s.v. *lakka1. — Cf. a similar group for ‘lump’ s.v. *lōttha3] 1. K. lath, dat. lüċü f. ‘slender woman’, lọ̆tu ‘trivial, frivolous, easy to manage or endure, mild, soft, slow’ (LM 397 wrongly < laghú—); N. luto ‘small weakly boy’, lute ‘weakling’, lutyāhā ‘weak and worthless fellow’. 2. P. lutrā ‘trifling’; N. luture ‘weak, thin, sickly’, lutrukka ‘flabby, shrunken’; A. luturā ‘sensual’; H. lutrā ‘sycophantic, silly, making mischief’; M. lutrā ‘tattling’. 3. N. luthrukka ‘wet through and through’; A. luthari—piṭhā ‘rice—flour boiled in water and mixed with milk and sugar’. 4. L.mult. lundā ‘tailless, shameless’; — N. lũdo ‘fold of fat round body’ (or rather < *lōnda— ‘lump’?). 5. N. lote ‘slack, lazy’. 6. Or. lotarā ‘flabby, worn—out’. 7. G. loth ‘fatigued, inferior’; — in sense ‘corpse’ (S. lotha f., L.awāṇ. P. N. H. G. M. loth f.) perh. rather < lōttha2. 8. N. lothro, °re ‘slack, clumsy, lax, faint’; Or. lotharā ‘eunuch’, lothari ‘corpulent woman’. 9. K. lōda m. ‘fool, dolt’. 10. N. lodar ‘misfortune, ill luck’; A. lodorā ‘stout’. 11. Ku. lodho ‘lean, weak, shameless’; A. lodhomā ‘corpulent’; G. lodhɔ m. ‘a huge creature’; — M. lodhā m. ‘corpse’ or < *lōddha2 see 7 above. *luttara—, *lutthara— ‘defective’ see *lutta—.
11087 *lumba—1 ‘defective’. 2. *lōbba— (~ *rōbba—). [Cf. *lappha—2, *libba1: see list s.v. *lakka1. — Cf. *lumba2 ‘lump’] 1. Ku. lumṛo ‘miserly’; N. lumro ‘weak’, lumre ‘ragged’. 2. Ku. lobṛo ‘simple, humble, lean, greedy’.
11088 *lumba—2 ‘lump’. 2. *lumbara—. 3. *lōppa— (lōptrī— f. ‘lump of dough’ Bhpr. sanskritization of MIA. *loppaḍī—?). [See list s.v. *lakka2. — Cf. *lumba1 ‘defective’] 1. M. lũbḍẽ n. ‘clog round bullock's neck’. 2. Ku. lumuro ‘excrescence on body (wen &c.)’. 3. H. lopṛī, lupṛī f. ‘lump’; — N. lopro ‘bit, chip, shaving’, loprā—lopr i ‘parings’ (or < lōpya—?). Addenda: *lumba—2: WPah.poet. lumbṭu m. ‘cluster of flowers’, lumbṭuo ‘thick, compact, dense (e.g. of fog)’.
11090 *lulla— ‘defective’. 2. *lōlla—. [~ *rulla—, *nunna—. — Cf. lulita— ‘hurt’ MBh: direct derivation < lū́ta— ‘cut off’ (*lūa—lla— LM 399) is, in view of similar ‘defective’ word—groups, very doubtful. — Cf. *lēlla1: see list s.v. *lakka1] 1. Sh. (Lor.) rūlo ‘weak, feeble, useless, worthless’; S. lūlo ‘maimed’; L. lullī f. ‘penis’; P. lull ‘penis puerilis’ (LM 401 wrongly < lōla—); Ku. lūl ‘thin tall man’, lūlo ‘lame’, lulī ‘penis’; N. lulo ‘maimed, crippled, limp’; B. nul, nulā ‘handless, lame in hand’, sb. ‘arm without hand, arm (in general)’; Or. lulā ‘simpleton, maimed in hand (= nulā)’; Mth. lulh ‘one- armed’; Bhoj. lūlh ‘armless man’; H. lūlā ‘maimed, handless’; OMarw. lulaü ‘lame’, G. lūlũ; M. lulā ‘maimed’. 2. Or. lolo ‘impotent, fat but not strong’; H. lolo m. ‘penis puerilis’ (or < *lōḍa—). *ālulla—.
11091 *lussa— ‘defective’. 2. *lōssa—. [Cf. *lissa—: see list s.v. *lakka1] 1. S. lusu ‘hairless, featherless’; Or. lusuṛi ‘very rotten (of fruit), wrinkled (of skin)’; G. lus ‘cut off, dropped’. 2. K. lōsa m. ‘fatigue, languor’, lūsu ‘tired’, lōsun ‘to become tired’; N. loso ‘slack’; Or. losaṛā ‘flabby’. ‘cut’: láva—1, *lava—2, *lavati, lávana—, lavítra—, lavya—, lāva—, lāvaka—, *lāvana—, lāvya—, *lāvyatē, lunā́ti, lū́ta—, lūna—, lūni—; alūna—, *avalavati, ālava—, *ālavana—, *ālūta—, *ullāva—, pralūna—. lūkṣá— see rūkṣá—. *lūṭati ‘plunders’ see *luṭṭati. Addenda: *lussa— ‘defective’: WPah.kṭg. lúś—phúśśɔ ‘slippery’ see *phuss—1, *phiss— in Add2.
11097 *lūṣati ‘burns’. 2. lūṣáyati2 ‘*causes to burn’ (‘injures’ Dhātup.). 3. *lōṣati. 4. *lūṣyatē. [√*lūṣ2] 1. Pk. lūsaï ‘destroys, distresses’; Kt. luṣ— ‘to burn’; P. lūhṇā ‘to be burnt’. 2. S. lūhaṇu (pres. part. lūhīndo) tr. ‘to burn, scorch’. 3. Dm. loṣ— tr. ‘to roast’; Gaw. loṣ— intr. ‘to burn’; Kho. paz loṣik ‘to have heartburn’. 4. Dm. luṣ— ‘to be burnt’; S. lūsaṇu tr. ‘to scorch, burn’ (pp. luṭho < *lūṣṭa2); P. lūsṇā ‘to burn with anger’.
11099 *lūṣā— ‘burning’. [Cf. arka—lūṣa— m. nom. prop. - √*lūṣ2] S. lūha f. ‘hot wind, attack’; L. f. ‘hot wind’. *lūṣṭa—1 ‘stolen’ see lūṣáyati1. Addenda: *lūṣā—: P. lūh ‘burnt, scalded’; H. (← P.?) lūhar f. ‘flame, the hot summer wind’ → WPah.poet. lūr—be m.pl. ‘flames’ with —be < vātá—) Him.I 196.
11116 *lēlla—2 ‘lamb, kid’. [Cf. lēlya—: or poss. same as *lēlla1 with mng. ‘small’] S. lelo m. ‘kid’; L. lēlā m., °lī f. ‘lamb, kid’; P. lelā m., °lī f. ‘lamb’, H. lelā m., leliyānā ‘to bleat’.
11130 *lōcca—2 ‘lump’. [Cf. lōcaka2 m. ‘lump of flesh’ lex. — See list s.v. *lakka2] G. locɔ m. ‘lump, mass’; M. loċkā m. ‘piece (of flesh, dough, &c.) bitten or torn off’.
11133 *lōṭṭa—3 ‘waterpot’. K. loṭa ‘small metal or earthen pot’, S. loṭo m.; L. loṭā m. ‘waterpot’, P. loṭṭā m., Ku. loṭiyā, N. lohoṭo, A. B. Or. loṭā, Or. noṭā, Mth. loṭiā, Aw.lakh. loṭiyā, H. loṭā m., G. loṭɔ m., M. loṭā m. *lōṭṭha— ‘defective’ see *luṭṭa1. lōṭyáti see *lōrtati. Addenda: *lōṭṭa—3: WPah.poet. loṭa m. ‘waterpot’ ← H.? — J. loṭā m.
11136 *lōḍa—, lōla— ‘tossing, hanging’ MBh. [√luḍ] Pa. lōḷa— ‘waving, unsteady, greedy’; Pk. lōla— ‘lust- ful’, lōra— m.n. ‘eye, tear’; K. lōla f. ‘tongue’; S. rolo m. ‘wandering’; P. lol m. ‘flap of skin on a bull’; N. lolā ‘rolls of fat, pendent flesh below chin, rattle’; A. lolā ‘loose’, B. lola; Or. noḷi ‘earring’; Bi. lor ‘ear- pendent’; H. lor ‘moving, desirous’, m. ‘ear—ring’, lolā m. ‘ear—pendent’, lolī, lorī f. ‘lullaby’, lolo m. ‘penis puerilis’ (or < *lōlla—); G. loḷɔ m. ‘tongue’, loḷiyũ n. ‘pendent’; M. loḷ n. ‘rolling over’; — Si. lela ‘unsteady’ (< *loḷe? — or < lēlya—). lōḍayati, lōḍyatē see luḍáti. *lōṇṭha— ‘defective’ see *luṭṭa1. lṓta— see rṓda—. *lōtta—, *lōttara—, *lōttha—1 ‘defective’ see *lutta—. Addenda: *lōḍa—, lōla—: Md. (lolek) ‘eye’. lōḍayati see luḍáti Add2. †;*lōṇḍa— ‘defective’ see *luṭṭa1.
11137 *lōttha—2 ‘lump’. 2. *lōdda—. 3. *lōddha—. 4. *lōnda—. [Cf. *ladda—1, *lidda3, *luṭṭa2: see list s.v. *lakka2. — Cf. ‘defective’ word—group s.v. *lutta—] 1. H. lothī f. ‘knotted club’, lothṛā, lothṛhā, lothrā m. ‘lump of flesh’. — For ‘corpse’ words see *lōttha1. 2. H. lodā m. ‘lump’; G. lodvũ ‘to knead’. 3. M. lodhā m. ‘lump’. 4. N. lũdo ‘fold of fat round belly’ (rather than < *lunda—); Bi. lõ;dā ‘lump of mud used in building (= Mth. lõ;dī), ball of tobacco (= Mth. lõ;dā)’; Aw.lakh. lõmacr;dā ‘lump’, H. lõ;dā m., G. lõ;dɔ m.
11138 *lōttha—3 ‘skin, skin—bag’. Ku. loth, lot ‘skin’; N. lot ‘money bag’, loto ‘strip of leather’, loti ‘strip of leather or metal’; H. lothā m. ‘bag’. *lōtthara—, *lōdda—1 ‘defective’ see *lutta—. *lōdda—2 ‘lump’ see *lōttha2. *lōddara—2 *lōddha—1 ‘defective’ see *lutta—. *lōddha—2 ‘lump’ see *lōttha2.
11156 *lōrtati ‘rolls’, lōṭyáti ‘sleeps’ Pāṇ.gaṇa (~ lēṭyati), luṭyati ‘rolls’ Bhaṭṭ. 2. lṓṭati ‘rolls’ Dhātup. (MIA. < *lōṭṭ—?). [√*lōrt] 1. Pk. loṭṭaï ‘rolls, sleeps’, luṭṭaï ‘sleeps’; Paš.lauṛ. lōṭ—, weg. lōṛ— ‘to roll, fall’; Kal. lōtam tr. ‘I roll’ (→ Dm. lōt— NTS xii 177); Kho. (Lor.) lortik intr. ‘to roll, wallow, writhe’ (pres. st. lart— with anal. a for o after other pres. stems with orig. a ~ pret. with o < a); S. loṭiko ‘wandering’; P. loṭṇā intr. ‘to roll’; Ku. loṭṇo ‘to fall down, sink’, loṭīṇo ‘to happen’; N. loṭnu ‘to roll, wallow’, A. loṭiba, B. loṭā, Or. loṭibā, no°, Mth. loṭab, H. loṭnā, G. loṭvũ, M. loṭṇẽ. 2. Pa. lōṭana— n. ‘shaking, upsetting’; WPah.bhal. loṛnū ‘to be necessary’ (semant. cf. Ku. in 1 and H. paṛnā &c. < pátati). — Altern. < lōḍayati or láḍati: Kho. loḷik ‘to look for, look at’; P. loṛṇā ‘to search for’, Or. loṛibā, no°. lōla— see *lōḍa—. lōlayati see luḍáti. lōlubha— see lōbhin—. *lōlla— ‘defective’ see *lulla—. *lōṣati ‘burns’ see *lūṣati. Addenda: *lōrtati: Kho. loxtik ‘to roll’ BKhoT 70; WPah.kṭg. (kc.) loṭṇõ; ‘to fall down’.
11190 *vaggaḍa—: vagṛo m. ‘wasteland’, (+ áraṇa—) raṇ- vagṛo m. ‘barren wasteland’.
11192 *vaṅka—2 ‘defective’. 2. *vaṅkara—2. [Same as vaṅka—1, vaṅkara1? and vaṅka— m. ‘vagabond’ Bhadrab. — As ‘defective’ words cf. vyàṅga—, vaṇṭa—2, baṇḍá—. Rhymes with raṅká—, *laṅka1] 1. Mth. bā̃kī f. ‘barren (of women)’. 2. A. bāṅkrā ‘worthless’ (or < *vaṅka—ḍa—). Addenda: *vaṅka—2: WPah.kṭg. baṅgṭɔ m. ‘penis’. VAC: †;avākká—.
11209 *vañja— or *vañjha— ‘oak’. [NTS ii 266 compares vanaja— m. ‘name of various trees’ (semant. cf. Av. vanā— ‘tree’ > Par. gan ‘oak’ EVP 87), which is, how- ever, perh. learned formation for *vañj(h)a—. — Cf. *vajjaraṭṭha—] Ash. mõmacr;žı̄́ ‘oak’ (< *wanǰī?), Wg. mōċ, mūċ, Kt. wә́nzī, wƏzı̄́, Pr. wṓzu; Paš. wanǰı̄́ ‘holly—oak’; Niṅg. banzı̄́ ‘oak’, Woṭ. banz f., Gaw. inj̈ı̄́, hē̃zı̄́; Kal.rumb. buñ, st. bōñǰ—, urt. bonz ‘holly—oak’, Kho. banǰ (< *vāñ- jha—?), Sv. banž; WPah.bhal. bañj n. ‘a partic. tree’; Ku. bā̃j ‘oak’; N. bā̃jh ‘the tree Echinocarpus stercu- liaceus’; H. bā̃jh, bā̃j m., bañjī f. ‘the oak Quercus incana’.
11224 *vaḍavaḍa— ‘grumble, mutter’. [Onom. — Cf. *baḍabaḍa—] Pk. vaḍavaḍaï ‘mutters’; — cf. M. vaṭvaṭṇẽ ‘to grumble’. vaḍiśa— see baḍiśa—.
11347 *varta—2 ‘circular object’ or more prob. ‘something made of metal’, cf. vartaka2 n. ‘bell—metal, brass’ lex. and vartalōha—. [√vr̥t?] Pk. vaṭṭa— m.n., °aya— m. ‘cup’; Ash. waṭā́k ‘cup, plate’; K. waṭukh, dat. °ṭakas m. ‘cup, bowl’; S. vaṭo m. ‘metal drinking cup’; N. bāṭā, ‘round copper or brass vessel’; A. bāṭi ‘cup’; B. bāṭā ‘box for betel’; Or. baṭā ‘metal pot for betel’, bāṭi ‘cup, saucer’; Mth. baṭṭā ‘large metal cup’, bāṭī ‘small do.’, H. baṭṛī f.; G. M. vāṭī f. ‘vessel’. *aṅkavarta—, *kajjalavarta—, *kalaśavarta—, *kṣāṇavartaka—, *cūrṇavarta—, parṇavartikā—, *hiṅgulavarta—. Addenda: *varta—2: Md. vař ‘circle’ (vař—han̆du ‘full moon’).
11385 *vardhira— ‘axe, hammer’. [Cf. *varddhr̥—. - √vardh] Kho. bƏḍı̄́r ‘sledgehammer (?)’ (→ Gaw. bäḍíl), Bshk. baḍı̄́r; Phal. baḍhı̄́r ‘axe (?), sledgehammer’ AO xviii 227: very doubtful.
11404 *valañja— ‘trace, track’. [Cf. lañja2?] Pa. valañja— m. ‘track, trace, design, use’ (pada—v° ‘footprint’), valañjēti ‘tracks, uses’; Si. valan̆da ‘sign, mark’, valan̆danavā ‘to enjoy, eat (esp. of monks)’ EGS 158.
11482 *vāṭiyāla—, vāṭyāla—, °laka— m., °lī— f. ‘Sida rhomboidea or cordifolia’ lex., vāṭyā— f. Bhpr. B. beṛelā ‘S. cordifolia’; Or. bāṛiãḷā ‘S. cordifolia or rhomboidea or spinosa’; H. bāriārī f. ‘S. cordifolia’. vāṭyāla— see prec. vāṇá—1 ‘arrow’ see bāṇá—. Addenda: *vāṭiyāla—: OB. bāṛiāla id.
11483 *vāṇa—2: vāṇ m. ‘coir string on bed frame’.
11584 *vālguḍa— ‘bat’, vālguda— m. Viṣṇ., vāgguda— m. Mn., valgula— m. ‘flying fox’ W., °lā— f. lex., °lī— f. Suśr., vāguli— f. Kauṭ. 2. *vālduḍa—. [J. Bloch in Thomas EIS 35 ← Drav. Tam. vaval &c. (DED 4400). - vātuli— f. ‘large bat’ lex. sanskritized from *vāuli— < eastern MIA. vāguli— (see Si. bel.)] 1. Pa. vagguli— m.f., °lī— f. ‘bat’, Pk. vagguli— m.; G. vāgoḷ f. ‘flying fox’, M. vāgūḷ, °gaḷ, vāghūḷ, °ghaḷ f.n., Si. vavulā. 2. B. bāduṛ ‘flying fox’, Or. bāduṛi, H. bādur m. vālguda—, *vālduḍa— ‘flying fox’ see prec. VĀŚ ‘cry (of animals)’: vāśana—, vāśáyati, vāśita—, vāśitā́—, *vāśuka— Add., vā́śyatē, vāśrá—; *pravāśman—. Addenda: *vālguḍa—: Md. vau, (vālek) ‘bat’.
11703 *vijjhāyati ‘is burnt out, is extinguished’. 2. Caus. *vijjhāpayati. [Cf. vikṣāma— n. ‘a dead coal’ ŚāṅkhŚr., avakṣā́ṇa— ‘extinguished’, saṁprakṣāpayati ‘extinguishes’ TS. — vidhyāpayati Jain. ‘extinguishes’ is sanskritization of vijjh°. — √*jhai] 1. Pa. vijjhāyati ‘is extinguished’, Pk. vijjhāi, M. vij̈hṇẽ (Bloch LM 408 < vi—kṣi—); — MIA. *vujjh— < vijjh— X *ojjh— < *avajjhāyati (rather than X ujjhati ‘leaves’ ND 452 a 35): Sh. bŭžóĭki̯ ‘to be allayed (of hunger)’; S. ujhaṇu ‘to be extinguished’, P. bujhṇā, N. bujhnu, B. bujā, Or. bujhibā, buji°, OAw. bujhā̆i, H. bujhnā. — X mr̥ṣṭa1 q.v. 2. Pa. vijjhāpēti ‘extinguishes’, Pk. vijjhāvēi, °vaï, M. vij̈haviṇẽ; — Si. vidavanavā ‘to destroy’ (or poss. < vidhmāpayati: ES 81 < vi—kṣi—); — S. ujhāiṇu ‘to extinguish’, P. bujhāuṇā, Ku. bujhūṇo, N. bujhāunu, B. bujāna, Or. bujāibā, OAw. OMarw. bujhāvaï, H. bujhānā (→ G. bujhavvũ whence pass. bujhāvũ ‘to be extinguished’). Addenda: *vijjhāyati. 2. *vijjhāpayati: Md. vīdanī ‘tears, destroys’?
11711 *viñcati, vinákti ‘separates’ Dhātup. [Cf. víviñcanti 3 pl. ‘blow through’ RV. — √vic] Or. biñcibā ‘to fan, scatter on the ground, spread, sow’ (whence biñcaṇā, °ṇi ‘fan’), biñchibā (ch?) ‘to scatter, strew’; — M. vẽċṇẽ, veċṇẽ ‘to pick (up, off, out) one by one, gather, select’ with e from caus. *vēcayati (vivēcayati ‘separates’ Mn.; semant. cf. Ir. *waič— in Pers. bīz—, Bal. gēč— ‘to sift’ ~ Oss. veǰun ‘to gather, pick up’).
11728 *vittha— ‘bowl’. Pa. (surā—)vittha— n. ‘drinking bowl’, (āvēsana—) vitthaka— n. ‘small bowl for needles &c.’; Si. vit—a ‘drinking vessel’.
11773 *vināti: vaṇṇū ‘to weave’, vaṇī f. ‘a string’.
12079 *vr̥mra— ‘globular fruit, walnut’. [Cf. bímba—, bimbā— and esp. bimbu— m. ‘betel—nut tree’ lex.] Ash. imŕṓ, imlō̃́, imnō̃́ ‘walnut’, Kt. aŕmŕū́, Bashg. iamru, Wg. imrṓ, Dm. brimū̆, °mũ, Paš.lauṛ. liṅ (< *vr̥m- baka— IIFL iii 3, 112), ar. urumī, weg. wurumı̄́, dar. werémbū, Shum. ílo (< *imrō ← Ash.), Gaw. limuṛı̄́ (< *vr̥mbuṭikā—), Kal. bribṓ, Kho. birmog (< *virmaka- NTS ii 241), Lor. also birbog; K. brīm—pōś m. ‘the waterlily Nymphaea alba’, brimij f., brimdū ‘the tree Celtis australis (with a small fruit)’ < *vr̥mra—dru(ma)—? —See also varambarā—.
12091 *vēḍu— ‘reed, bamboo’. [vēṇú— X naḍá— BDCRI 20, 345] Pa. vēḷu— m. ‘bamboo’, Pk. vēlu—, °luya— m.; Kho. béḷu ‘reed, pipe’ (boḷu ‘reed, pipe’ X noḷ < naḍá—); K. vīr, vīrü f. ‘the white willow’; B. beuṛ ‘a thin bamboo’ (< *beṛu ODBL 421); M. veḷū m. ‘bamboo’, Ko. veḷu. *vaiḍava—.
12254 *śakyati ‘goes’. [Altern. MIA. pres. st. from pp. *śakna— (~ Av. —saxta—). See √*śak2] Pa. sakkati ‘goes’, Pk. sakkaï; Ku. sakīṇo ‘to be exhausted, succumb’; N. saknu, sakinu ‘to be finished’ (or poss. < śaknṓti semant. cf. bhiyāunu s.v. vída- dhāti). Addenda: *śakyati: doubtful — MIA. verbs exist only in cmpd.; NIA. perh. conn. *sikka—. (J.C.W.)
12270 *śaṭṭa— ‘defective’. 2. śaṭha— (and *śaḍa—) ‘deceitful’ Āpast., ‘cheat, fool, idler’ W. 3. śaṇṭhá—1 m. ‘rogue, fool’ lex., ‘impotent’ Uṇādis. 4. *śaṇṭhara—. 5. ṣaṇḍhá—, v.ll. śa°, sa°, ṣaṇḍa3, śa° m. ‘eunuch’ Gr̥Śr., °aka— m. MBh., ṣaṇḍhī— f. ‘woman without menstrual periods or breasts’. [Poss. connexions in Mu. PMWS 80. — In words containing a sibillant it is impossible to determine whether the NIA. forms with unaspirated retroflex represent an original aspirate or not: the aspirate and unaspirated forms are therefore grouped together, although the presumption from similar ‘de- fective’ word—groups is that the two series existed in this group also. — Cf. the group *śuḍa— (śuṇṭhá—, *śuṇḍha—, *śūḍha2, *śōṭṭha1, *śōṭha1, *śōṇṭha—, *śō- ruṇḍa—, śōla—) and similar groups s.vv. kuṇṭha—, *ṭuṇṭa—2, *naṭṭa—, baṇḍá—, *bukka—4, *maṭṭa—, *rakka—, *lakka—1, vaṇṭa2. — Cf. *śaṇṭha2 ‘lump’] 1. K. haṭun ‘to become lean’, hüṭü f. ‘that which has become thin, stick, (at end of cmpds.) dried up’. 2. Pa. saṭha— ‘crafty, fraudulent’, saṭhatā— f. ‘fraud’; S. saṛhu ‘fallen and stretched out (of a sluggard)’; L. saṛh ‘obstinate (of animals)’; B. śaṛa ‘thin, small, minute’; Or. saṛha, saṛa ‘secret consultation’; G. saḍh ‘stupid, bewildered, stiff, motionless’; M. śaḍh ‘knavish, vile, mean’, saḍ m. ‘stump of sugar—cane etc.’ (or < *chaṭa—), saḍā ‘bare, void, standing alone (as a person unmarried)’; Si. saḷa, sala ‘deceit’ (rather than < chala—); — H. sallo f. ‘silly woman’ < *saṛhlo? 3. Pk. saṁṭha— ‘knavish, deceitful’; K. hanḍun ‘to show signs of slight wear’, hanḍama ‘stupid’; G. sā̃ṭhɔ m. ‘stalk, reed’; — K. hõdotdot;ṭhü ‘(of women or animals) barren’ (ṭh?). 4. Kho. (Lor.) šondor ‘having front teeth fallen out’ (= ṇḍ?); K. hanḍuru m. ‘dried and withered rice- straw standing barren in the field’. 5. NiDoc. śaṁḍa ‘epithet of horse (castrated?)’ Burrow KharDoc 124; Pk. saṁḍha— m. ‘eunuch’; K. honḍu m. ‘large fat ram’; S. saṇḍhi f. adj. ‘barren’; L. saṇḍh, saḍḍh, pl. °ḍhı̄̃ ‘barren (of women and animals)’, awāṇ. saḍḍh; P. saṇḍh ‘barren’, saṇḍhī f. ‘a large and powerful woman’, saṇḍhā m. ‘male buffalo’ (see also s.v. sā́ṇḍa—); WPah.bhal. śànn f., (Joshi) śā̃ḍ f. ‘barren cow or buffalo’; N. saṇḍo ‘stout and strong’; Or. saṇḍha, °ḍa, saṇḍhā, °ḍā ‘stout and strong, (of a tree) unfruitful from luxuriant growth, (of woman) in- capable of conception, (of man) too corpulent for sexual relations’; M. sãḍā ‘tall and strong’; Si. saṇḍa ‘eunuch’. *śaṭhāṅgaka—; *ṣaṇḍharūpa—. śaṭha— see prec.
12277 *śaṇṭha—2 ‘lump’. [See *śuṇṭha2. — Cf. śaṇṭhá1 ‘defective’ s.v. *śaṭṭa—] P. saṇḍhā m. ‘bubo’. *śaṇṭhara—, śaṇḍha— ‘defective’ see *śaṭṭa—.
12341 *śarva— ‘horned animal’. [Cf. Lat. cervus WP 406: suggested as a possibility by G. Morgenstierne in NTS xiii 228] Ash. ‘the mountain goat or markhor’, Wg. ċöw, ċō̤ (the other Dardic names derive from śarabhá1). - Altern. < *śrauva— s.v. *śrū—.
12444S śimīdín-
śimīdā- name of a female demon RV, Mayrhofer EWA II 637 "unclear", suspect of foreign origin. Cf. Pali kimi < Ved. kṛmi- 'worm' and śimidā-/ a-śimidá/a- śipadá-; possible IE etymology from *kṛmi-Hda- 'worm eater'; cf. Kuiper 1991. --- The interchange of ś/k in non-IA words is typical for the Northwest, see S 2825 karkoṭa-ka etc. (MW 12/14/10)
13068 *sakuṭa—: sauṛo ‘narrow’.
13260 *sarā—2: sar f. ‘piece of thread’.
13427 *sīṭṭa—: sīṭī f. ‘whistle’.
13468 *sutthanā—: sūthaṇ m. ‘trousers’.
13942 *haṭ— ‘move or exclaim violently’. [Cf. háṭati ‘is excited’ Dhātup., haṭha1 m. ‘violence’ R., háṭhati ‘is violent’ Dhātup., Pa. haṭha— m., Pk. haḍha— m.; - *haṭṭ—, *haṭṭakk—?] G. haṛ—haṛ ‘exclamation to drive animals away’; - ext. —kk—: S. haṛkijaṇu ‘to be rabid (of dogs, &c.)’; N. karkinu ‘to be frightened, be scattered (of animals)’, caus. harkāunu; H. haṛaknā ‘to fret, be driven away’, haṛkānā ‘to drive away’; M. haḍakṇẽ ‘to give a smart blow’; — —s—: G. haṛselvũ ‘to push violently’; M. haḍasṇẽ ‘to drag violently’.
13943 *haṭṭ—: haṭṇū ‘to move’.
13945 *haṭṭakk— ‘stop’. S. haṭkaṇu ‘to hesitate’; L. haṭkaṇ ‘to hinder, forbid’; P. haṭkaṇā ‘to hinder’; Ku. haṭkoṇo ‘to hinder, prevent, dissuade’; N. haṛkanu ‘to oppose, object to’; H. haṭaknā ‘to stop’; M. haṭakṇẽ ‘to defy’.
13948 *haḍappha— ‘vessel’. [Cf. *hāṇḍa—] Pk. haḍappha—, haḍappa— m. ‘vessel’; Ku. haṛpiyo ‘deep wooden vessel’; N. harpe ‘wooden vessel for ghee’; H. harphā m. ‘wooden hut to keep cut grass and chaff in’; G. haṛphɔ m. ‘a chest’, M. haḍpā m.
13949 *haḍabaḍa— ‘confusion’. P. haṛbaṛī f. ‘haste’, Ku. haṛibaṛi, haṛbaṛ; N. haṛbaṛ ‘confusion’, B. haṛbaṛi, Or. haṛabaṛa, Mth. H. haṛbaṛī f.; M. haḍbaḍ f. ‘hurry’; — S. haṛbaṛāiṇu ‘to hurry’, P. haṛbaṛāuṇā; N. haṛbaṛāunu ‘to be bewildered, to bewilder’; B. haṛbaṛāna ‘to be startled’, Or. haṛa- baṛāibā; H. haṛbaṛānā ‘to hurry’; G. haṛbaṛvũ, harbaṛvũ ‘to be frightened’, caus. haṛbaṛāvvũ, harb°; M. haḍbaḍṇẽ ‘to hurry’, caus. haḍbaḍāviṇẽ.
13950 *haḍā— ‘knot’. S. haṛa f. ‘knot in a corner of a cloth’; N. hareri ‘knot on either side of a porter's head—rope, knot in the cord of a wallet’.
13954 *haṇṭ—2 ‘wear, wear out, last’. 2. *haṇṭh—2. 1. K. hanḍun ‘to be worn’ (rather than < śaṇṭhá1); S. haṇḍaṇu ‘to wear, continue, last’, haṇḍāiṇu ‘to bring into use’, haṇḍiṇo ‘durable’; L. haṇḍaṇ ‘to be worn’. 2. L. haḍḍhaṇ, mult. haṇḍhaṇ ‘to be worn, get old’, caus. haḍḍhāvaṇ, haṇḍhāvaṇ; P. haṇḍhṇā ‘to be old, have great experience’, hãḍhāuṇā ‘to wear out (clothes), have (a woman) as mistress for a long time’. *haṇṭh—1 ‘move’ see *haṭṭ—. *haṇṭh—2 ‘wear out’ see *haṇṭ2. *haṇḍ— ‘move’ see *haṭṭ—. haṇḍā— see haḍḍika—. haṇḍikā— see *haṇḍa—.
13957 *hattha— ‘hasty’. Pk. hattha— ‘quick, hasty’; N. hatta—patta ‘in haste’, hatār ‘haste’, hatāso ‘trepidation, hurry’.
13970 *handha— ‘place, house’. Kal.rumb. han (st. hā̆nd—) ‘house, temple of Jeṣṭak’, urt. ɔ̄n ‘house’; S. handhu m. ‘place, abode, bed, bedding’ (→ Bal. hand ‘place, dwelling’). hanna— see hádati.
13971 *happ— ‘sudden movement’. Ku. hapkauṇo ‘to devour’; N. hap—hap khānu ‘to gobble’; H. hap m. ‘snatching’, hapaknā ‘to gobble’, hāpar m. ‘a great eater’, haprānā ‘to munch’; M. hapkā m. ‘smart dash of water’, hapaṭṇẽ ‘to dash against’. *happh— ‘pant’ see *hamph—.
13972 *habba—: hābaṛ ‘wild’.
13973 *hamph— ‘pant’. 2. *happh—. 1. Ku. hā̃pṇo ‘to pant’, N. hā̃pnu, B. hā̃pāna, Or. hā̃pibā (hāmpaṇa ‘winnowing fan’); Bhoj. hā̃phī ‘deep breathing’; Aw.lakh. hā̃phab ‘to pant’, H. hā̃phnā, hā̃pnā, G. hā̃phvũ, ā̃phvũ; M. hā̃pā m. ‘panting’. 2. P. haphṇā ‘to pant’ (whence hāphū m. ‘sufferer from asthma’), Ku. hāpṇo, H. hāpnā, haph—haphānā;- S. huphaṇu. hambhā— f. ‘lowing’ MBh. hambhārava—.

13974S HAMBĀ ‘lowing of cow’
IA: CDIAL 13974 hambhārava— m. ‘lowing’ MBh., hambārava— Hariv. v.l., Rājat. [hambhā—, ráva1] Or. hambāraṛi ‘lowing’ (ext. ——), hamāribā, hambā- ḷibā, hamāḷ° ‘to low’; M. hā̃barḍā m. ‘lowing’, hābā̆rṇē, hā̃barṇẽ ‘to low’.
DRAV: PSD *amb-V cry of cow/calf
DEDR 175 Ka. ambā, ambē, ambyā, aṃhā the cry of cow or calf. Tu. amba, ambā, ambē, ambo bellowing, lowing, a cry, noise. Te. ambē onom. word to represent the lowing of cows and calves; ambha the lowing of a cow. ? Ma. amaṟuka to low. / Cf. Skt. hambhā- lowing or bellowing of cattle. DED 147.
MU: “Santali homba, hombe, ombe , and Mundari omba ‘to low (cows, bullocks)’ “ (Parpola 1977-8:254, citing Kuiper 1948:127)
COMM: 1. (FCS) See Parpola (1977-8) & v. comment in 1235S ĀM ‘yes’. / FCS, 23Oct2005 /
14017 *halla— ‘movement’. [~ *hala2. — Cf. halahalā exclamation of applause MBh.? — √*hall] S. halo m., °lā̃ f. ‘attack’, L. hallā m.; P. Ku. N. B. Or. H. hallā m. ‘tumult, noise’; G. hallɔ m. ‘attack’, M. hallā m. — Various redup. forms: Pk. hallapphala- n. ‘confusion’; A. halphal ‘shaking, undulation’; - H. halbal, halbhal f. ‘confusion’, G. halbhal f.; — S. halcali f. ‘movement’, Ku. halcal, N. halla—calla, halcal; — N. halla—khalla ‘confusion’.
14018 *hallati: halṇū ‘to walk’, caus. halāyṇū ‘to shake, stir’.
14050 *hāṇḍa— ‘pot’, haṇḍikā— f. ‘earthen pot’ Subh. [Cf. hāḍikā— f. ‘id.’ Kathārṇ. and *haḍappha—. — Con- nexion, if any, with bhāṇḍa1 not clear. — LM 427 compares Hsüan—Tsang's utakia—hanch'a (= *udaka- hāṇḍa), but this may be < *udaka—bhāṇḍa—] S. haṇḍī f. ‘pot’ (← Centre?), L. hāṇḍī f. ‘cooking pot’; P. hā̃ḍā m. ‘large cooking pot’; hā̃ḍī f. ‘smaller do.’; WPah.bhal. hāṇḍi f. ‘receptacle for oil in an oil- mill’, khaś. heṇḍū ‘kettle’, rudh. haṇḍū, marm. huṇḍū; Ku. hāno, hā̃ḍo m. ‘large earthen pot, head, brains’, hānī, hā̃ḍī ‘small pot’; N. hā̃ṛi ‘earthen cooking pot’ (whence hā̃ṛe ‘mumps’ believed to be cured by rubbing on pot—black), A. hāri; B. hā̃ṛā, °ṛi ‘cooking pot’, hā̃ṛal ‘hole, pit’ (semant. cf. kuṇḍá1); Or. haṇḍā, °ḍi ‘pot’, haṇḍalā ‘big brass pot’; Bi. hā̃ṛā ‘cavity in a sugar—mill’, (Patna) haṇḍā, hā̃ṛhā ‘large copper vessel for boiling rice in’; Bhoj. hā̃ṛī, hãṛiyā ‘earthen pot’; Aw.lakh. hā̃ṛī ‘vessel’; H. hā̃ḍ, hā̃ḍā m. ‘large cooking pot of earth or metal’, hā̃ḍī, hā̃ṛī, hãḍiyā, hãṛiyā f. ‘earthen cooking pot’; G. hā̃ḍɔ m. ‘large pot’, hā̃ḍī, hā̃ḍlī f., hā̃ḍlũ, hā̃llũ n. ‘pot’; M. haṇḍā m. ‘open—mouthed metal vessel’, hā̃ḍī, haṇḍī f. ‘small pot of earth or metal’, haṇḍẽ n. ‘general term for pot’; — ext. —kk—: Ku. hankiyā ‘potter, mumps’ (see N. above). *hāṇḍavāha—. Addenda: *hāṇḍa—: WPah.kc. haṇḍko m. ‘pot’, A. also hā̃ri ‘pot’ AFD 225, 234.

14058SHĀ…I ‘sigh, yawn’
IA:  CDIAL 14058   hāyi ‘exclamation used in chanting a sāman’ MBh. Kho. hai ‘alas!’, Sh. hai hai, S. P. Ku. hāi, Mth. hāy, hāe, G. M. hāy; — as sb.: P. hāi f. ‘sigh’, N. hāi ‘groan, yawn’; A. hāi ‘noise’; B. Or. hāi ‘yawn’; H. hāy f. ‘sigh’. hāra— 1 m. ‘taking away’ Mn. [√hr̥] hāraka—; aṅgahāra—, *kācahāra—, *kāṣṭhahāra—, *ḍhōṅkahāra—, *dugdhahāraka—, *pānīyahāra—, *piṇḍahāra—, *bhūmihāra—, *matsyahāra—, *mathita- hāra—, *lakkuṭahāra—, *huḍahāra—, *huṇḍahāra—. Addenda: hāra—1: †;balihāra—.
DRAV:  (a) *āv- to yawn; (b) *āv- steam, vapor
DEDR (a) 392   Ta. āvi (-pp-, -tt-) to gape, yawn, open the mouth so as to express loudly; n. yawn. Ma. āvi iṭ- to yawn. Ko. vaj a yawn. To. p&udotdot;ly- (p&udotdot;ḷc-) to yawn. Ka. ākaḷisu, ākuḷisu, āguḷisu to yawn, gape; ākaḷike, ākuḷike, āgaḷike, āguḷike yawning, gaping. Koḍ. vaḷic- (vaḷici-) to yawn. Tu. āvalů a yawn; āv∣iḍ- to yawn. Kor. (M.) āvaḷsu id. Te. āvalincu, āvulincu to yawn, gape; āvulinta a yawn. Pa. ām-, āv- to yawn; āmkuḍ, āvkuḍ, ākub a yawn. Ga. (Oll.) ām- to yawn; (S.2) āmk- id.; (S.3) āmk- id.; āmkun a yawn. Go. (Ko.) āvi a yawn ( Voc. 145). Kur. aula'ānā to yawn. Malt. áwole id. Br. āvāning id. DED(S) 333.
DEDR (b) 393   Ta. āvi (-pp-, -tt-) to sigh, let out (as smoke); n. breath, sigh, soul, steam, vapour, smoke. Ma. āvi, āvati breath, life, vapour, steam; āvi iṭ- to sigh. Ko. yv soul, steam, vapour. To. ofy breath; foj, fy vapour, morning mist, visible breath. Ka. āvi, āvari, āviri steam, vapour, heat. Te. āvi steam, vapour, heat; āviri vapour, exhalation, heat of the breath; āvincu to cook by steam or vapour; āvirillu to sweat, steam, evaporate. Pa. ākub steam, vapour. Ga. (P.) ākum, (S.3) āvir steam. Kuwi (Su.) āviri steam, vapour (< Te.). DED(S, N) 334.
COMM: 1. (FCS) See Parpola (1977-8) & v. comment in 1235S ĀM.  /
14073a *hikk—2 ‘drive’. [Same as √hikk1, cf. hikkati ‘makes an inarticulate sound’ Dhātup. — Cf. √hakk] L. hikkaṇ ‘to drive’; N. hiknu ‘to urge on, goad (esp. an elephant)’.
14078 *hiṅga— ‘defective’. 2. *hēṅga—. 3. *hōkkha—. 4. *hōgga— [For list of ‘defective’ words with initial h- see *habba—] 1. Or. hiṅgā ‘worthless, boastful’. 2. Or. heṅgā ‘good—for—nothing’; M. hẽgāḍ, hẽgāḍā, hẽgḍā ‘clumsy, stupid’. 3. P. hokhā ‘weak, unsteady, characterless, worth- less’. 4. M. hogā ‘slack, slothful, sturdy and overbearing’. Addenda: *hiṅga— ‘defective’. 3. *hōkkha— (cf. *hōccha—, *ōccha—): WPah.kṭg. ókkhɔ ‘small’; — hɔ̀knɔ ‘young, minor’ (LNH p. 31 ‘little’), hɔ̀kṛɔ ‘a little, less’ (Him.I 223)?
14083 *hicc— ‘draw back’. 2. *hiss—1. 1. Pk. hiṁcia— n. ‘hopping’ (?); L. hiccaṇ ‘to go shares in’ (i.e. ‘to withdraw from the total’?); P. hicṇā, hickaṇā ‘to draw back’; Ku. hicakṇo ‘to with- draw, fear’, hickīṇo ‘to be frightened’; N. hickanu, hac° ‘to draw back, hesitate’; Bhoj. hı̄̃cal ‘to drag’; H. hicnā, hicaknā ‘to draw back’; G. hı̃cvũ intr., hicakvũ, hı̃cāṛvũ tr. ‘to swing’; M. hiċakṇẽ ‘to jerk’. 2. N. haskanu ‘to draw back’; M. hisakṇẽ ‘to jerk’. hijja—1 ‘name of a tree’ see hijjala—.
14084 *hijja—2 ‘defective’. 2. *hējja—. 3. *hēñja—. 4. *hucca—. 5. *hōccha—. [With *hōccha— cf. *ōccha—. For list of ‘defective’ words with initial h— see *habba—] 1. S. hījiṛo m. ‘an impotent man’; P. hı̄̌jṛā m. ‘eunuch’, B. hijaṛ, hijṛā; Or. hijaṛa, hiñjaṛa ‘eunuch’, hijaṛī ‘woman with male characteristics’; H. hīj ‘weak, lazy, cowardly’, hijṛā m. ‘eunuch’; G. hijṛũ ‘impotent’; M. hij̈ḍā m. ‘hermaphrodite’. 2. Or. hejaṛā ‘miserly, shameless’. 3. Or. heñjaṛā ‘shameless, laughing loudly, im- potent’, heñjaḷā ‘impotent’. 4. M. huċċā ‘disreputable’. 5. S. hocho ‘low, mean’; L. hocchā ‘quarrelsome over trifles’; P. hocchā ‘mean, stupid, trifling’; Ku. hõ;cho ‘mean, shallow—minded’; N. hoco, hõ;co ‘low, short’. Addenda: *hijja—2 ‘defective’. 5. *hōccha—: J. hochā ‘short’, WPah.kṭg. hòċṭɔ, hòċṛɔ (~ ókkhɔ ‘small’, hɔ̀kṛɔ ‘a little’, both < *hōkkha— ~ *hōccha— Him.I 223).
14086 *hiṭṭ— ‘move’. [See *haṭṭ—; — √hiṇḍ] Ku. hiṭṇo ‘to move, walk’, WN. hiṭnu; Or. hiṭibā ‘to slip down, stumble, be opened’. *HIḌ ‘dally’: hiláti1, hēlatē2. Addenda: *hiṭṭ—: Garh. hiṭuṇ ‘style of walking’. HIḌ: see √hīḍ. hitá— see †;*dhatta—.
14087 *hiḍḍa— ‘defective’. 2. *huḍḍa—. 3. huṇḍa—2 m. ‘blockhead’ lex. [For list of ‘defective’ words with initial h— see *habba—] 1. Pk. hiḍḍa— m. ‘dwarf’. 2. S. huḍ̱u m. ‘blockhead’; H. hūṛ ‘senseless, foolish’; M. hūḍ ‘headlong, impetuous’. 3. Pk. huṁḍa— ‘misshapen’; H. hũḍā, huṇḍā ‘wanting horns &c.’; M. hũḍā ‘crumple—horned’, hũḍā bail m. ‘blockhead’. HIṆḌ ‘move’: *hiṇḍa—, híṇḍatē, *hiṇḍāla—; - *hiṭṭ—, *haṭṭ—.
14088 *hiṇḍa— ‘moving about’. [√hiṇḍ] Ko. hı̄̃ḍu, ı̃ḍ ‘flock’ FOK 168.
14090 *hiṇḍāla— ‘wandering’. [√hiṇḍ] Dm. iṇḍṓl ‘bachelor’; Kal. hiṇḍā́u (st. °ḍāl—) ‘bachelor’, hiṇḍau ‘barren woman’; Kho. hiṇḍāl ‘bachelor, spinster, widow’, adj. ‘childless, barren (of women and animals)’; — N. hı̃ṛālnu ‘to make move’. *hiṇḍōla— ‘Swing’ see hindōla—.
14092 *hin— ‘neigh’. P. hiṇhiṇāuṇā ‘to neigh, whinny’, N. hinhināunu, H. hinhinānā, G. haṇhaṇvũ; — S. hiṇkaṇu, hiṇkāraṇu, L. hiṇkaṇ.
14114 *hiru— ‘yellow, green’. [Cf. hiri— in cmpds. (híri- śmaśru—, hiriśiprá— RV.). — hári—] G. harvũ ‘green’; M. hirvā ‘green, raw, unripe’. - Kt. zƏŕƏ ‘yellow’, Bashg. zı̃r and Pr. žiƏ: prob. < hári—. — H. hirār ‘green, raw, fresh’ poss. < *hira- tara— (or metath. from harīr < *haritara—?). *HIL ‘be accustomed to’: *hilati2, *hēlayati, *hēlā—.
14116 *hilati2 ‘becomes accustomed to, becomes tame’. 2. Caus. *hēlayati. 3. *hēlā—2 ‘habit’. [Psht. el ‘tame’ ← IA. — √*hil2] 1. Gaw. hila—mím ‘I learn’; S. hiraṇu ‘to become tame, become accustomed to, acquire a habit’; L. hilaṇ, mult. hillaṇ ‘to become tame or accustomed to’, hilāvaṇ ‘to teach’ hiltar f. ‘habit’; P. hiḷnā ‘to become tame, form a habit’; H. hilnā ‘to become habituated’; G. haḷvũ ‘to be domesticated (of animals), be familiar’; M. hiḷṇẽ ‘to become tractable and tame’. 2. S. heraṇu ‘to tame, accustom’, herū ‘tamed’ (→ Kho. heru). 3. S. hera f. ‘habit’, L. hel f.; — P. helat f. *HILL ‘move, shake’. [See √*hall] *hillati, hillōla—, hillōlayati.
14118 *hilla—2 ‘mud, swamp’. [Cf. *jhilla1] K. hĕl f. ‘dirty or muddy ground’; WPah.bhal. helo ‘consisting of black clay, very fertile (of soil)’; Ku. hīl, hīlo ‘mud, swamp’; N. hilo ‘mud’; Mth. jhīl—hīl ‘small lakes or ponds’; H. hīl, hīlā m. ‘mud’; G. hīlɔ m. ‘cart—rut’.
14119 *hilla—3 ‘mixed, joined’. 2. *hēlla—. [Cf. *hēḍā—] 1. S. hilu ‘mixed’; N. hili—mili ‘unitedly, jointly’, H. hil—mil. 2. P. hel—mel ‘unitedly’.
14120 *hillati intr. ‘moves, shakes’. [Cf. hiláti1 ‘dallies’ Dhātup. and similar variation between *hallati and *halati. — See √*hill] P. hillṇā ‘to shake, be moved’; WPah.bhal. hillhaṇū intr. ‘to move’; Ku. hilṇo ‘to move, tremble’; N. hilnu ‘to move, be shaken’; B. helā, hilā ‘to vacillate, oscillate, incline’; H. hī̆lnā intr. ‘to shake’, helā m. ‘a push’; G. hilvũ intr. ‘to move, shake’, hīlɔ m. ‘jerk, shake’; M. hilṇẽ intr. ‘to move, stir’. — Ext. —kk—: P. hilkaṇā ‘to be shaken’; H. hilaknā ‘to writhe’, hilkornā ‘to shake’ (cf. hilornā < hillōlayati).
14122 *hiss—2 ‘be extinguished, be baffled’. L.poṭh. hisṇā ‘to be extinguished, be withered’; N. hissinu ‘to be baffled’, caus. hissyāunu. HĪḌ ‘anger’. [← Drav., Kan. eḍḍisu, ēḍisu ‘to abuse, mock’, &c.; DED 676] hīḍati, hḗḍa—, hḗḍatē, *hēḍyati, hḗla—, hḗlatē, hēlā—; apahēlā—, avahēla—.
14131 *hīlā— ‘gentle breeze’. S. hīra f. ‘gentle breeze’, L. hīl, pl. °la f.
14134 *hukku— ‘jackal's howl’. 2. *hūṅku—. [Onom. cf. hū—rava— m. ‘jackal’ lex.] 1. Pa. hukku— m. ‘jackal's howl’, M. hūk, hukī f. 2. L. hūṅg f. ‘jackal's howl’, hūṅgaṇ ‘to groan’. *hucca— ‘defective’ see *hijja2.
14140 *hubbā— ‘pain in the chest’. L. hubb f. ‘pain in the chest’, hubbiā̃ f. pl. ‘strangles’; N. hup pasnu ‘to suffer from pleurisy’. *humma— ‘defective’ see *hōppa—. *hul—, *hull— ‘pierce’ see *hūl—.
14141 *hulla—1 ‘mob, riot’. [Cf. huḍati] P. hullaṛ m. ‘riot’; Ku. hūl ‘batch’; N. hul ‘mob, crowd’; A. hul ‘riot’; H. hullaṛ m. ‘crowd, noise’; G. hulaṛ n. ‘riot’, M. hulaḍ f.
14142 *hulla—2 ‘defective’. [For list of ‘defective’ words with initial h— see *habba—] M. hulā ‘silly’.
14143 *hussa— ‘defective’. [For list of ‘defective’ words with initial h— see *habba—] H. hūsaṛ ‘uncouth, stupid’. hūṁ see huṁ. hūṁkāra— ‘grunting’ see huṁkarōti.
14144 *hūkkā— ‘sharp pain’. S. hūka f. ‘pain, alarm’; P. H. hūk f. ‘sharp shooting pain, stitch’; G. hūk f. ‘sharp shooting pain in pit of stomach’; M. hūk f. ‘sharp tearing pain’. *hūṅku— ‘jackal's howl’ see *hukku—.
14147 *hūl— ‘pierce’. 2. *hul—. 3. *hull—. [Cf. śū́la— and hrū́ḍatē ‘goes’ Dhātup.] 1. P. hūlaṇā ‘to goad, thrust’, hūl f. ‘thrust, stab’; N. hulnu ‘cause to penetrate, drive in (cattle into a fold), thread (needle)’; Mth. hūr ‘thrust’; H. hūlnā ‘to goad, stab, rush in’, hulaknā ‘to rush at’. 2. Pk. hulaï ‘throws’ (semant. cf. vídhyati); A. hul ‘any small pointed thing, thorn’, hulā ‘piece of pointed split bamboo for turning earth up’; B. hul ‘barb, sting, point, awn’, Or. huḷa. 3. P. hull f. ‘shooting pain in head’; Or. hula ‘sting’.
14148 *hūlukka— ‘heat’. Kal. hūluk ‘heat, noontide’; Bshk. úluk ‘sweat’, Sh.gur. hŭlŭkh, koh. hūla̯k. HR̥ ‘take, carry’: hara—, háraṇa—, hárati, *haritr̥—, āra—1, hāraka—, hārayati, hāri—, hārin—, hr̥tá—, *hr̥yatē, hriyátē; atihr̥ta—, anāhāra—, anuharatē, anuhāra—, apahara—, ápaharati, ápahr̥ta—, *abhiy- avaharaṇa—, *abhiyavaharati, *abhiyavahāra—, abhihāra—, avaharatē, avahāra—, ābhihārika—, ā́harati, āhāra—, ā́hārayati, āhr̥ta—, úpaharati, nirharaṇa—, nírharati, párihāra—, *pratihāriya—, prahara—, praháraṇa—, práharati, prahāra—, práhr̥ta—, víharati, vihāra—, vyavaharati, vyava- hāra—, vyavahāraka—, vyavahārayati, vyāharati, vyāhāra—, saṁhārá—, saṁhārayati, saṁhr̥ta—, samā́- harati, samāhāra—; — úddharati, *uddharā—, uddhārá—, uddhārayati, úddhr̥ta—? Addenda: *hūlukka—, hōlāka— m. ‘kind of vapour bath’ Car. 2. †;*hulla—: WPah.poet. hulo m. ‘heat of the sun’, bhal. hɔ̄l ‘heat’. HR̥: †;*nīharati.
14159 *hēḍā— ‘crowd, flock’. [Cf. *hilla3] Pk. hēḍā— f. ‘crowd, collection’; L. heṛī f. ‘pound for cattle’; G. heṛ, heṛī f. ‘drove of cattle’; M. heḍ f. ‘drove (of sheep, cattle, &c.)’. *hēḍyati ‘is angry’ see hīḍati. Addenda: *hēḍā—: OMarw. heḍa ‘group of horses’ Ḍiṁgala Koṣa 212, heṛāū ‘horse—dealer’ (→ hēḍāvuka— m. id. Yājñ.com.).
14161 *hēndara— ‘defective’. [For list of ‘defective’ words with initial h— see *habba—] H. hẽdrā ‘clownish, stupid’; M. hẽdar f. n. ‘dung, rubbish’, hẽdrā ‘dirty’.
14165 *hērati ‘looks for or at’. 2. hēraka—, °rika— m. ‘spy’ lex., hairika— m. ‘spy’ Hcar., ‘thief’ lex. [J. Bloch FestschrWackernagel 149 ← Drav., Kui ēra ‘to spy’, Malt. ére ‘to see’, DED 765] 1. Pk. hēraï ‘looks for or at’ (vihīraï ‘watches for’); K.ḍoḍ. hērūō ‘was seen’; WPah.bhad. bhal. he_rnū ‘to look at’ (bhal. hirāṇū ‘to show’), pāḍ. hēraṇ, paṅ. hēṇā, cur. hērnā, Ku. herṇo, N. hernu, A. heriba, B. herā, Or. heribā (caus. herāibā), Mth. herab, OAw. heraï, H. hernā; G. hervũ ‘to spy’, M. herṇẽ. 2. Pk. hēria— m. ‘spy’; Kal. (Leitner) "hériu" ‘spy’; G. herɔ m. ‘spy’, herũ n. ‘spying’. HĒL ‘despise’: hēlatē1, hēlā—; apahēlā—, avahēla—; — see √hīḍ. hēlatē1 ‘scorns’ see hīḍati. hēlatē2 ‘sports’ see hiláti1. *hēlayati ‘accustoms’ see *hilati2. hēlā—1 ‘contempt’ see hīḍati, hḗḍa—. *hēlā—2 ‘habit’ see *hilati2. *hēlla— ‘mixed’ see *hilla3. HĒṢ ‘neigh’: hḗṣati, hēṣā—; — √hrēṣ. Addenda: *hērati: WPah.kṭg. (Wkc.) hèrnõ;, kc. erno ‘observe’; Garh. hernu ‘to look’. *hōkkha— see *hiṅga— Add2. *hōccha— see *hijja2 Add2.
14173 *hōkka— ‘noise, cry’. S. hoko m. ‘proclamation’, L. hokā m., hokaṇ ‘to proclaim’, P. hokā m.; N. hokā̃ ‘bellowing of a bull’; G. hokārɔ m. ‘crying out’. *hōkkha—, *hōgga— ‘defective’ see *hiṅga—. *hōccha— ‘defective’ see *hijja2.

14174S(H)ŌḌA ‘boat’
IA:  (a) hōḍa ‘raft, boat’, (b) uḍupa ‘raft’
IA:  CDIAL (a) 14174   hōḍa— m. ‘raft, boat’ lex. [← Drav., Kan. ōḍa., &c. DED 876] H. hoṛī f., holā m. ‘canoe, raft’; G. hoṛī f. ‘boat’; M. hoḍī f. ‘canoe made of hollowed log’. — See uḍupa—. Addenda: hōḍa—: Md. oḍi ‘large kind of boat’ ← Drav.
CDIAL (b) 1695   uḍupa— m. ‘raft’ MBh. [Cf. hōḍa— m. lex. prob. ← Drav., Tam. ōṭam] Pa. uḷumpa— m.n. ‘raft’; Pk. uḍuva— m. ‘boat’; Or. uṛu ‘boatman’; G. oṛvũ n. ‘small boat’; Si. mald. oḍi ‘boat’; — Si. oruva ‘boat, canoe’ Geiger GS 75 but without explanation of r, and H. Smith JA 1950, 180 who compares Sk. hōḍa— and Tam. ōṭam. uḍumbara— see udumbára—. uḍḍayatē see uḍḍīyatē.
DRAV:  (a) PD *ōṭam ‘boat, raft’; (b) PD * ōṭu ‘run’, PSD1 ‘sail, etc.’; (c) Ta-Ma uru(vu) ‘small vessel’:
DEDR (a) 1039   Ta. ōṭam boat, raft, float, vessel; ōṭāvi shipwright, boatbuilder. Ma. ōṭam boat; ōṭāyi shipbuilders; ōṭi a large seaboat (long and narrow, chiefly from the Lacca- dives). Ka. ōḍa boat. Tu. ōḍa id. Te. ōḍa ship, vessel. Pa. ōḍa boat, trough. Go. (M.) ōḍa, (Ko. S.) ōṛa boat ( Voc. 437); (Pat.) oda (i.e. ōḍa) donga. / Cf. Skt. hoḍa- boat, raft; Turner, CDIAL, no. 14174. The IA words are probably < Dr.; Parpola 1977-78, pp. 243 ff. DED(N) 876.
DEDR (b) 1041   Ta. ōṭu (ōṭi-) to run, flee, sail, operate (as the mind), happen, be defeated; ōṭal running away, being defeated; ōṭai large water-course, dyke, tank, reservoir, moat; ōṭṭu (ōṭṭi-) to cause to run, propel, steer, drive away, destroy, darn; ōṭṭam running, speed, current, defeat; ōṭṭaṉ runner; ōṭṭi one who or that which drives; ōṭṭu running, defeat, sailing of a vessel, course of conduct. Ma. ōṭuka to run (as men, animals, roots, etc.), ships to sail, flow easily, meet with no impediment; ōṭikka, ōṭṭuka to drive, chase, steer, navigate; ōṭa water-course; ōṭṭam a course, run; ōṭṭi ship's captain. Ko. ṛ- (c-) to run; act of running. To. wḍ- (wḍy-) to run; wṭ act of running; wṯ- (wṯy-) to drive calf from udder by hitting it under the chin (*ōṭṭ- to cause to run; for , MBE 1974b, p. 44, n. 20). Ka. ōḍu to run, flee; n. fleeing, running; ōḍisu to cause to run, drive away; ōḍike, ōḍuvike running; ōḍukuḷi a runner; ōṭa running, a run, race, speed, current of water. Koḍ. ḍ- (ḍi-) to run. Tu. ōḍuni to run, (roots) spread; ōṭa running, race, current of a stream, sailing of a vessel. Te. ōḍu to run, be defeated, fail, be afraid, flow, trickle; n. defeat, failure; ōḍincu, ōrcu to defeat; ōṭaṟu, ōṭāṟu to be defeated, fail; ōṭami, ōṭamu defeat, failure, fear; ōṭa fear; ōṭu defeat, failure; oḍucu to defeat, overthrow (or does 'defeat' go with 946 Ta. oṭi?); ōḍika stream, current; ōḍigillu to flow, run. Ga. (S.3) ōḍe defeat. Go. (S.) ōṛ- to lose, fail, be defeated (< Te.; Voc. 444). ? Kui ōṛa channel, drain; ḍunja (ḍunji-) to start, start forth, break cover, come to light, attempt; n. starting forth, attempt; pl. action ḍuska (ḍuski-); ḍuspa (ḍust-) to cause to start forth, drive out of cover, bring to light, remind; n. driving of game or enemy. DED(S, N) 877.
DEDR (c) 659   Ta. uru schooner, small vessel. Ma. uru, uruvu vessel, ship. DED 568.
COMM: 1. (FCS) Connection proposed by Parpola (1977-8). Despite the problem posed by the OIA h- (see comm. in 1235S ĀM), Drav. origin of the IA words (going back to Epic Skt) is likely, given the derivation within Drav. from DEDR (b) (note Ma ōṭṭi ‘ship's captain’, i.e. “sail-er”). The meaning ‘sail’ in DEDR (b) goes back only to PSD1, though ‘boat’ in DEDR (a) is assignable to PD. NIA cognates mainly “Outer Group”. The possible connection of DEDR (c) uru(vu) is not clear, though note Si. oruva ‘boat, canoe’ in CDIAL (b).  / FCS, 23Oct2005 /
14175 *hōḍḍa—: vaudh f. ‘bet’ (dh X vadh f. ‘increase’ < vr̥ddhi—?), v° vajṇū ‘to challenge, wager’.
14177 *hōppa— ‘defective’. 2. *humma—. [For list of ‘de- fective’ words with initial h— see *habba—] 1. M. hopaḷ ‘slack, slovenly, disorderly’. 2. M. humā, humyā m. ‘blockhead’.
14178 *hōl— ‘to wash’. [Cf. huḍati ‘sinks into’, hōlati ‘covers’ Dhātup.?] Pk. hulaï ‘rubs, cleans’; Ko. hoḷṇẽ ‘to wash’. *aṅgahōla—.
14179 *hōla— ‘loose, hollow’. L. P. holā m. ‘bullock with loose horn’; N. holo ‘relaxed, slack, thin (of a crowd)’; A. holā ‘hollow, shallow, shallow ravine’.
14232 *appa—: Si. appā ‘father’, apa—ammā ‘father's mother’.
14261 *ākattha—: Ash. uxat m. ‘question’; Tir. ākāt f. ‘word’. ākara—: *lavaṇākara—, *himākara—. ākāra—: *udaṅkākāra—, *pr̥ṣṭhākāra—.
14302 *uḍidda— [← Drav. Tam. uruntu ‘Phaseolus mungo’, &c. DED 594]
14329 *upōpta—: Paš.chil. (Buddruss) bōtóu ‘sowing’.
14331 *ubbā—: esp. H. ūbh perh. X (rather than, with P. Tedesco Language 22, 189 and Buddruss ZDMG 114, 445, directly <) ūṣmán—.
14341 *ōccha— [Cf. ‘defective’ word *hōccha— s.v. *hijja2] Gy. eur. vučo ‘small’ GWZS 3770. ka—2: kásmāt Add.
14343 *kacca—1: with emph. aspiration (rather than < *khacca— s.v. *kicca—): Dm. khača ‘dirty, bad’; Gaw. khaċ, khas ‘bad’, Kal. khāčä ‘bad, dirty (?)’; Sv. khačo ‘dirty, bad’; Phal. khāču ‘bad’, khāčo ‘lie’, khāčulo ‘dirty, bad’; Sh. khăčár f. ‘ingratitude’, khăčḗlū ‘miserly’.
14347 *kaṇṭa—3: Gy. eur. also kar m. ‘tail, penis’ (GWZS 1310).
14356 *kamra— [Cf. Sang. kamak ‘back’, Shgh. čomǰ (< *kamak G.M.) ‘back of an animal’, Yghn. kama ‘neck’] kará—1: *mr̥ttikara—, *śōdhakara—.
14375 *kāca—2 ‘black’: also with kh— in Gaw. khā̃ċa ‘black’, khanċi—iċīn ‘pupil of eye’.
14377 *kāṇṭa—. 2. kāṇṭaka—: G. kā̃ṭā—sariyɔ m. ‘hedgehog s.v. śályaka—.
14381 *kāra—6: Ash. kar—malík ‘earring’ → Paš.ar. kar- molík. kārin—: *lākṣakārin—.
14383 *kāvaraka—: Ash. kawarä́ ‘crow’, Wg. kawḗi, kaā́i, Kt. kawŕë.
14392 *kuñca—1: Gy. eur. kunč, "gundschi" (= *kunǰi?) f. ‘corner’ (GWZS 1596).
14394 *kuṭṭa—3: Sh. (Grahame Bailey) kūṭu̯ ‘deaf’.
14395 *kuttūra—: (with expressive aspiration) Sh.koh. khŭtrō m. ‘puppy’.
14404 *kūpatya—: Sh.gur. kuiōčh m. ‘villager’ (→ Mai.ky. kuōč ‘villager’, Bur. kuyōč ‘subjects of a ruler’): prob. der. kúi (< kū́pa1 or kuṭī—) with suffix —ōč(h) (as in Sh. koh. koṭōču̯ m. ‘villager’ ~ kōṭ ‘village’ < kōṭṭa1) of doubtful origin (< ápatya—? Semant. cf. H. gãwār ‘villager’ < grāmadāra—). KR̥1: nikaṭam, prakāra—1, pratikarōti Add., prati- kr̥ta— Add.; — nikara—?
14437 *khōsa—: B. khosā, khusā ‘to husk grain’.
14438 *gakṣa—: Md. gas, gahī ‘tree’.
14439 *gacca—: technical sense as ‘plaster, mortar’ (Pers. gač ‘plaster’) points to borrowing (Ir. <07> IA.).
14443 *gāḍḍa—: Md. gāḍiya ‘cart’ (← Ind.?).
14478 *CAGH: mng. of Aś. caghati is prob. ‘is likely to’ (paralled with laghaṁti with inf. < *alaghaṁti = *arghanti: cf. Pa. a(.l. sagghasi with v.l. agghasi). Orig. mngs. of √*cagh: (1) ‘rise’ in B. cāgā (caggh- sanskritized as carghati ‘goes’ W.?); (2) ‘rise against’ in Kho. čagéik ‘to overthrow’ (cf. caghnōti ‘kills’, cah(ay)ati ‘cheats’ Dhātup.: semant. cf. √gur ‘raise’ ~ gūryatē ‘hurts, goes’ Dhātup.); (3) ‘is likely’ in Aš. caghati and B. cāgā ‘to be inclined’ (J. C. W.). — See also √*cāh Add.
14485 *cappayati: Md. hafan ‘to chew’.
14486 *cára—2: in Paš. wai—čā́r collect. ‘goats’ (see vásu—).
14487 *carpa—: Ash. čapēṛa ‘flat of hand’ ← Psht. čapēṛa ← IA. e.g. P. capeṛ < *cappēṭa— s.v. capēṭa— Buddruss.
14491 *cācca—: H. cacerā bhāī m. ‘father's brother's son’ see mātulēya— Add. cālana—: *makṣācālana—.
14492 *CĀH: poss. < *cāṅkṣati (~ kāṅkṣati) with regular c—reduplication from √ (perf. cakḗ) or √kan (3 sg. pret. cākan) or √kam (intens. caṅkamyatē). *cāṅkṣ- > *cāṁkh— > *cākh— > *cāh— is exactly parallel to phonet. development of *dāṁṣṭra—. Poss. also > MIA. (NW?) *cāṅgh—, *cāggh— (→ EAś. cagh—, B. cāgā s.v. *caghyati) J. C. W. — But (1) date of Aś. is early for change ṅgh > ggh and for spread of these forms to East; (2) S. caghu (with a) would imply early borrowing from E or S unless a separate *caṅkṣ- ~ *cāṅkṣ— (necessary for *cāh—) is assumed. cikka—2: Kaf. and Dard. words rather < *sikvaka—.
14495 *ciyāku—: WPah. (Joshi) cẽũ m. ‘edible mushroom’.
14504 *chaṭa—: M. saḍ, saḍā perh. a ‘defective’ word < śaṭha— s.v. *śaṭṭa—. 2. G. sāṭɔ, M. sāṭ, sāṭā rather < saṭṭa2.
14505 *chaṭṭ—: M. saṭakṇẽ poss. < *saṭṭ2.
14510 *chiṭ—. 2. *chiṭṭ—: M. śīṭ see also sŕ̥ṣṭi—.
14511 *chir—: M. śirṇẽ poss. < *sīrati s.v. sárati or < *sirati.
14513 *chōll—: Sh. čol (Bailey ShGr 136) is misprint for čom (ib. 200) < cárman—.
14515 *japp—: Si. dapa ‘sexual union’ or < *drapp—.
14524 *juṣṭa—2 ‘Corchorus capsularis or jute’. Or. jhoṭa ‘fibre of Corchorus capsularis, jute’; H. jūṭ ‘jute’ (prob. ← Eng. jute). — NiDoc. juṭhi 291, 571, 703, bhiśa (= ‘seed’) juṭhi 703, jhuṭhi 677, cuṭhiye 422 (no mng. in Burrow KharDoc: ṭh prob. to be read as ṣṭ Brough DhP 75). H. W. Bailey Khotanese Texts iii 80 in a description of a road ‘the stones were thick under foot like jūṣḍi seeds’. Smaller OED gives B. jhuṭo, jhoṭo as source of jute.
14529 *jhaṅk—1. 3. *jhakk—5: A. zāk ‘crowd’ rather < *yakka— s.v. yatá—.
14530 *jhalla—: NKal. ǰhau, obl. st. ǰhal— ‘forest’.
14531 *jhikk—: Tor. (Biddulph) žigal— prob. for *ẓigal— < *drakk—.
14532 *jhūṭa—2: G. jhū̆ṛī rather < yūthá—.
14533 *ṭōkk—: Kt. tku prob. misprint for ṭku see *ṭhōkk— Add.
14534 *ṭōṅka—: cf. also Paš.ar. ṭã̤ũgṓ ‘scorpion’; Dm. ṭōṅk ‘locust’, Kal. ṭokur, Phal. ṭīṅkura.
14535 *ṭhagg— [Poss. √sthag X non—Aryan *ḍākka1 (J. C. W.)]
14536 *ṭhōkk—: Kt. tku prob. misprint for *ṭku, cf. Kt. čim—ṭku ‘iron nail’ NTS vii 110, Wg. čum—ṭku.
14537 *ḍag1: 2. Pr. ā—ẓuẓu— (NTS vii 90) rather < *ranz (cf. Kt. ranz, Kal. ronz) or < *rarz (cf. Pers. larz) NTS xv 304.
14539 *ḍikka—1: Wg. (Lumsden) "dikáún" (NTS xvii 247) prob. for *ḍik—. Cf. Ash. Wg. ḍuk— ‘to drive off’, Paš. (LSI) ḍak—, she. ḍek—, kṇḍ. ḍug—, Sv. ḍik— BKPD 40.
14541 *ḍhaḍḍha—1: N. ḍhāṛi altern. < dā́rḍhya—.
14542 *ḍhappa—. 8. *ḍhēba—: Phal. ḍīu ‘part, portion’.
14543 *ḍhikka—1. 8. *dhōṅga—1: Wg. j̈ōr—duṅga ‘heart’.
14544 *ḍhila—: X *sailā (< *śr̥thila—) in P. ḍhailā ‘lazy, loose’.
14545 *ḍhukyati: Paš. ḍƏk— ‘to get hold of, collect’ IIFL iii, 3, 65. †;ḍhuṇḍhati see *dhūṇḍh—.
14546 *ḍhūss—: poss. also Ash. Paš.chil. ḍūs ‘hole’; Wg. ḍüs ‘hole, vulva’; Paš.chil. Shum. dū̆m—dū̆s ‘smoke- hole’ (Buddruss).
14547 *ḍhēḍḍha—1. 5. *dhiḍḍha—: Sh. (Lor.) diḍu rather with Bailey ShGr 138 ḍĭṛŭ (→ Bur. ḍīru) < 4. *ḍhiḍḍha—. — Delete diḍiro which is typing error for Sh. biḍī̆ro (→ Bur. biḍiro).
14548 *ḍhōṅga—1: Paš.ar. ḍõmacr;o, ḍuõmacr; ‘knee’, kuṛ. ḍuṅ ‘hip’.
14549 *ḍhauka—: Wg. (LSI) ḍūh ‘offerings’ Buddruss. tá—: tatstha—.
14554 *tapaka—: Kt. tapә́k ‘plate’ (—p—?).
14576 *tr̥pu—: Kt. trü ‘curdled milk’, trü— ‘to curdle’; Ash. truga—zū ‘sour milk’, Pr. čüū. — Sv. luǰ— ‘to become sour’ (< *tr̥pūya—?) in luǰij̈ilo (c̣hīr) ‘sour milk’ (lužizilo NOPhal 50), Gaw luzan—c̣hīr, luzizan— < *luzi—san (absol. in —i of luz— with pres. part. *santa- (Buddruss).
14604 *dārśa— [Ir. words prob. (certainly Shgh. dōx̌ċ) < *dārsa—]
14610 *dumbha— ‘tail’: for Dard. forms with l— and Kho rūm see *lumba—3, lūma—.
14614 *dūman—: poss. also in Kt. kūdyum ‘work’, Pr. kodyum.
14616 *dr̥kṣati: Md. dakkan ‘to show’.
14626 *dōla—2 [Pers. dōl ‘bucket, milk—pail, hopper of a mill’ ← IA.?]
14629 *drakk—: Tor. (Biddulph) žigal— (prob. for ẓigal—) rather than < *jhikk—.
14630 *drapp—: Si. dapa ‘sexual union’ or < *japp—.
14631 *dramaṇa—: Kt. drum ‘a sweet—smelling plant’; Kal. dřä̃řu ‘Artemisia’. — *dramna— also in Shgh. ċūdm ‘Artemisia’, Yghn. dirawna.
14641 *dhakk—: with altern. forms of H. M. with ḍh— cf. Sh. ḍăk thoĭki̯ ‘to hammer (nails &c.)’. *dhaḍa—: Scarcely with ODBL 506 < dhr̥tá1.
14643 *dhamm—: Kt. (Biddulph) "dummoo" (= *dammu?) ‘sing!’. dhara—: *śikyadhara—.
14650 *dhunman—: Kal. thumaṛa ‘dust—storm’ poss. < dhūmá—.
14651 *dhūḍi—: Kal. (Kalkulak dial.) "dooṛhi" ‘dust’.
14661 *nānna—: Kho. nan ‘mother’. nāsāpuṭa—: in the Kamdesh dialect —s— reg. > —z— G.M. *niḥśaṁsa— ‘detracting, evil—minded’ see nr̥śáṁsa— Add. †;nibiḍa—2 ‘crook—nosed’ see *biḍḍa—. *nirālaya—: see also *anyākāra— Add. nirgarva— see garva— Add.
14662 *nīḍāti: 1. Cf. Kt. naře— ‘to weed’.
14663 *nīḍāna—: 1. Dm. nyä̃řäi ‘weeding’, M. (Kuḍāḷī dial.) naḍanī.
14668a *paddhara— ‘level, straight’. [Cf. prādhvaná— ‘bed or course of a river’ RV., prādhvara— (unexpl. epithet of śākhā— ‘branch’) Cat., prādhva— ‘*advancing, *straight’ (‘travelling’ Pāṇ.com., °vē ‘at the head of’ Kāṭh., °vam ‘suitably, properly’ R., ‘conformably’ Āpast. — prādhva— X prahva— in prādhvaṁ kr̥tvā ‘laying down’ MBh., prādhvam ‘humbly’ Hcar.); paddhara— < prādhvara— would be (rather than an ancient r/n variant of prādhvaná—) a MIA. ext. of prādhva— ~ *prādhva—t— in paddhati— f. ‘way’ Hariv., *prādhva—ḍ— in paddhoḍī— (musical term) Saṁgīt., *prādhvā—r— in *paddhārayati (Pk. pādhāraī with EMIA. ādh < āddh) ‘travels’. — paddharaṇī— (sthālī—) f. ‘(bowl) for collecting the scooped footprint of the soma—cow’ ŚrS. (Caland—Henry Agniṣṭoma p. 38) con- ceived of by pop. etym. as containing pad—haraṇa- (J. C. W.). — ádhvan—]
14682a *paṣṭāna— [Psht. paštūn rather < *parswāna— G. Morgenstierne AO xvii 138 ff., TPS 1948, 75]
14684 *pāḍḍa—: Sik. pāḍo ‘bull’ (← G.?). — See bali- várda—.
14702 *pōḍ—: Gy. eur. pur— ‘to burn, singe’ (not with GWZS 2631 ← Gk. pu=r). *pōnda—: see also apāna— Add.
14711a *plōtra—: Pk. potta— n. ‘boat’.
14714 *phūha—: Gy. eur. phuy ‘disgusting, hateful, bad’ (GWZS 2619)?
14722 *būṭa—2. 3. *bōṭṭa—: Gy. eur. bor m. ‘bush, hedge’, pl. bura ‘brushwood’.
14723 *būra—: 2. S. bhuraṇu ‘to crumble’, L. bhuraṇ; H. bhurbhurā ‘powdery’: rather than < bhuráti.
14724 *bōkkasa—: H. bhõ;kas m. ‘wizard’ rather than < *bhōṅka1.
14726 *bhabh—: Gy. rum. phab— (< *bhabbh—), 3 sg. phaból ‘burns, is hot’, phabar— ‘to set alight’ (Miklosich Mund viii 38).
14736 *mariyasthāna—: Kal. maristan ‘slave’ ← Kho.
14738 *marja—: Kal.urt. brhānz, rumb. brhuṇ(z) ‘meadow’, Phal. brhū́nzu.
14750 *miḍḍa—. 4. mēṭṭa—1: Kt. meṭé, meṭistok ‘short’. MUC: *anāmukta— Add.
14751 *murati1: Gy. eur. mur— ‘to rub, wash, wet’ (or < *mr̥dati: in mng. ‘to shave’ < muṇḍayati).
14754 *muss—: L. muskaṇ ‘to smile’ (→ Psht.waz. mƏskai ‘smiling’). — Paš. musa ‘smiling’ prob. ← Psht. musai ← IA. EVP 47.
14761 *mēcca—. 2. *mēñca—: Gy. eur. mīǰo ‘bad, wicked’ rather than < mithyā́ (GWZS 1957), but doubtful.
14767 *yaja—: Kt. yūċ also ‘ice’.
14776 *randati: Gy. eur. rand— ‘to scrape, scratch, file, shave’. rápati [Mng. ‘talk’ (despite EWA iii 41) is certain in SV. rārapat ~ RV. vāvadat (J. C. W.)]
14780 *rātrīvāra—: Kt. ŕadår is f.
14793 *vadhati: Kt. wa—tum ‘I beat (a drum)’.
14809 *vr̥mra—: Paš.al. pch. lī̆ṅg, snj. līṅgä (f.?), she. hirmbū ‘walnut’.
14812 *śaṭṭa—. 3. śaṇṭhá—1: K. hanḍun rather < *haṇṭ2.
1S 1S GOALS of the SARVA Dictionary
In response to the claim (made in a recent publication and on the internet) that SARVA belongs to a "global network" with "well-established operating bases inside India", and is a "pretext for shifting the argument from linguistics to politics, so that 'language contact' is rephrased in terms of 'victimhood' and 'oppression'," it may be noted that SARVA deals with ancient languages, many of which are now extinct or nearly so, and does not concern itself with "race" in any sense, nor with politics--nor even with any history later than the first millennium BCE.
1S GOALS of the SARVA Dictionary
In response to the claim (made in a recent publication and on the internet) that SARVA belongs to a "global network" with "well-established operating bases inside India", and is a "pretext for shifting the argument from linguistics to politics, so that 'language contact' is rephrased in terms of 'victimhood' and 'oppression'," it may be noted that SARVA deals with ancient languages, many of which are now extinct or nearly so, and does not concern itself with "race" in any sense, nor with politics--nor even with any history later than the first millennium BCE. SARVA is the work of a small group of linguistic scholars, whose published work is available for examination, and will be found by any fair-minded observer to contain no justification for such a claim. If anyone is shifting the argument from languages to politics, it is those whose twisted perception leads them to interpret any mention of non-mainstream languages as a statement about contemporary political relations. Are we to give up the study of language history because of such a distortion? We think not. We protest against the uninformed, ridiculous, yet libelous attack on a purely scholarly project. We will continue to add to this dictionary, undeterred.
2922 S kalaha-
kalaha- quarrel Up+. CDIAL 2922: kalaha— m. ‘quarrel, fight’ MBh. Pa. Pk. kalaha— m.; S. karahı̃ f. ‘quarrelling’; L. kallā m. ‘noise, uproar’; N. kalaha ‘quarrel’, A. kalah, kalau, B. kalah, Or. kaḷaha, Mth. H. kalah m., OMarw. kalaha m., G. kaḷɔ m., M. kaḷho m., Si. kalaha, kalā. - Kt. kƏle ‘war, fighting’, Pr. kә̄lƏ perh. < kali—1. - Redup. K. kŏlakŏl m. ‘uproar’. — Ext. with —la—: P. karhalā ‘quarrelsome’. kalahin—; kalahakāra—.
Mayrhofer EWA I 321: 'not clear', perhaps onomatopoetic; the word has been connected with Dravidian (DEDR 1306 kalavaram 'confusion'etc.) and Munda words (Kuiper, Proto-Munda Words 180). Berger, WZKS 3, 1953, 58 thinks of an Austroasiatic source.
35001S TEST
TEST Test by tjun
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