ヴィンセント・クラパンザーノ教授招聘シンポジウム      "Coping with Vertiginous Realities"(使用言語:英語)


13:00~13:10 Opening address (Nishii Ryoko, ILCAA)
13:10~14:10  Keynote lecture : "Affective Responses to Manufactured Anomie"(Vincent Crapanzano, New York City University)

14:10~14:20 break
14:20~14:50 "Sectarian Tension and Everyday Life : Case of Lebanon" (Akimitsu Ikeda, ILCAA)
14:50~15:20 "Enacting the Past Incidents in a Non-literate Society: Tripartite Interaction among the G|ui Narrators, Research Assistants, and an Anthropologist in Central Kalahari" (Kazuyoshi Sugawara, Kyoto University)
15:20~15:35 break
15:35~16:05 "Accommodating Nightmares: How to Cope with Anxieties in a Sudanese Refugee Community" (Akira Okazaki, ILCAA)
16:05~16:20 Comments(Tadashi Yanai, University of Tokyo)
16:20~17:30 Discussion

Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) " New Anthropological Approach to Affective Studies through Fieldwork of Critical Situations"(17H00948), Core Project (Anthropology) "The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2", ILCAA Joint Research Projects "Life as Dynamism in Search of a Methodological Connection between Affect, Thinking, and Art"

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